INTEGRAL IN82C54 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER LSI of programmable ASIC timer provides operation of three independent counters in six modes. Synchronous control method with minimum period of tact impulses sequence is used in circuit Тс=200 ns. Circuit is implemented in 239.24-1 package. Parameter indication, measurements unit Output voltage of high level, V Output voltage of low level, V Input current, mkА Consumption current in static mode, mkА Input current of low level в состоянии "выключено", mkА Output current of high level в состоянии "выключено", мкА Sequence period of tact signal impulses, ns Parameter name measurement unit Supply voltage, V Input voltage of high level, V Input voltage of low level, V Output current of high level, mА Output current of low level, mА Tact signal impulses sequence frequences, MHz: - for timer Letter Measurement mode symbol UOH UCC = 4,5V IOH =-0.4mА UIH=UCC-0,8V UIL=0,8 V UOL UCC=4,5 V lOL=3.2mА UIH= UCC-0,8 V UIL=0,8 V II UCC=5,5 V UIH-5.5 VUll-0V ICC UCC=5.5V, Ull=0V UIH=5.5V, UCC=5,5V UOL=0,8 V IOZL Rate не менее no more С UCC-0,41 UCC=5,5 V UOH=Ucc-0,8 V UCC= 5,5 V TCY Letter symbol UCC Limit mode rate -0,3 UIH UIL IOH -0,3 - 6 (7 within 5мs) 6 - IOL FC - - - - - for direct memory access block Korzhenevskogo 12, Minsk, 220064, Republic of Belarus Fax: +375 (17) 278 28 22, Phone: +375 (17) 278 07 11, 277 24 70, 277 24 61, 277 69 16 E-mail: [email protected] URL: - 0,4 - -2,0 - 10 - - - 125 Temperature -10 - +70oC