\ CDB5460A CDB5460A Evaluation Board and Software Features General Description z Direct The CDB5460A is an inexpensive tool designed to evaluate the functionality and performance of the CS5460A. The CS5460A Data Sheet is supplied in conjunction with the CDB5460A evaluation board. Shunt Sensor and Current Transformer Interface z RS-232 Serial Communication with PC z On-board 80C51 Microcontroller z On-board Voltage Reference z Lab Windows/CVITM Evaluation Software - Register Setup & Chip Control FFT Analysis Time Domain Analysis Noise Histogram Analysis z On-board Data SRAM z Integrated RS-232 Test Mode z “Auto-Boot” Demo with serial EEPROM The evaluation board includes an LT1019 voltage reference, an 80C51 microcontroller, an RS232 transceiver, and firmware. The 8051 controls the serial communication between the evaluation board and the PC via the firmware, enabling quick and easy access to all of the CS5460A’s registers and functions. The CDB5460A includes software for Data Capture, Time Domain Analysis, Histogram Analysis, and Frequency Domain Analysis. ORDERING INFORMATION CDB5460A VA+ VA- AGND C RY S TA L 4.096 M H z VD+ S E RIAL E E PR O M Evaluation Board V u+ C RY S TA L 20.0 M H z TEST S W IT C H E S R E SE T C IR CU IT R Y V IN + V IN - IIN + IIN - CS SDI C S 5460 SDO S C LK IN T E D IR EOUT 80C 51 M icrocontroller R S 232 T R AN S C E IV ER R S 232 C O N NE C T O R V R EF IN O U T LE D s REF AGND V O LT A G E R E FE RE N C E Cirrus Logic, Inc. P.O. Box 17847, Austin, Texas 78760 (512) 445 7222 FAX: (512) 445 7581 http://www.cirrus.com 32k × 8 S R AM Copyright Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2002 (All Rights Reserved) AUG ‘02 DS487DB3 1 CDB5460A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Evaluation Board Overview ................................................................................................ 5 1.2.1 Analog Section ...................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 Digital Section ....................................................................................................... 6 1.2.3 Power Supply Section ........................................................................................... 6 1.3 Using the Evaluation Board ............................................................................................... 6 2. SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Installation Procedure ........................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Using the Software ............................................................................................................. 9 2.3 Selecting and Testing a COM Port .................................................................................... 9 2.4 Register Access in the Setup Window ............................................................................. 10 2.4.1 Refresh Screen Button ........................................................................................ 10 2.4.2 CS5460A Crystal Frequency ............................................................................... 10 2.4.3 Configuration Register ........................................................................................ 10 2.4.4 Mask Register / Status Register .......................................................................... 11 2.4.5 Cycle Count / Pulse Rate / Time Base Registers ................................................ 11 2.4.6 Control Register .................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Calibration Window .......................................................................................................... 12 2.5.1 Offset / Gain Register .......................................................................................... 12 2.5.2 Performing Calibrations ....................................................................................... 12 2.6 Conversion Window ......................................................................................................... 13 2.6.1 Single Conversion Button .................................................................................... 14 2.6.2 Continuous Conversions Button .......................................................................... 14 2.6.3 Re-Initialize Serial Port Button ............................................................................ 14 2.6.4 Standby / Sleep Mode Buttons ............................................................................ 14 2.6.5 Power Up Button ................................................................................................. 14 2.7 Viewing Pulse Rate Output Data ..................................................................................... 14 2.7.1 Integration Period Box ......................................................................................... 15 Contacting Cirrus Logic Support For a com plete listing of D irect S ales, D istributor, and S ales R epresentative contacts, visit the Cirrus Logic w eb site at: http://www.cirrus.com /corporate/contacts/sales.cfm I IM P O R TA N T N O TIC E “P relim inary” product inform ation describes products that are in production, but for w hich full characterization data is not yet available. “A dvance” product inform ation describes products that are in developm ent and subject to developm ent changes. C irrus Logic, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“C irrus”) believe that the inform ation contained in this docum ent is accurate and reliable. H owever, the inform ation is subject to change w ithout notice and is provided “AS IS ” without warranty of any kind (express or im plied). C ustom ers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant inform ation to verify, before placing orders, that inform ation being relied on is current and com plete. A ll products are sold subject to the term s and conditions of sale supplied at the tim e of order acknowledgm ent, including those pertaining to w arranty, patent infringem ent, and lim itation of liability. N o responsibility is assum ed by Cirrus for the use of this inform ation, including use of this inform ation as the basis for m anufacture or sale of any item s, or for infringem ent of patents or other rights of third parties. This docum ent is the property of C irrus and by furnishing this