.,,眼睁醉蜘t且 体ttF vp 反应 ''bL 圃'帽"哦、 ' 功阜器件~周 〈之 ilii 奄保 m 斗 f 月~ POWtB UJVlt APl'tlCAt lØJV M62241FP 电池充电控制器 IC 及应用 毛兴式张伟- 摘 要 日本二楚 I l!.气公叶生产的 M62241 FP 111 j也光电器控制 rc ,具有光电控制和温度检测及过电流/过 1也压等保护功能,并内坐 LED 驱动器以捕示光电状态。 M62241FP 的仨耍应用是睐窝电话、带摄像 机的 VCR .&:ìJll川 111-[- 院备先 I l!.器,月二 11JèJl: 远合 'tlH 向 -f 山地充电器控制。 关键词 电池充电控制器 自动撒测保护 M6224lFP 1 51 言 问 62241FP 的内部结构、引脚功能及 2 ' 特点 M62241FP 是为控制电池充电器专门 i是计的 I'(l 片 IC ì复控制器 rC1吁书控制光 I l!. 'rI,'i 耍的模拟 i 包怖和 I (.J" M62241FP 采用 24 脚 P2Q-A 封装,罔 l 为 Jt 引 j若控制迦辆电路。 M62241FP 不仅履行光电控制,而 且具有电池温度检测、过电流与过电压保护及安乍 脚排列及内部结构桩阁。 去 1 叶时等功能。 M6224lPF 与较少址的元件相组合,很 CC M62-24i J-<' P 的引脚功能。 M62241FP 的 J:. 要特点如下: 容易构筑高件能的饵离子电池充电器。 RC JIJ IH 了 LED 事 CHG VnH REFOII GND L二 PC 逻辑电路 ADJ , RC 队) 这盯 利进 命 ( b) 国 八 DJ吧! 像设 八口 1 , 1, τK 川! 巨用 REF" 作;迦 ",, 工上郎 计压内 民电为· ·的··器 低锡 样振 REF" ~I 脚排列 I竹吾I\t主构 M622/11 FP 的引脚排列及内部结构枢图 41 , 、 功阜器件 i 阉 il 倍~~最 w1 斗 f 周 POWa:B Jmlt AI'P!lCAtlO~ 表 1 脚号 符号 M62241FP 的引脚功能 输入 //0输) 出 功 古巴 电源(正电压)。 2 Vcc V\lh, 3 GND 4 PC 5 SP(s+) 6 Sp(S-) I 7 VB OtIT O 8 TH 9 CHGS \V O 驱动充电开关品休营。 10 THS - 产生参考电压与 TH 脚电压相比较电路的接地脚。 11 I阳 检测l 输出电流,连接电容器,以用作恒流充电电路的相住补偿。 12 ADJo 设定过电流电平.作为参考的电压通过外部电阻分压器检测。 13 PGNU 功率地。 14 CC O 15 16 RC ADJ 1 。 17 ADJ2 设定 iEi武电流;作为参考的电压通过外部电阻分压器决定。 18 ADJ3 注定尤电终止电 ~"t ;作为参考的电压通过外部电阻分压器决定。 19 DCJK 检测 DC 插庄的连接。 20 CHG 21 LED 22 REFIN 23 REFoUT 24 VSIN 检测 it 配器输出电压、并 i主才是一只电容器‘用作恒压充屯控制电路的 相位补偿。 这样单元接地脚。 O 驱动反馈尤搞合器。 监视电池电压,控制恒压充屯。 输出从电池电压得到的差动电压。 检测l 电池边接和电池温度。 通过 RC 振荡器为内部时钟设定频率。 设定快速充电电流;作为参考的 (ref cÏ- cntial) 电压由外部电阻分压 O 开关克电模式。 O 驱动 LEDo ' 控制作参考的电压。 O 提供作参考的电压。 恒压充电放大器输入;连接电容器为恒压充电电路提供相住补偿。 ·内盟主输出开关驱动电跻; eLED 驱动电路,指示光 I I:!.状态; e f~ 电源电压检测系统复位电路; ·切!离子电池光 r1:!. 11~JJt检测; ·反馈至开关阀j'j器初级侧的 rl! lJi / 'g 流控制 电路. ·过电压与过电流检测与保护。 功能概述 I向电压址 16Y 。在兀 ~11 池连接lI.t 的电源电流 ( !cc) 为 10.5 -17.5 mA o REFo川肉l输出的作为充电器参考的屯 J:I~ 范围从1. 3V 到 3.1 V ,具体取决于 IC 内部基准带 Ilj;ll l!. JJi fll 从 lii主主IJREFOId肉J 1: ííJ 变 I l!. mL q~J. jilJ 的 I l!. 1Ii 。 输 1 1\参考 r t!.1J~典型的沟 rt!. i也先 rg 但在 It!. Bi 的 1/3 o' M62241FB 剧J DC. J K 夕卡拉 JFX , 川 l 作松柏!IJm~己P.:~ (Adapter) 赴何.ii t去。 {f 振 #j 器,知i 韦f'..r=3.4Ikllz 下, 远比:器检测lI.t fll] 1'1 12ms x 2=24ms 0 远配器 i主战检 测改变|除异常模式之外的所1f状态 .ill 入远配器模 式。近配器模式后接下来的模式,取决于先前模式。 在远配器模式 !UJ lìî] , )1已 I t!. ì也 ili 怯检测不理 l陈先 mr模 M62241FP 的应用电路简罔虫11 阁 2 所示。 式,而怯收 (take over) )~rlU也模式。 1 C J肉J 2 (飞I m:T) 充电器控制 TC 的电源电 JJi( 儿)为 4 - 15Y ,陆 外战也 I\l L 分以器, JTJ 11: 检测 ~I: 通过 IC 控制远配棋也 ; 3134 是噩噩 42 . 器决定. ·防过充电终 11: 寇 IH 器与指示注:时器; 3 , 回 EEEFt-z 功阜器件:&阉 tl 馆.保 2CrJl 斗 f 周 l'O\Vl:ß U.vlt API'!IUtIU 至远配器 付〕 、EEISE 由出 电 至 η 16V 岛162241FP 10k ' 4700 困 2 M62241 FP 的应用电 J各 i奇围 阻!但 fil 低于 100k 0 ,电池i副主则被确认。电池连接 压。脚 19 (DCJK) 用作检测适配器 DC 连战。 M62241Pß 胸19 (SW) 驱动光电晶体位。!向l 门( 1I川 检测lI.tl同为 60ms x 2=120mso TC 的电池温度检测电 捡澜的输阳电流转快为电压通过 TC 内放大器放大。 路利用 -ttt 电|咀与热敏电阻之间的比率对电池瓶度 也压放大器的增益是 13 ,增益范围为 0- 2A (输入 rl1 检测后控制开关充电(电池 ifii 应检测时间是 60ms x 压从 0 到 O.2V) 。在充电期间, IDEI 脚的检 庐山 Oms) 。异常视皮(过热或瓶度过低)检测使充电 测电压控制恒边电流。 rt!.流检视IJ 通过边按在低端 1-: 停止, )f: 开始 j且应保护模式。当无电池接入被检测 o. 1 0 后、同样会 1/ 1 11-- 充 I毡,.i11:入无电池连接模式。 TC 通过 (f.J 1 l!. 111L执行。 4 快边充 I l!. I :i7t1 流光 rl!.则通过边 怀)肉116 (AD.h) 与脚 17 (AD .J?)实现。远阳器过 1 \1流价 拙 111 rC ,肉1 12 (AD.J 0) }徨行,检视IJ 参考 I l!. J1i 由.ii拔 -f AD.J 0 ,阳J 1-. 的两文电 IIJl之间的比的决边,恰相!IJII.t lÌ fj 沟 3s x (1 )在阳ii~~ (initial ization) 之后的功能 I l! i也立即 iii 接,低于 -2 "C: il;~ 应保护模式(低 jll); 寸 'C 4=12so rc 阴124 (VRI~) IJ吻合 ì~llJ rl! Hi 施加重IJ rC 内控制电 路,控制光 rl! JUJlìîJ 的恒 kiilUHi 。 tiif!} 到 rl:!.池 111 压 J;~ 2出后,从 IC 脚 5 (1γ) 乎J1J1f~1 (j (n-) J川主输入吨 关于 1íj:个 ifut 1.监控制,者I~带有捕后。 从)J!~I 7 (VBOI1I) 输:-1\ 0 IC 充分放大器的朋位足 lj3: \, Bon=lj3 ( I'íl'- /1/1-) υli.]II.t. 从 I l!. t也 rl!. JI~ ~~}. flJ(t-J:XJ~J {E VBol' 1 JI月l 输 11 \1言,施加盖IJ VBI~ )lt41 ,以 }j业行和UJi 光 I I.!.卡;~HiIJ 0 Mß22 t1 IFR 能够检测 I I.!.池边怯歧 rl! t也 ilt 皮,月二 1: 要通过脚 8 (TH) 执行。只业~!.:i 1' 11 ,阳l 丰H .ìi格的热饭 I l! - 13'C: 泊流充电模式(低温}; 13 "C5S'C: 快速充 rl!模式 :;5 'C - 60.'C :泊流充电模式 (If:iiIA);,尚于 60'C: j且应保护模式(高掘)。 (2) i且应保护悦式之后的功能(低 jfJ.. 保护) I:~:j :}", -2'C :月流充电模式 uæi且) ;在顶'n.后 先 r1J. JF 怡。 (3) 手1:1H 流光 I l!模式(低jltt) 之后的功能 低于 -5 'C: j且应保护模式"高于 13'C: 快速 先 I l!院式。 43 事 功率器件是用 røWtB IIJVlt APP'ICAtlØ~ 通信啻保 2C01 " 1 用 (4) 在快速充电模式之后的功能 低于 -28'C: 低于 10 "C :泪流充电模式(低 blah 高于 SS'C: j旧世控制再l~lrr: 元 rt!池边怯模式。 涓流充电模式(高 ili! )。 (5) 在泪流充电模式之后的功能 低于 50'C: 快速充电模式;高于 60'C ,泪流 充电模式 (ì臼 1R) 。 (6) 在温度保护模式(高温)之后的功能 低于 5S'C: 泪流充电模式(/削品) ,在阪坦之后 充电开始。 也tf: (7) 所有模式之后的功能 表2 个 ilnlI监门以 rl:!, 'I':;H)当的热墩屯 Illl 恍如1 求 2 所列。 M62241PP 1'111肉121 (LED) ((.j 每个温度对应的热敏电阻数值 ~Ii. i}1J 输/11,马!司 i~J 夕l、古IS LED ,具体 的状态分别为: 者 3 M62241PP 模式 . 