2000年 第 9期 2000年 9月 《姆踏 电孑琵帑件》 -8-… 撼新 特 器 件 应 用 可碥曜 高铕 煮测 温集 戏 电跨 LM76 天津大学精宿仪器与光电子工程学院 丁茹 李刚 彐Ⅱgh Precision Programmable IC LJM76(Composed of TempeFature Sensor aⅡ d Γ rhermaI window{ComparatOr 、 with Twoˉ Wide Interface Ding Ru LM%是 摘 要 :高 精 度 、12位 信 号输 出集成 电路 I'i Gang 由数 字 温 度 传 感 器和 双 线 温 度 窗 口比较 器 组 成 的 , 它具 有 功耗 小 、量程 宽、串行 J总 线接 口等优 ,点 。 文 中介 绍 了该 电路 的 工作特性 、引脚功能及 工作原 理 ,最 后给 出了 LM%用 于 API设 计 的典型应 用电路 。 关键词 :数 字 温度传感器 ;窗 口比较 器 ;超 限警报 ;可 编程 ;LM% 分类号 :TP212。 1 n1 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1006-⒆ 77(2000)O9-0008-u 接 口 ,采 用 12位 信号输 出 ,其 最大测量范 围超过 概述 1zT℃ LM%是 一个 由数字温度传感器 、I2C串 行 总 线接 口和温度窗 口比较器组 成 的集成 电路 。在 ⒛℃ ~1OO℃ 和 一10℃ ~+笱 ℃ 的温度范 围内 ,其 窗 口比 较器 的 串行 总线 接 口的精度 为 ±1℃ 。在 犭℃ 时 , LM%CHM的 精度可达 ±0.5℃ 。它 的开漏 中断输 ,LM%的 这些特点使得它可广泛用 于温度控 制系统 、个人计算机保护 、电子测试仪器 、办公设备 、 以及生 物医学仪器等方面。 LM%具 有 以下 特点 : ●窗 口比较器可 简化 ACPI的 设计 ,同 时兼容 温度监视与控制 ; 出 (INT)在 温度超过可编程窗 口温度时被激活 ,温 ●带有 串行总线接 口 度超 限警报输 出 (T-CRIT-A)在 温度超过可编程 的 ●有隔离开漏 中断输 出与超限温度关 闭 危 险极 限温度 (超 过此温度 ,会 损坏 LM%)时 有 ; 队列 能将 误 报 情 况 减 至最 少 。 LM%在 系统 上 电后 首先处 于 一 种 缺省 阈值状 态 。其传 感 器 的缺省 阈值 THYm=2℃ ,下 限温度 飞。 w=10℃ ,上 限温度 THIGH=“ ℃ ,危 险极 限温度 飞 RF=SO℃ 。 为 :迟 滞 温度 LM%采 引脚号 N 强 LM%的 2 G№ I1`了1Γ 7,6 引脚功能及主要参数 引脚排列 如 图 1所 示 ,各 管脚 的功 能 如表 1所 列 。 LM%的 主要 参数 如下 : ● 电源 电压 :3.3V或 5V; LM76的 管脚说明 典型连接 功能 串行双 向数据线 ,开 漏输 出 ,CMOS逻 辑 电平 T~cIuT~A +Vs AO~A1 2 LM%的 用 3.5V和 5V电 源 ,并 具有 串行 总线 表1 符号 沁 ; LM%的 主机可 以对 窗 口的上 、下限和危 险温度极 限进行编程 ,它 的可编程迟滞特性与故 障 ; ●具有最小功耗 的关 闭模式 ● 一 条总线可连接 4个 以上 的 LM%芯 片 ●采用 12位 信号输 出 ,最 大量程超过 127℃ 。 效。 控制 ; 温度超 限警报 ,开 漏输 出 接上拉 电阻 ,控 制器 的 据线 ・ 接控制器 的 I2C时 钟线`C数 接 上拉 电阻 ,控 制器 的中断线或 系统硬件关 闭端 电源地 接地 中断 ,开 漏输 出 接上拉 电阻 ,控 制器 的中断线 电源 电压正 向输人端 接 3.3V或 5Ⅴ 电源 用 户 设 置 的地 址 输 人 端 接地(低 电平 ,℃ 串行 总线 时钟输人 ,③ 泯E逻 辑 电平 ” )或 接 +Vs(高 电平 ,“ 1” ) 可编程 高精 度测 温 集成 电路 sDA +Ⅴ s sCL A0 T~CRIT~A GND A1 图 电 主3.3Ⅴ 输 出 源 Aux3。 3V 主 3V控 制 3。 -9一 CPU和 所有 主电路电源 控制器 INT 1 LM%的 T~CRIT~A 引脚 排 列 ● 电源 电流 :工 作状 态 时为 zs0uA(典 型 ), 笱0uA(最 大 );关 闭状态时为 8uA(最 大 ); ●测温精度 :± 0.5℃ (25℃ 时的最大值 ); -10℃ ~+绣 ℃时为 ±1.0℃ (最 大 ); TO℃ ~100℃ 时为 ±1.0℃ (最 大 ); ●分辨率 :0。 “zs℃ 3 LM%的 LM% INT输 出 处理机 中断线 图4 LM%作 为从器件在 串行 总线上运行 时 ,SCL ; 内部结构 图 2所 示 为高精 度测温集 成 电路 LM76的 内 部结构框 图 ,可 以看 出 ,LM%温 度传感 器包括 一个 带 隙型温度传感器 、一个 13位 ADC和 一 个可 由用 户设定 上 、下 限值 的数字 比较器 。当温度位 于 TL。w 和 THIGH窗 口外时 ,比 较器激活 INT线 ;当 温度超 过 TcRr时 ,比 较器激活 T-CRIT-A线 。这些 工 作线 对 工 作模式和极 性都是 可编程 的。 与 ACPI规 范相对的温度警报系统 线是输 入线 ,SDA线 是双 向串行数据线 。根据 串行 总线规范 ,LM%有 一 个 7位 受控地 址 ,受 控地址 中 “ 的最高有效位设为 10O10” ,另 外两个最低有效位分 配给管脚 A0、 A1,并 通过 A0、 A1接 地或接 +Vs来 “ “ 置 0” 或置 1” 。完整 的受控地址为 : MsB 4 LsB 应用举例 u位 INT 并 且 当温度超过窗 口极 限时 ,LM%会 对微处理器 发 出中断信号 ,其 内部识别标志能迅速判断温度是 信 号 温度 数 字 转换 器 T~CRIT~A 图 3是 一 个满足 ACPI设 计要求 的典型应用 电 路 。其 中 ,LM%可 以对选择 的温度窗 口进行编程 , 上 升 还 是 下 降 。 当温 度 超 过 极 限 温 度 TcRr时 LM%通 过 其 硬 件关 闭 电路 实 现 与微 处 理 器 的断 , 开 。INT输 出与 T-CRIT— A输 出是相 互 分开 的 但可 以通过线一 或连接在 一起 。另外 ,T-CRIT- , A0J 亍总线 串彳 接 田和存储器 ■ J。 A1。 ■ 2 LM%的 结构框 图 咿h.■ 图 0.1uF T~汉 IT~A输 出 A0 地址 A1 硬件关闭 A可 以通过 二极管或 门连接到 INT线 ,这 种方式可 使 T-CRIT-A进 程激活 INT线 ,但 INT进 程不 能激 活 T-CRIT-A线 ,这 在 同时 向微处理器 和 LM76的 T-CRIT-A关 闭 电路报告 的进程 中是 十分有用 的。 图 4所 示为与 ACPI规 范相对应 的温度报警关 闭系统 。该 电路通过 电源 的辅助输 出来启动 LM%, 进而达到关 闭失效或过热 的计算机 ,以 保护尽 可能 多 的系统 。 INT输 出 SDA 接 田 sc1 处理机 中断线 收稿 日期 :2000-03-01 咨询编号 :0OOgO3 图3 典型应用 电路 图 LM76 ±0.5°C, ±1°C, 12-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface General Description Features The LM76 is a digital temperature sensor and thermal window comparator with an I2C™ Serial Bus interface with an accuracy of ±1°C. This accuracy for the LM76CHM is specified for a −10°C to 45°C temperature range. The LM76CHM is specified with an accuracy ±0.5°C at 25°C. The window-comparator architecture of the LM76 eases the design of temperature control systems conforming to the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) specification for personal computers. The open-drain Interrupt (INT) output becomes active whenever temperature goes outside