LM3509 High Efficiency Boost for White LED's and/or OLED Displays with Dual Current Sinks and I2C Compatible Brightness Control General Description Features The LM3509 current mode boost converter offers two separate outputs. The first output (MAIN) is a constant current sink for driving series white LED’s. The second output (SUB/FB) is configurable as a constant current sink for series white LED bias, or as a feedback pin to set a constant output voltage for powering OLED panels. When configured as a dual output white LED bias supply, the LM3509 adaptively regulates the supply voltage of the LED strings to maximize efficiency and insure the current sinks remain in regulation. The maximum current per output is set via a single external low power resistor. An I2C compatible interface allows for independent adjustment of the LED current in either output from 0 to max current in 32 exponential steps. When configured as a white LED + OLED bias supply the LM3509 can independently and simultaneously drive a string of up to 5 white LED’s and deliver a constant output voltage of up to 21V for OLED panels. Output over-voltage protection shuts down the device if VOUT rises above 21V allowing for the use of small sized low voltage output capacitors. The LM3509 is offered in a small 10-pin thermally- enhanced LLP package and operates over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range. ■ Integrated OLED Display Power Supply and LED Driver ■ Drives up to 10 LED’s at 30mA ■ Drives up to 5 LED’s at 20mA and delivers up to 21V at ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 40mA Over 90% Efficient 32 Exponential Dimming Steps 0.15% Accurate Current Matching Between Strings Internal Soft-Start Limits Inrush Current True Shutdown Isolation for LED’s Wide 2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range 21V Over-Voltage Protection 1.27MHz Fixed Frequency Operation Low Profile 10-pin LLP Package (3mm x 3mm x 0.8mm) General Purpose I/O Active Low Hardware Reset Applications ■ Dual Display LCD Backlighting for Portable Applications ■ Large Format LCD Backlighting ■ OLED Panel Power Supply Typical Application Circuits 30004361 © 2007 National Semiconductor Corporation 300043 www.national.com LM3509 High Efficiency Boost for White LED's and/or OLED Displays with Dual Current Sinks and I2C Compatible Brightness Control May 2007 LM3509 30004301 www.national.com 2 LM3509 Connection Diagram Top View 30004302 10-Pin LLP (3mm × 3mm × 0.8mm) Ordering Information Order Number Package Type NSC Package Drawing Top Mark Supplied As LM3509SD 10-Pin LLP SDA010A L3509 1000 units, Tape-and-Reel, No-Lead LM3509SDX 10-Pin LLP SDA010A L3509 4500 units, Tape-and-Reel, No Lead Pin Descriptions/Functions Pin Name 1 MAIN Function 2 SUB/FB 3 SET LED Current Setting Connection. Connect a resistor from SET to GND to set the maximum LED current into MAIN or SUB/FB (when in LED mode), where ILED_MAX = 192×1.244V/RSET. 4 VIO Logic Voltage Level Input 5 RESET/GPIO 6 SW Drain Connection for Internal NMOS Switch 7 OVP Over-Voltage Protection Sense Connection. Connect OVP to the positive terminal of the output capacitor. 8 IN Input Voltage Connection. Connect IN to the input supply, and bypass to GND with a 1µF ceramic capacitor. Main Current Sink Input. Secondary Current Sink Input or 1.25V Feedback Connection for Constant Voltage Output. Active Low Hardware Reset and Programmable General Purpose I/O. 9 SDA Serial Data Input/Output 10 SCL Serial Clock Input DAP GND Ground 3 www.national.com LM3509 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1, 2) Operating Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. VIN VSW, VOVP, VSUB/FB, VMAIN Junction Temperature Range (TJ)(Note 4) Ambient Temperature Range (TA)(Note 5) VIN VSW, VOVP, VSUB/FB, VMAIN VSCL, VSDA, VRESET\GPIO, VIO , VSET Continuous Power Dissipation Junction Temperature (TJ-MAX) Storage Temperature Range Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s)(Note 3) ESD Rating(Note 10) Human Body Model −0.3V to 6V −0.3V to 25V −0.3V to 23V −0.3V to 6V Internally Limited +150ºC -65ºC to +150º C (Notes 1, 2) 2.7V to 5.5V 0V to 23V 0V to 21V -40ºC to +110ºC -40ºC to +85ºC Thermal Properties Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA)(Note 6) 54°C/W ESD Caution Notice +300°C National Semiconductor recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate ESD precautions. Failure to observe proper ESD handling techniques can result in damage to the device. 2.5kV Electrical Characteristics Specifications in standard type face are for TA = 25°C and those in boldface type apply over the Operating Temperature Range of TA = −40°C to +85°C. Unless otherwise specified VIN = 3.6V, VIO = 1.8V, VRESET/GPIO = VIN, VSUB/FB = VMAIN = 0.5V, R = 12.0kΩ, OLED = ‘0’, ENM = ENS = ‘1’, BSUB = BMAIN = Full Scale.