APPLICATION BULLETIN ® Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Tel: (602) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-111 • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX (602) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 FIBER OPTIC TRANSMISSION By Christian Henn, Burr-Brown International GmbH Fiber optic transmission is assuming an increasingly important role in systems for wide-band analog signals and digital signals with high data rates. Although the number of applications for digital networks and telecommunications systems is skyrocketing, analog transmission is still vital to many applications. Analog systems with bandwidths of up to 150MHz are used for wide-band RGB signal distribution, HDTV video signal transmission, and many types of EMIand EMC-disturbed environments. Also important are medical applications, which demand the precision of fiber optic technology for safety reasons. The many features of fiber optic cables make them vital for all of these types of applications. Fiber optic cables enable transmission over long distances, ensure low damping vs frequency, are light and flexible, and provide high immunity against disturbances from magnetic and electric fields. State-of-the-art fiber optic transmission systems are now available even for data networks with transmission rates of up to 1.2Gbit/s, and gallium arsenide technology is used for their transmitter and receiver circuits. The fiber optic transmission interface presented here uses new complementary bipolar integrated circuits from BurrBrown. The OPA660, which is used as an LED driver and AGC multiplier, contains an operational transconductance amplifier and a buffer in an 8-pin package. The OPA621 is a low-noise, wide-band op amp in classical configuration, which functions as an amplifier in the I/V conversion section behind the photodiode and as an I/V converter behind the AGC multiplier. The current-feedback amplifier OPA623 provides additional gain in the AGC section and drives the 75Ω output. A discrete differential amplifier functions as an AGC error amp and controls the quiescent current of the OPA660 together with a FET. The CA3080 stabilizes the DC performance, and the LM1881 functions as a sync separator. The interface uses the IA184A as LED and the SFH202 as pin diode. Pre-equalizer VIN FIBER OPTIC INTERFACE BASICS A fiber optic interface generally consists of five major functions as shown in Figure 1. On the transmitter side, a circuit processes the input signal in order to drive the electro-optical converter. This converter, which can be an LED or a laser diode, generates the signal-dependent light intensity modulation, and its mechanical case eases transmission of the signal into the fiber. At the fiber end, a pin diode converts the optical signal back into a low electrical current. The low-noise transimpedance preamplifier converts the current signal into a voltage and also amplifies it to an acceptable level. Because the photodiode input signal can vary in amplitude, and AGC amplifier adjusts the peak-to-peak signal level to 1.4Vp-p and restores the DC level for no signal to 0V. The quality of a fiber optic interface is characterized by several factors such as signal-to-noise ratio, linearity, bandwidth, power consumption, and transmission distance. The S/N ratio should be at least 50dB for analog systems to achieve an image that is free of noise. In conventional designs, there are basically two ways to improve the S/N ratio. One is to increase the diode drive current, which, though, leads to higher harmonic distortion. The second is to use a very low-noise transimpedance amplifier as a receiver. Both alternatives increase the component count and add manufacturing costs. The circuits presented here, however, are a new approach to simplifying and minimizing the design of an analog fiber optic interface and to provide an interface that is more integrated and offers lower power consumption. Table I summarizes the parameters of this new type of wide-band analog fiber optic interface. Electro/ Optical Converter 75Ω Transimpedance Amplifier AGC Amplifier VOUT 75Ω Fiber LED Output Driver PIN-diode DC Restoration FIGURE 1. Block Diagram of a Fiber Optic Transmission Interface. © 1993 Burr-Brown Corporation AB-192 Printed in U.S.A. December, 1993 1 2 3 4 5 6 PARAMETER