LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S DESCRIPTION Light output from LED’s is proportional to average current through them; they can easily produce a brightness range of 500:1. However, color of emitted light is shifted by current amplitude. Color shift at low light levels can be reduced by driving the LED’s with a constant peak current while dimming with duty cycle control. This is achieved by driving the ISET resistor with a PWM signal. A 500:1 brightness range can be achieved by choosing 270 Hz as the PWM frequency (to avoid optical beating with 50/60 Hz room lights) and pulse width from 3.7 milliseconds to 7.4 microseconds. The LX1990 features a shutdown mode via the Enable pin. In this mode the LX1990 consumes less than 1µA and holds the two open collector output stages off. This pin may also be used to pulse width modulate output current. See applications section for dimming details. IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website: http://www.microsemi.com • Programmable Sink Current 0.1 to 30mA x 2 Channels • Replaces Discrete Transistor Circuitry With A Single Package • 300mV Maximum Current Sink Dropout Voltage at 20mA • 2.7 to 5.5V Power Supply Input • IOUT Compliance Voltage from 0.1 to 10VDC • Enable Input With <1µA Sleep Current • Amplitude and PWM Dimming • Current rise and fall time may be controlled to reduce EMI W W W. Microsemi .COM The LX1990 is a dual output current sink optimized for driving light emitting diodes. This low cost bipolar IC enables precise current regulation in LED display lighting applications, yet requires far fewer parts than discrete solutions. The LX1990 is supplied in a micro-miniature 6 lead MLP package featuring a 3 x 3 mm footprint, a profile of less than 1mm, and much improved thermal performance. Its two output sink currents are accurately matched and require only one resistor to program. Program current is only 1% of the output currents, and quiescent current is low, providing a very high efficiency driver for battery-powered displays. The LX1990 is based on a currentmirror architecture that transfers a reference current produced at the ISET pin to each of two open-collector current sinking outputs. The output stages multiply this reference current by 100 to sink independently regulated currents up to 30 mA. KEY FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Cell Phone Display Illumination • PDA White LED Display Lighting • Automotive Display Illumination • Digital Still Camera • Camcorders • Consumer Electronics Front Panels PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT 5V V LO AD VDD ON/OFF ENA I O UT B LX1990 ISET I O UT A GND R SE T LX1990 PACKAGE ORDER INFO Plastic MLP TA (°°C) LM 6-Pin -40 to 85 LX1990ILM Note: Available in Tape & Reel. Append the letter “T” to the part number. (i.e. LX1990ILM-T) Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 1 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE PIN OUT ISET 1 6 I OUTA VDD 2 5 G ND ENA 3 4 I OUTB LM PACKAGE (Top View) 1990 xxxx LMI Note: Exceeding these ratings could cause damage to the device. All voltages are with respect to Ground. Currents are positive into, negative out of specified terminal. THERMAL DATA W W W. Microsemi .COM Supply Voltage (VDD)........................................................................................ 6V ENA Voltage ..................................................................................................... 6V ISET Maximum Current ..............................................................Internally Limited ISET Maximum Voltage................................................................................... VDD IOUT Maximum Compliance Voltage ............................................................... 12V Current Source Outputs .............................................................................. 100mA Operating Temperature Range......................................................... -40°C to 85°C Maximum Junction Temperature..................................................................125°C Storage Temperature ..................................................................... -65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec)........................................................... 