inform ation, C irrus grants no license, express or im plied under any patents, m ask w ork rights, copyrights, tradem arks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. C irrus ow ns the copyrights of the inform ation contained herein and gives consent for copies to be m ade of the inform ation only for use w ithin your organization with respect to C irrus integrated circuits or other parts of C irrus. This consent does not extend to other copying such as copying for general distribution, advertising or prom otional purposes, or for creating any w ork for resale. An export perm it needs to be obtained from the com petent authorities of the Japanese G overnm ent if any of the products or technologies described in this m aterial and controlled under the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law ” is to be exported or taken out of Japan. An export license and/or quota needs to be obtained from the com petent authorities of the C hinese G overnm ent if any of the products or technologies described in this m aterial is subject to the P R C Foreign Trade Law and is to be exported or taken out of the P R C. C ER TAIN AP P LIC A TIO N S US IN G SE M ICO N D U C TO R P RO DU C TS M A Y IN V O LV E P O TE N TIA L R ISK S O F D E A TH , PE R S O N AL IN JU R Y, O R SE V ER E PR O P E R TY O R EN V IR O N M E N TA L D A M A G E (“CR ITIC A L A P PLICA TIO N S”). C IR R U S P R O D U CTS A RE N O T D E S IG N ED , AU TH O RIZE D , O R W A R R AN TED TO B E SU ITAB LE FO R U SE IN LIFE -S U PP O R T D E V IC ES O R S Y STEM S O R O TH E R C R ITIC A L A PP LICA TIO N S. IN CLU SIO N O F C IR R U S PR O D U C TS IN S UC H A P PLIC ATIO N S IS U N D E R STO O D TO BE FU LLY AT TH E C U STO M E R 'S RISK . C irrus Logic, C irrus, and the C irrus Logic logo designs are tradem arks of C irrus Logic, Inc. A ll other brand and product nam es in this docum ent m ay be tradem arks or service m arks of their respective ow ners. B M , A T and P S/2 are tradem arks of International B usiness M achines C orporation. W indow s is a tradem ark of M icrosoft C orporation. Lab W indow s and C VI are tradem arks of N ational Instrum ents.S P ITM is a tradem ark of M otorola. M icrow ire TM is a tradem ark of N ational S em iconductor. 2 CDB5460A 2.7.2 Periods To Average Box ..................................................................................... 15 2.7.3 Start Button ......................................................................................................... 15 2.8 Data Collection Window Overview .................................................................................. 15 2.8.1 Time Domain / FFT / Histogram Selector ........................................................... 15 2.8.2 Collect Button ...................................................................................................... 17 2.8.3 Config Button ...................................................................................................... 17 2.8.4 Output Button ...................................................................................................... 17 2.8.5 Zoom Button ....................................................................................................... 17 2.8.6 Channel Select Buttons ...................................................................................... 17 2.9 Config Window ................................................................................................................ 17 2.9.1 Number of Samples ............................................................................................ 17 2.9.2 Average ............................................................................................................... 17 2.9.3 FFT Window ........................................................................................................ 17 2.9.4 Histogram Bin Width ........................................................................................... 17 2.9.5 Pages to Collect .................................................................................................. 17 2.9.6 Data to Collect .................................................................................................... 17 2.9.7 Accept Button ...................................................................................................... 18 2.10 Collecting Data Sets ...................................................................................................... 18 2.11 Retrieving Saved Data From a File ............................................................................... 18 2.12 Analyzing Data .............................................................................................................. 18 2.13 Histogram Information ................................................................................................... 18 2.13.1 BIN .................................................................................................................... 18 2.13.2 MAGNITUDE .................................................................................................... 18 2.13.3 MAXIMUM ........................................................................................................ 18 2.13.4 MEAN .........................................................................................................................19 2.13.5 MINIMUM .......................................................................................................... 19 2.13.6 STD. DEV. ........................................................................................................ 19 2.13.7 VARIANCE ....................................................................................................... 19 2.14 Frequency Domain Information ..................................................................................... 19 2.14.1 FREQUENCY ................................................................................................... 19 2.14.2 MAGNITUDE .................................................................................................... 19 2.14.3 S/D .................................................................................................................... 19 2.14.4 S/N+D ............................................................................................................... 