The high output impedance of 10kΩ for the current source prevents any distribution. UNIT Bandwidth Differential Gain Differential Phase S/N Ratio AGC Range Input Voltage Output Voltage Supply Voltage 120MHz ≤ 3% ≤ 3° ≥ 50dB 20:1 +0.7V/–0.3V terminated in 75Ω +0.7V/–0.3V terminated in 75Ω ±5V To modulate the diode current, the OTA of the OPA660 operates as a voltage-controlled current source and converts the input voltage into output current. As shown in Figure 4, the resistor RE is the only element that has to be selected in order to define the conversion factor between input voltage and output current according to equation 2: TABLE I. Interface Parameters. RE = TRANSMITTER The block diagram illustrated in Figure 2 can be divided into three major blocks. The preequalizer compensates for the nonlinearity of the diode. The driver circuit converts the input signal into an output current, which generates the optical signal when flowing through the LED. For the LED to function linearly in the forward region, a positive DC current has to flow through it to adjust its bias point and keep it constant over temperature variations. Figure 3 shows the discrete circuit to adjust the LED bias point. RQC can be calculated by the following equation: R QC = V + – V BEQ2 I EI Pre-equalizer VIN – R D2 LED Driver (2) ISIGNAL R1 ZO = 75Ω OTA RL Signal Source RE FIGURE 4. Voltage-to-Current Converter. (1) ISIGNAL IBIAS V IN – Re I OUT RE is the output impedance of the OTA's emitter output and is 8Ω or 1/125mA/V at a +20mA quiescent current. The transfer curve between the diode current and optical power is only fairly linear within a small modulation range around the bias point. The larger the modulation range, the larger the nonlinearity. The equalization circuit proposed in Figure 5, however, can be used to improve the linearity or extend the modulation range. The diodes function like switches and connect the resistors in parallel to RE when the corresponding diode is forward biased. The equalization circuit varies the voltage-to-current conversion according to the input voltage factor (mV/A) and partly compensates the diode nonlinearity. Bias Control 75Ω LED FIGURE 2. Block Diagram of Transmitter. V+ ISIGNAL RD1 RD2 VIN VBE Q1 OTA Q2 V– V+ IBIAS RPOT RPOT2 RPOT1 D2 RQC RE2 D1 RE RE1 FIGURE 3. Bias Control. One characteristic of a current source is its high impedance. To avoid current distribution, the output impedance should be much higher than the load impedance. The transmitter diode is a 2Ω to 4Ω load adjusted to the correct bias point. FIGURE 5. Transmitter with Preequalization. 2 As shown in Figure 6, the differential gain of the entire transistor circuit decreases from 25% without equalization to 6% with equalization. With more hardware, a further improvement down to 2% would be feasible. Figure 6 also presents the differential gain errors for the diode current, which impressively demonstrate that the conversion from a current to an optical power generates most of the nonlinearities. 5V 22Ω 22Ω ISIGNAL Q1 220Ω Q2 OTA(1) IBIAS 50Ω 1kΩ VIN ISIGNAL 30 100Ω 220Ω OTA(1) Linearity (%) 25 20 50Ω PIN IRED Fiber 15 POPT 10 1Ω POPT EQ NOTE: (1) OPA660. ISIGNAL 5 FIGURE 7. Transmitter Circuit. 0 –800 –400 0 400 800 Input Voltage (mV) –90 FIGURE 6. Transmitter Linearity Performance. Gain (5dB/Div) The complete transmitter is shown in Figure 7. Using the component values given in Figure 7, the discrete biasing circuit adjusts the diode current without modulation to +35mA, which produces a +1.55V voltage drop across the diode. Even at the highest modulation current of 30mA, the voltage drop of +1.7V remains far below the collectoremitter saturation voltage. 1M 10M 100M 1G 3G Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 8. Bandwidth Transmitter. When these values are put into the equation, the transmitter has a –3dB bandwidth of 800MHz, which corresponds to that in actual measurements. Comparing the curves in Figure 8 with each other shows that the transmitter diode and not the transmitter is the bandwidth-limiting factor. However, the 115MHz optical power matches the figures provided in the diode specification. Figure 8 shows the frequency response of the diode current and optical power. Equation 3 gives a reasonable calculation for the 3dB frequency based on the effective capacitance at the diode anode and the total resistance: 2 πR(C P + C DT ) –130 –150 300k The input signal is applied to both bases of the OTA. In this application, each OPA660 operates with 20mA quiescent current, and requiring a RQC resistor of 250Ω. The unused buffers of the OPA660s can either be connected to GND by a resistor or used for other circuit functions such as compensation of the OTA input offset voltage (in this case, RE should be connected to the buffer output). 