CAM35C44 ADVANCE INFORMATION Infrared Communications Controller Chip CameraFR FEATURES !" !" !" !" Mixed Voltage Support Supports 3.3V Operation Supports Mixed Internal 3.3V Operation with 3.3V/5V External Configuration Intelligent Auto Power Management Supports Multiple Power Down Modes Serial Port High Speed NS16C550A Compatible UART with 16-Byte Send/Receive FIFOs Programmable Baud Rate Generator Infrared Port Multi-Protocol Infrared Interface 128-Byte Data FIFO IrDA 1.1 Compliant (up to 4Mbps) Consumer IR SHARP ASK IR Programmed I/O and DMA Options !" !" !" !" Up to 5 General Purpose I/O Pins Programmable Multi-Protocol Host Interface ISA-Style 5 Bit Address and 8 Bit Data Bus IOCHRDY and No Wait State Support for Fast IR Non-ISA 8 Bit Multiplexed Address/Data Bus Programmable Read/Write Interface One 8 Bit DMA Channel One Programmable IRQ Chip Select Multihost Interface Support Includes Hitachi and Mitsubishi Microcontrollers 24MHz Crystal Oscillator Supports Internal or External Clock Source 48 Pin TQFP Package GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CAM35C44 with IrDA v1.1 (4Mbps) and Consumer IR support incorporates SMSC’s advanced Infrared Communications Controller (IrCC 2.0), a 16C550A-compatible UART, Multiple Host Interface options, flexible Address Decoding and up to five General Purpose I/Os. The CAM35C44 also features sophisticated power control circuitry to support multiple power down modes, an on-chip 24MHz crystal oscillator, and 12mA host bus drivers. The CAM35C44 is particularly suited for 3.3v battery-powered systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 1 ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................................................................................... 4 PIN CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................ 5 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 6 BUFFER-TYPE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 11 CLOCK GENERATOR........................................................................................................................... 12 MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE ............................................................................................................ 13 HOST INTERFACE SELECT .......................................................................................................................... 14 HOST INTERFACE PIN MULTIPLEXING ........................................................................................................... 14 System Data Bus ................................................................................................................................... 14 ISA Address Bus SA0 - SA1 .................................................................................................................. 15 ISA Address Bus SA2 - SA4 .................................................................................................................. 15 ISA nIOR ................................................................................................................................................ 15 ISA nIOW ............................................................................................................................................... 15 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP.................................................................................................................. 16 NON-MULTIPLEXED (ISA) ADDRESSING ....................................................................................................... 16 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESSING ........................................................................................................................ 17 CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................. 18 CONFIGURATION ACCESS PORTS ................................................................................................................ 18 CONFIGURATION STATE ............................................................................................................................. 19 CONFIGURATION REGISTERS ...................................................................................................................... 21 INFRARED INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................... 30 IRDA SIR/FIR ......................................................................................................................................... 30 ASKIR .................................................................................................................................................... 30 CONSUMER IR .......................................................................................................................................... 30 HARDWARE INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................. 30 GENERAL PURPOSE I/O ..................................................................................................................... 32 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 32 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................................ 32 REGISTERS .............................................................................................................................................. 34 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................... 36 A.C. TIMING .......................................................................................................................................... 38 CLOCK AND RESET TIMING ......................................................................................................................... 38 READ CYCLE TIMING (NON-MULTIPLEXED)................................................................................................... 39 READ CYCLE TIMING (MULTIPLEXED)........................................................................................................... 40 W RITE CYCLE TIMING (NON-MULTIPLEXED) ................................................................................................. 41 W RITE CYCLE TIMING (MULTIPLEXED) ......................................................................................................... 42 2 READ/W RITE CYCLE TIMING (MULTIPLEXED)................................................................................................ 43 SINGLE TRANSFER MODE DMA TIMING ....................................................................................................... 44 BURST TRANSFER MODE DMA TIMING ........................................................................................................ 