PCl 10L/PCl 1 lL/PCl 12L/PCl 13L PCl 10L/PCl 1 lL PCl 12L/PCl 13L Long Creepage Dietance Type Photocou*r M Lead feting ow II tj~] and bpi~ reel hp (P OWI are alw available. iWllW/RlllU~PCl 12U/PCl13U, PCllW/KlllLPO/PCl 12LW/PCl13LW) (Page 656) x DIN YDE0884 approvti ow is alw available as an option ■ Features ■ outline Dimensions 1. Long creepage distance type (Creepage 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *1 distance : 8mm or more)*l Internal insulation distance : 0.5mm or more Recognized by UL file No. E64380 Approved by VDE (DIN -VDE0884 ; No. 77292) A p p r o v e s ~y D>l (B>413 fJfJYu, ES{ UUL (4L1) Approved by SEMKO (No. 9303049) Approved by EI (PCl 10: No. 099447-01 PCl 11: No. 099448-01 PCl 12: No. 099449-01 PCl 13: No. 099450-01) Approved by DEMKO (No. 84859) High collector-emitter voltage (V,,. : 70V) : PCl 12L/PCl 13L High isolation voltage between input and output (vi.,) :5 Ooovrms) Dual-in-line package Allows pin-to-pin distance minus PWB land space to be 8mm or more. ‘o o @ R (Unit : mm) x Internal connection diagram @o@ Pcllo ,. @@@ a 00’0 9.22+05 Ancde_ mark (Sunken place) 7.62 f03 x Kill. ~113 h a v e n o b a a e t e r m i n a l s . (6 : NC) H APtions 1. Switching power supplies 2. Home appliances and OA equipment for export to Europe 3. System appliances, measuring instruments “In W abs?nce of cmfim!ation by &vice wficatim Awt?, %ARP takes no r3wsibilti h any d- hat cccur In equ!~nt using any of WAWS *VII%, M in catalfqs, data ma, etc ~ntact WARP In tier to titi[n W late3t vanlon of W kvne wtition $eats ti USIW any WARPs devlw” I 281 PCl 10L/FCl 1 lL/PCl 12 L/PCl 13L ■ Abaoluta Maximum Raws (Ta=25°C ) Parameter Forward current *zPeak forward current Rever* Voltage Power dissipation PCl 10 L/PCl 1 lL Collector -emitter Input voltage *5<nlrlari”m +omn-Y. Rating Unit IF 50 mA 1~~~ FTR P 1 6 70 A v mW 35 70 6 35 VCE() PCl12L/PCl13L Emitter-collector voltsge PC11OL ‘Collector .ba.se voltage PC112L ‘Emitter-base voltage FCl10LIPC112L Collector current PCllOL/PClll L Collector power dissipation PCl 12L/Wl 13L PCllOL/PClll L Total power dissipation WI 12 L/PCl 13L ‘insolation voltage Operating temperature Storage temperature output Symbol VECO VLH() v v 70 6 50 150 VESO IL ~, 160 170 Ptot t,,r- v 200 v mA mW mW v,.,, Tup, T,,g 5 000 –30 to +100 –55 to +125 Vrms ‘c ‘c T,,,, 7.60 “r *2 Pulse width S 100 ,us, Wty ratio= O 001 *3 Applies only to PCl 10L, PCl 12L. M 40 to 60 °4RH, .4C for 1 minute *5 For 1(1 seconds ■ Eleotro-optical Charact~ Input output Parameter Forward voltage Reverse current Terminal capacitance Collector dark current PCl 10L/PCl 1 lL Collector -emitter brakedown voltage PCl 12 L/PCl 13L Emitter-collector breakdown voltage Collector -base PC11OL breakdo~vn voltage PC112L Current transfer ratio PC11OL PC1ll L PCl 12 L/PCl 13L Collector -emitter saturation voltage Transfer Isolation resistance Floating resistance charac teristics Cut-off frequencj z Rise time WllOL/PClll L .