BUS IC DC/DC CONVERTER MOTOR DRIVER IC RIPPLE COUNTER DRIVER IC I/O IC SENSOR IC SENSOR INTERFACE IC Fan control ÿ EC motor control Steppermotor driver ment a motor regulator together with n-channel power FET B6- driver technology configuration and a µC The programmability of parameters (e.g. ÿ ÿ ÿ Three current measurement amplifiers and threshold values of over current, over temperature, motor fail- programmable over current protection ures, EMC conditions, etc.) can be used to drive motors in a widely On chip and external over temperature detection different range. These programmability features and the driver and protection channel control inputs and allow this chip to act in general motor Programmable analog measurement channels regulator applications, too. The special programmable switching (temperature and motor currents) technology (pendingpatent) enables an excellent EMC behavior. ÿ Position detection by BEMF ÿ Sleep / Wake up mode system The device works in typical motor regulator systems as physical ÿ 5V or 3.3V interface to control device interface between a µC or a special controller hardware and the ÿ Developmentkits available (programmable board power FET-motor load configuration. The user has the complete and software with PC Interface) control over the logical behaviour by software implementation in ÿ – 40°C to + 125°C operating temperature the µC. In this way all control/regulation strategies of the motor ÿ PLCC68 package can be realised by software development. VBAT RREF IREF slewrate control POS_x 3 40 T2 T3 3 Gx_HI SPI S/H control + 3 ISENH_x _ 3 ISENL_x overcurrent detection 3 PH_x SP (opt.) digital PFET Monitor PROG + slewrate control T4 VS 3 Gx_L0 VDD prog. _ ext. & int. overtemperature detection SH_x 3 A_CUR_SH_x 3 SIGN_x 3 T1 prog. analog VDS_OVER_xH 3 VDS_OVER_xL 3 VS VCP Fail Wake x-HI 3 x-LO 3 µC VDD3 analog MUX ANAMUX IP R1 ϑ T5 T6 Rmeas MISO MOSI SCL CS Charge Pump digital bus CCP CP1 CP2 VDD Rmeas (optional) Rmeas VDD IREF VBAT VCP analog bus CVCP optional Rmeas BLOCK DIAGRAM 9 10 ANAMUX 67 66 65 64 n.c. 61 60 CP1 SH_A 11 59 VPUMP SH_B 12 58 VDD12P CP2 SH_C 13 57 56 55 GA_HI 54 PHB VDD3 17 53 GB_HI VSSA 18 52 PHC CS 19 51 GC_HI SCL 20 50 SP MOSI 21 49 n.c. MISO 22 48 GA_LO Reference current output 11-13 SH_[A-C] Sample and hold control input, channel [A-C] 14-16 SIGN[A-C] Sign of current output, channel [A-C] 17 VDD3 18 VSSA Analog ground 19 CS Enable signal of SPI 20 SCL Clock of SPI 21 MOSI Data input of SPI 22 MISO Data output of SPI 23 FAIL Failure signal, high active 24 WAKE Wake up signal, low active Pin Name Description 25-27 POS_[A-C] Position signal of BEMF detection, channel [A-C] 50 SP Star point connection 28-29 VDS_OVER_A[H,L] 51 GC_HI Driver output, gate HS power FET, channel C 30-31 VDS_OVER_B[H,L] 52,54, 56 PHC, PHB, PHA Phase C-A 53 GB_HI Driver output, gate HS power FET, channel B 55 GA_HI FAIL 23 47 n.c. WAKE 24 46 GB_LO POS_A 25 45 n.c. POS_B 26 44 GC_LO 27 3.3 V or 5 V supply of control interface 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 AVAILABILITY Samples Series available tbd. 32-33 VDS_OVER_C[H,L] VDS detection, high/low side switch, channel C 34 VDD3 3.3V or 5V supply of control interface 35 AGND Analog ground 57 CP2 36-38 [A-C]_HI Ctrl input of HS switch, channel [A-C], high active 58,63 VBAT, VS 12V supply, high voltage supply 39-41 [A-C]_LO Ctrl input of LS switch, channel [A-C], high active 59 VPUMP Pumped voltage, storage capacitor connection 42 VS 12V supply 60 CP1 Switch capacitor connection 1 of charge pump 43 PGND Power ground 62 PGND Power ground 44,46 GC_LO, GB_LO Driver output, gate LS FET, channel c/b 64,66 ISENH_C, ISENL_C Pos/Neg current measurement input, channel C 48 GA_LO 67-68 ISENH_B, ISENL_B Driver output, gate LS power FET, channel A PHA SIGNB 15 SIGNC 16 IREF VDS detection, high/low side switch, channel B 63 62 SIGNA 14 Analog MUX output VDS detection, high/low side switch, channel A PGND 68 VDD42 1 ISENH_C 2 n.c. 3 ISENL_C Temperature sensor input 4 ISENH_B TP ISENL_B 8 ISENH_A A_CUR_SH_[C-A] ISENL_A 5-7 Current measurement output, channel [A-C], S&H DGND 5V supply VDD5 VDD 5 PGND Low RF emission due to the field programmable 4 6 VDD12 ÿ Digital ground 7 C_LO The IC is a PWM EC brushless motor driver/controller to imple- DGND 8 B_LO High power efficiency 3 9 IREF 10 C_HI ÿ Negative current measurement input, channel A B_HI DESCRIPTION ISENL_A A_HI Self adjusting driver timing and power FET protection 2 AGND ÿ Positive current measurement input, channel A VDD3 SPI µP interface ISENH_A A_CUR_SH_C Pumps 1 VDS_OVER_CL Air-conditioning ÿ Description VDS_OVER_CH ÿ Programmability of functions and parameters by Name A_CUR_SH_B FETs (3 high side- and 3 low side switches) Pin VDS_OVER_BL Fan cooler VDS_OVER_BH EC or DC motor drive / regulation ÿ ANAMUX ÿ Drive of up to 6 external n-channel Power A_CUR_SH_A High voltage supply in the range VS = 6.0 V to 58 V ÿ POS_C ÿ PACKAGE TP PINNING VDS_OVER_AL APPLICATION VDS_OVER_AH FEATURES ÿ E910.46 system evaluation chip A_LO ÿ EC motor control Driver output, gate HS power FET, channel A Switch capacitor connection 2 of charge pump Pos/Neg current measurement input, channel B Note ELMOS Semiconductor AG (below ELMOS) reserves the right to make changes to the product contained in this publication without notice. ELMOS assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein, conveys no licence under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. While the information in this publication has been checked, no responsibility, however, is assumed for inaccuracies. ELMOS does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of a life-support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications. Copyright © 2005 ELMOS Reproduction, in part or whole, without the prior written consent of ELMOS, is prohibited. www.elmos.de | [email protected] elmos product catalog june 2005 41