46 3 ARCHITECTURE The IrCC 2.0 is a multi-protocol serial communications controller that incorporates an ACE 16C550A UART and a Synchronous Communications Engine (SCE). Refer to the SMSC Infrared Communications Controller 2.0 specification for more information. There are six basic architectural components in the CAM35C44: the multihost CPU interface, the IrCC 2.0, a clock generator, configuration registers, power management, and general purpose I/O ( FIGURE 1). The clock generator provides connections for a 24MHz crystal or an external clock source. The 24MHz clock directly drives the ACE block. An internal PLL is used for data rates above 115.2Kbps. The multihost CPU interface is capable of supporting several bus configurations; including, a non-multiplexed ISA-style address and data bus, and a multiplexed address/data bus with selectable read/write command options. The multihost CPU interface includes support for Hitachi and Mitsubishi microcontrollers. X1/CLK1 x2 CLOCK GEN SD[7:0]/AD[7:0] Power management in the CAM35C44 includes various power down modes and an infrared wake-up option. The general purpose I/O interface provides generic I/O programming capabilities. PWRGD VCC[2:1],VSS[3:1], VIO POWER MGMT POWER GENERAL PURPOSE I/O SA[1:0]/GPIO[4:3] SA[4:2]/BS[2:0] nCS AEN IOCHRDY ASTRB nNOWS RESET_DRV MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE GPIO[2:0] CONTROL DATA IRRX ADDRESS IRQ DRQ IRTX IRCC 2.0 nDACK TC nIOR/RW nIOW/DSTRB CONFIGURATION REGISTERS HS1 HS0 FIGURE 1 - CAM35C44 BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 IRMODE/IRRX3 RXD/IRRX TXD/IRTX PIN CONFIGURATION The CAM35C44 pin numbers are shown in FIGURE 2. Functional descriptions per pin- group are shown in TABLE 1. N/C SA2/BS2 SA1/GPIO4 SA0/GPIO3 PW RG D VSS ASTRB VDD GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 VSS 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 Note: The pin numbers in FIGURE 2 are subject to change. SA3/BS1 1 36 HS1 SA4/BS0 2 35 HS0 TXD/IRTX 3 34 X2 IRTX 4 33 X1/CLK1 IRMODE/IRRX3 5 32 IRRX VIO 6 31 RXD/IRRX nIOR/RnW 7 30 TC nIOW/DSTRB 8 29 IOCHRDY nNOWS 9 28 RESET_DRV AEN 10 27 VDD nCS 11 26 nDACK N/C 12 25 N/C 21 22 23 24 VSS IRQ DRQ 18 SD4/AD4 SD7/AD7 17 SD3/AD3 20 16 SD2/AD2 SD6/AD6 15 SD1/AD1 19 14 SD0/AD0 SD5/AD5 13 N/C CAM35C44 48 PIN TQFP FIGURE 2 - CAM35C44 PIN CONFIGURATION 5 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS NAME ISA System Data Bus/ TABLE 1 - CAM35C44 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION TOTAL BUFFER PINS SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION PROCESSOR/HOST INTERFACE (25) 8 SD[7:0]/AD[7:0] IO12 This 8 bit bus is used to exchange data with the host. The bus is bidirectional and can be configured as either an ISA system data bus or as a multiplexed address/data bus (TABLE 3). These pins are in a high-impedance state when not in the output mode. 2 SA[1:0]/GPIO[4:3] I/IO12 The ISA system address bus is used to determine the I/O address during read and write cycles. These two ISA system address bus pins are general purpose I/O pins (TABLE 30) when a multiplexed address/data host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). 3 SA[4:2]/BS[2:0] I The ISA system address bus is used to determine the I/O address during read and write cycles. These three ISA system address bus pins are memory block select pins (TABLE 10) when a multiplexed address/data host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). 1 nCS I The active low chip select input is a 32-byte address block decoder when the ISA host interface type is selected and a 256-byte page decoder when a multiplexed address/data host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). Multiplexed Address/Data Bus (Non-ISA) ISA System Address Bus (SA0 - SA1)/ General Purpose I/O 4 (GPIO3 - GPIO4) ISA System Address Bus (SA2 - SA4)/ Memory Block Selects (BS0 - BS2) Chip Select 6 NAME Address Enable TOTAL PINS 1 BUFFER TYPE I SYMBOL AEN ISA I/O Channel Ready 1 IOCHRDY Multiplex Mode Address Strobe 1 No Wait State DESCRIPTION The active high Address Enable pin indicates DMA operations on the host data bus. AEN must be inactive to access the CAM35C44 registers and active during DMA operations regardless of the selected host interface type. OD12 IOCHRDY is pulled low to extend ISA I/O read/write commands. Only SCE-driven functions in the IrCC 2.0 can be enabled to use IOCHRDY. ASTRB I ASTRB is used to internally latch I/O addresses during read/write cycles when a multiplexed address/data host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). 1 nNOWS OD12 nNOWS can be enabled to be activated by IrCC 2.0 SCE-driven functions to indicate that an access cycle shorter than the standard ISA I/O cycle can be executed. ISA Reset Drive 1 RESET_DRV IS The RESET_DRV pin is active high and is used to reset the CAM35C44 as described in the appropriate sections in this document. The configuration registers are not affected by this pin except where noted (TABLE 13). The RESET_DRV pin must be valid for 500ns minimum. IRQ 1 IRQ OD12 7 The IRQ pin is forced active when an interrupt is asserted. IRQ goes inactive as soon as the source of the interrupt has been cleared. The active IRQ pin-state is determined by the IRQ_LEV bit in CR00 (see page 22). NAME DMA Request TOTAL PINS 1 BUFFER TYPE O12 SYMBOL DRQ DESCRIPTION The DRQ pin is forced active by the CAM35C44 when byte transfers to the host using DMA are required. DRQ goes inactive when the transfer has been completed. The active DRQ pinstate is determined by the DRQ_LEV bit in CR01 (see page 22). DMA Acknowledge 1 DACK I The DACK pin is forced active by the host DMA controller to acknowledge CAM35C44 transfer requests. DACK goes inactive following the transfer command. The active DACK pin-state is determined by the DAC_LEV bit in CR01 (see page 23). Terminal Count 1 TC I TC indicates that a DMA transfer is complete. TC is only acknowledged when DACK is active. ISA I/O Read/ 1 nIOR/RnW I The active low nIOR input is issued by the host to execute I/O read commands when an ISA read/write-styled host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). The RnW input is used to determine the I/O command type when a non-ISA read/write-styled host interface type is selected. 1 nIOW/DSTRB I The active low nIOW input is issued by the host to execute I/O write commands when an ISA read/write-styled host interface type is selected (TABLE 3). The DSTRB input is used to execute the I/O command when a non-ISA read/write-styled host interface type is selected (FIGURE 5). Non-ISA Read/Write Control ISA I/O Write/ Non-ISA R/W Data Strobe MISCELLANEOUS (12) 8 NAME Clock Input (24MHz CMOS Clock/Crystal) TOTAL PINS 1 BUFFER TYPE ICLK SYMBOL X1/CLK1 Crystal Driver 1 X2 Host Interface Select 2 HS[1:0] General Purpose I/O 4 (GPIO0 - GPIO2) 3 GPIO[2:0] 9 DESCRIPTION X1/CLK is the input for either a 24MHz clock crystal or 24MHz crystal oscillator source (see section CLOCK GENERATOR on page 12) OCLK X2 is the 24MHz crystal driver and should be left unconnected if an external clock source is used. IP The Host Interface Select bits determine the host interface type. These bits are static controls and must remain stable during device operation (see section MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE on page 13). IO12 The general purpose I/O pins provide a simple programmable I/O interface. The state of a GPIO pin can be forced to the value contained in the GPIO data register or this register can reflect the logical state of the GPIO pin depending on values programmed in GPIO direction and enable registers (see section GENERAL PURPOSE I/O on page 32). TOTAL PINS 1 NAME Power Good No Connect 4 BUFFER TYPE IP SYMBOL PWRGD N/C - DESCRIPTION This active high input indicates that the positive supply voltage VCC is valid. For normal device operation, PWRGD must be active. When PWRGD is inactive, all device inputs are disconnected and placed into a low power state; all outputs are put into a highimpedance state. Note: The crystal oscillator pins are unaffected by PWRGD. The contents of all registers are preserved as long as VCC has a valid value. Output driver current drain when PWRGD is inactive drops to ISTDBY - standby current. The PWRGD input has an internal 30#A pull-up. No internal connections are made to these pins. INFRARED INTERFACE (3) 3 1 IRRX I 1,2 1 IRTX O12PD This is the infrared port transmitter output pin. 1 IRMODE/IRRX3 O12/I This is the infrared port secondary receiver input channel or a transceiver mode control pin, depending on the state of the transceiver module interface type select (TABLE 27). Infrared Rx Infrared Tx 1 Infrared Mode/IRRX3 This is the infrared port receiver input pin. POWER PINS (6) +3.3V Digital Supply Voltage 2 VCC Positive Supply Voltage I/O Interface Supply 1 Voltage 1 VIO Positive I/O Interface Supply Voltage Ground 3 VSS Ground Supply 10 NAME TOTAL PINS BUFFER SYMBOL TYPE SERIAL PORT INTERFACE (2) Receive Serial Data 2/ 1 RXD/IRRX I 1 TXD/IRTX O12PD 3 Infrared Rx Transmit Serial Data 1,2 2/Infrared Tx 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note DESCRIPTION This is the receiver input pin for the UART COM port or an alternate infrared port receiver input. This is the transmitter output pin for the UART COM port or an alternate infrared port transmitter output. TX and MODE pins drive to VIO level. TX defaults to zero even during POR. RX pins are voltage tolerant to VIO level. All GPIOs are VIO tolerant and back drive protected. Buffer-Type Summary The characteristics of the buffer types shown in TABLE 1 are summarized in TABLE 2. TABLE 2 - CAM35C44 BUFFER-TYPE SUMMARY BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION IO12 Input/Output. 