Technical Datasheet DS08 SnapLED 150 Introduction Key Benefits Using Philips Lumileds’ patented solderless clinch technology, SnapLED 150 emitters are attached to a formable metal substrate that offers both styling flexibility and ruggedness unmatched by any other LED assembly. Rugged Lighting Products Electricity Savings Maintenance Savings 3Dimensional Array Design Environmental Conformance Features Automotive lamp makers can now take advantage of Philips Lumiled's performance stability across a wide current range with a SnapLED 150 option that is optimized and binned for use in dualmode drive current situations such as Automotive Stop/Tail applications using costeffective resistordiode drive circuits. SnapLED’s brilliant luminance, flexibility, and reliability enable distinctive and durable lighting designs for vehicles, signals, and specialty lighting. High Luminance Low Power Consumption Low Thermal Resistance Low Profile Solderless Mounting Technique Formable Substrate Meets SAE/ECE/JIS Automotive Color Requirements Packaged in tubes for use with automatic assembly equipment LeadFree RoHS Compliant DualMode (Stop/Tail) Option Typical Applications HPWSTH00 HPWSFH00 HPWSTH77 HPWSFH77 HPWSTL00 HPWSFL00 Automotive Lighting Rear Combination Lamps Front Turn Signal Lamps High Mount Stop Lamps Indirect Lighting Solid State Lighting and Signaling Selection Guide Table 1 Part Number Drive Current LED Color Total Flux ΦV (lm) @ 150 mA[1] Typ. Total Included Angle θ0.90V (Degrees) [2] Typ. Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 (Degrees) Typ. HPWSTH00 HPWSFH00 HPWSTH77 HPWSFH77 Single Mode Single Mode Dual Mode Dual Mode TS AlInGaP RedOrange 11.0 120 70 120 70 85 30 85 30 HPWSTL00 HPWSFL00 Single Mode Single Mode TS AlInGaP Amber 5.5 120 70 85 30 Notes for Table 1: 1.Φv is the total luminous flux output as measured with an integrating sphere after the device has stabilized. (RθJA = 100°C/W, TA = 25ºC, Tj ~ 60°C.) 2.θ0.90 V is the included angle at which 90% of the total luminous flux is captured. See Figure 5. Outline Drawings Notes: 1.Dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2.Dimensions without tolerances are nominal. 3.Cathode lead is indicated with a "C" and anode lead is indicated with an "A." 4.Clinch joint locations shown in dashed lines on top view of part (11.50 mm spacing). SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (01/07) 2 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Table 2 Parameter DC Forward Current [1,2] Pulsed Forward Current [3] Minimum DC Forward Current [1] Power Dissipation Rating Units 150 mA 200 mA 5 mA 473 mW Reverse Voltage (IR = 100 μA) 10 V Operating Temperature Range 40 to +100 °C Storage Temperature Range 55 to +110 °C High Temperature Chamber 125 (2 hrs.) °C 125 °C LED Junction Temperature (Tj) Notes for Table 2: 1. Operation at drive currents below 20 mA is recommended only with dualmode specified LEDs. 2. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 3a. 3. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 3b. Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C IF = 150 mA, RθJA = 100°C/W Table 3 Total Stabilized Flux Φv (lm) [1] Total Instantaneous Flux Φv (lm) [2] Ratio of Luminous Intensity to Total Flux Iv(cd)/Φv(lm) Color, Dominant Wavelength λd (nm) [3] Total Included Angle θ0.90 V (Degrees) [4] Peak Wavelength λpeak (nm)[3] Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 (Degrees) Type Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. HPWSTHXX HPWSFHXX 11.0 12.4 0.6 2.0 620 120 70 632 85 30 HPWSTL00 HPWSFL00 5.5 7.2 0.6 2.0 594 120 70 597 85 30 Device Notes for Table 3: 1.Total Stabilized Flux Φv is the total luminous flux output as measured with an integrating sphere after the device has stabilized to Tj ~ 60°C. 2.Total Instantaneous Flux Φv is the total luminous flux output as measured with an integrating sphere at 20ms duration. 3. The dominant wavelength is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the perceived color of the device at Tj ~ 60 °C. 4. θ0.90 V is the included angle at which 90% of the total luminous flux is captured. See Figure 5. SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (01/07) 3 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C Table 4 Reverse Breakdown VR (Volts) @ IR = 100 μA Forward Voltage VF (Volts) @ IF = 150mA Capacitance C (pF) VF = 0, F = 1MHz. Thermal Resistance RθJPIN (°C/W) Speed of Response τs (ns) [1] Device Type Min Typ Max Min Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. HPWSxHxx 2.19 2.8 3.15 10 20 80 60 20 HPWSxL00 2.19 2.8 3.15 10 20 80 75 20 Figures[1] 200 180 HPWS-xLxx AMBER FORWARD CURRENT (mA) RELATIVEINTENSITY INTENSITY RELATIVE 1.0 HPWS-xHxx RED-ORANGE 0.5 0.0 550 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 575 600 625 650 675 700 0 1.4 WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH (nm) (nm ) 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 3a. Maximum DC Forward Figure 3b. Maximum Pulsed Forward Figure 4. Relative Luminous Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Flux vs. Forward Current. 