无电池 充电佟止 NG 等待 温度保护 AC 关断 关 ("II") 关 ("H") 关("1I " 开/关 开/关 关 ("11" ) 关 ("H") 开/关 关 ("H") 关 ("H") 关 ("H" ) 关 ("H" 关 ("H") 关("11") 关("11" ) 关 ("H") 关 ("H" ) Vchg Vchg Vchg Vchg Vchg Vchg Ychg Vchg Ychg UL" UL "H" "L" UL" 快速充电 2月流元电 异常 开/关 开/关 开 ("L") 开 ("L") 关(呗") SW( 脚) 开 ("L") 开 ("L") V" Vchg Vchg LED li主配n. 连接 元电¥待 PC( 脚) "L" "L" "H" "L" "L" CC~句关 "H" "H" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L n "H" "H" "11" "H" "H" "H" "11" "H" "H" 时钟 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 等待定时n. :工作 工作 复位 复 4主 复位 复位 且位 复位 复位 复位 工作 显示与克 工作 工作 且 4主 复位 复 i主 复位 在位 且{主 立 i主 星位 是位 充电电流 ADJ. :AD•.t. i在配ß.检测 工作 工作 不理 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 停止 工作 ,工作 电池连接捡溃' 工 4年 工作 不足 不理 工作 工作 工你 工作 停止 工作 工作 过电 i血检测 停止 停止 不理 工作 停止 停止 停止 停止 停止 停止 停止 AC 电源 工作 工作 不足 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 过电压检溃" 停止 停止 停止 停止 不应 不应 不理 不应 停止 不应 工作 过放电检测 停止 停阜 停止 停阜 不理 不理 .r..作 不应 停止 不应 工作 电池温皮检测B 工作 工作 停止 停止 不理 不理 不应 工作 停止 不应 工作 IJ ' F "L" (CCOFF) i毒配ß. 充电开关 ' 电定时ß. - 关断检测 44 功阜器件是用 il馆@保 WI 斗 f 周 I'O\VtR U.Nlt APPI:IUtlO.N 适配器模式:关;无电池边接模式:关;充电模式: rE 起作用外,检测被解除 (d 在段示期间寇时器计数一开/关,在显示之后也 11;1'器 "开" (oo) 指按边"关" (off) 是断开或关断。 计数 -Jf; 过放 rt!.模式 JF /关 ; i且应保护模式: i 5charged) 的情况, M62241FP 的操作程序罔如 l 罔 3 所示。 开/关;充电终 1 1:模式:关;先 rt!. NG 模式:关;异常 模式:关。 LED 开/关起 IH IJ;f间为:开 0.95 ,关 0.65 。 M62241Fr'出14(PC) 七的输出驱动光润合器 (Pc) 。在适配器模式 JUJ IÌ:lJ, . ~1.过电流被检测,异 常模式则接收。 IC 的 PC 短路控制电路能使 PC 输出 .ìl1入\' CC 端, Jf: 关|列初级电视( rl!流。在异常模式巾, 所 1i 输入不u 检测址不被顾 f边的,只H::!正位能从异常 模式网友。 如果开始光 111 之 I',íj 较大的 I l! H~(voltagc O1a 扣 rcd) 高于检测屯屈, {f.等待之内íj 怯管 a 光电模式。 直到电池充电为, 1: ,则捋线等待。当 I l! H~.\::j+ 检视IJ 屯 lli时,拔收充电模式。在过放电检相~I !'(I.元电路巾, H 充电检 1I 电 Hi 是 4V ,检测 IHlhJ 为 0.3s x 4=1.2s 。 rc 内监过电压检测电路,检测门限电 l压 j亟i 为 l阳句饥协协 tι'EPOI 仰阳 '01'川, ' 果在充电刀开:始前的屯压 i高臼于该门限电!压:1五 i巨.l,则接管 NG 模式。过电压检测 IHI词为 30001s x 4=1.250 所谓 "阳口1I 不行戒不好 (No GO!此 No Good) 之忌。 {I: 光 rg 模式 '1' ,如果光 r\}. I l!.流低于检测 rl!.流, 则怯收光 r t!.终 11: 模式。充电终 1 1-.价柳l 依赖于获悍的 rl!. i班输 1110 尖 f 检测参考 I I1 JJ~ , Ill .ìif.主 1二!即 18 (AD.J :1) 伫的电 I~ll之间的比率设在。|除在充电 lUJ Iì:îJ 外,先 rl!. 终 11'. 检测是不被Jill l味的。充电终 11: 检测 11'1' 60001s 司' IlIJ'} j x 8=4.8s 。 充电器控制 rc 内世址~1 J.t器 I t!.路,在电池边战之 后的等待 11.1' lìJJ 约为 3.2s ,尔后开始光 1 l!. 0 lf.J. ~T- ii: 11.1' (.~ lJ;f IÌ IJ 1:1 ~H) 01 i n, {J:先 I l!. Jf 关从月: /关到 JF 显示之 亭 后开始计数。在泪流光电模式" ' ,显示 2也 川二引川时(.叶.1'器暂{停 U i江 11 让如aus臼叫 cω) 叫计.数。 {f忧也 后咆,树昕阳 j川斤F二航始蜘刷刷、 ì 川忱 训 lìì\ 敬 c rc 光 rl!. :也 l \it器的计 11中 1 J.t lìiJ 为 180001in ,在充 111 开始后计数到这个在 IHII'1'!Ì IJIH ,接收充电i\G 模式。 M62241 FP 1'('. 片电池充电器控制 3 所列。. rc 的模式虫11 求 在表 3 巾的快应充电模式巾, LED 开/关直到 30 分钟为止,在 3001io 以后 LED 开。在泊流充电模 式巾,经 30min(f.J快退充电机:接收泪流模式, LEDJF 。 "Vchg" 为光电控制电 Hi; "停止"指检测器被复位 戎输入被 1,';1 起 (f i xcd) 围 3 M62241 凹的操作程序图 : "不:f1H" (disrcgard) 捎除功能 45 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC DESCRIPTION The M62241FP is designed as 1chip Integrated Circuit for controlling battery charger. This IC contains analog circuits needed for controlling charge, and timesequential-control logic circuits. This IC has various functions such as not only charge-controlling but also battery temperature detection, protection against overcurrent / over-voltage, and safety timer. The combination with some parts gives a charge circuit for Lithium -ion battery easily. PIN configuration (Top view) VCC 1 Designed to operate at as low as 4V CR oscillation circuit for internal logic Terminating timer for preventing overcharge 30min. indicating timer Main output switch drive circuit LED drive circuit (1 system)to indicate charging status System reset circuit for detecting the lowering of supply voltage Temperature detection for Lithium-ion battery Voltage/current control for feedback to the primary side of switching regulator Various protections such as overvoltage detection at charging, overcurrent detection at adaptor connection RC CC 15 Power supply voltage detection circuit 21 LED BP 5 20 CHG 19 DCJK VBOUT 7 18 ADJ3 TH 8 17 ADJ2 CHGSW 9 16 ADJ1 THS 10 15 RC IDET 11 ADJ0 12 14 CC 13 PGND Outline 24P2Q-A Application VCR with camera, cellular phone, battery charger for general electronic equipments. LED SW CHG 21 9 20 LED driver output SW driver output SW driver 14 Oscillator 22 REFIN PC 4 BN 6 Block Diagram 1 23 REFOUT GND 3 FEATURE VCC 24 VBIN VDET 2 VBIN 24 Adapter connection detection circuit VDET 2 Adapter control circuit PC 4 19 DCJK 10 THS Logic Circuit Battery temperature detection circuit Voltage control circuit Current control circuit Charge completion detection circuit ADJ1 16 ADJ2 17 Over-current detection circuit Voltage amplifier circuit Reference voltage regulator 