300°C LM PACKAGE MARKINGS xxxx – Denotes Date Code / Lot Identification LM Plastic MLP 6-Pin THERMAL RESISTANCE-JUNCTION TO AMBIENT, θJA 41°°C/W Junction Temperature Calculation: TJ = TA + (PD x θJA). The θJA numbers are guidelines for the thermal performance of the device/pc-board system. All of the above assume no ambient airflow. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION NAME DESCRIPTION Input Supply GND Common ground reference ENA Chip Enable Input. If logic high, current source outputs are enabled. If logic low, internal power is disconnected from the VDD pin, disabling all functions. Logic threshold is 1.2 V. IOUTA & IOUTB Output Current Source. Two separate constant current outputs. Outputs may be loaded in any combination without affecting regulation of the loaded output. If only one output is needed IOUTA & IOUTB must be shorted together. In this case the value of ISET resistor must be doubled. Compliance voltage range is 0.1V to 10V. ISET Output current programming pin. Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 PACKAGE DATA VDD Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 2 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S Parameter Min Supply Voltage (VDD) LX1990 Typ Units Max 2.7 5.5 V ENA (ENABLE) Input Voltage 0 VDD V ISET Voltage 0 1.25 V ISET Current 0 300 µA IOUTA / IOUTB Compliance Voltage Range 0.1 10 V IOUTA / IOUTB Output Current Range 0.1 30 mA W W W. Microsemi .COM RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications apply over the operating ambient temperature -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C and the following test conditions: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 VDC, ISET = 200µA, VOUT ≤ 5.5V, VLOAD ≤ 10V. Typical values are at TA= 25°C Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min LX1990 Typ Max Units Power Characteristics Quiescent Current I_QUI VDD = 2.7V; ISET = 0uA 1.4 2 mA Quiescent Current I_QUI VDD = 5.5V; ISET = 300uA 3.0 4 mA 0.08 1 µA 1.55 2.4 V 4 10 µA Sleep Current1 I_SLEEP VDD = 5.5V, ENA ≤ 0.4V Enable Input Enable Logic Threshold Enable Input Current VTH_EN IIN_EN 0.8 ENA = VDD = 5.5V ISET to Out Pulse Response TD(ON) 1.2 2 µS ISET to Out Pulse Response TD(OFF) 1.4 2 µS 300 µA 1.25 1.275 VDC ISET Input ISET Current Range IISET RSET terminated to GND ISET Voltage VISET ISET = 200uA 1.225 0 0.5 < VOUT < 5.5V, ISET = 200µA 18.5 Output Characteristics Output Current Amplitude 21.5 mADC IOUT_MATCH IOUT = 20mA ; (IOUTA – IOUTB ) / IOUTA * 100 0.4 5 % ISET to IOUT Current Ratio IOUT_RATIO IOUT/ISET; ISET = 200µA ; VDD = 5.5V 102 ISET to IOUT Current Ratio IOUT_RATIO IOUT/ISET; ISET = 200µA ; VDD = 2.7V 99 Output Current ISET = 0µA IOUT_ZERO 0.5 < VOUT < VLOAD, ISET = 0µA 10 100 µADC 2 VDROPOUT IOUT = 20mA 150 300 mV 2 VDROPOUT IOUT = 30mA 200 400 mV Dropout Voltage Dropout Voltage IOUT Maximum Output Current, ISET VISET = Zero Volts; VDD=5V 100 ISC Shorted To Gnd. Each Output 20 Output Off State Current IOUTOFF ENA ≤ 0.4V 1 At enable voltages greater than 0.4V but less than 0.8V the outputs will remain off but the sleep current may be greater than 1µA. 2 Dropout is defined as the OUTA/B to GND voltage at which the output current sink drops 10% from the nominal value. Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 mADC µADC Page 3 ELECTRICALS 20 OUTA to OUTB Current Matching LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S Dual Programmable LED Current Sink I OUTA VDD W W W. Microsemi .COM SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM I OUTB 1:1 Current Mirror 100X 100X + 1.25V REF - ENABLE Bias ISET GND Figure 1 – Simplified Block Diagram BLOCK DIAGRAM Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 4 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S Dual Programmable LED Current Sink FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The LX1990 is designed to drive LED’s used in display illumination and signaling applications such as cellular telephones and PDA’s. With a 5V supply, the two independently regulated constant current outputs can drive 2 white LED’s (VF < 4.5V) in parallel, or 4 green or amber LED’s (VF < 2.25V each) arranged as 2 parallel x 2 in series. With Dropout voltage of only 300 mV at 20 mA, the LX1990 