Data Sheet NSE-5310 Miniature Position Encoder SOIC with Zero Reference and I²C Output 1 General Description 2 Key Features Direct digital output using I²C protocol The TRACKER NSE-5310 is an incremental position sensor with onchip encoding for direct digital output. A Hall element array on the chip is used to derive the incremental position of an external magnetic strip placed above the IC at a distance of 0.3 mm (typ). This sensor array detects the ends of the magnetic strip to provide a zero reference point. End-of-magnet detection for built-in zero reference 0.488 μm resolution < 2 μm bi-directional repeatability < ±10 µm absolute error The integration of Hall-effect position sensors, analog front end and digital signal processing on a single IC chip provides an ingeniously small position sensor, without the need for external pulse counters. Direct digital output is accessible over the serial interface using I²C protocol. On-chip temperature sensor Magnetic field strength monitor Available in TSSOP or 3.9 mm x 2.5 mm die for chip-on-board mounting The TRACKER NSE-5310 provides absolute position information over the length of a magnet pole pair (2 mm). A user can count pole pairs and achieve absolute position information over the entire length of the magnet (essentially unlimited). Custom packaging such as wafer-level chip scale packaging can be provided. Minimum order quantities may apply. RoHS compliant With better than 0.5 micron resolution, the TRACKER is a robust, cost-effective alternative to miniature optical encoders. It can be used as a linear or off-axis rotary encoder. 3 Applications The NSE-5310 is ideal for Micro-actuator and servo drive feedback, Replacement for optical encoders, Optical and imaging systems, Consumer electronics, Precision biomedical devices, Instrumentation and automation, Automotive applications, and Integrated closed-loop motion systems using New Scale’s SQUIGGLE micro motor. Figure 1. TRACKER NSE-5310 Block Diagram VDD3V3 VDD5V MagINCn MagDECn LDO 3.3V Sin DSP AGC Pos AGC Temperature sensor PWM SDA Mag Cos Linear Hall Array & Frontend Amplifier PWM Interface AGC Absolute Interface (I2C) SCL AO CSn OTP Register NSE-5310 Programming Parameters Incremental Interface Prog Revision 1.0 1 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - P i n A s s i g n m e n t s 4 Pin Assignments Figure 2. Pin Assignments (Top View) NC 1 20 TestBus3 MagIncrn 2 19 VDD5V MagDecrn 3 18 VDD3V3 DTest1_A 4 17 TestBus0 DTest2_B 5 16 TestBus1 TestCoil 6 15 PWM Mode_Index 7 14 CSn VSS 8 13 SCL / CLK PDIO 9 12 SDA / DIO 10 11 I2C_A0 NC NSE-5310 4.1 Pin Descriptions Table 1. Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Number NC 1 Not Connected MagINCn 2 MagDECn 3 Indicates increasing or decreasing of magnitude by the AGC. Can be used for Push Button Function. Both signals are active low if AGC is in Non Valid Range and can be hooked together in wired-AND Non Valid X / Y Alignment during Align Mode DTEST1_A 4 DTEST2_B 5 Coil 6 Analog I/O Mode_Index 7 Digital I/O with pulldown Digital output open drain VSS 8 Supply pad Ground PDIO 9 Digital I/O Analog I/O Digital and Analog Access to PPTRIM Pin Type Special Requirements Open drain Digital output open drain 4mA Description Test output in default mode, A in sync mode Test output in default mode, B in sync mode Serial connection of Hall Element Coils to VSS Decimation Rate Selection internal pull down, by default DCR = 256. Static setup at power up. 10 I2C A0 11 Digital input with pulldown Digital input to choose I²C address by input pin. This pin is the I²C address pin (0 or 1) to select the position sensor when two sensors are used. Revision 1.0 2 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - P i n A s s i g n m e n t s Table 1. Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Number Pin Type Special Requirements Description SDA (DO) 12 Digital I/O / Tristate Open Drain I²C DATA Input / Output for I²C Mode. This pin is the I2C serial interface used to read direct position information. This pin can also be used to read the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field (used to detect the end of the magnet, as a zero reference), and the temperature sensor information. See I²C User Interface on page 12 for more information. SCL (CLK) 13 Digital input Schmitt Trigger Input Serial Interface Unit CLK, also used for PPTIM access. Frequency up to 400 KHz. CSn 14 Digital input with pullup PWM 15 Digital output TestBus1 16 TestBus0 17 VDD3V3 18 Analog I/O Supply pad VDD5V 19 TestBus3 20 Analog I/O ChipSelect / DO tristate / Reset Device in TestEN Mode / Control Mode at PPTIM access 4mA ~200 Hz Pulse Width Modulation Absolute Output Analog Test Bus1 / Configurable IO Analog Test Bus0 / Configurable IO LDO Output. Positive I/O supply voltage pin. See Using 3.3V or 5V Operation on page 10 for more information. LDO Input / Connection to IO structure. Positive I/O supply voltage pin. See Using 3.3V or 5V Operation on page 10 for more information. Analog Test Bus3 / Configurable IO Revision 1.0 3 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in Table 2 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Electrical Characteristics on page 5 is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Units DC Supply Voltage at pin VDD5V (VINVDD5V) -0.3 7 V DC Supply Voltage at pin VDD3V3 (VINVDD3V3) Comments 5 V DC Supply Voltage (VDD) 7 V Except VDD3V3 Input Pin Voltage (VIN) VDD+ 0.3 V Except VDD3V3 Input Pin Voltage VDD3V3 (VINVDD3V3) 5 V -100 100 mA Norm: Jedec 78 ±2 kV Norm: MIL 883 E method 3015 -55 125 ºC Input Current (latchup immunity) (Iscr) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Storage Temperature (Tstrg) Body temperature (Lead-free package) (Tlead) Humidity non-condensing Thermal Package Resistance (Rth) t=20 to 40s, Norm: IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C. The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) specified is in accordance with IPC/ JEDEC J-STD-020C “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-Hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices”. 260 5 85 % 114.5 ºC/W Revision 1.0 TSSOP20 / still air doc# Assy-195 4 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6 Electrical Characteristics Table 3. Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 5V Operation via LDO 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Positive I/O Supply Voltage IO structure on VDD5V connected to VDD3V3 3 3.3 3.6 V VDDD/ VDDA Positive Core Supply Voltage 5V Operation over LDO Internal analog and digital supply 3 3.3 3.6 V TAMB Ambient Temperature -40ºF to +275ºF -40 125 ºC Isupp Supply Current 16 21 mA Typ Max Units VDD5V VDD3V3 6.1 Magnet Input Specification Table 4. Two Pole Cylindrical Diametrically Magnetized Source Symbol Parameter pL Pole Length Conditions ppL Pole Pair Length Magnetic North & South Pole pLV Pole Length Variation % of ppL 2mm Bpk Magnetic input field amplitude Required vertical component of the magnetic field strength on the die’s surface BpkV Magnetic input field variation Btc Min 1 mm 2 mm ±1.2 % 40 mT Amplitude variation over encoder length ±2 % Magnetic Field Temperature Drift Samarium Cobalt ReComa28 typ – 0.035 %/K -0.2 %/K Boff Magnetic offset Constant magnetic stray field ±5 mT Vabs Linear travelling speed Absolute output 10 see note below Note: There is no upper speed limit for the absolute outputs. With increasing speed, the distance between two