23 22 11 REFOUT REFIN IDET Over voltage detection circuit 18 12 ADJ3 ADJ0 ( 1 / 18 ) 8 TH 7 VBOUT 6 B- 5 B+ Low voltage detection circuit Battery voltage detection circuit 3 13 GND PGND 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC DESCRIPTION OF TERMINALS Pin No. Functions Sy m bol Input/Output 1 VCC - 2 VDET Input 3 GND - 4 PC Output 5 BP(B+) Input 6 BN(B-) Input 7 VBOUT Output Outputting the v oltage gained dif f erentially f rom the battery v oltage 8 TH Input Detecting the battery c onnection and the battery t emperature 9 CHGSW Output 10 THS - 11 IDET Input 12 ADJ0 Input 13 PGND - 14 CC Output 15 RC Output 16 ADJ1 Input 17 ADJ2 Input 18 ADJ3 Input 19 DCJK Input Detecting the connection of DC JACK.(including resistance f or pulled up) 20 CHG Output Switching charge mode 21 LED Output Driv ing LED(opened collector,including the circuit driv ing constant current) 22 REFIN Input Controlling the ref erential v oltage 23 REFOUT Output Prov iding the ref erential v oltage 24 VBIN Input Power supply Detecting Adapter output v oltage and Connecting capacitor f or phase compensation to the charge constant v oltage control circuit The ground pin f or signal unit Driv ing photo coupler f or f eedback(opened collector,including resistance f or pulled up) Monitoring the battery v oltage.Input the 1/3 battery v oltage gained dif f erentially to control charge constant v oltage and to detect each v oltages. Driv ing charge SW transistor(opened collector,including the circuit driv ing the constant current) The ground pin f or the circuit generating the ref erential v oltage to compare with TH pin v oltage Detecting output current and Connecting capacitor f or phase compensation to the charge constant current control circuit Setting the current of ov er current.The ref erential v oltage is decided by div iding external resistances. The ground pin f or power unit Setting f requency f or inside clock by CR oscillator Setting quick charge current.The ref erential v oltage is decided by div iding external resistances. Setting trickle current.The ref erential v oltage is decided by div iding external resistances. Setting the charge completion current.The ref erential v oltage is decided by div iding external resistances. For inputting the charge constant v oltage Amp. and Connecting capacitor f or phase compensation to the charge constant v oltage control circuit ( 2 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C,unless otherwise noted) Symbol Ratings Unit Vccm x 16.0 V Pd 1200 mW Ktheta -12.0 mW/ °C Operating temperature Topr -20 to +75 °C Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +125 °C Vcc 4.0 to 15.0 V CHGSW pin drive current Idchgsw 50.0 mA CHGSW pin low output voltage(Iol=30mA) Vlchgsw 0.6 V LED pin driving current Idled 20.0 mA LED pin low output voltage(Iol=10mA) Vlled 0.6 V PC pin driving current Idpc 20.0 mA PC pin low output voltage(Iol=10.0mA) Vlpc 0.6 V CHG pin driving current Idchg 1.0 mA CHG pin low output voltage(Iol=1.0mA) Vlchg 0.6 V Input pin input voltage range Vin 0 to Vcc V Endurable voltage of open output interception Voc Vcc V REFOUT pin output voltage Vrefout 1.3 to 3.1 V REFOUT pin output current(Vrefout=3.1V) Irefout 2.0 mA Vdrefout 0.9 V Parameter Supply voltage Power dissipation Thermal derating Function Supply voltage range REFOUT input/output voltage gap THERMAL DERATING (MAXIMUM RATING) 1400 1200 FUNCTION OUTLINE 1000 800 600 400 200 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 OPERATING TEMPERATURE Topr(°C) 1)Adapter voltage control 2)Lithium Constant current/voltage charge control 3)Battery connect detection 4)Battery temperature detection 5)Battery voltage detection 6)Charge current detection 7)LED Indication 8)Timer 9)Adapter mode change ( 3 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc=9.0V, Vrefout=2.783V,Ta=25°C) Block Parameter Sy m bol Test Conditions Circuit Current Icc No Battery c onnection mode Detection v oltage of Supply Voltage Vccrst Adapter Voltage Vadpt Charge Protection Voltage Vprot Detection v oltage of O v er Voltage Min. Limits Ty p. Max. Unit 10.5 14 17.5 mA 2.8 3.1 3.4 V 7.7 7.9 8.1 V 11.5 12 12.5 V Vov Apply ing v oltage between S+,S- 8.3 8.4 8.5 V Detection v oltage of O v er Discharge Vlv Apply ing v oltage between S+,S- 3.7 4 4.3 V REFIN-pin ref erential v oltage Vref in No connecting load 1.13 1.17 1.21 V Charge Control v oltage Vchg PC pin output rev erses on apply ing v oltage to VDET pin 8.3 8.35 8.4 V No connecting