19 2.14.5 SNR .................................................................................................................. 19 2.14.6 S/PN .................................................................................................................. 19 2.14.7 # of AVG ........................................................................................................... 19 2.15 Time Domain Information .............................................................................................. 19 2.15.1 COUNT ............................................................................................................. 19 2.15.2 MAGNITUDE .................................................................................................... 19 2.15.3 MAXIMUM ........................................................................................................ 20 2.15.4 MINIMUM .......................................................................................................... 20 3. ADDENDUM ........................................................................................................................... 28 3.1 Board Modifications for Charge Pump ............................................................................. 28 3 CDB5460A LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Start-Up Window ............................................................................................................ 10 Figure 2. Setup Window ................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 3. Calibration Window ........................................................................................................ 12 Figure 4. Conversion Window ....................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5. Pulse Rate Output Window ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 6. Time Domain Analysis ................................................................................................... 15 Figure 7. FFT Analysis .................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 8. Histogram Analysis ........................................................................................................ 16 Figure 9. Analog Schematic ......................................................................................................... 21 Figure 10. Digital Schematic Part 1............................................................................................... 22 Figure 11. Digital Schematic Part 2............................................................................................... 23 Figure 12. Power Supply Schematic ............................................................................................. 24 Figure 13. Silkscreen..................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 14. Circuit Side................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 15. Solder Side................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 16. CDB5460A Modifications for A- Charge Pump ............................................................ 28 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Reference Selection ................................................................................................................ 5 Table 2. Power Supply Connections..................................................................................................... 6 Table 3. Header, Jumper, and DIP Switch Descriptions....................................................................... 7 Table 4. DIP Switch S1 Setting.............................................................................................................. 8 4 CDB5460A 1. HARDWARE 1.1 Introduction The CDB5460A evaluation board provides a quick means of evaluating the CS5460A Power Meter IC. The CDB5460A evaluation board’s analog section operates from either a single +5 V or dual ±2.5 V power supply. The evaluation board interfaces the CS5460A to an IBMTM compatible PC via an RS232 interface. To accomplish this, the board comes equipped with an 80C51 microcontroller and a 9pin RS-232 cable which physically interfaces the evaluation board to the PC. Additionally, analysis software provides easy access to the internal registers of the CS5460A, and provides a means to display the performance in the time domain or frequency domain. 1.2 Evaluation Board Overview The board is partitioned into two main sections: analog and digital. The analog section consists of the CS5460A and a precision voltage reference. The digital section consists of the 80C51 microcontroller, 32 Kilobytes of SRAM, the hardware test switches, the reset circuitry, and the RS-232 interface. The board also has a user friendly power supply connection. 1.2.1 Analog Section The CS5460A is designed to accurately measure and calculate: Energy, Instantaneous Power, IRMS, and VRMS while operating from a 4.096 MHz crystal. As shown in Figure 9 there are four BNC connectors (J6, J7, J8, J9) provided for converter input connections. A Shunt Sensor or Current Transformer can be connected to the converter’s current inputs via J9 (IIN+) and J8 (IIN-). A voltage divider can be connected to the converter’s voltage input via J6 (VIN+) and J7 (VIN-). Note, a simple RC network filters the sensor’s output to reduce any in- terference picked up by the input leads. The 3 dB corner of the filter is approximately 50 KHz differential and common mode. The evaluation board provides three voltage reference options, on-chip, on-board and external, as shown in Figure 9. Table 1 illustrates the options available. With J18’s jumpers in position REFOUT, the on-chip reference provides 2.5 volts. With J18’s jumpers in position LT1019, the LT1019 provides 2.5 volts (the LT1019 was chosen for its low drift, typically 5 ppm/°C). By setting J18’s jumpers to position REF+, the user can supply an external voltage reference to J26’s REF+ and VA- inputs. Application Note 4 on the web (http://www.cirrus.com/products//pubs.html) details various voltage references. Reference Description J18 LT1019 Selects on board LT1019 Reference (5ppm/°C) O O O O LT1019 O REF+ O REFOUT REF+ Selects external reference O O O O LT1019 O REF+ O REFOUT REFOUT Selects the reference supplied by CS5460A O O O O LT1019 O REF+ O REFOUT Table 1. Reference Selection The CS5460A serial interfaces are SPITM and MicrowireTM compatible. The interface control lines (CS, SDI, SDO, and SCLK) are connected to the 80C51 microcontroller via Port 1. To interface an external microcontroller, these control lines are also connected to J19 (Header 19). However to accomplish this, the evaluation board must be modified in one of three ways: 1) cut the interface control traces going to the microcontroller, 2) remove resistors 24, 23, 22, and 21, or 3) remove the microcontroller. 