(Notes 2, 7) SET Symbol ILED Parameter Conditions Output Current Regulation MAIN or SUB/FB Enabled UNI = ‘0’, or ‘1’ Maximum Current Per Current Sink RSET = 8.0kΩ Min 18.6 Typ Max 20 21.8 Units mA 30 ILED-MATCH IMAIN to ISUB/FB Current Matching UNI = ‘1’ (Note 11) VSET SET Pin Voltage 3.0V < VIN < 5V ILED/ISET ILED Current to ISET Current Ratio 192 VREG_CS Regulated Current Sink Headroom Voltage 500 VREG_OLED VSUB/FB Regulation Voltage 3.0V < VIN < 5.5V, OLED = ‘1’ in OLED Mode VHR Current Sink Minimum Headroom Voltage ILED = 95% of nominal 300 mV RDSON NMOS Switch On Resistance ISW = 100mA 0.58 Ω ICL NMOS Switch Current Limit VIN = 3.0V 650 770 875 VOVP Output Over-Voltage Protection ON Threshold 21.2 22 22.9 OFF Threshold 19.7 20.6 21.2 1.0 1.27 1.4 fSW Switching Frequency DMAX Maximum Duty Cycle DMIN Minimum Duty Cycle IQ Quiescent Current, Device Not Switching ISHDN www.national.com Shutdown Current 0.15 1 1.244 1.172 1.21 V mV 1.239 V A V MHz 90 % 10 % VMAIN and VSUB/FB > VREG_CS, BSUB = BMAIN = 0x00 400 VSUB/FB > VREG_OLED, OLED=’1’, ENM=ENS=’0’ 250 305 ENM = ENS = OLED = '0' 3.6 5 4 % 440 µA µA Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 0.5 V RESET/GPIO Pin Voltage Specifications VIL Input Logic Low 2.7V < VIN <5.5V, MODE bit =0 VIH Input Logic High 2.7V < VIN < 5.5V, MODE bit =0 VOL Output Logic Low ILOAD=3mA, MODE bit = 1 V 1.1 400 mV VIN V 0.36×VIO V I2C Compatible Voltage Specifications (SCL, SDA, VIO) VIO Serial Bus Voltage Level 2.7V < VIN < 5.5V (Note 9) VIL Input Logic Low 2.7V < VIN < 5.5V VIH Input Logic High 2.7V < VIN < 5.5V VOL Output Logic Low ILOAD = 3mA 1.4 0.7×VIO VIO V 400 mV I2C Compatible Timing Specifications (SCL, SDA, VIO, see Figure 1) (Notes 8, 9) t1 SCL Clock Period 2.5 µs t2 Data In Setup Time to SCL High 100 ns t3 Data Out Stable After SCL Low 0 ns SDA Low Setup Time to SCL Low (Start) 100 ns SDA High Hold Time After SCL High (Stop) 100 ns t4 t5 Note 1: Absolute maximum ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but device parameter specifications may not be guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. Note 2: All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. Note 3: For detailed soldering specifications and information, please refer to National Semiconductor Application Note 1187: Leadless Lead frame Package (AN-1187). Note 4: Internal thermal shutdown circuitry protects the device from permanent damage. Thermal shutdown engages at TJ=150ºC (typ.) and disengages at TJ=140ºC (typ.). Note 5: In applications where high power dissipation and/or poor package thermal resistance is present, the maximum ambient temperature may have to be derated. Maximum ambient temperature (TA-MAX) is dependent on the maximum operating junction temperature (TJ-MAX-OP = +105ºC), the maximum power dissipation of the device in the application (PD-MAX), and the junction-to ambient thermal resistance of the part/package in the application (θJA), as given by the following equation: TA-MAX = TJ-MAX-OP – (θJA × PD-MAX). Note 6: Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (θJA) is taken from a thermal modeling result, performed under the conditions and guidelines set forth in the JEDEC standard JESD51-7. The test board is a 4-layer FR-4 board measuring 114mm x 76mm x 1.6mm with a 2x1 array of thermal vias. The ground plane on the board is 113mm x 75mm. Thickness of copper layers are 71.5µm/35µm/35µm/71.5µm (2oz/1oz/1oz/2oz). Ambient temperature in simulation is 22°C, still air. Power dissipation is 1W. The value of θJA of this product in the LLP package could fall in a range as wide as 50ºC/W to 150ºC/W (if not wider), depending on board material, layout, and environmental conditions. In applications where high maximum power dissipation exists special care must be paid to thermal dissipation issues. For more information on these topics, please refer to Application Note 1187: Leadless Leadframe Package (LLP) and the Power Efficiency and Power Dissipation section of this datasheet. Note 7: Min and Max limits are guaranteed by design, test, or statistical analysis. Typical (Typ) numbers are not guaranteed, but represent the most likely norm. Note 8: SCL and SDA must be glitch-free in order for proper brightness control to be realized. Note 9: SCL and SDA signals are referenced to VIO and GND for minimum VIO voltage testing. Note 10: The human body model is a 100pF capacitor discharged through 1.5kΩ resistor into each pin. (MIL-STD-883 3015.7). Note 11: The matching specification between MAIN and SUB is calculated as 100 × ((IMAIN or ISUB) - IAVE) / IAVE. This simplifies out to be 100 × (IMAIN - ISUB)/(IMAIN + ISUB). 30004303 FIGURE 1. I2C Timing 5 www.national.com LM3509 Symbol LM3509 Typical Performance Characteristics VIN = 3.6V, LEDs are OSRAM (LW M67C), COUT = 1µF (LED Mode), COUT = 2.2µF (OLED Mode), CIN = 1µF, L = TDK VLF4012AT-100MR79, (RL = 0.3Ω), RSET = 8.06kΩ, UNI = '1', ILED = ISUB + IMAIN, TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified. 