Introducing AMP Economy Power (EP) Shrouded Post Headers AMP Economy Power (EP) Shrouded Post Headers KEY FEATURES • Fully shrouded header DESCRIPTION An extension of the current EP product offering Wire-to-board application helps to eliminate mismatings • 2 -12 position vertical 0.156 [3.96] centerline system Provides a complete shrouded header for better mating alignment Mates with current EP and EPII plug housings with receptacle contacts Positive audible latch headers • Mates with existing EP APPLICATIONS and EPII plug housings Household Appliances with receptacle contacts HVAC Gasoline Pumps • RoHS compliant Coin Changers/Vending Machines Industrial Machinery ELECTRICAL Voltage rating: 250 VAC Current rating: 7.5 amp max. (2 to 12 pos.) Dielectric withstanding voltage: 1.5kV AC min. MECHANICAL Operating temperature -13ºF to +221ºF (-25ºC to +105ºC) MATERIALS Housing: PBT glass filled UL 94V-O Contact: Brass, Finish: 1.0 µm tin over 0.8 µm nickel STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS Meets existing EP Product Specifications: 108-5609 UL File E28476 CSA LR7189 Application Specification - 114-1021 Tyco Electronics I AMP Economy Power (EP) Shrouded Post Headers AMP Economy Power (EP) Shrouded Post Headers PRODUCT DIMENSION Vertical Headers No. of Pos. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dim. C .156 [3.96] .312 [7.92] .468 [11.88] .624 [15.84] .779 [19.80] .935 [23.76] 1.091 [27.72] 1.247 [31.68] 1.403 [35.64] 1.560 [39.60] 1.715 [43.56] Part Number 1877285-2 1877285-3 1877285-4 1877285-5 1877285-6 1877285-7 1877285-8 1877285-9 1-877285-0 1-877285-1 1-877285-2 AMP Economy Power (EP) Shrouded Post Headers I Tyco Electronics FOR MORE INFORMATION Technical Support Internet: E-mail: USA: Canada: Mexico: C. America: South America: Hong Kong: Japan: UK: 1-800-522-6752 1-905-470-4425 1-800-733-8926 52-55-1106-0803 55-11-2103-6000 852-2735-1628 81-44-844-8013 44-8706-080208 Tyco Electronics Corporation Harrisburg, PA Copyright 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. 1773453-6 - 5M -MS/FP - 9/2008. AMP, TE Logo and Tyco Electronics are trademarks.