samples increases. The travelling distance between two subsequent samples can be calculated as: v sampling_dist = ---fs where: sampling_distance = travelling distance between samples in mm v = travelling speed in mm/sec fs = sampling rate in Hz Pole crossings need to be tracked to calculate absolute position beyond one pole pair. The ability to differentiate pole crossings may be a speed limiting factor in such cases. Revision 1.0 5 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.2 Electrical System Specifications Table 5. Electrical System Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions RES Resolution INLopt Max Units 0.48828125 µm (max. 2mm/4096) 12 bit Integral non-linearity (optimum) Maximum error with respect to the best line fit. Ideal magnet, TAMB=25ºC ±5.6 µm INLtemp Integral non-linearity (over temperature) Maximum error with respect to the best line fit. Ideal magnet, TAMB= -30 to +70ºC ±10 µm INL Integral non-linearity Best line fit =(Errmax– Errmin)/2 including magnet error, TAMB= -30 to +70ºC ±40 µm DNL Differential non-linearity 10bit, no missing codes ±0.97 µm TN Transition noise 1 sigma, fast mode 0.6 1 sigma, slow mode 0.3 tPwrUp Power-up time Fast mode until status bit OCF=1 20 Slow mode 80 tdelay System propagation delay Fast mode (MODE=1) 96 Slow mode (MODE=0 or open) 384 fS 1 Internal sampling rate for absolute output: Typ µm RMS ms µs TAMB=25ºC, slow mode 2.48 2.61 2.74 TAMB= -30 to +70ºC, slow mode 2.35 2.61 2.87 TAMB=25ºC, fast mode 9.90 10.42 10.94 TAMB= -30 to +70ºC, fast mode 9.38 10.42 11.46 Incremental output /12bit resolution Hyst=0 for absolute serial output 2 8 LSB 20 80 ms 800 kHz Hyst Hysteresis tPwrUp Power Up Time Mode dependant I²C Read-out frequency Maximum clock frequency to read out serial data CLK Min 400 kHz 1. System integral non linearity is limited by magnetic source. Revision 1.0 6 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.3 DC/AC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs Table 6. CMOS Input, CMOS Input Pull Down, CMOS Input Pull Up Symbol Parameter VIH High Level Input Voltage Conditions VIL3V3 Low Level Input Voltage VIH High Level Input Voltage VIL3V3 Low Level Input Voltage ILEAK Input Leakage Current CMOS Input -1 +1 µA ILEAKLOW Input Leakage Current CMOS Input Pull up -30 -100 µA ILEAKHIGH Input Leakage Current CMOS Input Pull down 30 100 µA Max Units Operating range VDD5V Operating range VDD3V3 Min Typ Max 1.6 0.4 1.3 0.4 Units V V Table 7. CMOS Output Symbol Parameter Conditions Min VOH High Level Output Voltage DVDD: Positive I/O Supply Voltage DVDD -0.5 VOL Low Level Output Voltage DVSS: Negative Supply Voltage CL IO Typ V DVSS +0.4 V Capacitive Load 50 pF Output Current 4 mA Max Units Table 8. Tristate CMOS Output Symbol Parameter Conditions Min DVDD -0.5 Typ VOH High Level Output Voltage DVDD: Positive I/O Supply Voltage VOL Low Level Output Voltage DVSS: Negative Supply Voltage DVSS +0.4 V IOZ Tristate Leakage Current to DVDD and DVSS 1 µA Revision 1.0 V 7 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7 Detailed Description The TRACKER measures the spatially varying magnetic field produced by moving a multi-pole magnetic strip over a Hall sensor array on the NSE-5310 chip (see Figure 3). The internal sinusoidal (SIN) and phase-shifted sinusoidal (COS) signals are filtered and transformed into angle (ANG) and magnitude (MAG), representing the absolute linear position within a 2 mm pole pair on the magnet. Interpolation with 12 bit (4096) resolution yields 0.5 µm position resolution. Automatic gain control (AGC) adjusts for DC bias in the magnetic field and provides a large magnetic field dynamic range for high immunity to external magnetic fields. The absolute magnitude of the magnetic field intensity is used to detect the end of the magnetic strip and serves as a built-in zero reference. The length of the magnetic strip determines the maximum measured stroke. Note: Hall sensor array and on-chip digital encoder yield absolute position within a pole pair. Use a system processor to count pole pair crossings for long-range absolute position. Figure 3. Hall Sensor Array 90° Sine 0. 