HXT5UZ1A Ultra Slim TV Tuner for NTSC-US System 1. General Description The Himax’s HXT5UZ1AS1 series tuner is designed in an advanced single conversion RF architecture to implement a full coil-free and alignment-free tuner. IF demodulation use a video/sound split carrier and bandwidth switchable SAW to reduce the interference between video and sound and excellent sensitive for portable application Thank to the coil-free design, the first SMD type tuners, the thinnest (3.0mm) and smallest (volume: 2.4ml) size is successfully implemented. 2. Features NTSC M/N system . Compact size 2.4ml: 3.0mm(H)*37mm(L)*22mm(W) Broadband freq range from 55.25 to 801.25MHz High sensitivity for weak RF reception area Output: Composite video, audio, 2nd sound IF, Analog AFT (Auto Frequency Tuning) and S-curve voltage. Synchronous video and audio demodulation. Selectable wideband audio frequency response output (3dB@100KHz) for MTS decoder or de-emphasized mono audio output SIF output for further audio function application. Both analog AFT S-curve voltage and readable AFT digital data output 3. Pin Assignment SMD Pin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description Pin name RF_IN VT SCL SDA BT B AUDIO SIF AFT VIDEO GND GND GND GND RF input Tuning Voltage out (for monitor) Serial clock Serial data +3.3V supply voltage for RF 5V supply voltage for demodulation Mono Audio or MPX (Stereo) output 2nd IF out (4.5/5.5/6.0/6.5 MHz) Analog AFT (Auto Freq. Tuning) voltage output Composite Video output 1 Himax TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 4. Outline Drawing and Footprint SMD type Footprint 2 Himax TECHNOLOGIES, INC.