19-3984; Rev 3; 1/10 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ``````````````````````````````````` ᄂቶ NBY22152ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼*భጲᔢࣶ41ৈݙᄴږ ᓞધᆐJ3Dࡀดࡼᒋăᒑኊࢅ߅ږ۾ਜ਼2& ࢟ᔜLjNBY22152భᔝ߅ᅲᑳࡼሣሣ఼ऱښăᑚᒬሣ ఼ऱښ੪ྏጵএᓹᏴܪᓰࡼ4/6nnऐ૦ރLjಽᒦ ࡼ႐ᄟበሣጙᄟፒຫቧሣဣሚă ♦ భყހᔢࣶ41ৈݙᄴږૺރࡼރ0ڰᓨზ ᆐஂဏ࢟ߔLjNBY22152Ᏼဣဟࣗནږဟஞሿ 6μB )࢜ቯᒋ*࢟ഗLj݀༦ᇄኊᆈࠀಯ)μQ*ছᎾăকୈ ᄰਭJ3DాLjჅࣗནࡼĂጯབྷ࣌ࡼږᒋೌᄴߒ ኚဟମ)*ޠख႙።ࠀಯăጙৈ9ᔊࡼGJGPદߡ భጲഺᔢࣶ႐ৈږူୈLjᑚዹ።ࠀಯഔ߲ ᔗ৫ࡼဟମሰ።NBY22152ă ♦ భܪᓰࡼ3/6nn4/6nnĂ5በऐ૦ރᔫ ♦ 43Ω27Ωऐ૦ᔫ ♦ ಽ଼ࡼ࢟ᔜਜ਼ఎਈᑫᆐ۸ᐐଝᏐ఼࣡ᒜถ ♦ ᔫࢅLjஞሿ6μB )࢜ቯᒋ*࢟Ꮞ࢟ഗ ♦ ᑽߒۣߒถLjభჄࢾ ♦ 211lI{0511lI{! J3Dా ♦ 2/7Wᒗ4/7W࢟Ꮞ࢟ኹपᆍ ♦ ±26lW! FTEۣઐ)JFD! 72111.5.3* NBY22152Ᏼ GPSDFਜ਼ TFOTFၒྜྷ୭ૹ߅ᎌ ±26lW FTEۣઐLjᇄኊྀੜᅪݝFTEᏄୈ૾భཀྵۣ۸९JFD 72111.5.3ਖपă NBY22152ݧ23୭URGOॖᓤăถ৫Ᏼ౫ᐱጓᆨࣞ पᆍด).51°Dᒗ,96°D*ۣᑺቶถă ``````````````````````````````````` ። ࣶᄏ၄૦ᒦࡼࣶ ᄏ఼ᒜ QEB ઘঙĂडঙჇಢ ቯ၄૦ࡼܠ൩ QEBୈ TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE -40°C to +85°C 12 TQFN-EP* *FQ! >! ൡă +ܭာᇄ)Qc*0९SpITܪᓰࡼॖᓤă ܣቑါᎊᇻ૦ TOP VIEW SHDN ``````````````````````````````` ୭ᒙ SCL NQ4ĂDEĂEWE ݃ ह ࣶᄏგါፒረ PART MAX11041ETC+ SDA ܣቑါࣶᄏ݃ह ၫ൩ሤ૦ ``````````````````````````````` ࢾ৪ቧᇦ 9 8 7 INT 10 VDD 11 1 2 3 SENSE VDD + GND FORCE 12 MAX11041 6 A0 5 A1 4 N.C. THIN QFN (4mm x 4mm x 0.6mm) EXPOSED PAD CONNECTED TO GND. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 ۾ᆪဵ፞ᆪၫᓾ೯ࡼፉᆪLjᆪᒦభถࡀᏴडፉࡼݙᓰཀྵࡇᇙăྙኊጙݛཀྵཱྀLj༿Ᏼิࡼଐᒦݬఠ፞ᆪᓾ೯ă ᎌਈଥৃĂૡૺࢿ৪ቧᇦLj༿ೊNbyjnᒴሾ၉ᒦቦǖ21911!963!235:!)۱ᒦਪཌ*Lj21911!263!235:!)ฉᒦਪཌ*Lj षᆰNbyjnࡼᒦᆪᆀᐶǖdijob/nbyjn.jd/dpnă NBY22152 ``````````````````````````````````` গၤ NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VDD to GND ...........................................................-0.3V to +4.0V INT to GND .................................................-0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V) SCL, SDA, A1, A0, SHDN to GND.........................-0.3V to +4.0V FORCE, SENSE to GND.........................................................±6V Current into Any Pin..........................................................±50mA Maximum ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 Human Body Model, FORCE, SENSE............................±15kV FORCE, SENSE Short to GND....................................Continuous Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = +1.6V to +3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS KEY DETECTION CHARACTERISTICS Detectable Keys Provided the keys meet the next three specifications; RJACK connected; use recommended circuit Maximum Switch Resistance (Note 1) 100 Ω Maximum Switch Bounce Time (Note 1) 13 ms External Resistor Tolerance (Note 1) ±1 % Debounce Analog Time Constant CSENSE = 10nF, external resistor from FORCE to SENSE is 10kΩ (RSENSE) 0.4 ms Chatter Rejection Pulses shorter than this are ignored 18 ms 30 Keys SWITCH DEBOUNCE Rising Voltage Debounce Time tCPW Time required for a new voltage (due to keypress) to be detected and stored in FIFO 18 ms Falling Voltage Debounce Time tLPWS Time required for detection of key release and final time duration to be stored in FIFO 18 ms Jack Insertion Debounce Time (Note 2) 18 ms Jack Removal Debounce Time (Note 2) 18 ms Duration-Counter Resolution One tick 32 ms Duration-Counter Range MSB is overflow bit DURATION COUNTER 0 Duration-Counter Accuracy 127 Counts ±20 % DIGITAL INPUTS (SDA, SCL, SHDN, A0, A1) Input High Voltage VIH Input Low Voltage VIL Input Leakage Current IIH, IIL 0.7 x VDD V 0.3 x VDD -10 +10 V μA Input Hysteresis 9 %VDD Input Capacitance 10 pF 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* (VDD = +1.6V to +3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DIGITAL OUTPUTS (SDA, INT) ISOURCE ≤ 2mA Output High Voltage (INT) VOH Output Low Voltage (INT) VOLINT ISINK ≤ 2mA IOHL VOUT = VDD Output High Leakage Current Output Low Voltage (SDA) VOLSDA 0.9 x VDD V 0.1 x VDD V 1 μA IOL = 3mA for VDD > 2V 0.4 V IOL = 3mA for VDD < 2V 0.2 x VDD V 400 kHz I2C TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (see Figure 1) Serial Clock Frequency fSCL 0 Bus Free Time Between STOP and START Conditions tBUF 1.3 μs Hold Time (Repeated) START Condition tHD,STA 0.6 μs SCL Pulse-Width Low tLOW 1.3 μs SCL Pulse-Width High tHIGH 0.6 μs Setup Time for a Repeated START Condition tSU,STA 0.6 μs Data Hold Time tHD,DAT 0 Data Setup Time tSU,DAT 100 900 ns ns SDA and SCL Receiving Rise Time tRR (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 300 ns SDA and SCL Receiving Fall Time tFR (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 300 ns SDA Transmitting Rise Time tRT VDD = 3.6V (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 250 ns VDD = 2.4V to 3.6V 20 + Cb / 20 250 VDD = 1.6V to 2.4V 20 + Cb / 20 375 SDA Transmitting Fall Time Setup Time for STOP Condition tFT tSU,STO Bus Capacitance Cb Pulse Width of Suppressed Spike tSP ns 0.6 0 μs 400 pF 50 ns _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 NBY22152 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VDD = +1.6V to +3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 3.6 V POWER SUPPLIES Power-Supply Voltage VDD Average Operational Supply Current IDDOP Shutdown Power-Supply Current Jack Current Key Current Excluding jack/key current 5 Jack inserted, RJACK = 619kΩ 8 IDDSHDN Excluding jack/key current IDDJACK Flowing when jack is inserted 20 1 4 IDDBUTTON Flowing when keys pressed (Note 4) SHDN High to Part Active Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: 1.6 μA μA 90 Wake-up time μA μA 5 ms Recommended properties of external switch for proper detection of 30 keys or key combinations. See the Jack Insertion/Removal Detection section. Cb is the bus capacitance in pF. Key current depends on external key resistors and is calculated by VDD / (30.1kΩ + RSW). REPEATED START CONDITION (Sr) START CONDITION (S) STOP CONDITION (P) tRR,tRT tFR,tFT SDA tBUF tHD,STA tHD,DAT tHD,STA tSU,STO tSU,STA tSU,DAT SCL tHIGH tRR tFR tLOW ᅄ2/! J3Dࠈాဟኔ 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ START CONDITION (S) ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* DEBOUNCE SCOPE SHOT (FALLING) KEYPRESS RELEASE SCOPE SHOT* DEBOUNCE SCOPE SHOT (RISING) MAX11041 TOC01 MAX11041 TOC03 MAX11041 TOC02 VSENSE VSENSE VSENSE μP READS FIFO DEBOUNCED KEY ADDED TO FIFO INT DEBOUNCED KEY ADDED TO FIFO 10ms/div P READS FIFO INT DEBOUNCED KEY ADDED TO FIFO 10ms/div 10ms/div VDD SHUTDOWN SUPPLY CURRENT vs. VOLTAGE VDD SUPPLY CURRENT vs. VOLTAGE 1.00 MAX11041 TOC04 7.0 NO JACK INSERTED 6.5 μP READS FIFO MAX11041 TOC05 INT NO JACK INSERTED 0.75 TA = +85°C IDD (μA) IDD (μA) 6.0 5.5 TA = +85°C 0.50 TA = +25°C 5.0 TA = -40°C 0.25 4.5 TA = +25°C TA = -40°C 4.0 1.6 2.1 2.6 VDD (V) 0 3.1 3.