a programmable window, while a separate Critical Temperature Alarm (T_CRIT_A) output becomes active when the temperature exceeds a programmable critical limit. The INT output can operate in either a comparator or event mode, while the T_CRIT_A output operates in comparator mode only. The host can program both the upper and lower limits of the window as well as the critical temperature limit. Programmable hysterisis as well as a fault queue are available to minimize false tripping. Two pins (A0, A1) are available for address selection. The sensor powers up with default thresholds of 2°C THYST, 10°C TLOW, 64°C THIGH, and 80°C T_CRIT. The LM76's 5.0V supply voltage, Serial Bus interface, 12-bit + sign output, and full-scale range of over 127°C make it ideal for a wide range of applications. These include thermal management and protection applications in personal computers, electronic test equipment, office electronics and bio-medical applications. ■ Window comparison simplifies design of ACPI compatible temperature monitoring and control. ■ Serial Bus interface ■ Separate open-drain outputs for Interrupt and Critical Temperature shutdown ■ Shutdown mode to minimize power consumption ■ Up to 4 LM76s can be connected to a single bus ■ 12-bit + sign output; full-scale reading of over 127°C Key Specifications ■ Supply Voltage ■ Supply Current 5.0V operating 250 μA (typ) 450 μA (max) +25°C 8 μA (max) ±0.5°C(max) −10°C to +45°C 70°C to 100°C ±1.0°C(max) ±1.0°C(max) shutdown ■ Temperature Accuracy ■ Resolution 0.0625°C Applications ■ ■ ■ ■ System Thermal Management Personal Computers Office Electronics HVAC I2C® is a registered trademark of Philips Corporation. © 2010 National Semiconductor Corporation 101015 www.national.com LM76 ±0.5°C, ±1°C, 12-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface November 2, 2010 LM76 Simplified Block Diagram 10101501 Connection Diagram SO-8 10101502 LM76 See NS Package Number M08A Ordering Information Supply Voltage Acurracy Temperature Range for Accuracy LM76CHM-5 5.0V ±0.5°C ±1.0°C 25°C −10°C to 45°C 95 units in Rail LM76CHMX-5 5.0V ±0.5°C ±1.0°C 25°C −10°C to 45°C 2500 Units on Tape and Reel Order Number www.national.com 2 Transport Media LM76 Pin Descriptions Label Pin # Function Typical Connection SDA 1 Serial Bi-Directional Data Line, Open Drain Output, CMOS Pull Up Resistor, Controller I2C Data Line Logic Level SCL 2 Serial Bus Clock Input, CMOS Logic Level From Controller I2C Clock Line T_CRIT_A 3 Critical Temperature Alarm, Open Drain Output Pull Up Resistor, Controller Interrupt Line or System Hardware Shutdown GND 4 Power Supply Ground Ground INT 5 Interrupt, Open Drain Output Pull Up Resistor, Controller Interrupt Line User-Set Address Inputs, TTL Logic Level Ground (Low, “0”) or +VS (High, “1”) Positive Supply Voltage Input DC Voltage from 3.3V power supply or 5V. A0–A1 +VS 7, 6 8 10101503 FIGURE 1. Typical Application 3 www.national.com LM76 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Supply Voltage Voltage at any Pin Input Current at any Pin Package Input Current (Note 2) T_CRIT_A and INT Output Sink Current T_CRIT_A and INT Output Voltage Storage Temperature Soldering Information, Lead Temperature SOP Package (Note 3) Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) ESD Susceptibility (Note 4) Human Body Model Machine Model Operating Ratings (Note 1, Note 5) Operating Temperature Range Specified Temperature Range (Note 6) LM76CHM-5 Supply Voltage Range (+VS)(Note 7) −0.3V to 6.5V −0.3V to (+VS + 0.3V) 5mA 20mA −55°C to +150°C TMIN to TMAX −20°C to +85°C +4.5V to +5.5V 10mA 6.5V −65°C to +125°C 215°C 220°C 3000V 250V Temperature-to-Digital Converter Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for +VS = +5.0 Vdc ±10% for the LM76CHM-5. (Note 7). Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Parameter Typical (Note 8) Conditions TA = +70°C to +100°C Accuracy (Note 7) LM76CHM-5 Limits (Note 9) Units (Limit) ±1.0 TA = −20°C to +85°C for LM76CHM-5 ±1.5 TA = −10°C to +45°C ±1.0 TA = +25°C ±0.5 13 0.0625 Resolution (Note 10) Temperature Conversion Time (Note 11) 400 I2C Inactive 0.25 I2C Active 0.25 Quiescent Current LM76CNM-3 Limits (Note 9) Shutdown Mode: Bits °C 500 1000 0.5 0.45 5 18 8 TA = +25°C mA (max) µA 12 TA = +85°C ms mA µA (max) µA (max) 12 µA (max) THYST Default Temperature (Note 13, Note 14) 2 °C TLOW Default Temperature (Note 14) 10 °C THIGH Default Temperature (Note 14) 64 °C TCRIT Default Temperature (Note 14) 80 °C www.national.com 4 LM76 Logic Electrical Characteristics DIGITAL DC CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for +VS = +5.0 Vdc ±10% for the LM76CHM-5. Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter VIN(1) SDA and SCL Logical “1” Input Voltage VIN(0) SDA and SCL Logical “0” Input Voltage VIN(HYST) SDA and SCL Digital Input Hysteresis VIN(1) Conditions Typical (Note 8) 500 A0 and A1 Logical “1” Input Voltage Limits (Note 9) Units (Limit) +VS × 0.7 V (min) +VS+0.3 V (max) −0.3 V (min) +VS × 0.3 V (max) 250 mV (min) 2.0 V (min) +VS+0.3 V (max) −0.3 V (min) 0.8 V (max) VIN(0) A0 and A1 Logical “0” Input Voltage IIN(1) Logical “1” Input Current VIN = + VS 0.005 1.0 μA (max) IIN(0) Logical “0” Input Current VIN = 0V −0.005 −1.0 μA (max) CIN Capacitance of All Digital Inputs IOH High Level Output Current VOH = + VS 10 μA (max) VOL Low Level Output Voltage IOL = 3 mA 0.4 V (max) 0.8 V (max) 1 Conversions (max) 250 ns (max) 20 I = 4.0 mA T_CRIT_A Output Saturation Voltage OUT (Note 12) pF T_CRIT_A Delay tOF CL = 400 pF Output Fall Time IO = 3 mA SERIAL BUS DIGITAL SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for +VS = +5.0 Vdc ±10% for the LM76CHM-5, CL (load capacitance) on output lines = 80 pF unless otherwise specified. Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 8) Limits (Note 9, Note 15) Units (Limit) t1 SCL (Clock) Period 2.5 μs(min) t2 Data in Set-Up Time to SCL High 100 ns(min) t3 Data Out Stable after SCL Low 0 ns(min) t4 SDA Low Set-Up Time to SCL Low (Start Condition) 100 ns(min) t5 SDA High Hold Time after SCL High (Stop Condition) 100 ns(min) 10101504 5 www.national.com LM76 Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditions. Note 2: When the input voltage (VI) at any pin exceeds the power supplies (VI < GND or VI > +VS) the current at that pin should be limited to 5 mA. The 20 mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an input current of 5 mA to four. Note 3: See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” or the section titled “Surface Mount” found in a current National Semiconductor Linear Data Book for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. Note 4: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kΩ resistor. Machine model, 200 pF discharged directly into each pin. Note 5: LM76 θJA (thermal resistance, junction-to-ambient) when attached to a printed circuit board with 2 oz. foil is 200°C/W. Note 6: While the LM76 has a full-scale-range in excess of 128°C, prolonged operation at temperatures above 125°C is not recommended. Note 7: The LM76 will operate properly over the +VS supply voltage range of 3V to 5.5V for the LM76CNM-3 and the LM76CHM-5. The LM76CNM-3 is tested and specified for rated accuracy at the nominal supply voltage of 3.3V. Accuracy of the LM76CNM-3 will degrade 0.2°C for a ±1% variation in +VS from the nominal value. The LM76CHM-5 is tested and specified for a rated accuracy at the nominal supply voltage of 5.0V. Accuracy of the LM76CHM-5 will degrade 0.08°C for a ±1% variation in +VS from the nominal value. Note 8: Typicals are at TA = 25°C and represent most