10 LED Efficiency vs ILED (2 Strings of 5LEDs) 8 LED Efficiency vs ILED (2 Strings of 4LEDs) 30004308 30004309 6 LED Efficiency vs ILED (2 Strings of 3LEDs) 4 LED Efficiency vs ILED (2 Strings of 2LEDs) 30004310 30004311 LED Efficiency vs VIN (L = TDK VLF3012AT-100MR49, RL = 0.36Ω, ILED = 40mA) LED Efficiency vs VIN (L = TDK VLF5014AT-100MR92, RL = 0.2Ω, ILED = 60mA) 30004357 www.national.com 30004358 6 LM3509 18V OLED Efficiency vs IOUT 12V OLED Efficiency vs IOUT 30004304 30004305 LED Line Regulation (UNI = '0') OLED Line Regulation IOLED = 60mA 30004307 30004359 OLED Line Regulation IOLED = 60mA OLED Load Regulation VOLED = 18V 30004306 30004313 7 www.national.com LM3509 OLED Load Regulation VOLED = 12V Peak Current Limit vs. VIN 30004314 30004312 Over Voltage Limit vs. VIN Switch On-Resistance vs. VIN 30004315 30004317 Switching Frequency vs. VIN Maximum Duty Cycle vs. VIN 30004318 www.national.com 30004319 8 LM3509 Shutdown Current vs. VIN Switching Supply Current vs. VIN 30004320 30004321 LED Current Accuracy vs CODE (RSET = 12kΩ±0.05%) LED Current Matching vs. CODE (Note 11) (UNI = '1', RSET = 12kΩ, TA = -40°C to +85°C) 30004323 30004322 LED Current vs CODE (IMAIN, ISUB, IIDEAL, RSET = 12kΩ±0.05%) ILED vs Current Source Headroom Voltage (VIN = 3V, UNI = '0') 30004360 30004324 9 www.national.com LM3509 Start-Up Waveform (LED Mode) (2 × 5 LEDs, 30mA per string) Start-Up Waveform (OLED Mode) (VOUT = 18V, IOUT = 60mA) 30004325 Channel 1: SDA (5V/div) Channel 2: VOUT (10V/div) Channel 3: ILED (50mA/div) Channel 4: IIN (500mA/div) Time Base: 400µs/div 30004327 Channel 1: SDA (5V/div) Channel 2: VOUT (10V/div) Channel 3: IOUT (50mA/div) Channel 4: IIN (500mA/div) Time Base: 400µs/div Load Step (OLED Mode) (VOUT = 18V, COUT = 2.2µF) Line Step (LED Mode) (2 × 5 LEDs, 30mA per String, COUT = 1µF) 30004326 Channel 1: VOUT (AC Coupled, 500mV/div) Channel 2: IOUT (20mA/div) Time Base: 200µs/div 30004354 Channel 1: VOUT (AC Coupled, 500mV/div) Channel 2: VIN (AC Coupled, 500mV/div) Time Base: 200µs/div Transition From OLED to OLED + 1 × 4 LED) (VOUT = 18V, IOUT = 40mA, ILED = 20mA, COUT = 2.2µF) RESET Functionality 30004352 30004328 Channel 3: SDA (2V/div) Channel 1: VOUT (AC Coupled, 200mV/div) Channel 2: IMAIN (20mA/div) Time Base: 400µs/div www.national.com Channel 2: ISUB (20mA/div) Channel R1: IMAIN (20mA/div) Channel 1: RESET (2V/div) Time Base: 200ns/div 10 Ramp Rate Functionality (RMP1, RMP0 = '00') 30004353 Channel 2: GPIO (2V/div) Channel 3: SDA (2V/div) Channel 1:SCL (2V/div) Time Base: 40µs/div LM3509 GPIO Functionality (GPIO Configured as OUTPUT, fSCL = 200kHz) 30004330 Channel 3: SDA (2V/div) Channel 1: IMAIN (10mA/div) Channel 4: ISUB (10mA/div) Time Base: 40µs/div Ramp Rate Functionality (RMP1, RMP0 = '01') Ramp Rate Functionality (RMP1, RMP0 = '10') 30004356 30004355 Channel 1:IMAIN (10mA/div) Channel 4: ISUB (10mA/div) Time Base: 200ms/div Channel 3: SDA (2V/div) Channel 1: IMAIN (10mA/div) Channel 4: ISUB (10mA/div) Time Base: 100ms/div Ramp Rate Functionality (RMP1, RMP0 = '11') 30004351 Channel 1:IMAIN (10mA/div) Channel 4: ISUB (10mA/div) Time Base: 400ms/div 11 www.national.com LM3509 Block Diagram 30004333 FIGURE 2. LM3509 Block Diagram ramp while the output capacitor supplies power to the white LED’s and/or OLED panel. The error signal at the output of the error amplifier is compared against the sensed inductor current. When the sensed inductor current equals the error signal, or when the maximum duty cycle is reached, the NMOS switch turns off causing the external Schottky diode to pick up the inductor current. This allows the inductor current to ramp down causing its stored energy to charge the output capacitor and supply power to the load. At the end of the clock period the PWM controller is again set and the process repeats itself. Operation Description The LM3509 Current Mode PWM boost converter operates from a 2.7V to 5.5V input and provides two regulated outputs for White LED and OLED display biasing. The first output, MAIN, provides a constant current of up to 30mA to bias up to 5 series white LED’s. The second output, SUB/FB, can be configured as a current source for up to 5 series white LED’s at at 30mA, or as a feedback voltage pin to regulate a constant output voltage of up to 21V. When both MAIN and SUB/FB are configured for white LED bias the current for each LED string is controlled independently or in unison via an I2C compatible interface. When MAIN is configured for white LED bias and SUB/FB is configured as a feedback voltage pin, the current into MAIN is controlled via the I2C compatible interface and SUB/FB becomes the middle tap of a resistive divider used to regulate the output voltage of the boost converter. The core of the LM3509 is a Current Mode Boost converter. Operation is as follows. At the start of each switching cycle the internal oscillator sets the PWM converter. The converter turns the NMOS switch on, allowing the inductor current to www.national.com ADAPTIVE REGULATION When biasing dual white led strings (White LED mode) the LM3509 maximizes efficiency by adaptively regulating the output voltage. In this configuration the 500mV reference is connected to the non-inverting input of the error amplifier via mux S2 (see Figure 2, Block Diagram). The lowest of either VMAIN or VSUB/FB is then applied to the inverting input of the error amplifier via mux S1. This ensures that VMAIN and VSUB/ FB are at least 500mV, thus providing enough voltage