488 µm Resolution 4096 Counts / 2 mm (Counts / 360°) 2 mm per N- S Pair Mag ϕ Moving Magnet N S N S 0° 180° N S Hall Sensor Array Cos 270° -Sine Sine DSP Cos +Cos -Cos Angle (ϕ) Sine +Sine Magnitude Cos Amplifier with Automatic Gain Control ADC Digital Filter The over travel pole crossing provides a precision home position and eliminates the need for a secondary zero reference sensor. Revision 1.0 8 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 4. Magnetic Field Strength Used to Indicate End of Travel Normal Magnitude in Travel Range Magnet Field Strength Used to Indicate End of Travel Direction of Travel Magnet Field Strength “Magnitude” N N N Normal Field Strength in Travel Range Reduced Magnitude Detected N Direction of Travel is Reversed Reduced Field Strength S S S in Over-Travel Range S Returns Home last pole crossing Angle (ϕ) = 0 Travel Range Hall Sensor Array TSSOP Package Over Travel 1 ½ poles either end Hall Array Center Line A system controller and user-supplied flash memory with the TRACKER NSE-5310 provide for long-range absolute position information that is retained during sleep mode or power-down. Figure 5. Example of Absolute long-range position information with use of external flash memory and controller S S S N S N N N Seiko Magnets 2 mm Pole Pair Zero Ref 1 - 1/2 poles From End Zero Ref 1 - 1/2 poles From End 6 mm working range 6000 Over Overtravel travel area areaused used Cummulative TRACKER Readings (microns) 4000 2000 2000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1500 TRACKER Readings 1000 (microns) 500 0 System Controller Flash Memory Tracks TracksPole PoleCrossing Crossing (0 (0 to to6)6)and and absolute absoluteposition position within within aapole pole pair pair 2000micron micronrange range toto0.5 0.5 microns, microns,2000 Pole Crossings Pole crossing retained in User - Supplied Flash Memory during sleep mode or shut down for retrieval during power up Revision 1.0 9 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.1 Using 3.3V or 5V Operation For 3.3V operation: Bypass the voltage regulator (LDO) by connecting VDD3V3 with VDD5V. For 5V operation: Connect the 5V supply to pin VDD5V. VDD3V3 (LDO output) must be buffered by a 2.2µF to 10µF capacitor placed close to the supply pin. In either case, a buffer capacitor of 100nF close to pin VDD5V is recommended. Note: Pin VDD3V3 must always be buffered by a capacitor. It must not be left floating, as this may cause an instable internal 3.3V supply voltage which may lead to larger than normal jitter of the measured position. The 3V3 output is intended for internal use only. It must not be loaded with an external load. The output voltage of the digital interface I/Os corresponds to the voltage at pin VDD5V, as the I/O buffers are supplied from this pin. Figure 6. Connections for 3.3V or 5V Supply Voltage 5V Operation 3.3V Operation 1... 10µF VDD3V3 VDD3V3 100n 100n VDD5V LDO Internal VDD VDD5V LDO Internal VDD DO 3.0 - 3.6V VSS I N T E R F A C E PWM DO + - - + 4.5 - 5.5V CLK CSn Prog VSS Revision 1.0 I N T E R F A C E PWM CLK CSn Prog 10 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n 8 Application Information Figure 7. TRACKER NSE-5310 Evaluation Board Figure 7 shows NSE-5310 SOIC mounted on a PCB with FPC connector for ease of handling. A multipole linear magnetic strip is positioned above the sensor. 