12mA sink; 6mA source O12 Output. 12mA sink; 6mA source OD12 O12PD Open Drain. 12mA sink Output. 12mA sink; 6mA source; 30#A Pulldown @ Tristate ICLK Input to Crystal Oscillator Circuit (TTL levels) OCLK Output to External Crystal I Input TTL Compatible. IP Input TTL Compatible with 30#A Pullup IS Input with Schmitt Trigger. 11 CLOCK GENERATOR The X2 pin is the 24MHz crystal driver and should not be used to drive any other device. This pin should be left unconnected if an external clock is used and INT_OSC is “0”. An internal 3.3v crystal oscillator or an external oscillator source is required for the CAM35C44 (FIGURE 3). The crystal/clock pins and buffer types are shown in TABLE 1. The 24MHz crystal can be used to directly drive the ACE block. This saves power when 115.2Kbps or slower data transfers are required because the PLL and SCE block do not need to be powered. See TABLE 25 and the section CRO8 - Power Control on page 27. The X1/CLK1 and X2 pins provide an external connection for a parallel resonant 24MHz crystal. Configuration register CR08 bit 5, INT_OSC, must be set to “1” to configure the internal oscillator for this arrangement (see the section CRO8 - Power Control on page 27). An external CMOS compatible oscillator is required if a 24MHz crystal is not used. In this case INT_OSC must be set to “0”. FIGURE 3 - EXAMPLE 24MHz OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT CAM35C44 X1/CLK1 X2 24MHz CRYSTAL 12 MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE bus with a read/write select and data strobe like the example shown in FIGURE 5. The CAM35C44 multihost CPU interface is capable of supporting three bus configurations; including, 1) an ISA-style address and data bus, 2) a multiplexed address/data bus with ISA-style read/write commands like the example shown in (FIGURE 4, and 3) a multiplexed address/data The CPU interface type as well as the typespecific multiplexing of the processor/host interface pins (TABLE 1) is controlled by the Host Interface Select pins. FIGURE 4 - NEC UPD781C1X READ CYCLE ADDR15-ADDR8 AB[15:8] AB[7:0] ADDR7-ADDR0 Data In ADDR STB nRD nWR ADDR15-ADDR8 AB[15:8] AB[7:0] ADDR7-ADDR0 ADDR STB R/nW DATA STB FIGURE 5 - HITACHI HD63P01M1 READ CYCLE 13 Data In The encoding for these bits is shown in TABLE 3. The Host Interface Select pins are static controls and must remain stable during device operation. Host Interface Select The Host Interface Select pins HS[1:0] (TABLE 1) determine the host interface type. TABLE 3 - HOST INTERFACE ENCODING HOST INTERFACE SELECT HOST INTERFACE TYPE HS1 HS0 0 0 Reserved 0 1 ISA 1 0 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA, Non-ISA Read/Write (FIGURE 5) 1 1 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA, ISA Read/Write (FIGURE 4) ISA signals that are not multiplexed, like IOCHRDY and nNOWS, remain operative regardless of the state of the Host Interface Select bits. Host Interface Pin Multiplexing Pin multiplexing for the processor/host interface (TABLE 1) is controlled by the Host Interface Select pins HS[1:0]. The following tables describe processor/host interface multiplexing per pin or per pin group. System Data Bus PIN NAME SD[7:0] TABLE 4 - SD[7:0] PIN MULTIPLEXING MUX CONTROLS HS1 HS0 SELECTED FUNCTION 0 0 NOT DEFINED 0 1 SD[7:0] 1 0 AD[7:0] 1 1 AD[7:0] 14 ISA Address Bus SA0 - SA1 PIN NAME SA[1:0] TABLE 5 - SA[1:0] PIN MULTIPLEXING MUX CONTROLS HS1 HS0 SELECTED FUNCTION 0 0 NOT DEFINED 0 1 SA[1:0] 1 0 GPIO[4:3] 1 1 GPIO[4:3] ISA Address Bus SA2 - SA4 PIN NAME SA[4:2] TABLE 6 - SA[4:2] PIN MULTIPLEXING MUX CONTROLS HS1 HS0 SELECTED FUNCTION 0 0 NOT DEFINED 0 1 SA[4:2] 1 0 BS[2:0] 1 1 BS[2:0] ISA nIOR PIN NAME nIOR TABLE 7 - nIOR PIN MULTIPLEXING MUX CONTROLS HS1 HS0 SELECTED FUNCTION 0 0 NOT DEFINED 0 1 nIOR 1 0 R/nW 1 1 nIOR ISA nIOW PIN NAME nIOW TABLE 8 - nIOW PIN MULTIPLEXING MUX CONTROLS HS1 HS0 SELECTED FUNCTION 0 0 NOT DEFINED 0 1 nIOW 1 0 DSTRB 1 1 nIOW 15 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP space, CONFIGURATION, GPIO, ACE and SCE, that are required for device configuration and run-time control. Register addressing in the CAM35C44 is fixed and requires a 32-byte memory block. Typically, register addressing is accomplished with a 5 bit address bus and a 1 bit chip select. The external address pins that are responsible for register addressing will depend on the Host Interface Select bits (see section MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE on page 13). TABLE 9 describes the mapping for the four register banks in the CAM35C44 address 8-BYTE ADDRESS BANK 0 1 2 3 TABLE 9 - CAM35C44 REGISTER MAP BANK SELECT ADDRESS RANGE 1 BITS SA[4:0] REGISTER BANK DECODING SA4 SA3 0 0 0x00 - 0x07 CONFIGURATION 0 1 0x08 - 0x0F GPIO 1 0 0x10 - 0x17 ACE 1 1 0x18 - 0x1F SCE 1 Note Address Enable (AEN) must be low to access the CAM35C44 registers regardless of the state of the Host Interface Select bits. Non-Multiplexed (ISA) Addressing As shown in TABLE 9 five address bits SA[4:0] and a chip select nCS are required to access the CAM35C44 run-time and configuration registers. address, while nCS decodes the 32-byte address block. Note: address block decoding must be done externally. In ISA mode, five bits of the ISA System Address bus SA[4:0] determine the register The Block Select bits BS[2:0] and two of the general purpose I/Os GPIO[4:3] are unavailable in ISA mode. 16 three high-order Multiplexed Address/Data Bus bits, AD[7:5]; i.e., BS[2:0] decodes which of eight 32-byte blocks is selected in the 256-byte page decoded by nCS. Note: page address decoding must be done externally. Multiplexed Addressing When multiplexed address modes are selected, i.e. HS[1:0] = 02H or 03H (TABLE 3), register addresses are decoded from the Multiplexed Address/Data Bus AD[7:0], the Block Select bits BS[2:0] and the chip select nCS pin. For example, TABLE 10 illustrates that if BS[2:0] = 01H, nCS = 0 (active), and AD[7:0] = 20H, the Index Register in the Configuration Bank has been selected. In the multiplexed addressing modes the 5 loworder bits of the Multiplexed Address/Data Bus AD[4:0] determine the register address while the Block Select bits BS[2:0] qualify the Two extra GPIO pins GPIO[4:3] are available in the multiplexed address modes. TABLE 10 - EXAMPLE MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS DECODING 256-BYTE ADDRESS PAGE nCS 1 0 0 32-BYTE ADDRESS BLOCK BS2 BS1 BS0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 MULTIPLEX ADDR/DATA BUS AD[7:0] XXH 20H 00H 17 DESCRIPTION No Decode: Invalid Page Decode