2281 808 ..... Vishay BCcomponents Ø 10 mm Film Dielectric Trimmers TEST VOLTAGE (DC) FOR 1 MINUTE: FEATURES 300 V • Housing diameter 10 mm • For a basic grid of 2.54 mm (0.1") or 2.50 mm Pb-free MAXIMUM CONTACT RESISTANCE: • Top and bottom or top adjustment e3 10 mΩ • Vertical and horizontal versions RoHS • Round or hexagonal head MINIMUM INSULATION RESISTANCE: 10000 MΩ COMPLIANT APPLICATIONS • For consumer and industrial equipment CATEGORY TEMPERATURE RANGE: PP - 40 to + 70 °C PC, PTFE - 40 to + 85 °C CLIMATIC CATEGORY (IEC 60068): PP DESCRIPTION: The vanes of the trimmer are stacked on a sturdy plastic base. The color of the base indicates the maximum capacitance (see Electrical Data Table). The dielectric is a film of polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC) or polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), which supports the vanes in such a way that good stability is ensured and no microphony can occur. Flux absorption between the vanes is prevented. Cleaning with solvents is not advised. 40/070/21 Versions are available with either a vertical spindle, or a horizontal spindle. Both versions have top adjustment by means of a screwdriver or trimming key and bottom adjustment by means of a key. PC, PTFE 40/085/21 MINIMUM STORAGE TEMPERATURE: - 55 °C QUALITY LEVEL: RELATED SPECIFICATION: Sampling and data evaluation for quality level in accordance with “MIL-STD-105D” and “IEC 60410”: < 0.15 % major defects IEC 60418-1 and 4 < 0.65 % minor defects EFFECTIVE ANGLE OF ROTATION: Each capacitor is tested for minimum Cmax and is also subjected to the full test voltage. 180° Cmin / Cmax: OPERATING TORQUE: 2.5/15 to 7/105 pF 2 to 25 mNm RATED VOLTAGE (DC): MAXIMUM AXIAL THRUST: 150 V 2N www.vishay.com 320 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com Document Number 28528 Revision 13-Jan-06 2281 808 ..... Vishay BCcomponents Ø 10 mm Film Dielectric Trimmers ROUND HEAD EXTENDED HEXAGONAL HEAD ROUND HEAD ∅2 ∅ 2.5 ∅ 2.5 EXTENDED HEXAGONAL HEAD ∅2 0.6 0.6 1 1 5.8 5.8 0.7 0.7 15.3 11 max. 0 -1 15.3 11 max. Z 0 -1 Z 4 ± 0.5 4 ± 0.5 rotor (2×) rotor (2×) 1.15 max. stator 3 ± 0.2 3 ± 0.2 10.6 5 max. ± 0.1 10 0 - 0.2 1.15 max. 10.6 5 max. ± 0.1 2.5 10 0 - 0.2 stator 2.5 0.4 max. ∅ 1.6 5.85 ± 0.2 5.85 ± 0.2 ∅ 1.6 DETAIL Z turned 90° DETAIL Z turned 90° 0.65 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.1 0.85 max. 0.5 ± 0.15 0.6 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.15 Trimmers 2281 808 ..... series, vertical version Dimensions in millimeters. 