ACD2204 CATV/TV/Video Downconverter with Dual Synthesizer PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Integrated Downconverter Integrated Dual Synthesizer 256 QAM Compatibility Single +5 V Power Supply Operation Low Noise Figure: 8 dB High Conversion Gain: 31 dB Low Distortion: -53 dBc Three-Wire Interface Small Size -40 °C to +85 °C APPLICATIONS • • • • • Set Top Boxes CATV Video Tuners Digital TV Tuners CATV Data Tuners Cable Modems S8 Package 28 Pin SSOP PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The ACD2204 uses both GaAs and Si technology to provide the downconverter and dual synthesizer functions in a double conversion tuner gain block, local oscillator, balanced mixer, IF Amplifier, and dual synthesizer. The specifications meet the requirements of CATV/TV/Video and Cable Modem Data applications. The ACD2204 is supplied in a 28 lead SSOP package and requires a single +5 V supply voltage. The IC is well suited for applications where small size, low cost, low auxiliary parts count, and no-compromise performance is important. It provides for cost reduction by lowering the component and packaged IC count and decreasing the amount of labor-intensive production alignment steps, while significantly improving performance and reliability. RF RF2: 64/65 Prescaler V IF +IF OUT- RF IN + RF IN - V IF +IF OUT+ 18 Bit RF2 N C ounter RF2 Phase Detector RF 2 Charge Pump CP D RF1 Phase Detector RF1 Charge Pump CP U 15 Bit RF2 R C ounter REF Low Noise VGA REF IN OU T Oscillato r Mixer 15 Bit RF1 R C ounter RF Phase Splitter T CKT D OSC OUT Clock Data Enabl e Figure 1: Downconverter Block Diagram U RF1: 64/65 Prescaler 18 Bit RF1 N C ounter 22 Bi t Data Registar Figure 2: Dual Synthesizer Block Diagram 04/2003 ACD2204 1 RFIN+ VIF + IFOUT+ 28 2 RFIN- VIF + IFOUT- 27 3 GND GND 26 4 ISET VSUP 25 5 TCKT OSCOUT 24 6 OSCGND GND 23 7 OSCGND GND 22 8 VSS VSS 21 9 VSS VSS 20 10 EN RFD 19 11 DATA CPD 18 12 CLK CPU 17 13 REFIN RFU 16 14 REFOUT VSYN 15 Figure 3: Pinout 2 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 Table 1: Pin Description PIN NAME 1 RFIN+ 2 DESCRIPTION PIN NAME Downconverter Differential RFInput 28 VIF+IFOUT+ RFIN- Downconverter Differential RFInput 27 3 GND Downconverter Ground (Must be connected) 26 GND Downconverter Ground (Must be connected) 4 ISET Downconverter Gilbert Cell Current Source Resistor 25 VSUP Downconverter Supply (+VDD) 5 TCKT Oscillator Input Port (Tank circuit connection) 24 OSCOUT Oscillator Output (Connected to Synthesizer RF Input) 23 GND Downconverter Ground (Must be connected) Downconverter Ground (Must be connected) VIF+IFOUT - DESCRIPTION Differential IF Amplifier Output, Inductively coupled to +VDD Differential IF Amplifier Output, Inductively coupled to +VDD 6 OSCGND Oscillator Tank Circuit Ground (Not to be connected to any other circuit ground) 7 OSCGND Same as Pin 6 22 GND 8 VSS Synthesizer Ground (Required) 21 VSS Synthesizer Ground (Required) 9 VSS Synthesizer Ground (Required) 20 VSS Synthesizer Ground (Required) 10 EN 3-Wire Interface Enable 19 RFD Synthesizer Downconverter RFInput 11 DATA 3-Wire Interface Data 18 CPD Synthesizer Downconverter Charge Pump Output 12 CLK 3-Wire Interface Clock 17 CPU Synthesizer Upconverter Charge Pump Output 13 REFIN Crystal Reference Input 16 RFU Synthesizer Upconverter RFInput 14 REFOUT Crystal Reference Output 15 VSYN Synthesizer Supply (+VDD) PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 3 ACD2204 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 2: Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT Supply Voltage (pins 25, 27 & 28) (pin 15) - +9 +6.5 VDC Voltage on pins 10 through 14, 16 through 19 with VSS = 0 V -0.3 VSYN +0.3 VDC Input