likely parametric norm. Note 9: Limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Note 10: 12 bits + sign, two's complement Note 11: This specification is provided only to indicate how often temperature data is updated. The LM76 can be read at any time without regard to conversion state (and will yield last conversion result). If a conversion is in process it will be interrupted and restarted after the end of the read. Note 12: For best accuracy, minimize output loading. Higher sink currents can affect sensor accuracy with internal heating. This can cause an error of 0.64°C at full rated sink current and saturation voltage based on junction-to-ambient thermal resistance. Note 13: Hysteresis value adds to the TLOW setpoint value (e.g.: if TLOW setpoint = 10°C, and hysteresis = 2°C, then actual hysteresis point is 10+2 = 12°C); and subtracts from the THIGH and T_CRIT setpoints (e.g.: if THIGH setpoint = 64°C, and hysteresis = 2°C, then actual hysteresis point is 64−2 = 62°C). For a detailed discussion of the function of hysteresis refer to Section 1.1, TEMPERATURE COMPARISON, and Figure 3. Note 14: Default values set at power up. Note 15: Timing specifications are tested at the bus input logic levels (Vin(0)=0.3xVA for a falling edge and Vin(1)=0.7xVA for a rising edge) when the SCL and SDA edge rates are similar. 10101505 FIGURE 2. Temperature-to-Digital Transfer Function (Non-linear scale for clarity) www.national.com 6 The LM76 temperature sensor incorporates a band-gap type temperature sensor, 13-bit ADC, and a digital comparator with user-programmable upper and lower limit values. The comparator activates either the INT line for temperatures outside the TLOW and THIGH window, or the T_CRIT_A line for temperatures which exceed T_CRIT. The lines are programmable for mode and polarity. 1.1 TEMPERATURE COMPARISON LM76 provides a window comparison against a lower (TLOW) and upper (THIGH) trip point. A second upper trip point (T_CRIT) functions as a critical alarm shutdown. Figure 3 depicts the comparison function as well as the modes of operation. 1.2 DEFAULT SETTINGS The LM76 always powers up in a known state. LM76 power up default conditions are: 1.1.1 Status Bits The internal Status bits operate as follows: “True”: Temperature above a THIGH or T_CRIT is “true” for those respective bits. A “true” for TLOW is temperature below TLOW. “ False”: Assuming temperature has previously crossed above THIGH or T_CRIT, then the temperature must drop below the points corresponding THYST(THIGH − THYST or T_CRIT − THYST) in order for the condition to be false. For TLOW, assuming temperature has previously crossed below TLOW, a “false” occurs when temperature goes above TLOW + THYST. The Status bits are not affected by reads or any other actions, and always represent the state of temperature vs. setpoints. 1. Comparator Interrupt Mode 2. TLOW set to 10°C 3. THIGH set to 64°C 4. T_CRIT set to 80°C 5. THYST set to 2°C 6. INT and T_CRIT_A active low 7. Pointer set to “00”; Temperature Register The LM76 registers will always reset to these default values when the power supply voltage is brought up from zero volts as the supply crosses the voltage level plotted in the following curve. The LM76 registers will reset again when the power supply drops below the voltage plotted in this curve. Average Power on Reset Voltage vs Temperature 1.1.2 Hardwire Outputs The T_CRIT_A hardwire output mirrors the T_CRIT_A flag, when the flag is true, the T_CRIT_A output is asserted at all times regardless of mode. Reading the LM76 has no effect on the T_CRIT_A output, although the internal conversion is restarted. The behavior of the INT hardwire output is as follows: Comparator Interrupt Mode (Default): User reading part resets output until next measurement completes. If