provides regulated current for 2 green / amber LED’s in a cell phone all the way down to the minimum NiCd cutoff of 2.7 volts for three cells. The LX1990 features resistor settable output current. Connecting a resistor between ISET and a voltage of zero to 1.25 volts generates a current that is mirrored into each of the output with a gain of about 100. Output current can be varied in an analog fashion by varying ISET resistance or termination voltage (see application schematics). Duty cycle dimming with a fixed current amplitude is accomplished by switching the ISET current on and off with an open collector or open drain pulse width modulated logic signal. Switching frequency can exceed 20 KHz, making it practical to use a PWM output channel from popular micro controllers. The upper limit on frequency is minimum switching response from ISET to output. As frequency increases, these fixed delays will cause an error in expected output current duty cycle. All inputs and outputs are ESD and short circuit protected making the LX1990 an exceptionally robust component. However it is not recommended to indefinitely short the ISET input to ground while shorting the outputs to 10V as the power dissipation under these conditions is the greatest. PD = (n⋅ I OUT ) ⋅ (VLOAD − VL ED ) Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 = = = = = Number of outputs used Current from each output Output Supply Voltage Minimum LED forward voltage Power Dissipated in mW When the ENA input is at zero volts, less than 20µA current flows into or out of the outputs. If the disable function is used , ENA must be driven below 0.4 volts to insure minimum current from VDD. The ISET pin may be driven with a digital open collector or open drain logic PWM signal to dim the LED’s. Recommended PWM frequency for dimming is between 100 Hz and 20 KHz. Below 100 Hz flicker may be observed. Above 20 KHz duty cycle accuracy is reduced due to switching delays from ISET to outputs. Totem pole output drive may also be used as long as the maximum driver voltage never exceeds the VDD supply. Since the totem pole drive will exceed the 1.25V ISET voltage it can introduce delays that may limit the useful frequency and maximum dim range. If PWM dimming is used, use separate power and ground lines directly from the power source point to prevent noise generated from the LED current transients from entering video or audio subsystems on the same supply rails. Additional power supply filtering may be needed in PWM dimming applications. Care should be exercised in the PCB layout to prevent coupling from the outputs to the ISET pin, as this may cause the part to oscillate. Current out of the ISET pin may be varied for current amplitude dimming. There are two ways to do this: If a mechanical input is needed, a rheostat in series with a resistor connected from GND to ISET can be used. The second method is to connect a fixed resistor from ISET to the output of a voltage DAC or other low impedance voltage source. Varying the voltage between zero and 1.25 volts will cause a corresponding output current change from IOUT max to zero: I OUT = Current Ratio × ISET The ENA pin may be used to duty cycle dim the output in applications where only one control line is available for dimming and shutdown. A narrow current spike that may be as high as 100 mA is produced when the ENA signal has very fast rise times. This is not harmful to the LED, but will cause dimming linearity errors when operating at very low duty cycles. Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 5 APPLICATIONS APPLICATION NOTES Each output has an independent current sink, however both must be held above about 0.5 volts to maintain specified current regulation accuracy. If only one output is needed, the two outputs should be connected together and the programming resistor value doubled so each output supplies ½ the desired current. In this case, more than 60 mA total current can be delivered from the combined output. Package power dissipation can be calculated from the following equation: n IOUT VLOAD VLED PD W W W. Microsemi .COM APPLICATIONS LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S Dual Programmable LED Current Sink W W W. Microsemi .COM TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD = 5V, ENA = 5V, ISET = 200µA, TA = 25°C. Unless otherwise noted. IOUT Vs. Temperature @ ISET = 200µA Output Off Leakage Current vs.VOUT ENA=0.4V 20.8 14 IOUTA @ 5V 12 5.5V IOUT Leakage (µA) IOUT Current (mA) 20.6 IOUTB @ 5V 20.4 20.2 20 IOUT A @ 2.7V 19.8 10 5V 8 6 4 2.7V 2 IOUTB @ 2.7V 19.6 0 -45 -20 5 30 55 80 105 130 0 2 4 Tem p (°C) 6 8 10 IOUT vs ISET VDROPOUT vs. Current 45 35 5.5V 5V 40 30 30mA 35 2.7V 25 IOUT (mA) 30 IOUT (mA) 12 V OUT (V) 25 20 15 25mA 20 20mA 15 15mA 10 10mA 10 5 5 5mA 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.1 400 ISET (µA) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Dropout (V) Output Current vs. VDD Enable to Output Response 20.7 ENA 2V / DIV 20.5 AOUT 20.4 CHARTS Output Current (mA) 20.6 20.3 BOUT 20.2 20.1 IOUT 10mA / DIV 20 19.9 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 VDD (V) Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 10µs / DIV Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 6 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S 3.3V V LO AD VDD I O UTB Figure 2 – Auto Dashboard or Instrument Front Panel LED Array ON/OFF ENA I O UTA ISET GND .1µF 4K W W W. Microsemi .COM APPLICATIONS Open Collector or Open Drain Drive +5V .1µF G RN W HT VDD IO UTB GRN ENA I OUTA ON/OFF ISET G ND 1.25V 4K D0 D1 OUT D2 D3 +5V Up to 10 Volts Figure 3 – Color LCD Display & Keypad Illumination LOAD VDD I OUTB APPLICATIONS ENA I OUTA O N/OFF ISET GND 100K 4K Figure 4 – Variable Current Driver Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 7 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S VDD IOUTB VDD IOUTB PWM ON / OFF ENA IOUTA 3V VDD IOUTB ENA IOUTA ENA IOUTA ISET GND ISET GND W W W. Microsemi .COM DIMMING METHODS ISET GND RMIN RSET RSTEP RMAX RMIN Figure 5 – PWM on Enabled (Lowest IQ) Figure 6 – Precision 2 Steps Figure 7 – Manual Control ON / OFF VDD IOUTB ON / OFF VDD I OUTB VDD IOUTB ENA IOUTA ENA IOUTA 6.3K 1K CSLOPE ISET GND R SET ISET GND ISET GND 8.2nF ENA I OUTA 5K PWM 2N2222A PWM PW M 100K 1V / DIV 10µs / DIV Figure 8 – PWM Dimming Totem Pole Output 100K 1V / DIV 1V / DIV 10µA / DIV 10mA / DIV 20µs / DIV Figure 9 – PWM – Low EMI Wide Range 20µs / DIV Figure 10 – PWM – Wide Range 500:1 + Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 8 APPLICATIONS 10mA / DIV Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 2N2222 10K 10K LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S Dual Programmable LED Current Sink W W W. Microsemi .COM APPLICATION 48V Optional circuit for higher efficiency LX432SC .47µF 10 W hite LEDs each output BC846B x2 2.2K 3.3V VDD I O UTB 20K ENA I O UTA ON/OFF 20K ISET G ND R SET PW M 10K 100K Figure 11 – Using the LX1990 With High Voltage Supplies APPLICATIONS Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 9 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S LM 6-Pin Plastic MLP-Micro Exposed Pad Dim A K J E B H I C D G F Internally Connected together, but isolated from all other terminals A B C D E F G H I J K MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 2.90 3.10 2.90 3.10 0.65 0.75 0.15 0.25 1.841 BSC 0.27 0.43 0.95 BSC 1.22 BSC 0 0.10 0.21 0.37 0 0.10 INCHES MIN MAX 0.114 0.122 0.114 0.122 0.025 0.029 0.005 0.009 0.075 BSC 0.010 0.016 0.037 BSC 0.048 BSC 0 0.003 0.008 0.014 0 0.003 W W W. Microsemi .COM PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Note: 1. Dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusions; these shall not exceed 0.155mm(.006”) on any side. Lead dimension shall not include solder coverage. MECHANICALS Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 10 LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S Dual Programmable LED Current Sink W W W. Microsemi .COM NOTES NOTES PRODUCTION DATA – Information contained in this document is proprietary to Microsemi and is current as of publication date. This document may not be modified in any way without the express written consent of Microsemi. Product processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Microsemi reserves the right to change the configuration and performance of the product and to discontinue product at any time. Copyright 2001 Rev. 1.0c, 2002-05-29 Microsemi Integrated Products 11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570 Page 11