Voltages (pins 1, 2 & 5) - 0 VDC Input Power (pins 1 & 2) (pin 5) (pins 13, 16 & 19) - +10 +17 +20 dBm -55 +150 °C Soldering Temperature - 260 °C Soldering Time - 4 Sec Thermal Impedance, θJC - 40 ° C/W Storage Temperature Stresses in excess of the absolute ratings may cause permanent damage. Functional operation is not implied under these conditions. Exposure to absolute ratings for extended periods of time may adversely affect reliability. Table 3: Operating Ranges PARAMETER Downconverter Frequencies RF Input (RF) IF Output (IF) Local Oscillator (LO) MIN TYP MAX UNIT 900 35 865 - 1200 150 1350 MHz 400 400 2 - 4 - 2100 1400 20 10 MHz +4.75 +5 +5.25 VDC -40 - +85 °C (1) Synthesizer Frequencies Upconverter Synthesizer (RFU) Downconverter Synthesizer (RFD) Reference Oscillator (REFIN) Phase Detector Supply Voltage: VDD (pins 15, 25, 27, 28) Ambient Operating Temperature: TA The device may be operated safely over these conditions; however, parametric performance is guaranteed only over the conditions defined in the electrical specifications. Notes: (1) Mixer operation is possible beyond these frequencies with slightly reduced performance. 4 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 Table 4: Electrical Specifications - Downconverter Section (TA = 25 °C, VDD = +5 VDC, RFIN = 1087 MHz, IFOUT = 45 MHz) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT 28 31 - dB - 8 10 dB - -59 - dBc - - -53 dBc -10 - - dBm - -90 -85.5 dBc/Hz - -5 - dBm Spurious @ IF Output LO Signals and Harmonics Beats Within Output Channel Other Beats from 2 to 200 MHz Other Spurious - -10 -70 -50 -10 - dBm dBc dBm dBm IF Supply Current (pin 27 & 28) - 110 - mA Osc, Phase Splitter and Mixer Supply Current (pin 25) - 70 - mA Power Consumption - 900 - mW Conversion Gain (1) SSB Noise Figure Cross Modulation (1) (1), (2), (4) 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion (IMD3) (1), (3), (4) 2-Tone 3rd Order Input Intercept Point (IIP3) (1), (3), (4) LO Phase Noise (@ 10 KHz Offset) LO Output Power (pin 24) (1) (1) (1), (4) Notes: (1) As measured in ANADIGICS test fixture. (2) Two tones: 1085 and 1091 MHz, -40 dBm each, 1091 MHz tone AM-modulated 99% at 15 kHz. (3) Two tones: 1085 and 1091 MHz, -30 dBm each. (4) R1 = 0 Ohms Table 5: Electrical Specifications - Synthesizer Section (TA = +25 °C, VDD = +5 VDC) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT Prescalar Input Sensitivity Upconverter: RFU (pin 16) (1) Downconverter: RFD (pin 19) -7 -13 - +20 +20 dBm - 0.5 - Vp-p - 1.25 -1.25 - mA Supply Current - 35 50 mA Power Consumption - 165 250 mW (2) Reference Oscillator Sensitivity (pin 13) Charge Pump Output Current COMMENTS (over operating frequency) (3) SINK SOURCE Notes: (1) Measured at 250 kHz comparison frequency. (2) Measured at 62.5 kHz comparison frequency. (3) CPU and CPD = Vcc/2. PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 5 ACD2204 Table 6: Digital Interface Specifications (TA = 25 °C, VDD = +5 VDC, ref. Figure 4) DATA PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT Logic High Input: VH (pins 10, 11, 12) 2.0 - - V Logic Low Input: VL (pins 10, 11, 12) - - 0.8 V Logic Input Current Consumption (pins 10, 11, 12) - - 0.01 mA Data to Clock Set Up Time: tCS 50 - - ns Data to Clock Hold Time: tCH 10 - - ns Clock Pulse Width High: tCWH 50 - - ns Clock Pulse Width Low: tCWL 50 - - ns Clock to Load Enable Setup Time: tES 50 - - ns Load Enable Pulse Width: tEW 50 - - ns Rise Time: tR - 10 - ns Fall Time: tF - 10 - ns N20: MSB (R20: MSB) N1 9 N 10 (R19) R10 N9 C2 (R9 ) (R8) (C2 ) C1 : LSB (C1 : LSB) CLOCK tCWL LE OR LE tCS tCH tCWH Figure 4: Serial Data Input Timing 6 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 tES tEW ACD2204 