= % z R 2 Fall time PCllOL/PClllL 282 Wl12L/PCl13L PCl 10L/PCl llL (Ta=25°C) Symbol Conditions I~=20mA v, IR c, ICE() \TR=~\T V= O, f=lkHz VCF=20V, 1~=0, RBEYW BVc~(j Ic=().lmA, 1~=0 BVFC() IH:=l O~A, IF=O Bvcfu) Ic=O.lmA, Ir=O CTR IF=5mA, ~; LE=5\T, RBF:~ MIN. — TYP, 1.2 MAX. 1.4 30 250 Unit v PA pF — 1(--7 A — — — — v — – 35 70 6 35 70 10 — — 50 so 10mA, VcF, =5mA, RBE=~ 40 – 0.1 IF=20mA, Ic= lmA, R~~=m – 5 x 101’) 1 x 1011 DC500V, 40 to 60%RH — \T=O, f=lMHz 0.6 \cFc5\, IL =2m4, RL= 100fl, -3dB 80 – t, t, VCI; = 2V, IC = 2mA R I =1OOQ PCl12L/PCl13L PCl 12L/PCl 13L v 600 100 IF= VLE(s,) R[so Cf fc v — 4 — 4 3 3 400 % 320 0.2 – 1.0 — v a pF kHz 18 15 /s PCllOL/PCl llL/PCl12L/PCl13L Fig.2MPower~va. Ambiant Temm- Fig. 1 Fmard Currant va. Ambiant Tamparature 60 120 50 100 80 70 \ 60 40 ! 20 - 0 30 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 –30 [( ~~ o 25 100 75 50 1 Ambient temwrature T. (“C) .Amhient temperature T., (“C I ~ Powar bti vs. Fig. 4 Powar mtion Va. Anlbiallt Ambiant Tamperatura PC112L PC113L I \ PCl 10L PC1ll L \ Y 0 0 -30 n 25 5(1 75 100 30 125 () Fig. 5 Paak Fatward ~ va. Duty 5000 50 100 75 m. 6 F-ad Cun’ant va. Fonuard Voltaga 500 z g 2000 25 Anlbit,tlt temperature T , (“C) Ambient temperature T , (“C) I ) 1 I 200 5ot I 100 50 20 10 L .5 Y.. 2 o 0.5 +’ i 1.0 15 20 ~~ Forward i,oltage VF (V) :10 3.5 PCllOL/PCl llL/PCl12L/FCl13L ~. 7-a Cum Tranefer Ra* ve. FOIW lard Current (PC11OL, PClllL~ (x- only to Roc=~) 200 1 t r I ,, , I II 1 1 I 111111 Fig. 7-b Current Tranefar Ratio ve. Forward C u r r e n t (PC112L, PC113L’) lx~ ontv to Rnc=e) 100 180 g 160 % - 140 01 10 1 0.1 100 Fig. 8-a ~ current Ve. ~60 . ~. ‘r,, s I I 1 I I I I Current ve. ~- voItaga (WI 12L, PCl 13L) 30 25V I 8-b ~ ~ emittar voltage (PC11OL, PC1llL) t U ,+E z n, I I 50 100 10 1 Forward current 1 F (m.\) IF [mA) Forward current 25 4 I 10 1 o 01234 5mA 0 36789 Ve. Ve. 30 Ambient temperature T, (“C) 0 20 40 60 80 A m b i e n t ten]perature T., I ‘C ) 100 PCllOL/PCl llL/PCl12L/FCl13L Fm. 10-a ~-amittar Saturation Vottaga vs. Ambiant Tampafatura (PC11OL, FCll IL) 0.16 ~.lo-b CoDacti-amittar Saturati VoItaaa vs. Ambiant Tammturs u 14 (1.14 () 12 ().12 0.10 o Ill () ox II 08 ().()6 006 u 04 0.04 002 0.02 [ )~ u ?() 30 10 60 80 I 0(1 (PCl 12L, PCl 13L) ().16 u 2(1 40 60 80 1 ()() .\t>,bier?t tt,mpvraturv ‘1. (“V) .imhlet]t ten]peraturc ‘r., (“C) Fg.1 l-b ~ Da* currant vs. Ambiant Tam~ra Figml l-a ~ Dark Currant = Ambiant Tam~ra (PC11OL, PCl llL) ~> .5 6 .i 5 , 5 [) 5 I (1 .5 . 11 3(} u 20 JO 60 80 100 )\mbient tenlperature ‘r,, (’C ) Figml 2-a ~ Tii vs. Load Raaiatanca (PCl 10L, PCl 1 lL) load resistance RI. (k ~ ) load resistance RI (k Q ) 285 PCllOL/PCl llL/PCl12L/FCl13L Taat circuit for Reaponaa Tii 1 ---’- tie”’p”’ --, PCl 11 L and PCl 13L have no base terminal WI 1 lL and PCl 13L have no base terminal. Fg.1 3-a Fraquancy ~ (PC11OL, PC1ll L) (Ii I ~ i 1(1 2( I 5( I Fw.1 3-b FraauancY .- Raawnae (PCi12L, FCl 13L) 11!1 ?(fl illl Ilxll Fg.14-a ~ -arnittar 3aturation Vottaga va. Forward Currant (PCl 10L, PCll 11-I Figml 4-b ~ -amittar 3alurati Voltaga w F~rd ~ (PC112L, PC113L) ~ 5 1 3 9 1 0 () Forward ● current IF (m.4) Please refer to the chapter 286 02468 111 F o r w a r d currerlt I, (mA) “Precautions for Use” (Page 78 to 93) 12 14