8.1 Hall Sensor Array Eight Hall Sensor Front End cells are connected to two current summation busses which end into two Active Load circuits. The Hall elements are arranged in an even linear array. The array is divided into four quadrants. For normal operation (position encoding), two opposite quadrants are summed up differentially to neglect magnetic offsets. The 90 degree angular shift of the quadrant pairs produces 90 degree phase shifted SIN and COS signals for a harmonic input signal provided by a diametrically magnetized source. Table 9. Hall Sensor Array Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min GArray Array Gain Double output stage dArray Array Length Typ Max Units 5.226 2 mm Figure 8. Hall Sensor FE Arrangement A mag N S 2mm Q0 H0 Q1 H1 H2 Q2 H3 H4 Front End Double Output Stages Revision 1.0 Q3 H5 H6 H7 CH0 SIN CH1 COS 11 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n 8.2 Automatic Gain Control (AGC) As the magnetic input field varies non-linearly with the air gap between sensor and magnet, the gain is controlled to an optimum input signal for the SD ADC. The magnitude output is compared to a target register value. The most significant eight bits are used. If the actual magnitude differs from the target value, an UP/DOWN signal for the AGC counter signal is generated. For air gap detection functionality, two magnitude-change outputs are derived from the AGC counter UP/DOWN signals while the loop is controlling the amplitude back to the target amplitude. Magnitude Increasing (MagINCn) and Magnitude Decreasing (MagDECn) signals indicate air gap (SIN/COS amplitude) changes. Both signals are high for saturation of the AGC counter (running into upper / lower limit) and produce a Non-Valid-Range alarm. The output pins can be connected together in wired-OR configuration to produce a single NVRn bit. For faster power-up and response time, a successive approximation algorithm is implemented. 8.3 Temperature Sensor The Temperature Sensor provides the junction temperature information over the serial interface. Table 10. Temperature Sensor Characteristics Parameter Conditions Absolute Error Trimmed Min Typ Max Units See I²C User Interface on page 12 ±10 ºC Conversion Rate for continuous readout (1303 clock cycles between conversion) 767 sample/s Temperature Range specified temperature range -30 70 ºC Readout Range design limit for temperature range -50 80 ºC Resolution Temp [ºC] = output code [LSB] x 0.667 [ºC/LSB] 75[ºC] Clock Frequency System clock (4 MHz) divided by 4 8 bit 0.667 ºC/LSB 1 MHz 8.4 I²C User Interface The device is accessible via an I2C two-wire serial interface. The default address is A<6:0>1000000. A<5:1> can be defined by the OTP I2C Address. A0 can be selected by pulling up pin 11 (default internal pull down). CSn must be low during I²C data transmission (not connected / internal pull down). Figure 9. I²C Read Out by an µC-Master Type Identifier 1 SDA A5 A4 1 SCL S A3 Address Read A2 A1 A0p R/ D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 9 ACK Address by Slave D3 D2 D1 D0 9 1 Data Byte 1 Mag Offset cordic Lin Incr Comp Over Alarm Decr Finish Flow 1 ACK Master AGC7 9 Data Byte 2 ACK Master 1 Data Byte 3 D11 - D0: Linear position Offset Compensation Finished: “high” indicates a data valid. CORDIC OverFlow: “high” indicates a DSP calculation overflow. Linearity Alarm: “high” indicates the ADC input range exceeds ±625mV (=Filter OverFlow) MagIncr / MagDecr “high” OR connection indicates changing magnitude and non-valid input range (see also pin 2 and 3) In addition to the position data, magnitude and temperature sensor information can be read out as described in Automatic