:36 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 PM5382 ay ,1 9S ep S/UNI®-16x155 Data Sheet Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd SATURN® User Network Interface (16X155) Telecom Standard Product Released Issue No. 3: April 2002 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 1 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Legal Information :36 Copyright 11 :50 Copyright 2002 PMC-Sierra, Inc. All rights reserved. 20 02 The information in this document is proprietary and confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. In any event, no part of this document may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of PMC-Sierra, Inc. tem be r, PMC-2000495 (R3) Disclaimer nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep None of the information contained in this document constitutes an express or implied warranty by PMC-Sierra, Inc. as to the sufficiency, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose of any such information or the fitness, or suitability for a particular purpose, merchantability, performance, compatibility with other parts or systems, of any of the products of PMC-Sierra, Inc., or any portion thereof, referred to in this document. PMC-Sierra, Inc. expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind regarding the contents or use of the information, including, but not limited to, express and implied warranties of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or non-infringement. liv ett io In no event will PMC-Sierra, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost business or lost data resulting from any use of or reliance upon the information, whether or not PMC-Sierra, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. uo fo Trademarks Do wn loa de Granted db Patents yV inv ef SATURN and S/UNI are registered trademarks of PMC-Sierra, Inc. PMC-Sierra and POS-PHY Level 3™ are trademarks of PMC-Sierra, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The technology discussed in this document is protected by one or more of the following patent grants: U.S. Patent No. 5,835,602, 6,052,073, 6,150,965, 6,188,692 and 6,246,738. Canadian Patent No. 2,254,225, 2,194,919 and 2,149,076. United Kingdom Patent No. 2,290,438. Other relevant patent grants may also exist. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 2 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Contacting PMC-Sierra 11 :50 :36 PMC-Sierra 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 20 02 Tel: +1 (604) 415-6000 Fax: +1 (604) 415-6200 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, Document Information: [email protected] Corporate Information: [email protected] Technical Support: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.pmc-sierra.com Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 3 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Issue No. Issue Date Details of Change 3 April 2002 - Added New Power Info Section :36 PM Revision History :50 - Added APS Interface Jitter Spec. 11 - TXFP-50 Rev E does not use TIL when FIFO is under-run. - LOOPT = 1 with Internal Cross Bar Enabled 02 - RDAT CPK Too Low Changed Max PROP time 20 - New Thermal Section tem be Reformatted document to new template. r, - RXFP RIL must be non-zero value Reordered sections: Definitions to section 1, normal mode register maps to section 11.1. ep Updated descriptions of: 9S -LOP and APS -TPOP path status bit APRDI rsd -ARDII Register Bit ay -TUL3 UNPROVI ,1 -TFPI Frame Alignment hu -ROOLV and ROOLI of CRSI nT -LOP and LRDI -Value of IPGAP[3:0] in TXFP on The Fly io -XOFF Feature ett Added new patent number November 2001 Document re-issued. 1 September 2000 fo liv 2 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo Document Issued Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 4 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Table of Contents :36 Legal Information........................................................................................................................... 2 :50 Copyright................................................................................................................................. 2 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... 2 11 Trademarks ............................................................................................................................. 2 02 Patents 2 20 Contacting PMC-Sierra.................................................................................................................. 3 r, Revision History............................................................................................................................. 4 tem be Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 5 List of Registers............................................................................................................................. 9 ep List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 23 9S List of Tables................................................................................................................................ 25 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 27 2 Features ................................................................................................................................ 30 ay ,1 1 General...................................................................................................................... 30 2.2 The SONET Receiver................................................................................................ 30 2.3 The Receive ATM Processor..................................................................................... 31 2.4 The Receive POS Processor .................................................................................... 31 2.5 The SONET Transmitter............................................................................................ 32 2.6 The Transmit ATM Processor .................................................................................... 32 2.7 The Transmit POS Processor ................................................................................... 32 2.8 The APS/Crossbar Support....................................................................................... 33 2.9 Device Interworking................................................................................................... 33 ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd 2.1 Applications........................................................................................................................... 34 4 References............................................................................................................................ 35 5 Application Examples............................................................................................................ 36 6 Block Diagram....................................................................................................................... 39 7 Description ............................................................................................................................ 40 8 Pin Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 42 9 Pin Description ...................................................................................................................... 46 Do wn loa de db yV inv 3 9.1 Serial Line Side Interface Signals ............................................................................. 46 9.2 Serial APS Interface Signals ..................................................................................... 48 9.3 Clocks and Alarms Signals........................................................................................ 49 9.4 Section and Line Status DCC Signals....................................................................... 50 9.5 Transmit ATM (UTOPIA) and Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) System Interface ... 51 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 5 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Receive ATM (UTOPIA) and Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) System Interface.... 56 9.7 Microprocessor Interface Signals.............................................................................. 60 9.8 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) Signals....................................................................... 61 9.9 Analog Signals .......................................................................................................... 62 9.10 Power and Ground .................................................................................................... 62 9.11 No Connects.............................................................................................................. 66 11 :50 :36 PM 9.6 02 10 Functional Description .......................................................................................................... 68 Receive Line Interface (CRSI) .................................................................................. 68 10.2 Receive Section Overhead Processor (RSOP) ........................................................ 69 10.3 Receive Line Overhead Processor (RLOP) .............................................................. 71 10.4 The Receive APS, Synchronization Extractor and Bit Error Monitor (RASE) ........... 73 10.5 Receive Path Overhead Processor (RPOP) ............................................................. 73 10.6 Receive ATM Cell Processor (RXCP) ....................................................................... 77 10.7 Receive POS Frame Processor (RXFP) ................................................................... 79 10.8 Transmit Line Interface (CSPI).................................................................................. 81 10.9 Transmit Section Overhead Processor (TSOP) ........................................................ 82 rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 10.1 hu 10.10 Transmit Line Overhead Processor (TLOP).............................................................. 83 nT 10.11 Transmit Path Overhead Processor (TPOP)............................................................. 84 io 10.12 Transmit ATM Cell Processor (TXCP)....................................................................... 85 ett 10.13 Transmit POS Frame Processor (TXFP) .................................................................. 85 liv 10.14 SONET/SDH Path Trace Buffer (SPTB) ................................................................... 88 uo fo 10.15 SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer (SSTB)............................................................... 90 10.16 WAN Synchronization Controller (WANS)................................................................. 91 ef 10.17 ATM UTOPIA and Packet over SONET/SDH POS-PHY System Interfaces ............ 93 inv 10.18 Transmit APS Interface ............................................................................................. 95 yV 10.19 Transmit APS Overhead Processor .......................................................................... 95 db 10.20 SONET/SDH Path Aligner ......................................................................................... 96 Do wn loa de 10.21 Receive APS Interface .............................................................................................. 96 10.22 Receive APS Overhead Processor ........................................................................... 97 10.23 Channel Cross Connect ............................................................................................ 99 10.24 JTAG Test Access Port.............................................................................................. 99 10.25 Microprocessor Interface........................................................................................... 99 11 Normal Mode Register Descriptions ................................................................................... 100 11.1 Register Memory Map ............................................................................................. 100 11.2 Registers ................................................................................................................. 116 12 Test Features Description ................................................................................................... 376 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 6 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Master Test and Test Configuration Registers ........................................................ 376 12.2 JTAG Test Port ........................................................................................................ 379 PM 12.1 :36 13 Operation ............................................................................................................................ 388 SONET/SDH Frame Mappings and Overhead Byte Usage ................................... 388 13.2 UTOPIA Level 3 ATM Cell Data Structure ............................................................... 392 13.3 POS-PHY Level 3 Data Structures.......................................................................... 393 13.4 Setting ATM Mode of Operation .............................................................................. 395 13.5 Setting Packet-Over-SONET/SDH Mode of Operation........................................... 396 13.6 Setting SONET or SDH Mode of Operation ............................................................ 396 13.7 Bit Error Rate Monitor ............................................................................................. 397 13.8 Auto Alarm Control Configuration............................................................................ 398 13.9 Clocking Options ..................................................................................................... 399 ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 13.1 9S 13.10 WAN Synchronization (WANS Block) ..................................................................... 400 ,1 13.11 Loopback Operation ................................................................................................ 400 ay 13.12 APS Support............................................................................................................ 404 rsd 13.13 JTAG Support.......................................................................................................... 407 hu 13.14 Board Design Recommendations ........................................................................... 411 nT 13.15 Power Supplies ....................................................................................................... 412 io 13.16 High Speed PECL Interfaces .................................................................................. 414 ett 13.17 Clock Synthesis and Recovery ............................................................................... 417 liv 13.18 System Interface DLL Operation ............................................................................. 418 uo fo 14 Functional Timing................................................................................................................ 419 Transmit ATM UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface ................................................... 419 14.2 Receive ATM UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface .................................................... 420 14.3 Transmit Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) Level 3 System Interface .................... 420 14.4 Receive Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) Level 3 System Interface ..................... 421 14.5 Transmit Data Communication Channels ............................................................... 422 14.6 Receive Data Communication Channels ................................................................ 423 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef 14.1 15 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................ 425 16 D.C. Characterstics ............................................................................................................. 426 17 Power Information............................................................................................................... 428 18 Microprocessor Interface Timing Characteristics................................................................ 429 19 A.C. Timing Characteristics................................................................................................. 432 19.1 System Reset Timing .............................................................................................. 432 19.2 OC-3 Interface Timing Characteristics .................................................................... 432 19.3 UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing............................................................... 433 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 7 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released POS Level 3 System Interface Timing .................................................................... 435 19.5 Transmit DCC Interface Timing ............................................................................... 439 19.6 Receive DCC Interface Timing................................................................................ 440 19.7 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing ................................................................ 441 19.8 APS Interface Timing Characteristics...................................................................... 442 19.9 JTAG Test Port Timing............................................................................................. 444 11 :50 :36 PM 19.4 02 20 Thermal Information............................................................................................................ 445 r, 447 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be Notes 20 21 Mechanical Information....................................................................................................... 446 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 8 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM List of Registers :36 Register 0x000: S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity ...................................................... 116 :50 Register 0x001: S/UNI-16x155 Master Configuration .............................................................. 117 Register 0x003: S/UNI-16x155 Clock Monitors........................................................................ 118 11 Register 0x100: S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #1...................................................... 120 02 Register 0x101: S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #2...................................................... 122 tem be r, 20 Register 0x004, 0x104, 0x204, 0x304, 0x404, 0x504, 0x604, 0x704, 0x804, 0x904, 0xA04, 0xB04, 0xC04, 0xD04, 0xE04, 0xF04: Channel Master Configuration #1.................................................................................................................. 123 ep Register 0x005, 0x105, 0x205, 0x305, 0x405, 0x505, 0x605, 0x705, 0x805, 0x905, 0xA05, 0xB05, 0xC05, 0xD05, 0xE05, 0xF05: Channel Master Configuration #2.................................................................................................................. 125 ,1 9S Register 0x006, 0x106, 0x206, 0x306, 0x406, 0x506, 0x606, 0x706, 0x806, 0x906, 0xA06, 0xB06, 0xC06, 0xD06, 0xE06, 0xF06: Channel Reset/Master Interrupt Status #1 ........................................................................................ 127 rsd ay Register 0x007, 0x107, 0x207, 0x307, 0x407, 0x507, 0x607, 0x707, 0x807, 0x907, 0xA07, 0xB07, 0xC07, 0xD07, 0xE07, 0xF07: Channel Master Interrupt Status #2 .............................................................................................................. 129 nT hu Register 0x008, 0x108, 0x208, 0x308, 0x408, 0x508, 0x608, 0x708, 0x808, 0x908, 0xA08, 0xB08, 0xC08, 0xD08, 0xE08, 0xF08: Channel Auto Line RDI Control ......................................................................................................................... 131 liv ett io Register 0x009, 0x109, 0x209, 0x309, 0x409, 0x509, 0x609, 0x709, 0x809, 0x909, 0xA09, 0xB09, 0xC09, 0xD09, 0xE09, 0xF09: Channel Auto Path RDI Control ......................................................................................................................... 133 uo fo Register 0x00A, 0x10A, 0x20A, 0x30A, 0x40A, 0x50A, 0x60A, 0x70A, 0x80A, 0x90A, 0xA0A, 0xB0A, 0xC0A, 0xD0A, 0xE0A, 0xF0A: Channel Auto Enhanced Path RDI Control................................................................................................ 135 yV inv ef Register 0x00B, 0x10B, 0x20B, 0x30B, 0x40B, 0x50B, 0x60B, 0x70B, 0x80B, 0x90B, 0xA0B, 0xB0B, 0xC0B, 0xD0B, 0xE0B, 0xF0B: Channel Receive RDI and Enhanced RDI Control.......................................................................................... 138 Do wn loa de db Register 0x00C, 0x10C, 0x20C, 0x30C, 0x40C, 0x50C, 0x60C, 0x70C, 0x80C, 0x90C, 0xA0C, 0xB0C, 0xC0C, 0xD0C, 0xE0C, 0xF0C: Channel Received Line AIS Control .................................................................................................................. 140 Register 0x00D, 0x10D, 0x20D, 0x30D, 0x40D, 0x50D, 0x60D, 0x70D, 0x80D, 0x90D, 0xA0D, 0xB0D, 0xC0D, 0xD0D, 0xE0D, 0xF0D: Channel Receive Path AIS Control ................................................................................................................. 142 Register 0x00E, 0x10E, 0x20E, 0x30E, 0x40E, 0x50E, 0x60E, 0x70E, 0x80E, 0x90E, 0xA0E, 0xB0E, 0xC0E, 0xD0E, 0xE0E, 0xF0E: Channel Receive Alarm Control #1 ................................................................................................................. 144 Register 0x00F, 0x10F, 0x20F, 0x30F, 0x40F, 0x50F, 0x60F, 0x70F, 0x80F, 0x90F, 0xA0F, 0xB0F, 0xC0F, 0xD0F, 0xE0F, 0xF0F: Channel Receive Alarm Control #2 ................................................................................................................. 144 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 9 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x010, 0x110, 0x210, 0x310, 0x410, 0x510, 0x610, 0x710, 0x810, 0x910, 0xA10, 0xB10, 0xC10, 0xD10, 0xE10, 0xF10: RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable...................................................................................................... 146 :50 :36 Register 0x011, 0x111, 0x211, 0x311, 0x411, 0x511, 0x611, 0x711, 0x811, 0x911, 0xA11, 0xB11, 0xC11, 0xD11, 0xE11, 0xF11: RSOP Status/Interrupt Status ........................................................................................................ 148 02 11 Register 0x012, 0x112, 0x212, 0x312, 0x412, 0x512, 0x612, 0x712, 0x812, 0x912, 0xA12, 0xB12, 0xC12, 0xD12, 0xE12, 0xF12: RSOP Section BIP-8 LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 150 tem be r, 20 Register 0x013, 0x113, 0x213, 0x313, 0x413, 0x513, 0x613, 0x713, 0x813, 0x913, 0xA13, 0xB13, 0xC13, 0xD13, 0xE13, 0xF13: RSOP Section BIP-8 MSB .................................................................................................................................... 150 Register 0x014, 0x114, 0x214, 0x314, 0x414, 0x514, 0x614, 0x714, 0x814, 0x914, 0xA14, 0xB14, 0xC14, 0xD14, 0xE14, 0xF14: TSOP Control ................................ 151 9S ep Register 0x015, 0x115, 0x215, 0x315, 0x415, 0x515, 0x615, 0x715, 0x815, 0x915, 0xA15, 0xB15, 0xC15, 0xD15, 0xE15, 0xF15: TSOP Diagnostic........................... 152 ,1 Register 0x018, 0x118, 0x218, 0x318, 0x418, 0x518, 0x618, 0x718, 0x818, 0x918, 0xA18, 0xB18, 0xC18, 0xD18, 0xE18, 0xF18: RLOP Control/Status..................... 153 hu rsd ay Register 0x019, 0x119, 0x219, 0x319, 0x419, 0x519, 0x619, 0x719, 0x819, 0x919, 0xA19, 0xB19, 0xC19, 0xD19, 0xE19, 0xF19: RLOP Interrupt Enable/Interrupt Status ....................................................................................................... 155 io nT Register 0x01A, 0x11A, 0x21A, 0x31A, 0x41A, 0x51A, 0x61A, 0x71A, 0x81A, 0x91A, 0xA1A, 0xB1A, 0xC1A, 0xD1A, 0xE1A, 0xF1A: RLOP Line BIP-24 LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 157 liv ett Register 0x01B, 0x11B, 0x21B, 0x31B, 0x41B, 0x51B, 0x61B, 0x71B, 0x81B, 0x91B, 0xA1B, 0xB1B, 0xC1B, 0xD1B, 0xE1B, 0xF1B: RLOP Line BIP-24...................... 157 uo fo Register 0x01C, 0x11C, 0x21C, 0x31C, 0x41C, 0x51C, 0x61C, 0x71C, 0x81C, 0x91C, 0xA1C, 0xB1C, 0xC1C, 0xD1C, 0xE1C, 0xF1C: RLOP Line BIP-24 MSB .................................................................................................................................... 158 yV inv ef Register 0x01D, 0x11D, 0x21D, 0x31D, 0x41D, 0x51D, 0x61D, 0x71D, 0x81D, 0x91D, 0xA1D, 0xB1D, 0xC1D, 0xD1D, 0xE1D, 0xF1D: RLOP Line FEBE LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 159 db Register 0x01E, 0x11E, 0x21E, 0x31E, 0x41E, 0x51E, 0x61E, 0x71E, 0x81E, 0x91E, 0xA1E, 0xB1E, 0xC1E, 0xD1E, 0xE1E, 0xF1E: RLOP Line FEBE ....................... 159 Do wn loa de Register 0x01F, 0x11F, 0x21F, 0x31F, 0x41F, 0x51F, 0x61F, 0x71F, 0x81F, 0x91F, 0xA1F, 0xB1F, 0xC1F, 0xD1F, 0xE1F, 0xF1F: RLOP Line FEBE MSB .................................................................................................................................... 160 Register 0x020, 0x120, 0x220, 0x320, 0x420, 0x520, 0x620, 0x720, 0x820, 0x920, 0xA20, 0xB20, 0xC20, 0xD20, 0xE20, 0xF20: TLOP Control ................................ 161 Register 0x021, 0x121, 0x221, 0x321, 0x421, 0x521, 0x621, 0x721, 0x821, 0x921, 0xA21, 0xB21, 0xC21, 0xD21, 0xE21, 0xF21: TLOP Diagnostic ........................... 162 Register 0x022, 0x122, 0x222, 0x322, 0x422, 0x522, 0x622, 0x722, 0x822, 0x922, 0xA22, 0xB22, 0xC22, 0xD22, 0xE22, 0xF22: TLOP Transmit K1 ........................ 163 Register 0x023, 0x123, 0x223, 0x323, 0x423, 0x523, 0x623, 0x723, 0x823, 0x923, 0xA23, 0xB23, 0xC23, 0xD23, 0xE23, 0xF23: TLOP Transmit K2 ........................ 164 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 10 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x024, 0x124, 0x224, 0x324, 0x424, 0x524, 0x624, 0x724, 0x824, 0x924, 0xA24, 0xB24, 0xC24, 0xD24, 0xE24, 0xF24: S/UNI-16x155 Transmit Sync. Message (S1)............................................................................................ 165 :50 :36 Register 0x025, 0x125, 0x225, 0x325, 0x425, 0x525, 0x625, 0x725, 0x825, 0x925, 0xA25, 0xB25, 0xC25, 0xD25, 0xE25, 0xF25: S/UNI-16x155 Transmit J0/Z0 .................................................................................................................... 166 11 Register 0x028, 0x128, 0x228, 0x328, 0x428, 0x528, 0x628, 0x728, 0x828, 0x928, 0xA28, 0xB28, 0xC28, 0xD28, 0xE28, 0xF28: SSTB Control ................................ 167 r, 20 02 Register 0x029, 0x129, 0x229, 0x329, 0x429, 0x529, 0x629, 0x729, 0x829, 0x929, 0xA29, 0xB29, 0xC29, 0xD29, 0xE29, 0xF29: SSTB Section Trace Identifier Status ................................................................................................................... 169 tem be Register 0x02A, 0x12A, 0x22A, 0x32A, 0x42A, 0x52A, 0x62A, 0x72A, 0x82A, 0x92A, 0xA2A, 0xB2A, 0xC2A, 0xD2A, 0xE2A, 0xF2A: SSTB Indirect Address Register ................................................................................................................ 171 9S ep Register 0x02B, 0x12B, 0x22B, 0x32B, 0x42B, 0x52B, 0x62B, 0x72B, 0x82B, 0x92B, 0xA2B, 0xB2B, 0xC2B, 0xD2B, 0xE2B, 0xF2B: SSTB Indirect Data Register............................................................................................................................... 172 rsd ay ,1 Register 0x02E, 0x12E, 0x22E, 0x32E, 0x42E, 0x52E, 0x62E, 0x72E, 0x82E, 0x92E, 0xA2E, 0xB2E, 0xC2E, 0xD2E, 0xE2E, 0xF2E: SSTB Indirect Access Trigger Register...................................................................................................... 173 nT hu Register 0x030, 0x130, 0x230, 0x330, 0x430, 0x530, 0x630, 0x730, 0x830, 0x930, 0xA30, 0xB30, 0xC30, 0xD30, 0xE30, 0xF30 (EXTD=0): RPOP Status/Control ..................................................................................................................... 174 ett io Register 0x030, 0x130, 0x230, 0x330, 0x430, 0x530, 0x630, 0x730, 0x830, 0x930, 0xA30, 0xB30, 0xC30, 0xD30, 0xE30, 0xF30 (EXTD=1): RPOP Status/Control ..................................................................................................................... 176 uo fo liv Register 0x031, 0x131, 0x231, 0x331, 0x431, 0x531, 0x631, 0x731, 0x831, 0x931, 0xA31, 0xB31, 0xC31, 0xD31, 0xE31, 0xF31 (EXTD=0): RPOP Interrupt Status ................................................................................................................... 177 inv ef Register 0x031, 0x131, 0x231, 0x331, 0x431, 0x531, 0x631, 0x731, 0x831, 0x931, 0xA31, 0xB31, 0xC31, 0xD31, 0xE31, 0xF31 (EXTD=1): RPOP Interrupt Status ................................................................................................................... 179 db yV Register 0x032, 0x132, 0x232, 0x332, 0x432, 0x532, 0x632, 0x732, 0x832, 0x932, 0xA32, 0xB32, 0xC32, 0xD32, 0xE32, 0xF32: RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status ................................................................................................................... 180 Do wn loa de Register 0x033, 0x133, 0x233, 0x333, 0x433, 0x533, 0x633, 0x733, 0x833, 0x933, 0xA33, 0xB33, 0xC33, 0xD33, 0xE33, 0xF33 (EXTD=0): RPOP Interrupt Enable .................................................................................................................. 182 Register 0x033, 0x133, 0x233, 0x333, 0x433, 0x533, 0x633, 0x733, 0x833, 0x933, 0xA33, 0xB33, 0xC33, 0xD33, 0xE33, 0xF33 (EXTD=1): RPOP Interrupt Enable .................................................................................................................. 184 Register 0x034, 0x134, 0x234, 0x334, 0x434, 0x534, 0x634, 0x734, 0x834, 0x934, 0xA34, 0xB34, 0xC34, 0xD34, 0xE34, 0xF34: RPOP Pointer Interrupt Enable .................................................................................................................. 185 Register 0x035, 0x135, 0x235, 0x335, 0x435, 0x535, 0x635, 0x735, 0x835, 0x935, 0xA35, 0xB35, 0xC35, 0xD35, 0xE35, 0xF35: RPOP Pointer LSB........................ 187 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 11 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x036, 0x136, 0x236, 0x336, 0x436, 0x536, 0x636, 0x736, 0x836, 0x936, 0xA36, 0xB36, 0xC36, 0xD36, 0xE36, 0xF36: RPOP Pointer MSB....................... 187 :50 :36 Register 0x037, 0x137, 0x237, 0x337, 0x437, 0x537, 0x637, 0x737, 0x837, 0x937, 0xA37, 0xB37, 0xC37, 0xD37, 0xE37, 0xF37: RPOP Path Signal Label ................................................................................................................................... 189 11 Register 0x038, 0x138, 0x238, 0x338, 0x438, 0x538, 0x638, 0x738, 0x838, 0x938, 0xA38, 0xB38, 0xC38, 0xD38, 0xE38, 0xF38: RPOP Path BIP-8 LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 190 r, 20 02 Register 0x039, 0x139, 0x239, 0x339, 0x439, 0x539, 0x639, 0x739, 0x839, 0x939, 0xA39, 0xB39, 0xC39, 0xD39, 0xE39, 0xF39: RPOP Path BIP-8 MSB .................................................................................................................................... 190 tem be Register 0x03A, 0x13A, 0x23A, 0x33A, 0x43A, 0x53A, 0x63A, 0x73A, 0x83A, 0x93A, 0xA3A, 0xB3A, 0xC3A, 0xD3A, 0xE3A, 0xF3A: RPOP Path FEBE LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 191 9S ep Register 0x03B, 0x13B, 0x23B, 0x33B, 0x43B, 0x53B, 0x63B, 0x73B, 0x83B, 0x93B, 0xA3B, 0xB3B, 0xC3B, 0xD3B, 0xE3B, 0xF3B: RPOP Path FEBE MSB .................................................................................................................................... 191 ay ,1 Register 0x03C, 0x13C, 0x23C, 0x33C, 0x43C, 0x53C, 0x63C, 0x73C, 0x83C, 0x93C, 0xA3C, 0xB3C, 0xC3C, 0xD3C, 0xE3C, 0xF3C: RPOP RDI................................. 192 hu rsd Register 0x03D, 0x13D, 0x23D, 0x33D, 0x43D, 0x53D, 0x63D, 0x73D, 0x83D, 0x93D, 0xA3D, 0xB3D, 0xC3D, 0xD3D, 0xE3D, 0xF3D: RPOP Ring Control................................................................................................................................. 193 ett io nT Register 0x040, 0x140, 0x240, 0x340, 0x440, 0x540, 0x640, 0x740, 0x840, 0x940, 0xA40, 0xB40, 0xC40, 0xD40, 0xE40, 0xF40: TPOP Control/Diagnostic............................................................................................................... 195 fo liv Register 0x041, 0x141, 0x241, 0x341, 0x441, 0x541, 0x641, 0x741, 0x841, 0x941, 0xA41, 0xB41, 0xC41, 0xD41, 0xE41, 0xF41: TPOP Pointer Control ................... 197 ef uo Register 0x043, 0x143, 0x243, 0x343, 0x443, 0x543, 0x643, 0x743, 0x843, 0x943, 0xA43, 0xB43, 0xC43, 0xD43, 0xE43, 0xF43: TPOP Current Pointer LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 199 yV inv Register 0x044, 0x144, 0x244, 0x344, 0x444, 0x544, 0x644, 0x744, 0x844, 0x944, 0xA44, 0xB44, 0xC44, 0xD44, 0xE44, 0xF44: TPOP Current Pointer MSB .................................................................................................................................... 199 Do wn loa de db Register 0x045, 0x145, 0x245, 0x345, 0x445, 0x545, 0x645, 0x745, 0x845, 0x945, 0xA45, 0xB45, 0xC45, 0xD45, 0xE45, 0xF45: TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB ......................................................................................................................... 200 Register 0x046, 0x146, 0x246, 0x346, 0x446, 0x546, 0x646, 0x746, 0x846, 0x946, 0xA46, 0xB46, 0xC46, 0xD46, 0xE46, 0xF46: TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB ........................................................................................................................ 201 Register 0x047, 0x147, 0x247, 0x347, 0x447, 0x547, 0x647, 0x747, 0x847, 0x947, 0xA47, 0xB47, 0xC47, 0xD47, 0xE47, 0xF47: TPOP Path Trace.......................... 202 Register 0x048, 0x148, 0x248, 0x348, 0x448, 0x548, 0x648, 0x748, 0x848, 0x948, 0xA48, 0xB48, 0xC48, 0xD48, 0xE48, 0xF48: TPOP Path Signal Label ................................................................................................................................... 203 Register 0x049, 0x149, 0x249, 0x349, 0x449, 0x549, 0x649, 0x749, 0x849, 0x949, 0xA49, 0xB49, 0xC49, 0xD49, 0xE49, 0xF49: TPOP Path Status ......................... 204 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 12 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x04E, 0x14E, 0x24E, 0x34E, 0x44E, 0x54E, 0x64E, 0x74E, 0x84E, 0x94E, 0xA4E, 0xB4E, 0xC4E, 0xD4E, 0xE4E, 0xF4E: TPOP Concatenation LSB ............................................................................................................. 206 :50 :36 Register 0x04F, 0x14F, 0x24F, 0x34F, 0x44F, 0x54F, 0x64F, 0x74F, 0x84F, 0x94F, 0xA4F, 0xB4F, 0xC4F, 0xD4F, 0xE4F, 0xF4F: TPOP Concatenation MSB ............................................................................................................ 206 11 Register 0x050, 0x150, 0x250, 0x350, 0x450, 0x550, 0x650, 0x750, 0x850, 0x950, 0xA50, 0xB50, 0xC50, 0xD50, 0xE50, 0xF50: SPTB Control ................................ 207 r, 20 02 Register 0x051, 0x151, 0x251, 0x351, 0x451, 0x551, 0x651, 0x751, 0x851, 0x951, 0xA51, 0xB51, 0xC51, 0xD51, 0xE51, 0xF51: SPTB Path Trace Identifier Status ................................................................................................................... 209 tem be Register 0x052, 0x152, 0x252, 0x352, 0x452, 0x552, 0x652, 0x752, 0x852, 0x952, 0xA52, 0xB52, 0xC52, 0xD52, 0xE52, 0xF52: SPTB Indirect Address Register ................................................................................................................ 211 9S ep Register 0x053, 0x153, 0x253, 0x353, 0x453, 0x553, 0x653, 0x753, 0x853, 0x953, 0xA53, 0xB53, 0xC53, 0xD53, 0xE53, 0xF53: SPTB Indirect Data Register............................................................................................................................... 212 rsd ay ,1 Register 0x054, 0x154, 0x254, 0x354, 0x454, 0x554, 0x654, 0x754, 0x854, 0x954, 0xA54, 0xB54, 0xC54, 0xD54, 0xE54, 0xF54: SPTB Expected Path Signal Label ........................................................................................................................ 213 nT hu Register 0x055, 0x155, 0x255, 0x355, 0x455, 0x555, 0x655, 0x755, 0x855, 0x955, 0xA55, 0xB55, 0xC55, 0xD55, 0xE55, 0xF55: SPTB Path Signal Label Status ........................................................................................................................ 215 ett io Register 0x056, 0x156, 0x256, 0x356, 0x456, 0x556, 0x656, 0x756, 0x856, 0x956, 0xA56, 0xB56, 0xC56, 0xD56, 0xE56, 0xF56: SPTB Indirect Access Trigger Register .................................................................................................................. 217 fo liv Register 0x058, 0x158, 0x258, 0x358, 0x458, 0x558, 0x658, 0x758, 0x858, 0x958, 0xA58, 0xB58, 0xC58, 0xD58, 0xE58, 0xF58: DCRU Configuration ..................... 218 ef uo Register 0x05A, 0x15A, 0x25A, 0x35A, 0x45A, 0x55A, 0x65A, 0x75A, 0x85A, 0x95A, 0xA5A, 0xB5A, 0xC5A, 0xD5A, 0xE5A, 0xF5A: DCRU RESET ............................ 219 yV inv Register 0x05C, 0x15C, 0x25C, 0x35C, 0x45C, 0x55C, 0x65C, 0x75C, 0x85C, 0x95C, 0xA5C, 0xB5C, 0xC5C, 0xD5C, 0xE5C, 0xF5C: CRSI Configuration ................... 220 db Register 0x05D, 0x15D, 0x25D, 0x35D, 0x45D, 0x55D, 0x65D, 0x75D, 0x85D, 0x95D, 0xA5D, 0xB5D, 0xC5D, 0xD5D, 0xE5D, 0xF5D: CRSI Status .............................. 222 Do wn loa de Register 0x060, 0x160, 0x260, 0x360, 0x460, 0x560, 0x660, 0x760, 0x860, 0x960, 0xA60, 0xB60, 0xC60, 0xD60, 0xE60, 0xF60: RXCP Configuration 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 224 Register 0x061, 0x161, 0x261, 0x361, 0x461, 0x561, 0x661, 0x761, 0x861, 0x961, 0xA61, 0xB61, 0xC61, 0xD61, 0xE61, 0xF61: RXCP Configuration 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 225 Register 0x062, 0x162, 0x262, 0x362, 0x462, 0x562, 0x662, 0x762, 0x862, 0x962, 0xA62, 0xB62, 0xC62, 0xD62, 0xE62, 0xF62: RXCP FIFO/UTOPIA Control and Configuration ................................................................................................... 