Configuration Bank Index Register (TABLE 12) No Decode: Invalid Block CONFIGURATION If enabled, logical devices in the CAM35C44 will operate normally in the configuration state. The CAM35C44 configuration registers are used to program selectable chip-level device options (TABLE 13). Configuration Access Ports The configuration access ports are the config port, the index port, and the data port (TABLE 11). The configuration registers can only be programmed through the configuration access ports that appear when the chip is placed into the configuration state. The configuration access ports are the only addressable registers in the CAM35C44 configuration bank (TABLE 12). Configuration register programming typically follows this sequence: 1. Enter the Configuration State, 2. Program the Configuration Register(s), 3. Exit the Configuration State. The index port and the data port are only active in the configuration state. TABLE 11 - CONFIGURATION ACCESS PORTS PORT NAME ADDRESS DIRECTION 3 CONFIG PORT BANK 0, ADDRESS 0 WRITE 3 1,2 INDEX PORT BANK 0, ADDRESS 0 READ/WRITE 3 1 DATA PORT BANK 0, ADDRESS 1 READ/WRITE Note 1 2 Note 3 Note The INDEX and DATA ports are active only when the CAM35C44 is in the configuration state. The INDEX PORT is only readable in the configuration state. The CAM35C44 register banks are described in section REGISTER ADDRESS MAP on page 16. The register addresses in the CAM35C44 configuration bank are shown in TABLE 12. 18 The CSR can only be accessed when the CAM35C44 is in the configuration state. Configuration State Logical devices in the CAM35C44 can operate in the run state and/or the configuration state. After power up the CAM35C44 is in the run state, by default. Configuration Register Programming The CAM35C44 contains ten configuration registers CR00-CR09. After the CAM35C44 enters the configuration state, the configuration registers are programmed by first writing the register index number (00 - 09) to the configuration select register (CSR) and then writing or reading the configuration register contents through the data port. To program the configuration registers the configuration state must be explicitly enabled. Entering the Configuration State To enter the configuration state, a configuration access key must be written to the config port. The configuration access key is one byte of 55H data. Configuration register access remains enabled until the configuration state is explicitly exited. Once the configuration access key has been written to the config port, the CAM35C44 automatically activates the configuration access ports and enters the configuration state. Exiting the Configuration State Configuration Select Register Once AAH has been written to the config port, the CAM35C44 automatically deactivates the configuration access ports and enters the run state. In the run state, configuration register access cannot occur until the configuration state is explicitly re-enabled. To exit the configuration state one byte of AAH data must be written to the config port. The Configuration Select Register (CSR) is located at the index port address and must be initialized with the configuration register index before the register can be accessed using the data port. 19 Programming Example The following Intel 8086 assembly language instructions illustrate CAM35C44 configuration register programming. In this example, the config port is located at address 3F0H. ;-----------------------------. ; ENTER CONFIGURATION STATE | ;-----------------------------’ MOV DX,3F0H MOV AX,055H OUT DX,AL ;-----------------------------. ; CONFIGURE REGISTERS CR0-CRx | ;-----------------------------’ MOV DX,3F0H MOV AL,00H OUT DX,AL ;Point to CR0 MOV DX,3F1H MOV AL,3FH OUT DX,AL ;Update CR0 ; MOV DX,3F0H MOV AL,01H OUT DX,AL ;Point to CR1 MOV DX,3F1H MOV AL,9FH OUT DX,AL ;Update CR1 ; ; Repeat for all CRx registers ; ;-----------------------------. ; EXIT CONFIGURATION STATE | ;-----------------------------’ MOV DX,3F0H MOV AX,AAH OUT DX,AL 20 Configuration Register references are in hex; e.g., CRC0.3 means Configuration Register 0xC0, Bit 0x03. Configuration Registers Introduction Configuration Bank Addressing The configuration registers (TABLE 13) are set to their default values at power up and are not affected by RESET, except where noted in the register descriptions that follow. The CONFIGURATION register bank is defined as the first eight addresses in the CAM35C44 memory map (see section REGISTER ADDRESS MAP on page 16). Configuration register bits that are not needed in the CAM35C44 are marked RESERVED in the sections below. RESERVED bits cannot be written and return “0” when read. TABLE 12 summarizes the contents of the CONFIGURATION bank. The Index and Data registers access the configuration registers (TABLE 13) as described above. TABLE 12 - CONFIGURATION REGISTER BANK ADDRESS DEFAULT REGISTER NAME 0x00 0x00 Config/Index Register 0x01 0x00 Data Register 0x00 RESERVED 0x02 . . . 0x07 Description CR INDEX 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 TABLE 13 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS POR RESET DEFAULT DEFAULT REGISTER NAME 0x00 0x00 IRQ CONTROL 0x00 0x00 DMA CONTROL 0x02 n/a INFRARED OPTION 0x01 n/a INFRARED CONTROL B 0x00 n/a TEST CONTROL A SOFTWARE SELECT A 0x00 n/a SOFTWARE SELECT B 0x00 n/a 0x03 n/a IR HALF DUPLEX TIME-OUT 0x00 0x00 POWER CONTROL 0x00 n/a TEST CONTROL B 21 configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 00H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 14). CR00 - IRQ Control The IRQ Control register CR00 determines the IRQ pin polarity and enables the configuration register locking feature. CR00 can only D7 CR00 R/W be accessed in Bits[7:3, 1] in the IRQ Control register are RESERVED. the TABLE 14 - IRQ CONTROL REGISTER D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 RESERVED LOCK RES D0 IRQ_LEV DEFAULT 0x00 The IRQ_LEV bit D0 determines the active state of the IRQ output pin (TABLE 1). If IRQ_LEV is “0” (default), the IRQ pin is active low. If IRQ_LEV is “1”, the IRQ pin is active high. Note: once the LOCK bit is set to “1” the configuration registers are permanently locked. The LOCK bit can only be reset to “0” by a hardreset or a power-on-reset; i.e., the configuration registers cannot be changed until either a hardreset or power-on-reset occur. LOCK, Bit 2 CR01 - DMA Control The LOCK bit D2 selects configuration register locking. “Locked” means configuration registers can be read but cannot be written, except for the IRCC Legacy Controls like the IR HALF DUPLEX TIME-OUT that can be written through the SCE Registers and appear in the chip-level configuration registers regardless of the state of the LOCK bit. The DMA Control register CR01 determines the DRQ and DACK pin polarity (TABLE 1). IRQ_LEV, Bit 0 CR01 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 01H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 15). Bits[7:2] in the DMA Control register are RESERVED. If LOCK is “0” (default), the configuration registers are unlocked. If LOCK is “1”, the configuration registers are locked. D7 CR01 R/W TABLE 15 - DMA CONTROL REGISTER (CR01) D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RESERVED DAC_LEV DREQ_LEV 22 DEFAULT 0x00 DRQ_LEV, Bit 0 CR02 - Infrared Option The DRQ_LEV bit D0 determines the active state of the DMA Request (DRQ) output pin (TABLE 1). The Infrared Option register CR02 determines the infrared port transmit and receive pin polarity, the port duplex mode, and the infrared port protocol. If DRQ_LEV is “0” (default), the DRQ pin is active low. If DRQ_LEV is “1”, the DRQ pin is active high. The controls in the Infrared Option register