condition is still true, output is set again at end of next conversion cycle. For example, if a user never reads the part, and temperature goes below TLOW then INT becomes active. It would stay that way until temperature goes above TLOW + THYST. However if the user reads the part, the output would be reset. At the end of the next conversion cycle, if the condition is true, it is set again. If not, it remains reset. Event Interrupt Mode: User reading part resets output until next condition "event" occurs (in other words, output is only set once for a true condition, if reset by a read, it remains reset until the next triggering threshold has been crossed). Conversely, if a user never read the part, the output would stay set indefinitely after the first event that set the output. An “event” for Event Interrupt Mode is defined as: 10101518 1.3 SERIAL BUS INTERFACE The LM76 operates as a slave on the Serial Bus, so the SCL line is an input (no clock is generated by the LM76) and the SDA line is a bi-directional serial data line. According to Serial Bus specifications, the LM76 has a 7-bit slave address. The five most significant bits of the slave address are hard wired inside the LM76 and are “10010”. The two least significant bits of the address are assigned to pins A1–A0, and are set by connecting these pins to ground for a low, (0); or to +VS for a high, (1). Therefore, the complete slave address is: 1. 2. Transitioning upward across a setpoint, or Transitioning downward across a setpoint's corresponding hysteresis (after having exceeded that setpoint). For example, if a user never read the part, and temperature went below TLOW then INT would become active. It would stay that way forever if a user never read the part. However if the user read the part, the output would be reset. Even if the condition is true, it will remain reset. The temperature must cross above TLOW + THYST to set the output again. 1 MSB 7 0 0 1 0 A1 A0 LSB www.national.com LM76 In either mode, reading any register in the LM76 restarts the conversion. This allows a designer to know exactly when the LM76 begins a comparison. This prevents unnecessary Interrupts just after reprogramming setpoints. Typically, system Interrupt inputs are masked prior to reprogramming trip points. By doing a read just after resetting trip points, but prior to unmasking, unexpected Interrupts are prevented. Avoid programming setpoints so close that their hysteresis values overlap. An example would be that with a THYST value of 2°C then setting THIGH and TLOW to within 4°C of each other will violate this restriction. To be more specific, with THYST set to 2°C assume THIGH set to 64°C. If TLOW is set equal to, or higher than 60°C this restriction is violated. 1.0 Functional Description LM76 10101506 Note: Event Interrupt mode is drawn as if the user is reading the part. If the user doesn't read, the outputs would go low and stay that way until the LM76 is read. FIGURE 3. Temperature Response Diagram 1.4 TEMPERATURE DATA FORMAT Temperature data can be read from the Temperature and Set Point registers; and written to the Set Point registers. Temperature data can be read at any time, although reading faster than the conversion time of the LM76 will prevent data from being updated. Temperature data is represented by a 13-bit, two's complement word with an LSB (Least Significant Bit) equal to 0.0625°C: www.national.com Temperature Digital Output Binary 8 Hex +130°C 0 1000 0 010 0000 08 20h +125°C 0 0111 1101 0000 07 D0h +80°C 0 0101 1010 0000 05 90h +64°C 0 0100 0000 0000 04 00h +25°C 0 0001 1001 0000 01 90h +10°C 0 0000 1010 0000 00 A0h +2°C 0 0000 0010 0000 00 20h +0.0625°C 0 0000 0000 0001 00 01h 0°C 00 0000 0000 00 00h −0.0625°C 1 1111 1111 1111 1F FFh −25°C 1 1110 0111 0000 1E 70h −55°C 1 1100 1001 0000 1C 90h 1.7 FAULT QUEUE A fault queue of up to 4 faults is provided to prevent false tripping when the LM76 is used in noisy environments. The 4 faults must occur consecutively to set flags as well as INT and T_CRIT_A outputs. The fault queue is enabled by setting bit 4 of the Configuration Register high (see Section 1.11). 