226 Register 0x063, 0x163, 0x263, 0x363, 0x463, 0x563, 0x663, 0x763, 0x863, 0x963, 0xA63, 0xB63, 0xC63, 0xD63, 0xE63, 0xF63: RXCP Interrupt Enable and Counter Status................................................................................................. 227 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 13 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x064, 0x164, 0x264, 0x364, 0x464, 0x564, 0x664, 0x764, 0x864, 0x964, 0xA64, 0xB64, 0xC64, 0xD64, 0xE64, 0xF64: RXCP Status/Interrupt Status ........................................................................................................ 229 :50 :36 Register 0x065, 0x165, 0x265, 0x365, 0x465, 0x565, 0x665, 0x765, 0x865, 0x965, 0xA65, 0xB65, 0xC65, 0xD65, 0xE65, 0xF65: RXCP LCD Count Threshold MSB ................................................................................................................... 231 02 11 Register 0x066, 0x166, 0x266, 0x366, 0x466, 0x566, 0x666, 0x766, 0x866, 0x966, 0xA66, 0xB66, 0xC66, 0xD66, 0xE66, 0xF66: RXCP LCD Count Threshold LSB .................................................................................................................... 231 tem be r, 20 Register 0x067, 0x167, 0x267, 0x367, 0x467, 0x567, 0x667, 0x767, 0x867, 0x967, 0xA67, 0xB67, 0xC67, 0xD67, 0xE67, 0xF67: RXCP Idle Cell Header Pattern.................................................................................................................... 232 ep Register 0x068, 0x168, 0x268, 0x368, 0x468, 0x568, 0x668, 0x768, 0x868, 0x968, 0xA68, 0xB68, 0xC68, 0xD68, 0xE68, 0xF68: RXCP Idle Cell Header Mask....................................................................................................................... 233 ,1 9S Register 0x06A, 0x16A, 0x26A, 0x36A, 0x46A, 0x56A, 0x66A, 0x76A, 0x86A, 0x96A, 0xA6A, 0xB6A, 0xC6A, 0xD6A, 0xE6A, 0xF6A: RXCP HCS Error Count................................................................................................................................... 234 rsd ay Register 0x06B, 0x16B, 0x26B, 0x36B, 0x46B, 0x56B, 0x66B, 0x76B, 0x86B, 0x96B, 0xA6B, 0xB6B, 0xC6B, 0xD6B, 0xE6B, 0xF6B: RXCP Receive Cell Counter LSB........................................................................................................................ 235 io nT hu Register 0x06C, 0x16C, 0x26C, 0x36C, 0x46C, 0x56C, 0x66C, 0x76C, 0x86C, 0x96C, 0xA6C, 0xB6C, 0xC6C, 0xD6C, 0xE6C, 0xF6C: RXCP Receive Cell Counter ........................................................................................................................ 235 liv ett Register 0x06D, 0x16D, 0x26D, 0x36D, 0x46D, 0x56D, 0x66D, 0x76D, 0x86D, 0x96D, 0xA6D, 0xB6D, 0xC6D, 0xD6D, 0xE6D, 0xF6D: RXCP Receive Cell Counter MSB ............................................................................................................... 236 uo fo Register 0x06E, 0x16E, 0x26E, 0x36E, 0x46E, 0x56E, 0x66E, 0x76E, 0x86E, 0x96E, 0xA6E, 0xB6E, 0xC6E, 0xD6E, 0xE6E, 0xF6E: RXCP Idle Cell Counter LSB........................................................................................................................ 237 yV inv ef Register 0x06F, 0x16F, 0x26F, 0x36F, 0x46F, 0x56F, 0x66F, 0x76F, 0x86F, 0x96F, 0xA6F, 0xB6F, 0xC6F, 0xD6F, 0xE6F, 0xF6F: RXCP Idle Cell Counter ............................................................................................................................... 237 Do wn loa de db Register 0x070, 0x170, 0x270, 0x370, 0x470, 0x570, 0x670, 0x770, 0x870, 0x970, 0xA70, 0xB70, 0xC70, 0xD70, 0xE70, 0xF70: RXCP Idle Cell Counter MSB....................................................................................................................... 238 Register 0x080, 0x180, 0x280, 0x380, 0x480, 0x580, 0x680, 0x780, 0x880, 0x980, 0xA80, 0xB80, 0xC80, 0xD80, 0xE80, 0xF80: TXCP Configuration 1 ................... 239 Register 0x081, 0x181, 0x281, 0x381, 0x481, 0x581, 0x681, 0x781, 0x881, 0x981, 0xA81, 0xB81, 0xC81, 0xD81, 0xE81, 0xF81: TXCP Configuration 2 ................... 241 Register 0x082, 0x182, 0x282, 0x382, 0x482, 0x582, 0x682, 0x782, 0x882, 0x982, 0xA82, 0xB82, 0xC82, 0xD82, 0xE82, 0xF82: TXCP Cell Count Status .................................................................................................................................. 242 Register 0x083, 0x183, 0x283, 0x383, 0x483, 0x583, 0x683, 0x783, 0x883, 0x983, 0xA83, 0xB83, 0xC83, 0xD83, 0xE83, 0xF83: TXCP Interrupt Enable/Status...................................................................................................................... 243 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 14 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x084, 0x184, 0x284, 0x384, 0x484, 0x584, 0x684, 0x784, 0x884, 0x984, 0xA84, 0xB84, 0xC84, 0xD84, 0xE84, 0xF84: TXCP Idle Cell Header Control.................................................................................................................... 244 :50 :36 Register 0x085, 0x185, 0x285, 0x385, 0x485, 0x585, 0x685, 0x785, 0x885, 0x985, 0xA85, 0xB85, 0xC85, 0xD85, 0xE85, 0xF85: TXCP Idle Cell Payload Control .................................................................................................................. 245 02 11 Register 0x086, 0x186, 0x286, 0x386, 0x486, 0x586, 0x686, 0x786, 0x886, 0x986, 0xA86, 0xB86, 0xC86, 0xD86, 0xE86, 0xF86: TXCP Transmit Cell Count LSB........................................................................................................................... 246 tem be r, 20 Register 0x087, 0x187, 0x287, 0x387, 0x487, 0x587, 0x687, 0x787, 0x887, 0x987, 0xA87, 0xB87, 0xC87, 0xD87, 0xE87, 0xF87: TXCP Transmit Cell Count................................................................................................................................... 246 ep Register 0x088, 0x188, 0x288, 0x388, 0x488, 0x588, 0x688, 0x788, 0x888, 0x988, 0xA88, 0xB88, 0xC88, 0xD88, 0xE88, 0xF88: TXCP Transmit Cell Count MSB.......................................................................................................................... 247 ,1 9S Register 0x094, 0x194, 0x294, 0x394, 0x494, 0x594, 0x694, 0x794, 0x894, 0x994, 0xA94, 0xB94, 0xC94, 0xD94, 0xE94, 0xF94: Receive Cell/Packet Counter LSB........................................................................................................................ 248 rsd ay Register 0x095, 0x195, 0x295, 0x395, 0x495, 0x595, 0x695, 0x795, 0x895, 0x995, 0xA95, 0xB95, 0xC95, 0xD95, 0xE95, 0xF95: Receive Cell/Packet Counter ............................................................................................................................... 248 io nT hu Register 0x096, 0x196, 0x296, 0x396, 0x496, 0x596, 0x696, 0x796, 0x896, 0x996, 0xA96, 0xB96, 0xC96, 0xD96, 0xE96, 0xF96: Receive Cell/Packet Counter MSB....................................................................................................................... 249 ett Register 0x098, 0x198, 0x298, 0x398, 0x498, 0x598, 0x698, 0x798, 0x898, 0x998, 0xA98, 0xB98, 0xC98, 0xD98, 0xE98, 0xF98: JAT Configuration #1 .................... 250 fo liv Register 0x099, 0x199, 0x299, 0x399, 0x499, 0x599, 0x699, 0x799, 0x899, 0x999, 0xA99, 0xB99, 0xC99, 0xD99, 0xE99, 0xF99: JAT Configuration #2 .................... 251 ef uo Register 0x09A, 0x19A, 0x29A, 0x39A, 0x49A, 0x59A, 0x69A, 0x79A, 0x89A, 0x99A, 0xA9A, 0xB9A, 0xC9A, 0xD9A, 0xE9A, 0xF9A: JAT Reset................................... 252 yV inv Register 0x0A0, 0x1A0, 0x2A0, 0x3A0, 0x4A0, 0x5A0, 0x6A0, 0x7A0, 0x8A0, 0x9A0, 0xAA0, 0xBA0, 0xCA0, 0xDA0, 0xEA0, 0xFA0: RXFP Configuration ................... 253 db Register 0x0A1, 0x1A1, 0x2A1, 0x3A1, 0x4A1, 0x5A1, 0x6A1, 0x7A1, 0x8A1, 0x9A1, 0xAA1, 0xBA1, 0xCA1, 0xDA1, 0xEA1, 0xFA1: RXFP Configuration/Interrupt Enable ............................................................................................ 255 Do wn loa de Register 0x0A2, 0x1A2, 0x2A2, 0x3A2, 0x4A2, 0x5A2, 0x6A2, 0x7A2, 0x8A2, 0x9A2, 0xAA2, 0xBA2, 0xCA2, 0xDA2, 0xEA2, 0xFA2: RXFP Interrupt Status .................................................................................................................................. 256 Register 0x0A3, 0x1A3, 0x2A3, 0x3A3, 0x4A3, 0x5A3, 0x6A3, 0x7A3, 0x8A3, 0x9A3, 0xAA3, 0xBA3, 0xCA3, 0xDA3, 0xEA3, 0xFA3: RXFP Minimum Packet Length ..................................................................................................................... 257 Register 0x0A4, 0x1A4, 0x2A4, 0x3A4, 0x4A4, 0x5A4, 0x6A4, 0x7A4, 0x8A4, 0x9A4, 0xAA4, 0xBA4, 0xCA4, 0xDA4, 0xEA4, 0xFA4: RXFP Maximum Packet Length LSB ............................................................................................................. 258 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 15 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x0A5, 0x1A5, 0x2A5, 0x3A5, 0x4A5, 0x5A5, 0x6A5, 0x7A5, 0x8A5, 0x9A5, 0xAA5, 0xBA5, 0xCA5, 0xDA5, 0xEA5, 0xFA5: RXFP Maximum Packet Length MSB ............................................................................................................ 258 :50 :36 Register 0x0A6 , 0x1A6, 0x2A6, 0x3A6, 0x4A6, 0x5A6, 0x6A6, 0x7A6, 0x8A6, 0x9A6, 0xAA6, 0xBA6, 0xCA6, 0xDA6, 0xEA6, 0xFA6: RXFP Receive Initiation Level ..................................................................................................................... 259 02 11 Register 0x0A8, 0x1A8, 0x2A8, 0x3A8, 0x4A8, 0x5A8, 0x6A8, 0x7A8, 0x8A8, 0x9A8, 0xAA8, 0xBA8, 0xCA8, 0xDA8, 0xEA8, 0xFA8: RXFP Receive Byte Count LSB........................................................................................................................... 260 tem be r, 20 Register 0x0A9, 0x1A9, 0x2A9, 0x3A9, 0x4A9, 0x5A9, 0x6A9, 0x7A9, 0x8A9, 0x9A9, 0xAA9, 0xBA9, 0xCA9, 0xDA9, 0xEA9, 0xFA9: RXFP Receive Byte Count................................................................................................................................... 260 ep Register 0x0AA, 0x1AA, 0x2AA, 0x3AA, 0x4AA, 0x5AA, 0x6AA, 0x7AA, 0x8AA, 0x9AA, 0xAAA, 0xBAA, 0xCAA, 0xDAA, 0xEAA, 0xFAA: RXFP Receive Byte Count .......................................................................................................................... 261 ,1 9S Register 0x0AB, 0x1AB, 0x2AB, 0x3AB, 0x4AB, 0x5AB, 0x6AB, 0x7AB, 0x8AB, 0x9AB, 0xAAB, 0xBAB, 0xCAB, 0xDAB, 0xEAB, 0xFAB: RXFP Receive Byte Count MSB ................................................................................................................. 261 rsd ay Register 0x0AC, 0x1AC, 0x2AC, 0x3AC, 0x4AC, 0x5AC, 0x6AC, 0x7AC, 0x8AC, 0x9AC, 0xAAC, 0xBAC, 0xCAC, 0xDAC, 0xEAC, 0xFAC: RXFP Receive Frame Count LSB ................................................................................................. 262 io nT hu Register 0x0AD, 0x1AD, 0x2AD, 0x3AD, 0x4AD, 0x5AD, 0x6AD, 0x7AD, 0x8AD, 0x9AD, 0xAAD, 0xBAD, 0xCAD, 0xDAD, 0xEAD, 0xFAD: RXFP Receive Frame Count ......................................................................................................... 262 liv ett Register 0x0AE, 0x1AE, 0x2AE, 0x3AE, 0x4AE, 0x5AE, 0x6AE, 0x7AE, 0x8AE, 0x9AE, 0xAAE, 0xBAE, 0xCAE, 0xDAE, 0xEAE, 0xFAE: RXFP Receive Frame Count MSB .............................................................................................................. 263 uo fo Register 0x0AF, 0x1AF, 0x2AF, 0x3AF, 0x4AF, 0x5AF, 0x6AF, 0x7AF, 0x8AF, 0x9AF, 0xAAF, 0xBAF, 0xCAF, 0xDAF, 0xEAF, 0xFAF: RXFP Receive Aborted Frame Count LSB.................................................................................................. 264 yV inv ef Register 0x0B0, 0x1B0, 0x2B0, 0x3B0, 0x4B0, 0x5B0, 0x6B0, 0x7B0, 0x8B0, 0x9B0, 0xAB0, 0xBB0, 0xCB0, 0xDB0, 0xEB0, 0xFB0: RXFP Receive Aborted Frame Count MSB................................................................................................. 264 Do wn loa de db Register 0x0B1, 0x1B1, 0x2B1, 0x3B1, 0x4B1, 0x5B1, 0x6B1, 0x7B1, 0x8B1, 0x9B1, 0xAB1, 0xBB1, 0xCB1, 0xDB1, 0xEB1, 0xFB1: RXFP Receive FCS Error Frame Count LSB ...................................................................................................... 265 Register 0x0B2, 0x1B2, 0x2B2, 0x3B2, 0x4B2, 0x5B2, 0x6B2, 0x7B2, 0x8B2, 0x9B2, 0xAB2, 0xBB2, 0xCB2, 0xDB2, 0xEB2, 0xFB2: RXFP Receive FCS Error Frame Count MSB ..................................................................................................... 265 Register 0x0B3, 0x1B3, 0x2B3, 0x3B3, 0x4B3, 0x5B3, 0x6B3, 0x7B3, 0x8B3, 0x9B3, 0xAB3, 0xBB3, 0xCB3, 0xDB3, 0xEB3, 0xFB3: RXFP Receive Minimum Length Error Frame Count LSB .......................................................................... 266 Register 0x0B4, 0x1B4, 0x2B4, 0x3B4, 0x4B4, 0x5B4, 0x6B4, 0x7B4, 0x8B4, 0x9B4, 0xAB4, 0xBB4, 0xCB4, 0xDB4, 0xEB4, 0xFB4: RXFP Receive Minimum Length Error Frame Counter MSB ...................................................................... 266 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 16 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x0B5, 0x1B5, 0x2B5, 0x3B5, 0x4B5, 0x5B5, 0x6B5, 0x7B5, 0x8B5, 0x9B5, 0xAB5, 0xBB5, 0xCB5, 0xDB5, 0xEB5, 0xFB5: RXFP Receive Maximum Length Error Frame Counter LSB ...................................................................... 267 :50 :36 Register 0x0B6, 0x1B6, 0x2B6, 0x3B6, 0x4B6, 0x5B6, 0x6B6, 0x7B6, 0x8B6, 0x9B6, 0xAB6, 0xBB6, 0xCB6, 0xDB6, 0xEB6, 0xFB6: RXFP Receive Maximum Length Error Frame Counter MSB ..................................................................... 267 02 11 Register 0x0C0, 0x1C0, 0x2C0, 0x3C0, 0x4C0, 0x5C0, 0x6C0, 0x7C0, 0x8C0, 0x9C0, 0xAC0, 0xBC0, 0xCC0, 0xDC0, 0xEC0, 0xFC0: TXFP Interrupt Enable/Status...................................................................................................................... 268 tem be r, 20 Register 0x0C1, 0x1C1, 0x2C1, 0x3C1, 0x4C1, 0x5C1, 0x6C1, 0x7C1, 0x8C1, 0x9C1, 0xAC1, 0xBC1, 0xCC1, 0xDC1, 0xEC1, 0xFC1: TXFP Configuration....................................................................................................................... 269 Register 0x0C2, 0x1C2, 0x2C2, 0x3C2, 0x4C2, 0x5C2, 0x6C2, 0x7C2, 0x8C2, 0x9C2, 0xAC2, 0xBC2, 0xCC2, 0xDC2, 0xEC2, 0xFC2: TXFP Control ............................ 271 9S ep Register 0x0C5, 0x1C5, 0x2C5, 0x3C5, 0x4C5, 0x5C5, 0x6C5, 0x7C5, 0x8C5, 0x9C5, 0xAC5, 0xBC5, 0xCC5, 0xDC5, 0xEC5, 0xFC5: TXFP Transmit Byte Count LSB .................................................................................................................. 273 rsd ay ,1 Register 0x0C6, 0x1C6, 0x2C6, 0x3C6, 0x4C6, 0x5C6, 0x6C6, 0x7C6, 0x8C6, 0x9C6, 0xAC6, 0xBC6, 0xCC6, 0xDC6, 0xEC6, 0xFC6: TXFP Transmit Byte Count .......................................................................................................................... 273 nT hu Register 0x0C7, 0x1C7, 0x2C7, 0x3C7, 0x4C7, 0x5C7, 0x6C7, 0x7C7, 0x8C7, 0x9C7, 0xAC7, 0xBC7, 0xCC7, 0xDC7, 0xEC7, 0xFC7: TXFP Transmit Byte Count .......................................................................................................................... 274 ett io Register 0x0C8, 0x1C8, 0x2C8, 0x3C8, 0x4C8, 0x5C8, 0x6C8, 0x7C8, 0x8C8, 0x9C8, 0xAC8, 0xBC8, 0xCC8, 0xDC8, 0xEC8, 0xFC8: TXFP Transmit Byte Count MSB ................................................................................................................. 274 uo fo liv Register 0x0C9, 0x1C9, 0x2C9, 0x3C9, 0x4C9, 0x5C9, 0x6C9, 0x7C9, 0x8C9, 0x9C9, 0xAC9, 0xBC9, 0xCC9, 0xDC9, 0xEC9, 0xFC9: TXFP Transmit Frame Count LSB ............................................................................................................... 275 inv ef Register 0x0CA, 0x1CA, 0x2CA, 0x3CA, 0x4CA, 0x5CA, 0x6CA, 0x7CA, 0x8CA, 0x9CA, 0xACA, 0xBCA, 0xCCA, 0xDCA, 0xECA, 0xFCA: TXFP Transmit Frame Count ........................................................................................................ 275 db yV Register 0x0CB, 0x1CB, 0x2CB, 0x3CB, 0x4CB, 0x5CB, 0x6CB, 0x7CB, 0x8CB, 0x9CB, 0xACB, 0xBCB, 0xCCB, 0xDCB, 0xECB, 0xFCB: TXFP Transmit Frame Count MSB ............................................................................................... 276 Do wn loa de Register 0x0CC, 0x1CC, 0x2CC, 0x3CC, 0x4CC, 0x5CC, 0x6CC, 0x7CC, 0x8CC, 0x9CC, 0xACC, 0xBCC, 0xCCC, 0xDCC, 0xECC, 0xFCC: TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count LSB.......................................................................... 277 Register 0x0CD, 0x1CD, 0x2CD, 0x3CD, 0x4CD, 0x5CD, 0x6CD, 0x7CD, 0x8CD, 0x9CD, 0xACD, 0xBCD, 0xCCD, 0xDCD, 0xECD, 0xFCD: TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count MSB......................................................................... 277 Register 0x0CE, 0x1CE, 0x2CE, 0x3CE, 0x4CE, 0x5CE, 0x6CE, 0x7CE, 0x8CE, 0x9CE, 0xACE, 0xBCE, 0xCCE, 0xDCE, 0xECE, 0xFCE: TXFP Transmit Underrun/Error Aborted Frame Count LSB ......................................................... 279 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 17 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x0CF, 0x1CF, 0x2CF, 0x3CF, 0x4CF, 0x5CF, 0x6CF, 0x7CF, 0x8CF, 0x9CF, 0xACF, 0xBCF, 0xCCF, 0xDCF, 0xECF, 0xFCF: TXFP Transmit Underrun/Error Aborted Frame Count MSB ....................................................................... 279 :50 :36 Register 0x0D0, 0x1D0, 0x2D0, 0x3D0, 0x4D0, 0x5D0, 0x6D0, 0x7D0, 0x8D0, 0x9D0, 0xAD0, 0xBD0, 0xCD0, 0xDD0, 0xED0, 0xFD0: WANS Configuration....................................................................................................................... 280 02 11 Register 0x0D1, 0x1D1, 0x2D1, 0x3D1, 0x4D1, 0x5D1, 0x6D1, 0x7D1, 0x8D1, 0x9D1, 0xAD1, 0xBD1, 0xCD1, 0xDD1, 0xED1, 0xFD1: WANS Interrupt and Status ........................................................................................................................... 281 tem be r, 20 Register 0x0D2, 0x1D2, 0x2D2, 0x3D2, 0x4D2, 0x5D2, 0x6D2, 0x7D2, 0x8D2, 0x9D2, 0xAD2, 0xBD2, 0xCD2, 0xDD2, 0xED2, 0xFD2: WANS Phase Word LSB............................................................................................................................ 282 ep Register 0x0D3, 0x1D3, 0x2D3, 0x3D3, 0x4D3, 0x5D3, 0x6D3, 0x7D3, 0x8D3, 0x9D3, 0xAD3, 0xBD3, 0xCD3, 0xDD3, 0xED3, 0xFD3: WANS Phase Word.................................................................................................................................... 282 ,1 9S Register 0x0D4, 0x1D4, 0x2D4, 0x3D4, 0x4D4, 0x5D4, 0x6D4, 0x7D4, 0x8D4, 0x9D4, 0xAD4, 0xBD4, 0xCD4, 0xDD4, 0xED4, 0xFD4: WANS Phase Word.................................................................................................................................... 283 rsd ay Register 0x0D5, 0x1D5, 0x2D5, 0x3D5, 0x4D5, 0x5D5, 0x6D5, 0x7D5, 0x8D5, 0x9D5, 0xAD5, 0xBD5, 0xCD5, 0xDD5, 0xED5, 0xFD5: WANS Phase Word MSB........................................................................................................................... 283 io nT hu Register 0x0D9, 0x1D9, 0x2D9, 0x3D9, 0x4D9, 0x5D9, 0x6D9, 0x7D9, 0x8D9, 0x9D9, 0xAD9, 0xBD9, 0xCD9, 0xDD9, 0xED9, 0xFD9: WANS Reference Period LSB .......................................................................................................................... 284 liv ett Register 0x0DA, 0x1DA, 0x2DA, 0x3DA, 0x4DA, 0x5DA, 0x6DA, 0x7DA, 0x8DA, 0x9DA, 0xADA, 0xBDA, 0xCDA, 0xDDA, 0xEDA, 0xFDA: WANS Reference Period MSB ....................................................................................................... 284 uo fo Register 0x0DB, 0x1DB, 0x2DB, 0x3DB, 0x4DB, 0x5DB, 0x6DB, 0x7DB, 0x8DB, 0x9DB, 0xADB, 0xBDB, 0xCDB, 0xDDB, 0xEDB, 0xFDB: WANS Phase Counter Period LSB................................................................................................. 285 yV inv ef Register 0x0DC, 0x1DC, 0x2DC, 0x3DC, 0x4DC, 0x5DC, 0x6DC, 0x7DC, 0x8DC, 0x9DC, 0xADC, 0xBDC, 0xCDC, 0xDDC, 0xEDC, 0xFDC: WANS Phase Counter Period MSB................................................................................................ 285 Do wn loa de db Register 0x0DD, 0x1DD, 0x2DD, 0x3DD, 0x4DD, 0x5DD, 0x6DD, 0x7DD, 0x8DD, 0x9DD, 0xADD, 0xBDD, 0xCDD, 0xDDD, 0xEDD, 0xFDD: WANS Phase Average Period ........................................................................................................ 286 Register 0x0E0, 0x1E0, 0x2E0, 0x3E0, 0x4E0, 0x5E0, 0x6E0, 0x7E0, 0x8E0, 0x9E0, 0xAE0, 0xBE0, 0xCE0, 0xDE0, 0xEE0, 0xFE0: RASE Interrupt Enable ................................................................................................................................. 287 Register 0x0E1, 0x1E1, 0x2E1, 0x3E1, 0x4E1, 0x5E1, 0x6E1, 0x7E1, 0x8E1, 0x9E1, 0xAE1, 0xBE1, 0xCE1, 0xDE1, 0xEE1, 0xFE1: RASE Interrupt Status .................................................................................................................................. 288 Register 0x0E2, 0x1E2, 0x2E2, 0x3E2, 0x4E2, 0x5E2, 0x6E2, 0x7E2, 0x8E2, 0x9E2, 0xAE2, 0xBE2, 0xCE2, 0xDE2, 0xEE2, 0xFE2: RASE Configuration/Control .......................................................................................................... 290 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 18 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x0E3, 0x1E3, 0x2E3, 0x3E3, 0x4E3, 0x5E3, 0x6E3, 0x7E3, 0x8E3, 0x9E3, 0xAE3, 0xBE3, 0xCE3, 0xDE3, 0xEE3, 0xFE3: RASE SF Accumulation Period LSB ................................................................................................... 292 :50 :36 Register 0x0E4, 0x1E4, 0x2E4, 0x3E4, 0x4E4, 0x5E4, 0x6E4, 0x7E4, 0x8E4, 0x9E4, 0xAE4, 0xBE4, 0xCE4, 0xDE4, 0xEE4, 0xFE4: RASE SF Accumulation Period ........................................................................................................... 292 02 11 Register 0x0E5, 0x1E5, 0x2E5, 0x3E5, 0x4E5, 0x5E5, 0x6E5, 0x7E5, 0x8E5, 0x9E5, 0xAE5, 0xBE5, 0xCE5, 0xDE5, 0xEE5, 0xFE5: RASE SF Accumulation Period MSB .................................................................................................. 293 tem be r, 20 Register 0x0E6, 0x1E6, 0x2E6, 0x3E6, 0x4E6, 0x5E6, 0x6E6, 0x7E6, 0x8E6, 0x9E6, 0xAE6, 0xBE6, 0xCE6, 0xDE6, 0xEE6, 0xFE6: RASE SF Saturation Threshold LSB................................................................................................... 294 ep Register 0x0E7, 0x1E7, 0x2E7, 0x3E7, 0x4E7, 0x5E7, 0x6E7, 0x7E7, 0x8E7, 0x9E7, 0xAE7, 0xBE7, 0xCE7, 0xDE7, 0xEE7, 0xFE7: RASE SF Saturation Threshold MSB.................................................................................................. 294 ,1 9S Register 0x0E8, 0x1E8, 0x2E8, 0x3E8, 0x4E8, 0x5E8, 0x6E8, 0x7E8, 0x8E8, 0x9E8, 0xAE8, 0xBE8, 0xCE8, 0xDE8, 0xEE8, 0xFE8: RASE SF Declaring Threshold LSB .................................................................................................................... 295 rsd ay Register 0x0E9, 0x1E9, 0x2E9, 0x3E9, 0x4E9, 0x5E9, 0x6E9, 0x7E9, 0x8E9, 0x9E9, 0xAE9, 0xBE9, 0xCE9, 0xDE9, 0xEE9, 0xFE9: RASE SF Declaring Threshold MSB ................................................................................................................... 295 io nT hu Register 0x0EA, 0x1EA, 0x2EA, 0x3EA, 0x4EA, 0x5EA, 0x6EA, 0x7EA, 0x8EA, 0x9EA, 0xAEA, 0xBEA, 0xCEA, 0xDEA, 0xEEA, 0xFEA: RASE SF Clearing Threshold LSB...................................................................................................... 296 liv ett Register 0x0EB, 0x1EB, 0x2EB, 0x3EB, 0x4EB, 0x5EB, 0x6EB, 0x7EB, 0x8EB, 0x9EB, 0xAEB, 0xBEB, 0xCEB, 0xDEB, 0xEEB, 0xFEB: RASE SF Clearing Threshold MSB..................................................................................................... 296 uo fo Register 0x0EC, 0x1EC, 0x2EC, 0x3EC, 0x4EC, 0x5EC, 0x6EC, 0x7EC, 0x8EC, 0x9EC, 0xAEC, 0xBEC, 0xCEC, 0xDEC, 0xEEC, 0xFEC: RASE SD Accumulation Period LSB ............................................................................................. 297 yV inv ef Register 0x0ED, 0x1ED, 0x2ED, 0x3ED, 0x4ED, 0x5ED, 0x6ED, 0x7ED, 0x8ED, 0x9ED, 0xAED, 0xBED, 0xCED, 0xDED, 0xEED, 0xFED: RASE SD Accumulation Period ..................................................................................................... 297 Do wn loa de db Register 0x0EE, 0x1EE, 0x2EE, 0x3EE, 0x4EE, 0x5EE, 0x6EE, 0x7EE, 0x8EE, 0x9EE, 0xAEE, 0xBEE, 0xCEE, 0xDEE, 0xEEE, 0xFEE: RASE SD Accumulation Period MSB .................................................................................................. 298 Register 0x0EF, 0x1EF, 0x2EF, 0x3EF, 0x4EF, 0x5EF, 0x6EF, 0x7EF, 0x8EF, 0x9EF, 0xAEF, 0xBEF, 0xCEF, 0xDEF, 0xEEF, 0xFEF: RASE SD Saturation Threshold LSB................................................................................................... 299 Register 0x0F0, 0x1F0, 0x2F0, 0x3F0, 0x4F0, 0x5F0, 0x6F0, 0x7F0, 0x8F0, 0x9F0, 0xAF0, 0xBF0, 0xCF0, 0xDF0, 0xEF0, 0xFF0: RASE SD Saturation Threshold MSB ................................................................................................................... 299 Register 0x0F1, 0x1F1, 0x2F1, 0x3F1, 0x4F1, 0x5F1, 0x6F1, 0x7F1, 0x8F1, 0x9F1, 0xAF1, 0xBF1, 0xCF1, 0xDF1, 0xEF1, 0xFF1: RASE SD Declaring Threshold LSB .................................................................................................................... 300 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 19 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x0F2, 0x1F2, 0x2F2, 0x3F2, 0x4F2, 0x5F2, 0x6F2, 0x7F2, 0x8F2, 0x9F2, 0xAF2, 0xBF2, 0xCF2, 0xDF2, 0xEF2, 0xFF2: RASE SD Declaring Threshold MSB ................................................................................................................... 300 :50 :36 Register 0x0F3, 0x1F3, 0x2F3, 0x3F3, 0x4F3, 0x5F3, 0x6F3, 0x7F3, 0x8F3, 0x9F3, 0xAF3, 0xBF3, 0xCF3, 0xDF3, 0xEF3, 0xFF3: RASE SD Clearing Threshold LSB .................................................................................................................... 301 02 11 Register 0x0F4, 0x1F4, 0x2F4, 0x3F4, 0x4F4, 0x5F4, 0x6F4, 0x7F4, 0x8F4, 0x9F4, 0xAF4, 0xBF4, 0xCF4, 0xDF4, 0xEF4, 0xFF4: RASE SD Clearing Threshold MSB ................................................................................................................... 301 r, 20 Register 0x0F5, 0x1F5, 0x2F5, 0x3F5, 0x4F5, 0x5F5, 0x6F5, 0x7F5, 0x8F5, 0x9F5, 0xAF5, 0xBF5, 0xCF5, 0xDF5, 0xEF5, 0xFF5: RASE Receive K1........................ 302 tem be Register 0x0F6, 0x1F6, 0x2F6, 0x3F6, 0x4F6, 0x5F6, 0x6F6, 0x7F6, 0x8F6, 0x9F6, 0xAF6, 0xBF6, 0xCF6, 0xDF6, 0xEF6, 0xFF6: RASE Receive K2........................ 303 9S ep Register 0x0F7, 0x1F7, 0x2F7, 0x3F7, 0x4F7, 0x5F7, 0x6F7, 0x7F7, 0x8F7, 0x9F7, 0xAF7, 0xBF7, 0xCF7, 0xDF7, 0xEF7, 0xFF7: RASE Receive Z1/S1................................................................................................................................... 304 ay ,1 Register 0x0FC, 0x1FC, 0x2FC, 0x3FC, 0x4FC, 0x5FC, 0x6FC, 0x7FC, 0x8FC, 0x9FC, 0xAFC, 0xBFC, 0xCFC, 0xDFC, 0xEFC, 0xFFC: Channel Concatenation Status and Enable ...................................................................................... 305 hu rsd Register 0x0FD, 0x1FD, 0x2FD, 0x3FD, 0x4FD, 0x5FD, 0x6FD, 0x7FD, 0x8FD, 0x9FD, 0xAFD, 0xBFD, 0xCFD, 0xDFD, 0xEFD, 0xFFD: Channel Concatenation Interrupt Status ........................................................................................... 306 ett io nT Register 0x0FE, 0x1FE, 0x2FE, 0x3FE, 0x4FE, 0x5FE, 0x6FE, 0x7FE, 0x8FE, 0x9FE, 0xAFE, 0xBFE, 0xCFE, 0xDFE, 0xEFE, 0xFFE: Channel Serial Interface Configuration........................................................................................................ 307 fo liv Register 0x0FF, 0x1FF, 0x2FF, 0x3FF, 0x4FF, 0x5FF, 0x6FF, 0x7FF, 0x8FF, 0x9FF, 0xAFF, 0xBFF, 0xCFF, 0xDFF, 0xEFF, 0xFFF: Channel Clock Monitors .............................................................................................................................. 308 uo Register 0x1000: S/UNI-16x155 Clock Source Configuration.................................................. 309 ef Register 0x1001: S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #1 ........................................... 310 inv Register 0x1002: S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #2 ........................................... 310 yV Register 0x1004: APS Configuration and Status ..................................................................... 311 db Register 0x1005: APS FIFO Configuration and Status ............................................................ 313 Do wn loa de Register 0x1006: APS Interrupt Status #1 ............................................................................... 314 Register 0x1008: APS Reset Control ....................................................................................... 315 Register 0x1010: TUL3 Interface Configuration....................................................................... 316 Register 0x1011: TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable 1 ................................................................... 318 Register 0x1012: TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable 2 ................................................................... 321 Register 0x1013: TUL3 ATM Level 3 FIFO Configuration ....................................................... 322 Register 0x1014: TUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label .................................................................. 323 Register 0x1015: TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO Low Water Mark................................................... 324 Register 0x1016: TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO High Water Mark.................................................. 325 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 20 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Register 0x1017: TUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label .................................................................. 326 PM Register 0x1019: TUL3 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration .................................... 327 :36 Register 0x101A: TUL3 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration.................................... 328 :50 Register 0x101B: TUL3 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration.................................. 329 11 Register 0x101C: TUL3 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration.................................. 330 Register 0x1020: RUL3 Interface Configuration ....................................................................... 331 02 Register 0x1021: RUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable ...................................................................... 333 20 Register 0x1022: RUL3 ATM Level 3 FIFO Configuration ....................................................... 334 tem be r, Register 0x1023: RUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label.................................................................. 335 Register 0x1024: RUL3 POS Level 3 Configuration ................................................................ 336 Register 0x1025: RUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label.................................................................. 337 ep Register 0x1026: RUL3 POS Level 3 Transfer Size ................................................................ 338 9S Register 0x1028: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration ....................... 339 ,1 Register 0x1029: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration ....................... 340 ay Register 0x102A: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration..................... 341 rsd Register 0x102B: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration..................... 342 hu Register 0x1030: DLL TUL3 Configuration .............................................................................. 343 nT Register 0x1032: DLL TUL3 Reset .......................................................................................... 344 io Register 0x1033: DLL TUL3 Control Status ............................................................................. 345 ett Register 0x1034: DLL RUL3 Configuration .............................................................................. 346 liv Register 0x1036: DLL RUL3 Reset .......................................................................................... 347 uo fo Register 0x1037: DLL RUL3 Control Status ............................................................................ 348 Register 0x1038, 0x103C, 0x1040, 0x1044: TAOP Link #0 to #3 Control............................... 349 ef Register 0x1039, 0x103D, 0x1041, 0x1045: TAOP Link #0 to #3 Diagnostic ......................... 350 yV inv Register 0x1048, 0x104C, 0x1050, 0x1054: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Control/Interrupt Enable...................................................................................................... 351 db Register 0x1049, 0x104D, 0x1051, 0x1055: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Status/Interrupt Status ........................................................................................................ 353 Do wn loa de Register 0x104A, 0x104E, 0x1052, 0x1056: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Section BIP-8 LSB ..................................................................................................................................... 355 Register 0x104B, 0x104F, 0x1053, 0x1057: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Section BIP-8 MSB .................................................................................................................................... 355 Register 0x1058, 0x105C, 0x1060, 0x1064: RAPS Link #0 to #3 Configuration ..................... 356 Register 0x1059, 0x105D, 0x1061, 0x1065: RAPS Link #0 to #3 Status ................................ 358 Register 0x1100: CSPI Clock Synthesis Configuration............................................................ 360 Register 0x1101: CSPI Clock Synthesis Status ....................................................................... 361 Register 0x1103: CSPI Reserved ............................................................................................ 362 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 21 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Register 0x1104, 0x1107, 0x110A, 0x110D, 0x1110, 0x1113, 0x1116, 0x1119, 0x111C, 0x111F, 0x1122, 0x1125, 0x1128, 0x112B, 0x112E, 0x1131: Channel #0 to #15 Receive Connect Select ....................................................................... 363 :50 :36 Register 0x1105, 0x1108, 0x110B, 0x110E, 0x1111, 0x1114, 0x1117, 0x111A, 0x111D, 0x1120, 0x1123, 0x1126, 0x1129, 0x112C, 0x112F, 0x1132: Channel #0 to #15 Transmit Connect Select ...................................................................... 364 02 11 Register 0x1106, 0x1109, 0x110C, 0x110F, 0x1112, 0x1115, 0x1118, 0x111B, 0x111E, 0x1121, 0x1124, 0x1127, 0x112A, 0x112D, 0x1130, 0x1133: Channel #0 to #15 Connect Control .................................................................................. 365 tem be r, 20 Register 0x1140, 0x114C, 0x1158, 0x1164, 0x1170, 0x117C, 0x1188, 0x1194, 0x11A0, 0x11AC, 0x11B8, 0x11C4, 0x11D0, 0x11DC, 0x11E8, 0x11F4: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Configuration .............................................................................. 367 ep Register 0x1141, 0x114D, 0x1159, 0x1165, 0x1171, 0x117D, 0x1189, 0x1195, 0x11A1, 0x11AD, 0x11B9, 0x11C5, 0x11D1, 0x11DD, 0x11E9, 0x11F5: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Control and Interrupt Status ....................................................... 369 ,1 9S Register 0x1142, 0x114E, 0x115A, 0x1166, 0x1172, 0x117E, 0x118A, 0x1196, 0x11A2, 0x11AE, 0x11BA, 0x11C6, 0x11D2, 0x11DE, 0x11EA, 0x11F6: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Alarm and Diagnostic Control .................................................... 370 ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay Register 0x1145, 0x1149: STAL Channel #0 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1151, 0x1155: STAL Channel #1 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x115D, 0x1161: STAL Channel #2 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1169, 0x116D: STAL Channel #3 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1175, 0x1179: STAL Channel #4 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1181, 0x1185: STAL Channel #5 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x118D, 0x1191: STAL Channel #6 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1199, 0x119D: STAL Channel #7 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11A5, 0x11A9: STAL Channel #8 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11B1, 0x11B5: STAL Channel #9 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11BD, 0x11C1: STAL Channel #10 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11C9, 0x11CD: STAL Channel #11 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11D5, 0x11D9: STAL Channel #12 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11E1, 0x11E5: STAL Channel #13 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11ED, 0x11F1: STAL Channel #14 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11F9, 0x11FD: STAL Channel #15 Slave #0, #1 Control and Interrupt Status .................................................... 373 Do wn loa de db yV inv Register 0x1146, 0x114A: STAL Channel #0 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1152, 0x1156: STAL Channel #1 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x115E, 0x1162: STAL Channel #2 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x116A, 0x116E: STAL Channel #3 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1176, 0x117A: STAL Channel #4 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1182, 0x1186: STAL Channel #5 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x118E, 0x1192: STAL Channel #6 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x119A, 0x119E: STAL Channel #7 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11A6, 0x11AA: STAL Channel #8 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11B2, 0x11B6: STAL Channel #9 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11BE, 0x11C2: STAL Channel #10 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11CA, 0x11CE: STAL Channel #11 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11D6, 0x11DA: STAL Channel #12 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11E2, 0x11E6: STAL Channel #13 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11EE, 0x11F2: STAL Channel #14 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11FA, 0x11FE: STAL Channel #15 Slave #0, #1 Alarm and Diagnostic Control ................................................. 