head- 12 21.2V. In White LED mode during output open circuit conditions the output voltage will rise to the over voltage protection threshold (VOVP = 21.2V min). When this happens the controller will stop switching causing VOUT to droop. When the output voltage drops below 19.7V (min) the device will resume switching. If the device remains in an over voltage condition the LM3509 will repeat the cycle causing the output to cycle between the high and low OVP thresholds. See waveform for OVP condition in the Typical Performance Characteristics. UNISON/NON-UNISON MODE Within White LED mode there are two separate modes of operation, Unison and Non-Unison. Non-Unison mode provides for independent current regulation, while Unison mode gives up independent regulation for more accurate matching between LED strings. When in Non-Unison mode the LED currents IMAIN and ISUB/FB are independently controlled via registers BMAIN and BSUB respectively (see Brightness Registers (BMAIN and BSUB) section). When in Unison mode BSUB is disabled and both IMAIN and ISUB/FB are controlled via BMAIN only. START-UP The LM3509 features an internal soft-start, preventing large inrush currents during start-up that can cause excessive voltage ripple on the input. For the typical application circuits when the device is brought out of shutdown the average input current ramps from zero to 450mA in 1.2ms. See Start Up Plots in the Typical Performance Characteristics. OUTPUT CURRENT ACCURACY AND CURRENT MATCHING The LM3509 provides both precise current accuracy (% error from ideal value) and accurate current matching between the MAIN and SUB/FB current sinks. Two modes of operation affect the current matching between IMAIN and ISUB/FB. The first mode (Non-Unison mode) is set by writing a 0 to bit 2 of the General Purpose register (UNI bit). Non-Unison mode allows for independent programming of IMAIN and ISUB/FB via registers BMAIN and BSUB respectively. In this mode typical matching between current sinks is 1%. Writing a 1 to UNI configures the device for Unison mode. In Unison mode, BSUB is disabled and IMAIN and ISUB/FB are both controlled via register BMAIN. In this mode typical matching is 0.15%. OLED MODE When the LM3509 is configured for a single White LED bias + OLED display bias (OLED mode), the non-inverting input of the error amplifier is connected to the internal 1.21V reference via MUX S2. MUX S1 switches SUB/FB to the inverting input of the error amplifier while disconnecting the internal current sink at SUB/FB. The voltage at MAIN is not regulated in OLED mode so when the application requires white LED + OLED panel biasing, ensure that at least 300mV of headroom is maintained at MAIN to guarantee proper regulation of IMAIN. (see the Typical Performance Characteristics for a plot of ILED vs Current Source Headroom Voltage) LIGHT LOAD OPERATION The LM3509 boost converter operates in three modes; continuous conduction, discontinuous conduction, and skip mode operation. Under heavy loads when the inductor current does not reach zero before the end of the switching period the device switches at a constant frequency. As the output current decreases and the inductor current reaches zero before the end of the switching cycle, the device operates in discontinuous conduction. At very light loads the LM3509 will enter skip mode operation causing the switching period to lengthen and the device to only switch as required to maintain regulation at the output. PEAK CURRENT LIMIT The LM3509’s boost converter has a peak current limit for the internal power switch of 770mA typical (650mA minimum). When the peak switch current reaches the current limit the duty cycle is terminated resulting in a limit on the maximum output current and thus the maximum output power the LM3509 can deliver. Calculate the maximum LED current as a function of VIN, VOUT, L and IPEAK as: ACTIVE LOW RESET/GENERAL PURPOSE I/O (RESET \GPIO) The RESET/GPIO serves as an active low reset input or as a general-purpose logic input/output. Upon power-up of the device RESET/GPIO defaults to the active low reset mode. The functionality of RESET/GPIO is set via the GPIO register and is detailed in Table 6. When configured as an active low reset input, (Bit 0 = 0), pulling RESET/GPIO low automatically programs all registers of the LM3509 with 0x00. Their state cannot be changed until RESET/GPIO is pulled high. The General Purpose I/O (GPIO) register is used to enable the GPIO function of the RESET/GPIO pin. The GPIO register is an 8-bit register with only the 3 LSB’s active. The 5 MSB’s are not used. When configured as an output, RESET/GPIO is open drain and requires an external pull-up resistor. THERMAL SHUTDOWN The LM3509 offers a thermal shutdown protection. When the die temperature reaches +140°C the device will shutdown and not turn on again until the die temperature falls below +120°C. ƒSW = 1.27MHz. Typical values for efficiency and IPEAK can be found in the efficiency and IPEAK curves in the Typical Performance Characteristics. OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION The LM3509's output voltage (VOUT) is limited on the high end by the Output Over-Voltage Protection Threshold (VOVP) of 13 www.national.com LM3509 room at the input to the current sinks for proper current regulation. In the instance when there are unequal numbers of LEDs or unequal currents from string to string, the string with the highest voltage will be the regulation point. LM3509 START condition and free after a STOP condition. During data transmission, the I2C master can generate repeated START conditions. A START and a repeated START conditions are equivalent function-wise. The data on SDA must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock signal (SCL). In other words, the state of SDA can only be changed when SCL is LOW. I2C COMPATIBLE INTERFACE The LM3509 is controlled via an I2C compatible interface. START and STOP conditions classify the beginning and the end of the I2C session. A START condition is defined as SDA transitioning from HIGH to LOW while SCL is HIGH. A STOP condition is defined as SDA transitioning from LOW to HIGH while SCL is HIGH. The I2C master always generates START and STOP conditions. The I2C bus is considered busy after a 30004337 FIGURE 3. Start and Stop Sequences WRITE and R/W = 1 indicates a READ. The second byte following the chip address selects the register address to which the data will be written. The third byte contains the data for the selected register. I2C COMPATIBLE ADDRESS The chip address for the LM3509 is 0110110 (36h). After the START condition, the I2C master sends the 7-bit chip address followed by a read or write bit (R/W). R/W= 0 indicates a 30004338 FIGURE 4. Chip Address pulse. The LM3509 pulls down SDA during the 9th clock pulse, signifying an acknowledge. An acknowledge is generated after each byte has been received. Figure 5 is an example of a write sequence to the General Purpose register of the LM3509. TRANSFERRING DATA Every byte on the SDA line must be eight bits long, with the most significant bit (MSB) transferred first. Each byte of data must be followed by an acknowledge bit (ACK). The acknowledge related clock pulse (9th clock pulse) is generated by the master. The master releases SDA (HIGH) during the 9th clock 30004339 FIGURE 5. Write Sequence to the LM3509 www.national.com 14 LM3509 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS There are 4, 8 bit registers within the LM3509 as detailed in Table 1. TABLE 1. LM3509 Register Descriptions Hex Address Power -On-Value General Purpose (GP) Register Name 10 0xC0 Brightness Main (BMAIN) A0 0xE0 Brightness Sub (BSUB) B0 0xE0 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 80 0XF8 change of the LED current (see Brightness Rate of Change Description), and selects between White LED and OLED mode. Figure 6 and Table 2 describes each bit available within the General Purpose Register. GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER (GP) The General Purpose register has four functions. It controls the on/off state of MAIN and SUB/FB, it selects between Unison or Non-Unison mode, provides for control over the rate of 30004340 FIGURE 6. General Purpose Register Description TABLE 2. General Purpose Register Bit Function Bit Name 0 ENM Enable MAIN. Writing a 1 to this bit enables the main current sink (MAIN). Writing a 0 to this bit disables the main current sink and forces MAIN high impedance. Function Power-On-Value 0 1 ENS Enable SUB/FB. Writing a 1 to this bit enables the secondary current sink (SUB/ FB). Writing a 0 to this bit disables the secondary current sink and forces SUB/ FB high impedance. 0 2 UNI Unison Mode Select. Writing a 1 to this bit disables the BSUB register and causes the contents of BMAIN to set the current in both the MAIN and SUB/ FB current sinks. Writing a 0 to this bit allows the current into MAIN and SUB/ FB to be independently controlled via the BMAIN and BSUB registers respectively. 0 3 RMP0 RMP1 Brightness Rate of Change. Bits RMP0 and RMP1 set the rate of change of the LED current into MAIN and SUB/FB in response to changes in the contents of registers BMAIN and BSUB (see brightness rate of change description). 0 4 5 OLED OLED = 0 places the LM3509 in White LED mode. In this mode both the MAIN and SUB/FB current sinks are active. The boost converter ensures there is at least 500mV at VMAIN and VSUB/FB. 0 0 OLED = 1 places the LM3509 in OLED mode. In this mode the boost converter regulates VSUB/FB to 1.25V. VMAIN is unregulated and must be > 400mV for the MAIN current sink to maintain current regulation. 6 Don't Care These are non-functional read only bits. They will always read back as a 1. 1 7 15 www.national.com LM3509 TABLE 3. Operational Truth Table UNI OLED ENM ENS Result X 0 0 0 LM3509 Disabled 1 0 1 X MAIN and SUB/FB current sinks enabled. Current levels set by contents of BMAIN. 1 0 0 X MAIN and SUB/FB Disabled 0 0 0 1 SUB/FB current sink enabled. Current level set by BSUB. 0 0 1 0 MAIN current sink enabled. Current level set by BMAIN. 