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 VDD (V) *Oscilloscope shots are taken with simulated bounce and chatter. Real switches will exhibit different bounce and chatter characteristics. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 NBY22152 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ (TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී ୭ ߂ 1 GND ถ 2 SENSE 3, 11 VDD 4 N.C. 5 A1 J3Dᒍၒྜྷ2ăক୭ࡼ൝ᓨზཀྵࢾ೫J3D࠭ᒍࡼ2ᆡă 6 A0 J3Dᒍၒྜྷ1ăক୭ࡼ൝ᓨზཀྵࢾ೫J3D࠭ᒍࡼ1ᆡă 7 SHDN 8 SCL J3DࠈቲాဟᒩၒྜྷăTDMኊገጙৈ౯࢟ᔜă 9 SDA J3Dࠈቲాၫၒྜྷ0ၒ߲ăTEBኊገጙৈ౯࢟ᔜă 10 INT ࢅᎌᒦࣥၒ߲ăࡩTFOTFଶࡵހጙৈᎌࡼږဟINTࢅܤă 12 FORCE EP EP ă ࢟ኹଶހၒྜྷăTFOTFᄰਭጙৈᎅSTFOTF ਜ਼DTFOTF ᔝ߅ࡼᅪࢅݝᄰ݆ೌࡵGPSDF! )ݬ GPSDFਜ਼ TFOTF ݝॊ*ăTFOTFᎌ±26lW! JFD! 72111.5.3! FTEۣઐă ࢟ᏎၒྜྷăೝৈWEE ၒྜྷೌᏴጙLjඛৈWEE ጙৈ1/2μG࢟ྏവᒗHOEă ᇄೌăॳహೌᒗWEEă ࢅᎌਈࣥၒྜྷă౯ࢅSHDNဧNBY22152ྜྷਈࣥෝါăࡩSHDNᆐࢅဟGPSDFᆐᔜზă དࣅၒ߲ăೌGPSDFࡵᅪ࢟ݝᔜᑫăTFOTFᄰਭጙৈᎅSTFOTF )21lΩ*ਜ਼DTFOTF )21oG* ᔝ߅ࡼᅪࢅݝ ᄰ݆ೌࡵGPSDFăGPSDFᎌ±26lW! JFD! 72111.5.3! FTEۣઐă ൡăೌFQࡵHOEă ``````````````````````````````` ሮᇼႁී በຢJE NBY22152ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼*ถᄰਭᄟೌሣဤܰᔢ ࣶ41ৈᎅ࢟ᔜ0ఎਈᑫᔝ߅ࡼݙᄴږăNBY22152ᓜᆐ ऐ૦ᄿ૦ሣဎࡼሣ఼ᒜ።ଐLjด۞ݝ೫བྷ ࣌ਜ਼ރރ0ڰଶ࢟ހവăᎌږږሆဟLjNBY22152ۣࡀ ᒋਜ਼ږ) ޠۣߒဟମ*᎖ጙৈ9ᔊGJGPᒦLj݀ख߲ࢅ ࢟ຳࡼINT )ᒦࣥၒ߲*ቧăGJGPᒦࡼดྏభᄰਭJ3D ాषᆰă በຢJE᎖ྟୈဤܰሣ఼ᒜࡼᄂቶਜ਼ถăNBY22152 ࡼበຢJEᆐ1y11ă GPSDFਜ਼TFOTF ᎌږږሆဟLjሣ఼ᒜดݝ෭ৈᒎࢾᔜᒋࡼᅪ࢟ݝᔜ )STX`*ೌۻᏴTFOTFਜ਼ᒄମ)ᅄ3*ăᑚဧTFOTFሣࡼ ࣪ᔜఝखည೫ܤછăNBY22152ᑚৈ࢟ᔜᒋஊ൩ᆐጙ ৈ9ᆡ൩)ݬ࢟ᔜᒙݝॊ*ăGPSDFਜ਼TFOTFᎌ±26lW FTE )JFD 72111.5.3*ۣઐă ࡀႁී NBY22152۞ጙৈ9ᆡ఼ᒜࡀLjጙৈ9ᔊGJGP )ඛৈᔊ ۞ጙৈ9ᆡᒋਜ਼ጙৈ9ᆡ*ޠLjጲૺጙৈ9ᆡበຢJEă 6 ఼ᒜࡀ NBY22152۞ጙৈ఼ᒜࡀ)ܭ2*ăᒦࡼD8ĂD7 ਜ਼D6ᆡ᎖ྟୈਈ఼ࣥᒜĂᒙGPSDFᆐᔜზૺᒎာ GJGPဵ॥ᆐహăᄰਭJ3Dରྏࠈቲాభጲࣗ0ቖ఼ᒜࡀ )ݬࠈቲၫᔊాݝॊ*ă GJGP NBY22152ᎌጙৈ9ᔊࡼGJGPLjᔗጲۣࡀ႐ৈږਜ਼ျ हږቧᇦăඛৈږਜ਼ျहږ્࣒ࡴᒘೝৈၫᔊ ྜྷࡀۻGJGPăඛৈGJGPᔊ۞ೝৈᔊஂăጙৈᔊஂဵ ளਭஊ൩ࡼĂږۻሆျहࡼږࡼᒋ)L8–L1*Ljऔ ৈᔊஂဵږږۻሆျहࡼဟମࣞޠăܭ3መာ೫GJGP ᒦჅഺࡼږᄟࡼৃါăᄰਭJ3Dରྏࡼࠈቲాభ ጲࣗན GJGP )ݬ ࠈቲၫᔊా ݝॊ*ă࢟ઁLjჅᎌ GJGPۻআᆡLjፐࠥL8–L1ۻᒙᆐ1yGGਜ਼1y1GLjU7–U1ۻᒙ ᆐ1y11ăݬ ።ቧᇦ ݝॊLjᏴࠥဣಿႁී೫GJGPྙ ੜഺᑚቋၫă _______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* NBY22152 WIRED REMOTE CONTROLLER TO AUDIO CIRCUIT RSW0 FORCE RSENSE MAX11041 10kΩ SENSE RSW1 JACK/PLUG CONNECTION CSENSE 10nF RSW30 RJACK HOLD SWITCH ᅄ3/! ᅎୀࡼGPSDFਜ਼TFOTFೌ ܭ2/! ఼ᒜࡀ BITS READ/WRITE POWER-UP STATE DESCRIPTION C7 R/W 1 0 = FORCE is high-impedance 1 = FORCE is not high-impedance (normal operation) C6 R/W 0 0 = Normal operation 1 = Power-down state, full reset C5 R 1 1 = FIFO is empty 0 = FIFO is not empty C4–C0 — Not used Reading/writing has no effect ܭ3/! GJGPၫৃါ FIFO DATA BIT NAMES Keypress type K7 K6 K5 K4 K3 K2 K1 K0 Keypress duration OF T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ܭ4/! በຢJEၫৃါ BIT NAMES CHIP ID MAX11041 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ږଶހਜ਼བྷ࣌ ࢟ᒄઁLjNBY22152ఎဪପ၁TFOTFၒྜྷࡼږă ࡩNBY22152ᏴTFOTFଶࡵހᎌږݷᔫဟLj૾ఎဪ ࣪TFOTFၒྜྷቲབྷ࣌ăᏴ࣪ၒྜྷ߅བྷ࣌ઁLjሤ።ࡼ ږஊ൩உਫྜྷࡀۻGJGPăᄴဟLjख߲ࢅ࢟ຳࡼINTᄰ ᒀμQᎌږݷᔫă ږGJGPਜ਼ဟޠ ࡩጙࠨږݷᔫۻଶ݀ހབྷ࣌ઁLjஊ൩ઁࡼᒋࡀۻ Ᏼ9ᔊGJGPࡼጙৈᔊஂᒦăᎌጙৈ8ᆡࡼดࢾݝဟఎ ဪଐၫږࡼۣߒဟମ)ጙৈଐၫ > 43nt*Ljඛࠨଐၫᐐ ઁࡼஉਫࡀۣۻᏴ9ᔊGJGPࡼጙৈᔊஂᒦ)ဟޠᔊஂ*ă KEY TYPE ➀ ➁ VINT ➂ ➃ ဟޠᔊஂࡼᔢᆡᆐፅ߲ᆡLjࡩଐၫࡵࡉ239ဟকᆡᒙᆡă ଐၫࡵࡉ239ઁLj8ᆡࢾဟडᓞࡵ1݀ଖኚଐၫLjऎ9 ᆡۣߒᒙᆡᒇࡵሤਈࡼ GJGP ᄟ߹༹ۻă࣪᎖ިਭ 9/27tࡼږဟࠀࡼޠಯLjݬ౫ᐱږݝॊă ࡩୈᏳࠨଶࡵހTFOTFᔜఝܤછဟ)ᎅږျहጙ ږݷᔫ*LjଐၫᒋআᆡLjGJGPఎဪഺሆጙৈږ0 ဟޠăᑚዹLj9ᔊࡼޠGJGPభጲഺᔢࣶ႐ࠨږਜ਼ျ हݷᔫࡼဟޠਜ਼ᒋቧᇦăࡩGJGPጯ൸ऎ᎒ᎌቤࡼږۻ ږሆဟLjGJGPᒦᔢᐁࡼږቧᇦ૾ۻঙăᒙ఼ᒜ ࡀᒦࡼࢬ࢟ᆡ)7ᆡ*౯ࢅSHDNLjభআᆡGJGPᒗ ࢟আᆡზ)QPS*ă KEY TYPE ➀ ➁ ➂ TIME VINT TIME 1. DEBOUNCED KEYPRESS STORED IN FIFO AND INT GOES LOW, DURATION TIMER STARTS. 2. PROCESSOR READS FIFO AND INT GOES HIGH. KEY TYPE AND CURRENT KEYPRESS DURATION TIME SENT. FIFO IS NOT CLEARED. 3. KEYPRESS RELEASES AND INT GOES LOW. KEY TYPE AND FINAL KEYPRESS DURATION TIME STORED IN FIFO. 4. PROCESSOR READS THE FIFO AND INT GOES HIGH. KEYPRESS INFORMATION STORED IN FIFO FROM STEP 3 IS CLEARED. ᅄ4/! ږږሆ໐ମࣗGJGP 8 TIME TIME 1. DEBOUNCED KEYPRESS STORED IN FIFO AND INT GOES LOW. DURATION TIMER STARTS. 2. KEYPRESS RELEASES. KEY TYPE AND KEYPRESS TIME DURATION INFORMATION STORED IN FIFO. 3. PROCESSOR READS FIFO COMPLETELY AND INT GOES HIGH. PREVIOUS KEYPRESS INFORMATION CLEARED. ᅄ5/! ږျहઁࣗGJGP _______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* NBY22152 WRITE FORMAT ADDRESS BYTE 0 START S 5 BITS A1 A0 R/W ACK CONTROL REG DATA BYTE 1 ACK STOP 0 A C7–C0 A P SLAVE TO MASTER MASTER TO SLAVE READ FORMAT ADDRESS BYTE 0 START S 5 BITS A1 A0 R/W ACK 1 A CHIP ID BYTE 1 I7–I0 ACK CONTROL REG DATA BYTE 2 ACK KEY TYPE BYTE 3 ACK KEY DURATION BYTE 4 ACK STOP A C7–C0 A K7–K0 A OF, T6–T0 A P ᅄ6/! ࣗ0ቖৃါ ږږሆ໐ମࣗGJGP ࡩखညᎌࡼږݷᔫဟLjINTࢅܤLjᄰᒀࠀಯᎌږ ږۻሆ)ᅄ4*ăྙਫࠀಯᏴږ྆ږۻሆဟࣗGJGPLj ૾భࡻږᒋૺࡵ༄ᆐᒏࡼߒኚဟମăྙਫږ ྆ږۻሆLjᐌGJGPᒦ࣪።ࡼږቧᇦ્ݙፐࣗݷᔫऎ ߹༹ۻăࠥᅪLjᏴࣗݷᔫઁLjྙਫږ྆ږۻሆLjINT્ ૂআ࢟ຳLjᒇᒗୈଶࡵހጙࠨږ0ျहူୈLjᑚ ዹభጲܜࠀಯຫथއኯকୈăनᒄLjྦࠀಯᆐ ࡻږဟޠऎއኯୈLjᐌᇄ൙ࠀಯࣶࣗࠨGJGPLj INTဪᒫᄫഔᏴ࢟ຳăࡩINTᏳࠨ)ࢅܤፐጙࠨږ 0ျहݷᔫ*ဟLjᒋਜ਼ږࡼᔢᒫߒኚဟޠభ࠭GJGPࣗ ߲ăྦᏴږျहઁࣗནGJGPLjᎌਈকږࡼቧᇦᏴࣗ ݷᔫઁ߹༹ۻLjINTᏳࠨܤă ቖৃါ ࣪᎖NBY22152ऎዔLjᆎጙభถࡼቖݷᔫဵቖ఼ᒜࡀ )D8–D1*ăభᄰਭጲሆݛᒾቖ఼ᒜࡀ )ᅄ6*ǖ ږျहઁࣗGJGP ࡩखညᎌࡼږݷᔫဟLjINTࢅܤLjᄰᒀࠀಯᎌږ ږۻሆ)ᅄ5*ăྙਫࠀಯᏴږۻျह)ᎌጙৈږ ږۻሆ*ઁᏳབྷࣗGJGPLjᐌభࡻਈ᎖কږࡼᒋૺ ᔢᒫဟޠăࠥᅪLjᎌਈকږࡼቧᇦ߹༹ۻLjINTૂআ ࢟ຳă 2* Ᏼख߲TUBSUᄟୈᒄઁLjஜᓹख႙NBY22152ࡼ࠭ ᒍਜ਼ᒙᆐ 2 ࡼ S0W ᆡ)ݬ ࠭ᒍਜ਼ S0W ᆡ ݝॊ*ă NBY22152ጲጙৈBDLᆡ።ࡊ)ݬ።ࡊᆡݝॊ*ă ࠈቲၫᔊా 2* Ᏼख߲ TUBSUᄟୈ)T*ᒄઁLjஜᓹख႙ NBY22152 ࡼ࠭ᒍਜ਼ᒙᆐ1ࡼS0Wᆡ)ݬ࠭ᒍਜ਼S0Wᆡݝॊ*ă NBY22152ጲጙৈBDLᆡ።ࡊ)ݬ።ࡊᆡݝॊ*ă 3* ख ႙ း ࡩ ࡼ ၫ ᔊ ஂ ఼ ߈ ܠᒜ ࡀ ) D 8 – D 1 * ă NBY22152ጲጙৈBDLᆡᔫᆐ።ࡊă 4* ख႙TUPQᄟୈ)Q*ă ࣗৃါ ገࣗན఼ᒜࡀਜ਼GJGPᒦࡀࡼᒋ0ޠቧᇦLjభږ ྙሆݛᒾቲ)ݬᅄ6*ǖ 3* NBY22152ख႙9ᆡበຢJE J8–J1ăᒄઁLjᓍ఼ᒜܘኍ ख႙ጙৈBDLᆡă 4* NBY22152ख႙఼ᒜࡀࡼดྏ)D8–D1*Lj࠭ᔢᆡ ఎဪăᒄઁLjᓍ఼ᒜܘኍख႙ጙৈBDLᆡă NBY22152ᄰਭJ3Dରྏాਜ਼ᓍࠀಯቲၫᄰቧ)TDM ਜ਼TEB*ăকాᑽߒࡉ511lI{ࡼဟᒩຫൈăTDMਜ਼TEB ኊገᅪ౯ᒗᑵ࢟Ꮞࡼ࢟ᔜăᅄ6߲೫ሮᇼࡼࣗਜ਼ቖ ၫৃါă _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* S SDA 0 1 0 0 0 A1 A0 R/W 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCL 1 ACK 9 ᅄ7/! ࠭ᒍਜ਼S0Wᆡ P S SDA SCL ᅄ8/! TUBSUਜ਼TUPQᄟୈ S NOT ACKNOWLEDGE SDA ACKNOWLEDGE SCL 1 2 8 9 ᅄ9/! ።ࡊᆡ 5* NBY22152 ख႙ GJGP ᒦۣࡀࡼᔢதጙࠨږࡼᒋ )L8–L1*Lj࠭ᔢᆡఎဪăᒄઁLjᓍ఼ᒜܘኍख႙ጙ ৈBDLᆡă 6* NBY22152ख႙GJGPᒦ࣪።