load 2.454 2.53 2.606 V 2.081 2.149 2.213 V Function check after Vcc is bey ond Lim its Max. Function check after Vcc is bey ond Lim its Max. PC pin output rev erses on apply ing v oltage to VDET pin Detection v oltage of Battery C onnection Vcon Detection v oltage of t emperature protection 1 Hysteresis width of Detection v oltage of temperature protection 1 Detection v oltage of t emperature protection 2 Hysteresis width of Detection v oltage of temperature protection 2 Detection v oltage of t emperature protection 3 Hysteresis width of Detection v oltage of temperature protection 3 Detection v oltage of t emperature protection 4 Hysteresis width of Detection v oltage of temperature protection 4 Vt1 THS=0V Vt1his ∆t=-5 to -2°C=3°C(±1°C) Vt2 THS=0V Vt2his ∆t=13 to 10°C=3°C(±1°C) Vt3 THS=0V Vt3his ∆t=55 to 50°C=5°C(±1°C) Vt4 THS=0V v t4his ∆t=60 to 55°C=5°C(±1°C) PC pin output rev erses on apply ing v oltage to ADJ1 pin PC pin output rev erses on apply ing v oltage to ADJ2 pin 45 67 89 1.708 1.789 1.865 52 81 101 V 106 mV 0.766 0.823 0.877 79 mV V 112 mV 0.675 0.722 0.781 V 60 80 91 mV 1.33 1.4 1.47 V 0.4 0.44 0.48 A Quick charge current Irpd Trickle charge current Itri Charge Completion current If c Apply ing v oltage to IDET pin 0.15 0.2 0.25 A Adapter Ov er current Ioc Apply ing v oltage to IDET pin 1.67 1.81 1.95 A DC JACK-pin H input v oltage Vjkh - - V DC JACK-pin L input v oltage Vjkl Check to be in adapter mode, Vcc-0.7 apply ing v oltage (Vcc-2.8 to Vcc-0.7) into DCJK pin Oscillator f requency Foc RC=91KΩ,CC=2200pF 3.37 3.64 3.91 KHz Charge timer Tchg Foc=3.41KHz,Charge mode 1656 1800 1944 min. Display t imer Tdisp Foc=3.41KHz,Charge mode 27.6 30 32.4 min. ( 4 / 18 ) - Vcc-2.8 V 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION <Each voltages written in following are set in standard application circuit.> 1. Adapter Constant Voltage Control VDET pin supplies this block with voltage to control voltages of both adapter and protection during charge.Control reference voltage ,applied by REFOUT pin , is constant. Output voltage is generated from dividing the adapter voltage by external two resistors connected to VDET pin and the modification of the dividing ratio of these resistors by CHG pin changes the voltage of Adapter/Charge. 2. Charge Constant Current Control block IDET pin supplies this block with voltage to control constant current during charge and is controlled directly by the voltage of 0.1 Ω resistance ,connected to low side,for the current detection.Control referential voltage is set by ratio between external two resistors connected to REFOUT pin.Buttery temperature detection control performs switching quick and trickle by selecting ADJ pin as follows:. Quick charge : ADJ1pin Trickle charge : ADJ2pin Adapter constant voltage control ,written in 1 clause, is capable of invalidating this control. 3. Charge constant voltage control block VBIN pin supplies this block with voltage to control constant voltage during charging. Output voltage of VBOUT pin,gained differentially from battery voltage,supplies to VBIN pin. Control referential voltage ,applied from REFOUT pin, is constant. 4. Charge SW driving Circuit control block This block controls SW pin,driving transistor for charging SW. Charge off : SW=OPEN Charge on : SW=L 5. Battery voltage differential gain block Battery voltage input from B+/B- pin directly and outputs to VBOUT pin after differential gained. The gain of Amplifier is 1/3 VBOUT=1/3(VB+ - VB-) Input of OPAmp for differential gain or feedback resistance depends on external circuit element. 6. Output current & voltage Amplifier block The voltage between GND and IDET pin is available to several detector after amplified. The gain of this amplifier is 13. The Gain Range:0 to 2A(Input voltage 0 to 0.2V) ->0.2 to 2.6V ( 5 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC 7. Detection of battery connection /battery temperature This block detects the battery connection and the battery temperature by the input voltage dividing between thermistor inside battery package and resistances outside REFIN pin. Each referential voltage for detection is set by dividing REFOUT pin voltage by inside resistances. The dividing circuits are grounded to THS pin connected directly to - terminal of battery to prevent input voltage of TH pin from changing by the current of external circuit. <1> Battery connection detection The battery connection is recognized in case the resistance of the thermistor connected to TH pin is less than the following: Thermistor resistance(Rth): less than approximately 100kΩ Detecting timing is as follows: 60msec * 2 times =120msec(Foc=3.41KHz) <2> Battery temperature detection This block controls to switch charging after detecting the battery temperature by the dividing ratio between resistance pulled up and thermistors. Detecting timing is as follows: 60msec * 2 times =120msec(Foc=3.41KHz) For further details,read the 20 clause. 