0 0 1 1 MAIN and SUB/FB current sinks enabled. Current levels set by contents of BMAIN and BSUB respectively. X 1 1 X SUB/FB current sink disabled (SUB/FB configured as a feedback pin). MAIN current sink enabled current level set by BMAIN. X 1 0 X SUB/FB current sink disabled (SUB/FB configured as a feedback pin). MAIN current sink disabled. * ENM ,ENS, or OLED high enables analog circuitry. . With the UNI bit (General Purpose register) set to 1 (Unison mode), BSUB is disabled and BMAIN sets both IMAIN and ISUB/ FB. This prevents the independent control of IMAIN and ISUB/ FB, however matching between current sinks goes from typically 1%(with UNI = 0) to typically 0.15% (with UNI = 1). Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the register descriptions for the Brightness MAIN and Brightness SUB registers. Table 4 and Figure 9 show IMAIN and/or ISUB/FB vs. brightness data as a percentage of ILED_MAX. BRIGHTNESS REGISTERS (BMAIN and BSUB) With the UNI bit (General Purpose register) set to 0 (NonUnison mode) both brightness registers (BMAIN and BSUB) independently control the LED currents IMAIN and ISUB/FB respectively. BMAIN and BSUB are both 8 bit, but with only the 5 LSB’s controlling the current. The three MSB’s are don’t cares. The LED current control is designed to approximate an exponentially increasing response of the LED current vs increasing code in either BMAIN or BSUB (see Figure 9). Program ILED_MAX by connecting a resistor (RSET) from SET to GND, where: 30004342 FIGURE 7. Brightness MAIN Register Description 30004343 FIGURE 8. Brightness SUB Register Description www.national.com 16 LM3509 TABLE 4. ILED vs. Brightness Register Data BMAIN or BSUB Brightness Data % of ILED_MAX BMAIN or BSUB Brightness Data % of ILED_MAX 00000 0.000% 10000 8.750% 00001 0.125% 10001 10.000% 00010 0.625% 10010 12.500% 00011 1.000% 10011 15.000% 00100 1.125% 10100 16.875% 00101 1.313% 10101 18.750% 00110 1.688% 10110 22.500% 00111 2.063% 10111 26.250% 01000 2.438% 11000 31.250% 01001 2.813% 11001 37.500% 01010 3.125% 11010 43.750% 01011 3.750% 11011 52.500% 01100 4.375% 11100 61.250% 01101 5.250% 11101 70.000% 01110 6.250% 11110 87.500% 01111 7.500% 11111 100.000% 30004344 FIGURE 9. IMAIN or ISUB vs BMAIN or BSUB Data 17 www.national.com LM3509 Step 2: Write 1 to ENM (turning on MAIN) Step 3: IMAIN ramps to 20mA with a rate set by RMP0 and RMP1. (RMP0 and RMP1 bits set the duration spent at one brightness code before incrementing to the next). Step 4: ENM is set to 0 before 20mA is reached, thus the LED current fades off at a rate given by RMP0 and RMP1 without IMAIN going up to 20mA. Example 2: Step 1: ENM is 1, and BMAIN has been programmed with code 0x01. This results in a small current into MAIN. Step 2: BMAIN is programmed with 0x1F (full scale current). This causes IMAIN to ramp toward full-scale at the rate selected by RMP0 and RMP1. Step 3: Before IMAIN reaches full-scale BMAIN is programmed with 0x09. IMAIN will continue to ramp to full scale. Step 4: When IMAIN has reached full-scale value it will ramp down to the current corresponding to 0x09 at a rate set by RMP0 and RMP1. Example 3: Step 1: Write to BMAIN a value corresponding to IMAIN = 20mA. Step 2: Write a 1 to both RMP0 and RMP1. Step 3: Write 1 to ENM (turning on MAIN). Step 4: IMAIN ramps toward 20mA with a rate set by RMP0 and RMP1. (RMP0 and RMP1 bits set the duration spent at one brightness code before incrementing to the next). Step 5: After 1.04s I MAIN has ramped to 16.875% of ILED_MAX (0.16875 × 20mA = 3.375mA). Simultaneously, RMP0 and RMP1 are both programmed with 0. Step 6: IMAIN continues ramping from 3.375mA to 20mA, but at a new ramp rate of 51µs/step. BRIGHTNESS RATE OF CHANGE DESCRIPTION RMP0 and RMP1 control the rate of change of the LED current IMAIN and ISUB/FB in response to changes in BMAIN and / or BSUB. There are 4 user programmable LED current rates of change settings for the LM3509 (see Table 5). TABLE 5. Rate of Change Bits RMP0 RMP1 Change Rate (tSTEP) 0 0 51µs/step 0 1 13ms/step 1 0 26ms/step 1 1 52ms/step For example, if RSET = 12kΩ then ILED_MAX = 20mA. With the contents of BMAIN set to 0x1F (IMAIN = 20mA), suppose the contents of BMAIN are changed to 0x00 resulting in (IMAIN = 0mA). With RMP0 =1 and RMP1 = 1 (52ms/step), IMAIN will change from 20mA to 0mA in 31 steps with 52ms elapsing between steps, excluding the step from 0x1F to 0x1E, resulting in a full scale current change in 1560ms. The total time to transition from one brightness code to another is: The following 3 additional examples detail possible scenarios when using the brightness register in conjunction with the rate of change bits and the enable bits. Example 1: Step 1: Write to BMAIN a value corresponding to IMAIN = 20mA. TABLE 6. GPIO Register Function Bits 7 – 3 Data (Bit 2) Mode (Bit 1) Enable GPIO (Bit 0) Function X X X 0 RESET/GPIO is configured as an active low reset input. This is the default power on state. X Logic Input 0 1 RESET/GPIO is configured as a logic input. The logic level applied to RESET/GPIO can be read via bit 2 of the GPIO register. X Logic Output 1 1 RESET/GPIO is configured as a logic output. A 0 in bit 2 forces RESET/GPIO low. A 1 in bit 2 forces RESET/GPIO high impedance. 