CompactPCI Extender Cards 7ZLQ,QGXVWULHVCompactPCI extender cards provide access to cards under test to facilitate signal monitoring and debugging. Additional benefits include the protection of systems slots from excess wear and tear during the removal and insertion of test cards. FEATURES: Test points for signals Standard 3AG fuses protect voltages Power/Ground Planes Available in 3U and 6U form factors 3$57180%(5 2000-EXTM-LF Board Dim.:3U (100mm x 160mm) 3$57180%(5 2000-6U-EXTM-LF Board Dim.6U (233mm x 160mm) )RUDGGLWLRQDOSURGXFWLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHYLVLWZZZWZLQGLQGFRP &RQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQ(phone)(fax) 6DOHV#WZLQLQGFRP