5 CDB5460A 1.2.2 Digital Section The schematics for the digital section are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11. The digital section contains the microcontroller, test switches, a Maxim MAX3232 interface chip, and 32K bytes of SRAM, and one serial EEPROM. The test switches aid in debugging communication problems between the CDB5460A and the PC. The microcontroller derives its clock from a 20.0 MHz crystal. From this, The RS-232 data conversion IC (10) is configured to communicate via RS-232 at 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bit data, and 1 stop bit. 1.2.3 Power Supply Section Figure 12 illustrates the power supply connections to the evaluation board. The VA+ post supplies the positive analog section of the evaluation board, the LT1019 and the ADC. The VA- post supplies the negative analog voltage circuitry. Note, this terminal is grounded when powering the CDB5460A from a single +5 Volt analog supply. The VD+ post supplies the digital section of the ADC and level shifter. The Vu+ post supplies the digital section of the evaluation board, the 80C51, the reset circuitry, and the RS-232 interface circuitry. Note, the board’s digital section supplied via Vu+ post, must Power Supplies Analog Digital VA+ be +5 Volts only. Table 2 shows the various power connections with the required jumper settings on J12 and J11. 1.3 Using the Evaluation Board The CS5460A is a highly integrated device, containing dual ADCs with a computational unit. The CS5460A and CDB5460A data sheets should be read thoroughly and understood before using the CDB5460A evaluation board. The CS5460A contains a programmable gain amplifier (PGA), two ∆Σ modulators, two high rate filters, an on-chip reference, and power calculation engine to compute Energy, VRMS, IRMS, and Instantaneous Power. The PGA sets the input levels of the current channel at either 30 mVRMS or 150 mVRMS (for VREFIN = 2.5 V). The on-chip reference can provide the necessary 2.5 V reference. This output (VREFOUT) is used to supply the VREFIN pin with 2.5 V. The ∆Σ modulators and high rate digital filter allow the user to measure instantaneous voltage, current, and power at a output word rate of 4000 Hz when a 4.096 MHz clock source is used. Table 3 describes the various headers, jumpers and DIP switches on the CDB5460A evaluation board. DIP switch S1 is used to control the 80C51. Table 4 illustrates the varies setting of the DIP Switch S1. Power Post Connections VAGND VD+ Jumpers Vu+ J11 +5V +5V +5 NC GND +5 NC Vu+ O VD+ O VD+ O VA+ O O O O O VDDD VDDD D+ D+ VA- O A- O O GND O GND +5V +3V +5 NC GND +3 +5 Vu+ O VD+ O VD+ O VA+ O O O O O VDDD VDDD D+ D+ VA- O A- O O GND O GND ±2.5V +3V +2.5 -2.5 GND +3 +5 Vu+ O VD+ O VD+ O VA+ O O O O O VDDD VDDD D+ D+ VA- O A- O O GND O GND Table 2. Power Supply Connections 6 J12 CDB5460A Name Function Description Default Setting Default Jumpers J13 Used to switch VIN+ on the CS5460A between J6 and GND. VIN+ Set to BNC J6 O O O VIN+ O GND J14 Used to switch VIN- on the CS5460A between J11 and GND. VIN- Set to BNC J7 O O O VINO GND J11 Used to switch VA-, A-, and GND. Refer toTable 2 on page 6 Negative Analog Power Supply Set to 0V VA- O A- O O GND O GND J18 Used to switch the VREFIN from external J26 header, to the on board LT1019 reference, or to the on-chip reference VREFOUT. Refer to Table Table 1, “Reference Selection,” on page 5 VREFIN Set to onchip reference VREFOUT J12 Used to switch VU+, VD+, and VA+ to VDDD and/or D+. Refer to Table 2, “Power Supply Connections,” on page 6 J17 O LT1019 O REF+ O REFOUT Vu+ O VD+ O VD+ O VA+ O Used to connect an external micro-controller. Connected to 80C51 Used in conjunction with the self test modes to test RS-232 Set to Normal the UART/RS-232 communication link between the Mode microcontroller and a PC. O O O O VDDD VDDD D+ D+ NC O O O O J17 J19 Digital Power Supply Set to +5V O O O J15 Used to switch IIN+ on the CS5460A between J10 and GND. IIN+ Set to BNC J9 O O O IIN+ O GND J16 Used to switch IIN- on the CS5460A between J9 and GND. IIN- Set to BNC J8 O O O IINO GND J23 Used to switch XIN on the CS5460A to HDR6 when XIN Set for on-board an external micro-controller is used. 4.096 MHz XTAL O O O GND O XIN JP2 Used to connect PFMON pin on the CS5460A to monitor Power Supply VA+ PFMON Set Monitor VA+ O O JP2 JP4 Used to connect the RESET Button to the CS5460A RESET Set connected to CS5460A O O JP4 S1 J21 J10 DIP switch to control 80C51 (See Table 4) S1-1 is used to enable auto-boot mode S1-2 is used to select crystal to 80C51 S1-3 is used to select RS-232 test mode Allows LEDs D2 and D3 to indicate pulses on /EOUT and /EDIR. Pulse frequency must be less than ~6Hz to see light. S1-1 Auto-Boot off S1-2 Set 20 MHz S1-3 Set Normal 1 2 3 OPEN Disable LEDs Used to disconnect XTAL1 input on microcontroller Use on-board crystal from off-board oscillator input. O O J21 O O J10 Table 3. Header, Jumper, and DIP Switch Descriptions 7 CDB5460A 80C51 Mode 80C51 in Normal Operating Mode S1-1 OPEN S1-2 CLOSED 20 MHz Crystal S1-3 OPEN 80C51 in Normal Operation Mode S1-1 OPEN S1-2 OPEN 11.059 MHz Crystal S1-3 OPEN 80C51 in Test Mode S1-1 OPEN S1-2 CLOSED 20 MHz Crystal S1-3 CLOSED 80C51 in Test Mode S1-1 OPEN S1-2 OPEN 11.059 MHz Crystal S1-3 CLOSED Auto-Boot Mode S1-1 CLOSED S1-2 CLOSED S1-3 OPEN S1 1 2 3 40 00 00 61 ;In configuration Register, turn highpass filters on, set K = 1. 4C 10 00 00 ;Set Pulse Rate Register to 32768 Hz. E8 ;Start continuous conversions. 