sames SA9122APA APPLICATION NOTE PA9122AP SINGLE PHASE POWER/ENERGY ADAPTOR WITH 64 SEGMENT LCD AND SERIAL INTERFACE FEATURES n n Enables the demonstration of the SA9122APA device using a PM9103AP module Pulse rate selectable via jumper leads n Operates over a wide temperature range n Protected against ESD n Meets the accuracy requirements for Class 1 AC Watt hour meters DESCRIPTION The PA9122AP demonstration adaptor connects into the PM9103AP metering module. In this configuration the PA9122AP allows evaluation of the SA9122EPA device. It is recommended that this Application Note be read in conjunction with the PM9103AP Application Note. The PA9122AP adaptor comes complete with an LCD, the SA9122EPA device as well as demonstration software. 1/6 7191 PDS038-SA9122-001 Rev. A 28-01-97 PA9122AP BLOCK DIAGRAM N E U TR A L IN J1 FO U T2 SH U N T N E U TR A L OUT SA 9 1 2 2 E FO U T1 T I ON P O W ER O P TO C O U P LE R RX S U P PL Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J7 . . J2 DR -0 1 3 1 1 CONNECTION DESCRIPTION Jumper 1 allows for the selection of the pulse rate to monitor: fp or f p/290. The LCD on the PA9122APA adaptor may be configured as: Eight digit - seven segment with tariff icons (default) or Five digit - seven segment with extended icons. Designation J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 2/6 D-S UB CO NNEC- N E U TR A L LIV E O P TO C O U P LE R Setting Description Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle Lower to middle Upper to middle FOUT1 FOUT2 Pin 36 Pin 33 (Default) Pin 1 Pin 4 (Default) Pin 22 Pin 35 (Default) Pin 21 Pin 34 (Default) Pin 15 Pin 2 (Default) Pin 16 Pin 3 (Default) sames PA9122AP The location of the extended icons on the LCD layout are shown in Fig. 1 below. Figure 1: LCD Layout 1 7 x 2. 54 = 4 3 .1 8 ± 0 .1 g . e 2 . 3 . 4 . . . 5 . 6 . . . 7 . . . c d 1h 1 .6 T1 T2 T3 T4 TOTAL 1 2.3 ~ ~ ~ Hz 3 2 1 k 1 kWrh kWsh 8hk2 Wh/i mp a . 1 .5 . c 0 .8 0 .5 D ET A IL O F D IG IT ( 1 ~ 8 ) 0 .2 5 ± 0 .0 5 1 .1 ± 0 .1 2 .8 Max. 6 0 .0 ± 0 .8 R EA R P O LA RI Z ER (R e fle c ti v e ) b g e 4. 0° 7 .5 2 .5 4 ± 0 .0 5 1 .0 Max. . d 4 -R 1 .0 5 .0 1 f 2 .5 ± 0 .2 4 .6 im p/ kW h 8 . 7 .8 b 3 .1 2 .5 ± 0 .2 T4Cost %Error 1 1 6.8 t4 f . 0 .6 ± 0 .6 t3 T2Total T3Com 2 3 .0 ± 0 . 2 T1Coso t2 4 .3 4 .27 t1 0 . 6 ± 0 .6 2 7.6 a 1 .95 2 .4 2 .13 1 .9 4 .6 1 .4 3 .4 8 .3 4 .5 8 .0 M a x . 7 .18 2 1 4 . 0 M in . Vi e wi n g A r e a 1 0 . 0 ±2 . 0 1 .5 0. 7 .5 3 .5 1 6.4 5 4 .5 8 .41 2.5 4 ± 0 .0 5 0 .65 8 .41 4 .0 F RO NT PO L AR IZ E R F RO NT GL A SS R EA R G LA S S 5 8.0 1 .0 1 .0 Ma x . D R - 0 090 2 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 COM1 t1 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a COM2 t2 1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b COM3 t3 1c 2c 3c 4c COM4 t4 1h 2h 3h Pin 19 20 21 22 COM1 ~3 %Error COM2 Hz imp/KWh COM3 COM4 COM3 COM4 k1 k2 W WH/IMP 6 7 5c 4h 23 24 8g 25 26 27 28 6g 7d 29 15 16 17 8a ~2 ~1 COM1 8b r h 30 COM2 V A s h 32 33 34 35 36 4f 3f 2f 1f CosØ 4g 3g 2g 1g Total 4e 3e 2e 1e Com T1 4d 3d 2d 1d Cost 31 5e 5d 18 8h 5f T2 14 8c 5g 6d 13 7h 6e T3 12 7c 6f 7e T4 11 6h 7f 8e 10 