ࡼږဟ)ޠPGLjU7–U1*Lj ࠭ᔢᆡ)PG* ఎဪăᒄઁLjᓍ఼ᒜܘኍख႙ጙৈ BDLᆡă 7* ᓍ఼ᒜख႙TUPQᄟୈă 10 ࠭ᒍਜ਼S0Xᆡ NBY22152ᎌጙৈ8ᆡ࠭ᒍă࠭ᒍࡼ6ᆡ)NTC*ۻ ޣᎾ߈ܠᆐ12111ăᒍၒྜྷ୭)B2ਜ਼B1*ࡼ൝ᓨზ ࢾ೫ୈᒍࡼᔢࢅೝᆡ)MTC* )ᅄ7*ăభጲೌB2ਜ਼ B1ࡵWEE )൝*HOE )൝ࢅ*ăಽᑚቋᒍၒྜྷLj ᔢࣶ႐ຢNBY22152భጲۻᄴဟೌࡵᄴጙᔐሣăᒍ ᔊஂࡼ9ᆡဵࣗ0ቖᆡ)S0W*ăྙਫকᆡᆐ1Ljୈ၃ ၫăྙਫকᆡᆐ2Ljୈख႙ၫă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* NBY22152 ܭ5/! NBY22152࢟ᔜᒙ KEY STANDARD 1% RESISTOR VALUE (Ω) FIFO RESISTOR CODE* FUNCTION LOWEST HIGHEST 0 0 0 1 Function 0 1 1470 11 13 Function 1 2 2550 19 21 Function 2 3 3740 27 30 Function 3 4 4990 35 38 Function 4 5 6340 42 46 Function 5 6 7680 50 53 Function 6 7 9310 58 62 Function 7 8 11000 66 70 Function 8 9 13000 74 78 Function 9 10 15000 82 86 Function 10 11 17400 90 94 Function 11 12 20000 98 102 Function 12 13 22600 105 110 Function 13 14 26100 114 119 Function 14 15 30100 123 127 Function 15 16 34000 130 135 Function 16 17 38300 137 142 Function 17 18 44200 146 150 Function 18 19 51100 154 159 Function 19 20 59000 162 166 Function 20 21 68100 170 174 Function 21 22 80600 178 182 Function 22 23 95300 186 190 Function 23 24 118000 194 198 Function 24 25 147000 202 206 Function 25 26 191000 211 214 Function 26 27 261000 218 222 Function 27 28 402000 226 229 Function 28 29 825000 235 237 Function 29 Jack inserted 619000 243 245 Jack inserted Jack removed ∞ 254 255 Jack removed *GJGP࢟ᔜܠ൩ጲᅪࡼᒋۻ၁ᆐᇄă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ᆡࠅ႙ ጙৈTDMဟᒩᒲ໐ࠅ႙ጙৈၫᆡăᏴTDMဟᒩ൴ߡᆐ ໐ମTEBࡼၫܘኍۣߒᆮࢾăTDMᆐ༦ᆮࢾဟTEB ࡼܤછۻ၁ᔫ఼ᒜቧ)ݬ TUBSUਜ਼TUPQᄟୈݝॊ*ăᔐ ሣహሔဟTEBਜ਼TDMᆐă TUBSUਜ਼TUPQᄟୈ ᓍ఼ᒜᄰਭख႙TUBSUᄟୈĊTDMᆐဟTEB࠭ࡵ ࢅࡼᄢܤĊࣅጙࠨࠅ႙ਭ߈ăᓍ఼ᒜಽTUPQᄟୈ ĊTDMᆐဟTEB࠭ࢅࡵࡼᄢܤĊᒫᒏጙࠨࠅ႙ਭ߈ )ᅄ8*ă ።ࡊᆡ ၫࠅ႙ᎅጙৈ።ࡊᆡ)BDL*ጙৈऻ።ࡊᆡ)OBDL*ቲ ሰ።ăᓍ఼ᒜਜ਼NBY22152࣒భޘညBDLᆡăገޘည BDLLjభᏴோৈဟᒩ൴ߡࡼဍዘࡵᒄ༄౯ࢅTEBLj ݀Ᏼோৈဟᒩ൴ߡࡼ࢟ຳ໐ମۣߒᆐࢅ࢟ຳ)ݬ ᅄ9*ăገޘညOBDLLj።Ᏼோৈဟᒩ൴ߡဍዘࡵ༄ ဧTEBૄࡵ࢟ຳLj݀Ᏼோৈဟᒩࡼ࢟ຳ໐ମۣߒ ᆐ࢟ຳăᄰਭପ၁OBDLᆡభጲखሚ߅ݙࡼၫ ࠅ႙ăᓍ఼ᒜጐభጲಽOBDLᒦᒏࡩ༄ࡼၫࠅ႙ ऎࣅጙৈၫࠅ႙ăྙਫᓍ఼ᒜᏴࣗGJGPဟဧ OBDLLjᐌGJGPᔊᒎᑣݙᐐLjሆጙࠨࣗGJGPࡻࡵሤᄴ ࡼGJGPᔊăፐࠥLjᆐ೫ဧGJGPᔊᒎᑣݛLjᓍ఼ᒜܘ ኍख႙BDLă KEY TYPE ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ JACK REMOVED JACK DETECTED FALSE KEYS VINT TIME TIME 1. JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 2. JACK REMOVAL DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 3. JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 4. FIFO IS READ UNTIL EMPTY (INT GOES HIGH). THE LAST READ BEFORE THE EMPTY FIFO IS REACHED IS THE FINAL STATE OF THE JACK DETECTION. ᅄ:/! ྜྷރރଶހ ``````````````````````````````` ።ቧᇦ ౫ᐱږ ࢟ᔜᒙ ܭ5መာ೫41።ᒦࡼ࢟ᔜᒙă࢟ᔜܘኍݧ2&ྏ ࡼތă ރރ0ڰଶހ Ᏼऐ૦ࡼރྜྷރਭ߈ᒦభถ્ᎌࣶৈኋଣږۻቖ ྜྷGJGPăࡩଶރࡵހᎌރ0ݷڰᔫဟLjᎌܘገࣶࠨᒮ আࣗནGJGPLjᒇᒗࣗࡵᔢઁጙࠨރᓨზࡼܤછ)ݬᅄ:*ă 12 Ᏼᎌቋ።ᒦLjݙᄴࡼږۣߒဟମĂ݀खږࡼᔝ ᄂࢾࡼږၿኔభ߿खݙᄴࡼူୈă ږޠଶހ Ᏼᎌቋ።ᒦLjږࡼۣߒဟମࢾჅ߿खࡼူୈă ಿྙLjUBMLږᄰޟ݄ࡌጯၒྜྷࡼ࢟જ൩Ljࡣྙ ਫߒኚږሆকږથభࣅᎫፒ݄ăږޠ)ږሆۣ݀ ߒږ*ࡼऔಢޟ።ဵ߿खጙೌࠈူୈLjಿྙፒ ఼ᒜă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ږၿኔଶހ ᎌቋ።ገཇᏴྟୈᒦଶހ෭ᒬᄂࢾၿኔࡼږݷᔫLj ኊገପ၁෭ৈᄂࢾږဵ॥Ᏼ43ৈူୈମด)2t*ږۻሆă ྙਫږᒄମࡼମި߲ဟሢLjᐌཱྀᆐږࡇᇙLjऩૄ ༄ጙৈጯᒀᓨზă ࢟Ăރଶހਜ਼ږಿ ᅄ21መာ೫Ᏼጙᇹ࢜ቯݷᔫᒦGJGPᒦჅഺࡼቧᇦă ݚĂਜ਼വ STFOTF ਜ਼DTFOTF ።ణதୈहᒙăጙᒑ1/2μG࢟ྏ ణதୈവW EE ࡵHOEăೌHOEࡵࢅᐅဉࡼෝ ผຳෂăၫᔊቧሣገᏐಭTFOTFਜ਼GPSDFஂ࢛ă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 NBY22152 ଶ݀ހखږ ᎌቋ።ኊገଶ݀ހखږLjಿྙ =TIJGU,LFZ? ਜ਼ =GVODUJPO,LFZ? ࢀᔝăᑚభጲᎅྟୈᅲ߅ăಿྙLj μQଶࡵހTIJGUږሆLjྦμQ݀ᆚଶږࡵހျहऎဵ ଶࡵހጙৈږݷᔫLjᐌభጲཀྵࢾ࣪።ࡼܠ൩ဵೝৈ ࢟ᔜ݀ೊࡼஉਫă NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* VSENSE 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 TIME VINT t1 1 SHDN TRANSITION FROM LOW TO HIGH. READ POINTER READ POINTER 2 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5 t1/32ms t2/32ms t3/32ms WRITE POINTER TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 KEY RELEASE DETECTED (JD CODE) AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 8 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR JD CODE STARTS. 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF KEY_ CODE JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 t5/32ms TIMER... 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER t4 OPEN CIRCUIT DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. DURATION TIMER STARTS. 6 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER μP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN JD CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF JD CODE BEING SENT. 10 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER 7 11 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE KEY_ CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 t4/32ms TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 4 JACK REMOVAL DETECTED (OPEN CIRCUIT) AND STORED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 3 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR OPEN CIRCUIT STARTS. READ POINTER 0xFF t1/32ms WRITE t2/32ms JD CODE POINTER TIMER... 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 μP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN KEY_ CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF KEY_ CODE BEING SENT. KEY PRESS DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL TIME DURATION FROM 6 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR KEYPRESS STARTS. READ POINTER TIME t6 JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 2 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME READ FOR JACK DETECTION STARTS. POINTER WRITE 0xFF t1/32ms POINTER JD CODE TIMER... 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 μP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN JD CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF JD CODE BEING SENT. READ POINTER READ POINTER t5 3 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 4 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR JACK DETECTION STARTS. 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF t3 READ POINTER 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 9 READ POINTER t2 8 WRITE POINTER READ POINTER JACK REMOVAL DETECTED (OPEN CIRCUIT) AND STORED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 10 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR OPEN CIRCUIT STARTS. READ POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 t6/32ms TIMER... 0x00 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF KEY_ CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 12 READ POINTER 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER μP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN 0xFF AND CURRENT TIME DURATION BEING SENT. 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 * WRITE POINTER DATA ENTERED *BOTH POINTERS WRAP AROUND TO THE TOP WHEN THEY GET TO THE END OF FIFO. RESET DATA (POR) ᅄ21/! ࢟Ăރଶހਜ਼ږಿ 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* VDD 8-WORD FIFO 8-BIT KEY A1 A0 SCL 8-BIT DURATION DURATION TIMER MAX11041 I2C INTERFACE FORCE SDA CONTROL LOGIC DEBOUNCE KEY DETECTOR 15kV ESD SENSE INT SHDN GND ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 NBY22152 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ถౖᅄ NBY22152 ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫ࢟വ RSW0 RSW1 RSW30 3.3V HOLD SWITCH RJACK DAC I 2S VOLUME DAC MAX9850 VBUS 3.3V μP 0.01μF VDD AO I2C SDA MAX11041 SCL FORCE FIFO DEBOUNCE RESISTOR DETECTOR ESD SENSE 10kΩ 10nF OUTPUT INTERRUPT SHDN CONTROL LOGIC DURATION TIMER INT A1 GND ``````````````````````````````` በຢቧᇦ ``````````````````````````````` ॖᓤቧᇦ PROCESS: BiCMOS ྙኊᔢதࡼॖᓤᅪተቧᇦਜ਼ݚLj༿އኯ china.maxim-ic.com/packagesă 16 ॖᓤಢቯ ॖᓤܠ൩ ᆪܠ 12 TQFN-EP T1244+4 21-0139 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ᎌሣᏐ఼࣡ᒜ)ሣ఼* ኀࢿ ኀࢿ྇໐ ႁී 1 8/07 2 11/08 ৎখ೫ GJGPၫৃါܭă 3 1/10 ࠭ၫᓾ೯ᒦ࿎߹೫NBY22153ă ࿎߹೫ॖᓤă ኀখ — 7 1–17 Nbyjn ۱யࠀူێ ۱ய 9439ቧረ ᎆᑶܠ൩ 211194 ॅ࢟જǖ911!921!1421 ࢟જǖ121.7322 62:: ࠅᑞǖ121.7322 63:: Nbyjn࣪ݙNbyjnޘອጲᅪࡼྀੜ࢟വဧঌᐊLjጐݙᄋᓜಽభăNbyjnۣഔᏴྀੜဟମĂᎌྀੜᄰۨࡼ༄ᄋሆኀখޘອᓾ೯ਜ਼ਖৃࡼཚಽă Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ______________________ 17 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Nbyjn ဵ Nbyjn!Joufhsbufe!Qspevdut-!Jod/ ࡼᓖݿܪă NBY22152 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ኀࢿ಼ဥ MAX11041 有线遥控器 - 概述 ENGLISH • 简体中文 • 日本語 • 한국어 • РУССКИЙ Login | Register 最新内容 产品 方案 设计 应用 技术支持 销售联络 公司简介 我的Maxim Maxim > 产品 > 模拟-数字转换器 > MAX11041 Maxim > 产品 > 视频 > MAX11041 Maxim > 产品 > 音频 > MAX11041 MAX11041 有线遥控器 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 用户说明 (0) 所有内容 状况 状况:生产中。 