8. Over discharge detection block In case the voltage majored before starting to charge is less than the detection voltage,the over discharge mode is taken over before waiting.It continues to wait until the battery charges from external circuit and the charge mode is taken over after the voltage becomes more than the detection voltage.The differential gain output voltage of the battery is majored at this block. The referential voltage for detecting is set by the dividing ratio between resistors connected to the REFOUT pin. The Over Discharge detection voltage (V Blow) is 4.0V. This detection is disregarded during charging. The detection timing is as follows: 300msec *4 times = 1.2sec. (foc=3.41kHz) 9.Over Voltage detection block NG mode is taken over ,in case the voltage majored before starting to charge is more than the following voltage.The referential voltage for detecting is REFOUT output voltage. The over detection voltage(Vbhigh) is VREFOUT. This detection is disregarded during charging. The detection timing is as follows: 300msec *4 times = 1.2sec. (foc=3.41kHz) 10 The charge completion detection block The charge completion mode is taken over in case the charge current in charge mode is less than the detection current. This detection depends on the gained current output. The referential voltage for detection is set by the dividing ratio between resistors connected to ADJ3 pin.This detection is discharged except during charging. The detection timings is as follows: 600msec *8 times = 4.8sec. (foc=3.41kHz) ( 6 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC 11.The Adapter Over Current mode The Unusual mode is taken over in case the current majored in the adapter mode is less than the detection current. The referential voltage for the detection is set by the dividing ratio between the resistors connected to ADJ0 pin. The detection is disregarded except in adapter mode. Detection timing is as follows: 3.0sec *4 times = 12sec. (foc=3.41kHz) 12. LED Driving block This block controls LED driving pin by each mode. Adapter mode : off No Battery Connection mode : off Charge mode : During Display Timer counting ~~~on/off After Display Timer counting ~~~on Over Discharge mode : on/off Temperature Protection mode : on/off Charge Completion mode : off Charge NG mode : off Unusual mode : off *LED on/off timing is 1/1.5Hz(0.9sec. on/0.6sec. off) respectively. 13. The regulated referential power supply block The charge of output REFOUT pin voltage depends on inside bandgap voltage as the reference and the gained voltage of the changeable resistance connected to REFOUT pin. This block uses REFOUT output voltage as reference and controls the charge constant voltage and every reference both inside and outside. REFOUT typical voltage : 1/3 of the battery charge constant voltage 14. Adapter detection block The Adapter connection input switches the mode as follows: OPEN(H) detection : Adapter connection GND(L) detection : No Adapter connection The detection timing is as follows: 12msec. * 2times = 24msec(Foc=3.41KHz) 15. Adapter mode control block The detection of adapter connection changes all modes except unusual mode into adapter mode. The Next mode after adapter mode depends on the previous mode. Previous mode -> Next mode No connection -> No connection Charge -> Charge(after initialization) Over discharge -> Charge(after initialization) Temperature Protection -> Charge(after initialization) Charge Completion -> Charge Completion Charge NG -> Charge NG *The detection of No battery connecting during Adapter mode disregards the previous mode and takes over No battery mode. ( 7 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC 16. PC driving block The control to the PC pin,for driving Photo Coupler, depends on each control of Adapter constant voltage,Charge constant current and Charge constant voltage. Vcc side : Photo Coupler off, output voltage rising GND side : Photo Coupler on, output voltage falling 17.PC short control block The Unusual mode is taken over in case the over current is detected during the Adapter mode. This block is capable of fixing PC output into Vcc side and shutting down the primary power supply current. All input and detection are disregarded in the Unusual mode. Only reset is capable of returning from Unusual mode. 18.AC check detection block AC Power off is recognized and Adapter mode is taken over, in case the PC pin voltage continues more than the following voltage in cert ain period: AC check voltage (Vacchk: Vcc-0.8V) The detection timing is as follows: 60 msec. * 16times=960msec.