Gain Control (AGC) on page 12 and Temperature Sensor on page 12. Revision 1.0 12 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Figure 10. I²C Additional Information – Magnitude and Temperature Sensor SDA SCL Data Byte 2 Mag Incr Decr AGC7AGC6AGC5AGC4AGC3AGC2AGC1AGC0 9 1 ACK Master Mag7 Mag6Mag5 Mag4Mag3Mag2Mag1Mag0 9 Data Byte 3 1 TD9 TD8 TD7 TD6 TD5 TD4 TD3 TD2 9 ACK Master Data Byte 4 ACK Master 9 1 Data Byte 5 ACK Master P AGC7- AGC0: Automatic Gain Control data Mag7- Mag0: MSB magnitude value TD9 - TD2: MSB temperature data The information is sequenced by the order of priority during operation. Hence temperature readout is not needed for every access and magnitude information is only important if the AGC is out of range. The I²C readout can be stopped after every byte with the stop condition P. Timing constraints are according to I2C-Bus Specification V2.1 / 2000. 8.4.1 Sync Mode This mode is used to synchronize the external electronics with the NSE-5310. In this mode two signals are provided at the pins DTEST_A and DTEST_B. Figure 11. Sync Mode Data _ PhaseA Data_PhaseB Data_PhaseA DTEST 1 _ A DTEST 2 _ B 96 µs Every rising edge at DTEST1_A indicates that new data in the device is available. With this signal it is possible to trigger a µC (interrupt) and start the serial interface readout. Revision 1.0 13 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n 8.5 Z-axis Range Indication (“Red/Yellow/Green” Indicator) The NSE-5310 provides several options of detecting the magnet distance by indicating the strength of the magnetic field. Signal indicators MagINCn and MagDECn are available both as hardware pins (pins 2 and 3) and as status bits in the serial data stream (see Figure 9). Additionally the LIN status bit indicates the non-recommended “red” range. The digital status bits MagINC, MagDec, LIN and the hardware pins MagINCn, MagDECn have the following function: Table 11. Magnetic Field Strength Red-Yellow-Green Indicators Status Bits MAG Hardware Pins Mag INC Mag DEC Lin M11… M0 Mag INCn Mag DECn 0 0 0 3F hex OFF OFF No distance change Magnetic input field OK (GREEN range, ~10-40mT peak amplitude) 0 1 0 3F hex OFF OFF Distance increase; this state is a dynamic state and only active while the magnet is moving away from the chip. Magnitude register may change but regulates back to 3F hex. 1 0 0 3F hex OFF OFF Distance decrease; this state is a dynamic state and only active while the magnet is moving towards the chip. Magnitude register may change but regulates back to 3F hex. 1 1 0 20 hex - 5F hex ON OFF YELLOW range: magnetic field is ~3.4-4.5mT. The device may still be operated in this range, but with slightly reduced accuracy. 1 1 1 <20 hex >5F hex ON ON RED range: magnetic field is <3.4mT (MAG <20) or >54.5mT (MAG >5F). It is still possible to operate the device in the red range, but not recommended. Description 8.6 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output The NSE-5310 also provides a pulse width modulated output (PWM), whose duty cycle is proportional to the relative linear position of the magnet within one pole pair (2.0 mm). This cycle repeats after every subsequent pole pair: t on ⋅ 4098 -–1 Position = ----------------------( t on + t off ) (EQ 1) Where: Digital position = 0 – 4094 Exception: A linear position of 1999.5µm = digital position 4095 will generate a pulse width of tON = 4097µs and a pause tOFF = 1µs The PWM frequency is internally trimmed to an accuracy of ±5% (±10% over full temperature range). This tolerance can be cancelled by measuring the complete duty cycle as shown above. Operating Conditions: TAMB = -40 to +125ºC, VDD5V = 3.0~3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5~5.5V (5V operation) unless