概述 数据资料 MAX11041有线遥控器将多达30个不同的按钮转换到I²C寄存器。MAX11041与低成本按钮及1%电阻 配合使用,可以构成单线接口的完整解决方案。这种有线遥控器与第四个触点或一个音频信号相连, 易于采用标准的3.5mm耳机插孔。 为了延长电池寿命,当实时读取按键而微处理器(µP)不进行轮询时,MAX11041仅消耗5µA (典型值)。 该器件通过I²C接口向程序处理器发送按键去抖和持续时间。8字FIFO缓冲器记录多达4个按键事件,以 便程序处理器有充裕的时间响应MAX11041。 完整的数据资料 英文 下载 Rev. 3 (PDF, 228kB) 中文 下载 Rev. 3 (PDF, 688kB) MAX11041的FORCE和SENSE输入端具有±15kV ESD保护,兼容于IEC 61000-4-2规范,无需任何 外部ESD器件。 MAX11041采用12引脚TQFN封装。该器件可工作在扩展级温度范围(-40°C至+85°C)。 关键特性 应用/使用 检测多达30个不同按键或插座的插入/拔出 支持32Ω或16Ω耳机 为使用单个电阻和开关阵列的器件增加遥控功能 低功耗工作模式,仅消耗电源电流5µA (典型值) 支持标准的2.5mm或3.5mm 4引脚耳机插座 支持保持功能,锁存按键 100kHz/400kHz I²C接口 1.6V至3.6V的单电源供电 ±15kV ESD保护(符合IEC 61000-4-2规范) 数码相机 键盘解码,用于滑盖、翻盖及其他蜂窝电话 MP3、CD、DVD播放器 多媒体蜂窝电话的多媒体控制 多媒体台式机扬声器 PDA配件键盘 PDA 便携式游戏机控制台 便携式媒体播放器 Key Specifications: Keyswitch Controllers Part Number Interface Keys I2 C I/F Volt. max MAX11041 100kbit/400kbit I2C 6 1.6 to 3.6 ISUPPLY ISHUTDN Price VSUPPLY (µA) (µA) Interr. Out Key Scan I2 C Slave IDs Package/Pins (V) typ typ See Notes 20 1 Yes 4 1.6 to 3.6 TQFN/12 查看所有Keyswitch Controllers (3) Pricing Notes: This pricing is BUDGETARY, for comparing similar parts. Prices are in U.S. dollars and subject to change. Quantity pricing may vary substantially and international prices may differ due to local duties, taxes, fees, and exchange rates. For volume-specific prices and delivery, please see the price and availability page or contact an authorized distributor. 图表 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/4944[2010-12-1 17:11:49] $1.16 @1k MAX11041 有线遥控器 - 概述 功能框图 更多信息 顶标 MAX11041 新品发布 [ 2006-01-31 ] 没有找到你需要的产品吗? 应用工程师帮助选型,下个工作日回复 参数搜索 应用帮助 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 概述 关键特性 应用/ 使用 关键指标 图表 注释、注解 数据资料 应用笔记 评估板 设计指南 可靠性报告 软件/ 模型 价格与供货 样品 在线订购 封装信息 无铅信息 类似功能器件 类似应用器件 评估板 类似型号器件 配合该器件使用的产品 参考文献: 19- 3984 Rev. 3; 2010- 08- 09 本页最后一次更新: 2010- 11- 19 联络我们:信息反馈、提出问题 • 对该网页的评价 • 发送本网页 • 隐私权政策 • 法律声明 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products版权所有 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/4944[2010-12-1 17:11:49] 19-3984; Rev 3; 1/10 Wired Remote Controller The MAX11041 wired remote controller converts up to 30 different pushbuttons into an I2C register. Together with low-cost pushbutton switches and 1% resistors, the MAX11041 is a total solution over a single-wire interface. A wired remote controller easily piggybacks to a standard 3.5mm headphone jack using a fourth contact or one of the audio signals. To conserve battery life, the MAX11041 consumes only 5µA (typ) while reading keypresses in real time without microprocessor (µP) polling. The device sends the debounced keypress along with key duration to the application processor over the I2C interface. An 8-word FIFO buffer records up to four keypress events to allow plenty of time for the application processor to respond to the MAX11041. The MAX11041 includes ±15kV ESD protection devices on the FORCE and SENSE inputs to ensure IEC 61000-4-2 compliance without any external ESD devices. The MAX11041 is available in a 12-pin TQFN package. The device is specified over the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). Features o Detect Up to 30 Different Keys and Jack Insertion/Removal o Works with Either 32Ω or 16Ω Headphones o Adds Remote-Control Functionality to Devices Using a Simple Resistor and Switch Array o Low-Power Operation Consuming a Supply Current of Only 5µA (typ) o Works with Standard 2.5mm or 3.5mm 4-Pin Headphone Jacks o Supports Hold Function to Lockout Keys o 100kHz/400kHz I2C Interface o Single 1.6V to 3.6V Supply Voltage Range o ±15kV ESD Protection (IEC 61000-4-2) Ordering Information PART MAX11041ETC+ Applications Portable Media Players MP3, CD, DVD Players PIN-PACKAGE 12 TQFN-EP* *EP = Exposed pad. +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. Pin Configuration Multimedia Desktop Speakers Portable Game Consoles TOP VIEW SHDN PDA Accessory Keyboards SCL PDAs Digital Still Cameras SDA Multimedia Controls for Multimedia-Enabled Cell Phones Keyboard Encoder for Slider, Flip, and other Cell Phones TEMP RANGE -40°C to +85°C 9 8 7 INT 10 VDD 11 1 2 3 SENSE VDD + GND FORCE 12 MAX11041 6 A0 5 A1 4 N.C. THIN QFN (4mm x 4mm x 0.6mm) EXPOSED PAD CONNECTED TO GND. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 For pricing delivery, and ordering information please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. MAX11041 General Description MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VDD to GND ...........................................................-0.3V to +4.0V INT to GND .................................................-0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V) SCL, SDA, A1, A0, SHDN to GND.........................-0.3V to +4.0V FORCE, SENSE to GND.........................................................±6V Current into Any Pin..........................................................±50mA Maximum ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 Human Body Model, FORCE, SENSE............................