1 –120 Diode Current –140 The drive capability of the OPA660 is limited to ±15mA. For this reason, two OTA current source outputs are connected together to increase the drive capability to ±30mA. f= –110 Optical Power (dB) –100 Optical Power LOW-NOISE TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIER On the receiver side, the electronic circuitry converts the optical power into a voltage, amplifies the normally weak signal, and stabilizes the output voltage for different cable lengths via an AGC control loop. A sensitive, small, fairly linear PIN-diode such as the SFA202 used here delivers output currents in the µA to mA range in typical applications. To convert weak, wide-band signals into voltages, while simultaneously amplifying them, is a tough job for (3) R = Diode resistance, 3Ω CP = Biasing circuit, 25pF CDT = Input capacitance OTA-C, 8pF 3 wide-band amplifiers. Figure 9 shows the typical transimpedance configuration. The PIN-diode cathode is directly connected to the inverting op amp input. The positive input is tied to GND. The effective transimpedance resistor connects the output to the inverting input. For low frequencies, the output voltage is calculated by: UR1 C1 iOP+ R1 VOUT UOP V OUT = –I P • RF ≈ –I P • R F 1 + 1 / G OL OP (4) CD iS iOP– V+ URF RF VOUT OP IP CS CF Ie V– FIGURE 10. Noise Sources of a Transimpedance Amplifier. RF V– IF geometrically to find the square sum. The purpose of a noise analysis is to ascertain the minimum detectable input signal current from the pin diode. The preamplifier noise performance also determines the required transmitter power, maximum cable length for a given transmitter current, dynamic range of the receiver, and signal-to-noise ratio. By dividing the voltage noise at the output by the transimpedance resistor RF, it is possible to calculate the equivalent input noise current, which is also the minimum detectable input signal. CF FIGURE 9. Transimpedance Amplifier. Obviously, amplification does not work at higher frequencies where the open-loop gain (GOL) decreases. Op amps, like the OPA621 used here, are internally compensated, and the open-loop gain rolls off by –20dB/decade. The noise performance of any op amp varies over frequency, because in any integrated circuit, different noise sources are effective in different frequency ranges. Equation 5 allows an estimation of the maximum RF size for a given –3dB bandwidth. RF = 1 ≈ 3. 2kΩ 2π100MHz • 0.5pF Table II summarizes the voltage noise density and effective noise voltage for the OPA621 vs frequency. The input current noise density is listed as 3.3pA/√Hz in the PDS. Table III adds up the single noise sources to find the effective noise voltage at the amplifier output for three different frequencies. It can be derived that the equivalent noise voltage is dependent upon the system bandwidth. Thus, for any given transimpedance amplifier, the S/N ratio decreases with increasing bandwidth. (5) The minimum detectable input current depends upon the noise performance, which in turn is based upon the noise of the low-noise preamplifier. The various noise sources of a transimpedance amplifier are shown in Figure 10. After the op amp noise, the next most important noise factor is the total thermal noise from all of the resistances. The thermal noise can be calculated by the following equation: 2 V th = 4 • kT • R • B (6) Thus, the effective noise voltage increases with temperature, T, bandwidth, B, and resistor size. Another often negligible noise factor is the pin diode itself. The diode’s noise is mostly 1/f noise and is much higher in the forward than in the reverse region of the diode biasing. It can be calculated as follows: i 2s = 2eI P • B FREQUENCY/Hz VOLTAGE NOISE/nV/√Hz EFF. NOISE/µVrms 0 - 200 200 - 2k 2k - 20k 20k - 1M 1M - 10M 10M - 100M 10 5, 5 3, 3 2, 5 2, 3 2, 3 0, 141 0, 23 0, 44 2, 47 6, 90 21, 82 TOTAL 24.17 TABLE