otherwise noted. Table 12. PWM Output Timing Considerations Symbol fPWM Parameter PWM frequency Conditions Min Typ Max Signal period = 4098µs ±5% at TAMB=25ºC 232 244 256 = 4098µs ±10% at TAMB= -40 to +125ºC 220 244 268 Units Hz PWMIN Minimum pulse width Position 0d = 0µm 0.9 1 1.1 µs PWMAX Maximum pulse width Position 4095d = 1999.5µm 3892 4097 4301 µs Revision 1.0 14 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Figure 12. PWM Output Signal Position PWMIN 0 µm (Pos 0) 1µs 4098µs PWMAX 1999.5 µm (Pos 4095) 4097µs 1/fPWM 8.7 Magnetic Strip Requirements The NSE-5310 requires a magnetic strip with alternate poles (North-South) of pole length of 1 mm and pole pair length of 2 mm. A half pole is required at each end of the strip. The length of the strip determines the maximum measured stroke; it must be 3 mm greater than the stroke in 1 mm increments (1.5 mm on each end). A circular magnet may be used to achieve off-axis rotary encoding. Table 13. Magnetic Strip Requirements 8.7.1 Parameter Value Note Pole length 1 mm Pole pair length 2 mm ± 1.2% Accuracy of magnetic pole length determines accuracy of linear measurement Magnetic strip length Stroke + 3 mm The magnet strip must be in 1 mm increments. A ½ pole is required at each end. Magnetic strip area 1 mm X 2 mm Size recommended for TSSOP package Magnetic field temp drift -0.2%/K max Recommended - for example Samarium Cobalt ReComa28 is 0.035%/K Mounting the Magnet Vertical Distance: As a rule of thumb, the gap between chip and magnet should be ½ of the pole length, that is Z=0.5mm for the 1.0mm pole length of the magnets. However, the gap also depends on the strength of the magnet. The NSE-5310 automatically adjusts for fluctuating magnet strength by using an automatic gain control (AGC). The vertical distance should be set such that the NSE-5310 is in the “green” range. See Z-axis Range Indication (“Red/Yellow/Green” Indicator) on page 14 for more details. Alignment of Multi-pole Magnet and IC: When aligning the magnet strip or ring to the NSE-5310, the centerline of the magnet strip should be placed exactly over the Hall array. A lateral displacement in Y-direction (across the width of the magnet) is acceptable as long as it is within the active area of the magnet. The active area in width is the area in which the magnetic field strength across the width of the magnet is constant with reference to the centerline of the magnet. Revision 1.0 15 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Lateral Stroke of Multi-pole Strip Magnets: The lateral movement range (stroke) is limited by the area at which all Hall sensors of the IC are covered by the magnet in either direction. The Hall array on the NSE-5310 has a length of 2.0mm, hence the total stroke is: maximum lateral Stroke = Length of active area – length of Hall array (EQ 2) Note: Active area in length is defined as the area containing poles with the specified 1.0mm pole length. Shorter poles at either edge of the magnet must be excluded from the active area. Figure 13. Magnetic Strip Alignment Note: Further examples including use in off-axis rotary applications are shown in the “Magnet Selection Guide”, available for download at Revision 1.0 16 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s 9 Package Drawings and Markings Figure 14. 