PERFORMANCE DATA Figure 5: Typical Upconverter Prescalar Sensitivity vs. Supply Voltage (TA = +25 °C, fLO1 = 2100 MHz) Figure 6: Typical Upconverter Prescalar Sensitivity vs. Local Oscillator Frequency (TA = +25 °C, VDD = +5 V) -5 Prescalar Sensitivity (dBm) Prescalar Sensitivity (dBm) -7.0 -7.5 -8.0 -8.5 -9.0 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 500 5.3 700 900 Supply Voltage (V) 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 LO1 Frequency (MHz) Figure 7: Typical Downconverter Prescalar Sensitivity vs. Supply Voltage (TA = +25 °C, fLO2 = 1000 MHz) Figure 8: Typical Downconverter Prescalar Sensitivity vs. Local Oscillator Frequency (TA = +25 °C, VDD = +5 V) -12 Prescalar Sensitivity (dBm) -16.0 Prescalar Sensitivity (dBm) 1100 -16.5 -17.0 -17.5 -18.0 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 400 600 Supply Voltage (V) 800 1000 1200 1400 LO2 Frequency (MHz) Figure 9: Typical Local Oscillator Output Power vs. Supply Voltage (TA = +25 °C, fLO2 = 1042 MHz) -4.5 Output Power (dBm) -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 -6.5 -7.0 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Supply Voltage (V) PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 7 ACD2204 LOGIC PROGRAMMING Synthesizer Register Programming The ACD2204 includes two PLL synthesizers. Each synthesizer contains programmable Reference and Main dividers, which allow a wide range of local oscillator frequencies. The 22-bit registers that control the dividers are programmed via a shared three-wire bus, consisting of Data, Clock and Enable lines. Table 7: Register Select Bits SELECT BITS The data word for each register is entered serially in order with the most significant bit (MSB) first and the least significant bit (LSB) last. The rising edge of the Clock pulse shifts each data value into the register. The Enable line must be low for the duration of the data entry, then set high to latch the data into the register. (See Figure 4.) S 1 0 0 Reference Divider Register for PLL2 0 1 Main Divider Register for PLL2 1 0 Reference Divider Register for PLL1 1 1 Main Divider Register for PLL1 Table 8: Reference Divider Registers MSB 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Program Mode D 5 S 2 Reference Divider Programming The reference divider register for each synthesizer consists of fifteen divider bits, five program mode bits and the two register select bits, as shown in Table 8. The fifteen divider bits allow a divide ratio from 3 to 32767, inclusive, as shown in Table 9. Register Select Bits The two least significant bits of each register are register select bits that determine which register is programmed during a particular data entry cycle. Table 7 indicates the register select bit settings used to program each of the available registers. 22 DESTINATION REGISTER FOR SERIAL DATA D 4 D 3 D 2 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 LSB 7 6 5 4 3 Reference Divider Divide Ratio, R D 1 R 15 R 14 R 13 R 12 R R 11 10 R 9 R 8 R 7 R 6 R 5 2 1 Select R 4 R 3 R 2 R 1 S 2 Table 9: Reference Divider R Counter Bits DIVIDE RATIO R R 15 R 14 R 13 R 12 R 11 R 10 R 9 R 8 R 7 R 6 R 5 R 4 R 3 R 2 R 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32767 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: Divide ratios less than 3 are prohibited. 