X7R StackiCap™ capacitors 7KH6WDFNL&DSUDQJHRIIHUVDVLJQL¿FDQWUHGXFWLRQLQ ‘PCB real estate’ for an equivalent capacitance value when board space is at a premium. Syfer’s unique patent pending* construction and FlexiCap™ termination material make the StackiCap™ range suitable for applications including: power supplies, lighting, aerospace electronics and high voltage applications where a large amount of capacitance is required. Further developments are on-going, please FRQWDFWWKH6DOHV2I¿FHIRUGHWDLOVRIWKHIXOOUDQJH * Patent application No. 1210261-2 applies. Maximum capacitance Up to 2.2uF Maximum voltage Up to 2kV Comparison chart - StackiCap™ capacitors Chip Size Voltage StackiCap™ range (nF) Non- StackiCap™ range (nF) Replaces Case Size 200V 1000 680 2220 1812 2220 500V 470 330 2220 630V 330 180 2220 1kV 180 100 2225 / 3640 1.5kV 56 22 2225 200V 2200 1000 3640 500V 1000 560 3640 630V 1000 330 5550 1kV 470 120 8060 1.2kV 220 82 5550 1.5kV 150 47 5550 2kV 100 27 8060 Ordering information - StackiCap™ capacitors 1812 Y 500 0474 J X T WS2 Chip size Termination Voltage Capacitance in picofarads (pF) Capacitance tolerance Dielectric Packaging 6XI¿[ code Y = FlexiCap™ termination base with nickel barrier (100% matte tin plating). RoHS compliant. Lead free. 200 = 200V 500 = 500V 630 = 630V 1K0 = 1kV 1K2 = 1.2kV 1K5 = 1.5kV 2K0 = 2kV First digit is 0. Second and third GLJLWVDUHVLJQL¿FDQW¿JXUHVRI capacitance code in picofarads (pF). Fourth digit is number of zeros J = ±5% K = ±10% M = ±20% X = X7R T = 178mm (7”) reel 1812 2220 H = FlexiCap™ Termination base with nickel barrier (Tin/ lead plating with minimum 10% lead). Not RoHS compliant. eg. 0474 = 470nF Values are E12 series WS2 R = 330mm (13”) reel B = Bulk pack - tubs or trays Reeled quantities - StackiCap™ capacitors 1812 2220 178mm (7”) Reel 500/1,000 500/1,000 330mm (13”) Reel 2,000/4,000 2,000/4,000 StackiCap 25