5 10 R 5 R R 2.5 R 7.5 1.3 5 S S R = rotor, S = stator 1.3 The large hole is for bottom adjustment and the diameter is determined by user’s requirements. R = rotor, S = stator Hole pattern Document Number 28528 Revision 13-Jan-06 Hole pattern For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com www.vishay.com 321 2281 808 ..... Vishay BCcomponents Ø 10 mm Film Dielectric Trimmers ROUND HEAD EXTENDED HEXAGONAL HEAD ∅ 2.5 ∅2 10 5 0.6 R 1 R 5.8 0.7 1.3 5 0 15.3 -1 11 max. S R = rotor, S = stator 4.8 ± 0.2 110° ± 5° Z Hole pattern stator rotor (2×) 3 ± 0.2 3.1 ± 0.3 6.5 ± 0.1 1.15 max. 4 ± 0.5 11 max. ADJUSTMENT 0 10 - 0.2 5 ± 0.1 For top adjustment a screwdriver or trimming key can be used; for bottom adjustment a key is required as shown below 2.5 ∅3 + 0.1 0 + 0.1 0.7 0 ∅ 1.7 ∅ 1.6 0.6 + 0.2 0 DETAIL Z turned 90° 2 min. 0.85 max. 0.6 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.15 Trimmers 2281 808 ..... series, horizontal version Bottom adjustment key Dimensions in millimeters ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER 2281 808 ..... OR BFC2 808 .....* HORIZONTAL VERSION Cmin /Cmax (pF) HOLE PATTERN 5 mm × 10 mm ROUND HEAD HEX. HEAD VERTICAL VERSION HOLE PATTERN 5 mm × 10 mm ROUND HEAD TOP AND BOTTOM ADJUSTMENT HEX. HEAD HOLE PATTERN 7.5 mm × 5 mm ROUND HEAD HEX. HEAD TOP AND BOTTOM ADJUSTMENT ROUND HEAD TOP ADJUSTMENT 2.5/15 61159 - 31159 - 32159 - - 3/22.5 61229 - 31229 - 32229 - - 5.5/40 61409 - 31409 - 32409 - - 5.5/50 - - 01029 - 01006 - - 5.5/65 61659 64659 31659 34659 32659 - 01001 6/80 61809 64809 31809 34809 32809 35809 - 7/105 61101 64101 31101 - 32101 - - 6/120 - - 31121 - - - - * ordering code for SAP system www.vishay.com 322 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com Document Number 28528 Revision 13-Jan-06 2281 808 ..... Ø 10 mm Film Dielectric Trimmers Vishay BCcomponents Mounting: PACKAGING: The trimmer can be mounted on printed-circuit boards with a grid of 2.50 mm or 2.54 mm and a minimum hole diameter of 1.25 mm. Bulk packaged in cardboard boxes lined with expanded plastic. For smallest packaging quantities (SPQ) see Electrical Data Table. ELECTRICAL DATA GUARANTEED MAX. Cmin / SHAPE SPINDLE OF FIG. MIN. Cmax HEAD AT 200 kHz (pF) 1 vertical 2.5/15 round 2 horizontal 3 1 vertical 3/22.5 round 2 horizontal 3 1 vertical 5.5/40 round 2 horizontal 3 1 5.5/50 vertical round 2 round 2 round 1 vertical round 2 5.5/65 hexag. 1 round 3 horizontal hexag. 3 round 1 hexag. 1 vertical round 2 6/80 hexag. 2 round 3 horizontal hexag. 3 round 1 vertical round 2 7/105 round 3 horizontal hexag. 3 6/120 vertical round 2 TAN δ AT Cmax x 10-4 TEMP. COEFF. (10-6/K) MIN. fres COL. SPQ AT Cmax OF (MHz) BASE CATALOG NUMBER 2281 ... ..... or BFC2 ... .....* 800 800 700 800 800 700 800 800 700 800 800 800 800 800 700 700 600 800 700 800 700 700 600 800 800 700 600 800 .... 808 31159 .... 808 32159 .... 808 61159 .... 808 31229 .... 808 32229 .... 808 61229 .... 808 31409 .... 808 32409 .... 808 61409 .... 808 01029 .... 808 01006 .... 808 01001 .... 808 31659 .... 808 32659 .... 808 34659 .... 808 61659 .... 808 64659 .... 808 31809 .... 808 34809 .... 808 32809 .... 808 35809 .... 808 61809 .... 808 64809 .... 808 31101 .... 808 32101 .... 808 61101 .... 808 64101 .... 