8 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 S 1 ACD2204 Main Divider Programming The main divider register for each synthesizer consists of seven A counter bits, eleven B counter bits, two program mode bits and the two register select bits, as shown in Table 10. The main divider divide ratio, N, is determined by the values in the A and B counters. The eleven B Counter bits and allowed values are shown in Table 11, and the seven A Counter bits and allowed values are shown in 21 20 19 18 17 Program Mode C 2 Pulse Swallow Function The VCO output frequency for the local oscillator is computed using the following equation; the variables are defined in Table 13: fVCO = N x fOSC/R, where N = [(P x B) + A] Table 10: Main Divider Registers MSB 22 Table 12. Note that there are some limitations on the ranges of the values for each counter. C 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 LSB 8 7 B Counter B B 11 10 B 9 B 8 B 7 B 6 6 5 4 3 A Counter B 5 B 4 B 3 B 2 B 1 A 7 A 6 A 5 A 4 2 1 Select A 3 A 2 A 1 S 2 S 1 Table 11: Main Divider B Counter Bits VALUE OF B COUNTER B 11 B 10 B 9 B 8 B 7 B 6 B 5 B 4 B 3 B 2 B 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: B > A, Divide ratios less than 3 are prohibited. Table 13: Variable Definitions Table 12: Main Divider A Counter Bits VALUE OF A COUNTER A 7 A 6 A 5 A 4 A 3 A 2 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - 127 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: B > A, A < P VAR DEFINITION fVCO Desired output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) 1 B Divide ratio of B counter (3 to 2047) - - A Divide ratio of A counter (0 < A < P, A < B) 1 1 fOSC Frequency of external reference crystal or oscillator R Divide ratio of R counter (3 to 32767) P Preset modulus of prescalar (P = 64) PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 9 ACD2204 Programmable Modes Each register contains bits set aside for programming different modes of operation in the synthesizers. Currently, the only programmable mode is the polarity of the phase detector in each of the synthesizers. Bit D1 in each reference divider register controls this feature. Bits D2 through D5 in the reference divider registers and bits C1 and C2 in the main divider registers are reserved for future use, and have no Table 14: Phase Detector Polarity Bit S 2 S 1 D 1 0 0 PLL2 Phase Detector Polarity 1 0 PLL1 Phase Detector Polarity current function. They can be set either high or low without affecting synthesizer performance. Setting Phase Detector Polarity Table 14 shows how bit D1 of each reference divider register controls the polarity of the phase detector associated with each PLL. The correct setting is determined by using Table 15 and Figure 10. Figure 10: VCO Characteristics (1) VCO OUTPUT FREQUENCY Table 15: Phase Detector Polarity Selection D 1 PHASE DETECTOR POLARITY VCO CHARACTERISTICS (SEE FIGURE 12) 0 Negative curve (2) 1 Positive curve (1) (2) VCO INPUT VOLTAGE Synthesizer Programming Example The following example for programming the two synthesizers in the ACD2204 details the calculations used to determine the required value of each bit in all four registers: Requirements Desired CATV input channel: “HHH” - 499.25 MHz picture carrier (501 MHz digital channel center frequency) (Second) IF picture carrier output frequency: 45.75 MHz (44 MHz digital channel center frequency) First IF frequency: 1087.75 MHz Phase detector comparison frequency for down converter (also tuning increment): 62.5 KHz Phase detector comparison frequency for up converter: 250 KHz Crystal reference oscillator frequency: 4 MHz Calculation of Reference Divider Values The value for each reference divider is calculated by dividing the reference oscillator frequency by the desired phase detector comparison frequency: R = fOSC / fPD For the down converter, the 4 MHz crystal oscillator frequency and the 62.5 KHz phase detector comparison frequency are used to yield RPLL2 = 4 MHz / 62.5 KHz = 64, and so the bit values for the down converter R counter are RPLL2 = 000000001000000. 