±15kV FORCE, SENSE Short to GND....................................Continuous Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = +1.6V to 3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS KEY DETECTION CHARACTERISTICS Detectable Keys Provided the keys meet the next three specifications; RJACK connected; use recommended circuit Maximum Switch Resistance (Note 1) 30 Keys 100 Ω Maximum Switch Bounce Time (Note 1) 13 ms External Resistor Tolerance (Note 1) ±1 % Debounce Analog Time Constant CSENSE = 10nF, external resistor from FORCE to SENSE is 10kΩ (RSENSE) 0.4 ms Chatter Rejection Pulses shorter than this are ignored 18 ms SWITCH DEBOUNCE Rising Voltage Debounce Time tCPW Time required for a new voltage (due to keypress) to be detected and stored in FIFO 18 ms Falling Voltage Debounce Time tLPWS Time required for detection of key release and final time duration to be stored in FIFO 18 ms Jack Insertion Debounce Time (Note 2) 18 ms Jack Removal Debounce Time (Note 2) 18 ms Duration-Counter Resolution One tick 32 ms Duration-Counter Range MSB is overflow bit DURATION COUNTER 0 Duration-Counter Accuracy 127 Counts ±20 % DIGITAL INPUTS (SDA, SCL, SHDN, A0, A1) Input High Voltage VIH Input Low Voltage VIL Input Leakage Current IIH, IIL 0.7 x VDD V -10 0.3 x VDD V +10 µA Input Hysteresis 9 %VDD Input Capacitance 10 pF 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller (VDD = +1.6V to 3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DIGITAL OUTPUTS (SDA, INT) ISOURCE ≤ 2mA Output High Voltage (INT) VOH Output Low Voltage (INT) VOLINT ISINK ≤ 2mA IOHL VOUT = VDD Output High Leakage Current Output Low Voltage (SDA) VOLSDA 0.9 x VDD V 0.1 x VDD V 1 µA IOL = 3mA for VDD > 2V 0.4 V IOL = 3mA for VDD < 2V 0.2 x VDD V 400 kHz I2C TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (see Figure 1) Serial Clock Frequency fSCL 0 Bus Free Time Between STOP and START Conditions tBUF 1.3 µs Hold Time (Repeated) START Condition tHD,STA 0.6 µs SCL Pulse-Width Low tLOW 1.3 µs SCL Pulse-Width High tHIGH 0.6 µs Setup Time for a Repeated START Condition tSU,STA 0.6 µs Data Hold Time tHD,DAT 0 Data Setup Time tSU,DAT 100 900 ns ns SDA and SCL Receiving Rise Time tRR (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 300 ns SDA and SCL Receiving Fall Time tFR (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 300 ns SDA Transmitting Rise Time tRT VDD = 3.6V (Note 3) 20 + Cb / 10 250 ns VDD = 2.4V to 3.6V 20 + Cb / 20 250 VDD = 1.6V to 2.4V 20 + Cb / 20 375 SDA Transmitting Fall Time Setup Time for STOP Condition tFT tSU,STO Bus Capacitance Cb Pulse Width of Suppressed Spike tSP ns 0.6 0 µs 400 pF 50 ns ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX11041 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VDD = +1.6V to 3.6V, CSENSE = 10nF, RSENSE = 10kΩ, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 3.6 V POWER SUPPLIES Power-Supply Voltage VDD Average Operational Supply Current IDDOP 1.6 Excluding jack/key current 5 Jack inserted, RJACK = 619kΩ 8 Shutdown Power-Supply Current IDDSHDN Excluding jack/key current Jack Current IDDJACK Flowing when jack is inserted Key Current 1 IDDBUTTON Flowing when keys pressed (Note 4) SHDN High to Part Active Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: 20 µA µA 4 µA 90 µA Wake-up time 5 ms Recommended properties of external switch for proper detection of 30 keys or key combinations. See the Jack Insertion/Removal Detection section. Cb is the bus capacitance in pF. Key current depends on external key resistors and is calculated by VDD / (30.1kΩ + RSW). REPEAT START CONDITION (Sr) START CONDITION (S) STOP CONDITION (P) tRR,tRT tFR,tFT SDA tBUF tHD,DAT tHD,STA tHD,STA tSU,STO tSU,STA tSU,DAT SCL tHIGH tRR tFR tLOW Figure 1. I2C Serial-Interface Timing 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ START CONDITION (S) Wired Remote Controller DEBOUNCE SCOPE SHOT (FALLING) KEYPRESS RELEASE SCOPE SHOT* DEBOUNCE SCOPE SHOT (RISING) MAX11041 TOC01 MAX11041 TOC03 MAX11041 TOC02 VSENSE VSENSE µP READS FIFO DEBOUNCED KEY ADDED TO FIFO INT DEBOUNCE KEY ADDED TO FIFO 10ms/div µP READS FIFO INT DEBOUNCE KEY ADDED TO FIFO 10ms/div 10ms/div VDD SHUTDOWN SUPPLY CURRENT vs. VOLTAGE VDD SUPPLY CURRENT vs. VOLTAGE 1.00 MAX11041 TOC04 7.0 NO JACK INSERTED 6.5 µP READS FIFO MAX11041 TOC05 INT VSENSE NO JACK INSERTED 0.75 TA = +85°C IDD (µA) IDD (µA) 6.0 5.5 TA = +85°C 0.50 TA = +25°C 5.0 TA = -40°C 0.25 4.5 TA = +25°C TA = -40°C 4.0 0 1.6 2.1 2.6 VDD (V) 3.1 3.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 VDD (V) *Oscilloscope shots are taken with simulated bounce and chatter. Real switches will exhibit different bounce and chatter characteristics. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX11041 Typical Operating Characteristics (TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Wired Remote Controller MAX11041 Pin Description PIN NAME 1 GND FUNCTION 2 SENSE Voltage Sense Input. Connect SENSE to FORCE through an external lowpass filter composed of RSENSE and CSENSE (see the FORCE and SENSE section). There is a ±15kV IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection on SENSE. 3, 11 VDD Power-Supply Input. Connect both VDD inputs together and bypass each VDD with a 0.1µF capacitor to GND. 4 N.C. 5 A1 I2C Address Input 1. Logic state represents bit 1 of the I2C slave address. 6 A0 I2C Address Input 0. Logic state represents bit 0 of the I2C slave address. 7 SHDN 8 SCL I2C Serial-Interface Clock Input. SCL requires a pullup resistor. 9 SDA I2C Serial-Interface Data Input/Output. SDA requires a pullup resistor. 10 INT Active-Low Interrupt Output. INT goes low when a valid keypress is detected at SENSE. 12 FORCE EP EP Ground No Connection. Leave unconnected or connect to VDD. Active-Low Shutdown Input. Bring SHDN low to put the MAX11041 in shutdown mode. FORCE is in a high-impedance state while SHDN is low. Force Output. Connect FORCE to the external resistor array. Connect SENSE to FORCE through an external lowpass filter composed of RSENSE = 10kΩ and CSENSE = 10nF. There is a ±15kV IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection on FORCE. Exposed Pad. Connect EP to GND. Detailed Description The MAX11041 wired remote controller recognizes 30 different keypresses consisting of a resistor/switch array over a single connector. Designed for wired remote controllers on the headphone or headset cord, the MAX11041 contains debouncing circuitry and jack insertion/removal detection. During a keypress, the MAX11041 stores the key type and key duration in an 8-word FIFO and INT (interrupt output) goes low. The results stored in the FIFO are accessed through the I2C interface. FORCE and SENSE During a keypress, a unique external resistor (RSW_) located in the remote controller connects SENSE to ground (Figure 2). This event changes the impedance seen by the SENSE line. The MAX11041 decodes this resistor value to an 8-bit result (see the Required Resistor Set section). FORCE and SENSE are ±15kV ESD (IEC 61000-4-2) protected. Register