375 Register 0x2000: Master Test Register.................................................................................... 377 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 22 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM List of Figures :36 Figure 1 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 ATM Switch Port Application ................................................. 37 :50 Figure 2 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 Packet over SONET/SDH Application ................................... 38 Figure 3 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 S/UNI-16x155 Jitter Tolerance .............................................. 69 11 Figure 4 Pointer Interpretation State Diagram .......................................................................... 74 02 Figure 5 Cell Delineation State Diagram ................................................................................... 78 20 Figure 6 Packet Over SONET/SDH Frame Format .................................................................. 80 r, Figure 7 CRC Decoder .............................................................................................................. 81 tem be Figure 8 Packet Over SONET/SDH Frame Format .................................................................. 86 Figure 9 CRC Generator ........................................................................................................... 87 ep Figure 10 WANS PLL Block Diagram........................................................................................ 91 9S Figure 11 Input Observation Cell (IN_CELL) .......................................................................... 385 ,1 Figure 12 Output Cell (OUT_CELL) ........................................................................................ 386 ay Figure 13 Bidirectional Cell (IO_CELL) ................................................................................... 386 rsd Figure 14 Layout of Output Enable and Bidirectional Cells..................................................... 387 hu Figure 15 ATM Mapping into the STS-3c/STM-1 SPE............................................................ 388 nT Figure 16 POS Mapping into the STS-3c/STM-1 SPE............................................................ 388 io Figure 17 APS Mapping into the STS-12/STM-4 SPE ............................................................ 389 ett Figure 18 STS-3c/STM-1 Overhead........................................................................................ 390 liv Figure 19 32-bit Wide, 52 Byte ATM Cell Structure ................................................................ 393 fo Figure 20 32-bit wide, 56 Byte ATM Cell Structure ................................................................. 393 uo Figure 21 32-bit wide, 109 Byte Packet Data Structure .......................................................... 394 ef Figure 22 Clocking Structure................................................................................................... 399 inv Figure 23 Line Loopback Mode............................................................................................... 401 yV Figure 24 Serial Diagnostic Loopback Mode .......................................................................... 402 db Figure 25 Parallel Diagnostic Loopback Mode........................................................................ 402 Do wn loa de Figure 26 Path Diagnostic Loopback Mode ............................................................................ 403 Figure 27 Data Diagnostic Loopback Mode ............................................................................ 403 Figure 28 Channel APS Structure ........................................................................................... 404 Figure 29 Transmit APS Link .................................................................................................. 405 Figure 30 Receive APS Link ................................................................................................... 405 Figure 31 Boundary Scan Architecture ................................................................................... 408 Figure 32 TAP Controller Finite State Machine....................................................................... 409 Figure 33 Power Supply Filtering and Decoupling .................................................................. 413 Figure 34 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 Line PECL Pins to 3.3V Devices ................................... 415 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 23 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Figure 35 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 Line PECL Pins to 5.0V Devices ................................... 415 PM Figure 36 ECL Bias Voltage Generator Networks................................................................... 416 :36 Figure 37 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 5.0V Devices................................... 417 :50 Figure 38 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 3.3V Devices................................... 417 11 Figure 39 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 5.0V ECL Buffer.............................. 417 Figure 40 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing ............................................... 419 02 Figure 41 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing ................................................ 420 20 Figure 42 Transmit POS Level 3 System Interface Timing ..................................................... 421 tem be r, Figure 43 Receive POS Level 3 System Interface Timing ...................................................... 422 Figure 44 Transmit Line Data Link Clock and Data Insertion.................................................. 423 Figure 45 Transmit Section Data Link Clock and Data Insertion ............................................ 423 ep Figure 46 Receive Line Data Link Clock and Data Extraction ................................................ 424 9S Figure 47 Receive Section Data Link Clock and Data Extraction ........................................... 424 ,1 Figure 48 Microprocessor Interface Read Timing ................................................................... 429 ay Figure 49 Microprocessor Interface Write Timing ................................................................... 430 rsd Figure 50 RSTB Timing Diagram ............................................................................................ 432 hu Figure 51 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing Diagram ................................ 433 nT Figure 52 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing Diagram ................................. 434 io Figure 53 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing ............................................ 436 ett Figure 54 Receive POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing ............................................. 438 liv Figure 55 Transmit DCC Interface Timing............................................................................... 439 uo fo Figure 56 Receive DCC Interface Timing................................................................................ 440 Figure 57 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing................................................................ 441 ef Figure 58 Input APS Port Jitter Tolerance............................................................................... 443 inv Figure 59 JTAG Port Interface Timing..................................................................................... 444 Do wn loa de db yV Figure 60 Mechanical Drawing 520 in Super Ball Grid Array (SBGA) ................................... 446 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 24 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM List of Tables :36 Table 1 Pointer Interpreter Event (Indications) Description ...................................................... 75 :50 Table 2 Pointer Interpreter Transition Description .................................................................... 75 Table 3 HDLC Byte Sequences ................................................................................................ 80 11 Table 4 HDLC Byte Sequences ................................................................................................ 87 02 Table 5 Path Signal Label Mismatch Mechanism ..................................................................... 89 20 Table 6 Path Signal Label Mismatch Mechanism ..................................................................... 89 r, Table 7 Top Level Register Memory Map ............................................................................... 100 tem be Table 8 Per Channel Register Memory Map ........................................................................... 101 Table 9 System and APS Interface Register Memory Map..................................................... 108 ep Table 10 APS Cross Connect and Aligner .............................................................................. 110 9S Table 11 Receive Initiation Level Values ................................................................................ 259 ,1 Table 12 Transmit Initiation Level Values ............................................................................... 271 ay Table 13 Inter Packet Gaping Values...................................................................................... 272 rsd Table 14 Test Mode Register Memory Map ............................................................................ 376 hu Table 15 Instruction Register (Length - 3 bits) ........................................................................ 379 nT Table 16 S/UNI-16x155 Identification Register ....................................................................... 379 io Table 17 S/UNI-16x155 Boundary Scan Register................................................................... 379 ett Table 18 Settings for SONET or SDH Operation .................................................................... 397 liv Table 19 Recommended BERM settings ................................................................................ 398 fo Table 20 Path RDI and Extended RDI Register Settings........................................................ 398 uo Table 21 Channel Swizzle Configuration ................................................................................ 406 ef Table 22 1+1 APS Configuration............................................................................................. 407 inv Table 23 1:8 APS Configuration.............................................................................................. 407 yV Table 24 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................................................................... 425 db Table 25 D.C Characteristics .................................................................................................. 426 Do wn loa de Table 26 Power Requirements ................................................................................................ 428 Table 27 Microprocessor Interface Read Access (Figure 48)................................................. 429 Table 28 Microprocessor Interface Write Access (Figure 49) ................................................. 430 Table 29 RSTB Timing (Figure 50) ......................................................................................... 432 Table 30 OC-3 Interface Timing .............................................................................................. 432 Table 31 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 51).............................. 433 Table 32 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 52)............................... 434 Table 33 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 53)........................... 435 Table 34 Receive POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 54)............................ 437 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 25 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 35 Transmit DCC Interface Timing (Figure 55) ............................................................. 439 PM Table 36 Receive DCC Interface Timing (Figure 56) .............................................................. 440 :36 Table 37 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing (Figure 57) .............................................. 441 :50 Table 38 APS Interface Timing (Figure 58).............................................................................. 442 11 Table 39 JTAG Port Interface (Figure 59) ............................................................................... 444 Table 40 Outside Plant Thermal Information .......................................................................... 445 3 02 Table 41 Device Compact Model ........................................................................................... 445 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 Table 42 Heat Sink Requirements .......................................................................................... 445 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 26 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Definitions PM 1 Definition AIS Alarm Indication Signal APS Automatic Protection Switching ASSP Application Specific Standard Product BIP Byte Interleaved Parity 02 Bit Error Rate 20 Asynchronous Transfer Mode BER tem be r, ATM 11 :50 Term Common Bus Interface CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRSI CRU and Serial-In Parallel-Out CRU Clock Recovery Unit CSPI CSU and Parallel-In Serial-Out CSU Clock Synthesis Unit rsd ay ,1 9S ep CBI Data Communication Channel DRU Data Recovery Unit ECL Emitter Controlled Logic ERDI Enhanced Remote Defect Indication io nT hu DCC Electrostatic Discharge FCS Frame Check Sequence FEBE Far-End Block Error also referred to as REI fo liv ett ESD First-In First-Out GFC Generic Flow Control HCS Header Check Sequence ef uo FIFO High-level Data Link Layer inv HDLC yV LAN Do wn loa de LOH db LCD LOF :36 The following table defines the abbreviations for the S/UNI-16x155. Local Area Network Loss of Cell Delineation Loss of Frame Line Overhead LOP Loss of Pointer LOS Loss of Signal LOT Loss of Transition LAIS Line AIS also referred to as AIS-L LRDI Line RDI also referred to as RDI-L NC No Connect, indicates an unused pin NDF New Data Flag NNI Network-Network Interface ODL Optical Data Link Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 27 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Definition OOF Out of Frame PECL Pseudo-ECL PLL Phase-Locked Loop POS Packet Over SONET :50 :36 PM Term Point-to-Point Protocol PSL Path Signal Label PSLM Path Signal Label Mismatch RAPS Receive APS Interface RAOP Receive APS Overhead Processor RASE Receive APS, Synchronization Extractor and Bit Error Monitor RDI Remote Defect Indication RLOP Receive Line Overhead Processor RPOP Receive Path Overhead Processor RSOP Receive Section Overhead Processor RXCP Receive ATM Cell Processor RXFP Receive POS Frame Processor SBGA Super Ball Grid Array SD Signal Degrade (alarm), Signal Detect (pin) SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SF Signal Fail SOH Section Overhead SONET Synchronous Optical Network SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope SPTB SONET/SDH Path Trace Buffer SSTB SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer 20 9S ep tem be r, Trace Identifier Mismatch Trace Identifier Unstable inv TIU yV TAOP Do wn loa de db TLOP TPOP ,1 ay rsd hu nT io ett liv fo uo Transmit APS Interface TIM ef TAPS TOH 02 11 PPP Transmit APS Overhead Processor Transmit Line Overhead Processor Transport Overhead Transmit Path Overhead Processor TSOP Transmit Section Overhead Processor TXCP Transmit ATM Cell Processor TXFP Transmit POS Frame Processor UI Unit Interval UNI User-Network Interface VCI Virtual Connection Indicator VCXO Voltage Controlled Oscillator VPI Virtual Path Indicator Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 28 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Definition Wide Area Network XOR Exclusive OR logic operator Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 WAN PM Term Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 29 Features 2.1 General :36 2 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Single chip ATM and Packet over SONET/SDH 16-channel Physical Layer Device operating at 155.52 Mbit/s. · Implements the ATM Forum User Network Interface Specification and the ATM physical layer for Broadband ISDN according to ITU Recommendation I.432. · Implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over SONET/SDH specification according to RFC 2615 and RFC 1662. · Processes sixteen duplex bit-serial 155.52 Mbit/s STS-3c/STM-1 data streams with on-chip clock and data recovery and clock synthesis. · Complies with Bellcore GR-253-CORE (2000 Issue) jitter tolerance, jitter transfer (1995 Issue) and intrinsic jitter criteria. · Provides control circuitry required to comply with Bellcore GR-253-CORE WAN clocking requirements related to wander transfer, holdover and long term stability when using an external VCXO. · Provides UTOPIA Level 3 compatible 32-bit wide System Interface (clocked up to 104 MHz) with parity support for ATM applications. · Provides SATURN POS-PHY Level 3ä 32-bit System Interface (clocked up to 104 MHz) for Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) and ATM applications. · Provides support functions for 1+1 APS and 1:N operation. · Provides a standard 5 signal IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port for boundary scan board test purposes. · Provides a generic 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control, and status monitoring. · Low power 2.5/3.3 volt CMOS with 5 volt TTL compatible digital inputs outputs. PECL inputs and outputs are 3.3 volt and 5 volt compatible. · Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). · 520 pin Super BGA package. hu nT io ett liv fo uo ef inv yV db Do wn loa de 2.2 rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 · The SONET Receiver · Provides sixteen serial interfaces at 155.52 Mbit/s with clock and data recovery. · Frames to and de-scrambles the received STS-3c/STM-1 streams. · Interprets the received payload pointers (H1, H2) and extracts the STS-3c/STM-1 synchronous payload envelopes and path overheads. · Extracts the data communication channels (D1-D3, D4-D12) and serializes them at 192 kbit/s (D1-D3) and 576 kbit/s (D4-D12) for optional external processing. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 30 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Filters and captures the automatic protection switch channel (APS) bytes in readable registers and detects APS byte failure. · Captures and de-bounces each synchronization status (S1) nibble in a readable register. · Detects signal degrade (SD) and signal fail (SF) threshold crossing alarms based on received B2 errors. · Extracts the 16-byte or 64-byte section trace (J0/Z0) sequences and the 16-byte or 64-byte path trace (J1) sequences into internal register banks. · Detects loss of signal (LOS), out of frame (OOF), loss of frame (LOF), line alarm indication signal (AIS-L), line remote defect indication (RDI-L), loss of pointer (LOP), path alarm indication signal (AIS-P), path remote defect indication (RDI-P), path extended remote defect indicator (extended RDI-P). · Counts received section BIP-8 (B1) errors, received line BIP-24 (B2) errors, line remote error indicates (REI-L), received path BIP-8 (B3) errors and path remote error indications (REI-P) for performance monitoring purposes. ,1 The Receive ATM Processor Extracts ATM cells from the received STS-3c/STM-1 payload using ATM cell delineation. · Provides ATM cell payload de-scrambling. · Performs header check sequence (HCS) error detection , and idle/unassigned cell filtering. · Detects out of cell Delineation (OCD) and loss of cell delineation (LCD) alarms. · Counts number of received cells, idle cells, errored cells and dropped cells. · Provides a UTOPIA Level 3 compatible 32-bit wide datapath interface (clocked up to 104 MHz) with parity support to read extracted cells from an internal 64 ATM cell FIFO buffer (4 cells per channel). liv ett io nT hu rsd ay · ef The Receive POS Processor Supports packet based link layer protocols using byte synchronous HDLC framing like PPP, HDLC and Frame Relay. · Performs self-synchronous POS data de-scrambling on the received STS-3c/STM-1 payload using the x43+1 polynomial. · Performs flag sequence detection and terminates the received POS frames. · Performs frame check sequence (FCS) validation for CRC-16.ISO-3309 and CRC-32 polynomials. · Performs control escape de-stuffing of the HDLC stream. · Detects for packet abort sequence. · Checks for minimum and maximum packet lengths. Optionally deletes short packets and marks those exceeding the maximum length as errored. db yV inv · Do wn loa de 2.4 uo fo 2.3 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 PM · Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 31 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Provides a SATURN POS-PHY Level 3 compliant 32-bit datapath interface (clocked up to 104 MHz) with parity support to read packet data from a 4Kbyte FIFO buffer (256 bytes per channel). 2.7 :50 Synthesizes the 155.52 MHz transmit clock from a 77.76 MHz reference. · Provides sixteen differential PECL bit-serial interfaces at 155.52 Mbit/s. · Inserts register programmable path signal labels (C2). · Generates the transmit payload pointers (H1, H2) and inserts path overhead. · Optionally inserts the 16-byte or 64-byte section trace (J0/Z0) sequence and the 16-byte or 64-byte path trace (J1) sequence from internal register banks. · Optionally inserts externally generated data communication channels (D1-D3, D4-D12) via a 192 kbit/s (D1-D3) serial stream and a 576 kbit/s (D4-D12) serial stream. · Scrambles the transmitted STS-3c/STM-1 streams and inserts the framing bytes (A1, A2). · Optionally inserts register programmable APS bytes. · Provides support allowing two devices to implement 1+1 and 1:N APS. · Inserts path BIP-8 codes (B3), path remote error indications (REI-P), line BIP-24 codes (B2), line remote error indications (REI-L), and section BIP-8 codes (B1) to allow performance monitoring at the far end. · Allows forced insertion of all-zeros data (after scrambling) and the corruption of the section, line, or path BIP-8 codes for diagnostic purposes. · Inserts ATM cells or POS frames into the transmitted STS-3c/STM-1 payload. fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 · uo The Transmit ATM Processor Provides idle/unassigned cell insertion. · Provides HCS generation/insertion, and ATM cell payload scrambling. · Counts number of transmitted and idle cells. · Provides a UTOPIA Level 3 compatible 32-bit wide datapath interface (clocked up to 104 MHz) with parity support for writing cells into an internal 64 ATM cell FIFO buffer (4 cells per channel). yV inv ef · db 2.6 The SONET Transmitter Do wn loa de 2.5 :36 PM · The Transmit POS Processor · Supports any packet based link layer protocol using byte synchronous HDLC framing like PPP, HDLC and Frame Relay. · Performs self-synchronous POS data scrambling using the x43+1 polynomial. · Encapsulates packets within a POS frame. · Performs flag sequence insertion. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 32 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Performs byte stuffing for transparency processing. · Performs frame check sequence generation using the CRC-16.ISO-3309 and CRC-32 polynomials. · Aborts packets under the direction of the host or when the FIFO underflows. · Provides a SATURN POS-PHY Level 3 compliant 32-bit wide datapath (clocked up to 104 MHz) with parity support to an internal 4Kbyte FIFO buffer (256 bytes per channel). 11 :50 :36 PM · 20 02 The APS/Crossbar Support · Allows the four channels to be switched (crossbar) and/or bridged channels on the transmit direction at the SONET/SDH path level. · With one S/UNI-16x155 device, supports up to eight 1+1 APS interface or a single 1:8 APS interface. Supports channel aliasing at the path level. · With two S/UNI-16x155 devices, supports up to sixteen 1+1 APS interfaces or a various 1:N APS interfaces up to a single 1:16 APS interface. · Allows the sixteen channels to be switched (crossbar) on the receive direction at the SONET/SDH path level. · Provides four transmit differential PECL bit-serial interfaces at 622.08 Mbit/s to switched receive channels (crossbar) or source transmit channels (bridge) with a second S/UNI16x155 device at the SONET/SDH path level. · Provides four receive differential PECL bit-serial interface at 622.08 Mbit/s to switch receive channels (crossbar) or source transmit channels (bridge) with a second S/UNI16x155 device at the SONET/SDH path level. · Provides performance monitoring of bit errors across the four receive streams. liv fo Device Interworking uo 2.9 ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 2.8 ef Other PMC-Sierra devices that implement the POS-PHY Level 3 interface include: S/UNI 2488: SATURN User Network Interface for 2488 Mbit/s · S/UNI 4x622: Quad Channel OC-12c ATM and POS · S/UNI 2xGE: Dual Gigabit Ethernet Controller · S/UNI MACH48: Multi-Service Access Device for Channelized Interfaces · S/UNI ATLAS-3200 - 2.488G ATM Layer Solution Do wn loa de db yV inv · Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 33 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Applications WAN and Edge ATM switches. · LAN switches and hubs. · Packet switches and hubs. · Routers and Layer 3 Switches · Network Interface Cards and Uplinks 02 11 :50 :36 · Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 3 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 34 References ATM Forum. ATM User-Network Interface Specification, V3.1, October, 1995. · ATM Forum. UTOPIA, An ATM PHY Interface Specification, Level 2, Version 1, June, 1995. · Bell Communications Research - GR-253-CORE, SONET Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria, Issue 3, September 2000. · Bell Communications Research - GR-436-CORE, Digital Network Synchronization Plan, Issue 1 Revision 1, June 1996. · ETS 300 417-1-1, Generic Functional Requirements for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Equipment, January, 1996. · IETF Network Working Group - RFC-2615, Point to Point Protocol (PPP) over SONET/SDH Specification, May 1994. · IETF Network Working Group - RFC-1661, The Point to Point Protocol (PPP), July 1994. · IETF Network Working Group - RFC-1662, PPP in HDLC like framing, July 1994. · ITU-T Recommendation G.703, Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces, 1991. · ITU-T Recommendation G.704, General Aspects of Digital Transmission Systems; Terminal Equipment - Synchronous Frame Structures Used At 1544, 6312, 2048, 8488 and 44 736 kbit/s Hierarchical Levels, July, 1995. · ITU, Recommendation G.707, Network Node Interface For The Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, 1996. · ITU Recommendation G781, Structure of Recommendations on Equipment for the Synchronous Design Hierarchy (SDH), January 1994. · ITU, Recommendation G.783, Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Equipment Functional Blocks, 1996. · ITU Recommendation I.432, ISDN User Network Interfaces, March 93. · PMC-1971147, Saturn Compliant Interface for Packet over SONET Physical Layer and Link Layer Devices, Level 2, January 1998. · PMC-1980495, Saturn Compliant Interface for Packet over SONET Physical Layer and Link Layer Devices, Level 3, December 1998. · Electronic Industries Alliance 1999, Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental Conditions -Junction-to-Board: JESD51-8, October 1999. · Telcordia Technologies, Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Requirements: Physical Protection: Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements GR-63-CORE, Issue 1. October 1995. tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 · Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep 4 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 35 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Application Examples PM 5 11 :50 :36 The PM5382 S/UNI-16x155 is applicable to equipment implementing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) User-Network Interfaces (UNI), ATM Network-Network Interfaces (NNI), as well as Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) interfaces. The POS interface can support several packet based protocols, including the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). tem be r, 20 02 The S/UNI-16x155 may find application at either end of switch-to-switch links or switch-toterminal links, both in public network (WAN) and private network (LAN) situations. The S/UNI-16x155 provides a comprehensive feature set. The S/UNI-16x155 performs the mapping of either ATM cells or POS frames into the SONET/SDH STS-3c/STM-1 synchronous payload envelope (SPE) and processes applicable SONET/SDH section, line and path overheads for sixteen channels. ,1 9S ep In a typical STS-3c/STM-1 ATM application, the S/UNI-16x155 performs clock and data recovery in the receive direction and clock synthesis in the transmit direction of the line interface. hu rsd ay On the system side, the S/UNI-16x155 interfaces directly with ATM layer processors and switching or adaptation functions using an UTOPIA Level 3 32-bit (clocked up to 104 MHz) synchronous FIFO style interface. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT An application with a UTOPIA Level 3 system side is shown in Figure 1. The initial configuration and ongoing control and monitoring of the S/UNI-16x155 are normally provided via a generic microprocessor interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 36 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 1 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 ATM Switch Port Application UTOPIA Level 3 Interface TADR[1:0] TxClav TCA TxSOC TSOC TxPrty TPRTY TxData[31:0] :50 RXD[0]+/SD[0] TXD[0]+/- RxEnb RENB RxAdr[1:0] 9S RFCLK ep TDAT[31:0] RxClk RXD[15]+/- RADR[1:0] ,1 SD[15] RSOC RxPrty RPRTY TXD[15]+/- ay RCA Optical Transceiver #16 rsd RxClav RxSOC Optical Transceiver #1 tem be TxAdr[1:0] 11 TENB 02 TxEnb 20 TFCLK r, TxClk :36 PM5382 S/UNI-16x155 ATM Layer Device RDAT[31:0] nT hu RxData[31:0] uo fo liv ett io In a typical Packet over SONET/SDH application (i.e. using the PPP protocol) the S/UNI16x155 performs clock and data recovery in the receive direction and clock synthesis in the transmit direction of the line interface. On the system side, the S/UNI-16x155 interfaces directly with a data link layer processor using a SATURN POS-PHY Level 3 32-bit (clocked up to 104 MHz) synchronous FIFO interface over which packets are transferred. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef An application with a POS-PHY Level 3 interface is shown in Figure 2. The initial configuration and ongoing control and monitoring of the S/UNI-16x155 are normally provided via a generic microprocessor interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 37 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 2 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 Packet over SONET/SDH Application TENB TENB 11 TFCLK 02 TFCLK 20 TSX TSX TDAT[31:0] TMOD[1:0] TMOD[1:0] TEOP TEOP TERR TERR PTPA STPA STPA nT hu rsd PTPA RFCLK RFCLK RENB liv ett RSX fo RVAL ef uo RPRTY inv SD[15] TXD[15]+/- Optical Transceiver #16 RSX RVAL RPRTY RDAT[31:0] RSOP REOP RERR Do wn loa de db RERR RXD[15]+/- io RENB REOP ay TADR[1:0] TADR[1:0] RSOP TXD[0]+/- Optical Transceiver #1 9S TSOP SD[0] ,1 TSOP RXD[0]+/- ep TDAT[31:0] tem be r, TPRTY TPRTY RDAT[31:0] :50 PM5382 S/UNI-16x155 Link Layer Device yV :36 POS-PHY Level 3 Interface Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 38 SDTTL SPECLV AVS[8:0] AVD[8:0] QAVS QAVD ATB[1:0] REFCLK+/- SD[15:0] TCLK RXD[15:0]+/- TFPI Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx TxO/H Section Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor External APS Interface Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS Frame POS Frame Processor Processor Processor SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 Microprocessor Interface tem be ep 9S ,1 Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor ay rsd hu nT io Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect JTAG Test Access Port Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. ett liv Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor fo uo ef inv TDCC[15:0] Section/ Section/ Section/Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion Insertion Insertion TDCLK[15:0] TXD[15:0]+/- TFPO yV r, 20 UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface 02 11 :50 :36 RERR REOP RMOD[1:0] RDAT[31:0] RPRTY Block Diagram PM RSOC/RSOP RCA/RVAL RSX RADR[3:0] RENB RFCLK TERR TEOP TMOD[1:0] TDAT[31:0] TPRTY TSOC/TSOP STPA TCA/TPA TSX TADR[3:0] TENB TFCLK 6 db Do wn loa de S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released POS_ATMB INTB RSTB RDB WRB CSB ALE A[13:0] D[7:0] APSO[3:0]+/- APSI[3:0]+/- APECLV APREF0, APREF1 TCK TDI TMS TRSTB TDO RDCC[15:0] RDCLK[15:0] RCLK RFPO RALRM[15:0] 39 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 7 Description :50 :36 The PM5382 S/UNI-16x155 SATURN User Network Interface is a monolithic integrated circuit that implements SONET/SDH processing, ATM mapping and Packet over SONET/SDH mapping functions at the STS-3c/STM-1 155.52 Mbit/s rate for sixteen channels. tem be r, 20 02 11 The S/UNI-16x155 receives SONET/SDH streams using a bit serial interface, recovers the clock and data and processes section, line, and path overhead. The S/UNI-16x155 performs framing (A1, A2), de-scrambling, detects alarm conditions, and monitors section, line, and path bit interleaved parity (B1, B2, B3), accumulating error counts at each level for performance monitoring purposes. Line and path remote error indications (M1, G1) are also accumulated. The S/UNI-16x155 interprets the received payload pointers (H1, H2) and extracts the synchronous payload envelope which carries the received ATM cell or POS frame payload. rsd ay ,1 9S ep When used to implement an ATM UNI or NNI, the S/UNI-16x155 frames to the ATM payload using cell delineation. . The ATM cell payloads are descrambled and are written to a 64 cell (4 cells per channel) FIFO buffer. The received cells are read from the FIFO using a 32-bit wide UTOPIA Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) or 32-bit wide POS-PHY Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) system side interface. Counts of received ATM cell headers that are erred are accumulated for performance monitoring purposes. uo fo liv ett io nT hu When used to implement packet transmission over a SONET/SDH link, the S/UNI-16x155 extracts Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) frames from the SONET/SDH synchronous payload envelope. Frames are verified for correct construction and size. The control escape characters are removed. The frame check sequence is optionally verified for correctness and the extracted packets are placed in a 4 Kbyte (256 bytes per channel) receive FIFO. The received packets are read from the FIFO through a 32-bit POS-PHY Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) system side interface. Valid and FCS errored packet counts are provided for performance monitoring. The S/UNI-16x155 Packet over SONET/SDH implementation is flexible enough to support several link layer protocols, including HDLC, PPP and Frame Relay. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The S/UNI-16x155 synthesizes the transmit clock from a 77.76MHz frequency reference and performs framing pattern insertion (A1, A2), scrambling, alarm signal insertion, and creates section, line, and path bit interleaved parity codes (B1, B2, B3) as required to allow performance monitoring at the far end. Line and path remote error indications (M1, G1) are also inserted. The S/UNI-16x155 generates the payload pointer (H1, H2) and inserts the synchronous payload envelope that carries the ATM cell or POS frame payload. The S/UNI16x155 also supports the insertion of a large variety of errors into the transmit stream, such as framing pattern errors, bit interleaved parity errors, and illegal pointers, which are useful for system diagnostics and tester applications. When used to implement an ATM UNI or NNI, ATM cells are written to an internal 64 cell FIFO (4 cells per channel) using a 32-bit wide UTOPIA Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) or 32-bit width POS-PHY Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) system side interface. Idle/unassigned cells are automatically inserted when the internal FIFO contains less than one complete cell. The S/UNI-16x155 provides generation of the header check sequence and scrambles the payload of the ATM cells. Each of these transmit ATM cell processing functions can be enabled or bypassed. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 40 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :36 PM When used to implement a Packet over SONET/SDH link, the S/UNI-16x155 inserts POS frames into the SONET/SDH synchronous payload envelope. Packets to be transmitted are written into a 4 Kbyte (256 bytes per channel) FIFO through a 32-bit SATURN POS-PHY Level 3 (clocked up to 104 MHz) system side interface. POS frames are built by inserting the flags, control escape characters and the FCS fields. Either the CRC-16.ISO-3309 or CRC-32 can be computed and added to the frame. Several counters are provided for performance monitoring. tem be r, 20 02 No line rate clocks are required directly by the S/UNI-16x155 as it synthesizes the transmit clock and recovers the receive clock using a 77.76 MHz reference clock. The S/UNI-16x155 also provides WAN Synchronization controllers that can be used to control an external VCXO in order to fully meet Bellcore GR-253-CORE jitter, wander, holdover and stability requirements. ay ,1 9S ep The S/UNI-16x155 also contains internal crossbar logic that allows the transmit streams to be switched (crossbar) and/or bridged between channels at the SONET/SDH path level. As well, the receive streams may be switched (crossbar) between channels at the SONET/SDH path level. Two S/UNI-16x155 devices may exchange SONET/SDH path streams using the four duplex 622.08 MHz serial APS links. Error detection and performance monitoring features are provided for these serial APS links. hu rsd The S/UNI-16x155 is configured, controlled and monitored via a generic 8-bit microprocessor bus interface. The S/UNI-16x155 also provides a standard 5 signal IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port for boundary scan board test purposes. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT The S/UNI-16x155 is implemented in low power, 2.5/3.3 volt CMOS technology. It has 5.0 volt TTL compatible digital inputs and outputs. High speed inputs and outputs support 3.3 volt and 5.0 volt compatible pseudo-ECL (PECL). The S/UNI-16x155 is packaged in a 520 pin SBGA package. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 41 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Pin Diagram PM 8 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 A VDD VSS VSS VSS A[3] VSS A[11] ALE D[3] INTB VSS B VSS VDD VSS A[0] A[2] A[7] A[10] RDB D[2] D[7] TCLK C VSS VSS VDD VDD A[1] A[6] A[9] CSB D[1] D VSS TDAT [30] VDD VDD TDAT [31] A[5] A[8] A[13] D[0] E TDAT [26] TDAT [27] TDAT [28] TDAT [29] VDD A[4] VDDI A[12] WRB F VSS TDAT [22] TDAT [23] TDAT [24] TDAT [25] G TDAT [17] TDAT [18] TDAT [19] TDAT [20] TDAT [21] H TDAT [13] TDAT [14] TDAT [15] TDAT [16] VDDI J TDAT[8] TDAT[9] TDAT [10] TDAT [11] TDAT [12] K TDAT[3] TDAT[4] TDAT[5] TDAT[6] TDAT[7] 20 19 11 29 18 17 16 APSI[3]+ APSI[2]+ APSI[1]+ APSI[0]+ 02 30 20 31 :50 :36 The S/UNI-16x155 is available in a 520 pin SBGA package having a body size of 40 mm by 40 mm and a ball pitch of 1.27 mm. VSS M TEOP TSOC/ TSOP N TMOD[1] P TADR [0] TADR [1] TADR [2] TADR [3] TDAT[2] uo TPRTY VDDI inv yV RDAT [28] RDAT [29] TMS TDO RSTB TRSTB VDD D[5] RFPO TFPO TFPI TCK RALRM [0] VDD VDD VDDI TDI VDDI VDDI VDD D[4] SUNI-16x155 nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep RCLK io ett TERR STPA D[6] BOTTOM VIEW VDD ef TSX TMOD[0] TCA/ TPA Do wn loa de R TDAT[1] liv TDAT[0] fo VSS db L tem be r, APSI[3]- APSI[2]- APSI[1]- APSI[0]- VSS (TOP LEFT) TENB RDAT [30] RDAT [31] TFCLK T VSS VSS VDD VDD VDD U RDAT [27] RDAT [26] RDAT [25] RDAT [24] RDAT [23] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 42 13 12 11 7 RALRM [1] RALRM [6] RALRM [11] TXD[12]- VSS RALRM [2] RALRM [7] RALRM [12] TXD[12]+ RXD[12]- TXD[13]- RXD[13]+ TXD[14]- RXD[14]+ TXD[15]+ RXD[15]- RXD[15]+ RALRM [3] RALRM [8] RALRM [13] SD[12] RXD[12]+ NC SD[13] NC SD[14] NC SD[15] VDD VDD RALRM [4] RALRM [9] RALRM [14] RALRM [15] NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD RALRM [5] RALRM [10] VDDI NC VDD NC VDDI NC VDDI NC VDD NC 5 4 3 2 1 VSS TXD[15]- VSS VSS VSS VDD VSS VDD A VSS B VSS VSS C TXD[0]+ VSS D NC TXD[0]- RXD[0]- E VDD tem be r, TXD[13]+ RXD[13]- TXD[14]+ RXD[14]- 6 :50 8 11 9 20 10 PM 14 :36 15 02 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released NC NC RXD[0]+ VSS F VDDI NC SD[0] TXD[1]+ TXD[1]- G NC NC NC RXD[1]- RXD[1]+ H SD[1] NC NC TXD[2]+ TXD[2]- J VDDI NC SD[2] RXD[2]- RXD[2]+ K VDD NC TXD[3]- TXD[3]+ VSS L VDDI TDCLK [15] SD[3] RXD[3]+ RXD[3]- M NC RDCLK [15] RDCC [15] AVD[0] AVS[0] N ATB[0] AVS[1] AVD[1] AVS[2] AVD[2] P ATB[1] AVS[3] AVS[4] AVD[3] AVD[4] R VDD VDD VDD VSS VSS T QAVD AVD[6] AVS[6] AVS[5] AVD[5] U 9S ep NC rsd ay ,1 SUNI-16x155 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT (TOP RIGHT) hu BOTTOM VIEW Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 43 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released RDAT [22] RDAT [21] RDAT [20] RDAT [19] RDAT [18] W RDAT [17] RDAT [16] RDAT [15] RDAT [14] VDDI Y RDAT [13] RDAT [12] RDAT [11] RDAT [10] RDAT[9] AA VSS RDAT[8] RDAT[7] RDAT[6] VDD AB RDAT[5] RDAT[4] RDAT[3] RDAT[2] RDAT[1] AC RDAT[0] RPRTY REOP RSOC/ RSOP RERR RMOD[0] RCA/ RVAL VDDI 11 r, BOTTOM VIEW AD RSX AE RENB AF VSS RFCLK RDCC[0] TDCLK [0] TDCC[1] AG RDCLK [0] TDCC[0] TDCLK [1] RDCC[1] VDD TDCC[2] RDCC[4] AH VSS RDCLK [1] VDD VDD RDCC[2] TDCLK [3] TDCLK [4] AJ VSS VSS VDD VDD TDCLK [2] RDCC[3] AK VSS VDD VSS RDCLK [2] TDCC[3] RDCLK [4] AL VDD VSS VSS VSS RDCLK [3] 31 30 29 28 tem be RMOD[1] 20 02 SUNI-16x155 :50 :36 PM V (BOTTOM LEFT) RDCC[7] VDD TDCLK [10] VDDI VDDI VDDI VDD RDCC[5] TDCC[7] RDCLK [8] RDCLK [9] TDCC [10] RDCLK [10] APREF1 APREF0 VDD rsd RDCC[6] TDCLK [7] TDCLK [8] RDCC[9] POS_ ATMB SPECLV APECLV SDTTL VDD TDCC[5] RDCLK [6] RDCLK [7] TDCC[8] VSS RDCLK [5] TDCC[6] RDCC[8] TDCLK [9] VSS 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 nT ay hu TDCC[4] TDCC[9] APSO[3]+ APSO[2]+ APSO[1]+ APSO[0]+ APSO[3]- APSO[2]- APSO[1]- APSO[0]- 20 19 18 17 fo uo ef inv yV db Do wn loa de Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 VSS VSS 16 liv ett TDCLK [5] ,1 TDCLK [6] io 9S ep RADR [3] RADR [2] RADR [1] RADR [0] 44 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released AVD[7] QAVS REFCLK- REFCLK+ NC TDCC [14] TDCC [15] AVS[8] AVD[8] NC TDCLK [14] SD[4] TXD[4]+ VDD NC RXD[4]- RXD[4]+ VSS AA VDDI NC NC TXD[5]- TXD[5]+ AB NC NC SD[5] RXD[5]+ RXD[5]- AC :36 :50 11 20 TXD[4]- V W Y tem be r, BOTTOM VIEW 02 SUNI-16x155 PM AVS[7] NC NC NC TXD[6]- TXD[6]+ AD VDDI NC SD[6] RXD[6]+ RXD[6]- AE NC NC TXD[7]+ VSS AF TDCC [11] TDCC [13] 9S VDDI VDDI VDD NC VDDI NC NC NC VDD NC SD[7] RXD[7]- TXD[7]- AG RDCC [11] TDCC [12] RDCLK [14] RDCC [14] NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD VDD RXD[7]+ VSS AH RDCLK [11] TDCLK [12] RDCLK [13] SD[11] TXD[11]+ SD[10] NC SD[9] NC SD[8] NC VDD VDD VSS VSS AJ TDCLK [11] RDCLK [12] RDCC [13] RXD[11]+ TXD[11]- RXD[10]- TXD[10]+ RXD[9]- TXD[9]+ RXD[8]+ TXD[8]- TXD[8]+ VSS VDD VSS AK RDCC [10] RDCC [12] TDCLK [13] RXD[11]- VSS TXD[9]- VSS RXD[8]- VSS VSS VSS VDD AL 15 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo 9 NC rsd hu nT io liv ett RXD[10]+ TXD[10]- RXD[9]+ 10 ,1 VDDI ay ep (BOTTOM RIGHT) Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 45 Pin Description 9.1 Serial Line Side Interface Signals :36 9 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function SPECLV Input AJ19 The serial line PECL signal voltage select (SPECLV) selects between 3.3V PECL signaling and 5V PECL signaling for the serial line interface PECL inputs (RXD[15:0]+/- and SD[15:0]). When SPECLV is low, the PECL inputs expect a 5V PECL signal. When SPECLV is high, the PECL inputs expect a 3.3V PECL signal. r, 20 02 11 :50 Pin Name Input AJ17 The signal detect voltage select (SDTTL) selects between PECL signaling and TTL signal for the signal detector inputs (SD[15:0]). When SDTTL is low, the signal detect inputs expect PECL signal levels. When SDTTL is high, the signal detect inputs expect TTL signal level. ,1 9S ep SDTTL tem be Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. hu rsd The receive differential data PECL inputs (RXD[15:0]+/-) contain the NRZ bit serial receive stream for each channel. The receive clock is recovered from the RXD+/- bit stream. Each differential input is terminated with an internal 100 ohm resistor. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. nT F2 E1 H1 H2 K1 K2 M2 M1 AA2 AA3 AC2 AC1 AE2 AE1 AH2 AG2 AK6 AL5 AL8 AK8 AL10 AK10 AK12 AL12 C11 B11 B9 A9 B7 A7 B4 B5 db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io Differential PECL Input Do wn loa de RXD[0]+ RXD[0]RXD[1]+ RXD[1]RXD[2]+ RXD[2]RXD[3]+ RXD[3]RXD[4]+ RXD[4]RXD[5]+ RXD[5]RXD[6]+ RXD[6]RXD[7]+ RXD[7]RXD[8]+ RXD[8]RXD[9]+ RXD[9]RXD[10]+ RXD[10]RXD[11]+ RXD[11]RXD[12]+ RXD[12]RXD[13]+ RXD[13]RXD[14]+ RXD[14]RXD[15]+ RXD[15]- ay Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 46 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function SD[0] SD[1] SD[2] SD[3] SD[4] SD[5] SD[6] SD[7] SD[8] SD[9] SD[10] SD[11] SD[12] SD[13] SD[14] SD[15] PECL Input G3 J5 K3 M3 Y3 AC3 AE3 AG3 AJ6 AJ8 AJ10 AJ12 C12 C9 C7 C5 The receive signal detect PECL inputs (SD[15:0]) indicates the presence of valid receive signal power from the Optical Physical Medium Dependent Device for each channel. TXD[0]+ TXD[0]TXD[1]+ TXD[1]TXD[2]+ TXD[2]TXD[3]+ TXD[3]TXD[4]+ TXD[4]TXD[5]+ TXD[5]TXD[6]+ TXD[6]TXD[7]+ TXD[7]TXD[8]+ TXD[8]TXD[9]+ TXD[9]TXD[10]+ TXD[10]TXD[11]+ TXD[11]TXD[12]+ TXD[12]TXD[13]+ TXD[13]TXD[14]+ TXD[14]TXD[15]+ TXD[15]- Differential Output D2 E2 G2 G1 J2 J1 L2 L3 Y2 Y1 AB1 AB2 AD1 AD2 AF2 AG1 AK4 AK5 AK7 AL7 AK9 AL9 AJ11 AK11 B12 A12 A10 B10 A8 B8 B6 A5 The transmit differential data PECL outputs (TXD[15:0]+/) contain the 155.52 Mbit/s transmit stream. The TXD+/outputs are driven using the synthesized clock from the CSU622. :36 PM Pin Name 11 :50 When SDTTL is low, a PECL logic high indicates the presence of valid data. A PECL logic low indicates a loss of signal. 02 When SDTTL is high, a TTL logic high indicates the presence of valid data. A TTL logic low indicates a loss of signal. ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay The TXD[15:0]+/- are differential TLL outputs which are converted to PECL levels using external passive networks. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 47 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function REFCLK+ REFCLK- Differential PECL Input V1 V2 The differential reference clock inputs (REFCLK+/-) is a 77.76 MHz reference clock for both the clock recovery and the clock synthesis circuits. :36 PM Pin Name 02 11 :50 When the WAN Synchronization controller is used, REFCLK+/- is supplied using a VCXO. In that application, the serial transmit direction can be externally looped timed to the line receiver in order to meet wander transfer and holdover requirements. Serial APS Interface Signals Type Pin No. Function APECLV Input AJ18 The APS PECL signal voltage select (APECLV) selects between 3.3V PECL signaling and 5V PECL signaling for the APS (APSI[3:0]+/-) and REFCLK+/- PECL inputs. When APECLV is low, the APSI[3:0]+/- and REFCLK+/- PECL inputs expect a 5V PECL signal. When APECLV is high, these PECL inputs expect a 3.3V PECL signal. 9S ep Pin Name rsd ay ,1 9.2 tem be r, 20 Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues and reference clocks. For jitter requirement see Table 30. APSO[0]+ APSO[0]APSO[1]+ APSO[1]APSO[2]+ APSO[2]APSO[3]+ APSO[3]- Differential PECL Output A17 B17 A18 B18 A19 B19 A20 B20 io Differential PECL Input The receive APS differential data PECL inputs (APSI[3:0]+/-) contain the NRZ bit serial APS stream for each channel. The receive clock is recovered from the APS+/- bit stream. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues and APS functionality. AK17 AL17 AK18 AL18 AK19 AL19 AK20 AL20 The transmit APS differential data PECL outputs (APSO[3:0]+/-) contain the 622.08 Mbit/s transmit APS stream. The APSO+/- outputs are driven using the synthesized clock from the clock synthesis unit. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues and APS functionality. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett APSI[0]+ APSI[0]APSI[1]+ APSI[1]APSI[2]+ APSI[2]APSI[3]+ APSI[3]- nT hu Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 48 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Clocks and Alarms Signals Type Pin No. Function RALRM[0] RALRM[1] RALRM[2] RALRM[3] RALRM[4] RALRM[5] RALRM[6] RALRM[7] RALRM[8] RALRM[9] RALRM[10] RALRM[11] RALRM[12] RALRM[13] RALRM[14] RALRM[15] Output D17 A15 B15 C15 D15 E15 A14 B14 C14 D14 E14 A13 B13 C13 D13 D12 The receive alarm (RALRM[15:0]) outputs indicates the state of the receive framing for each channel. RALRM is low if no receive alarms are active. RALRM is optionally high if line AIS (LAIS), path AIS (PAIS), line RDI (LRDI), path RDI (PRDI), enhanced path RDI (PERDI), loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF), out of frame (OOF), loss of pointer (LOP), loss of pointer concatenation (LOPC/AISC), loss of cell delineation (LCD), signal fail BER (SFBER), signal degrade BER (SDBER), path trace identification mismatch (TIM) or path signal label mismatch (PSLM) is detected. The line error component of RALRM reflects the state of the local channel when the cross-connect is enabled.RALRM[15:0] are asynchronous outputs with a minimum period of one RCLK clock. RCLK Output C21 The receive clock (RCLK) provides a timing reference for the S/UNI-16x155 receive function outputs. RCLK is a 19.44 MHz, 50% duty cycle clock. RFPO Output D21 The receive frame pulse output (RFPO), when the framing alignment has been found (the OOF register bit is low), is an 8 kHz signal derived from the receive clock RCLK. RFPO pulses high for one RCLK cycle every 2430 RCLK cycles. 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 Pin Name nT hu rsd ay ,1 9.3 Output B21 TFPO Output D20 Input Do wn loa de db yV inv ef TFPI uo fo liv ett TCLK io RFPO is updated on the rising edge of RCLK. The transmit clock (TCLK) provides timing for the S/UNI16x155 transmit function operation for a channel. TCLK is a 19.44 MHz, 50% duty cycle clock. The active-high framing position output (TFPO) signal is an 8 kHz signal derived from the transmit clock TCLK. TFPO pulses high for one TCLK cycle every 2430 TCLK cycles. TFPO is updated on the rising edge of TCLK. D19 The active high framing position (TFPI) signal is an 8 kHz timing marker for the transmitter. TFPI is used to align the SONET/SDH transport frame generated by the S/UNI16x155 device to a system reference. TFPI should be brought high for a single TCLK period every 2430 (+/-1) TCLK cycles or a multiple thereof. TFPI must be tied low if such synchronization is not required. By design, TFPI has a built-in +/- 1 cycle tolerance. TFPI is sampled on the rising edge of TCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 49 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Section and Line Status DCC Signals Type Pin No. Function RDCLK[0] RDCLK[1] RDCLK[2] RDCLK[3] RDCLK[4] RDCLK[5] RDCLK[6] RDCLK[7] RDCLK[8] RDCLK[9] RDCLK[10] RDCLK[11] RDCLK[12] RDCLK[13] RDCLK[14] RDCLK[15] Output AG31 AH30 AK28 AL27 AK26 AL25 AK24 AK23 AH22 AH21 AH19 AJ15 AK14 AJ13 AH13 N4 The receive DCC clocks (RDCLK[15:0]) are the clocks used to update the associated RDCC outputs. RDCC[0] RDCC[1] RDCC[2] RDCC[3] RDCC[4] RDCC[5] RDCC[6] RDCC[7] RDCC[8] RDCC[9] RDCC[10] RDCC[11] RDCC[12] RDCC[13] RDCC[14] RDCC[15] Output AF29 AG28 AH27 AJ26 AG25 AH24 AJ24 AG22 AL23 AJ21 AL15 AH15 AL14 AK13 AH12 N3 The receive DCC (RDCC[15:0]) signals contain the serial data communication channels extracted from the incoming stream of each channel. TDCLK[0] TDCLK[1] TDCLK[2] TDCLK[3] TDCLK[4] TDCLK[5] TDCLK[6] TDCLK[7] TDCLK[8] TDCLK[9] TDCLK[10] TDCLK[11] TDCLK[12] TDCLK[13] TDCLK[14] TDCLK[15] Output :50 :36 Pin Name 02 11 When the channel DCC output is configured for section DCC, the associated RDCLK is a 192 kHz clock generated by gapping a 216 kHz clock. ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 When the channel DCC output is configured for line DCC, the associated RDCLK is a 576 kHz clock generated by gapping a 2.16 MHz clock. hu rsd When configured for section DCC, the associated RDCC output is the extracted section DCC bytes (D1, D2, D3). RDCC[15:0] are updated on the falling edge of the associated RDCLK[15:0]. liv ett io nT When configured for line DCC, the associated RDCC output is the extracted line DCC bytes (D4 - D12). fo uo ef inv yV db Do wn loa de 9.4 AF28 AG29 AJ27 AH26 AH25 AG24 AG23 AJ23 AJ22 AL22 AG20 AK15 AJ14 AL13 Y4 M4 The transmit DCC clocks (TDCLK[15:0]) are the clocks used to sample the associated TDCC inputs. When the channel DCC input is configured for section DCC, the associated TDCLK is a 192 kHz clock generated by gapping a 216 kHz clock. When the channel DCC input is configured for line DCC, the associated TDCLK is a 576 kHz clock generated by gapping a 2.16 MHz clock. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 50 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Pin No. Function TDCC[0] TDCC[1] TDCC[2] TDCC[3] TDCC[4] TDCC[5] TDCC[6] TDCC[7] TDCC[8] TDCC[9] TDCC[10] TDCC[11] TDCC[12] TDCC[13] TDCC[14] TDCC[15] Input AG30 AF27 AG26 AK27 AJ25 AK25 AL24 AH23 AK22 AK21 AH20 AG15 AH14 AG14 W4 W3 The transmit DCC (TDCC[15:0]) signals contain the serial data communication channels of each channel. When not used, these inputs should be connected to logic zero. :36 PM Type 11 :50 When configured for section DCC, the value sampled on the TDCC input is inserted into the associated section DCC bytes (D1, D2, D3). 20 02 When configured for line DCC, the value sampled on the TDCC input is inserted into the associated line DCC bytes (D4 – D12). ep tem be r, TDCC[15:0] are sampled on the rising edge of the associated TDCLK[15:0]. ,1 9S Transmit ATM (UTOPIA) and Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) System Interface Type Pin No. Function POS_ ATMB Input AJ20 The physical layer select (POS_ATMB) pin selects between the ATM and Packet over SONET/SDH modes of operation. hu rsd ay Pin Name When tied low, the device implements an UTOPIA Level 3 interface. When tied high, the device implements a POSPHY Level 3 interface. Input R27 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo TFCLK liv ett io nT 9.5 Pin Name This pin affects SONET/SDH mapping as well as the pin definitions of the system interface bus. The UTOPIA transmit FIFO write clock (TFCLK) is used to write ATM cells to the cell transmit FIFO. In UTOPIA operation, TFCLK must cycle at a 104 MHz to 60 MHz instantaneous rate, and must be a free running clock (cannot be gapped). The POS-PHY transmit FIFO write clock (TFCLK) is used to write packet data into the packet FIFO. In POS-PHY operation, TFCLK must cycle at a 104 MHz to 60 MHz instantaneous rate, and must be a free running clock (cannot be gapped). Note: Running this interface below 90MHz might result in limited device performance with respect to throughput for all possible packet sizes for both UTOPIA and POS-PHY modes of operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 51 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function TDAT[0] TDAT[1] TDAT[2] TDAT[3] TDAT[4] TDAT[5] TDAT[6] TDAT[7] TDAT[8] TDAT[9] TDAT[10] TDAT[11] TDAT[12] TDAT[13] TDAT[14] TDAT[15] TDAT[16] TDAT[17] TDAT[18] TDAT[19] TDAT[20] TDAT[21] TDAT[22] TDAT[23] TDAT[24] TDAT[25] TDAT[26] TDAT[27] TDAT[28] TDAT[29] TDAT[30] TDAT[31] Input L30 L29 L28 K31 K30 K29 K28 K27 J31 J30 J29 J28 J27 H31 H30 H29 H28 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 F30 F29 F28 F27 E31 E30 E29 E28 D30 D27 The UTOPIA transmit cell data (TDAT[31:0]) bus carries the ATM cell octets that are written to the transmit FIFO. TPRTY Input :36 PM Pin Name :50 In UTOPIA operation, the TDAT[31:0] bus is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted. r, 20 02 11 TDAT[31:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. tem be The POS-PHY transmit packet data (TDAT[31:0]) bus carries the POS packet octets that are written to the transmit FIFO. ,1 9S ep In POS-PHY operation, the packet data sample on TDAT[31:0] is considered valid when TENB is sampled low. The value sampled on TDAT[7:0] is also used to select a PHY channel when TENB and TSX are sampled high. TDAT[31] is the first bit transmitted and TDAT[0] is the last bit transmitted. liv ett io nT hu rsd ay TDAT[31:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo M27 The UTOPIA transmit bus parity (TPRTY) signal indicates the parity on the TDAT[31:0] bus. A parity error is indicated by a status bit and a maskable interrupt. Cells with parity errors are inserted in the transmit stream, so the TPRTY input may be unused. TPRTY is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted. TPRTY is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. The POS-PHY transmit bus parity (TPRTY) signal indicates the parity on the TDAT[31:0] bus. A parity error is indicated by a status bit and a maskable interrupt. Packets with parity errors are inserted in the transmit stream, so the TPRTY input may be unused. TPRTY is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted. TPRTY is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 52 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function TENB Input P27 The UTOPIA transmit write enable (TENB) signal is an active low input which is used to initiate writes to the transmit FIFO’s. :36 PM Pin Name 20 02 11 :50 When TENB is sampled high, the data sampled on TDAT[31:0], TRPTY and TSOC is invalid. When TENB is sampled low, the information sampled on TDAT[31:0], TPRTY and TSOC is valid and is written into the FIFO. A high to low transition on TENB is needed in conjunction with TADR[3:0] to select the transmit PHY. TENB is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. tem be r, The POS-PHY transmit write enable (TENB) signal is an active low input which is used to initiate writes to the transmit FIFO’s. ,1 9S ep When TENB is sampled high, the information sampled on TDAT[31:0], TPRTY, TSOP, TEOP, TMOD[1:0] and TERR is invalid. When TENB is sampled low, the information sampled on TDAT[31:0], TPRTY, TSOP, TEOP, TMOD[1:0] and TERR is valid and is written into the FIFO. TSX is ignored when TENB is low. M30 The UTOPIA transmit start of cell (TSOC) signal marks the start of a cell structure on the TDAT[31:0] bus. hu rsd Input TSOC ay TENB is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. ett io nT When TSOC is sampled high, the first word of the ATM cell structure is sampled on the TDAT[31:0] bus. TSOC should be present for each cell structure. inv ef uo fo liv TSOP Input Do wn loa de db yV TEOP TSOC is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted. TSOC is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. The POS-PHY transmit start of packet (TSOP) signal. indicates the start of a packet on the TDAT[31:0] bus. When TSOP is sampled high, the first word of the packet is sampled on TDAT[31:0] bus. TSOP is required to be present at all instances for proper operation. TSOP is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted. TSOP is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. M31 The POS-PHY transmit end of packet (TEOP) marks the end of packet on the TDAT[31:0] bus when configured for packet data. TEOP sampled high indicates the last word of the packet is sampled on the TDAT[31:0] bus. The TMOD[1:0] bus indicates how many valid bytes of packet data are in the last word. It is legal to set TSOC_TSOP high at the same time as TEOP is high in order to support one, two, three and four byte packets. TEOP is only valid when TENB is simultaneously asserted. TEOP is only used for POS-PHY operation and is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 53 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function TERR Input M28 The POS-PHY transmit error (TERR) is used to indicate that the current packet must be aborted. Packets marked with TERR will be appended the HDLC abort sequence (0x7D0x7E) when transmitted. :50 :36 PM Pin Name 11 TERR sampled high when TEOP is sampled high marks the current packet to be aborted. TERR is only considered valid when TENB and TEOP are simultaneously asserted. N30 N31 The POS-PHY transmit word modulo (TMOD) signal indicates the number of valid bytes of data on TDAT[31:0] during POS-PHY operation. r, Input tem be TMOD[0] TMOD[1] 20 02 TERR is only used for POS-PHY operation and is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. ep The value sampled on the TMOD[1:0] bus when TEOP is sampled high specifics the number of valid byte of packet data on TDAT[31:0]. ay ,1 9S TMOD[1:0] = "00" TDAT[31:0] valid TMOD[1:0] = "01" TDAT[31:8] valid TMOD[1:0] = "10" TDAT[31:16] valid TMOD[1:0] = "11" TDAT[31:24] valid rsd TMOD[1:0] is considered valid only when TENB and TEOP are simultaneously asserted. hu TMOD is only used for POS-PHY operation and is ignored for channels carrying ATM traffic when TEOP is high. M29 io Input ef uo fo liv ett TSX nT TMOD is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. inv Input When TSX and TENB are sampled high, the value sampled on TDAT[7:0] is the address of the transmit PHY channel to be selected. Subsequent data transfers on the TDAT[31:0] bus will fill the channel FIFO buffer specified by this in-band address. The value sampled on TSX is considered valid only when TENB is sampled high. TSX is only used for POS-PHY operation. TSX must be tied low in UTOPIA Level 3 operation. yV db Do wn loa de TADR[0] TADR[1] TADR[2] TADR[3] The POS-PHY transmit start of transfer (TSX) indicates when the in-band port address is present on the TDAT[31:0] bus during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. TSX is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. P31 P30 P29 P28 The UTOPIA transmit port address select (TADR[3:0]) is used to select the channel whose FIFO fill status is to be polled or the channel for which a UTOPIA cell transfer is desired. When TENB transitions from high to low, the value sampled on TADR[3:0] selects the channel FIFO which the ATM cell is written to. During all other conditions, the fill status of the channel FIFO with the address sampled on TADR[3:0] is reported on TCA on the following clock cycle. TADR[3:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 54 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function PM Pin Name :36 The POS-PHY transmit port address select (TADR[3:0]) is used to select the channel whose FIFO fill status is to be polled. 11 :50 The address sampled on TADR[3:0] specifies the channel FIFO being polled. The PTPA output is updated on the following clock cycle with the channel’s fill level based on the programmable thresholds. The UTOPIA transmit cell available (TCA) signal provides status indication of when cell space is available in the transmit FIFO. 20 N29 tem be r, Output 02 TADR[3:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. TCA 9S ep TCA is used to poll the channel FIFOs to determine the number of free ATM cell buffers that are in the FIFO. The address sampled on TADR[3:0] will cause TCA to be updated with the channel information on the following clock cycle. rsd ay ,1 When TCA is high, the channel FIFO can accept at least one more ATM cell. When TCA is low, the channel FIFO fill level exceeds the threshold specified by the FIFODP[1:0] register. Note that regardless of the threshold, a channel FIFO can store 16 ATM cells. hu TCA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. The POS-PHY polled transmit packet available (PTPA) signal provides status indication of when cell space is available in the transmit FIFO. The TADR[3:0] address is used to determine which channel to report on PTPA. Output Do wn loa de db yV inv ef STPA uo fo liv ett io nT PTPA When PTPA transitions high, it indicates that the transmit FIFO has enough room to store a configurable number of data bytes. When PTPA transitions low, it indicates that the transmit FIFO is either full or near full. These thresholds are specified in the TUL3 registers. PTPA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. N28 The POS-PHY selected transmit packet available (STPA) signal provides status indication of when cell space is available in the transmit FIFO. The channel selected using TSX is reported on STPA. When STPA transitions high, it indicates that the transmit FIFO has enough room to store a configurable number of data bytes. When STPA transitions low, it indicates that the transmit FIFO is either full or near full. These thresholds are specified in the TUL3 registers. STPA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 55 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :36 PM Receive ATM (UTOPIA) and Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) System Interface Type Pin No. Function RFCLK Input AF30 The UTOPIA receive FIFO read clock (RFCLK) is used to read ATM cells from the cell receive FIFO. :50 Pin Name 11 9.6 20 02 In UTOPIA operation, RFCLK must cycle at a 104 MHz to 60 MHz instantaneous rate, and must be a free running clock (cannot be gapped). tem be r, The POS-PHY receive FIFO read clock (RFCLK) is used to read packet data from the packet FIFO. ep In POS-PHY operation, RFCLK must cycle at a 104 MHz to 60 MHz instantaneous rate, and must be a free running clock (cannot be gapped). 9S Note: Output AC30 The UTOPIA receive parity (RPRTY) signal indicates the parity of the RDAT[31:0] bus. Odd or even parity may be selected using software control. In UTOPIA operation, the value on RPRTY is updated on the following clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. RPRTY is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. The POS-PHY receive parity (RPRTY) indicates the parity of the RDAT[31:0] bus. Odd or even parity may be selected using software control. In POS-PHY operation, the value on RPRTY is updated on the next clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. RPRTY is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu RPRTY rsd ay ,1 Running this interface below 90MHz might result in limited device performance with respect to throughput for all possible packet sizes for both UTOPIA and POS-PHY modes of operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 56 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function RDAT[0] RDAT[1] RDAT[2] RDAT[3] RDAT[4] RDAT[5] RDAT[6] RDAT[7] RDAT[8] RDAT[9] RDAT[10] RDAT[11] RDAT[12] RDAT[13] RDAT[14] RDAT[15] RDAT[16] RDAT[17] RDAT[18] RDAT[19] RDAT[20] RDAT[21] RDAT[22] RDAT[23] RDAT[24] RDAT[25] RDAT[26] RDAT[27] RDAT[28] RDAT[29] RDAT[30] RDAT[31] Output AC31 AB27 AB28 AB29 AB30 AB31 AA28 AA29 AA30 Y27 Y28 Y29 Y30 Y31 W28 W29 W30 W31 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 R31 R30 R29 R28 The UTOPIA receive cell data (RDAT[31:0]) bus carries the ATM cell octets that are read from the receive FIFO. RENB Input :36 PM Pin Name :50 In UTOPIA operation, RDAT[31:0] is updated on the following clock cycle after RENB is sampled low. 11 RDAT[31:0] is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. 02 The POS-PHY receive packet data (RDAT[31:0]) bus carries the POS packet octets that are read from the receive FIFO. tem be r, 20 In POS-PHY operation, the packet data on RDAT[31:0] is updated on the following clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. The value on RDAT[7:0] is also used to report the PHY channel when RSX is high. RDAT[31] is the first bit received and RDAT[0] is the last bit received liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep RDAT[31:0] is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo AE31 The UTOPIA receive read enable (RENB) is used to initiate reads from the receive FIFO. The system may de-assert RENB if it is unable to accept more cells. In UTOPIA operation, when RENB is sampled low, RDAT[31:0], RRPTY and RSOC are updated on the following RFCLK cycle. When RENB is sampled high, the information on RDAT[31:0], RPRTY and RSOC_RSOP is held on the next clock cycle. RENB is also used for selected the channel to read data. When RENB transitions from high to low, the channel address on RADR[3:0] selects the channel to read from. RENB is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 57 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function PM Pin Name :50 :36 The POS-PHY receive read enable (RENB) is used to initiate reads from the receive FIFO. During a data transfer, RVAL must be monitored since it will indicate if the data is valid. The system may deassert RENB at any time if it is unable to accept more data. 20 02 11 In POS-PHY operation, the information on RDAT[31:0], RPRTY, RSOP, REOP, RMOD[1:0], RERR, RVAL and RSX is held on the following clock cycle when RENB is sampled high. tem be r, When RENB is sampled low, the values on RDAT[31:0], RPRTY, RSOP, REOP, RMOD[1:0], RERR, RVAL and RSX are valid and are updated on the following clock cycle. RENB is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. RSOC The UTOPIA receive start of cell (RSOC) signal marks the start of a cell structure on the RDAT[31:0] bus. AC28 ep Output 9S In UTOPIA operation, the first word of the cell structure is present on the RDAT[31:0] bus when RSOC is high. ay ,1 RSOC is updated on the following clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. RSOC is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. The POS-PHY receive start of packet (RSOP) indicates the start of a packet on the RDAT[31:0] bus. hu rsd RSOP Output AC29 inv ef uo fo liv REOP ett io nT In POS-PHY operation, the first word of the packet is on the RDAT[31:0] bus when RSOP is high. Output The POS-PHY receive end of packet (REOP) marks the end of packet on the RDAT[15:0] bus. It is legal for RSOP to be high at the same time REOP is high. REOP set high indicates the last word of the packet is on the RDAT[31:0] bus. The RMOD[1:0] bus indicates how many valid bytes of packet data are in the last word. It is legal for RSOP to be high at the same time as REOP is high in order to support one, two, three and four byte packets. The value on REOP is updated on the next clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. REOP is only used for POS-PHY operation and is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. yV db Do wn loa de RERR RSOP is updated on the following clock cycle when RENB is sampled low. RSOP is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK AC27 The POS-PHY receive error (RERR) indicates that the current packet is invalid due to an error such as invalid FCS, excessive length or received HDLC abort sequence (0x7D0x7E). RERR is high when REOP is high marking the current packet as erred. RERR is low when REOP is low. The value on RERR is updated on the next clock rising edge when RENB is sampled low. RERR is only used for POSPHY operation and is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 58 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function RMOD[0] RMOD[1] Output AD29 AD30 The POS-PHY receive modulo (RMOD) indicates the number of valid bytes of data on RDAT[31:0] during POS-PHY operation. :36 PM Pin Name 20 02 RMOD[1:0] = "00" RDAT[31:0] valid RMOD[1:0] = "01" RDAT[31:8] valid RMOD[1:0] = "10" RDAT[31:16] valid RMOD[1:0] = "11" RDAT[31:24] valid 11 :50 The value on the RMOD[1:0] bus when REOP is high specifies the number of valid bytes of packet data on RDAT[31:0]. RMOD is set to “00” when REOP is low. AD31 The POS-PHY receive start of transfer (RSX) indicates when the in-band port address is present on the RDAT[31:0] bus during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. ep Output 9S RSX tem be r, The value on RMOD[1:0] is updated on the next clock rising edge when RENB is sampled low. RMOD[1:0] is only used for POS-PHY operation and is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. rsd ay ,1 When RSX is high, the value on RDAT[7:0] is the address of the receive PHY channel being selected. Subsequent data transfers on the RDAT[31:0] bus will read the channel FIFO buffer specified by this in-band address. Input RCA Output AE27 AE28 AE29 AE30 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io RADR[0] RADR[1] RADR[2] RADR[3] nT hu The value on RSX is updated on the next clock rising edge when RENB is sampled low. RSX is only used for POS-PHY operation and is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. The UTOPIA receive port address select (RADR[3:0]) is used to select the channel whose FIFO fill status is to be polled or the channel for which a UTOPIA cell transfer is desired. When RENB transitions from high to low, the value sampled on RADR[3:0] selects the channel FIFO which the ATM cell is read from. During all other conditions, the fill status of the channel FIFO with the address sampled on RADR[3:0] is reported on RCA. RADR[3:0] is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. AD28 The UTOPIA receive cell available (RCA) is used to determine the fill status of each channel FIFO during UTOPIA operation. RCA is used to poll the channel FIFOs to determine the number of ATM cells that are in the FIFO. The address sampled on RADR[3:0] will cause RCA to be updated with the channel information on the following clock cycle. When RCA is set high, the channel FIFO has at least one complete ATM cell. When RCA is set low, the channel FIFO does not contain a complete ATM cell. RCA is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 59 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function PM Pin Name The POS-PHY receive data valid (RVAL) signal indicates when the POS-PHY bus is valid during POS-PHY. :36 RVAL 11 :50 When RVAL is high and RENB is low, the values on RDAT[31:0], RPRTY, RSOP, REOP, RERR and RMOD[1:0] are valid. When RVAL is low, the values on RDAT[31:0], RPRTY, RSOP, REOP, RERR and RMOD[1:0] are invalid and must be ignored. tem be Microprocessor Interface Signals Type Pin No. Function CSB Input C24 The active-low chip select (CSB) signal is low during S/UNI16x155 register accesses. ep Pin Name 9S 9.7 r, 20 02 The value on RVAL is updated on the next clock rising edge when RENB is sampled low. RVAL is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. ay ,1 When CSB is high, the RDB and WRB inputs are ignored. When CSB is low, the RDB and WRB are valid. CSB must be high when RSTB is low to properly reset the chip. B24 WRB Input E23 D[0] D[1] D[2] D[3] D[4] D[5] D[6] D[7] I/O ett liv fo uo ef inv yV db Do wn loa de A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] A[8] A[9] A[10] A[11] A[12] Input The active-low read enable (RDB) signal is low during S/UNI16x155 register read accesses. The S/UNI-16x155 drives the D[7:0] bus with the contents of the addressed register while RDB and CSB are low. nT Input io RDB hu rsd If CSB is not required (i.e., registers accesses are controlled using the RDB and WRB signals only), CSB must be connected to an inverted version of the RSTB input. The active-low write strobe (WRB) signal is low during a S/UNI-16x155 register write accesses. The D[7:0] bus contents are clocked into the addressed register on the rising WRB edge while CSB is low. D23 C23 B23 A23 E22 D22 C22 B22 The bi-directional data bus D[7:0] is used during S/UNI16x155 register read and write accesses. B28 C27 B27 A27 E26 D26 C26 B26 D25 C25 B25 A25 E24 The address bus A[12:0] selects specific registers during S/UNI-16x155 register accesses. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 60 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function A[13] Input D24 The test register select (A[13]) signal selects between normal and test mode register accesses. A[13] is high during test mode register accesses, and is low during normal mode register accesses. A[13] may be tied low. RSTB Input C18 The active-low reset (RSTB) signal provides an asynchronous S/UNI-16x155 reset. RSTB is a Schmitt triggered input with an integral pull-up resistor. 02 11 :50 :36 PM Pin Name 20 CSB must be held high when RSTB is low in order to properly reset this chip. Input A24 The address latch enable (ALE) is active-high and latches the address bus A[11:0] when low. When ALE is high, the internal address latches are transparent. It allows the S/UNI16x155 to interface to a multiplexed address/data bus. ALE has an integral pull-up resistor. INTB Output A22 The active-low interrupt (INTB) signal is set low when a S/UNI-16x155 interrupt source is active and that source is unmasked. The S/UNI-16x155 may be enabled to report many alarms or events via interrupts. ,1 9S ep tem be r, ALE rsd ay Examples of interrupt sources are loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF), line AIS, line remote defect indication (LRDI) detect, loss of pointer (LOP), path AIS, path remote defect indication and others. D18 The test clock (TCK) signal provides clock timing for test operations that are carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. This pin has an internal pull-up resistor. TMS Input C20 The test mode select (TMS) signal controls the test operations that are carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TMS has an integral pull-up resistor. Input E19 The test data input (TDI) signal carries test data into the S/UNI-16x155 via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TDI has an integral pullup resistor. Output C19 The test data output (TDO) signal carries test data out of the S/UNI-16x155 via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDO is updated on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is a tristate output which is inactive except when shifting boundary scan data is in progress. liv Input inv yV Do wn loa de TDO Function fo TCK TDI Pin No. uo Type ef Pin Name ett JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) Signals db 9.8 io nT hu INTB is tri-stated when the all enabled interrupt sources are acknowledged via an appropriate register access. INTB is an open drain output. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 61 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function TRSTB Input C17 The active-low test reset (TRSTB) signal provides an asynchronous S/UNI-16x155 test access port reset via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TRSTB is a Schmitt triggered input with an integral pull-up resistor. :50 :36 PM Pin Name 11 Note that when not being used, TRSTB may be tied low or connected to the RSTB input. 20 02 Analog Signals Type Pin No. Function APREF0 APREF1 Analog AH17 AH18 The APSO transmit reference (APREF0 and APREF1) analog pins are provided to create calibrated currents for the PECL output transceivers APS[3:0]+/-. See the High Speed PECL Interfaces and APS sections for more details. tem be r, Pin Name ep 9.9 ,1 9S A 1.07 Kohm resistor is connected across the APREF0 and APREF1 pins when the APSI[3:0]+/- and APSO[3:0]+/- are terminated with one termination network. 9.10 Power and Ground ett liv Analog Power U5 fo QAVD Pin No. uo Type ef Pin Name Analog Ground yV Analog Power db Do wn loa de AVD[0] AVD[1] AVD[2] AVD[3] AVD[4] AVD[5] AVD[6] AVD[7] AVD[8] Function The quiet power (QAVD) pin for the analog core. QAVD should be connected to well-decoupled analog +3.3V supply. Please see the Operation section for detailed information. V3 inv QAVS The receive and transmit analog test ports (ATB[1:0]). These pins are used for manufacturing testing only and should be tied to the analog ground plane (AVS). hu P5 R5 nT Analog io ATB[0] ATB[1] rsd ay A 2.15 Kohm resistor is connected across the APREF0 and APREF1 pins when the APSO[3:0]+/- terminated using two termination networks. The quiet ground (QAVS) pin for the analog core. QAVS should be connected to analog ground of the QAVD supply. Please see the Operation section for detailed information. N2 P3 P1 R2 R1 U1 U4 V4 W1 The analog power (AVD[8:0]) pins for the analog core. The AVD pins should be connected through passive filtering networks to a well-decoupled +3.3V analog power supply. Please see the Operation section for detailed information. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 62 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function AVS[0] AVS[1] AVS[2] AVS[3] AVS[4] AVS[5] AVS[6] AVS[7] AVS[8] Analog Ground N1 P4 P2 R4 R3 U2 U3 V5 W2 The analog ground (AVS[8:0]) pins for the analog core. The AVS pins should be connected to the analog ground of the analog power supply. VDDI Digital Power AB5 AD27 AE5 AF5 AG12 AG13 AG17 AG18 AG19 AG9 E13 E17 E18 E20 E25 E7 E9 G5 H27 K5 M5 N27 W27 The core digital power (VDDI) pins should be connected to a well-decoupled +2.5 V digital power supply. :36 PM Pin Name Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Please see the Operation section for detailed information. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 63 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function VDD Digital Power A1 A31 B2 B30 C3 C4 C16 C28 C29 D3 D4 D16 D28 D29 E5 E11 E16 E21 E27 L5 L27 T3 T4 T5 T27 T28 T29 AA5 AA27 AG5 AG11 AG16 AG21 AG27 AH3 AH4 AH16 AH28 AH29 AJ3 AJ4 AJ16 AJ28 AJ29 AK2 AK30 AL1 AL31 The I/O digital power (VDD) pins should be connected to a well-decoupled +3.3 V digital power supply. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 PM Pin Name VSS Digital Ground A2 A3 A4 A6 A11 A16 A21 A26 The I/O digital ground (VSS) pins should be connected to the digital ground of the digital power supply. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 64 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Function :36 :50 11 02 20 r, tem be ep 9S ,1 ay rsd hu A28 A29 A30 B1 B3 B16 B29 B31 C1 C2 C30 C31 D1 D31 F1 F31 L1 L31 T1 T2 T30 T31 AA1 AA31 AF1 AF31 AH1 AH31 AJ1 AJ2 AJ30 AJ31 AK1 AK3 AK16 AK29 AK31 AL2 AL3 AL4 AL6 AL11 AL16 AL21 AL26 AL28 AL29 AL30 PM Pin No. nT Type Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io Pin Name Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 65 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Pin No. Function NC No Connect AA4 AB3 AB4 AC4 AC5 AD3 AD4 AD5 AE4 AF3 AF4 AG10 AG4 AG6 AG7 AG8 AH10 AH11 AH5 AH6 AH7 AH8 AH9 AJ5 AJ7 AJ9 C10 C6 C8 D10 D11 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 E10 E12 E3 E4 E6 E8 F3 F4 F5 G4 H3 H4 H5 J3 J4 K4 L4 N5 No internal connection. :50 Type Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 Pin Name :36 PM 9.11 No Connects Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 66 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Pin No. Function PM Pin Name :36 W5 Y5 :50 Notes on Pin Description: All digital inputs and bi-directional signals present minimum capacitive loading and operate at TTL logic levels except the inputs marked as Analog or differential pseudo-ECL (PECL). 2. All digital outputs and bi-directional signals have 8mA drive strength. 3. The differential pseudo-ECL inputs and outputs should be terminated in a passive network and interface at PECL levels as described in the Operations section. 4. It is mandatory that every digital ground pin (VSS) be connected to the printed circuit board ground plane to ensure reliable device operation. 5. It is mandatory that every digital power pin (VDDI and VDD sets) be connected to printed circuit board power planes to ensure reliable device operation. 6. All analog power and ground pins can be sensitive to noise. They must be isolated from the digital power and ground. Care must be taken to correctly decouple these pins. Please refer to the Operation section and the S/UNI-16x155 reference design (PMC-200-0506) for more information. 7. Due to ESD protection structures in the pads it is necessary to exercise caution when powering a device up or down. ESD protection devices behave as diodes between power supply pins and from I/O pins to power supply pins. Under extreme conditions it is possible to damage these ESD protection devices or trigger latch up. Please adhere to the recommended power supply sequencing as described in the Operation section of this document. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 1. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 67 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Functional Description PM 10 :36 10.1 Receive Line Interface (CRSI) 02 11 :50 The Receive Line Interface allows direct interface of the S/UNI-16x155 to optical modules (ODLs) or other medium interfaces. This block performs clock and data recovery on the incoming 155.52 Mbit/s data stream and SONET/SDH A1/A2 pattern framing. 20 10.1.1 Clock Recovery ,1 9S ep tem be r, The clock recovery units recovers the clock from each incoming bit serial data stream and is compliant with SONET and SDH jitter tolerance requirements. The clock recovery units utilize a low frequency reference clock to train and monitor its clock recovery PLL. Under loss of transition conditions, the clock recovery unit continues to output a line rate clock that is locked to this reference for keep alive purposes. The clock recovery unit utilizes a 77.76 MHz reference clock. The clock recovery unit provides status bits that indicate whether it is locked to data or the reference and also supports diagnostic loopback and a loss of signal input that squelches normal input data. nT hu rsd ay Initially upon start-up, the PLL locks to the reference clock, REFCLK. When the frequency of the recovered clock is within 488 ppm of the reference clock, the PLL attempts to lock to the data. Once in data lock, the PLL reverts to the reference clock if no data transitions occur in 96 bit periods or if the recovered clock drifts beyond 488 ppm of the reference clock. uo fo liv ett io When the transmit clock is derived from the recovered clock (loop timing), the accuracy of the transmit clock is directly related to the REFCLK reference accuracy in the case of a loss of transition condition. To meet the Bellcore GR-253-CORE SONET Network Element free-run accuracy specification, the reference must be within +/-20 ppm. For LAN applications, the REFCLK accuracy may be relaxed to +/-50 ppm. db yV inv ef The loop filter transfer function is optimized to enable the PLL to track the jitter, yet tolerate the minimum transition density expected in a received SONET/SDH data signal. The total loop dynamics of the clock recovery PLL yield a jitter tolerance that exceeds the minimum tolerance specified for SONET/SDH equipment by GR-253-CORE (2000). Jitter transfer is measured using the GR-253-CORE (1995) requirement criteria. Do wn loa de The typical jitter tolerance performance of a S/UNI-16x155 channel is shown in Figure 3 with the GR-253-CORE jitter tolerance specification limits. The jitter tolerance setup used an AGILENT HFBR-5905 multi-mode fiber optic transceiver with approximately -10 dBm input power. Note that for frequencies below 300Hz, the jitter tolerance is greater than 22 UIpp; 22 UIpp is the maximum jitter tolerance of the test equipment. The dip in the jitter tolerance curve between 10 kHz and 30 kHz is due to the clock difference detector. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 68 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 3 Typical STS-3c/STM-1 S/UNI-16x155 Jitter Tolerance :36 Framed Jitter Tolerance (Synchronous, With OA) under Nominal Condition 11 :50 100 02 Channel 0 Channel 1 20 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 tem be Amplitude (UIpp) r, 10 Channel 6 Channel 7 Channel 8 Channel 9 ep Channel 10 Channel 11 9S 1 OC-3 Mask Channel 12 Channel 13 ,1 Channel 14 rsd ay Channel 15 10 100 hu 0.1 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 io nT Frequency (Hz) ett 10.1.2 Serial to Parallel Converter uo fo liv The Serial to Parallel Converters (SIPO) convert each received bit serial stream to a byte serial stream. The SIPO searches for the initial SONET/SDH framing pattern in the receive stream, and performs serial to parallel conversion on octet boundaries. db yV inv ef While out of frame, the CRSI block monitors the bit-serial STS-3c/STM-1 data stream for an occurrence of a A1 byte. The CRSI adjusts its byte alignment of the serial-to-parallel converter when three consecutive A1 bytes followed by three consecutive A2 bytes occur in the data stream. The CRSI informs the RSOP Framer block when this framing pattern has been detected to reinitializes the RSOP to the new frame alignment. Do wn loa de While in frame, the CRSI maintains the byte alignment of the serial-to-parallel converter until RSOP declares out of frame. 10.2 Receive Section Overhead Processor (RSOP) The Receive Section Overhead Processor (RSOP) provides frame synchronization, descrambling, section level alarm and performance monitoring. In addition, it may extract the section data communication channel from the section overhead and provide it serially on the receive DCC outputs. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 69 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.2.1 Framer :50 :36 The Framer Block determines the in-frame/out-of-frame status of the receive stream. While inframe, the framing bytes (A1, A2) in each frame are compared against the expected pattern. Out-of-frame is declared when four consecutive frames containing one or more framing pattern errors have been received. tem be r, 20 02 11 While out of frame, the CRSI block monitors the bit-serial STS-3c/STM-1 data stream for an occurrence of the framing pattern (A1, A2). The CRSI informs the RSOP Framer block when three A1 bytes followed by three A2 bytes has been detected to reinitializes the frame byte counter to the new alignment. The Framer block declares frame alignment on the next SONET/SDH frame when either all A1 and A2 bytes are seen error-free or when only the first A1 byte and the first four bits of the last A2 byte are seen error-free depending upon the selected framing algorithm. ay ,1 9S ep Once in frame, the Framer block monitors the framing pattern sequence and declares out of frame (OOF) when one or more bits errors in each framing pattern are detected for four consecutive frames. Again, depending upon the algorithm either all framing bytes are examined for bit errors each frame, or only the first A1 byte and the first four bits of the last A2 byte are examined for bit errors each frame. rsd 10.2.2 Descramble liv ett io nT hu The Descramble Block utilizes a frame synchronous descrambler to process the receive stream. The generating polynomial is x7 + x6 + 1 and the sequence length is 127. Details of the descrambling operation are provided in the references. Note that the framing bytes (A1 and A2) and the trace/growth bytes (J0/Z0) are not descrambled. A register bit is provided to disable the descrambling operation. fo 10.2.3 Data Link Extract Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The Data Link Extract Block extracts the section data communication channel (bytes D1, D2, and D3) from an STS-3c/STM-1 stream. The extracted bytes are serialized and are output on the associated RDCC signal at a nominal 192 kbit/s rate. Timing for downstream processing of the data communication channel is provided by the RDCLK signal that is also output by the Data Link Extract Block. RDCLK is derived from a 216 kHz clock that is gapped to yield an average frequency of 192 kHz. RDCC is updated with timing aligned to RDCLK. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 70 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.2.4 Error Monitor tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 The Error Monitor Block calculates the received section BIP-8 error detection code (B1) based on the scrambled data of the complete STS-3c/STM-1 frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 code is compared with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B1 byte of the following frame. Differences indicate that a section level bit error has occurred. Up to 64000 (8 x 8000) bit errors can be detected per second. The Error Monitor Block accumulates these section level bit errors in a 16-bit saturating counter that can be read via the microprocessor interface. Circuitry is provided to latch this counter so that its value can be read while simultaneously resetting the internal counter to 0 or 1, if appropriate, so that a new period of accumulation can begin without loss of any events. It is intended that this counter be polled at least once per second so as not to miss bit error events. 10.2.5 Loss of Signal rsd ay ,1 9S ep The Loss of Signal Block monitors the scrambled data of the receive stream for the absence of 1's or 0’s. When 20 ± 3 µs of all zeros patterns or all ones patterns are detected, a loss of signal (LOS) is declared. Loss of signal is cleared when two valid framing words are detected and during the intervening time, no loss of signal condition is detected. The LOS signal is optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LOSEN Receive Alarm Control Register bit. nT hu 10.2.6 Loss of Frame ef uo fo liv ett io The Loss of Frame Block monitors the in-frame / out-of-frame status of the Framer Block. A loss of frame (LOF) is declared when an out-of-frame (OOF) condition persists for 3 ms. The LOF is cleared when an in-frame condition persists for a period of 3 ms. To provide for intermittent out-of-frame (or in-frame) conditions, the 3 ms timer is not reset to zero until an inframe (or out-of-frame) condition persists for 3 ms. The LOF and OOF signals are optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LOFEB and OOFEN Receive Alarm Control Register bits. inv 10.3 Receive Line Overhead Processor (RLOP) Do wn loa de db yV The Receive Line Overhead Processor (RLOP) provides line level alarm and performance monitoring. In addition, it may extract the line data communication channel from the line overhead and provides it serially on the receive DCC outputs. 10.3.1 Line RDI Detect The Line RDI Detect Block detects the presence of Line Remote Defect Indication (LRDI) in the receive stream. Line RDI is declared when a 110 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte, for three or five consecutive frames. Line RDI is removed when any pattern other than 110 is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. The LRDI signal is optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LRDIEN Receive Alarm Control Register bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 71 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.3.2 Line AIS Detect 11 :50 :36 The Line AIS Block detects the presence of a Line Alarm Indication Signal (LAIS) in the receive stream. Line AIS is declared when a 111 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte, for three or five consecutive frames. Line AIS is removed when any pattern other than 111 is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. The LAIS signal is optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LAISEN Receive Alarm Control Register bit. 20 02 10.3.3 Data Link Extract Block ep tem be r, The Data Link Extract Block extracts the line data communication channel (bytes D4 to D12) from the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. The extracted bytes are serialized and output on the associated RDCC output at a nominal 576 kbit/s rate. Timing for downstream processing of the data communication channel is provided by the RDCLK output. RDCLK is derived from a 2.16 MHz clock that is gapped to yield an average frequency of 576 kHz. 9S 10.3.4 Error Monitor Block nT hu rsd ay ,1 The Error Monitor Block calculates the received line BIP-8 error detection codes based on the Line Overhead bytes and synchronous payload envelopes of the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. The line BIP-8 code is a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. Details are provided in the references. The calculated BIP-8 codes are compared with the BIP-8 codes extracted from the following frame. Any differences indicate that a line layer bit error has occurred. Optionally the RLOP can be configured to count a maximum of only one BIP error per frame. fo liv ett io This block also extracts the line FEBE code from the M1 byte. The FEBE code is contained in bits 2 to 8 of the M1 byte, and represents the number of line BIP-8 errors that were detected in the last frame by the far end. The FEBE code value has 25 legal values (0 to 24) for an STS3c/STM-1 stream. Illegal values are interpreted as zero errors. db yV inv ef uo The Error Monitor Block accumulates B2 error events and FEBE events in two 20-bit saturating counters that can be read via the CBI. The contents of these counters may be transferred to internal holding registers by writing to any one of the counter addresses, or by using the TIP register bit feature. During a transfer, the counter value is latched and the counter is reset to 0 (or 1, if there is an outstanding event). Note, these counters should be polled at least once per second to avoid saturation. Do wn loa de The B2 error event counters optionally can be configured to accumulate only "word" errors. A B2 word error is defined as the occurrence of one or more B2 bit error events during a frame. The B2 error counter is incremented by one for each frame in which a B2 word error occurs. In addition the FEBE events counters optionally can be configured to accumulate only "word" events. A FEBE word event is defined as the occurrence of one or more FEBE bit events during a frame. The FEBE event counter is incremented by one for each frame in which a FEBE event occurs. If the extracted FEBE value is in the range 1 to 4 the FEBE event counter will be incremented for each and every FEBE bit. If the extracted FEBE value is greater than 4 the FEBE event counter will be incremented by 4. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 72 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.4 The Receive APS, Synchronization Extractor and Bit Error Monitor (RASE) :36 10.4.1 Automatic Protection Switch Control tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 The Automatic Protection Switch (APS) control block filters and captures the receive automatic protection switch channel bytes (K1 and K2) allowing them to be read via the RASE APS K1 Register and the RASE APS K2 Register. The bytes are filtered for three frames before being written to these registers. A protection switching byte failure alarm is declared when twelve successive frames have been received, where no three consecutive frames contain identical K1 bytes. The protection switching byte failure alarm is removed upon detection of three consecutive frames containing identical K1 bytes. The detection of invalid APS codes is done in software by polling the RASE APS K1 Register and the RASE APS K2 Register. ep 10.4.2 Bit Error Rate Monitor nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S The Bit Error Monitor Block (BERM) calculates the received line BIP-24 error detection code (B2) based on the line overhead and synchronous payload envelope of the receive data stream. The line BIP-24 code is a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. Details are provided in the references. The calculated BIP code is compared with the BIP-24 code extracted from the B2 bytes of the following frame. Any differences indicate that a line layer bit error has occurred. Up to 192,000 (24 BIP/frame x 8000 frames/second) bit errors can be detected per second for STS-3c/STM-1 rate. liv ett io The BERM accumulates these line layer bit errors in a 20 bit saturating counter that can be read via the microprocessor interface. During a read, the counter value is latched and the counter is reset to 0 (or 1, if there is an outstanding event). Note, this counter should be polled at least once per second to avoid saturation that in turn may result in missed bit error events. inv ef uo fo The BERM block is able to simultaneously monitor for signal fail (SF) or signal degrade (SD) threshold crossing and provide alarms through software interrupts. The bit error rates associated with the SF or SD alarms are programmable over a range of 10-3 to 10-9. Details are provided in the Operations section. yV 10.4.3 Synchronization Status Extraction Do wn loa de db The Synchronization Status Extraction (SSE) Block extracts the synchronization status (S1) byte from the line overhead. The SSE block can be configured to capture the S1 nibble after three or after eight frames with the same value (filtering turned on) or after any change in the value (filtering turned off). The S1 nibble can be read via the CBI interface. 10.5 Receive Path Overhead Processor (RPOP) The Receive Path Overhead Processor (RPOP) provides pointer interpretation, extraction of path overhead, extraction of the synchronous payload envelope, and path level alarm indication and performance monitoring. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 73 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.5.1 Pointer Interpreter :50 :36 The Pointer Interpreter interprets the incoming pointer (H1, H2) as specified in the references. The pointer value is used to determine the location of the path overhead (the J1 byte) in the incoming STS-3c/STM-1 stream. The algorithm can be modeled by a finite state machine. Within the pointer interpretation algorithm three states are defined as shown below: 20 02 11 NORM_state (NORM) AIS_state (AIS) LOP_state (LOP) ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, The transition between states will be consecutive events (indications), e.g., three consecutive AIS indications to go from the NORM_state to the AIS_state. The kind and number of consecutive indications activating a transition is chosen such that the behavior is stable and insensitive to low BER. The only transition on a single event is the one from the AIS_state to the NORM_state after receiving a NDF enabled with a valid pointer value. It should be noted that, since the algorithm only contains transitions based on consecutive indications, this implies that, for example, non-consecutively received invalid indications do not activate the transitions to the LOP_state. rsd Figure 4 Pointer Interpretation State Diagram hu 3 x eq_new_point inc_ind / dec_ind io nT NDF_enable liv ett NORM inv ef uo fo 3x eq_new_point 8x inv_point 3x eq_new_point Do wn loa de db yV 8x NDF_enable 3x AIS_ind NDF_enable 3 x AIS_ind LOP AIS 8 x inv_point The following table defines the events (indications) shown in the state diagram. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 74 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 1 Pointer Interpreter Event (Indications) Description Description norm_point disabled NDF + ss + offset value equal to active offset NDF_enable enabled NDF + ss + offset value in range of 0 to 782 or enabled NDF + ss, if NDFPOR bit is set (Note that the current pointer is not updated by an enabled NDF if the pointer is out of range). AIS_ind H1 = 'hFF, H2 = 'hFF inc_ind disabled NDF + ss + majority of I bits inverted + no majority of D bits inverted + previous NDF_enable, inc_ind or dec_ind more than 3 frames ago dec_ind disabled NDF + ss + majority of D bits inverted + no majority of I bits inverted + previous NDF_enable, inc_ind or dec_ind more than 3 frames ago inv_point not any of above (i.e., not norm_point, and not NDF_enable, and not AIS_ind, and not inc_ind and not dec_ind) new_point disabled_NDF + ss + offset value in range of 0 to 782 but not equal to active offset inc_req majority of I bits inverted + no majority of D bits inverted dec_req majority of D bits inverted + no majority of I bits inverted 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 PM Event (Indication) ay ,1 Notes The active offset is defined as the accepted current phase of the SPE (VC) in the NORM_state and is undefined in the other states. 2. Enabled NDF is defined as the following bit patterns: 1001, 0001, 1101, 1011, 1000. 3. Disabled NDF is defined as the following bit patterns: 0110, 1110, 0010, 0100, 0111. 4. The remaining six NDF codes (0000, 0011, 0101, 1010, 1100, 1111) result in an inv_point indication. 5. The ss bits are unspecified in SONET and has bit pattern 10 in SDH 6. The use of ss bits in definition of indications may be optionally disabled. 7. The requirement for previous NDF_enable, inc_ind or dec_ind be more than 3 frames ago may be optionally disabled. 8. The new_point is also an inv_point. hu nT io ett liv fo uo ef LOP is not declared if all the following conditions exist: The received pointer is out of range (>782) · The received pointer is static · The received pointer can be interpreted, according to majority voting on the I and D bits, as a positive or negative justification indication, after making the requested justification, the received pointer continues to be interpretable as a pointer justification. When the received pointer returns to an in-range value, the S/UNI-16x155 will interpret it correctly. yV inv · Do wn loa de db 9. rsd 1. 10. LOP will exit at the third frame of a three frame sequence consisting of one frame with NDF enabled followed by two frames with NDF disabled, if all three pointers have the same legal value. The transitions indicated in the state diagram are defined in the following table. Table 2 Pointer Interpreter Transition Description Transition Description inc_ind/dec_ind offset adjustment (increment or decrement indication) 3 x eq_new_point three consecutive equal new_point indications Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 75 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 3 x AIS_ind three consecutive AIS indications 8 x inv_point eight consecutive inv_point indications 8 x NDF_enable eight consecutive NDF_enable indications PM single NDF_enable indication :36 NDF_enable :50 Notes The transitions from NORM_state to NORM_state do not represent state changes but imply offset changes. 2. 3 x new_point takes precedence over other events and if the IINVCNT bit is set resets the inv_point count. 3. All three offset values received in 3 x eq_new_point must be identical. 4. "Consecutive event counters" are reset to zero on a change of state except for consecutive NDF count. tem be r, 20 02 11 1. ay ,1 9S ep The Pointer Interpreter detects loss of pointer (LOP) in the incoming STS-3c/STM-1 stream. LOP is declared on entry to the LOP_state as a result of eight consecutive invalid pointers or eight consecutive NDF enabled indications. The alarm condition is reported in the receive alarm port and is optionally returned to the source node by signaling the corresponding Transmit Path Overhead Processor in the local S/UNI-16x155 to insert a path RDI indication. io nT hu rsd The Pointer Interpreter detects path AIS in the incoming STS-3c/STM-1 stream. PAIS is declared on entry to the AIS_state after three consecutive AIS indications. The alarm condition reported in the receive alarm port and is optionally returned to the source node by signaling the corresponding Transmit Path Overhead Processor in the local SONET/SDH equipment to insert a path RDI indication. yV inv ef uo fo liv ett Invalid pointer indications (inv_point), invalid NDF codes, new pointer indications (new_point), discontinuous change of pointer alignment, and illegal pointer changes are also detected and reported by the Pointer Interpreter block via register bits. An invalid NDF code is any NDF code that does not match the NDF enabled or NDF disabled definitions. The third occurrence of equal new_point indications (3 x eq_new_point) is reported as a discontinuous change of pointer alignment event (DISCOPA) instead of a new pointer event and the active offset is updated with the receive pointer value. An illegal pointer change is defined as a inc_ind or dec_ind indication that occurs within three frames of the previous inc_ind, dec_ind or NDF_enable indications. Illegal pointer changes may be optionally disabled via register bits. Do wn loa de db The active offset value is used to extract the path overhead from the incoming stream and can be read from an internal register. 10.5.2 SPE Timing The SPE Timing Block provides SPE timing information to the Error Monitor and the Extract blocks. The block contains a free running timeslot counter that is initialized by a J1 byte identifier (which identifies the first byte of the SPE). Control signals are provided to the Error Monitor and the Extract blocks to identify the Path Overhead bytes and to downstream circuitry to extract the ATM cell or POS payload. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 76 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.5.3 Error Monitor :50 :36 The Error Monitor Block contains two 16-bit counters that are used to accumulate path BIP-8 errors (B3), and far end block errors (FEBEs). The contents of the two counters may be transferred to holding registers, and the counters reset under microprocessor control. 11 Path BIP-8 errors are detected by comparing the path BIP-8 byte (B3) extracted from the current frame, to the path BIP-8 computed for the previous frame. tem be r, 20 02 FEBEs are detected by extracting the 4-bit FEBE field from the path status byte (G1). The legal range for the 4-bit field is between 0000 and 1000, representing zero to eight errors. Any other value is interpreted as zero errors. nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Path RDI alarm is detected by extracting bit 5 of the path status byte. The PRDI signal is set high when bit 5 is set high for five/ten consecutive frames. PRDI is set low when bit 5 is low for five/ten consecutive frames. Auxiliary RDI alarm is detected by extracting bit 6 of the path status byte. The Auxiliary RDI alarm is indicated when bit 6 is set high for five/ten consecutive frames. The Auxiliary RDI alarm is removed when bit 6 is low for five/ten consecutive frames. The Enhanced RDI alarm is detected when the enhanced RDI code in bits 5,6,7 of the path status byte indicates the same error codepoint for five/ten consecutive frames. The Enhanced RDI alarm is removed when the enhanced RDI code in bits 5,6,7 of the path status byte indicates the same non error codepoint for five/ten consecutive frames. The ERDII maskable interrupt is set high when bits 5, 6 & 7 of the path status byte (G1) byte are set to a new codepoint for five or ten consecutive frames. The ERDIV[2:0] signal reflects the state of the filtered ERDI value (G1 byte bits 5, 6, & 7). ett io 10.6 Receive ATM Cell Processor (RXCP) uo fo liv The Receive ATM Cell Processor (RXCP) performs ATM cell delineation, provides cell filtering based on idle/unassigned cell detection and HCS error detection, and performs ATM cell payload descrambling. inv ef 10.6.1 Cell Delineation Do wn loa de db yV Cell Delineation is the process of framing to ATM cell boundaries using the header check sequence (HCS) field found in the cell header. The HCS is a CRC-8 calculation over the first 4 octets of the ATM cell header. When performing delineation, correct HCS calculations are assumed to indicate cell boundaries. Cells are assumed to be byte-aligned to the synchronous payload envelope. The cell delineation algorithm searches the 53 possible cell boundary candidates individually to determine the valid cell boundary location. While searching for the cell boundary location, the cell delineation circuit is in the HUNT state. When a correct HCS is found, the cell delineation state machine locks on the particular cell boundary, corresponding to the correct HCS, and enters the PRESYNC state. The PRESYNC state validates the cell boundary location. If the cell boundary is invalid, an incorrect HCS will be received within the next DELTA cells, at which time a transition back to the HUNT state is executed. If no HCS errors are detected in this PRESYNC period, the SYNC state is entered. While in the SYNC state, synchronization is maintained until ALPHA consecutive incorrect HCS patterns are detected. In such an event a transition is made back to the HUNT state. The state diagram of the delineation process is shown in Figure 5. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 77 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 5 Cell Delineation State Diagram :36 correct HCS (byte by byte) 02 11 :50 HUNT 20 Incorrect HCS (cell by cell) tem be r, PRESYNC ,1 9S ep ALPHA consecutive incorrect HCS's (cell by cell) DELTA consecutive correct HCS's (cell by cell) hu rsd ay SYNC fo liv ett io nT The values of ALPHA and DELTA determine the robustness of the delineation process. ALPHA determines the robustness against false misalignments due to bit errors. DELTA determines the robustness against false delineation in the synchronization process. ALPHA is chosen to be 7 and DELTA is chosen to be 6. These values result in an average time to delineation of 32 µs for the STS-3c/STM-1 rate. uo 10.6.2 Descrambler yV inv ef The self-synchronous descrambler operates on the 48 byte cell payload only. The circuitry descrambles the information field using the x43 + 1 polynomial. The descrambler is disabled for the duration of the header and HCS fields and may optionally be disabled for the payload. db 10.6.3 Cell Filter and HCS Verification Do wn loa de Cells are filtered (or dropped) based on HCS errors and/or a cell header pattern. Cell filtering is optional and is enabled through the RXCP registers. Cells are passed to the receive FIFO while the cell delineation state machine is in the SYNC state as described above. When both filtering and HCS checking are enabled, cells are dropped if HCS errors are detected, or if the header contents match the pattern contained in the RXCP Match Header Pattern and RXCP Match Header Mask registers. Idle or unassigned cell filtering is accomplished by writing the appropriate cell header pattern into the RXCP Match Header Pattern and RXCP Match Header Mask registers. Idle/Unassigned cells are assumed to contain the all zeros pattern in the VCI and VPI fields. The RXCP Match Header Pattern and RXCP Match Header Mask registers allow filtering control over the contents of the GFC, PTI, and CLP fields of the header. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 78 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :36 PM The HCS is a CRC-8 calculation over the first 4 octets of the ATM cell header. The RXCP block verifies the received HCS using the polynomial, x8 + x2 + x + 1. The coset polynomial, x6 + x4 + x2 + 1, is added (modulo 2) to the received HCS octet before comparison with the calculated result. . 11 :50 10.6.4 Performance Monitor 20 02 The Performance Monitor consists of 8-bit saturating HCS error event counter and a 24-bit saturating receive cell counter. The error counter accumulates HCS errors. The 24-bit receive cell counter counts all cells written into the receive FIFO. Filtered cells are not counted. ,1 9S ep tem be r, Each counter may be read through the microprocessor interface. Circuitry is provided to latch these counters so that their values can be read while simultaneously resetting the internal counters to 0 or 1, if appropriate, so that a new period of accumulation can begin without loss of any events. It is intended that the counter be polled at least once per second so as not to miss any counted events. rsd ay 10.7 Receive POS Frame Processor (RXFP) nT hu The Receive POS Frame Processor (RXFP) performs packet extraction, provides FCS error correction, performs packet payload descrambling, and provides performance monitoring functions. ett io 10.7.1 Overhead Removal uo fo liv The overhead removal consists of stripping SONET/SDH overhead bytes from the data stream. Once overhead bytes are removed, the data stream consists of POS frame octets that can be fed directly to the descrambler or the POS Frame Delineation block. ef 10.7.2 Descrambler Do wn loa de db yV inv When enabled, the self-synchronous descrambler operates on the POS Frame data, descrambling the data with the polynomial x43 + 1. Descrambling is performed on the raw data stream, before any POS frame delineation or byte destuffing is performed. Data scrambling can provide for a more robust system preventing the injection of hostile patterns into the data stream. 10.7.3 POS Frame Delineation This block accepts data one byte at a time and arranges it as POS framed octets. Frame boundaries are found by searching for the Flag Character (0x7E). Flags are also used to fill inter-packet spacing. This block removes the Flag Sequence and passes the data onto the Byte Destuffing block. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 79 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :36 PM The POS Frame Delineation is performed on the descrambled data and consists of arranging the POS framed octets. Frame boundaries are found by searching for the Flag Character (0x7E). Flags are also used to fill inter-packet spacing. This block removes the Flag Sequence and passes the data onto the Byte Destuffing block. The POS Frame format is shown on Figure 6. Packet (PPP or other) FCS Flag Flag 20 02 Flag 11 Figure 6 Packet Over SONET/SDH Frame Format tem be r, POS Frame ,1 9S ep In the event of a FIFO overflow caused by the FIFO being full while a packet is being received, the packet is marked with an error so it can be discarded by the system. Subsequent bytes associated with this now aborted frame are discarded. Reception of POS data resumes when a Start of Packet is encountered and the FIFO level is below the programmable Reception Initialization Level (RIL[7:0]). ay 10.7.4 Byte Destuffing liv ett Table 3 HDLC Byte Sequences io nT hu rsd The byte destuffing algorithm searches the Control Escape character (0x7D). These characters, listed in Table 3, are added for transparency in the transmit direction and must be removed to recover the user data. When the Control Escape character is encountered, it is removed and the following data byte is XORed with 0x20. Therefore, any escaped data byte will be processed properly by the S/UNI-16x155. fo Data Value uo 0x7E (Flag Sequence) 0x7D 0x5E 0x7D 0x5D 0x7D 0x7E inv HDLC Aborted Packet ef 0x7D (Control Escape) Sequence yV 10.7.5 FCS Check Do wn loa de db The FCS Generator performs a CRC-16.ISO-3309 or CRC-32 calculation on the whole POS frame, after byte destuffing and data descrambling scrambling. A parallel implementation of the CRC polynomial is used. The CRC algorithm for the frame checking sequence (FCS) field is either a CRC-16.ISO-3309 or CRC-32 function. The CRC-16.ISO-3309 is two bytes in size and has a generating polynomial g(x) = 1 + x5 + x12 + x16. The CRC-32 is four bytes in size and has a generating polynomial g(x) = 1 + x + x2 + x4 + x5 + x7 + x8 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x16 + x22 + x23 + x26 + x32. The first FCS bit transmitted is the coefficient of the highest term. . Packets with FCS errors are marked as such and should be discarded by the system. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 80 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released g2 gn-1 + D0 + D1 + ... 02 + Dn-1 20 Message 11 :50 g1 :36 PM Figure 7 CRC Decoder tem be r, 10.7.6 Performance Monitor ay ,1 9S ep The Performance Monitor consists of four 16-bit saturating error event counters and one 24-bit saturating received good packet counter. One of the error event counters accumulates FCS errors. The second error event counter accumulates minimum length violation packets. The third error event counter accumulates maximum length violation packets. The fourth error event counter accumulates aborted packets. The 24-bit receive good packet counter counts all error free packets. io nT hu rsd Each counter may be read through the microprocessor interface. Circuitry is provided to latch these counters so that their values can be read while simultaneously resetting the internal counters to 0 or 1, whichever is appropriate, so that a new period of accumulation can begin without loss of any events. The counters should be polled at least once per second so error events will not be missed. db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The RXFP monitors the packets for both minimum and maximum length errors. When a packet size is smaller than MINPL[7:0], the packet is marked with an error but still written into the FIFO. Malformed packets, that is packets that do not at least contain the FCS field plus one byte, are treated differently. If a malformed packet is received and FCS stripping is enabled, the packet is discarded, not written in the FIFO, and counted as a minimum packet size violation. If a malformed packet is received and FCS stripping is disabled, it is written into the FIFO since, in this case, the misformed packet criteria is reduced to one byte, but will still count as a minimum packet size violation. When the packet size exceeds MAXPL[15:0] the packet is marked with an error and the bytes beyond the maximum count are discarded. Do wn loa de 10.8 Transmit Line Interface (CSPI) The Transmit Line Interface allows to directly interface the S/UNI-16x155 with optical modules (ODLs) or other medium interfaces. This block performs clock synthesis and performs parallel to serial conversion on each outgoing 155.52 Mbit/s data stream. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 81 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.8.1 Clock Synthesis 02 11 :50 :36 The transmit clock is synthesized from a 77.76 MHz reference by the clock synthesis unit (CSU). The transfer function yields a typical low pass corner of 1 MHz, above which reference jitter is attenuated at least 20 dB per octave. The design of the loop filter and PLL is optimized for minimum intrinsic jitter. With a jitter free 77.76 MHz reference, the intrinsic jitter is typically 0.006 UI RMS when measured using a high pass filter with a 12 kHz cutoff frequency. The REFCLK reference should be within ±20 ppm to meet the SONET/SDH free-run accuracy requirements specified in GR-253-CORE. 20 10.8.2 Parallel to Serial Converter tem be r, The Parallel to Serial Converter (PISO) converts each transmit byte serial stream to a bit serial stream. The transmit bit serial streams appear on the TXD[15:0]+/- PECL outputs. ep 10.9 Transmit Section Overhead Processor (TSOP) rsd ay ,1 9S The Transmit Section Overhead Processor (TSOP) provides frame pattern insertion (A1, A2), scrambling, section level alarm signal insertion, and section BIP-8 (B1) insertion. In addition, it may insert the section data communication channel provided serially on the transmit DCC inputs. hu 10.9.1 Line AIS Insert fo liv ett io nT Line AIS insertion results in all bits of the SONET/SDH frame being set to 1 before scrambling except for the section overhead. The Line AIS Insert Block substitutes all ones as described when enabled by the TLAIS input or through an internal register accessed through the microprocessor interface. Activation or deactivation of line AIS insertion is synchronized to frame boundaries. uo 10.9.2 Data Link Insert Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The Data Link Insert Block inserts the section data communication channel (bytes D1, D2, and D3) into the STS-3c/STM-1 stream when enabled by an internal register accessed via the common bus interface. The bytes to be inserted are serially input on the associated TDCC signal at a nominal 192 kbit/s rate. Timing for upstream processing of the data communication channel is provided by the TDCLK signal. TDCLK is derived from a 216 kHz clock that is gapped to yield an average frequency of 192 kHz. 10.9.3 BIP-8 Insert The BIP-8 Insert Block calculates and inserts the BIP-8 error detection code (B1) into the transmit stream. The BIP-8 calculation is based on the scrambled data of the complete STS-3c/STM-1 frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. Details are provided in the references. The calculated BIP-8 code is then inserted into the B1 byte of the following frame before scrambling. BIP-8 errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 82 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.9.4 Framing and Identity Insert :50 :36 The Framing and Identity Insert Block inserts the framing bytes (A1, A2) and trace/growth bytes (J0/Z0) into the STS-3c/STM-1 frame. Framing bit errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. 11 10.9.5 Scrambler tem be r, 20 02 The Scrambler Block utilizes a frame synchronous scrambler to process the transmit stream when enabled through an internal register accessed via the microprocessor interface. The generating polynomial is x7 + x6 + 1. Precise details of the scrambling operation are provided in the references. Note that the framing bytes and the identity bytes are not scrambled. All zeros may be continuously inserted (after scrambling) under register control for diagnostic purposes. 9S ep 10.10 Transmit Line Overhead Processor (TLOP) ay ,1 The Transmit Line Overhead Processor (TLOP) provides line level alarm signal insertion, and line BIP-24 insertion (B2). In addition, it inserts the line data communication provided serially on the transmit DCC inputs. rsd 10.10.1 APS Insert nT hu The APS Insert Block inserts the two automatic protection switch (APS) channel bytes in the Line Overhead (K1 and K2) into the transmit stream when enabled by an internal register. ett io 10.10.2 Data Link Insert yV inv 10.10.3 Line BIP Calculate ef uo fo liv The Data Link Insert Block inserts the line data communication channel (DCC) (bytes D4 to D12) into the STS-3c/STM-1 stream when enabled by an internal register. The D4 to D12 bytes are input serially using the associated TDCC signal at a nominal 576 kbit/s rate. Timing for upstream processing of the line DCC is provided by the TDCLK output. TDCLK is derived from a 2.16 MHz clock that is gapped to yield an average frequency of 576 kHz. Do wn loa de db The Line BIP Calculate Block calculates the line BIP-24 error detection code (B2) based on the line overhead and synchronous payload envelope of the transmit stream. The line BIP-24 code is a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. Details are provided in the references. The calculated BIP-24 code is inserted into the B2 byte positions of the following frame. BIP24 errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. 10.10.4 Line RDI Insert The Line RDI Insert Block controls the insertion of line remote defect indication. Line RDI insertion is enabled through register control. Line RDI is inserted by transmitting the code 110 (binary) in bit positions 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte contained in the transmit stream. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 83 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.10.5 Line FEBE Insert :36 The Line FEBE Insert Block accumulates line BIP-24 errors (B2) detected by the Receive Line Overhead Processor and encodes far end block error indications in the transmit Z2 byte. 11 :50 10.11 Transmit Path Overhead Processor (TPOP) 20 02 The Transmit Path Overhead Processor (TPOP) provides transport frame alignment generation, pointer generation (H1, H2), path overhead insertion and the insertion of path level alarm signals. tem be r, 10.11.1 Pointer Generator 9S ep The Pointer Generator Block generates the outgoing payload pointer (H1, H2) as specified in the references. The concatenation indication (the NDF field set to 1001, I-bits and D-bits set to all ones, and unused bits set to all zeros) is inserted in the second and third pointer byte locations in the transmit stream. rsd ay ,1 (1) A "normal pointer value" locates the start of the SPE. Note: 0 £ "normal pointer value" £ 782, and the new data flag (NDF) field is set to 0110. Note that values greater than 782 may be inserted, using internal registers, to generate a loss of pointer alarm in downstream circuitry. io nT hu (2) Arbitrary "pointer values" may be generated using internal registers. These new values may optionally be accompanied by a programmable new data flag. New data flags may also be generated independently using internal registers. uo fo liv ett (3) Positive pointer movements may be generated using a bit in an internal register. A positive pointer movement is generated by inverting the five I-bits of the pointer word. The SPE is not inserted during the positive stuff opportunity byte position, and the pointer value is incremented by one. Positive pointer movements may be inserted once per frame for diagnostic purposes. db yV inv ef (4) Negative pointer movements may be generated using a bit in an internal register. A negative pointer movement is generated by inverting the five D-bits of the pointer word. The SPE is inserted during the negative stuff opportunity byte position, the H3 byte, and the pointer value is decremented by one. Negative pointer movements may be inserted once per frame for diagnostic purposes. Do wn loa de The pointer value is used to insert the path overhead into the transmit stream. The current pointer value may be read via internal registers. 10.11.2 BIP-8 Calculate The BIP-8 Calculate Block performs a path bit interleaved parity calculation on the SPE of the transmit stream. Details are provided in the references. The resulting parity byte is inserted in the path BIP-8 (B3) byte position of the subsequent frame. BIP-8 errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 84 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.11.3 FEBE Calculate 11 :50 :36 The FEBE Calculate Block accumulates far end block errors on a per frame basis, and inserts the accumulated value (up to maximum value of eight) in the FEBE bit positions of the path status (G1) byte. The FEBE information is derived from path BIP-8 errors detected by the receive path overhead processor, RPOP. Far end block errors may be inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. 02 10.12 Transmit ATM Cell Processor (TXCP) 9S ep tem be r, 20 The Transmit ATM Cell Processor (TXCP) provides rate adaptation via idle/unassigned cell insertion, provides HCS generation and insertion, and performs ATM cell scrambling. An idle or unassigned cell is transmitted if a complete ATM cell has not been written into the transmit FIFO. ,1 10.12.1 Idle/Unassigned Cell Generator rsd ay The Idle/Unassigned Cell Generator inserts idle or unassigned cells into the cell stream when enabled. Registers are provided to program the GFC, PTI, and CLP fields of the idle cell header and the idle cell payload. The idle cell HCS is automatically calculated and inserted. nT hu 10.12.2 Scrambler liv ett io The Scrambler scrambles the 48 octet information field. Scrambling is performed using a parallel implementation of the self-synchronous scrambler (x43 + 1 polynomial). The cell headers are transmitted unscrambled, and the scrambler may optionally be disabled. fo 10.12.3 HCS Generator yV inv ef uo The HCS Generator performs a CRC-8 calculation over the first four header octets. A parallel implementation of the polynomial, x8+x2+x+1, is used. The coset polynomial, x6+x4+x2+1, is added (modulo 2) to the residue. The HCS Generator optionally inserts the result into the fifth octet of the header. db 10.13 Transmit POS Frame Processor (TXFP) Do wn loa de The Transmit POS Frame Processor (TXFP) provides rate adaptation by transmitting flag sequences (0x7E) between packets, provides FCS generation and insertion, performs packet data scrambling, and provides performance monitoring functions. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 85 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.13.1 POS Frame Generator 02 11 :50 :36 The POS Frame Generator runs off of the SONET/SDH sequencer to create the POS frames to be transmitted, whose format is shown in Figure 8. Flags are inserted whenever the Transmit FIFO is empty and there is no data to transmit. When there is enough data to be transmitted, the block operates normally; it removes packets from the Transmit FIFO and transmits them. In addition, FCS generation, error insertion, byte stuffing, and scrambling can be optionally enabled. FCS Flag r, Packet (PPP or other) Flag tem be Flag 20 Figure 8 Packet Over SONET/SDH Frame Format ep POS Frame hu rsd ay ,1 9S In the event of a FIFO underflow caused by the FIFO being empty while a packet is being transmitted, the packet is aborted by transmitting the Abort Sequence. The Abort Sequence consists of an Escape Control character (0x7D) followed by the Flag Sequence (0x7E). Bytes associated with this aborted frame are still read from the FIFO but are discarded and replaced with the Flag Sequence in the outgoing data stream. Transmission of data resumes a start of the next packet is encountered in the FIFO data stream. liv ett io nT The POS Frame Generator also performs inter-packet gaping. This operation consists of inserting a programmable number of Flag Sequence characters between each POS frame transmission. This feature allows to control the system effective data transmission rate if required. uo fo For correct operation, the TXFP only supports packets ranging in size from 2 bytes to 65534 bytes in length. ef 10.13.2 FCS Generator Do wn loa de db yV inv The FCS Generator performs a CRC-16.ISO-3309 or CRC-32 calculation on the whole POS frame, before byte stuffing and data scrambling. A parallel implementation of the CRC polynomial is used. The CRC algorithm for the frame checking sequence (FCS) field is either a CRC-16.ISO-3309 or CRC-32 function. The CRC-16.ISO-3309 is two bytes in size and has a generating polynomial g(x) = 1 + x5 + x12 + x16. The CRC-32 is four bytes in size and has a generating polynomial g(x) = 1 + x + x2 + x4 + x5 + x7 + x8 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x16 + x22 + x23 + x26 + x32. The first FCS bit transmitted is the coefficient of the highest term. When transmitting a packet from the Transmit FIFO, the FCS Generator appends the result after the last data byte, before the closing flag. Note that the Frame Check Sequence is the one's complement of the CRC register after calculation ends. FCS calculation and insertion can be disabled. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 86 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released g2 gn-1 + + ... + Dn-1 Message 20 D1 02 + D0 11 :50 g1 :36 PM Figure 9 CRC Generator MSB tem be r, Parity Check Digits LSB 9S ep An error insertion mechanism is provided for system diagnosis purposes. Error insertion is performed by inverting the resulting FCS value, before transmission. This should cause an FCS Error at the far end. ,1 10.13.3 Byte Stuffing ett Data Value liv 0x7E (Flag Sequence) fo 0x7D (Control Escape) Sequence 0x7D 0x5E 0x7D 0x5D 0x7D 0x7E inv ef uo HDLC Abort Sequence 10.13.4 Data Scrambling io Table 4 HDLC Byte Sequences nT hu rsd ay The POS Frame generator provides transparency by performing byte stuffing. This operation is done after the FCS calculation. Two characters are being escaped, the Flag Sequence (0x7E) and the Escape Character itself (0x7D). When a character is being escaped, it is XORed with 0x20 before transmission and preceded by the Control Escape (0x7D) character. Do wn loa de db yV The Scrambler will optionally scramble the whole packet data, including the FCS and the flags. Scrambling is performed after the POS frame is formed using a parallel implementation of the self-synchronous scrambler polynomial, x43+1. On reset, the scrambler is set to all ones to ensure scrambling on start-up. The scrambler may optionally be completely disabled. Data scrambling can provide for a more robust system preventing the injection of hostile patterns into the data stream. 10.13.5 SONET/SDH Framer The SONET/SDH Framer gaps the POS frames in order to insert the SONET/SDH framing and overhead bytes (Section/Line Overhead and Path Overhead). The framer uses framing alignment information provided by the TPOP TSB to perform its function. The TXFP does not set any SONET/SDH overhead bytes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 87 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.14 SONET/SDH Path Trace Buffer (SPTB) :50 :36 The SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer (SPTB) block can handle both 64-byte CLLI messages in SONET and 16-byte E.164 messages in SDH. This block operates similarly to the SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer (SSTB) except the C2 byte is also processed. 11 10.14.1 Receive Trace Message Receiver tem be r, 20 02 When TIMODE is low, the Trace Message Receiver (TMR) captures the received path trace identifier message (J1 byte) into microprocessor readable register. It contains three pages of trace message memory. They are the capture page, the accepted page and the expected page. Path trace identifier data bytes from the receive stream are written into the capture page. The expected identifier message is written by the microprocessor into the expected page. hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep On receipt of a trace identifier byte, it is written into next location in the capture page. The received byte is compared with the data from the previous message in the capture page. An identifier message is accepted if it is received unchanged three times, or optionally, five times. The accepted message is then compared with the expected message. If the current message differs from the previous message for eight consecutive messages, the received message is declared unstable. The received message is declared stable when the received message passes the persistency criterion (three or five identical receptions) for being accepted. An interrupt may be optionally generated on entry to and exit from the unstable state. uo fo liv ett io nT The length of the path trace identifier message is selectable between 16 bytes and 64 bytes. When programmed for 16 byte messages, the path trace buffer synchronizes to the byte with the most significant bit set to high and places the byte at the first location in the capture page. When programmed for 64 byte messages, the path trace buffer synchronizes to the trailing carriage return (CR = 0DH), line feed (LF = 0AH) sequence and places the next byte at the head of the capture page. This enables the path trace message to be appropriately aligned for interpretation by the microprocessor. Synchronization may be disabled, in which case, the memory acts as a circular buffer. yV inv ef When TIMODE is high, a stable message is declared when forty eight of the same path trace identifier message (J1) bytes are received. Once in the stable state, an unstable state is declared when one or more errors are detected in three consecutive sixteen byte windows. db 10.14.2 Transmit Trace Buffer Do wn loa de The Trace Transmit Buffer (TTB) sources the 16-byte or 64-byte trace identifier message. The TTB contains one page of transmit trace identifier message memory. Identifier message data bytes are written by the microprocessor into the message buffer and inserted in the transmit stream. When the microprocessor is updating the transmit page buffer, the TTB may be programmed to transmit null characters to prevent transmission of partial messages. 10.14.3 Overhead Byte Receiver The path signal label (PSL) found in the path overhead byte (C2) is processed. Two detection algorithms are implemented for the declaration of path signal label mismatch. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 88 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :36 PM When PSLMODE is low, an incoming PSL is accepted when it is received unchanged for five consecutive frames. The accepted PSL is compared with the provisioned value. The PSL alarm declarations are determined by Table 5. 20 02 11 :50 Each time an incoming PSL differs from the one in the previous frame, the PSL unstable counter is incremented. Thus, a single bit error in the PSL in a sequence of constant PSL values will cause the counter to increment twice, once on the errored PSL and again on the first errorfree PSL. The incoming PSL is considered unstable, when the counter reaches five. The counter is cleared when the same PSL is received for five consecutive frames. 00 Match 00 01 Mismatch 00 XX Mismatch 01 00 Mismatch 01 01 Match 01 XX Match Match XX XX Match XX YY Mismatch ay Mismatch 01 rsd 00 XX nT hu XX io Note XX, YY are equal to anything except 0x00 or 0x01 and are not equal to each other. ett · tem be 00 ep Action 9S Receive ,1 Expect r, Table 5 Path Signal Label Mismatch Mechanism inv ef uo fo liv When PSLMODE is high, the receive path signal mismatch alarm is declared based on the declaration of a match or mismatch between the received label and the expected label. The mismatch is set when five consecutive mismatches are declared. The mismatch is cleared when five consecutive matches are declared. Table 6 shows the alarm declarations determined by the different received and expected labels. Action 00 Unequipped 00 01 Mismatch 00 XX Mismatch 01 00 Unequipped 01 01 Match 01 XX Match XX 00 Unequipped XX 01 Match XX XX Match XX YY Mismatch 00 db Receive Do wn loa de Expect yV Table 6 Path Signal Label Mismatch Mechanism Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 89 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Note: XX, YY are equal to anything except 0x00 or 0x01 and are not equal to each other. :36 10.15 SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer (SSTB) PM · 02 11 :50 The SONET/SDH Section Trace Buffer (SSTB) block can handle both 64-byte CLLI messages in SONET and 16-byte E.164 messages in SDH. This block operates similarly to the SONET/SDH Path Trace Buffer (SPTB). 20 10.15.1 Receive Trace Message Receiver ep tem be r, When TIMODE is low, the Trace Message Receiver (TMR) captures the received section trace identifier message (J0 byte) into microprocessor readable register. It contains three pages of trace message memory. They are the capture page, the accepted page and the expected page. Section trace identifier data bytes from the receive stream are written into the capture page. The expected identifier message is written by the microprocessor into the expected page. nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S On receipt of a trace identifier byte, it is written into next location in the capture page. The received byte is compared with the data from the previous message in the capture page. An identifier message is accepted if it is received unchanged three times, or optionally, five times. The accepted message is then compared with the expected message. If the current message differs from the previous message for eight consecutive messages, the received message is declared unstable. The received message is declared stable when the received message passes the persistency criterion (three or five identical receptions) for being accepted. An interrupt may be optionally generated on entry to and exit from the unstable state. inv ef uo fo liv ett io The length of the section trace identifier message is selectable between 16 bytes and 64 bytes. When programmed for 16 byte messages, the section trace buffer synchronizes to the byte with the most significant bit set to high and places the byte at the first location in the capture page. When programmed for 64 byte messages, the section trace buffer synchronizes to the trailing carriage return (CR = 0DH), line feed (LF = 0AH) sequence and places the next byte at the head of the capture page. This enables the section trace message to be appropriately aligned for interpretation by the microprocessor. Synchronization may be disabled, in which case, the memory acts as a circular buffer. Do wn loa de db yV When TIMODE is high, a stable message is declared when forty eight of the same section trace identifier message (J0) bytes are received. Once in the stable state, an unstable state is declared when one or more errors are detected in three consecutive sixteen byte windows. 10.15.2 Transmit Trace Buffer (TTB) The TTB sources the 16-byte or 64-byte trace identifier message. The TTB contains one page of transmit trace identifier message memory. Identifier message data bytes are written by the microprocessor into the message buffer and inserted in the transmit stream. When the microprocessor is updating the transmit page buffer, the TTB may be programmed to transmit null characters to prevent transmission of partial messages. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 90 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.16 WAN Synchronization Controller (WANS) 11 :50 :36 The WANS provides hardware support to implement a local clock reference compliant to SONET/SDH Stratum 3 clock specifications (GR-253-CORE & GR-1244-CORE) in wander transfer, long term and holdover stability. The WANS block is intended to be used in conjunction with an external processor, digital to analog converter (DAC), analog circuitry and voltage control crystal oscillator (VCXO). tem be r, 20 02 In general, WANS block implements the phase detector of a phase lock loop structure which relies on an external processor and a VCXO to produce the Stratum 3 clock as shown in Figure 10. The WANS performs a digital phase comparison between the recovered receive clock (receive line rate clock from a clock recovery unit) and the reference clock used to generate the transmit stream for all channels (REFCLK+/- supplied by the VCXO). External VCXO CSU PISO nT hu TXD+/- rsd ay ,1 9S ep Figure 10 WANS PLL Block Diagram WANS (Phase Detector) Microprocessor Interface DAC Filtering/ Correction (Software) RXD+/- SIPO RCLK SONET/SDH Recieve Stream inv ef uo CRU fo liv ett io REFCLK+/- TCLK SONET/SDH Transmit Stream Do wn loa de db yV The software running on the external processor is responsible for performing: digital loop filtering, temperature compensation, VCXO linearity compensation; determining the validity of the timing reference; and performing reference switchover. The VCXO creates the 77.76 MHz Stratum 3 reference clock which the CSU will synthesize to the desired 155.52 MHz transmit clock. Thus, the WANS PLL structure can phase lock the SONET/SDH transmit serial stream to the SONET/SDH receive serial stream. With appropriate software filtering and compensation, the device may meet SONET/SDH Stratum 3 clock specifications (GR-253-CORE & GR-1244CORE) in wander transfer, long term and holdover stability. A description of the functionality supplied by the WANS block is given below. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 91 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.16.1 Phase Comparison :50 :36 The phase comparison between the receive recovered clock (RCLK) and the transmit reference clock (REFCLK+/-) is implemented by sampling, at a fixed interval specified by the Reference Counter, the output of the Phase Counter. The Reference Counter is clocked by RCLK while the Phase Counter is clocked by the REFCLK+/- clock. tem be r, 20 02 11 Successive reading of the value obtained, referred to as the phase sample (PHSAMP), can be used to calculate the phase relation between both clocks. Both the Reference Counter and the Phase Counter are programmable counters and are set to have equal cycle period. Therefore, if REFCLK+/- was phased locked to RCLK, successive readings of the phase sample would be equal. The phase sample value will increase or decrease depending if REFCLK+/- is faster or slower than RCLK. 9S ep At each reference period, a signal enabling the sampling (SAMPLEN) of the Phase Counter is produced. This signal is resynchronized to REFCLK+/- to avoid any potential metastability problem that could result due to the asynchronous nature of both clocks. ,1 10.16.2 Phase Reacquisition Control io nT hu rsd ay The Phase Reacquisition Control circuit prevents using the phase sample from both sides of the counter wrap-around point when performing the Phase Sample averaging. The Phase Count is first divided in four quadrants, each equal to approximately a quarter of the Phase Count. Comparators are used to determine in which quadrant each phase sample is located. When two successive samples (one in the first quadrant and the other in the last quadrant) are seen, the Reference Phase Alignment Flag (RPHALFLG) is generated. uo fo liv ett Upon reception of this signal, the Phase Counter is reset to align the phase count sampling point towards its middle count. This signal is also sent to the Phase Averager circuit. The generation of this signal may be squelched by setting the AUTOREAC bit of the WANS configuration register. ef 10.16.3 Phase Averager yV inv To provide some noise immunity and improve the resolution of the phase detector algorithm of the WANS, the phase samples are averaged over a programmable number of samples. Do wn loa de db Although referred to as an averaging process, it is truly an accumulation process. It retains full resolution, i.e. no division is performed on the accumulated value. The Phase Word includes an integer and a fractional part. The number of averaging samples sets the size of the fractional part. A programmable counter, the Sample Counter, is incremented at each SAMPLEN signal. This Sample Counter defines the Phase Averaging Period, equal to the Reference Period times the programmed number of phase samples. At the end of this period, the accumulated phase sample value is transferred to the Phase Word register. The Phase Word (PHAWORD) is then accessible by an external processor. A timer flag (TIMFLG) is raised at the end of each averaging period. The flag may be used to generate an interrupt request to an external processor. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 92 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :36 PM Because it indicates that the averaging process includes invalid sample values, the RPHALFLG signal also prevents the Phase Word register from being updated at the end of the current Phase Averaging period. The RPHAFLG signal indicates this event by sending the Reference Phase Alignment condition signal (RPHALGN) to the CBI status register. The RPHALGN signal is reset at the end of the following valid Phase Averaging period. 02 11 10.17 ATM UTOPIA and Packet over SONET/SDH POS-PHY System Interfaces tem be r, 20 The S/UNI-16x155 system interface can be configured for UTOPIA or POS-PHY modes of operation. ep When configured for UTOPIA operation, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a multi-PHY UTOPIA Level 3 interface to allow the transfer of ATM cells between the ATM layer device and the S/UNI-16x155. hu nT 10.17.1 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 Interface rsd ay ,1 9S When configured for POS-PHY operation, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a multi-PHY POSPHY Level 3 interface. In this mode, the S/UNI-16x155 supports POS applications or applications requiring a mix of channels provisioned for POS and ATM operation. In this mixed operation, ATM cells are transferred as fixed-length packets over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. liv ett io The Receive UTOPIA/POS-PHY Level 3 Interface (RUL3) provides FIFO management at the S/UNI-16x155 receive cell interface during UTOPIA Level 3 operation. Each channel receive FIFO may contain up to four cells. The FIFO provides the cell rate decoupling function between the transmission system physical layer and the ATM layer. ef uo fo In general, the management functions include filling the receive FIFO, indicating when the receive FIFO contains cells, maintaining the receive FIFO read and write pointers, and detecting FIFO overrun conditions. Do wn loa de db yV inv The UTOPIA Level 3 compliant interface accepts a read clock (RFCLK) and read enable signal (RENB). The RADR[3:0] bus with RCA is used to poll the channel FIFOs for fill status. As well, channels are selected using the RADR[3:0] and falling edge of RENB. The interface indicates the start of a cell (RSOC) when data is read on the receive RDAT[31:0] bus. The RPRTY signal reports the parity on the RDAT[31:0] bus (selectable as odd or even parity). This interface also indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and register bits. 10.17.2 Receive POS-PHY Level 3 Interface The Receive UTOPIA/POS-PHY Level 3 Interface (RUL3) provides FIFO management at the S/UNI-16x155 receive interface during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. Each channel receive FIFO contains 256 bytes. The FIFO provides the system rate decoupling function between the transmission system physical layer and the link layer, and to handle timing differences caused by the removal of escape characters. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 93 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :36 PM In general, the management functions include filling the receive FIFO, indicating when the receive FIFO contains packet data or cells, maintaining the receive FIFO read and write pointers, and detecting FIFO overrun conditions. r, 20 02 11 :50 The interface accepts a read clock (RFCLK) and read enable signal (RENB) when data is read from the receive FIFO (using the rising edge of the RFCLK). The start of packet RSOP marks the first byte of receive packet data on the RDAT[31:0]. The RPRTY signal determine the parity on the RDAT[31:0] bus (selectable as odd or even parity). The end of a packet is indicated by the REOP signal with the RMOD[1:0] signals indicating the number of valid bytes on RDAT[31:0]. Signal RERR is provided to indicate that an error in the received packet has occurred (the error may have several causes include an abort sequence or a FCS error). 9S ep tem be The RVAL signal is used to indicate when RSOP, REOP, RERR, RMOD[1:0] and RDAT[31:0] are valid. This interface also indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and register bits. Read accesses while RVAL is low are ignored and will output invalid data. RVAL will not assert until RENB is asserted. ,1 10.17.3 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 Interface hu rsd ay The Transmit UTOPIA/POS-PHY Level 3 Interface (TUL3) provides FIFO management and the S/UNI-16x155 transmit cell interface. Each channel receive FIFO may contain up to four cells. The FIFO depth may be programmed from 4 to 1 cells. The FIFO provides the cell rate decoupling function between the transmission system physical layer and the ATM layer. ett io nT In general, the management functions include emptying cells from the transmit FIFO, indicating when the transmit FIFO is full, maintaining the transmit FIFO read and write pointers and detecting a FIFO overrun condition. db yV inv ef uo fo liv The UTOPIA Level 3 compliant interface accepts a write clock (TFCLK), a write enable signal (TENB), the start of a cell (TSOC) indication and the parity bit (TPRTY) when data is written to the transmit. The TADR[3:0] bus with TCA is used to poll the channel FIFOs for fill status. As well, channels are selected using the TADR[3:0] and falling edge of TENB. To reduce FIFO latency, the FIFO depth at which TCA indicates “full” can be set to one, two, three or four cells by the FIFODP[1:0] bits of the TUL3. If the programmed depth is less than 16, more than one cell may be written after TCA is asserted as the TUL3 still allows 16 cells to be stored in its FIFO. Do wn loa de The interface also indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and register bits. The TXCP automatically transmits idle cells until a full cell is available to be transmitted. 10.17.4 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 Interface The Transmit UTOPIA/POS-PHY Level 3 Interface (TUL3) provides FIFO management at the S/UNI-16x155 transmit packet interface. Each channel transmit FIFO contains 256 bytes. The FIFO provides the system rate decoupling function between the transmission system physical layer and the link layer, and to handle timing differences caused by the insertion of escape characters. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 94 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 02 11 :50 :36 PM The POS-PHY Level 3 compliant interface accepts a write clock (TFCLK), a write enable signal (TENB), the start of packet (TSOP) indication, the end of packet (TEOP) indication, errored packet (TERR) indication and the parity bit (TPRTY) when data is written to the transmit FIFO (using the rising edges of the TFCLK). The TADR[3:0] bus with TPA is used to poll the channel FIFOs for fill status. As well, channels are selected using the TADR[3:0] and falling edge of TENB. The The POS processor will not start transmitting a packet until a programmable number of bytes for a single packet or the entire packet is in the FIFO. A packet may be aborted by asserting the TERR signal at the end of the packet. tem be r, 20 The interface also indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and register bits. The TXFP automatically transmits idle flag characters until sufficient data is available in the transmit FIFO to start transmission. 10.18 Transmit APS Interface ay ,1 9S ep The Transmit APS interface allows two S/UNI-16x155 devices to exchange SONET/SDH path data streams. The transmit interface generates a SONET/SDH serial data stream with valid section and path overheads. This allows performance monitoring and alarm generation to be done in a similar manner to the serial line side interfaces. nT 10.18.1 APS Parallel to Serial Converter hu rsd The APS path information may be sourced from the receive side of a channel (RSOP/RLOP) or from the transmit side of a channel (TPOP/TXFP/TXCP/TUL3). ett io The APS Parallel to Serial Converter (APISO) converts each transmit APS byte serial stream to a bit serial stream. The transmit bit serial stream appears on the APSO[3:0]+/- PECL outputs. fo liv 10.19 Transmit APS Overhead Processor yV inv ef uo The Transmit APS Overhead Processor (TAOP) provides frame pattern insertion (A1, A2), scrambling and section BIP-8 (B1) insertion on the APS output stream. The processor is similar to a Transmit Section Overhead processor (TSOP) except some features of the TSOP are not supported. db 10.19.1 Data Link Insert Do wn loa de The section DCC bytes (D1, D2 and D3) are used to imbed the transport alarm (section and/or line alarms) status of the path data into the APS stream. When the section or line overheads of the path data stream is in alarm condition (LOS, LOF, LAIS, LRDI or LOP), the DCC bytes are set to all ones (0xFF). The DCC bytes are set to all zeros (0x00) when the section and line overheads of the path data stream are not in alarm condition. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 95 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.19.2 BIP-8 Insert 11 :50 :36 The BIP-8 calculation is based on the scrambled data of the complete APS frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. Details are provided in the references. The calculated BIP-8 code is then inserted into the B1 byte of the following frame before scrambling. BIP-8 errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. 02 10.19.3 Framing and Identity Insert tem be r, 20 The Framing and Identity Insert Block inserts the framing bytes (A1, A2) into the APS frame. Framing bit errors may be continuously inserted under register control for diagnostic purposes. 10.19.4 Scrambler ay ,1 9S ep The Scrambler Block utilizes a frame synchronous scrambler to process the transmit stream when enabled through an internal register accessed via the microprocessor interface. The generating polynomial is x7 + x6 + 1. Precise details of the scrambling operation are provided in the references. Note that the framing bytes are not scrambled. All zeros may be continuously inserted (after scrambling) under register control for diagnostic purposes. rsd 10.20 SONET/SDH Path Aligner ett io nT hu The SONET/SDH Path Aligner (STAL) synchronizes the transmit APS path data streams to the CSU transmit clock domain. All APS bit serial interfaces are transmitted using the synthesized 622.08 MHz clock from the CSU and require all APS path data streams to be aligned to this clock domain. inv ef uo fo liv Frequency offsets (due to receive path information) and phase differences (due to normal network operation) between a channel’s path stream and the APS stream are accommodated by pointer adjustments on the APS stream. The alignment is accomplished by recalculating the SONET/SDH payload pointer value based on the offset between transport overhead of the path data stream and the outgoing APS data stream. db yV Since each STAL only processes a STS-1/STM-0 pointer, each APS interface uses four master STAL blocks to process the four concatenated payload pointers and 8 other slave STAL blocks to handle the remaining STS-3c/STM-1 data streams. Do wn loa de 10.21 Receive APS Interface The Receive APS interface (RAPS) allows two S/UNI-16x155 devices to exchange SONET/SDH path data streams. The receive interface accepts a SONET/SDH serial data stream with valid section and path overheads ignoring all line overhead information. This allows performance monitoring and alarm generation to be done in a similar manner to the serial line side interfaces. The APS path information may be terminated by the receive side of a channel (RPOP/RXCP/RXFP/RUL3) or inserted into the transmit side of a channel (TSOP/TLOP). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 96 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.21.1 APS Data Recovery Unit 11 :50 :36 The data recovery unit (DRU) recovers the data from the incoming 622Mbit/s APS serial stream. The DRU adapts the 622.08 MHz free running clock from the CSU to recover the incoming APS bit serial. In order for the DRU to lock to the incoming stream, the APS link must be frequency locked to the CSU 622.08 MHz clock. Low frequency jitter, such as temperature induced wander, may be tracked by the DRU. For more detailed APS jitter performance refer to Table 38. 20 02 10.21.2 APS FIFO ep tem be r, The receive APS FIFO is a 16 byte FIFO which allows a receive APS link to tolerate low frequency jitter. Since the DRU tracks low frequency phase variations around the 622.08 MHz CSU clock derived from reference clock REFCLK, the APS FIFO synchronizes the APS data stream to the local REFCLK domain. Further downstream processing of the APS stream is performed on the REFCLK clock domain. 9S 10.21.3 APS Serial to Parallel Converter rsd ay ,1 The APS Serial to Parallel Converter (SIPO) searches for the initial SONET/SDH framing pattern in the receive APS stream, and performs serial to parallel conversion on octet boundaries. liv ett io nT hu While out of frame, the SIPO block monitors the recovered APS data stream for an occurrence of a A1 byte. The SIPO adjusts its byte alignment of the serial-to-parallel converter when three consecutive A1 bytes followed by three consecutive A2 bytes occur in the data stream. The SIPO informs the RAOP Framer block when this framing pattern has been detected to reinitializes the RAOP to the new frame alignment. uo fo While in frame, the SIPO maintains the byte alignment APS data stream until AROP declares out of frame. inv ef 10.22 Receive APS Overhead Processor Do wn loa de 10.22.1 Framer db yV The Receive APS Overhead Processor (RAOP) provides frame synchronization, descrambling, section level alarm and performance monitoring. The processor is similar to a Receive Section Overhead processor (RSOP) except some features of the RSOP are not supported. The Framer Block determines the in-frame/out-of-frame status of the receive APS stream. While in-frame, the framing bytes (A1, A2) in each frame are compared against the expected pattern. Out-of-frame is declared when four consecutive frames containing one or more framing pattern errors have been received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 97 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :36 PM While out of frame, the RAPS block monitors the bit-serial APS data stream for an occurrence of the framing pattern (A1, A2). The RAPS informs the RAOP Framer block when three A1 bytes followed by three A2 bytes has been detected to reinitializes the frame byte counter to the new alignment. The Framer block declares frame alignment on the next SONET/SDH frame when either all A1 and A2 bytes are seen error-free or when only the first A1 byte and the first four bits of the last A2 byte are seen error-free depending upon the selected framing algorithm. tem be r, 20 02 Once in frame, the Framer block monitors the framing pattern sequence and declares out of frame (OOF) when one or more bits errors in each framing pattern are detected for four consecutive frames. Again, depending upon the algorithm either all framing bytes are examined for bit errors each frame, or only the first A1 byte and the first four bits of the last A2 byte are examined for bit errors each frame. 10.22.2 Descramble ,1 9S ep The Descramble Block utilizes a frame synchronous descrambler to process the receive stream. The generating polynomial is x7 + x6 + 1 and the sequence length is 127. Details of the descrambling operation are provided in the references. Note that the framing bytes (A1 and A2) are not descrambled. A register bit is provided to disable the descrambling operation. rsd ay 10.22.3 Data Link Extract io nT hu The section DCC bytes (D1, D2 and D3) are used to indicate transport alarm (section and/or line alarms) status of the path data stream. When 3 of 5 bits of the DCC data stream are high, the path data stream is in transport alarm condition (LOS, LOF, LAIS, LRDI or LOP). When 3 of 5 bits of the DCC data stream are low, the path data stream is not in alarm condition. uo fo liv ett When the APS path data stream is used by the transmit serial interface (transmit path bridged from a remote S/UNI-16x155 to a transmit channel), a transport alarm will cause path AIS to be inserted in the transmit direction. yV 10.22.4 Error Monitor inv ef When the APS path data stream is terminated by the receive serial interface (receive path from a remove S/UNI-16x155 selected by a receive channel), a transport alarm will affect the AUTOPRDI function in the path transmit direction. Do wn loa de db The Error Monitor Block calculates the received section BIP-8 error detection code (B1) based on the scrambled data of the complete SONET/SDH frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 code is compared with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B1 byte of the following frame. Differences indicate that a section level bit error has occurred. Up to 64000 (8 x 8000) bit errors can be detected per second. The Error Monitor Block accumulates these section level bit errors in a 16-bit saturating counter that can be read via the microprocessor interface. Circuitry is provided to latch this counter so that its value can be read while simultaneously resetting the internal counter to 0 or 1, if appropriate, so that a new period of accumulation can begin without loss of any events. It is intended that this counter be polled at least once per second so as not to miss bit error events. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 98 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 10.22.5 Loss of Signal 11 :50 :36 The Loss of Signal Block monitors the scrambled data of the receive stream for the absence of 1's or 0’s. When 20 ± 3 µs of all zeros patterns or all ones patterns are detected, a loss of signal (LOS) is declared. Loss of signal is cleared when two valid framing words are detected and during the intervening time, no loss of signal condition is detected. The APS path stream is forced to all ones (PAIS) when LOS occurs. 02 10.22.6 Loss of Frame ep tem be r, 20 The Loss of Frame Block monitors the in-frame / out-of-frame status of the Framer Block. A loss of frame (LOF) is declared when an out-of-frame (OOF) condition persists for 3 ms. The LOF is cleared when an in-frame condition persists for a period of 3 ms. To provide for intermittent out-of-frame (or in-frame) conditions, the 3 ms timer is not reset to zero until an inframe (or out-of-frame) condition persists for 3 ms. The APS path stream is forced to all ones (PAIS) when OOF or LOF occurs. ,1 9S 10.23 Channel Cross Connect hu rsd ay The Channel Cross Connect allows channels to exchange path information with other channels as well as exchange path information with the APS serial interface. For all configurations, the transmit and receive path processors (RPOP and TPOP) of a given channel are a matched set and exchange path FEBE and RDI information. ett io nT In the transmit direction, the cross connect allows two channels to transmit identical path information (bridge) and/or allow channels to transmit receive APS path data streams (protection channel function). uo fo liv In the receive direction, the cross connect allows a receive path processor (RPOP) to select between receive channels (select between working and protection channels) or select between receive channels and APS path data streams (select between working and protection channels). inv ef 10.24 JTAG Test Access Port db yV The JTAG Test Access Port block provides JTAG support for boundary scan. The standard JTAG EXTEST, SAMPLE, BYPASS, IDCODE and STCTEST instructions are supported. The S/UNI-16x155 identification code is 0x153820CD hexadecimal. Do wn loa de 10.25 Microprocessor Interface The microprocessor interface block provides normal and test mode registers, and the logic required to connect to the microprocessor interface. The normal mode registers are required for normal operation, and test mode registers are used to enhance the testability of the S/UNI16x155. In the following section every register is documented and identified using the register number. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 99 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Normal Mode Register Descriptions PM 11 :50 :36 Normal mode registers are used to configure and monitor the operation of the S/UNI-16x155. Normal mode registers are selected when TRS (A[13]) is low. 11 Test mode registers are used to enhance the testability of the S/UNI-1x155. Refer to section 12 for information about test registers. 20 02 11.1 Register Memory Map tem be r, The register set is accessed as described in Table 8, which describes every normal mode register for the channel’s address space. ep Table 7 Top Level Register Memory Map Register Description 000 S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity 001 S/UNI-16x155 Master Configuration 002 Reserved 003 S/UNI-16x155 Clock Monitors 004-0FF Channel Configuration and Status Registers 100 S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #1 101 S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #2 102 S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #2 103 Reserved ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S Address Channel #1 Configuration and Status Registers 200-203 Reserved 204-2FF Channel #2 Configuration and Status Registers 300-303 Reserved 304-3FF Channel #3 Configuration and Status Registers 400-403 Reserved uo ef inv yV Do wn loa de 504-5FF Channel #4 Configuration and Status Registers Reserved db 404-4FF 500-503 fo liv 104-1FF Channel #5 Configuration and Status Registers 600-603 Reserved 604-6FF Channel #6 Configuration and Status Registers 700-703 Reserved 704-7FF Channel #7 Configuration and Status Registers 800-803 Reserved 804-8FF Channel #8 Configuration and Status Registers 900-903 Reserved 904-9FF Channel #9 Configuration and Status Registers A00-A03 Reserved Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 100 C00-C03 Reserved C04-CFF Channel #12 Configuration and Status Registers D00-D03 Reserved D04-DFF Channel #13 Configuration and Status Registers E00-E03 Reserved E04-EFF Channel #14 Configuration and Status Registers F00-F03 Reserved :36 Channel #11 Configuration and Status Registers :50 Reserved B04-BFF 11 B00-B03 02 Channel #10 Configuration and Status Registers 20 A04-AFF r, Register Description tem be Address PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Channel #15 Configuration and Status Registers 1000 S/UNI-16x155 Clock Source Configuration 1001 S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #1 1002 S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #2 1003 Reserved 1004-10FF System and APS Interface Configuration and Status Registers 1100 CSPI Clock Synthesis Configuration 1101 CSPI Clock Synthesis Status 1102 CSPI Reserved 1103 CSPI Reserved 1104-11FF APS Cross Connect and Aligner Configuration and Status Registers 1200-1FFF Unused 2000-3FFF Reserved for Test fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep F04-FFF inv ef uo As shown by the top level register map in Table 7, each channel is represented by a repeat addressable structure. Table 8 describes every normal mode register for a channel’s address space. The channel offset is shown for channel #0 with all other channels similarly located by the address spaces listed above. Do wn loa de 004 Register Description db Offset yV Table 8 Per Channel Register Memory Map Channel Master Configuration #1 005 Channel Master Configuration #2 006 Channel Reset/Interrupt Status #1 007 Channel Interrupt Status #2 008 Channel Auto Line RDI Control 009 Channel Auto Path RDI Control 00A Channel Auto Enhanced Path RDI Control 00B Channel Receive RDI and Enhanced RDI Control 00C Channel Receive Line AIS Control 00D Channel Receive Path AIS Control Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 101 Offset Register Description 00E Channel Receive Alarm Control #1 Channel Receive Alarm Control #2 010 RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable 011 RSOP Status/Interrupt Status 012 RSOP Section BIP-8 LSB 013 RSOP Section BIP-8 MSB 014 TSOP Control 015 TSOP Diagnostic 016 TSOP Reserved 017 TSOP Reserved RLOP Control/Status 019 RLOP Interrupt Enable/Interrupt Status 01A RLOP Line BIP-24 LSB 01B RLOP Line BIP-24 01E RLOP Line FEBE 01F RLOP Line FEBE MSB 020 TLOP Control 9S RLOP Line FEBE LSB ,1 RLOP Line BIP-24 MSB 01D nT hu rsd ay 01C ep 018 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 00F PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released TLOP Diagnostic 022 TLOP Transmit K1 023 TLOP Transmit K2 024 TLOP Transmit Synchronization Message (S1) liv ett io 021 TLOP Transmit J0/Z0 026 Reserved 027 Reserved 028 SSTB Control 029 SSTB Section Trace Identifier Status uo ef inv yV Do wn loa de 02C SSTB Indirect Address Register 02D SSTB Indirect Data Register db 02A 02B fo 025 SSTB Reserved SSTB Reserved 02E SSTB Indirect Access Trigger Register 02F SSTB Reserved 030 RPOP Status/Control (EXTD=0) 030 RPOP Status/Control (EXTD=1) 031 RPOP Interrupt Status (EXTD=0) 031 RPOP Interrupt Status (EXTD=1) 032 RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status 033 RPOP Interrupt Enable (EXTD=0) Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 102 Offset Register Description 033 RPOP Interrupt Enable (EXTD=1) RPOP Pointer Interrupt Enable 035 RPOP Pointer LSB 036 RPOP Pointer MSB 037 RPOP Path Signal Label 038 RPOP Path BIP-8 LSB 039 RPOP Path BIP-8 MSB 03A RPOP Path FEBE LSB 03B RPOP Path FEBE MSB 03C RPOP RDI 03D RPOP Ring Control 03E RPOP Reserved 03F RPOP Reserved 040 TPOP Control/Diagnostic 041 TPOP Pointer Control 042 TPOP Reserved 043 TPOP Current Pointer LSB 044 TPOP Current Pointer MSB 045 TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB 046 TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB 047 TPOP Path Trace 048 TPOP Path Signal Label 049 TPOP Path Status 04A TPOP Reserved 04B TPOP Reserved 04C TPOP Reserved 04D TPOP Reserved :50 11 02 20 r, tem be ep 9S ,1 ay rsd hu nT TPOP Concatenation MSB SPTB Control Do wn loa de db 04F 051 io ett liv fo uo ef inv TPOP Concatenation LSB yV 04E 050 :36 034 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released SPTB Path Trace Identifier Status 052 SPTB Indirect Address Register 053 SPTB Indirect Data Register 054 SPTB Expected Path Signal Label 055 SPTB Path Signal Label Status 056 SPTB Indirect Access Trigger Register 057 SPTB Reserved 058 DCRU Configuration 059 DCRU Reserved 05A DCRU Reset Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 103 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Register Description 05B DCRU Reserved PM Offset CRSI Configuration 05D CRSI Status 05E CRSI Reserved 05F CRSI Reserved 060 RXCP Configuration 1 061 RXCP Configuration 2 062 RXCP FIFO/UTOPIA Control and Configuration 063 RXCP Interrupt Enable and Counter Status 064 RXCP Status/Interrupt Status 065 RXCP LCD Count Threshold LSB 066 RXCP LCD Count Threshold MSB 067 RXCP Idle Cell Header Pattern 068 RXCP Idle Cell Header Mask RXCP HCS Error Count 06B RXCP Received Cell Count LSB 06C RXCP Received Cell Count 06D RXCP Received Cell Count MSB 06E RXCP Idle Cell Count LSB 06F RXCP Idle Cell Count 070 RXCP Idle Cell Count MSB 071 RXCP Reserved 072 RXCP Reserved 073 RXCP Reserved 074 RXCP Reserved 075 RXCP Reserved 076 RXCP Reserved 20 r, tem be ay rsd hu nT io Do wn loa de 07A ett liv fo uo ef inv yV RXCP Reserved RXCP Reserved db 077 079 ep 9S RXCP Reserved 06A ,1 069 078 02 11 :50 :36 05C RXCP Reserved RXCP Reserved 07B RXCP Reserved 07C RXCP Reserved 07D RXCP Reserved 07E RXCP Reserved 07F RXCP Reserved 080 TXCP Configuration 1 081 TXCP Configuration 2 082 TXCP Transmit Cell Status Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 104 TXCP Interrupt Enable/Status 084 TXCP Idle Cell Header Control 085 TXCP Idle Cell Payload Control 086 TXCP Transmit Cell Counter LSB 087 TXCP Transmit Cell Counter :36 083 :50 Register Description TXCP Transmit Cell Counter MSB 089 TXCP Reserved 08A TXCP Reserved 08B TXCP Reserved 08C TXCP Reserved 08D TXCP Reserved 08E TXCP Reserved 08F TXCP Reserved 090 BIDX Reserved 091 BIDX Reserved 092-093 Unused 094 Receive Cell/Packet Count LSB 095 Receive Cell/Packet Count 096 Receive Cell/Packet Count MSB 097 Reserved 098 JAT Configuration #1 099 JAT Configuration #2 09A JAT Reset rsd hu nT io ett liv JAT Reserved 09C Unused 09D-09F Receive Performance Count 0A0 RXFP Configuration RXFP Interrupt Status RXFP Minimum Packet Length Do wn loa de db 0A2 0A5 uo ef inv RXFP Configuration/Interrupt Enable yV 0A1 0A4 fo 09B 0A3 ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 088 11 Offset PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released RXFP Maximum Packet Length LSB RXFP Maximum Packet Length MSB 0A6 RXFP Receive Initiation Level 0A7 RXFP Reserved 0A8 RXFP Receive Byte Counter LSB 0A9 RXFP Receive Byte Counter 0AA RXFP Receive Byte Counter 0AB RXFP Receive Byte Counter MSB 0AC RXFP Receive Frame Counter LSB 0AD RXFP Receive Frame Counter Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 105 RXFP Aborted Frame Count LSB 0B0 RXFP Aborted Frame Count MSB 0B1 RXFP FCS Error Frame Count LSB 0B2 RXFP FCS Error Frame Count MSB 0B3 RXFP Minimum Length Frame Count LSB 0B4 RXFP Minimum Length Frame Count MSB 0B5 RXFP Maximum Length Frame Count LSB 0B6 RXFP Maximum Length Frame Count MSB 0B7 RXFP Reserved 0B8 RXFP Reserved 0B9 RXFP Reserved 0BA RXFP Reserved 0BB RXFP Reserved 0BC RXFP Reserved 0BD RXFP Reserved 0BE RXFP Reserved 0BF RXFP Reserved 0C0 TXFP Interrupt Enable/Status TXFP Control 0C3 TXFP Reserved 0C4 TXFP Reserved 0C5 TXFP Transmit Byte Count LSB 0C6 TXFP Transmit Byte Count 0C7 TXFP Transmit Byte Count 0C8 TXFP Transmit Byte Count MSB 0C9 TXFP Transmit Frame Count LSB Do wn loa de 0CD ett liv fo uo ef inv yV TXFP Transmit Frame Count TXFP Transmit Frame Count MSB db 0CA 0CC :50 tem be ep 9S ,1 ay rsd hu nT TXFP Configuration 0C2 io 0C1 0CB :36 0AF 11 RXFP Receive Frame Counter MSB 02 0AE 20 Register Description r, Offset PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count LSB TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count MSB 0CE TXFP Transmit Underrun Aborted Frame Count LSB 0CF TXFP Transmit Underrun Aborted Frame Count MSB 0D0 WANS Configuration 0D1 WANS Interrupt and Status 0D2 WANS Phase Word LSB 0D3 WANS Phase Word 0D4 WANS Phase Word 0D5 WANS Phase Word MSB Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 106 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Register Description 0D6 WANS Reserved 0D7 WANS Reserved 0D8 WANS Reserved 0D9 WANS Reference Period LSB 0DA WANS Reference Period MSB 11 :50 :36 PM Offset WANS Phase Counter Period LSB 0DC WANS Phase Counter Period MSB 0DD WANS Phase Average Period 0DE WANS Reserved 0DF WANS Reserved 0E0 RASE Interrupt Enable 0E1 RASE Interrupt Status 0E2 RASE Configuration/Control 0E3 RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period LSB 0E4 RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period 0E5 RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period MSB 0E6 RASE SF BERM Saturation Threshold LSB 0E7 RASE SF BERM Saturation Threshold MSB 0E8 RASE SF BERM Declaring Threshold LSB 0E9 RASE SF BERM Declaring Threshold MSB 0EA RASE SF BERM Clearing Threshold LSB 0EB RASE SF BERM Clearing Threshold MSB 0EC RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period LSB liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 0DB RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period 0EE RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period MSB 0EF RASE SD BERM Saturation Threshold LSB 0F0 RASE SD BERM Saturation Threshold MSB 0F1 RASE SD BERM Declaring Threshold LSB yV inv ef uo fo 0ED 0F3 Do wn loa de 0F4 RASE SD BERM Declaring Threshold MSB RASE SD BERM Clearing Threshold LSB db 0F2 RASE SD BERM Clearing Threshold MSB 0F5 RASE Receive K1 0F6 RASE Receive K2 0F7 RASE Receive Z1/S1 0F8 BIDX Reserved 0F9 BIDX Reserved 0FA BIMX Reserved 0FB BIMX Reserved 0FC Channel Concatenation Status and Enable 0FD Channel Concatenation Interrupt Status Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 107 Register Description 0FE Channel Serial Interface Configuration 0FF Channel Clock Monitors :36 Offset PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 As shown by the top level register map in Table 7, the Level 3 System Interface and APS Serial Interface registers are located together memory similar to a channel interface. Table 9 lists the registers for the Level 3 System interface and APS Serial Interface. 20 Register Description 1004 APS Configuration and Status 1005 APS FIFO Configuration and Status 1006 APS Interrupt Status #1 tem be r, Address APS Reserved 1008 APS Reset Control 1009-100F Unused 1010 TUL3 Interface Configuration 1011 TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable #1 1012 TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable #2 1013 TUL3 ATM Level 3 FIFO Configuration 1014 TUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label 1015 TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO Low Water Mark 1016 TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO High Water Mark 1017 TUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label 1018 TUL3 Reserved 1019 TUL3 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration 101A TUL3 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep 1007 TUL3 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration 101C TUL3 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration 101D TUL3 Reserved yV inv ef 101B Do wn loa de 1020 TUL3 Reserved db 101E 101F 02 Table 9 System and APS Interface Register Memory Map TUL3 Reserved RUL3 Interface Configuration 1021 RUL3 Interrupt Status/Configuration 1022 RUL3 ATM Level 3 Configuration 1023 RUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label 1024 RUL3 POS Level 3 Configuration 1025 RUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label 1026 RUL3 POS Level 3 Transfer Size 1027 RUL3 Reserved 1028 RUL3 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 108 1029 RUL3 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration 102A RUL3 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration 102B RUL3 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration 102C RUL3 Reserved 102D RUL3 Reserved 11 RUL3 Reserved 102F RUL3 Reserved 1030 TUL3 DLL Configuration 1031 TUL3 Reserved 1032 TUL3 Reset 1033 TUL3 DLL Control Status 1034 RUL3 DLL Configuration 1035 RUL3 Reserved 1036 RUL3 Reset 1037 RUL3 APS DLL Control Status 1038 TAOP APS Link #0 Control 1039 TAOP APS Link #0 Diagnostic 103A TAOP APS Link #0 Reserved 103B TAOP APS Link #0 Reserved 103C TAOP APS Link #1 Control 103D TAOP APS Link #1 Diagnostic 103E TAOP APS Link #1 Reserved 103F TAOP APS Link #1 Reserved 1040 TAOP APS Link #2 Control 1041 TAOP APS Link #2 Diagnostic 1042 TAOP APS Link #2 Reserved 1043 TAOP APS Link #2 Reserved 1044 TAOP APS Link #3 Control 20 r, tem be ep 9S ,1 ay rsd hu nT io ett liv fo uo ef inv yV TAOP APS Link #3 Diagnostic TAOP APS Link #3 Reserved Do wn loa de db 1045 1047 02 102E 1046 :36 Register Description :50 Address PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released TAOP APS Link #3 Reserved 1048 RAOP APS Link #0 Control/Interrupt Enable 1049 RAOP APS Link #0 Status/Interrupt Status 104A RAOP APS Link #0 Section BIP-8 LSB 104B RAOP APS Link #0 Section BIP-8 MSB 104C RAOP APS Link #1 Control/Interrupt Enable 104D RAOP APS Link #1 Status/Interrupt Status 104E RAOP APS Link #1 Section BIP-8 LSB 104F RAOP APS Link #1 Section BIP-8 MSB 1050 RAOP APS Link #2 Control/Interrupt Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 109 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Register Description 1051 RAOP APS Link #2 Status/Interrupt Status 1052 RAOP APS Link #2 Section BIP-8 LSB 1053 RAOP APS Link #2 Section BIP-8 MSB 1054 RAOP APS Link #3 Control/Interrupt Enable 1055 RAOP APS Link #3 Status/Interrupt Status 1056 RAOP APS Link #3 Section BIP-8 LSB 1057 RAOP APS Link #3 Section BIP-8 MSB 1058 RAPS APS Link #0 Configuration 1059 RAPS APS Link #0 Status 105A RAPS APS Link #0 Reserved 105B RAPS APS Link #0 Reserved 105C RAPS APS Link #1 Configuration 105D RAPS APS Link #1 Status 105E RAPS APS Link #1 Reserved 1062 RAPS APS Link #2 Reserved 1063 RAPS APS Link #2 Reserved :36 :50 11 02 hu nT RAPS APS Link #3 Configuration 1065 RAPS APS Link #3 Status 1066 RAPS APS Link #3 Reserved 1067 RAPS APS Link #3 Reserved 1068 BIMX Reserved 1069 BIMX Reserved 106A BIMX Reserved 106B BIMX Reserved 106C BIMX Reserved yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io 1064 BIMX Reserved BIMX Reserved Do wn loa de db 106D 1070 -10FF 20 r, RAPS APS Link #2 Status 106F tem be ep 9S 1061 ,1 RAPS APS Link #2 Configuration ay RAPS APS Link #1 Reserved 1060 rsd 105F 106E PM Address BIMX Reserved Unused As shown by the top level register map in Table 7, the APS Cross Connect and Path Aligner registers are located together memory similar to a channel interface. Table 10 lists the registers for the APS Cross Connect and Path Aligner registers. Table 10 APS Cross Connect and Aligner Address Register Description 1104 Channel #0 Receive Connect Select Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 110 Channel #0 Transmit Connect Select 1106 Channel #0 Connect Control 1107 Channel #1 Receive Connect Select 1108 Channel #1 Transmit Connect Select 1109 Channel #1 Connect Control Channel #2 Transmit Connect Select 110C Channel #2 Connect Control 110D Channel #3 Receive Connect Select 110E Channel #3 Transmit Connect Select 1111 Channel #4 Transmit Connect Select 1112 Channel #4 Connect Control r, tem be Channel #4 Receive Connect Select ep Channel #3 Connect Control 1110 9S 110F Channel #5 Receive Connect Select 1114 Channel #5 Transmit Connect Select 1115 Channel #5 Connect Control 1116 Channel #6 Receive Connect Select 1117 Channel #6 Transmit Connect Select 1118 Channel #6 Connect Control 1119 Channel #7 Receive Connect Select 111A Channel #7 Transmit Connect Select 111B Channel #7 Connect Control liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 1113 Channel #8 Receive Connect Select 111D Channel #8 Transmit Connect Select 111E Channel #8 Connect Control 111F Channel #9 Receive Connect Select 1120 Channel #9 Transmit Connect Select yV inv ef uo fo 111C Channel #9 Connect Control Channel #10 Receive Connect Select Do wn loa de db 1121 1123 02 Channel #2 Receive Connect Select 110B 20 110A 1122 :36 1105 :50 Register Description 11 Address PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Channel #10 Transmit Connect Select 1124 Channel #10 Connect Control 1125 Channel #11 Receive Connect Select 1126 Channel #11 Transmit Connect Select 1127 Channel #11 Connect Control 1128 Channel #12 Receive Connect Select 1129 Channel #12 Transmit Connect Select 112A Channel #12 Connect Control 112B Channel #13 Receive Connect Select 112C Channel #13 Transmit Connect Select Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 111 Channel #14 Receive Connect Select 112F Channel #14 Transmit Connect Select 1130 Channel #14 Connect Control 1131 Channel #15 Receive Connect Select :36 112E :50 Channel #13 Connect Control 11 112D Channel #15 Transmit Connect Select 1133 Channel #15 Connect Control 1134-113F Unused 1140 STAL Channel #0 Configuration 1141 STAL Channel #0 Control and Interrupt Status 20 02 1132 r, Register Description tem be Address PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released STAL Channel #0 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 1143 STAL Channel #0 Reserved 1144-1147 STAL Channel #0 Slave #0 1148-114B STAL Channel #0 Slave #1 9S ep 1142 STAL Channel #1 Configuration 114D STAL Channel #1 Control and Interrupt Status 114E STAL Channel #1 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 114F STAL Channel #1 Reserved 1150-1153 STAL Channel #1 Slave #0 1154-1157 STAL Channel #1 Slave #1 1158 STAL Channel #2 Configuration 1159 STAL Channel #2 Control and Interrupt Status 115A STAL Channel #2 Alarm and Diagnostic Control liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 114C STAL Channel #2 Reserved 115C-115F STAL Channel #2 Slave #0 1160-1163 STAL Channel #2 Slave #1 1164 STAL Channel #3 Configuration 1165 STAL Channel #3 Control and Interrupt Status yV inv ef uo fo 115B 1167 Do wn loa de 1168-116B STAL Channel #3 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 116C-116F STAL Channel #3 Reserved db 1166 STAL Channel #3 Slave #0 STAL Channel #3 Slave #1 1170 STAL Channel #4 Configuration 1171 STAL Channel #4 Control and Interrupt Status 1172 STAL Channel #4 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 1173 STAL Channel #4 Reserved 1174-1177 STAL Channel #4 Slave #0 1178-117B STAL Channel #4 Slave #1 117C STAL Channel #5 Configuration 117D STAL Channel #5 Control and Interrupt Status Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 112 Address Register Description 117E STAL Channel #5 Alarm and Diagnostic Control STAL Channel #5 Reserved 1180-1183 STAL Channel #5 Slave #0 1184-1187 STAL Channel #5 Slave #1 1188 STAL Channel #6 Configuration 1189 STAL Channel #6 Control and Interrupt Status 118A STAL Channel #6 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 118B STAL Channel #6 Reserved 118C-118F STAL Channel #6 Slave #0 1190-1193 STAL Channel #6 Slave #1 20 r, tem be STAL Channel #7 Configuration 1195 STAL Channel #7 Control and Interrupt Status 1196 STAL Channel #7 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 1197 STAL Channel #7 Reserved 9S ep 1194 STAL Channel #7 Slave #0 119C-119F STAL Channel #7 Slave #1 11A0 STAL Channel #8 Configuration 11A1 STAL Channel #8 Control and Interrupt Status 11A2 STAL Channel #8 Alarm and Diagnostic Control nT hu rsd ay ,1 1198-119B STAL Channel #8 Reserved 11A4-11A7 STAL Channel #8 Slave #0 11A8-11AB STAL Channel #8 Slave #1 11AC STAL Channel #9 Configuration 11AD STAL Channel #9 Control and Interrupt Status 11AE STAL Channel #9 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11AF STAL Channel #9 Reserved 11B0-11B3 STAL Channel #9 Slave #0 11B4-11B7 STAL Channel #9 Slave #1 yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io 11A3 Do wn loa de 11BA STAL Channel #10 Configuration 11BB STAL Channel #10 Control and Interrupt Status db 11B8 11B9 02 11 :50 :36 117F PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released STAL Channel #10 Alarm and Diagnostic Control STAL Channel #10 Reserved 11BC-11BF STAL Channel #10 Slave #0 11C0-11C3 STAL Channel #10 Slave #1 11C4 STAL Channel #11 Configuration 11C5 STAL Channel #11 Control and Interrupt Status 11C6 STAL Channel #11 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11C7 STAL Channel #11 Reserved 11C8-11CB STAL Channel #11 Slave #0 11CC-11CF STAL Channel #11 Slave #1 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 113 11D0 STAL Channel #12 Configuration 11D1 STAL Channel #12 Control and Interrupt Status 11D2 STAL Channel #12 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11D3 STAL Channel #12 Reserved 11D4-11D7 STAL Channel #12 Slave #0 :36 Register Description 11DD STAL Channel #13 Control and Interrupt Status 11DE STAL Channel #13 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11DF STAL Channel #13 Reserved 11E0-11E3 STAL Channel #13 Slave #0 11E4-11E7 STAL Channel #13 Slave #1 11E8 STAL Channel #14 Configuration 11E9 STAL Channel #14 Control and Interrupt Status 20 STAL Channel #13 Configuration r, STAL Channel #12 Slave #1 11DC 9S ep tem be 11D8-11DB 02 11 :50 Address PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released STAL Channel #14 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11EB STAL Channel #14 Reserved 11EC-11EF STAL Channel #14 Slave #0 11F0-11F3 STAL Channel #14 Slave #1 11F4 STAL Channel #15 Configuration 11F5 STAL Channel #15 Control and Interrupt Status 11F6 STAL Channel #15 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 11F7 STAL Channel #15 Reserved 11F8-11FB STAL Channel #15 Slave #0 11FC-11FF STAL Channel #15 Slave #1 fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 11EA uo Notes on Register Memory Map: For all register accesses, CSB must be low. 2. Addresses that are not shown must be treated as Reserved. 