are also duplicated in the IrCC 2.0 SCE Configuration Register A. These controls are arranged such that the last write from either source determines the current control state and is visible in both registers. DAC_LEV, Bit 1 The DAC_LEV bit D1 determines the active state of the DMA Acknowledge (DACK) input pin (TABLE 1). CR02 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 02H. The default value of this register after power up is 02H (TABLE 16). If DAC_LEV is “0” (default), the DACK pin is active low. If DAC_LEV is “1”, the DACK pin is active high. Bits[7:6] in the Infrared Option register are RESERVED. TABLE 16 - INFRARED OPTION REGISTER D7 CR02 R/W D6 RES. D5 IR_ MODE2 D4 IR_ MODE1 D3 IR_ MODE0 D2 HALF DUPLEX D1 XMT_ POL D0 RCV_ POL DEFAULT 0x02 RCV_POL, Bit 0 XMT_POL, Bit 1 The RCV_POL bit D0 defines the active state for the infrared port receive pins. The XMT_POL bit D1 defines the active state for the infrared port transmit pins. If RCV_POL is “0” (default), the IRRX pin is active low. If RCV_POL is “1”, the IRRX pin is active high. If XMT_POL is “0”, the IRTX pin is active low. If XMT_POL is “1” (default), the IRTX pin is active high. The RCV_POL pin has no affect when the port is configured as a 16C550A UART (see section IR_MODE, Bits 3 - 5 on page 24). The XMT_POL pin has no affect when the port is configured as a 16C550A UART (see section IR_MODE, Bits 3 - 5 on page 24). 23 direction mode changes (see section CR07 - IR Half Duplex Time-Out on page 26). The IR Half Duplex Time-Out does not apply to full duplex mode. HALF DUPLEX, Bit 2 When the HALF DUPLEX bit D2 is “0” (default), the 16C550A UART in the IrCC 2.0 is in full duplex mode. Full duplex mode has no effect on the IrCC 2.0 SCE. IR_MODE, Bits 3 - 5 When the HALF DUPLEX bit is “1”, the IrCC 2.0 is in half duplex mode. Half duplex mode is typically required for all infrared transactions. The IR_MODE bits D3 - D5 select the active IrCC 2.0 encoder/decoder. The default is COM (TABLE 17). In half duplex mode, the IR Half Duplex TimeOut will apply to IrCC 2.0 transmit/receive The IR_MODE bits are equivalent to the three low-order Block Control bits in the IrCC 2.0 SCE Configuration Register A. TABLE 17 - CAM35C44 INFRARED PROTOCOL OPTIONS IR_MODE[2:0] D5 D4 D3 MODE DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 COM 16C550A UART (Default) 0 0 1 IrDA SIR-A Up to 115.2Kbps, Variable 3/16ths Pulse 0 1 0 ASK IR 500KHz Carrier, Amplitude Shift Keyed IR 0 1 1 IrDA SIR-B Up to 115.2Kbps, Fixed 1.6#s Pulse 1 0 0 IrDA HDLC 0.576Mbps and 1.152Mbps 1 0 1 IrDA 4PPM 4Mbps 1 1 0 CONSUMER Consumer (TV Remote) IR 1 1 1 RAW Direct IR Diode Control configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 03H. The default value of this register after power up is 01H (TABLE 18). CR03 - Infrared Control B The Infrared Control B register CR03 configures the infrared interface and COM port clock select. CR03 CR03 can only R/W be accessed in Bits[7:5,3:1] in the Infrared Control B register are RESERVED. the TABLE 18 - IR CONTROL B REGISTER D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 RESERVED MIDI RESERVED 24 D0 HPMODE DEFAULT 0x01 generate the standard UART data rates up to 115.2Kbaud. HPMODE, Bit 0 The HPMODE bit D0 is used to configure the transceiver type in the CAM35C44 infrared interface (see FIGURE 6). When HPMODE is “1” (default), the IRMODE/IRRX3 pin is configured as an input (IRRX3) to support transceiver types that require two receive channels. When HPMODE is “0”, the IRMODE/IRRX3 pin is configured as an output (IRMODE) to support transceiver types that require one receive channel and a mode control pin. When MIDI is “1”, the 16C550A clock divider is configured to generate UART data rates that are compatible with the 31.25Kbaud ($1%) Musical Instrument Digital Interface standard. CR04 - Test Control A The Test Control A register CR04 enables userlevel serial loopback testing and SMSC internal test modes. MIDI, Bit 4 CR04 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 04H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 19). The MIDI bit D4 is the 16C550A UART clock divider select. When MIDI is “0” (default), the 16C550A clock divider is configured to TABLE 19 - TEST CONTROL A REGISTER D7 CR04 R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 IR_TEST[6:0] D2 D1 D0 IR_LB DEFAULT 0x00 SMSC use, only. Activating SMSC internal test modes may produce undesired results. IR_LB, Bit 0 The IR_LB bit D0 enables serial loopback testing, independent of the internal IrCC 2.0 loopback controls. When IR_LB is “1” the transmit output is internally connected to the receiver input. When IR_LB is “0” (default), the transmit output is not connected to the receive input and loopback testing is disabled. CR05 - Software Select A The Software Select A register CR05 is directly connected to the read-only IrCC 2.0 Software Select A register in SCE Register Block Three. Writing to CR05 is the only way to revise the contents of the Software Select A register. CR05 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 05H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 20). IR_TEST[6:0], Bits 1 - 7 The IR_TEST[6:0] bits D1 - D7 control SMSC internal test modes. The IR_TEST[6:0] bits are “0” (default) for normal operation. When any of the IR_TEST[6:0] bits are “1”, an SMSC internal test mode is activated. Note: SMSC internal test modes are reserved for 25 CR05 R/W TABLE 20 - SOFTWARE SELECT A REGISTER D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Software Select A to revise the contents of the Software Select B register. CR06 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 06H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 21). CR06 - Software Select B The Software Select B register CR06 is directly connected to the read-only IrCC 2.0 Software Select B register in SCE Register Block Three. Writing to CR06 is the only way D7 CR06 TABLE 21 - SOFTWARE SELECT B REGISTER D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 R/W DEFAULT 0x00 D0 Software Select B DEFAUL T 0x00 until the last bit has been received and the timeout expires. If the start bit of another character is received during this time-out, the timer is restarted after the new character is received. CR07 - IR Half Duplex Time-Out CR07 is the IR Half Duplex Time-Out register (TABLE 22). The IRCC block in the CAM35C44 also includes an 8 bit IR half duplex time-out register, like CR07, in SCE Register Block 5. These two registers behave like the other IRCC legacy controls where either source uniformly updates the value of both registers when either register is explicitly written using IOW or following a devicelevel POR. IRCC software resets do not affect these registers. If the Half Duplex option is selected (see section HALF DUPLEX, Bit 2 on page 24), the IR half duplex time-out constrains the timing of transmit/receive direction mode changes in the IrCC 2.0. The IR half duplex time-out is started as each IR message data bit is transferred and prevents direction mode changes until the timeout expires. The timer is restarted whenever new data is transferred in the current direction mode. The IR half duplex time-out is programmable from 0 to 25.5ms in 100#s increments, as follows: For example, in an SIR mode if data is loaded into the transmit buffer while a character is being received, the transmission will not start #s IR HALF DUPLEX TIME-OUT = (CR07) x 100# CR07 R/W TABLE 22 - IR HALF DUPLEX TIME-OUT REGISTER D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 IR HALF DUPLEX TIME-OUT 26 D0 DEFAULT 0x03 source. CR08 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 08H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 