6c 7g 8d 9 5h 8f Total 8 NOTES: 1. DRIVE: 1/4 DUTY, 1/3 BIAS, 5.0 VOP 2. OPERATING TEMP: -20°C TO +80°C 3. VIEWING DIRECTION: 6 O'CLOCK 4. SEGEMENT TOLERANCE: ± 0.05 5. GENERAL TOLERANCE: ±0.2 sames 3/6 PA9122AP FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. Interface Board The PA9122AP adaptor (see Fig. 2) allows for the connection of a SA9122EPA DIP-40 device, to an evaluation board of type PM9103AP. This module inserts into the dual-in-line socket of the PM9103AP module, in the same orientation as the SA9103 XPA DIP-20 device is inserted. D R - 0 1 31 3 Figure 2: PM9122AP LAYOUT 2. Connection Details The connection details for the PA9122AP adaptor, to connect to the PM9103AP module, are shown in Fig. 3. 3. Demonstration Software Software which runs under Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, is provided with each evaluation adaptor. 4/6 sames D R -0 1 3 14 VS S S IN C V IP VD D OS C1 C II P C V IN S OUT C II N CV OP NC C IO P CV ON OS S 2 C IO N IV P I IP VREF GND U2 I IN OS CI CP ON OS CO C P IN CP OP C P IP CON C IN COP C IP VREF IN V GND I IP VD D SA9122A1 R [3 ] R [2 ] R [1 ] R [0 ] S [1 5 ] S [1 4 ] S [1 3 ] S [1 2 ] S [1 1 ] S [1 0 ] S [9 ] S [8 ] S [7 ] S [6 ] S [5 ] S [4 ] S [3 ] S [2 ] S [1 ] S [0 ] RX FO U T2 FO U T1 U1 92 0 n T1 T2 T3 T4 . CO S T T OT A L CO M CO S T 33 4 U4 1 2 . . 32 5 36 35 34 3 T1 . . 30 7 31 6 . T2 . 29 8 . 28 9 T3 . . . T4 . . 24 13 27 10 25 12 26 11 Total . 23 14 . . U6 U7 U9 U8 22 21 15 16 19 LC D % E rro r im p /k W h Hz 3 2 1 k W sh W h /im p 20 17 sames 18 Part Number PA9122AP v ss I IN U5 PA9122AP Figure 3: PA9122AP adapter Interface to PM9103AP module ORDERING INFORMATION Description 3 X 230V, 3 X 80A Module 5/6 PA9122AP Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to South African MicroElectronic Systems (Pty) Ltd ("SAMES") and may not be copied or disclosed to a third party, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of SAMES. The information contained herein is current as of the date of publication; however, delivery of this document shall not under any circumstances create any implication that the information contained herein is correct as of any time subsequent to such date. SAMES does not undertake to inform any recipient of this document of any changes in the information contained herein, and SAMES expressly reserves the right to make changes in such information, without notification,even if such changes would render information contained herein inaccurate or incomplete. SAMES makes no representation or warranty that any circuit designed by reference to the information contained herein, will function without errors and as intended by the designer. Any sales or technical questions may be posted to our e-mail adress below: [email protected] For the latest updates on datasheets, please visit our web site: South African Micro-Electronic Systems (Pty) Ltd P O Box 15888, 33 Eland Street, Lynn East, Koedoespoort Industrial Area, 0039 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, Republic of South Africa Tel: Fax: 6/6 012 333-6021 012 333-8071 sames Tel: Fax: Int +27 12 333-6021 Int +27 12 333-8071