78 00 01 00 ;Write stop bit to CS5460A to terminate OPEN 1 2 3 OPEN 1 2 3 OPEN 1 2 3 OPEN 1 2 3 OPEN Table 4. DIP Switch S1 Setting The S1-3 switch should be set to the OPEN position for normal operation. When testing the RS-232 link in the PC software, close S1-3. The S1-2 switch selects the crystal source for the 80C51. There are two crystal options available, 11.059 MHz and 20 MHz. If S1-2 is OPEN the 11.059 MHz crystal is selected, and when S1-2 is CLOSED the 20 MHz crystal is selected. If S1-1 is closed, the CS5460A operates in autoboot mode. When in auto-boot mode, a hardware reset (press on S2) will cause the CS5460A to boot up using the serial data from the serial EEPROM on the board (U9). The EEPROM must be programmed prior to the auto-boot sequence. The EEPROM does come pre-programmed with a valid boot-up sequence. This sequence programs the CS5460A for continuous conversion mode. If voltage and current signals are applied to the inputs, the CS5460A will issue pulses on the /EOUT and /EDIR pins. Note that JP4 header must be shorted for auto-boot to work. 8 When the CDB5460 Evaluation Board is sent from the factory, the EEPROM is programmed with the following CS5460A command/data sequence: autoboot sequence. The auto-boot sequence runs with no assistance from the 8051 microcontroller. The user can verify this by disconnecting power from the board, pulling the microcontroller out of its socket, then power on again and run in auto-boot mode. See the CS5460A data sheet for more details on auto-boot. 2. SOFTWARE The evaluation board comes with software and an RS-232 cable to link the evaluation board to the PC. The evaluation software was developed with Lab Windows/CVITM, a software development package from National Instruments. The software was designed to run under Windows 95TM or later, and requires about 3MB of hard drive space (2MB for the CVI Run-Time EngineTM, and 1MB for the evaluation software). After installing the software, read the readme.txt file for any last minute updates or changes. More sophisticated analysis software can be developed by purchasing the development package from National Instruments (512-7940100). CDB5460A 2.1 Installation Procedure 1) Turn on the PC, running Windows 95TM or later. 2) Insert the Installation Diskette #1 into the PC. 3) Select the Run option from the Start menu. 4) At the prompt, type: A:\SETUP.EXE <enter>. 5) The program will begin installation. 6) If it has not already been installed on the PC, the user will be prompted to enter the directory in which to install the CVI Run-Time EngineTM. The Run-Time EngineTM manages executables created with Lab Windows/CVITM. If the default directory is acceptable, select OK and the Run-Time EngineTM will be installed there. 7) After the Run-Time EngineTM is installed, the user is prompted to enter the directory in which to install the CDB5460A software. Select OK to accept the default directory. 8) Once the program is installed, it can be run by double-clicking on the EVAL5460A icon, or through the Start menu. Notes: The software is written to run with 640 x 480 resolution; however, it will work with 1024 x 768 resolution. If the user interface appears to be small, the user might consider setting the display settings to 640 x 480. (640x480 was chosen to accommodate a variety of computers). 2.2 Using the Software Before launching the software, the user should set up the CDB5460A evaluation board by using the correct jumper and DIP switch settings as described in Part I, and connect it to an open COM port on the PC using the RS-232 serial cable. Once the board is powered on, the user can start the software package. When the software is launched, the Start-Up window appears first (Figure 1). This window contains information concerning the software’s title, revision number, copyright date, etc. At the top of the screen is a menu bar which displays user options. The menu bar item Menu is initially disabled to prevent conflicts with other serial communications devices, such as the mouse or a modem. After selecting a COM port, the Menu item will become available. 2.3 Selecting and Testing a COM Port Upon start-up, the user is prompted to select the serial communications port which will interface to the CDB5460A board. To select the COM port, pull down the Setup menu option, and select either COM1 or COM2 (the DISK option is used for previously saved files, and is discussed later). Testing the COM port to verify communication between the PC and the evaluation board is not necessary, but can help to troubleshoot some problems. The procedure for testing the communication link follows. 1) Pull down the Setup menu option again, and select TEST RS-232. 2) When prompted, set DIP switch 1 (the leftmost DIP switch) to the closed position, reset the board, and press OK to perform the test. 3) If the test passes, set DIP switch 1 to the open position, and reset the board to return to normal operating mode. 4) If the test fails, check the serial port connections, power connections, jumpers, and DIP switch settings on the board, and run the test again from step 1. Once the serial link is established between the PC and the evaluation board, the user is ready to access the internal registers of the CS5460A, collect data, and perform analysis on the collected data. 9 CDB5460A Figure 1. Start-Up Window 2.4 Register Access in the Setup Window The Evaluation software provides access to the CS5460A’s internal registers in the Setup Window (Figure 2). The user can enter the Setup Window by pulling down Menu and selecting Setup Window, or by pressing F2 on the keyboard. ing any registers to reflect the current status of the part. 2.4.2 CS5460A Crystal Frequency In the Setup Window, all of the CS5460A’s registers are displayed in hexadecimal notation, and also decoded to provide easier readability. Refer to the CS5460A data sheet for information on register functionality and meanings. The CS5460A accepts a wide range of crystal input frequencies, and can therefore run at many different sample rates. The crystal frequency being used on the CS5460A should be entered in this box to provide accurate frequency calculations in the FFT window. This will also help the software decide which functions can be performed reliably with the evaluation system. 