20-pin TSSOP Package 3.200±0.235 2.576±0.235 Package Outline 0.2299±0.100 0.2341±0.100 0.7701±0.150 Die C/L DIE 623.5um ± 40um MagIncrn 2 19 VDD5V 18 VDD3V3 17 TestBus1 16 TestBus0 HE Array TestBus3 20 1 NC VDD5V 19 2 MagIncrn 3 MagDecrn VDD3V3 18 4 DTest1_A TestBus0 17 5 DTest2_B TestBus1 16 PWM 15 6 TestCoil CSn 14 7 Mode_Index SCL / CLK 13 8 VSS SDA / DIO 12 9 PDIO I2C_A0 11 10 NC Die C/L MagDecrn 3 DTest1_A 4 DTest2_B 5 TSSOP20 (CSOIC20 Eng. Smp.) 15 14 13 12 TestCoil 6 Mode_Index 7 VSS 8 3.98mm 3.0475±0.235 PWM CSn CLK DIO 11 I2C_A0 PDIO 9 2.57mm Pad Name VDDD VDDA TB0 TB1 PWM CSn CLK DIO I2C_A0 PDIO VSS Coordinates x 291.4 407.85 717.2 822.2 2877.2 3068.2 3259.2 3450.2 3641.2 3828 3526.75 Pad Name y 2418 2418 2418 2418 2418 2418 2418 2418 2418 668.5 52 VSS Mode_Index COIL DTEST2_B DTEST1_A MagDecrn MagIncrn TB2 TB3 VDDHall VDD5V Revision 1.0 Coordinates x 3423.65 3235.45 3132.35 720.6 383 175.4 52 52 52 52 52 y 52 52 52 52 52 52 1206.7 1321.7 1657.75 1772.7 2161 17 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s The evaluation kit includes an NSE-5310 mounted in a TSSOP 20 package with flex cable, for easy handling during evaluation and system development. The TRK-1T02-E evaluation pack includes a TRK-1T02 along with a suitable linear magnetic strip, a MC-31MB interface card and New Scale Pathway™ software with intuitive user interface to facilitate evaluation. Figure 15. TRK-1T02 Package for Easy Handling During Evaluation 160 mm long FPC (flexible printed circuit) connector FPC_EDGE_0.5MM-6P VDD3V3 J1 1 2 3 4 5 6 SCL SDA FPC pad 1 2/5 3 4 6 Symbol SCL (CLK) VSS VDD3V3 SDA (DO) A0 A0 U1 1 2 3 4 C1 0.1uF C2 100pF 5 6 7 SDA A0 SCL VSS VDD3V3 Definition [Schmitt trigger] Serial interface CLK (up to 400 KHz) Ground Positive I/O supply voltage Data output via I2C serial interface Address (0 or 1) for use with two position sensors C3 100pF 8 9 10 C4 100pF VDD3V3 NC TestBus3 MagINCn MagDECn DTest1_A VDD5 VDD3V3 TestBus1 DTest2_B Coil Mode_Index TestBus0 PWM CSn VSS PDIO NC SCL / CLK SDA / DIO I2C_A0 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 SCL SDA A0 VSS VSS Revision 1.0 18 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s Custom chip-on-board packaging can be provided for qualified OEMs. Minimum order quantities apply. Inquire for more detail. Figure 16. Custom Chip-On-Board Packaging (5.4 x 4.2 x 0.6 mm) 0.62 mm Centerline of sensor Array Centerline of IC 2 mm 0.5 mm Magnet centered on hall elements 4.2 mm Custom wafer-level chip scale packaging can be provided for qualified OEMs. Minimum order quantities apply. Inquire for more detail. Figure 17. Custom Wafer-Level Chip Scale Packaging (as small as 3.9 x 2.5 x 0.6 mm) 0.62 mm Centerline of sensors Magnet centered on hall elements Centerline of IC 2 mm 0.5 mm 1.13 mm Gap .26 +/-.2 mm Revision 1.0 19 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n 10 Ordering Information The devices are available as the standard products shown in Table 14. Table 14. Ordering Information Ordering Code Description TRK-1T02-E Evaluation Pack Delivery Form Package Includes TRK-1T02 position sensor, MC-31MB interface card, New Scale pathway software NSE-5310ASDF Encoder, Bare Die Die thickness 300µm ±25µm Dies On Foil 2.57 mm x 3.98 mm NSE-5310ASSU Encoder, Bare Die Die thickness 300µm ±25µm Tube TSSOP-20 NSE-5310ASST Encoder, Bare Die Die thickness 300µm ±25µm Tape & Reel TSSOP-20 Custom chip-on-board Inquire for details Note: All products are RoHS compliant and Pb-free. Buy our products or get free samples online at ICdirect: For further information and requests, please contact us or find your local distributor at Revision 1.0 20 - 21 NSE-5310 Data Sheet - C o p y r i g h t s Copyrights Copyright © 1997-2009, austriamicrosystems AG, Tobelbaderstrasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. Contact Information Headquarters austriamicrosystems AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 A-8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: Contact Information New Scale Technologies, Inc. 121 Victor Heights Parkway Victor, NY 14564 Tel: +1 585 924 4450 Fax: +1 585 924 4468 Revision 1.0 21 - 21