/7&& +LJK9ROWDJH)O\EDFN7UDQVIRUPHU 67; 1$6&(17 Features Low profile Rugged package Self shielding Pick and place Customization available Variants -1’s are more robust -STX’s are pre-stressed NASCENTechnology, Inc. has developed a transformer for high voltage flyback applications using low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) ferrite. Using a standard flyback circuit, 1500 VDC output is possible from a 15 VDC input. The monolithic structure affords improved mechanical strength over traditional transformer technology. (OHFWULFDO3DUDPHWHUV 3ULPDU\ ,QGXFWDQFH 3XOVH ,QGXFWDQFH /HDNDJH ,QGXFWDQFH 6HFRQGDU\ ,QGXFWDQFH 3ULPDU\ 5HVLVWDQFH 6HFRQGDU\ 5HVLVWDQFH 'LHOHFWULF 5DWLQJ N+] P9 9'& $aXV N+] P9 N+] P9 +]V 9 7XUQVUDWLR 9XV5DWLQJ X+ X+PLQ X+W\S P+ RKPV RKPV )RUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW%ULDQ1HOVRQ1DWLRQDO6DOHV0DQDJHU 3KRQH)D[(0DLOEQHOVRQ#QDVFHQWHFKQRORJ\FRP 1$6&(17HFKQRORJ\,QF$LUSRUW'ULYH:DWHUWRZQ6' ZZZQDVFHQWHFKQRORJ\FRP This product is protected under US Patent #6054914, #6198374 and other international patents. Specifications subject to change without notice. 04/10