23). Bits[7:6] in the Power Control register are RESERVED. CR08 - Power Control The Power Control register CR08 contains the power control enables to select the various CAM35C44 power states (TABLE 25) and also includes a bit to configure the system clock TABLE 23 - POWER CONTROL REGISTER D7 CR08 R/W RES D6 D5 INT_ OSC D4 AUTO_ PWR D3 SCE_ ON D2 PLL_ ON D1 D0 Default ACE_ON OSC_ON 0x00 OSC_ON, Bit 0 SCE_ON, Bit 3 The OSC_ON bit D0 determines the power state for CAM35C44 clock generator, independent of the clock source (see section INT_OSC, Bit 5 on page 28). When OSC_ON is “0” (default), the clock generator is powered down. When OSC_ON is “1”, the clock generator is running. The SCE_ON bit D3 determines the power state for the IrCC 2.0 SCE. The SCE is required for IrDA transfers above 115.2Kbps and for all Consumer IR transactions. When SCE_ON is “0” (default), the SCE is powered down. When SCE_ON is “1”, the SCE is active. ACE_ON, Bit 1 AUTO_PWR, Bit 4 The ACE_ON bit D1 along with the AUTO_PWR bit D4 determines the power state for IrCC 2.0 ACE UART. When ACE_ON is “0” (default), the UART is powered down, regardless of the state of AUTO_PWR; i.e., when ACE_ON is “0”, UART wake-up events are disabled (see section AUTO_PWR, Bit 4). When ACE_ON is “1”, the UART is active. The AUTO_PWR bit D4 along with the ACE_ON bit D1 selects the auto power down state of the ACE UART (TABLE 24). When AUTO_PWR is “0” (default), the ACE auto power down state is disabled and the ACE UART power state is controlled solely by the ACE_ON bit (see section ACE_ON, Bit 1 on page 27). Note: If the ACE auto power state is disabled the ring indicator (nRI) and the RXD power-on wake-up events are disabled. When AUTO_PWR is “1” and ACE_ON is “1”, the ACE auto power down state is enabled and the following power management events are possible. PLL_ON, Bit 2 The PLL_ON bit D2 determines the power state for the PLL clock multiplier. The PLL is required for IrDA transfers above 115.2Kbps. When PLL_ON is “0” (default), the PLL is powered down. When PLL_ON is “1”, the PLL is running. 27 Transmitter Auto Power Down Ring Indicator Auto Power Down The UART transmitter is powered down from the auto power down state when the transmit buffer and transmit shift registers are empty. When the UART is powered down from the auto power state, a Ring Indicator interrupt can occur on active transitions of the Ring Indicator input nRI. Receiver Auto Power Down Exit Auto Power Down The UART receiver is powered down from the auto power state when the receive FIFO is empty and the receiver is waiting for a start bit. The transmitter exits the auto power down state on a write to the transmit buffer. The receiver exits the auto power down state when the receiver input RXD changes state. TABLE 24 - ACE UART POWER STATES ACE_ON AUTO_PWR (D1) (D4) DESCRIPTION 0 X ACE POWER OFF 1 0 ACE POWER ON 1 1 ACE AUTO POWER DOWN When INT_OSC is “0” (default), the clock generator is driven by an external clock source. When INT_OSC is “1”, the clock generator is driven by the internal crystal oscillator. INT_OSC, Bit 5 The INT_ OSC bit D5 selects the clock source for the CAM35C44 clock generator (see section CLOCK GENERATOR on page 12). 28 D3 0 0 0 0 1 TABLE 25 - EXAMPLE POWER CONSUMPTION VS. POWER CONTROL ENABLES POWER CONSUMPTION CR08[3:0] CLOCK ACE SCE 2 (ICC) PLL BLOCK GENERATO BLOCK 1 R TYP MAX D2 D1 D0 4 4 0 0 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF 1#A 2.5#A 5 5 2#A 5#A 3 3 (Note ) (Note ) 1mA RUNNING OFF OFF OFF 0 0 1 500#A 1mA 2mA 0 1 1 RUNNING ON OFF OFF 1.6mA 3mA RUNNING 1 1 1 RUNNING ON OFF 6mA 8mA RUNNING 1 1 1 RUNNING ON ON 1 Note : 2 Note : 3 Note : 4 Note : 5 Note : The 24MHz crystal oscillator directly driving the ACE block enables data transfers up to 115.2Kbps. The PLL driving the SCE block enables data transfers up to 4Mbps. PWRGD does not stop the crystal from oscillating if OSC_ON, D0 in configuration register CR08, is “1”. PWRGD is “0”. PWRGD is “1”. CR09 - Test Control B for normal operation. When any of the IR_TEST[14:7] bits are “1”, an SMSC internal test mode is activated. Note: SMSC internal test modes are reserved for SMSC use, only. Activating SMSC internal test modes may produce undesired results. The IR_TEST[14:7] bits D0 - D7 in the Test Control B register enable SMSC internal test modes. CR09 can only be accessed in the configuration state and only after the CSR has been initialized to 09H. The default value of this register after power up is 00H (TABLE 26). The IR_TEST[14:7] bits are “0” (default) CR09 R/W TABLE 26 - TEST CONTROL B REGISTER D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 IR_TEST[14:7] 29 D0 DEFAULT 0x00 INFRARED INTERFACE The CAM35C44 infrared interface can support various infrared protocols and transceiver configurations. For more information consult the SMSC Infrared Communication Controller (IrCC 2.0) specification. Each byte is sent serially LSB first beginning with a zero value start bit. A zero is signaled by sending a 500kHz carrier waveform for the duration of the serial bit time. A one is signaled by the absence of carrier during the bit time. IrDA SIR/FIR Consumer IR IrDA SIR (v1.0) specifies asynchronous serial communication at baud rates up to 115.2kbps. Each byte is sent serially LSB first beginning with a zero value start bit. A zero is signaled by sending a single infrared pulse at the beginning of the serial bit time. A one is signaled by the absence of an infrared pulse during the bit time. IrDA FIR (v1.1) includes IrDA v1.0 SIR and additionally specifies synchronous serial communications at data rates up to 4Mbps. Data is transferred LSB first in packets that can be up to 2048 bits in length. IrDA v1.1 includes .576Mbps and 1.152Mbps data rates using an encoding scheme that is similar to SIR. The 4Mbps data rate uses a pulse position modulation (PPM) technique. The CAM35C44 Consumer IR interface is a general-purpose synchronous amplitude shift keyed encoder/decoder with programmable carrier and bit-cell rates that can emulate many popular TV Remote encoding formats; including, 38kHz PPM, PWM and RC-5. Each bit is sent serially LSB first. The carrier frequency is programmable from 1.6MHz to 6.25kHz. The bit-cell rate range is 100kHz to 390Hz. Hardware Interface The CAM35C44 IR hardware interface is shown in FIGURE 6. This interface supports two types of IR transceiver modules. One interface type requires a mode pin (IR Mode) to select the data rate, while the other interface type requires a second Rx data pin (IRRX3). The transceiver interface type is selected with the HPMODE bit D0 in CR03 as shown in TABLE 27 (see section HPMODE, Bit 0 on page 25). ASKIR The ASKIR infrared protocol allows asynchronous amplitude shift keyed serial communication at baud rates up to 19.2kbps. TABLE 27 - TRANSCEIVER MODULE INTERFACE TYPE SELECT HP MODE (CR03.0) FUNCTION 0 IR Mode 1 IRRX3 30 “1”, the FIR mode receiver is selected; if FAST is “0”, the SIR mode receiver is selected (TABLE 28). The FAST bit in FIGURE 6 is used to select between an SIR mode and FIR mode receiver, regardless of the transceiver type. If FAST is TABLE 28 - IR RX DATA PIN SELECTION CONTROL SIGNALS INPUTS FAST HPMODE RX1 RX2 0 X RXD2 IRRX2 X 0 RXD2 IRRX2 1 1 IR MODE/IRRX3 IR MODE/IRRX3 FIGURE 6 - IR INTERFACE BLOCK DIAGRAM TX1 RAW COM TXD2 0 TV RXD2 RX1 1 ASK TX2 IR 0 SIR IRTX RX2 1 IRRX FIR (aux) COM G.P. DATA IRMODE HPMODE FAST BIT FAST IrCC 2.0 31 IRMODE /IRRX3 depends upon the Host Interface Select bits (see the section MULTIHOST CPU INTERFACE on page 13). The general purpose I/O pins are controlled by the GPIO registers contained in Bank 1 of the