30004346 FIGURE 10. GPIO Register Description the SUB/FB current sink and force SUB/FB high impedance. Writing a 1 to ENM or ENS turns on the MAIN and SUB/FB current sinks respectively. When in shutdown the leakage current into MAIN or SUB/FB is typically 3.6µA. See Typical Performance Plots for start-up responses of the LM3509 using the ENM and ENS bits in White LED and OLED modes. SHUTDOWN AND OUTPUT ISOLATION The LM3509 provides a true shutdown for either MAIN or SUB/FB when configured as a White LED bias supply. Write a 0 to ENM (bit 1) of the General Purpose register to turn off the MAIN current sink and force MAIN high impedance. Write a 0 to ENS (bit 2) of the General Purpose register to turn off www.national.com 18 LED CURRENT SETTING/MAXIMUM LED CURRENT Connect a resistor (RSET) from SET to GND to program the maximum LED current (ILED_MAX) into MAIN or SUB/FB. The RSET to ILED_MAX relationship is: where SET provides the constant 1.244V output. OUTPUT VOLTAGE SETTING (OLED MODE) Connect Feedback resistors from the converters output to SUB/FB to GND to set the output voltage in OLED mode (see R1 and R2 in the Typical Application Circuit (OLED Panel Power Supply). First select R2 < 100kΩ then calculate R1 such that: In the typical application circuit a 1µF ceramic input capacitor works well. Since the ESR in ceramic capacitors is typically less than 5mΩ and the capacitance value is usually small, the input voltage ripple is primarily due to the capacitive discharge. With larger value capacitors such as tantalum or aluminum electrolytic the ESR can be greater than 0.5Ω. In this case the input ripple will primarily be due to the ESR. In OLED mode the MAIN current sink continues to regulate the current through MAIN, however, VMAIN is no longer regulated. To avoid dropout and ensure proper current regulation the application must ensure that VMAIN > 0.3V. OUTPUT CAPACITOR SELECTION The LM3509’s output capacitor supplies the LED current during the boost converters on time. When the switch turns off the inductor energy is discharged through the diode supplying power to the LED’s and restoring charge to the output capacitor. This causes a sag in the output voltage during the on time and a rise in the output voltage during the off time. The output capacitor is therefore chosen to limit the output ripple to an acceptable level depending on LED or OLED panel current requirements and input/output voltage differentials. For proper operation ceramic output capacitors ranging from 1µF to 2.2µF are required. As with the input capacitor, the output voltage ripple is composed of two parts, the ripple due to capacitor discharge (delta VQ) and the ripple due to the capacitors ESR (delta VESR). For continuous conduction mode, the ripple components are found by: Table 7 lists different manufacturers for various capacitors and their case sizes that are suitable for use with the LM3509. When configured as a dual output LED driver a 1µF output capacitor is adequate. In OLED mode for output voltages above 12V a 2.2µF output capacitor is required (see Low Output Voltage Operation (OLED) Section). 19 www.national.com LM3509 INPUT CAPACITOR SELECTION Choosing the correct size and type of input capacitor helps minimize the input voltage ripple caused by the switching of the LM3509’s boost converter. For continuous inductor current operation the input voltage ripple is composed of 2 primary components, the capacitor discharge (delta VQ) and the capacitor’s equivalent series resistance (delta VESR). These ripple components are found by: Application Information LM3509 TABLE 7. Recommended Output Capacitors Manufacturer Part Number Value Case Size Voltage Rating TDK C1608X5R1E105M 1µF 0603 25V Murata GRM39X5R105K25D53 9 1µF 0603 25V TDK C2012X5R1E225M 2.2µF 0805 25V Murata GRM219R61E225KA12 2.2µF 0805 25V INDUCTOR SELECTION The LM3509 is designed for use with a 10µH inductor, however 22µH are suitable providing the output capacitor is increased 2×'s. When selecting the inductor ensure that the saturation current rating (ISAT) for the chosen inductor is high enough and the inductor is large enough such that at the maximum LED current the peak inductor current is less than the LM3509’s peak switch current limit. This is done by choosing: Values for IPEAK can be found in the plot of peak current limit vs. VIN in the Typical Performance Characteristics graphs. Table 8 shows possible inductors, as well as their corresponding case size and their saturation current ratings. TABLE 8. Recommended Inductors Manufacturer Part Number Value Dimensions ISAT DC Resistance TDK VLF3012AT-100M R49 10µH 2.6mm×2.8mm×1 mm 490mA 0.36Ω TDK VLF4012AT-100M R79 10µH 3.5mm×3.7mm×1. 2mm 800mA 0.3Ω TOKO A997AS-100M 10µH 3.8mm×3.8mm×1. 