10 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 For the up converter, the 4 MHz crystal oscillator frequency and the 250 KHz phase detector comparison frequency are used to yield RPLL1 = 4 MHz / 250 KHz = 16, and so the bit values for the up converter R counter are RPLL1 = 000000000010000. Calculation of Main Divider Values The values for the A and B counters are determined by the desired VCO output frequency for the local oscillator and the phase detector comparison frequency: N = fVCO / f PD B = trunc(N / P) A = N - (B x P) The down converter local oscillator frequency will be 1087.75 MHz - 45.75 MHz = 1042 MHz in this example. The main divider ratio for the down converter, then, is NPLL2 = 1042 MHz / 62.5 KHz = 16672. Since P = 64 in the ACD2204, BPLL2 = trunc(16672 / 64) = 260, and APLL2 = 16672 - (260 x 64) = 32. These results give bit values of BPLL2 = 00100000100 and APLL2 = 0100000 for the B and A counters. The up converter local oscillator frequency will be 499.25 MHz + 1087.75 MHz = 1587 MHz in this example. Therefore, NPLL1 = 1587 MHz / 250 KHz = 6348, BPLL1 = trunc(6348 / 64) = 99, and APLL1 = 6348 - (99 x 64) = 12. These results give bit values of BPLL1 = 00001100011 and APLL1 = 0001100 for the B and A counters. Phase Detector Polarity Assuming the VCO for the up converter has a negative slope, the phase detector polarity for PLL1 should be negative, and D1PLL1 = 1. If the VCO for the down converter has a positive slope, the phase detector polarity for PLL2 should be positive, and D1PLL2 = 0. In summary, for this example, the four register programming words are shown in Tables 16 and 17: Table 16: PLL1 and PLL2 Reference Divider Register Bits for Synthesizer Programming Example MSB 22 21 20 19 18 Program Mode 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Main Divider B Counter 8 7 6 LSB 5 4 3 Main Divider A Counter 2 1 Select C 2 C 1 B B 11 10 B 9 B 8 B 7 B 6 B 5 B 4 B 3 B 2 B 1 A 7 A 6 A 5 A 4 A 3 A 2 A 1 S 2 S 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Table 17: PLL1 and PLL2 Main Divider Register Bits for Synthesizer Programming Example MSB 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Program Mode 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 LSB 5 4 3 Reference Divider R Counter 2 1 Select D 5 D 4 D 3 D 2 D 1 R 15 R 14 R 13 R 12 R R 11 10 R 9 R 8 R 7 R 6 R 5 R 4 R 3 R 2 R 1 S 2 S 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 11 ACD2204 APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 11: PC Board Layout Top View Figure 12: PC Board Layout Mid View RF RF AFC Out ACD 220 4 4M Hz Xt al LO In J1 1 Figure 13: PC Board Layout Bottom View Figure 14: Evaluation Fixture Table 18: J1 Header Pinout Table 19: Fixture Pinout FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION 1 Clock RF Downconverter RF Input 2 Data RF Downconverter RF Input 3 Ground IF IF Output (Single Ended) 4 Enable AFC Out To Oscillator Tuning Circuit 5 +5 VDC LO In 6 +30 VDC PIN 12 IF Balun PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 Synthesizer RFU Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 J1 C4 +30V C5 R5 C6 R2 +5V PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 C7 R6 R3 C8 X1 R7 R4 L1 D1 RF RF R1 C1 C3 C2 +5V 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C12 REFOUT REFIN CLK DATA EN VSS VSS OSCGND OSCGND TCKT ISET GND RFIN- RFIN+ R8 C11 ACD2204 VSUP C10 VSYN RFU CPU CPD RFD VSS VSS GND GND OSC OUT L2 27 28 C9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 GND 26 VIF + IFOUT- VIF + IFOUT+ C24 L3 C21 DT1 C13 R9 C20 IF C14 R10 R12 C17 C22 R11 C16 C23 C15 Q1 LOIN AFCOUT +5V R13 C18 C19 +30V ACD2204 Figure 15: Evaluation Fixture Schematic 13 ACD2204 Table 20: Evaluation Fixture Parts List ITEM # VALUE SIZE DESCRIPTION C1, C2, C20 100pF 0603 Chip-capacitor C3 9pF 0603 C7, C8 30pF 0603 C12 220uF QTY VENDOR GRM39COG101J50V 3 Murata Chip-capacitor GRM39COG090C50V 1 Murata Chip-capacitor GRM39COG300J50V 2 Murata PCE2040CT-ND 1 DIGI-KEY 10V VA Capacitor Series PART # C9, C11, C14, C21, C22 .1uF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39Y5V104Z16V 5 Murata C10, C23 1000pF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39X7R102K50V 2 Murata C15, C17 4700pF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39X7R472K25V 2 Murata C16 1uF 0603 Radial-lead Chip-capacitor RPE113-X7R-105-K-050 1 Murata C18 .01uF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39X7R103K25V 1 Murata C19 10uF 35 V TANT TE Series Cap. PCS6106CT-ND 1 DIGI-KEY C24 15pF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39COG150J50V 1 Murata C13 5600pF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39X7R562K50V 1 Murata 33pF 0603 Chip-capacitor GRM39COG330J50V 3 Murata R8 51 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ510 1 Panasonic R5 10K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ103 1 Panasonic R2, R3, R4 2K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ202 3 Panasonic R12 1K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ102 1 Panasonic R11 2.7K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ272 1 Panasonic R7 3K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ302 1 Panasonic R13 22K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ223 1 Panasonic R10 8.2K 0603 Chip Resistor ERJ-3GSYJ822 1 Panasonic C4, C5, C6 14 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 Table 20: Evaluation Fixture Parts List continued ITEM # VALUE SIZE DESCRIPTION PART # QTY VENDOR 0 0603 Chip Resistor ZC0603 3 RCD L1 5.6nH 0805 Inductor 0805CS-050X-BC 1 Coilcraft L2 68nH 0805 Inductor 0805CS-680X-BC 1 Coilcraft L3 270nH 0805 Inductor 0805CS-271X-BC 1 Coilcraft D1 1SV245 Varactor diode 1SV245 1 Toshiba Transformer ETC4-1-2 1 M/A-COM, Inc. North America 1 DIGI-KEY 1 DIGI-KEY R1, R6, R9 DT1 4:1 Q1 30V SMD X1 4MHZ SOT-23 Transistor NPN FMMTA13CT-ND Darl. Crystal SE2618CT-ND PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 15 ACD2204 PACKAGE OUTLINE Figure 16: S8 Package Outline - 28 Pin SSOP 16 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 NOTES PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 17 ACD2204 NOTES 18 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 ACD2204 NOTES PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 04/2003 19 ACD2204 ORDERING INFORMATION ORDER NUMBER TEMPERATURE RANGE PACKAGE DESCRIPTION ACD2204S8P1 -40° C to +85° C 28 Pin SSOP Tape & Reel, 3500 pieces per reel ACD2204S8P0 -40° C to +85° C 28 Pin SSOP Tubes, 50 pieces per tube COMPONENT PACKAGING ANADIGICS, Inc. 141 Mount Bethel Road Warren, New Jersey 07059, U.S.A Tel: +1 (908) 668-5000 Fax: +1 (908) 668-5132 URL: E-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE ANADIGICS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any product at any time without notice. The product specifications contained in Advanced Product Information sheets and Preliminary Data Sheets are subject to change prior to a product’s formal introduction. Information in Data Sheets have been carefully checked and are assumed to be reliable; however, ANADIGICS assumes no responsibilities for inaccuracies. ANADIGICS strongly urges customers to verify that the information they are using is current before placing orders. WARNING ANADIGICS products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of an ANADIGICS product in any such application without written consent is prohibited. 20 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.0 4/2003