CAM35C44 memory map (see the section REGISTER ADDRESS MAP on page 16). TABLE 29 summarizes the contents of the GPIO register bank. GENERAL PURPOSE I/O Introduction The CAM35C44 can support up to 5 general purpose I/O pins, GPIO[4:0] (TABLE 1). The number of available general purpose I/O pins BANK BANK 1 (GPIO) TABLE 29 - GPIO REGISTER BANK MAP ADDRESS DEFAULT REGISTER NAME 0x00 0x00 GPIOA Enable Register 0x01 0x00 RESERVED 0x02 0x00 GPIOA Data Register 0x03 0x00 RESERVED 0x04 0x00 GPIOA Direction Register 0x05 0x00 RESERVED 0x06 0x00 RESERVED 0x07 0x00 RESERVED pin. When a GPIO pin is configured as an input and the enable is inactive, state changes at the pin are not reflected in the data register. When a GPIO pin is configured as an output and the enable is inactive, changes in the data register do not affect the pin. TABLE 12 summarizes the GPIO pin behavior described above. FIGURE 7 illustrates GPIO pin functionality. Note: FIGURE 7 is for illustration purposes only and is not intended to suggest specific implementation details. Description The state of a GPIO pin can be forced to the value contained its data register, depending on the state of its direction and enable bits. For example, when a GPIO pin is configured as an output the data register contains a “1” and the enable bit is active, the GPIO pin will be driven high. When a GPIO pin is configured as an input and the enable is active, the value in the data register will reflect the state of the 32 GPx ENABLE GPx 2 OUT TABLE 30 - GPIO FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION GPIOx PIN I/O GPx 3 DIRECTION COMMAND DATA DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 OUTPUT READ CURRENT VALUE NEW VALUE Output pin is active (driven), reads return last write. WRITE Output pin is active (driven), writes update data register. 1 0 INPUT READ CURRENT Input pin is active, reads VALUE return the current state of the pin. WRITE NO EFFECT Input pin is active, writes have no effect. 0 1 INPUT READ LAST VALUE Output pin is floating, reads return last active state. WRITE NEW VALUE Output pin is floating, writes update data register. 0 0 INPUT READ LAST VALUE Input pin is disabled, reads return last enabled read state. WRITE NO EFFECT Input pin is disabled, writes have no effect. 1 Note This represents a GPIO Enable register bit. The GPIO Enable register is GP00 (see section GPIOA Enable Register on page 34). 2 Note This represents a GPIO Direction register bit. The GPIO Direction register is GP04 (see section GPIOA Direction Register on page 35). 3 Note This represents a GPIO Data register bit. The GPIO Data register is GP02 (see section GPIOA Data Register on page 35). 33 GPx_OUT GPx_EN GPx_DAT D Q D-TYPE GPx_nIOW CLK GPx_nIOR 1 Q GPIOx D TRANSPARENT 0 G FIGURE 7 - GENERAL PURPOSE I/O BLOCK DIAGRAM Note: This figure is for illustration purposes only and is not intended to suggest specific implementation details) Registers I/O pin is disabled. The affects of the GPx_EN bits are summarized in TABLE 30. GP00 can be GPIOA Enable Register accessed both in the configuration state and the run state (see section REGISTER ADDRESS The GPIOA Enable register GP00 contains the MAP on page 16 and TABLE 29). The default enable bits for the five general purpose I/O pins value of the GPIOA Enable register after power (TABLE 31). When any of the GPx_EN bits are up is 00H. Bits[7:5] in the GPIOA Enable “1”, the associated general purpose I/O pin is register are RESERVED. enabled. When any of the GPx_EN bits are “0”, the associated general purpose TABLE 31 - GPIOA ENABLE REGISTER D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 GP4_ GP3_ GP2_ GP1_ RESERVED EN EN EN EN D7 GP00 R/W D6 34 D0 GP0_ EN DEFAULT 0x00 GPx_DAT bits are summarized in TABLE 30. GP02 can be accessed both in the configuration state and the run state (see section REGISTER ADDRESS MAP on page 16 and TABLE 29). The default value of the GPIOA Data register after power up is 00H. Bits[7:5] in the GPIOA Data register are RESERVED. GPIOA Data Register The GPIOA Data register GP02 contains the data bits for the five general purpose I/O pins (TABLE 32). The state of a GPIO pin can be forced to the value contained its data register, or the value in the data register can reflect the state of the pin, depending on the state of the direction and enable bits. The affects of the TABLE 32 - GPIOA DATA REGISTER D7 GP02 R/W D6 D5 RESERVED D4 GP4_ DAT D3 GP3_ DAT D2 GP2_ DAT D1 GP1_ DAT D0 GP0_ DAT DEFAULT 0x00 The affects of the GPx_OUT bits are summarized in TABLE 33. GP04 can be accessed both in the configuration state and the run state (see section REGISTER ADDRESS MAP on page 16 and TABLE 29). The default value of the GPIOA Direction register after power up is 00H. Bits[7:5] in the GPIOA Direction register are RESERVED. GPIOA Direction Register The GPIOA Direction register GP04 contains the direction bits for the five general purpose I/O pins (TABLE 33). The direction of a GPIO pin depends upon the state of the direction bit and the enable bit, but typically if the direction bit is “1” the GPIO pin is an output; if the direction bit is “0” the GPIO pin is an input. TABLE 33 - GPIOA DIRECTION REGISTER D7 GP04 R/W D6 RESERVED D5 D4 GP4_ OUT D3 GP3_ OUT 35 D2 GP2_ OUT D1 GP1_ OUT D0 GP0_ OUT DEFAULT 0x00 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4 (TA = 0°C - 70°C , Vcc = +3.3 V ± 10%) Note: Numbers appearing in parentheses represent the values for TXD/IRTX, IRTX, IRMODE/IRRX3 when VIO is 5 Volt. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V COMMENTS I Type Input Buffer Low Input Level VILI High Input Level VIHI TTL Levels V 2.0 IS Type Input Buffer Low Input Level VILIS High Input Level VIHIS Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis VHYS 0.8 2.2 V Schmitt Trigger V Schmitt Trigger mV 250 ICLK Input Buffer V Low Input Level VILCK High Input Level VIHCK 2.8 IIL -10 +10 µA VIN = 0 High Input Leakage IIH -10 +10 µA VIN = Vcc Input Current PWRGD IOH 150 µA VIN = 0 0.4 V IOL = 12mA (24mA) V IOH = -6mA (-12mA) µA VIN = 0 to Vcc (Note 1) 0.4 V Input Leakage (All I and IS buffers except PWRGD) Low Input Leakage 75 IO12 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage IOL -10 +10 36 PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS COMMENTS 0.4 V IOL = 12mA V IOH = -6mA +10 µA VIN = 0 to Vcc (Note 1) 0.4 V IOL = 12mA (24mA) V IOH = -6mA (-12mA) +10 µA VIN = 0 to Vcc (Note 1) 0.4 V IOL = 2mA V IOH = -2mA +10 µA VIN = 0 to Vcc (Note 1) 0.4 V IOL = 12 mA +10 µA VIN = 0 to Vcc (Note 1) O12 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage IOL -10 O12PD Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.4 Output Leakage IOL -10 OCLK Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH 2.2 Output Leakage IOL -10 OD12 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL Output Leakage IOL Supply Current Active ICC 8 mA All outputs open. ICSBY 2.5 µA Note 3 Supply Current Standby -10 TABLE 34 - DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Note 1: All output leakages are measured with the current pins in high impedance as defined by the PWRGD pin. Note 2: Output leakage is measured with the low driving output off, either for a high level output or a high impedance state defined by PWRGD. Note 3: Defined by the device configuration with the PWRGD input low. Note 4: Junction Temperature rise at 70°C ambient will be approximately 1.7°C. Junction Temperature rise = Ambient Temp. +0ja x Max. Power; where 0ja = 56.8 and Max. Power = 3.6V x 8mA 37 A.C. TIMING tcyc txl X1/CLK1 FIGURE 8 - EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT TIMING Clock and Reset Timing trst RESET DRV FIGURE 9 - RESET_DRV PULSE TIMING TABLE 35 - CRYSTAL AND RESET TIMING PARAMETERS NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS tcyc Clock Cycle Time 37 41 45 ns txl Clock Low Pulse Width 18.5 20.5 22.5 ns trst Reset Pulse Width 10 us 38 Read Cycle Timing (Non-Multiplexed) SA[4:0] t5 nCS t1 t3 nRD t2 t4 SD[7:0] FIGURE 10 - READ CYCLE (NON-MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) TABLE 36 - READ CYCLE TIMING PARAMETERS (NON-MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS t1 Chip Select and Address Valid to Read 15 ns Pulse Active t2 Read Pulse Active to Data Valid 0 55 ns t3 Read Pulse Width 85 ns t4 Data Hold Time 5 ns t5 Read Pulse Active to Chip Select and 15 ns Note 1 Address Invalid Note 1: Chip select must be latched internally and released when read pulse goes inactive. 