2.4.1 Refresh Screen Button 2.4.3 Configuration Register The Refresh Screen button will update the contents of the screen by reading all the register values from the part. This usually takes a couple of seconds, but it is a good idea to press the Refresh Screen button when entering the Setup Window, or after modify- In the Configuration Register box, the contents of the Configuration Register can be modified by typing a hexadecimal value in the HEX: box, or by changing any of the values below the HEX: box to the desired settings. Note that when changing the 10 CDB5460A Figure 2. Setup Window value of the reset bit to ‘1’ (RS, bit 7 in the Configuration Register), the part will be reset, and all registers will return to their default values. Press the Refresh Screen button after performing a reset to update the screen with the new register values. Note: Although the CDB5460A software allows the user to modify any of the bits in the Configuration Register, changing certain bits may cause the software and board to behave erratically. For the evaluation system to function properly, the Interrupt Output function should be set to the default Active Low, and the Eout / Edir Function should be set to the default Normal. This applies only to the CDB5460A evaluation system, and not to the CS5460A chip itself. 2.4.4 Mask Register / Status Register The Mask and Status Registers are displayed in hexadecimal and decoded in this box to show what each of the bits means. The Mask Register can be modified by typing a value in the HEX: box, or by checking the appropriate check boxes for the bits that are to be masked. The Status Register cannot be directly modified. It can only be reset by pressing the Clear Status Register Button. The HEX: box for this register, and the LEDs are display only. A LED that is on means that the corresponding bit in the Status Register is set (except the Invalid Command bit, which is inverted). Note: The value present in the Mask register may be changed by the software during certain operations to provide correct functionality of the CDB5460A board. 2.4.5 Cycle Count / Pulse Rate / Time Base Registers These three boxes display the values of the Cycle Count, Pulse Rate, and Time Base Registers in both hexadecimal and decimal format. All three registers can be modified by typing a value in the corresponding Value: or HEX: box. 11 CDB5460A 2.4.6 Control Register The Control Register contains various bits used to activate or terminate various features of the CS5460A. Refer to the CS5460A data sheet for description of the bits. The user is able to turn each bit on or off individually. The value of the Control Register is displayed in HEX. Note that the Control Register, like all other CS5460A registers, is 24 bits long. Most of these bits are reserved or unused. Only the usable bits are displayed in the Setup Window. 2.5 Calibration Window The Calibration Window is used to display and write to the CS5460A offset and gain calibration registers. The user is also able to initiate the CS5460A’s calibration sequences that are used to set the calibration values. Both AC and DC calibrations can be run for offset and gain, for either the voltage channel or the current channel, or both simultaneously. The user should refer to the CS5460A data sheet for more details on calibration. 2.5.1 Offset / Gain Register In the Offset and Gain Register boxes, the offset and gain registers for both channels are displayed in hexadecimal and decimal. These registers can all be modified directly by typing the desired value in the hexadecimal display boxes. There are two types of offset registers: DC offset and AC offset. The AC offset registers only affect the RMS-register values. Note that the RMS offset registers only hold positive values between 0 and +1. The DC offset register is a two’s complement number whose value ranges from -1 to +1. 2.5.2 Performing Calibrations Offset and gain calibrations can be performed on both the voltage and current channels of the CS5460A. It is generally a good idea to softwarereset the CS5460A before running calibrations, because the values in the calibration registers will affect the results of the calibration. A software reset Figure 3. Calibration Window 12 CDB5460A will reset these registers back to the default values of zero offset and unity gain. Offset calibration should be performed before gain calibration to ensure accurate results. Offset Calibrations: 1) Ground the channel(s) you want to calibrate directly at the channel header(s). HDR1 and HDR2 for the voltage channel, and HDR8 and HDR9 for the current channel. The channel(s) could also be grounded directly at the BNC connectors. 2) Press the corresponding AC or DC offset calibrate button (Cal V, Cal I, or Cal Both) in the Offset Register boxes. 3) The calibration value(s) will automatically update when the calibration is completed. Gain Calibrations: 1) Attach an AC or DC calibration signal to the BNC connector(s), and make sure the corresponding channel headers (J13, J4, J15, and J16) are set to the input position. 2) Press the corresponding AC or DC gain calibrate button (Cal V, Cal I, or Cal Both) in the Gain Register box. 3) The calibration value(s) will automatically update when the calibration is completed. The Calibration Window also contains the Power Offset Register display and adjustment. The user can read and write the value in the Power Offset Register. 2.6 Conversion Window The Conversion Window (Figure 4) allows the user to see the results of single and continuous conversions on all six data registers, perform data averaging, utilize the power-saving modes of the CS5460A, and reset the CS5460A’s serial port. The Conversion Window can be accessed by pulling down the Menu option, and selecting Conversion Window, or by pressing F3. Figure 4. Conversion Window 13 CDB5460A 2.6.1 Single Conversion Button On pressing this button, single conversions will be performed repeatedly until the user presses the Stop button. After each conversion is complete, the Result data column will update with the values present in each data register. The Mean and Standard Deviation columns will update every N cycles, where N is the number in the Samples to Average box. Note that it can take many collection cycles after pressing the Stop button before the data actually stops being collected. 2.6.2 Continuous Conversions Button This button functions similarly to the Single Conversion button, except that continuous conversions are performed instead. The data on the screen is updated in the same fashion, and the Stop button terminates this action. There are some speed limitations when performing this function, and if any of these limitations are exceeded, the user will be prompted to change some settings before proceeding. 