8mm 580mA 0.18Ω DIODE SELECTION The output diode must have a reverse breakdown voltage greater than the maximum output voltage. The diodes average current rating should be high enough to handle the LM3509’s output current. Additionally, the diodes peak current rating must be high enough to handle the peak inductor current. Schottky diodes are recommended due to their lower forward voltage drop (0.3V to 0.5V) compared to (0.6V to 0.8V) for PN junction diodes. If a PN junction diode is used, ensure it is the ultra-fast type (trr < 50ns) to prevent excessive loss in the rectifier. For Schottky diodes the B05030WS (or equivalent) work well for most designs. See Table 9 for a list of other Schottky Diodes with similar performance. TABLE 9. Recommended Schottky Diodes Manufacturer Part Number Package Reverse Breakdown Voltage Average Current Rating Diodes Inc. B05030WS SOD-323 30V 0.5A Philips BAT760 SOD-323 23V 1A ON Semiconductor NSR0320MW2T SOD-323 30V 1A www.national.com 20 VOUT 18V 15V 12V 9V 7V 5V For the typical application circuit with VOUT = 18V and assuming 70% efficiency, the maximum output current at VIN = 2.7V will be approximately 70mA. At 4.2V due to the shorter on times and lower average input currents the maximum output current (at 70% efficiency) jumps to approximately 105mA. Figure 11 shows a plot of IOUT_MAX vs. VIN using the above equation, assuming 80% efficiency. In reality factors such as current limit and efficiency will vary over VIN, temperature, and component selection. This can cause the actual IOUT_MAX to be higher or lower. COUT L VIN Range 2.2µF 10µH 2.7V to 5.5V 2.2µF 10µH 2.7V to 5.5V 4.7µF 10µH 2.7V to 5.5V 10µF 10µH 2.7V to 5.5V 10µF 4.7µH 2.7V to 5.5V 22µF 4.7µH 2.7V to 4.5V LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS The LLP is a leadless package with very good thermal properties. This package has an exposed DAP (die attach pad) at the underside center of the package measuring 1.6mm x 2.0mm. The main advantage of this exposed DAP is to offer low thermal resistance when soldered to the thermal ground pad on the PCB. For good PCB layout a 1:1 ratio between the package and the PCB thermal land is recommended. To further enhance thermal conductivity, the PCB thermal ground pad may include vias to a 2nd layer ground plane. For more detailed instructions on mounting LLP packages, please refer to National Semiconductor Application Note AN-1187. The high switching frequencies and large peak currents make the PCB layout a critical part of the design. The proceeding steps must be followed to ensure stable operation and proper current source regulation. 1, Divide ground into two planes, one for the return terminals of COUT, CIN and the I2C Bus, the other for the return terminals of RSET and the feedback network. Connect both planes to the exposed PAD, but nowhere else. 2, Connect the inductor and the anode of D1 as close together as possible and place this connection as close as possible to the SW pin. This reduces the inductance and resistance of the switching node which minimizes ringing and excess voltage drops. This will improve efficiency and decrease noise that can get injected into the current sources. 3, Connect the return terminals of the input capacitor and the output capacitor as close as possible to the exposed PAD and through low impedance traces. 4, Bypass IN with at least a 1µF ceramic capacitor. Connect the positive terminal of this capacitor as close as possible to IN. 5, Connect COUT as close as possible to the cathode of D1. This reduces the inductance and resistance of the output bypass node which minimizes ringing and the excess voltage drops. This will improving efficiency and decrease noise that can get injected into the current sources. 6, Route the traces for RSET and the feedback divider away from the SW node to minimize noise injection. 7, Do not connect any external capacitance to the SET pin. 30004362 FIGURE 11. Typical Maximum Output Current in OLED Mode OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE (OLED MODE) The LM3509's output voltage is constrained by 2 factors. On the low end it is limited by the minimum duty cycle of 10% (assuming continuous conduction) and on the high end it is limited by the over voltage protection threshold (VOVP) of 22V (typical). In order to maintain stability when operating at different output voltages the output capacitor and inductor must be changed. Refer to Table 10 for different VOUT, C OUT, and L combinations. 21 www.national.com LM3509 TABLE 10. Component Values for Output Voltage Selection OUTPUT CURRENT RANGE (OLED MODE) The maximum output current the LM3509 can deliver in OLED mode is limited by 4 factors (assuming continuous conduction); the peak current limit of 770mA (typical), the inductor value, the input voltage, and the output voltage. Calculate the maximum output current (IOUT_MAX) using the following equation: LM3509 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 10 Pin LLP For Ordering, Refer to Ordering Information Table NS Package Number SDA10A X1 = 3mm (±0.1mm), X2 = 3mm (±0.1mm), X3 = 0.8mm www.national.com 22 LM3509 Notes 23 www.national.com LM3509 High Efficiency Boost for White LED's and/or OLED Displays with Dual Current Sinks and I2C Compatible Brightness Control Notes THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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