1. Figures are Typical unless specified as Maximum. SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (01/07) 4 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company Figures Continued [1] xxx xxx Figure 5. HPWSxxxx Percent Total Luminous Flux vs. Total Included Angle. Figure 6a. HPWSTxxx Relative Intensity vs. Off Axis Angle. Figure 6b. HPWSFxxx Relative Intensity vs. Off Axis Angle. Notes for Figures: 1. Figures are Typical unless specified as Maximum. 2. For additional information, please refer to the Philips Lumileds AB20 Series of Application Briefs. SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (01/07) 5 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. SnapLED 150 Product Binning This section provides bin selection assistance for SnapLED 150 LEDs. Additional category and label details for SnapLED product can be found in AB207. Product availability varies by color and other factors, and not all binselection combinations are available. Contact your Philips Lumileds representative for further assistance. Luminous Flux Bins Part Number HPWSFL00 HWPSTL00 HPWSFH00 HWPSTH00 HPWSFH77 HWPSTH77 Bin Code High Drive Current (150mA) Minimum Maximum Luminous Flux [2] (lm) Luminous Flux [2] (lm) F G H J L L M N P U V W 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 7.20 9.40 11.50 4.20 4.80 6.10 7.30 9.70 9.70 12.00 16.00 21.00 11.40 14.10 16.70 Low Drive Current [1] (10mA) Minimum Maximum Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux (lm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.50 0.63 0.79 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.97 1.19 1.43 Note: 1. DualMode Drive Current option applies to HPWSxH77 product only. 2.Total Luminous Flux at 150mA as measured with an integrating sphere after the device has stabilized. Tj ~ 60°C Dominant Wavelength Bins, RedOrange Bin Code Minimum Dominant Wavelength (nm) Maximum Dominant Wavelength (nm) 1 611 617 2 615 621 3 619 629 Bin Code Minimum Dominant Wavelength (nm) Maximum Dominant Wavelength (nm) 1 587 591 2 589 594 9 592 595 3 592 597 Dominant Wavelength Bins, Amber SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (01/07) 6 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. Forward Voltage Bins, High Current (150 mA) Bin Code Minimum Voltage Maximum Voltage 1 2.19 2.43 2 2.31 2.55 3 2.43 2.67 4 2.55 2.79 5 2.67 2.91 6 2.79 3.03 7 2.91 3.15 Bin Code Minimum Voltage Maximum Voltage B 1.84 1.94 C 1.90 2.00 D 1.96 2.06 E 2.02 2.12 F 2.08 2.18 G 2.14 2.24 H 2.20 2.30 Forward Voltage Bins, Low Current1 (10 mA) 1. Low Current Vf Binning applies to HPWSxH77 DualMode product only. SnapLED 150 Technical Datasheet DS08 (11/07) 7 Copyright 2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. Company Information Philips Lumileds is a worldclass supplier of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) producing billions of LEDs annually. Philips Lumileds is a fully integrated supplier, producing core LED material in all three base colors (Red, Green, Blue) and White. Philips Lumileds has R&D centers in San Jose, California and in The Netherlands and produc Philips Lumileds may make process or materials changes affecting the perform ance or other characteristics of our products. These products supplied after such changes will continue to meet published specifications, but may not be identical to products supplied as samples or under prior orders. tion capabilities in San Jose and Penang, Malaysia. Founded in 1999, Philips Lumileds is the highflux LED technology leader and is dedi cated to bridging the gap between solidstate LED technology and the lighting world. Philips Lumileds technology, LEDs and systems are enabling new applications and markets in the lighting world. For technical assistance or the location of your nearest sales office contact any of the following: North America: 1 888 589 3662 Europe: 00 800 443 88 873 Asia Pacific: 800 5864 5337 ©2007 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Luxeon is a registered trademark of the Philips Lumileds Lighting Company in the United States and other countries. Japan: 800 5864 5337