2.6.3 Re-Initialize Serial Port Button CS5460A data sheet to the part. This sequence brings the CS5460A’s serial port back to a known state. It does not reset any of the registers in the part. 2.6.4 Standby / Sleep Mode Buttons When these buttons are pressed, the part will enter either Standby or Sleep power saving modes. To return to normal mode, use the Power Up button. 2.6.5 Power Up Button This button is used to send the Power Up/Halt command to the CS5460A. The part will return to normal operating mode and halt any conversions that are being done at this time. 2.7 Viewing Pulse Rate Output Data The CS5460A features a pulse-rate energy output. The CDB5460A has the capability to demonstrate the functionality of this output in the Pulse Rate Output Window (Figure 5). The Pulse Rate Output Window can be accessed by pressing the F4 key, or by pulling down the Menu option, and selecting Pulse Rate Window. When this button is pressed, the software will send the synchronization sequence discussed in the Figure 5. Pulse Rate Output Window 14 CDB5460A 2.7.1 Integration Period Box This box allows the user to select the length of time which pulses will be collected over. 2.7.2 Periods To Average Box limitations of the on-board microcontroller, some higher pulse rates cannot be accurately collected. If the pulse rate is too high, a warning message will appear. 2.8 Data Collection Window Overview This box allows the user to average a number of integration periods together. 2.7.3 Start Button When the Start button is pressed, the CDB5460A will capture pulse rate data according to the values in the Integration Period and Periods to Average boxes. After each integration period, the Pulse Count and Frequency columns will be updated. The Average Freq. and Standard Deviation columns will only be updated after all of the integrations have been collected. The software stops collecting data when the user presses the Stop button, or when the data collection is finished. Due to some speed The Data Collection Window (Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8) allows the user to collect sample sets of data from the CS5460A and analyze them using time domain, FFT, and histogram plots. The Data Collection Window is accessible through the Menu option, or by pressing F5. 2.8.1 Time Domain / FFT / Histogram Selector This menu selects the type of data processing to perform on the collected data and display in the plot area. Refer to the section on Analyzing Data for more information. Figure 6. Time Domain Analysis 15 CDB5460A Figure 7. FFT Analysis Figure 8. Histogram Analysis 16 CDB5460A 2.8.2 Collect Button This button will collect data from the part, to be analyzed in the plot area. See the section on Collecting Data Sets for more information. 2.8.3 Config Button This button will bring up the configuration window, in which the user can modify the data collection specifications. See the discussion of the Config Window in this document. 2.8.4 Output Button This button will bring up a window in which the user can output the data to a file for later use, print out a plot, or print out the entire screen. Note: When saving data, only the data channel being displayed on the plot will be saved to a file. 2.8.5 Zoom Button memory size on the CDB5460A, the maximum is 4096 samples when collecting two channels, and 2048 samples when collecting three channels. 2.9.2 Average When doing FFT processing, this box will determine the number of FFTs to average. FFTs will be collected and averaged when the Collect button is pressed. 2.9.3 FFT Window This box allows the user to select the type of windowing algorithm for FFT processing. Windowing algorithms include the Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hanning, 5-term Hodie, and 7-term Hodie. The 5-term Hodie and 7-term Hodie are windowing algorithms developed at Crystal Semiconductor. 2.9.4 Histogram Bin Width This button allows the user to zoom in on the plot by selecting two points in the plot area. Press the Restore button to return to the normal data plot, or press the Zoom button again to zoom in even further. This box allows for a variable "bin width" when plotting histograms of the collected data. Each vertical bar in the histogram plot will contain the number of output codes contained in this box. Increasing this number may allow the user to view histograms with larger input ranges. 2.8.6 Channel Select Buttons 2.9.5 Pages to Collect Depending on the number of channels of information that has been collected, between 1 and 3 channel select buttons will appear below the graph, allowing the user to choose the appropriate channel for display. In the Time Domain mode, an additional button labeled "Overlay" will be present, to allow the user to display all of the channels on the same plot. This box determines the number of data "pages" that the microcontroller will collect before sending data to the PC. Each page consists of the number of samples collected, and only the last page will be returned to the PC for processing. This function is useful at higher sampling frequencies to minimize board-level noise at the beginning of the conversion set. 2.9 Config Window 2.9.6 Data to Collect The Config Window allows the user to set up the data collection and analysis parameters. These six check boxes allow the user to select the data channels that will be collected and returned to the PC for processing. Up to three channels can be selected at once. There are some restrictions on the speed and number of samples to collect when selecting more than one channel. A warning message 2.9.1 Number of Samples This box allows the user to select the number of samples to collect, between 16 and 8192. Due to 17 CDB5460A will appear on pressing the Collect button in the Data Collection Window if any speed limits appear to be exceeded, but the data collection will still take place. 2) Find the data file in the list and select it. Press the Select button to return. 2.9.7 Accept Button 4) The data from the file should appear on the screen. To select a different file, repeat the procedure. When this button is pressed, the current settings will be saved, and the user will return to the Data Collection Window. 