(Foc=3.41KHz) 19. Timer Block (1) Waiting timer after battery connection This block pauses for following period from the battery connection detection to starting charge , so that every input is decided. Waiting time : approximately 3.2 sec(Foc=3.41KHz) (2) Display Timer Counting the following time after starting to charge switches display from on/off to on. Display timer : 30 minutes (Foc=3.41 KHz) In trickle charge mode,this timer pauses to count. This timer resets counting to initialize before charge restarting,in case the charge as counting or pausing stops because of the charge to the adapter mode or the temperature protection mode. Example of Display Timer <1>In case charging starts in quick mode, Counting End Charging Counting End Quick Counting 30min | | on/off on Charge Completion | off <2> In case quick mode starts ,then trickle mode is taken over after counting is end, Mode Change Counting end Charge Completion Charging Quick Counting 30min | Quick Counting end | Trickle Counting end | | on/off on off <3> In case charging starts in trickle mode, Charging Quick Counting of f | on/off ( 8 / 18 ) Charge Completion | off 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC <4> In case it returns quick mode after charging starts in trickle mode, Charging Mode Change Counting End Counting End Quick Counting 30min | | | Trickle of f on/off on on/off Charge Completion | off <5> In case quick mode starts, then trickle mode is taken over and then quick mode restarts, Charging Mode Change Mode Change Counting End Charge Completion | Quick Counting | Trickle of f |Quick Counting(remaining time) Counting End | | on/off on/off on/off on off <6> In case quick mode starts,and then charging completes before counter is end, Charging Charge Completion Quick Counting | | on/off off <7> In case trickle mode starts,and then charging completes before counter is end, Charging Charge Completion | Quick Counting of f | on/off off (3) Charge Timer Charge NG mode is taken over after counting the following time after charge starts. Charge timer : 1800 min.(Foc=3.41KHz) Stop of the display timer makes the charge timer stop because the display timer sources clock to charge timer as following figure.(In trickle mode,counting is pausing) Source Clock Display Timer Charge Timer SW | | | Trickle Pause Initializing reset This timer resets counting to initialize before charge restarting,in case the charge as counting or pausing stops because of the change to the adapter mode or the temperature protection mode. 20. Control by temperature during charging <1> Variety of control a . Charge current switch by battery temperature. The battery temperature majored before or during charge switches the charge current to quick or trickle. b . Unusual temperature detection The unusual temperature detection (overheat or super cooling) makes charging stop and move Temperature protection mode. c . No battery unplugging detection No battery plugging detection during charging makes charging stop and move no battery connection mode. ( 9 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC <2> Each control details Each temperature controls have hysteresis. a . Function after the initialization Immediately battery connection less than -2°C : Temperature Protection mode(low temperature) -2°C to 13°C : Trickle Charge mode(low temperature) 13°C to 55°C : Quick Charge mode 55°C to 60°C : Trickle Charge mode(High temperature) more than 60°C : Temperature Protection mode(high temperature) b. Function after the Temperature Protection mode(low temperature) more than -2°C : Trickle Charge mode(low temperature) *Charging starts after the initialization. c.Function after Trickle Charge mode(low temperature) less than -5°C : Temperature Protection mode more than 13°C : Quick Charge mode d.Function after Quick Charge mode less than 10°C : Trickle Charge mode(low temperature) more than 55°C : Trickle Charge mode(high