NJC3901C X-Band Circulator. NJC 3901C is designed for the circulator of x-band radar system. It transmits power from the magnetron to the antenna as well as the receiving signal from the antenna to the receiver port. It is operable at any frequency between 9.30GHz and 9.50GHz. --- MAXIMUM RATINGS --Continuous handling power ··· Peak ····· ·· Average ··· Ambient temperature ···················· Min -30 Max 30 30 70 Unit kW W °C Min 25 Max 1.2 0.5 - Unit dB dB --- ELECTRICAL --VSWR (Note 1) ·························· Insertion loss (Note 1) ················ Isolation (Note 1) ····················· Note 1: Measured at power level 0.1mW CW. For further information on the use of the circulator. Please contact with New JRC. New JRC reserves the right to change the specification of goods without notice. 96-3