1.6 INT AND T_CRIT_A OUTPUT The INT and T_CRIT_A outputs are open-drain outputs and do not have internal pull-ups. A "high" level will not be ob1.8 INTERNAL REGISTER STRUCTURE 10101507 There are four data registers in the LM76, selected by the Pointer register. At power-up the Pointer is set to “00”; the location for the Temperature Register. The Pointer register latches the last location it was set to. In Interrupt Mode, a read from the LM76 resets the INT output. Placing the device in Shutdown mode resets the INT and T_CRIT_A outputs. All registers are read and write, except the Temperature register which is read only. A write to the LM76 will always include the address byte and the Pointer byte. A write to the Configuration register requires one data byte, while the TLOW, THIGH, and T_CRIT registers require two data bytes. Reading the LM76 can take place either of two ways: If the location latched in the Pointer is correct (most of the time it is expected that the Pointer will point to the Temperature register because it will be the data most frequently read from the LM76), then the read can simply consist of an address byte, followed by retrieving the corresponding number of data bytes. If the Pointer needs to be set, then an address byte, pointer byte, repeat start, and another address byte plus required number of data bytes will accomplish a read. The first data byte is the most significant byte with most significant bit first, permitting only as much data as necessary to be read to determine the temperature condition. For instance, if the first four bits of the temperature data indicates a critical condition, the host processor could immediately take action to remedy the excessive temperature. At the end of a read, the LM76 can accept either Acknowledge or No Acknowledge from the Master (No Acknowledge is typically used as a signal for the slave that the Master has read its last byte). An inadvertent 8-bit read from a 16-bit register, with the D7 bit low, can cause the LM76 to stop in a state where the SDA line is held low as shown in Figure 4. This can prevent any further bus communication until at least 9 additional clock cy- 9 www.national.com LM76 served on these pins until pull-up current is provided from some external source, typically a pull-up resistor. Choice of resistor value depends on many system factors but, in general, the pull-up resistor should be as large as possible. This will minimize any errors due to internal heating of the LM76. The maximum resistance of the pull up, based on LM76 specification for High Level Output Current, to provide a 2 volt high level, is 30K ohms. 1.5 SHUTDOWN MODE Shutdown mode is enabled by setting the shutdown bit in the Configuration register via the Serial Bus. Shutdown mode reduces power supply current to 5 μA typical. T_CRIT_A is reset if previously set. Since conversions are stoped during shutdown, T_CRIT_A and INT will not be operational. The Serial Bus interface remains active. Activity on the clock and data lines of the Serial Bus may slightly increase shutdown mode quiescent current. Registers can be read from and written to in shutdown mode. The LM76 takes miliseconds to respond to the shutdown command. LM76 cles have occurred. Alternatively, the master can issue clock cycles until SDA goes high, at which time issuing a “Stop” condition will reset the LM76. 