2.10 Collecting Data Sets To collect a sample data set: 1) In the Data Collection Window, press the Config button to bring up the Configuration Window and view the current settings. 2) Select the appropriate settings from the available options (see the section on the Configuration Window) and press the Accept button. 3) The Data Collection Window should still be visible. Press the Collect button to begin collecting data. A progress indicator bar will appear at the bottom of the screen during the data collection process. 4) Data is first collected from the CS5460A and stored in SRAM, and then transferred from the SRAM to the PC through the RS-232 serial cable. Depending on the value of the Cycle Count Register and the number of samples being collected, this process may take a long time. The process can be terminated by pressing the Stop button, but if this is done, the user should also press Reset on the CDB5460A board. 5) Once the data has been collected, it can be analyzed, printed, or saved to disk. 2.11 Retrieving Saved Data From a File The CDB5460A software allows the user to save data to a file, and retrieve it later when needed. To load a previously saved file: 1) Pull down the Setup option and select Disk. A file menu will appear. 18 3) Go to the Data Collection Window, and press the Collect button. 2.12 Analyzing Data The evaluation software provides three types of analysis tests - Time Domain, Frequency Domain, and Histogram. The Time Domain analysis processes acquired conversions to produce a plot of Magnitude versus Conversion Sample Number. The Frequency Domain analysis processes acquired conversions to produce a magnitude versus frequency plot using the Fast-Fourier transform (results up to Fs/2 are calculated and plotted). Also, statistical noise calculations are calculated and displayed. The Histogram analysis test processes acquired conversions to produce a histogram plot. Statistical noise calculations are also calculated and displayed. 2.13 Histogram Information The following is a description of the indicators associated with Histogram Analysis. Histograms can be plotted in the Data Collection Window by setting the Time Domain / FFT / Histogram selector to Histogram (Figure 8). 2.13.1 BIN Displays the x-axis value of the cursor on the Histogram. 2.13.2 MAGNITUDE Displays the y-axis value of the cursor on the Histogram. 2.13.3 MAXIMUM Indicator for the maximum value of the collected data set. CDB5460A 2.13.4 MEAN 2.14.1 FREQUENCY Indicator for the mean of the data sample set. The mean is calculated using the following formula: Displays the x-axis value of the cursor on the FFT display. n -1 Σ 2.14.2 MAGNITUDE Xi Displays the y-axis value of the cursor on the FFT display. i= 0 M ean = n 2.14.3 S/D 2.13.5 MINIMUM Indicator for the Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, 4 harmonics are used in the calculations (decibels). Indicator for the minimum value of the collected data set. 2.14.4 S/N+D 2.13.6 STD. DEV. Indicator for the Signal-to-Noise + Distortion Ratio (decibels). Indicator for the Standard Deviation of the collected data set. The Standard Deviation is calculated using the following formula 2.14.5 SNR Indicator for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio, first 4 harmonics are not included (decibels). n-1 S tD ev = Σ (X i - M ean) 2 i= 0 2.14.6 S/PN Indicator for the Signal-to-Peak Noise Ratio (decibels). n 2.14.7 # of AVG 2.13.7 VARIANCE Indicates the Variance for the current data set. The variance is calculated using the following formula: n -1 V ar = Σ (X i - M ean) 2 i= 0 n Displays the number of FFT’s averaged in the current display. 2.15 Time Domain Information The following controls and indicators are associated with Time Domain Analysis. Time domain data can be plotted in the Data Collection Window by setting the Time Domain / FFT / Histogram selector to Time Domain (Figure 6). 2.14 Frequency Domain Information 2.15.1 COUNT The following describe the indicators associated with FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Analysis. FFT data can be plotted in the Data Collection Window by setting the Time Domain / FFT / Histogram selector to FFT (Figure 7). Displays current x-position of the cursor on the time domain display. 2.15.2 MAGNITUDE Displays current y-position of the cursor on the time domain display. 19 CDB5460A 2.15.3 MAXIMUM Indicator for the maximum value of the collected data set. 2.15.4 MINIMUM Indicator for the minimum value of the collected data set. 20 Figure 9. Analog Schematic CDB5460A 21 Figure 10. Digital Schematic Part 1 CDB5460A 22 Figure 11. Digital Schematic Part 2 CDB5460A 23 CDB5460A Figure 12. Power Supply Schematic 24 Figure 13. Silkscreen CDB5460A 25 Figure 14. Circuit Side CDB5460A 26 Figure 15. Solder Side CDB5460A 27 CDB5460A 3. ADDENDUM 3.1 Board Modifications for Charge Pump The CDB5460A can be modified by the user, to include a charge pump circuit, whose output could be used to supply the VA- supply pin in the +2.5V and -2.5V analog power configuration. The diagram below illustrates the schematic of such a circuit. The components must be added by the user. 1) Header H1 allows a clock source to be clipped across J1 with J2 open to analyze the charge pump by itself or drive it asynchronous to the CS5460A. With J1 open and J2 closed, the pump is clocked synchronously with the CS5460A. For best results, the charge pump should be clocked synchronously with the CS5460A. nents C1, C2, D1 and D2. D1 and D2 are BAT85 schottky diodes chosen for their speed and low forward voltage. Capacitor C1 provides the necessary current at 4.096 MHz. Capacitor C2 provides extra storage if the load on A- is increased. If the external reference is removed (and therefore the CS5460A is the only load on A-) C2 can be removed. The bypass capacitors from VA+ to A- will be sufficient. 3) Header H2 connects the charge pump to A-. H2 can be removed to analyze the unloaded performance of the charge pump. This should be closed for "charge-pump" mode operation. 4) A four-pin socket (U1) is added to connect an optional clock oscillator to the XIN pin and easily operate the CS5460A in "external clock" mode. 2) The charge pump is constructed from compo- H1 C1 HD R 1.0 nF D2 H2 B A T 85 HDR J1 AJ2 D1 B AT 85 1.0 nF C2 AGND A GN D AGND XIN D GN D MC CS 5460 HD R 10 D+ C LO CK XINT DG ND A lread y E xists Figure 16. CDB5460A Modifications for A- Charge Pump 28