808 31121 ADJ. MODE DIEL. top + bottom PP ≤ 10 ≤ 25 - 200 ± 700 420 blue top + bottom PP ≤ 10 ≤ 25 - 200 ± 700 200 green top + bottom PP ≤ 10 ≤ 25 - 200 ± 400 200 grey ≤ 10 ≤ 25 - 200 ± 400 170 yellow PP ≤ 10 ≤ 25 - 200 ± 500 170 yellow top + bottom PC ≤ 70 - - 50 ± 400 170 red top + bottom PC ≤ 70 - - 50 ± 400 170 violet top + bottom PC ≤ 70 - - 50 ± 400 170 violet 1 MHz 100 MHz top + bottom PTFE top top + bottom * ordering code for SAP system TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS IEC 60418-1 CLAUSE IEC 60068 TEST METHOD TEST PROCEDURE 4.2 method of mounting method A 14 capacitance drift after TC measurement REQUIREMENTS ΔC/C: ≤ 4.5 % for Cmax < 40 pF; ΔC/C: ≤ 2.5 % for Cmax ≥ 40 pF 19 thrust 21 robustness of terminations: axial thrust of 2 N ΔC/C: ≤ 0.3 % 21.1 Ua tensile 1N no damage 21.2 Ub bending 1 cycle no damage Document Number 28528 Revision 13-Jan-06 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com www.vishay.com 323 2281 808 ..... Vishay BCcomponents IEC 60418-1 CLAUSE IEC 60068 TEST METHOD 22 Na 23 T Ta Tb Ø 10 mm Film Dielectric Trimmers TEST rapid change of temperature PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS 1 cycle; 0.5 hours at lower and 0.5 hours at upper category temperature ΔC/C: ≤ 1.5 % solder bath immersion 3 mm; 235 °C; 2 s good wetting no mechanical damage soldering: solderability solder bath: 260 °C; 10 s no mechanical damage 24 Eb impact bump 4000 ± 10 bumps; 40 g; 6 ms ΔC/C: ≤ 0.4 %; no mechanical damage 25 Fc vibration frequency 10 to 55 Hz; amplitude 0.35 mm; 1.5 hours ΔC/C: ≤ 0.8 %; no mechanical damage 26 resistance to heat ΔC/C: ≤ 3 % for Cmax < 80 pF; climatic sequence: ΔC/C: ≤ 6 % for Cmax ≥ 80 pF 26.1 B dry heat 16 hours at upper category temperature tan δ: ≤ 15 x 10-4 for Cmax < 80 pF; tan δ: ≤ 80 x 10-4 for Cmax ≥ 80 pF Rins: ≥ 10000 MΩ; rotor contact R: ≤ 10 Ω 26.2 D damp heat accelerated, first cycle 1 cycle; 24 hours; + 40 °C; 95 to 100 % RH voltage proof: 300 V for 1 minute 26.3 Aa cold 16 hours; - 40 °C visual examination: no mechanical damage damp heat accelerated, remaining cycles 1 cycle; 24 hours; + 40 °C; 95 to 100 % RH operating torque: 2 to 35 mNm 21 days; + 40 °C; 90 to 95 % RH ΔC/C: ≤ 3 % for Cmax < 100 pF; ≤ 3 % for Cmax ≥ 100 pF 26.5 27 Ca damp heat steady state tan δ: ≤ 20 x 10-4 for Cmax < 80 pF; tan δ: ≤ 80 x 10-4 for Cmax ≥ 80 pF Rins: ≥ 10000 MΩ; rotor contact R: ≤ 10 mΩ voltage proof: 300 V for 1 minute visual examination: no mechanical damage operating torque: 2 to 35 mNm 29 mechanical endurance 10 cycles ΔC/C: ≤ 1 % ΔC/C after axial thrust: ≤ 0.4 %; rotor contact R: ≤ 10 mΩ voltage proof: 300 V for 1 minute visual examination: no mechanical damage operating torque: 1.5 to 37 mNm www.vishay.com 324 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com Document Number 28528 Revision 13-Jan-06 Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Document Number: 91000 Revision: 08-Apr-05 www.vishay.com 1