II. OPA621 Noise Performance vs Frequency. (7) To analyze the noise from all effective noise sources at the transimpedance amplifier output, determine the effective noise from all of the individual sources and add them 4 EFFECTIVE VOLTAGE NOISE µVrms NOISE SOURCE VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY nV/√Hz 5MHz 10MHz 100MHz u 2RF 4, 07 9, 1 12, 9 40, 7 u 2R1 1, 29 2, 9 4, 1 12, 9 2 u OP 2, 42 5, 4 7, 7 24, 2 2 i OP+ 0, 33 0, 7 1, 0 3, 3 2 i OP– 3, 30 7, 3 10, 4 33, 0 i S2 1, 79 4, 0 5, 7 17, 9 13, 8 19, 6 61, 9 TOTAL +10V Z4.7 CB RF J308 CF PIN TABLE III. Receiver Noise Performance. RO VOUT OPA621 As already stated, dividing the equivalent noise at the output by the transimpedance resistor value produces the equivalent input current noise. The following equation is used to calculate the S/N ratio, and Table IV shows the S/N ratio vs frequency: I (8) S/N = 20 log P I RMS FREQUENCY (MHz) CURRENT NOISE (nA) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO (dB) 5 10 100 13, 8 19, 6 61, 9 57, 2 57, 2 44, 2 RQC R1 RPOT CB CB Z4.7 –10V FIGURE 11. Receiver Circuit. TABLE IV. Signal-to-Noise Ratio. When low-noise, wide-band amplifiers are combined with very low-noise discrete FETs, the results are not only lower noise but also a higher S/N ratio and only slightly smaller bandwidth. As shown in Figures 11 and 12, the discrete JFET J308 at the input of the final transimpedance amplifier version improves the S/N ratio by about 5dB at 100MHz. The FET in front of the OPA621 functions as a source follower, but it is connected to the OPA621 and feedback loop in such a way that it does not change the basic impedance structure. The photon current flows to the FET gate and generates a voltage change. The source follower transfers the voltage variation to the noninverting input at a lower impedance. In its negative feedback loop, the op amp also reacts by varying its output voltage, which causes a current to flow through the feedback network until the source voltage equals the voltage at the noninverting input. Gain (2.5dB) RF = 1kΩ RF = 470Ω 300k 1M 10M 100M 300M Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 12. Receiver Bandwidth. PARAMETER The source follower provides no voltage gain but enough current gain that the noise from the OPA621 is negligible. Since the first gain stage in a composite amp is the primary noise-producing element, the main noise source of the circuit presented here is the input current noise at the FET gate, which is about 1pA/√Hz for the J308 at 100kHz. Frequency VNOISErms INOISErms RF S/N VALUE UNITS 100 36 36 1 48.9 MHz µV nA kΩ dB TABLE V. Summary of Noise-related Performance at 100MHz. 5 The OPA660 is used in this configuration both as a two quadrant multiplier and as an amplifier. By varying its own gain, it keeps the output constant over a wide input voltage range. Figure 14 shows a simplified circuit diagram of the AGC configuration. The output signal of the transimpedance amplifier, which is 10mV for a 10µA input current and a 1kΩ RF, is applied to the buffer input of the OPA660. It is configured as a differential amplifier with current output. The second input allows DC restoration of video signals, as will be shown later. The amplifier (OPA621) placed after the OPA660 converts the output current i of the multiplier into a voltage, while providing additional gain and drive capability. The peak detector and comparator compare the typical ±1.4V video output voltage with the +1.4V reference. The resulting difference in voltage controls the gate of the FET. The gate varies the FET drain current, which is also the OPA660 quiescent current, until the internal OPA660 transconductance has compensated the varying input voltage. The resistor RQC enables the user to adjust the FET bias point. To test the frequency response at the PIN-diode cathode, a generator provides a 10µA photo current, and an analyzer records the output vs frequency. The diode anode is connected to –15V in order to minimize the effective stray capacitance, which remains 5pF. Two frequency response curves are shown in Figure 12. The top curve reflects the measurement using a 1000Ω transimpedance resistor; here the –3dB bandwidth is 110MHz. The bottom curve is for a 470Ω resistor, where the –3dB bandwidth is about 200MHz. Table VI shows some test results for the fiber optic