10101508 FIGURE 4. Inadvertent 8-Bit Read from 16-Bit Register where D7 is Zero (“0”) www.national.com 10 LM76 1.9 POINTER REGISTER (Selects which registers will be read from or written to): P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 0 0 0 0 0 P2 P1 P0 Register Select P0–P2: Register Select: P2 P1 P0 0 0 0 Temperature (Read only) (Power-up default)- Register 0 0 1 Configuration (Read/Write) 0 1 0 THYST (Read/Write) 0 1 1 T_CRIT (Read/Write) 1 0 0 TLOW (Read/Write) 1 0 1 THIGH (Read/Write) P3–P7: Must be kept zero. 1.10 TEMPERATURE REGISTER (Read Only): D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Sign MSB Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 CRIT D1 D0 HIGH LOW Status Bits D0–D2: Status Bits D3–D15: Temperature Data. One LSB = 0.0625°C. Two's complement format. 1.11 CONFIGURATION REGISTER (Read/Write): D7 D6 0 D5 0 D4 0 Fault Queue D3 D2 D1 D0 INT Polarity T_CRIT_A Polarity INT Mode Shutdown D0: Shutdown - When set to 1 the LM76 goes to low power shutdown mode. Power up default of “0”. D1: Interrupt mode - 0 is Comparator Interrupt mode, 1 is Event Interrupt mode. Power up default of “0”. D2, D3: T_CRIT_A and INT Polarity - 0 is active low, 1 is active high. Outputs are open-drain. Power up default of “0” D4: Fault Queue - When set to 1 the Fault Queu is enabled, see Section 1.7. Power up default of “0”. D5–D7: These bits are used for production testing and must be kept zero for normal operation. 1.12 THYST, TLOW, THIGH AND T_CRIT_A REGISTERS (Read/Write): D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Sign MSB Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 X X X D0–D2: Undefined D3–D15: THYST, TLOW, THIGH or T_CRIT Trip Temperature Data. Power up default is TLOW = 10°C, THIGH = 64°C, T_CRIT = 80°C, THYST = 2°C. THYST is subtracted from THIGH, and T_CRIT, and added to TLOW. Avoid programming setpoints so close that their hysteresis values overlap. See Section 1.1. 11 www.national.com LM76 2.0 I2C Timing Diagrams 10101509 Typical 2-Byte Read From Preset Pointer Location Such as Temp or Comparison Registers 10101510 Typical Pointer Set Followed by Immediate Read for 2-Byte Register such as Temp or Comparison Registers 10101511 Typical 1-Byte Read from Configuration Register with Preset Pointer FIGURE 5. Timing Diagrams www.national.com 12 LM76 10101512 Typical Pointer Set Followed by Immediate Read from Configuration Register 10101513 Configuration Register Write 10101514 Comparison Register Write FIGURE 6. Timing Diagrams 13 www.national.com LM76 issue an interrupt, service the interrupt, and reprogram the window according to the desired granularity of the temperature scale. The reprogrammed window will now have the current temperature inside it, ready to issue an interrupt whenever the temperature deviates from the current window. To understand this graph, assume that at the left hand side the system is at some nominal temperature. For the 1st event temperature rises above the upper window limit, THIGH, causing INT to go active. The system responds to the interrupt by querying the LM76's status bits and determines that THIGH was exceeded, indicating that temperature is rising. The system then reprograms the temperature limits to a value higher by an amount equal to the desired granularity. Note that in Event Interrupt Mode, reprogramming the limits has caused a second, known, interrupt to be issued since temperature has been returned within the window. In Comparator Interrupt Mode, the LM76 simply stops issuing interrupts. The 2nd event is another identical rise in temperature. The 3rd event is typical of a drop in temperature. This is one of the conditions that demonstrates the power of the LM76, as the user receives notification that a lower limit is exceeded in such a way that temperature is dropping. The Critical Alarm Event activates the separate T_CRIT_A output. Typically, this would feed circuitry separate from the processor on the assumption that if the system reached this temperature, the processor might not be responding. 