Data Sheet No. PD 10058 Series PVG613 Microelectronic Power IC HEXFET Power MOSFET Photovoltaic Relay ® Single Pole, Normally Open, 0-60V, 1.0A AC/ 2.0 A DC General Description The PVG613 Series Photovoltaic Relay is a single-pole, normally open solid-state relay that can replace electromechanical relays in many applications. It utilizes International Rectifier’s proprietary HEXFET power MOSFET as the output switch, driven by an integrated circuit photovoltaic generator of novel construction. The output switch is controlled by radiation from a GaAlAs light emitting diode (LED) which is optically isolated from the photovoltaic generator. These units exceed the performance capabilities of electromechanical relays in operating life, sensitivity, stable on-resistance, low off-state leakage, miniaturization, insensitivity to magnetic fields and ruggedess. The compact PVG613 is particularly suited for isolated switching of high currents from 12 to 48 Volt AC or DC power sources. Series PVG613 Relays are packaged in a 6-pin, molded DIP package with either through-hole or surface mount (gull-wing) terminals. It is available in standard plastic shipping tubes or on tape-and-reel. Please refer to Part Identification information opposite. Features § § § § § § § § Bounce-free operation High load current capacity High off-state resistance Linear AC/DC operation 4,000 VRMS I/O Isolation Solid-State reliability UL recognition pending ESD Tolerance: 4000V Human Body Model 500V Machine Model Applications § § § § § Industrial Control Computers and Peripheral Devices Audio Equipment Power Supplies and Power Distribution Factory Automation Part Identification PVG613 PVG613S PVG613S-T through-hole surface-mount surface-mount, tape and reel (HEXFET is the registered trademark for International Rectifier Power MOSFETs) Series PVG613 Electrical Specifications (-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C unless otherwise specified) INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Limits Units Minimum Control Current (see figure 1) Maximum Control Current for Off-State Resistance @ TA = +25°C Control Current Range (Caution: current limit input LED, see figure 6) Maximum Reverse Voltage 5.0 0.4 5.0 to 25 7.0 mA mA mA V OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Limits Units Operating Voltage Range Maximum Load Current @ TA = +40°C, 10mA Control (see figure 1) A Connection B Connection C Connection Maximum Pulsed Load Current @ T A =+25°C (100 ms @ 10% Duty Cycle) A Connection Maximum On-State Resistance @TA =+25°C For 1A pulsed load, 10mA Control (see figure 4) A Connection B Connection C Connection Maximum Off-State Leakage @TA =+25°C, ±48V (see figure 5) Maximum Turn-On Time @TA =+25°C (see figure 7) For 500mA, 50 VDC load, 10mA Control Maximum Turn-Off Time @TA =+25°C (see figure 7) For 500mA, 50 VDC load, 10mA Control Maximum Output Capacitance @ 50VDC (see figure 2) 0 to ±60 V(DC or AC peak) 1.0 1.5 2.0 A (AC or DC) A (DC) A (DC) 2.4 A (AC or DC) 500 250 150 10 mΩ mΩ mΩ nA 2.0 ms 0.5 130 ms pF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Limits Units 4000 1012 1.0 +260 -40 to +85 -40 to +100 VRMS Ω pF Minimum Dielectric Strength, Input-Output Minimum Insulation Resistance, Input-Output, @TA =+25°C, 50%RH, 100V DC Maximum Capacitance, Input-Output Maximum Pin Soldering Temperature (10 seconds maximum) Ambient Temperature Range: Operating Storage °C Connection Diagrams 2 www.irf.cim Series PVG613 1.25 600 I 'A ' C o n ne ctio n LED = 10 m A Typica l C ap a cita nce (p F) M ax. Lo a d C urre nt (A ) 1.00 'A ' C o n ne ctio n 5 mA 0.75 0.50 0.25 450 300 150 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 15 Figure 1. Current Derating Curves* 45 60 Figure 2. Typical Output Capacitance 2.5 1.00 0.7 5 0.50 0.25 -0 .5 -0 .4 -0 .3 -0 .2 -0 .1 0 .1 0 .2 0 . 3 0 .4 0 . 5 -0 .2 5 1 0 m A C o n tro l -0 .5 0 @ 2 5 C , p u lse d -0 .7 5 Rd -o n (N o rm a lize d to 25 de g. C ) 1.25 Lo ad C u rre nt (A ) 30 V d d, D ra in to D rain V o ltage (V ) A m bien t Te m p era ture (de g. C ) 'A ' C o n n ec tio n 10 m A C o ntro l I D = 500 m A 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 -1 .0 0 0 -50 -1 .2 5 C o nn ec tio n 'A ' V o lta ge D ro p (V dd ) 10 3.0 1.0 12 8 4 0.3 45 65 85 75 100 125 105 A mbient Temperature (deg. C) Figure 5. Typical Normalized Off-State Leakage M a x. d e vic e a n d -4 0 de g . C lim it Inp ut C urrent (m A ) 16 T YP IC A L M in . d e v ice and +85 de g . C lim it 30 25 50 C A U TIO N : pro v id e c urre n t lim it ing so t hat 2 5 m A m ax im um ste a dystat e c o ntro l c urre nt rat ing is n o t e x c ee d e d I D-O FF / I D-O FF 25 deg. C 20 5 25 Figure 4. Typical Normalized On-Resistance 100 -15 0 A m bien t Te m p era ture (d eg. C ) Figure 3. Linearity Characteristics 0.1 -35 -25 0 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 LED Fo rw a rd V o ltag e D ro p (V o lts D C ) Figure 6. Input Characteristics (Current Controlled) * Derating of ‘B’ and ‘C’ connection at +85°C will be 70% of that specified at +40°C and is linear from +40°C to +85°C. 3 Series PVG613 LED C u rre nt (m A ) 20 10 I LED t on t d ly 90% 5 t o ff 3 20 I 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 D 10% tdly t on t off D elay Tim e (m icro sec o nd s) Figure 7. Typical Delay Times Figure 8. Delay Time Definitions Case Outline 01-2008 01 4 www.irf.cim Series PVG613 Case Outline 01-2009 IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. 6/13/2001 5