transmission system when the input signal is applied to the transmitter. The transmitter supplies the LED with a 35mA quiescent current and a ±25mA modulation current. CONDITIONS BW (MHz) S/N (dB) DG (%) THD (%) RF = 470Ω w/o Preequalization 135 40.9 27 — RF = 1kΩ w/o Preequalization 100 44.2 27 — RF = 1kΩ With Preequalization 100 44.2 6 1 VOUT 2.8Vp-p +5V 3 2 7 OPA621 6 4 TABLE VI. Performance Summary. ROUT 2.08kΩ The noise of the transmission system between 0Hz and 200kHz is illustrated in Figure 13. –5V +5V i 20mVp-p 8 7 +5V OPA660 –140 Offset Noise Power (dBm) 4kΩ VIN 5 DB 56Ω 4 –150 1.4Vp-p DT –5V 3 22kΩ 56Ω 6 Rgm 1mΩ 10kΩ –5V 2 1 RQC 250Ω Peak Detector –160 0 40k 80k 120k 160k 200k –5V Frequency (Hz) –5V 1.4V +5V VOUT Reference FIGURE 13. Noise Power vs Frequency. FIGURE 14. Automatic Gain-Controlled Amplifier. AGC AMPLIFIER AND LINE DRIVER Figure 15 shows the detailed AGC amplifier schematic. The output amplifier is split into an OPA621 and OPA623, reducing the gain requirement for each individual op amp in order to increase the achievable bandwidth. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to replace the voltage-feedback amplifier OPA621 with a wider bandwidth current-feedback op amp because the feedback resistance is 20kΩ. In current-feedback amplifiers, the size of the feedback network determines both the closed-loop and the open-loop gain. Thus in prac- Multiplication of analog signals has long been one of the most important nonlinear functions of analog circuit technology. Many signal sources, however, deliver weak, oscillating, and simultaneously wide-band signals. The PINdiode current presented here is no exception, but it is equipped with an AGC amplifier to solve this problem. The AGC amplifier, in this case the OPA660, measures the output voltage, compares it to a reference voltage, and adjusts the multiplier control until the output has reached the set value. 6 signal is a signal that appears periodically between sync pulses. The signal remains at black level for a short time after each horizontal signal pulse, which controls the line information. During this short time, a gated error amplifier compares the output level with the reference voltage (GND) to correct the output to GND. The OPA623 amplifies the signal from the preamp and drives the sync separation circuit LM1881. It provides the necessary clamp pulse shortly after the II sync. The buffer, BUF601, applies the clamp pulse IIC to the restoration circuit CA3080, which is switched on and generates the correction voltage that is then stored in C4. The comparison stops when the clamp pulse returns to logic “low”, but the capacitor keeps the output voltage at GND as a biasing point until the next clamp pulse is applied. tice, the larger the resistor, the lower the bandwidth. The peak detector and comparator are made up of discrete components. For a more integrated solution, the differential amplifier can be replaced by an op amp. Besides the automatic signal control, the circuit presented here also makes it possible to control and adjust the DC level of the output voltage. This feature is useful for video applications in which the blank level, or level at no luminance signal, is defined as 0V. The sync signals are defined from zero to –0.3V, and the luminance ranges from zero to +0.7V. To transmit a video signal over a coax cable, an amplifier amplifies this signal by 2. The whole procedure is called DC restoration or black level clamping. A video 7 FIGURE 15. Circuit Schematic of the Transimpedance and AGC Amplifiers. 8 CB Pin Z4.7 RPOT RQC –10V J308 +10V Z4.7 Cf Rf 7 4 OPA621 R1 2 3 CB 6 CB RO 2.2µF 75Ω 330 Ω 1kΩ 2811 + –5V 4 6 2.2MΩ + 4.7µF 3 ROUT 20kΩ 1 100Ω 2 DT 8 i 2.2µF BAV99 100nF BAV99 2N5460 Rgm R2 51Ω 10nF RQC 0.47µF 2.2µF 6 DB 10nF OPA660 7 10nF 2.2µF –5V 4 OPA621 7 +5V 680Ω +5V 2 3 220µF Multiplier 51Ω 100Ω 10nF 100Ω Amplfier –5V OPA623 51Ω 2.7kΩ +5V 470Ω VOUT Reference VOUT 470Ω 2.2µF 22kΩ 620Ω LM1881 3 5 –5V 100kΩ 2* BC577 +5V 6 CA3080 2 3 10nF 100Ω + 2.2MΩ 2811 0.1µF 2.2µF CB BUF601 –5V 220µF 10kΩ 470µF 2.2µF + –5V 5 8 10µF BUF601 0.47µF Peak-Level Control –5V 5 4148 10nF 1kΩ 1kΩ 560kΩ –5V 4 7 +5V 56Ω –5V 22kΩ ±13mV Automatic 2N3904 1µF 10kΩ CHOLD 1MΩ 2 680kΩ 100nF POFFSET 150Ω Manual 4 Clamped 56Ω S1 1 Hc +5V Level-Shifting In SYNC 150Ω +5V 0Ω 47kΩ 51Ω 8 4Vp-p HK 51Ω 51Ω Hc Sync