Description The MAX11041 contains one 8-bit control register, an 8-word FIFO (each word consists of an 8-bit key value and an 8-bit duration value), and an 8-bit chip ID. 6 Chip ID The chip ID identifies the features and capabilities of the wired remote controller to the software. For the MAX11041, the chip ID is 0x00. Control Register The MAX11041 contains one control register (see Table 1). Bits C7, C6, and C5 control software shutdown. Set FORCE high-impedance and indicate if the FIFO is empty. Write/read to the control register through the I2Ccompatible serial interface (see the Digital Serial Interface section). FIFO The MAX11041 contains an 8-word FIFO that can hold enough information for four keypresses and releases. Each keypress and release results in two data words being stored into the FIFO. Each FIFO word consists of 2 bytes. The 1st byte is the decoded keypress or release (K7–K0) and the 2nd byte is the keypress or release duration time. Table 2 shows the format of a keypress entry into the FIFO. Read the FIFO through the I2C-compatible serial interface (see the Digital Serial Interface section). At power-up, all the FIFO is reset such that K7–K0 are set to 0xFF hex and 0x0F, and T6–T0 are set to 0x00. See the Applications Information section for an example of how data is entered into the FIFO. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller MAX11041 WIRED REMOTE CONTROLLER TO AUDIO CIRCUIT RSW0 FORCE MAX11041 10kΩ RSENSE SENSE RSW1 JACK/PLUG CONNECTION CSENSE 10nF RSW30 RJACK HOLD SWITCH Figure 2. Recommended FORCE and SENSE Configuration Table 1. Control Register BITS READ/WRITE POWER-UP STATE DESCRIPTION C7 R/W 1 0 = FORCE is high-impedance 1 = FORCE is not high-impedance (normal operation) C6 R/W 0 0 = Normal operation 1 = Power-down state, full reset C5 R 1 1 = FIFO is empty 0 = FIFO is not empty C4–C0 — Not used Reading/writing has no effect Table 2. FIFO Data Format FIFO DATA BIT NAMES Keypress type (MAX11041) K7 K6 K5 K4 K3 K2 K1 K0 Keypress duration OF T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 X = Don’t care. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller Table 3. Chip ID Data Format BIT NAMES CHIP ID MAX11041 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Keypress Detection and Debounce At power-up, the MAX11041 begins to monitor the SENSE input for keypresses. When the MAX11041 detects a keypress at SENSE, it attempts to debounce the SENSE input. After successful debouncing of the input, the corresponding keypress result is inserted into the FIFO. In addition, INT goes low to signal a keypress to the µP. Keypress FIFO and Time Duration After detecting and debouncing a key, the decoded key is stored in one byte of the 8-word FIFO. A 7-bit internal timer starts counting the duration of the keypress (one count = 32ms) and the result is stored after each increment in another byte of the 8-word FIFO. The 8th bit in the time duration byte is an overflow bit that is set when the count reaches 128. After the count KEY TYPE VINT ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ reaches 128, the 7-bit timer rolls over to 0 and continues to count while the 8th bit becomes set and stays set until the associated FIFO entry is cleared. For keypress durations longer than 8.16s, see the Extended Keypresses section. When the device detects another change in resistance at SENSE (either by key release or another keypress), the count resets and the FIFO begin recording the next keypress/duration. This allows the 8-word FIFO to store time duration and key-type information for up to four keypresses and releases. When the FIFO is full and a key is pressed, the oldest keypress information in the FIFO is written over. Writing to the power-down bit (bit 6) in the control register or bringing SHDN low clears the FIFO to its power-on-reset (POR) state. KEY TYPE ➀ ➁ ➂ TIME VINT TIME 1. DEBOUNCED KEYPRESS STORED IN FIFO AND INT GOES LOW, DURATION TIMER STARTS. 2. PROCESSOR READS FIFO AND INT GOES HIGH. KEY TYPE AND CURRENT KEYPRESS DURATION TIME SENT. FIFO IS NOT CLEARED. 3. KEYPRESS RELEASES AND INT GOES LOW. KEY TYPE AND FINAL KEYPRESS DURATION TIME STORED IN FIFO. 4. PROCESSOR READS THE FIFO AND INT GOES HIGH. KEYPRESS INFORMATION STORED IN FIFO FROM STEP 3 IS CLEARED. Figure 3. Reading the FIFO While the Key is Still Pressed 8 TIME TIME 1. DEBOUNCED KEYPRESS STORED IN FIFO AND INT GOES LOW. DURATION TIMER STARTS. 2. KEYPRESS RELEASES. KEY TYPE AND KEYPRESS TIME DURATION INFORMATION STORED IN FIFO. 3. PROCESSOR READS FIFO COMPLETELY AND INT GOES HIGH. PREVIOUS KEYPRESS INFORMATION CLEARED. Figure 4. Reading the FIFO After the Key is Released _______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller MAX11041 WRITE FORMAT ADDRESS BYTE 0 START S 5 BITS A1 A0 R/W ACK CONTROL REG DATA BYTE 1 ACK STOP 0 A C7–C0 A P SLAVE TO MASTER MASTER TO SLAVE READ FORMAT START S ADDRESS BYTE 0 5 BITS A1 A0 R/W ACK 1 A CHIP ID BYTE 1 I7–I0 ACK CONTROL REG DATA BYTE 2 ACK KEY TYPE BYTE 3 ACK KEY DURATION BYTE 4 ACK STOP A C7–C0 A K7–K0 A OF, T6–T0 A P Figure 5. Read/Write Formats Reading the FIFO While the Key is Still Pressed When a valid keypress occurs, INT goes low, signaling to the processor that a key has been pressed (see Figure 3). If the processor reads the FIFO while the key is still pressed, the key type and current duration of the keypress is sent. The current keypress information in the FIFO is not cleared after a read operation if the key is still pressed. In addition, after a read operation, if the key is still pressed, INT goes high again until the device detects another keypress/release, freeing the processor from polling. Conversely, if the processor chooses to poll the duration of the keypress, INT stays high at this time no matter how many times the processor reads the FIFO. When INT goes low again (from another keypress/release), key type and final time duration of the keypress is available in the FIFO. When the FIFO is read after the key release, the information from that keypress is cleared and INT goes high again. Reading the FIFO After the Key has Released When a valid keypress occurs, INT goes low, signaling to the processor that a key has been pressed (see Figure 4). If the processor reads the FIFO after the key has already been released (or an additional key was pressed), the key type and final duration time of that keypress is sent. In addition, the information from the keypress is cleared and INT goes high again. Digital Serial Interface The MAX11041 contains an I2C-compatible interface for data communication with a host processor (SCL and SDA). The interface supports a clock frequency up to 400kHz. SCL and SDA require pullup resistors that are connected to a positive supply. Figure 5 details the read and write formats. Write Format The only write to the MAX11041 that is possible is to the control register (C7–C0). Use the following sequence to write to the control register (see Figure 5): 1) After generating a START condition (S), address the MAX11041 by sending the appropriate slave address byte with its corresponding R/W bit set to a 0 (see the Slave Address and R/W Bit section). The MAX11041 answers with an ACK bit (see the Acknowledge Bits section). 