temperature) e.Function after Trickle Charge mode(high temperature) less than 50°C : Quick Charge mode more than 60°C : Trickle Charge mode(high temperature) f.Function after Temperature Protection mode(high temperature) less than 55°C : Trickle Charge mode(high temperature) *Charging starts after the initialization. g.Function after all mode less than -28°C : no battery connection mode <3>Control Diagram Ichg Quick Trickle 0 -28 No Connection -5 Temperature Protection -2 10 13 50 Quick Trickle 55 Trickle 60 T(°C) Temperature Protection <4> Thermistor Resistance in each threshold level -28°C : 100KΩ -5°C : 33.9KΩ -2°C : 29.7KΩ 10°C : 18.0KΩ 13°C : 15.9KΩ 50°C : 4.2KΩ 55°C : 3.5KΩ 60°C : 3.0KΩ *Resistance for dividing with thermistor is 10KΩ ( 10 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC Flow chart (1)Total START AC off Return from Adapter mode Reset No Battery Connection mode "H" poreset Return from Temperature protection waiting mode Reset "L" No AC power connection AC off Y es DCJK connecting Adapter No Adapter mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection Y es Charge from initialization All timer reset poreset "H" Reset No ACoff "L" AC power connection Y es DCJK connecting adapter DCJK no connecting Wait Timer Counting Battery Connection No Adapter mode No Battery Connection mode Y es Y es Over voltage NG mode No VB<4.0V Over discharge waiting mode VB ≥ 4.0V Temperature Check Rising :-2°C<T<60°C Falling :-5°C<T<55°C LED on/off L.T. 3.2s. Wait Timer ov er 3.2s Temperature Check Rising :-2°C<T<13°C or 55°C<T<60°C Falling :-5°C<T<10°C or 50°C<T<55°C Trickle charge Rising :13°C<T<55°C Falling :10°C<T<50°C Quick charge ( 11 / 18 ) Rising :T<-2°C or T>60°C Falling :T<-5°C or T>55°C Temperature Protection mode 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC (2)Quick charge START poreset "H" Reset "L" AC power Connection No AC off Y es Adapter Connection DCJK connecting Adapter mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection No Battery Connection mode No Y es T emperature Rising :-2°C<T<60°C Falling :-5°C<T<55°C Rising :-2°C<T<13°C or 55°C<T<60°C Falling :-5°C<T<10°C or 50°C<T<55°C Charging Completion Y es 30hr. timer ov er 30hr T emperature Protection mode Trickle Charge mode Charging Completion mode Charge NG mode L.T. 30hr 30min. timer ov er 30m in Quick Charge L.T. 30m in LED on/off SW until 30minutes on/off over 30 minutes on(L) on("L") VCC Vchg LED LED on Timer Counts PC "L" CCOFF CLOCK "H" work work WAIT TIMER ( 12 / 18 ) Desplay/Charge Timer work Charge Current adj1 ADPCHGSW "L" 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC (3)Trickle Charge START poreset "H" Reset No ACoff "L" AC power Connection Y es DCJK connecting Adapter Connection Adapter mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection Y es No Battery Connection mode No Rising :T<-2°C or T>60°C Falling :T<-5°C or T>55°C T emperature Rising :13°C<T<55°C Falling :10°C<T<50°C Timer Stop Charge Completion LED on/off on("L")* Quick Charge mode SW on("L") VCC Vchg PC CCOFF "L" Charge Completion mode Y es 30minTimer Trickle Charge T emperature Protection mode ov er 30m in LED on L.T. 30m in LED on/off CLOCK WAIT Timer Desplay/Charge Timer "H" work Charge Current work stop adj2 ADPCHGSW "L" *In case trickle mode is taken after 30min. in quick mode, LED continues "on". (4)Charge Completion mode START poreset "H" Reset "L" AC power Connection No ACoff LED Y es Adapter Connection SW DCJK Connecting Adapter mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection No No Battery Connection mode VCC PC Charge Completion off("H") off("H") Vadapt "L" CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" Y es ( 13 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC (5)Charge NG mode START poreset "H" Reset No AC off "L" AC power Connection NG off("H") LED Y es off("H") Vadapt SW Adapter Connection DCJK Connecting Adapter mode No No Battery Connection mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection VCC PC "L" CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" LED Adapter off("H") Y es (6)Adapter mode START poreset "H" Reset "L" Battery Connection Yes No ACPower Connection off("H") Vadapt SW VCC PC Previous mode Reset No AC off "L" CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" Y es Adapter Connection DCJK Noconnecting Return * DCJK Connecting Battery Connection Over Current No Y es Unusual mode Y es Previous mode Completion No other NG Completion NG Reset * Next