3.0 Application Hints The temperature response graph in Figure 7 depicts a typical application designed to meet ACPI requirements. In this type of application, the temperature scale is given an arbitrary value of "granularity", or the window within which temperature notification events should occur. The LM76 can be programmed to the window size chosen by the designer, and will issue interrupts to the processor whenever the window limits have been crossed. The internal flags permit quick determination of whether the temperature is rising or falling. The T_CRIT limit would typically use its separate output to activate hardware shutdown circuitry separate from the processor. This is done because it is expected that if temperature has gotten this high that the processor may not be responding. The separate circuitry can then shut down the system, usually by shutting down the power supply. Note that the INT and T_CRIT_A outputs are separate, but can be wire-or'd together. Alternatively the T_CRIT_A can be diode or'd to the INT line in such a way that a T_CRIT_A event activates the INT line, but an INT event does not activate the T_CRIT_A line. This may be useful in the event that it is desirable to notify both the processor and separate T_CRIT_A shutdown circuitry of a critical temperature alarm at the same time (maybe the processor is still working and can coordinate a graceful shutdown with the separate shutdown circuit). To implement ACPI compatible sensing it is necessary to sense whenever the temperature goes outside the window, 10101515 Note: Event Interrupt mode is drawn as if the user is reading the part. If the user doesn't read, the outputs would go low and stay that way until the LM76 is read. FIGURE 7. Temperature Response Diagram for ACPI Implementation www.national.com 14 LM76 4.0 Typical Applications 10101516 FIGURE 8. Typical Application 10101519 FIGURE 9. ACPI Compatible Terminal Alarm Shutdown. By powering the LM76 from auxiliary output of the power supply, a non-functioning overheated computer can be powered down to preserve as much of the system as possible. 15 www.national.com LM76 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 8-Lead (0.150″ Wide) Molded Small Outline Package (SOP), JEDEC Order Number LM76CNM-3, LM76CNMX-3, LM76CHM-5 or LM76CHM-5X NS Package Number M08A www.national.com 16 LM76 ±0.5°C, ±1°C, 12-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: www.national.com Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH® Tools www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Clock and Timing www.national.com/timing Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Data Converters www.national.com/adc Samples www.national.com/samples Interface www.national.com/interface Eval Boards www.national.com/evalboards LVDS www.national.com/lvds Packaging www.national.com/packaging Power Management www.national.com/power Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers Distributors www.national.com/contacts LDOs www.national.com/ldo Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LED Lighting www.national.com/led Feedback/Support www.national.com/feedback Voltage References www.national.com/vref Design Made Easy www.national.com/easy www.national.com/powerwise Applications & Markets www.national.com/solutions Mil/Aero www.national.com/milaero PowerWise® Solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagic™ www.national.com/solarmagic PLL/VCO www.national.com/wireless www.national.com/training PowerWise® Design University THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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