2) Send the appropriate data bytes to program the control register (C7–C0). The MAX11041 answers with an ACK bit. 3) Generate a STOP condition (P). Read Format To read the control register and key type/duration stored in FIFO, use the following sequence (see Figure 5): 1) After generating a START condition (S), address the MAX11041 by sending the appropriate slave address byte with its corresponding R/W bit set to a 1 (see the Slave Address and R/W Bit section). The MAX11041 answers with an ACK bit (see the Acknowledge Bits section). 2) The MAX11041 sends the 8-bit chip ID I7–I0. Afterwards, the master must send an ACK bit. 3) The MAX11041 sends the contents of the control register (C7–C0) starting with the most significant bit. Afterwards, the master must send an ACK bit. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller S SDA 0 1 0 0 0 A1 A2 R/W 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCL 1 ACK 9 Figure 6. Slave Address and R/W Bit P S SDA SCL Figure 7. START and STOP Conditions S NOT ACKNOWLEDGE SDA ACKNOWLEDGE SCL 1 2 8 9 Figure 8. Acknowledge Bits 4) The MAX11041 sends the latest keypress type (K7–K0) stored in the FIFO starting with the mostsignificant bit. Afterwards the master must send an ACK bit. 5) The MAX11041 sends the corresponding keypress time duration (OF, T6–T0) stored in the FIFO starting with the most significant bit (OF). Afterwards the master must send an ACK bit. 6) The master must generate a STOP condition. 10 Slave Address and R/W Bit The MAX11041 includes a 7-bit slave address. The first 5 bits (MSBs) of the slave address are factory-programmed and always 01000. The logic state of the address inputs (A1 and A0) determine the last two LSBs of the device address (see Figure 6). Connect A1 and A0 to VDD (logic high) or GND (logic low). A maximum of four MAX11041 devices can be connected on the same bus at one time using these address inputs. The 8th bit of the address byte is a read/write bit (R/W). If this bit is set to 0, the device expects to receive data. If this bit is set to 1, the device expects to send data. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller MAX11041 Table 4. Required Resistor Set for the MAX11041 FIFO RESISTOR CODE* STANDARD 1% RESISTOR VALUE (Ω) LOWEST HIGHEST 0 0 0 1 Function 0 1 1470 11 13 Function 1 2 2550 19 21 Function 2 3 3740 27 30 Function 3 4 4990 35 38 Function 4 5 6340 42 46 Function 5 6 7680 50 53 Function 6 7 9310 58 62 Function 7 8 11000 66 70 Function 8 9 13000 74 78 Function 9 10 15000 82 86 Function 10 11 17400 90 94 Function 11 12 20000 98 102 Function 12 13 22600 105 110 Function 13 14 26100 114 119 Function 14 15 30100 123 127 Function 15 16 34000 130 135 Function 16 17 38300 137 142 Function 17 18 44200 146 150 Function 18 19 51100 154 159 Function 19 20 59000 162 166 Function 20 21 68100 170 174 Function 21 22 80600 178 182 Function 22 23 95300 186 190 Function 23 24 118000 194 198 Function 24 25 147000 202 206 Function 25 26 191000 211 214 Function 26 27 261000 218 222 Function 27 28 402000 226 229 Function 28 29 825000 235 237 Function 29 Jack inserted 619000 243 245 Jack inserted Jack removed ∞ 254 255 Jack removed KEY FUNCTION *Values outside FIFO resistor code are considered invalid. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller Bit Transfer One data bit is transferred during each SCL clock cycle. The data on SDA must remain stable during the high period of the SCL clock pulse. Changes in SDA while SCL is high and stable are considered control signals (see the START and STOP Conditions section). Both SDA and SCL remain high when the bus is not active. START and STOP Conditions The master initiates a transmission with a START condition, a high-to-low transition on SDA while SCL is high. The master terminates a transmission with a STOP condition, a low-to-high transition on SDA while SCL is high (see Figure 7). Acknowledge Bits Data transfers are acknowledged with an acknowledge bit (ACK) or a not-acknowledge bit (NACK). Both the master and the MAX11041 generates ACK bits. To generate an ACK, pull SDA low before the rising edge of the ninth clock pulse and keep it low during the high period of the ninth clock pulse (see Figure 8). To generate a NACK, leave SDA high before the rising edge of the ninth clock pulse and keep it high for the duration of the ninth clock pulse. Monitoring NACK bits allows for detection of unsuccessful data transfers. The master can also use NACK bits to interrupt the current data transfer to start another data transfer. If the master uses NACK during a read from the FIFO, the FIFO word pointer is not incremented and the next FIFO read produces the same FIFO word. Thus, the master must provide the ACK bit to advance the FIFO word pointer. Applications Information Required Resistor Set Table 4 shows the required resistor set for 30 key implementations. Resistors must have a 1% tolerance. Jack Insertion/Removal Detection During jack insertion there may be several false key entries written to the FIFO. When a jack insertion/removal is detected, it is necessary to read the FIFO repeatedly until the final change in jack state is located (see Figure 9). 12 KEY TYPE ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ JACK REMOVED JACK DETECTED FALSE KEYS TIME VINT TIME 1. JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 2. JACK REMOVAL DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 3. JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. 