mode depends on the prev ious mode and the input during Adapter mode. ( 14 / 18 ) 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC (7) Unusual mode LED Unusual off("H") off("H") Vadapt START SW poreset CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" LED AC off off("H") VCC PC "H" Reset "L" "H" (8) AC off START poreset "H" SW VCC PC "L" AC Power Connection Reset Y es No off("H") Vadapt "H" CCOFF CLOCK "L" stop Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" (9)Temperature Protection mode START poreset "H" Reset "L" AC Power Connection No AC off Y es Adapter Connection DCJK Connecting Adapter mode DCJK no connecting Battery Connection No Battery Connection mode No Temperature Check LED on/off SW VCC PC Y es Rising :-2°C<T<60°C Falling :-5°C<T<55°C LED Charge From the start Rising :T<-2°C or T>60°C Falling :T<-5°C or T>55°C ( 15 / 18 ) Temperature Protection on/off off("H") Vadapt "L" CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC (10) Waiting mode(Discharge) START poreset "H" Reset No AC off "L" AC Power Connection Y es Adapter Connection DCJK Connecting Adapter mode No No Battery Connection mode DCJK no Connecting Battery Connection Y es Battery Voltage Discharge VB<4.0v OK VB≥4.0v Charge From the first LED on/off LED SW VCC PC ( 16 / 18 ) Waiting on/off off("H") Vadapt "L" CCOFF CLOCK "L" work Wait Timer Reset Display/Charge Timer Reset ADPCHGSW "H" 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC M62241FP Mode List Quick Trickle Unusual Charge Charge on/off on/off off("H") on("L")* on("L")** LED Adapter Charge Completion NG Waiting Temperature Protection ACOFF No Battery Charge Connection Waiting off("H") off("H") off("H") on/off on/off off("H") off("H") on/off off("H") off("H") off("H") SW on("L") on("L") off("H") off("H") off("H") off("H") off("H") off("H") VCC Vchg Vchg Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt Vadpt PC "L" "L" "H" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" "H" "L" "L" CCOFF "H" "H" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" "L" ADPCHGSW "L" "L" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" CLOCK work work work work work work work work stop work work WAITING TIMER work work reset reset reset reset reset reset reset reset work Display & Charge Timer work work reset reset reset reset reset reset reset reset reset Charge Current adj1 adj2 - - - - - - - - Adapter Detection work work disregard (work) work work work work work stop work work Battery Connection Detection work work disregard disregard (work) (work) work work work work stop work work Over Current Detection stop stop disregard (work) work stop stop stop stop stop stop stop AC Power off detection work work disregard (work) work work work work work work work work Over Voltage detection stop stop stop stop disregard (work) disregard disregard (work) (work) disregard (work) stop disregard (work) work Over discharge detection stop stop stop stop disregard (work) disregard (work) disregard (work) stop disregard (work) work Battery temperature detection work work stop stop disregard (work) disregard disregard (work) (work) work stop disregard (work) work work *------LED on/off until 30minutes , LED on after 30minutes **------LED is on in case trickle mode is taken over after 30 minutes of quick charge Stop------In case detector is reset or Input is fixed disregard(work)------In case detection is discharged except that the function is working. M62241FP Battery temperature and function relationships Battery Tem perature(Rising) t1 tBATT< -2° C t2 -2°C<tBATT<13°C t3 13°C<tBATT<55°C t4 55°C<tBATT<60°C t5 tBATT>60°C Function Tem perature protection Trickle Charge Quick Charge Trickle Charge Tem perature protection Battery Tem perature(Falling) t1 tBATT< -5°C t2 -5°C<tBATT<10°C t3 10°C<tBATT<50°C t4 50°C<tBATT<55°C t5 tBATT>55°C ( 17 / 18 ) Function Tem perature protection Trickle Charge Quick Charge Trickle Charge Tem perature protection 9907 MITSUBISHI(Standard Linear IC) M62241FP SINGLE CHIP BATTERY CHARGER CONTROL IC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT To Adapter 22K 15K 300 12K 39K 117K 1000 0.22u 0.1u 1500 0.01u 0.1u 39K 117K 0.1u 0.1u To Batt 0.1 0.01u 2 VDET 11 20 24 IDET CHG VBIN 7 5 6 VBOUT B+ B- T 19 9 SW DCJK ADJ3 18 4 PC 30K 30K 30K 5100 ADJ2 17 ADJ1 16 ADJ0 12 16V M62241FP 1 VCC 3K 470 1600 27K REFOUT 23 15K 21 LED REFIN 22 10K 10K 2K TH RC CC 15 14 91K GND PGND 3 THS 13 10 8 0.1u 4700 2200p 470 Unit resistance:Ω capacitor :F ( 18 / 18 ) 9907