39 Read Cycle Timing (Multiplexed) t4 t9 nCS t1 t8 ASTRB t5 t10 t3 nRD t7 AD[7:0] t2 Address t6 Data FIGURE 11 - READ CYCLE (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) TABLE 37 - READ CYCLE TIMING PARAMETERS (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS t1 Address Strobe Setup Time 30 ns t2 Read Pulse Active to Data Valid 55 ns t3 Read Pulse Width 85 ns t4 Address Strobe Inactive to Chip Select Active 0 8 ns t5 Chip Select Active to Read Pulse Active 15 ns t6 Data Hold Time 5 ns t7 Address Strobe Hold Time 5 15 ns t8 Address Strobe Pulse Width 23 ns t9 Read Pulse Active to Chip Select Inactive 15 ns Note 1 t10 Address Strobe Inactive to Read Pulse 15 Active Note 1: Chip select must be latched internally and released when read pulse goes inactive. 40 Write Cycle Timing (Non-Multiplexed) SA[4:0] t5 nCS t3 t4 t1 nWR t2 SD[7:0] FIGURE 12 - WRITE CYCLE (NON-MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) TABLE 38 - WRITE CYCLE TIMING PARAMETERS (NON-MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS t1 Chip Select and Address Valid to Write Pulse 23 ns Active t2 Data Hold Time 8 ns t3 Write Pulse Width 85 ns t4 Data valid to Write Pulse Inactive 30 ns t5 Write Pulse Active to Chip Select and Address 15 ns Note 1 Invalid Note 1: Chip select must be latched internally and released when write pulse goes inactive. 41 Write Cycle Timing (Multiplexed) t7 t9 nCS t1 t8 ASTRB t5 t10 t3 t4 nWR t2 AD[8:0] t6 Address Data FIGURE 13 - WRITE CYCLE (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) TABLE 39 - WRITE CYCLE TIMING PARAMETERS (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS t1 Address Strobe Setup Time 30 ns t2 Address Strobe Hold Time 8 15 ns t3 Write Pulse Width 85 ns t4 Data Valid to Write Pulse Inactive 30 ns t5 Chip Select Active to Write Pulse Active 15 ns t6 Data Hold Time 5 ns t7 Address Strobe Inactive to nCS Active 0 5 ns t8 Address Strobe Pulse Width 23 ns t9 Write Pulse Active to Address Strobe Inactive 15 ns Note 1 t10 Address Strobe Inactive to Write Pulse Active 10 Note 1: Chip select must be latched internally and released when write pulse goes inactive. 42 Read/Write Cycle Timing (Multiplexed) t7 t9 nCS t1 t8 ASTRB R/nW t5 t10 t3 t4 DSTRB AD[8:0] t2 Address t6 Data FIGURE 14 - READ/WRITE CYCLE (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) TABLE 40 - READ/WRITE CYCLE TIMING PARAMETERS (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA) NAME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX UNITS t1 Address Strobe Setup Time 30 ns t2 Address Strobe Hold Time 8 15 ns t3 Data Strobe Pulse Width 85 ns t4 Data Valid to R/nW Pulse Inactive 30 ns t5 Chip Select Active to R/nW Pulse Active 15 ns t6 Data Hold time 5 ns t7 Address Strobe Inactive to nCS Active 0 5 ns t8 Address Strobe Pulse Width 23 ns t9 R/nW Pulse Active to Address Strobe Inactive 15 ns Note 1 t10 Address Strobe Inactive to R/nW Pulse Active 10 Note 1: Chip select must be latched internally and released when write pulse goes inactive. 43 Single Transfer Mode DMA Timing t15 AEN t3 t2 t16 DRQ t1 t12 t19 t4 nDACK t11 t6 t5 t17 t14 t8 t18 nRD or nWR t10 t9 t7 AD[7:0] t13 TC FIGURE 15 - SINGLE TRANSFER MODE DMA TIMING Refer to table on the following page. 44 NAME t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 TABLE 41 - SINGLE TRANSFER MODE DMA TIMING PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX nDACK Delay Time from DRQ High 0 DRQ Reset Delay from nRD or nWR 15 DRQ Reset Delay from nDACK Low 15 nDACK Inactive 30 nRD Delay from DRQ High 15 nWR Delay from DRQ High 15 Data Access Time from nRD Low 55 Data Set Up Time to nWR High 30 Data to Float Delay from nRD High 5 Data Hold Time from nWR High 5 nDACK Set Up to nWR/nRD Low 5 nDACK Hold after nWR/nRD High 5 TC Pulse Width 30 AEN Set Up to nRD/nWR 30 AEN Hold from nDACK 0 TC Active to DRQ Inactive 15 nRD/nWR Pulse Width 85 nRD/nWR Inactive 30 AEN Active to nDACK Active 0 45 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Burst Transfer Mode DMA Timing t15 AEN t3 t2 t16 DRQ nDACK t1 t19 t12 t6 t5 t14 t11 t17 t18 t8 nRD or nWR t7 AD[7:0] t13 TC FIGURE 16 - BURST TRANSFER MODE DMA TIMING Refer to table on the following page. 46 t10 t9 t4 NAME t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 TABLE 42 - DMA TIMING (BURST TRANSFER MODE) PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX nDACK Delay Time from DRQ High 0 DRQ Reset Delay from nRD or nWR 15 DRQ Reset Delay from nDACK Low 15 nDACK Inactive 30 nRD Delay from DRQ High 15 nWR Delay from DRQ High 15 Data Access Time from nRD Low 55 Data Set Up Time to nWR High 30 Data to Float Delay from nRD High 5 Data Hold Time from nWR High 5 nDACK Set Up to nWR/nRD Low 5 nDACK Hold after nWR/nRD High 5 TC Pulse Width 30 AEN Set Up to nRD/nWR 15 AEN Hold from nDACK 0 TC Active to DRQ Inactive 15 nRD/nWR Pulse Width 85 nRD/nWR Inactive 30 AEN Active to nDACK Active 0 47 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE 17 - 48 PIN TQFP PACKAGE OUTLINE A A1 A2 D D/2 D1 E E/2 E1 H L L1 e %" W R1 MIN ~ 0.05 1.35 ~ 4.40 ~ ~ 4.40 ~ 0.09 0.45 ~ o 0 0.17 0.08 NOMINAL ~ 0.10 1.40 9.00 4.50 7.00 9.00 4.50 7.00 ~ 0.60 1.00 0.50 Basic ~ ~ ~ MAX 1.6 0.15 1.45 ~ 4.60 ~ ~ 4.60 ~ 0.20 0.75 ~ o 7 0.27 ~ 48 REMARK Overall Package Height Standoff Body Thickness X Span 1 /2 X Span Measure from Centerline X body Size Y Span 1 /2 Y Span Measure from Centerline Y body Size Lead Frame Thickness Lead Foot Length from Centerline Lead Length Lead Pitch Lead Foot Angle Lead Width Lead Shoulder Radius MIN 0.08 ~ ~ R2 ccc ccc NOMINAL ~ ~ ~ MAX 0.20 0.0762 0.08 REMARK Lead Foot Radius Coplanarity (Assemblers) Coplanarity (Test House) Note 1: Controlling Unit: millimeter Note 2: Tolerance on the position of the leads is ± 0.04 mm maximum. Note 3: Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm. Note 4: Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane is 0.78-1.08 mm. Note 5: Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. CAM35C44 ERRATA SHEET PAGE 1 10 21 29 37 29 37 SECTION/FIGURE/ENTRY GENERAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS TABLE 13/REGISTER NAME TABLE 25 Note 4 added TABLE 25 TABLE 34 – MAX Column CORRECTION 24mA changed to 12mA See Italicized Text See Italicized Text See Italicized Text See Italicized Text 2#A changed to 2.5#A See Italicized Text 49 DATE REVISED 1/7/98 1/7/98 1/7/98 1/7/98 1/7/98 8/10/99 8/10/99 © 2000 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION (SMSC) 80 Arkay Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000 FAX (631) 273-3123 Standard Microsystems is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation, and SMSC is a trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any licenses under the patent rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC’s website at SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CAM35C44 Rev. 03/22/2000