4. FIFO IS READ UNTIL EMPTY (INT GOES HIGH). THE LAST READ BEFORE THE EMPTY FIFO IS REACHED IS THE FINAL STATE OF THE JACK DETECTION. Figure 9. Jack Insertion Detection Extended Keypresses In certain applications, a key triggers different events depending on the duration of the keypress, simultaneous keypresses, or a specific order of keypresses. Long Keypress Detection In some applications, the duration of the keypress determines the event triggered. For example, TALK dials the entered phone number normally and initiates voice dialing if it is held down. A second common use of holding a key down is to generate a continuous stream of events, such as the volume control or fast forward. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller Order of Keypress Detection Some applications require detection of the specific sequence of keys in software by looking for unique key presses within 32 ticks (1s). If the duration between keypresses exceeds the allowed time, assume the keypress is in error and return to the previous known state. Power-Up Jack Detect and Keypress Example Figure 10 illustrates the FIFO entries during a typical sequence of events. Layout, Grounding, and Bypassing Position RSENSE and CSENSE as close to the device as possible. Bypass VDD with a 0.1µF capacitor to GND as close to the device as possible. Connect GND to a quiet analog ground plane. Route digital lines away from SENSE and FORCE. MAX11041 Simultaneous Keypress Detection Certain applications require the detection of simultaneous keypresses, such as <SHIFT+KEY> and <FUNCTION+KEY> combinations. This is done in software. For instance, the µP detects the SHIFT key is being pressed. When the µP detects an additional keypress instead of a key release, it knows the corresponding code is a result of two resistors in parallel. WIRED REMOTE CONTROLLER FORCE RSW0 RSW1 RSW30 HOLD SWITCH RJACK Figure 10. Software Implemented Hold-Switch Configuration ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX11041 Wired Remote Controller VSENSE 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 TIME VINT t1 1 SHDN TRANSITION FROM LOW TO HIGH. READ POINTER READ POINTER 2 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5 t1/32ms t2/32ms t3/32ms WRITE POINTER TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 KEY RELEASE DETECTED (JD CODE) AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 8 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR JD CODE STARTS. 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF KEY_ CODE JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 t5/32ms TIMER... 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER t4 OPEN CIRCUIT DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. DURATION TIMER STARTS. 6 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER µP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN JD CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF JD CODE BEING SENT. 10 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER 7 11 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE KEY_ CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 t4/32ms TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 4 JACK REMOVAL DETECTED (OPEN CIRCUIT) AND STORED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 3 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR OPEN CIRCUIT STARTS. READ POINTER 0xFF t1/32ms WRITE t2/32ms JD CODE POINTER TIMER... 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 µP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN KEY_ CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF KEY_ CODE BEING SENT. KEY PRESS DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL TIME DURATION FROM 6 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR KEYPRESS STARTS. READ POINTER TIME t6 JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 2 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME READ FOR JACK DETECTION STARTS. POINTER WRITE 0xFF t1/32ms POINTER JD CODE TIMER... 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 µP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN JD CODE AND CURRENT TIME DURATION OF JD CODE BEING SENT. READ POINTER READ POINTER t5 3 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JACK INSERTION DETECTED AND ENTERED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 4 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR JACK DETECTION STARTS. 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF t3 READ POINTER 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 9 READ POINTER t2 8 WRITE POINTER READ POINTER JACK REMOVAL DETECTED (OPEN CIRCUIT) AND STORED IN FIFO. FINAL DURATION TIME FROM 10 IS STORED. NEW DURATION TIME FOR OPEN CIRCUIT STARTS. READ POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF JD CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 t6/32ms TIMER... 0x00 WRITE POINTER 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF KEY_ CODE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 12 READ POINTER 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 0x00 0x00 WRITE POINTER µP READS UNTIL FIFO EMPTY FLAG IS REACHED. FURTHER READS RESULT IN 0xFF AND CURRENT TIME DURATION BEING SENT. 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 TIMER... 0x00 * WRITE POINTER DATA ENTERED *BOTH POINTERS WRAP AROUND TO THE TOP WHEN THEY GET TO THE END OF FIFO. RESET DATA (POR) Figure 10. Power-Up, Jack Detect, and Keypress Example 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller VDD 8-WORD FIFO 8-BIT KEY A1 A0 SCL 8-BIT DURATION DURATION TIMER MAX11041 I2C INTERFACE FORCE SDA CONTROL LOGIC DEBOUNCE KEY DETECTOR ±15kV ESD SENSE INT SHDN GND ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX11041 Functional Diagram Wired Remote Controller MAX11041 Typical Operating Circuit RSW0 RSW1 RSW30 3.3V RJACK HOLD SWITCH DAC I2S VOLUME DAC MAX9850 VBUS 3.3V µP 0.01µF VDD AO I 2C SDA MAX11041 SCL FORCE FIFO DEBOUNCE RESISTOR DETECTOR ESD SENSE 10kΩ 10nF OUTPUT INTERRUPT SHDN CONTROL LOGIC DURATION TIMER INT A1 GND Chip Information PROCESS: BiCMOS 16 Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE DOCUMENT NO. 12 TQFN-EP T1244+4 21-0139 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wired Remote Controller REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 1 8/07 2 11/08 Changed FIFO Data Format table 3 1/10 Removed the MAX11042 from the data sheet DESCRIPTION Removed leaded package types PAGES CHANGED — 7 1–17 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 17 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MAX11041 Revision History