3. A[13] is the test resister select (TRS) and should be set low for normal mode register access. 4. Writing values into unused register bits has no effect. However, to ensure software compatibility with future, feature-enhanced versions of the product, unused register bits must be written with logic zero. Reading back unused bits can produce either a logic one or a logic zero; hence, unused register bits should be masked off by software when read. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef 1. 5. All configuration bits that can be written into can also be read back. This allows the processor controlling the S/UNI-16x155 to determine the programming state of the block. 6. Writable normal mode register bits are cleared to logic zero upon reset unless otherwise noted. 7. Writing into read-only normal mode register bit locations does not affect S/UNI-16x155 operation unless otherwise noted. Performance monitoring counter registers are a common exception. 8. Certain register bits are reserved. These bits are associated with megacell functions that are unused in this application. To ensure that the S/UNI-16x155 operates as intended, reserved register bits must be written with their default value as indicated by the register bit description. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 114 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Writing any data to the Master Reset and Identity register (0x001) simultaneously loads all the performance monitoring registers in RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, TXFP and RAOP blocks in the device. PM 9. :50 :36 Writing to a channel’s Interrupt Status register (0x007, 0x107, 0x207 or 0x307) will simultaneously load all the performance monitor registers in RSLOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP and TXFP blocks in the channel. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 Writing any data to the performance register in question may individually trigger the performance registers in each block. In some cases, all performance registers in the block are loaded. In other cases, only the specific register being written will load. See the register descriptions for the performance register in question for more information. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 115 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 11.2 Registers Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W RESET 0 Bit 6 R TYPE[3] 0 Bit 5 R TYPE[2] 0 Bit 4 R TYPE[1] 0 Bit 3 R TYPE[0] 0 Bit 2 R ID[2] 0 Bit 1 R ID[1] Bit 0 R ID[0] r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit tem be :36 Register 0x000: S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity 0 1 9S ep This register allows the revision number of the S/UNI-16x155 to be read by software permitting graceful migration to newer, feature-enhanced versions of the S/UNI-16x155. hu rsd ay ,1 In addition, writing to this register simultaneously loads all the performance monitor registers in all channels (equivalent to writing to 0x007, 0x107, 0x207 and 0x307). The TIP register in 0x001 is set high while the performance registers are loaded and clears when the transfer is done. io nT ID[2:0]: liv ett The ID bits can be read to provide a binary S/UNI-16x155 revision number. fo TYPE[3:0]: inv ef uo The TYPE bits can be read to distinguish the S/UNI-16x155 from the other members of the S/UNI family of devices. yV RESET: Do wn loa de db The RESET bit allows the S/UNI-16x155 to be reset under software control. If the RESET bit is a logic one, the entire S/UNI-16x155 is held in reset. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore, a logic zero must be written to bring the S/UNI-16x155 out of reset. Holding the S/UNI-16x155 in a reset state places it into a low power, stand-by mode. A hardware reset clears the RESET bit, thus negating the software reset. Otherwise, the effect of a software reset is equivalent to that of a hardware reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 116 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X TIP X R :50 11 02 tem be Bit 0 :36 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x001: S/UNI-16x155 Master Configuration TIP: ay ,1 9S ep The TIP bit is set to a logic one when the performance monitor registers are being loaded. Writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000) initiates an accumulation interval transfer and loads all the performance monitor registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SSTB, SPTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, TXFP and RAOP blocks. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd TIP remains high while the transfer is in progress, and is set to a logic zero when the transfer is complete. TIP can be polled by a microprocessor to determine when the accumulation interval transfer is complete. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 117 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X X Bit 4 R TCLKA X Unused X Bit 3 R RFCLKA X Bit 1 R TFCLKA X Bit 0 R REFCLKA X tem be Bit 2 :50 RCLKA 11 R 02 Bit 5 :36 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x003: S/UNI-16x155 Clock Monitors ,1 9S ep This register provides activity monitoring of the S/UNI-16x155 clocks. When a monitored clock signal makes a low to high transition, the corresponding register bit is set high. The bit will remain high until this register is read, at which point, all the bits in this register are cleared. A lack of transitions is indicated by the corresponding register bit reading low. This register should be read at periodic intervals to detect clock failures. rsd ay REFCLKA: io nT hu The REFCLK active (REFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the REFCLK reference clock input. REFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of REFCLK and is set low when this register is read. ett TFCLKA: ef uo fo liv The TFCLK active (TFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the TFCLK system interface clock input. TFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of TFCLK and is set low when this register is read. inv RFCLKA: Do wn loa de db yV The RFCLK active (RFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the RFCLK system interface clock input. RFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of RFCLK and is set low when this register is read. RCLKA: The RCLK active (RCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the RCLK receive line rate clock. RCLKA is set high on a rising edge of RCLK and is set low when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 118 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM TCLKA: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 The TCLK active (TCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the TCLK transmit line rate clock. TCLKA is set high on a rising edge of TCLK and is set low when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 119 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RDLLI X Bit 6 R RUL3I X Bit 5 R TDLLI X R CSPII X Bit 1 R STALI X Bit 0 R RAPSI X :50 Bit 2 11 X 02 X TAPSI 20 TUL3I R r, R Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :36 Bit PM Register 0x100: S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #1 9S ep When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. ,1 RAPSI: nT hu rsd ay The RAPSI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the receive APS interfaces. The APS Interrupt Status #1 and APS Interrupt Status #2 registers must be read in order to determine the block with the active interrupt source. io STALI: uo fo liv ett The STALI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the STAL blocks. Each Channel Cross Connect Control registers must be read to identify the channel STALs with the active interrupt source. ef CSPII: db TAPSI: yV inv The CSPI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the CSPI block. The CSPI interrupt sources are enabled in the CSPI Clock Synthesis Configuration register. Do wn loa de The TXAPSI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the APS interfaces. The APSI interrupt sources can be determined by the APS Interrupt Status and APS FIFO Configuration and Status registers. TUL3I: The TUL3I bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the TUL3 block. The TUL3 interrupt sources are enabled in the TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable #1 and Interrupt Status/Enable #2 registers. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 120 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM TDLLI: :50 :36 The TDLLI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the TUL3 DLL block. The TUL3 DLL interrupt sources are enabled in the TUL3 DLL Configuration register. 11 RUL3I: 20 02 The RUL3I bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the RUL3 block. The RUL3 interrupt sources are enabled in the RUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable register. tem be r, RDLLI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The RDLLI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the RUL3 DLL block. The RUL3 DLL interrupt sources are enabled in the RUL3 DLL Configuration register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 121 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R CHNLI[7] X Bit 6 R CHNLI[6] X Bit 5 R CHNLI[5] X Bit 4 R CHNLI[4] X Bit 3 R CHNLI[3] X Bit 2 R CHNLI[2] X Bit 1 R CHNLI[1] X Bit 0 R CHNLI[0] X tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 Bit PM Register 0x101: S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #2 Type Function Bit 7 R CHNLI[15] Bit 6 R CHNLI[14] Bit 5 R CHNLI[13] Bit 4 R CHNLI[12] X Bit 3 R CHNLI[11] X Bit 2 R CHNLI[10] X Bit 1 R CHNLI[9] X Bit 0 R CHNLI[8] X ett io hu rsd ay ,1 9S Bit nT ep Register 0x102: S/UNI-16x155 Master Interrupt Status #2 Default X X X ef uo fo liv When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the channel level. Further register accesses are required for the channel in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. yV inv CHNLI[15:0]: Do wn loa de db A channel interrupt CHNLI[15:0] bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the corresponding channel. A channel’s Reset/Interrupt Status #1 register or Interrupt Status #2 registers must be read in order to determine the block with the active interrupt source. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 122 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W TPTBEN 0 Bit 6 R/W TSTBEN 0 R/W SDH_J0/Z0 0 Bit 4 R/W TFPEN 0 Bit 3 R/W DLE 0 Bit 2 R/W PDLE 0 R/W Reserved Bit 0 R CHTIP 0 20 r, Bit 1 02 Bit 5 tem be 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x004, 0x104, 0x204, 0x304, 0x404, 0x504, 0x604, 0x704, 0x804, 0x904, 0xA04, 0xB04, 0xC04, 0xD04, 0xE04, 0xF04: Channel Master Configuration #1 X 9S ep CHTIP: hu rsd ay ,1 The CHTIP bit is set to a logic one when the channel’s performance monitor registers are being loaded. Writing to the channel’s Interrupt Status #2 register (0x007, 0x107, 0x207 or 0x307) initiates an accumulation interval transfer and loads all the performance monitor registers in the channel’s RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SSTB, SPTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP and TXFP blocks. ett io nT Writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000) will cause all channels to load their performance monitor registers. This operation is equivalent to writing to each channel’s Interrupt Status #2 register (0x007, 0x107, 0x207 or 0x307). uo fo liv CHTIP remains high while the transfer is in progress, and is set to a logic zero when the transfer is complete. CHTIP can be polled by a microprocessor to determine when the accumulation interval transfer is complete. inv ef Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV Reserved bit must be programmed to zero for proper operation. PDLE: The Parallel Diagnostic Loopback, PDLE bit enables the channel’s diagnostic loopback where the channel’s Transmit Section Overhead Processor (TSOP) is directly connected to its Receive Section Overhead Processor (RSOP). When PDLE is logic one, loopback is enabled. Under this operating condition, the channel continues to operates normally in the transmit direction. When PDLE is logic zero, the channel operates normally in both directions. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 123 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM DLE: 02 11 :50 :36 The Diagnostic Loopback, DLE bit enables the channel’s diagnostic loopback where the channel’s Transmit ATM and POS Processors (TXCP and TXFP respectively) are directly connected to the Receive ATM and POS Processor (RXCP and RXFP respectively). When DLE is logic one, loopback is enabled. Under this operating condition, the channel does not operate normally in the transmit direction or receive direction. When DLE is logic zero, the channel operates normally. tem be r, 20 The receive APS enable RXEN must be low while DLE is high in order for the loopback to operate correctly. TFPEN: ,1 9S ep The Transmit Frame Pulse Enable (TFPEN) enables the TFPI input. When TFPEN is set low, the channel ignores the TFPI input. When TFPEN is set high, the TFPI input is used by the channel for frame alignment. nT hu rsd ay Since the TFPI input is sampled by the rising edge of TCLK, the TFPI input is affected by clock source TSEL[1:0] configuration. A channel may use TFPI input only if the channel’s TCLK is frequency locked to the TCLK of the channel selected by TSEL[3:0]. In general, channel’s operating in loop timed must set TFPEN low. io SDH_J0/Z0 ef uo fo liv ett The SDH_J0/Z0 bit selects whether to insert SONET or SDH format J0/Z0 section overhead bytes into the transmit stream. When SDH_J0/Z0 is set high, SDH format J0/Z0 bytes are selected for insertion. For this case, all the J0/Z0 bytes are forced to the value programmed in the channel’s Transmit J0/Z0 register. When SDH_J0/Z0 is set low, SONET format J0/Z0 bytes are selected for insertion. For this case, the J0/Z0 bytes of an STS-N signal are numbered incrementally from 1 to N. db TSTBEN: yV inv TSTBEN can be used to overwrite the first J0/Z0 byte of an STS-N signal. Do wn loa de The TSTBEN bit controls whether the section trace message stored in the SSTB block is inserted into the transmit stream (i.e., the first J0/Z0 byte). When TSTBEN is set high, the message stored in the SSTB is inserted into the transmit stream. When TSTBEN is set low, the section trace message is supplied by the TSOP block. TPTBEN: The TPTBEN bit controls whether the path trace message stored in the SPTB block is inserted into the transmit stream (i.e., the J1 byte). When TPTBEN is set high, the message stored in the SPTB is inserted into the transmit stream. When TPTBEN is set low, the path trace message is supplied by the TPOP block. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 124 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SLLE 0 Bit 6 R/W SDLE 0 Bit 3 R/W AUTOLRDI 1 Bit 2 R/W AUTOPRDI 1 1 Bit 1 R/W AUTOLFEBE Bit 0 R/W AUTOPFEBE 11 0 02 0 DPLE 20 LOOPT R/W r, R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x005, 0x105, 0x205, 0x305, 0x405, 0x505, 0x605, 0x705, 0x805, 0x905, 0xA05, 0xB05, 0xC05, 0xD05, 0xE05, 0xF05: Channel Master Configuration #2 1 9S ep For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. ,1 AUTOPFEBE nT hu rsd ay The AUTOPFEBE bit determines if the remote path block errors are sent upon detection of an incoming path BIP error event. When AUTOPFEBE is set to logic one, one path FEBE is inserted for each path BIP error event, respectively. When AUTOPFEBE is set to logic zero, incoming path BIP error events do not generate FEBE events. ett io AUTOLFEBE ef uo fo liv The AUTOLFEBE bit determines if remote line block errors are sent upon detection of an incoming line BIP error event. When AUTOLFEBE is set to logic one, one line FEBE is inserted for each line BIP error event, respectively. When AUTOLFEBE is set to logic zero, incoming line BIP error events do not generate FEBE events. yV inv AUTOPRDI Do wn loa de db The AUTOPRDI bit determines whether STS path remote defect indication (RDI) is sent immediately upon detection of an incoming alarm. When AUTOPRDI is set to logic one, STS path RDI is inserted immediately upon declaration of several alarms. Each alarm can individually be enabled and disabled using the channel’s Path RDI Control Registers. AUTOLRDI The AUTOLRDI bit determines if line remote defect indication (RDI) is sent immediately upon detection of an incoming alarm. When AUTOLRDI is set to logic one, line RDI is inserted immediately upon declaration of several alarms. Each alarm can individually be enabled and disabled using the channel’s Line RDI Control Registers. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 125 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM DPLE: 11 :50 :36 The Diagnostic Path Loopback, DPLE bit enables the channel’s diagnostic loopback where channel’s Transmit Path Overhead Processor (TPOP) is directly connected to its Receive Path Overhead Processor (RPOP). When DPLE is logic one, loopback is enabled. Under this operating condition, the channel continues to operates normally in the transmit direction. When DPLE is logic zero, the channel operates normally. 20 02 LOOPT: ,1 9S ep tem be r, The LOOPT bit selects the source of timing for the transmit section of the channel. When LOOPT is a logic zero, the transmitter timing is derived from input REFCLK (CSU). When LOOPT is a logic one, the transmitter timing is derived from the recovered clock (Clock Recovery Unit). LOOPT should not be set if the WANS is being used. The SDLEand LOOPT bits should not be set high simultaneously. With internal cross bar enabled (external or internal APS Mode) and LOOPT set, the transmit path will cause upstream device to report frame errors. rsd ay SDLE: ett io nT hu The SDLE bit enables the serial diagnostic loopback. When SDLE is a logic one, the channel’s transmit serial stream on the TXD+/- differential outputs is internally connected to the received serial RXD+/- differential inputs. Under this operating condition, the channel continues to operates normally in the transmit direction. The SDLEand LOOPT bits should not be set high simultaneously. fo liv SLLE: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The SLLE bit enables the channel’s line loopback mode. When SLLE is a logic one, the channel’s recovered data from the receive serial RXD+/- differential inputs is mapped to the TXD+/- differential outputs. Under this operating condition, the channel continues to operates normally in the receive direction. LOOPT must be set high when SLLE is high for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 126 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W CHRST 0 Bit 6 R CONCATI X Bit 5 R RASEI X Bit 4 R TXCPI X Bit 3 R RXCPI X Bit 2 R RPOPI X Bit 1 R RLOPI X Bit 0 R RSOPI tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x006, 0x106, 0x206, 0x306, 0x406, 0x506, 0x606, 0x706, 0x806, 0x906, 0xA06, 0xB06, 0xC06, 0xD06, 0xE06, 0xF06: Channel Reset/Master Interrupt Status #1 X ay ,1 9S ep When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level for the channel. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. rsd RSOPI: io nT hu The RSOPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RSOP block. The RSOP interrupt sources are enabled in the RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable Register. ett RLOPI: uo fo liv The RLOPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RLOP block. The RLOP interrupt sources are enabled in the RLOP Interrupt Enable/Status Register. ef RPOPI: Do wn loa de RXCPI: db yV inv The RPOPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RPOP block. The RPOP interrupt sources are enabled in the RPOP Interrupt Enable Register. The RXCPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RXCP block. The RXCP interrupt sources are enabled in the RXCP Interrupt Enable/Status Register. TXCPI: The TXCPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the TXCP block. The TXCP interrupt sources are enabled in the TXCP Interrupt Control/Status Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 127 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM RASEI: :50 :36 The RASEI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RASE block. The RASE interrupt sources are enabled in the RASE Interrupt Enable Register. 11 CONCATI: r, 20 02 The CONCATI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the Concatenation Interrupt Status Register. The CONCAT interrupt sources are enabled in the Concatenation Status and Enable Register. tem be CHRST: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The CHRST bit allows the channel to be reset under software control. If the CHRST bit is a logic one, the entire channel is held in reset. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore, a logic zero must be written to bring the channel out of reset. Holding the channel in a reset state places it into a low power, stand-by mode. A hardware reset or top level reset using RESET clears the CHRST bit, thus negating the software reset. Otherwise, the effect of the channel software reset is equivalent to that of a hardware reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 128 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R JATI X Bit 6 R DCRUI X Bit 3 R RXFPI X Bit 2 R WANSI X Bit 1 R SSTBI X Bit 0 R SPTBI 11 X 02 X TXFPI 20 CRSII R r, R Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x007, 0x107, 0x207, 0x307, 0x407, 0x507, 0x607, 0x707, 0x807, 0x907, 0xA07, 0xB07, 0xC07, 0xD07, 0xE07, 0xF07: Channel Master Interrupt Status #2 X ,1 9S ep When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level for the channel. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. nT hu rsd ay In addition, writing to this register simultaneously loads all the performance monitor registers in the channel. The corresponding channel CHTIP bit (registers 0x004, 0x104, 0x204, 0x304, 0x404, 0x504, 0x604, 0x704, 0xA04, 0xB04, 0xC04, 0xD04, 0xE04, 0xF04) is set high while the performance registers are loaded and clears when the transfer is done. ett io SPTBI: uo fo liv The SPTBI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the SPTB block. The SPTB interrupt sources are enabled in the SPTB Control Register and the SPTB Path Signal Label Status Register. inv ef SSTBI: Do wn loa de db yV The SSTBI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the SSTB block. The SSTB interrupt sources are enabled in the SSTB Control Register and the SSTB Synchronization Message Status Register. WANSI: The WANSI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the WANS block. The WANS interrupt sources are enabled in the WANS Interrupt Enable/Status Register. RXFPI: The RXFPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the RXFP block. The RXFP interrupt sources are enabled in the RXFP Interrupt Enable/Status Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 129 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM TXFPI: :50 :36 The TXFPI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the TXFP block. The TXFP interrupt sources are enabled in the TXFP Interrupt Control/Status Register. 11 CRSII: r, 20 02 The CRSII bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the Clock Recovery and SIPO block (CRSI). The CRSI interrupt sources are enabled in the Clock Recovery Interrupt Control/Status Register. tem be DCRUI: 9S ep The DCRUI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the DCRU block. The DCRUI interrupt sources are enabled in the DCRU Configuration Register. ,1 JATI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay The JATI bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the JAT block. The JATI interrupt sources are enabled in the JAT Configuration #1 Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 130 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDLRDI 0 Bit 6 R/W SFLRDI 0 R/W LOFLRDI 1 Bit 4 R/W LOSLRDI 1 Bit 3 R/W RTIMLRDI 0 Bit 2 R/W RTIULRDI 0 Bit 1 R/W LAISLRDI Bit 0 20 r, 1 Unused 02 Bit 5 tem be 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x008, 0x108, 0x208, 0x308, 0x408, 0x508, 0x608, 0x708, 0x808, 0x908, 0xA08, 0xB08, 0xC08, 0xD08, 0xE08, 0xF08: Channel Auto Line RDI Control X ay ,1 9S ep This register controls the auto assertion of the line RDI in TLOP for the entire SONET/SDH stream for a channel. For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. hu rsd LAISLRDI: liv ett io nT The Line Alarm Indication Signal LRDI (LAISLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When LAISLRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When LAISLRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. fo RTIULRDI: db RTIMLRDI: yV inv ef uo The Section Trace Identifier Unstable LRDI (RTIULRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When RTIULRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When RTIULRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. Do wn loa de The Section Trace Identifier Mismatch LRDI (RTIMLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When RTIMLDRI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When RTIMLDRIis set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 131 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOSLRDI: 11 :50 :36 The Loss of Signal LRDI (LOSLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When LOSLRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When LOSLRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. 02 LOFLRDI: tem be r, 20 The Loss of Frame LRDI (LOFLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When LOFLRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When LOFLRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. 9S ep SFLRDI: rsd ay ,1 The Signal Fail BER LRDI (SFLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When SFLRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When SFLRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. nT hu SDLRDI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The Signal Degrade BER LRDI (SDLRDI) controls the insertion of a Line RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When SDLRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When SDLRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOLRDI register bit is also set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 132 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W LCDPRDI 0 Bit 6 R/W ALRMPRDI 0 Bit 5 R/W PAISPRDI 1 Bit 4 R/W PSLMPRDI 1 Bit 3 R/W LOPPRDI 1 Bit 2 R/W LOPCONPRDI 1 Bit 1 R/W PTIUPRDI Bit 0 R/W PTIMPRDI 11 02 20 r, 1 :50 Bit tem be :36 PM Register 0x009, 0x109, 0x209, 0x309, 0x409, 0x509, 0x609, 0x709, 0x809, 0x909, 0xA09, 0xB09, 0xC09, 0xD09, 0xE09, 0xF09: Channel Auto Path RDI Control 1 rsd ay ,1 9S ep This register controls the auto assertion of path RDI (G1 bit 5) in the TPOP for the entire SONET/SDH stream for a channel. Also see the Auto Enhanced Path RDI register. For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. hu PTIMPRDI: fo liv ett io nT The Path Trace Identifier Mismatch PRDI (PTIMPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When PTIMPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When PTIMPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. uo PTIUPRDI: db yV inv ef The Path Trace Identifier Unstable PRDI (PTIUPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When PTIUPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When PTIUPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. Do wn loa de LOPCONPRDI: The Loss of Pointer Concatenation Indication PRDI (LOPCONPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When LOPCONPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When LOPCONPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 133 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOPPRDI: 11 :50 :36 The Loss of Pointer Indication PRDI (LOPPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When LOPPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When LOPPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. 02 PSLMPRDI: tem be r, 20 The Path Signal Label Mismatch PRDI (PSLMPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When PSLMPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When PSLMPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. 9S ep PAISPRDI: rsd ay ,1 The Path Alarm Indication Signal PRDI (PAISPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm condition. When PAISPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted. When PAISPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. nT hu ALRMPRDI: ef uo fo liv ett io The Line Alarm Indication Signal PRDI (ALRMPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of one of the following alarm conditions: Loss of Signal (LOS), Loss of Frame (LOF) and Line Alarm Indication Signal (LAIS). When ALRMPRDI is set high, the transmit line RDI will be inserted When ALRMPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. inv LCDPRDI: Do wn loa de db yV The Loss of ATM Cell Delineation Signal PRDI (LCDPRDI) controls the insertion of a Path RDI in the transmit data stream upon detection of this alarm. When LCDPRDI is set high, the transmit path RDI will be inserted. When LCDPRDI is set low, no action is taken. This register bit is used only if the AUTOPRDI register bit is also set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 134 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W LCDEPRDI 0 Bit 6 R/W NOALMEPRDI 0 Bit 5 R/W NOPAISEPRDI 0 Bit 4 R/W PSLMEPRDI 1 Bit 3 R/W NOLOPEPRDI 0 Bit 2 R/W NOLOPCONEPRDI 0 Bit 1 R/W TIUEPRDI 0 Bit 0 R/W TIMEPRDI tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x00A, 0x10A, 0x20A, 0x30A, 0x40A, 0x50A, 0x60A, 0x70A, 0x80A, 0x90A, 0xA0A, 0xB0A, 0xC0A, 0xD0A, 0xE0A, 0xF0A: Channel Auto Enhanced Path RDI Control 1 rsd ay ,1 9S ep This register, along with Channel Auto Path RDI controls the auto assertion of enhanced path RDI (G1 bit 5, 6 and 7) in the TPOP for the entire SONET/SDH stream. For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. hu TIMEPRDI: liv ett io nT When set high, the TIMEPRDI bit enables enhanced path RDI assertion when path trace message mismatch (TIM) events are detected in the receive stream. When TIMEPRDI is set high and TIM occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set high while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set low. ef uo fo When TIMEPRDI is set low, trace identifier mismatch events have no effect on path RDI. In addition, this bit has no effect when EPRDI_EN is set low. inv TIUEPRDI: Do wn loa de db yV When set high, the TIUEPRDI bit enables enhanced path RDI assertion when path trace message unstable events are detected in the receive stream. When TIUEPRDI is set high and path trace message unstable occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set high while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set low. When TIUEPRDI is set low, trace identifier unstable events have no effect on path RDI. In addition, this bit has no effect when EPRDI_EN is set low. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 135 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM NOLOPCONEPRDI: 11 :50 :36 When set high, the NOLOPCONEPRDI bit disables enhanced path RDI assertion when loss of pointer concatenation (LOPCON) events are detected in the receive stream. When NOLOPCONEPRDI is set high and LOPCON occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set low while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set high. NOLOPCONEPRDI has precedence over PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI. 20 02 When NOLOPCONEPRDI is set low, reporting of enhanced RDI is according to PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI and the associated alarm states. tem be r, NOLOPEPRDI: ,1 9S ep When set high, the NOLOPEPRDI bit disables enhanced path RDI assertion when loss of pointer (LOP) events are detected in the receive stream. When NOLOPEPRDI is set high and LOP occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set low while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set high. NOLOPEPRDI has precedence over PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI. hu rsd ay When NOLOPEPRDI is set low, reporting of enhanced RDI is according to PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI and the associated alarm states. nT PSLMEPRDI: fo liv ett io When set high, the PSLMEPRDI bit enables enhanced path RDI assertion when path signal label mismatch (PSLM) events are detected in the receive stream. When PSLMEPRDI is set high and PSLM occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set high while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set low. yV NOPAISEPRDI: inv ef uo When PSLMEPRDI is set low, path signal label mismatch events have no effect on path RDI. In addition, this bit has no effect when EPRDI_EN is set low. Do wn loa de db When set high, the NOPAISEPRDI bit disables enhanced path RDI assertion when the path alarm indication signal state (PAIS) is detected in the receive stream. When NOPAISEPRDI is set high and PAIS occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set low while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set high. NOPAISEPRDI has precedence over PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI. When NOPAISEPRDI is set low, reporting of enhanced RDI is according to PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI and the associated alarm states. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 136 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM NOALMEPRDI: 11 :50 :36 When set high, the NOALMEPRDI bit disables enhanced path RDI assertion when loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF) or line alarm indication signal (LAIS) events are detected in the receive stream. When NOALMEPRDI is set high and one of the listed events occur, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set low while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set high. NOALMEPRDI has precedence over PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI. 20 02 When NOALMEPRDI is set low, reporting of enhanced RDI is according to PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDI, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI and the associated alarm states. tem be r, LCDEPRDI: 9S ep When set high, the LCDEPRDI bit enables enhanced path RDI assertion when loss of ATM cell delineation (LCD) events are detected in the receive stream. If enabled, when the event occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set high while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set low. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 When LCDEPRDI is set low, loss of ATM cell delineation has no effect on path RDI. In addition, this bit has no effect when EPRDI_EN is set low. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 137 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PAISCONPRDI 0 Bit 6 R/W NOPAISCONEPRDI 0 Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X 0 Bit 1 R/W UNEQPRDI 1 Bit 0 R/W UNEQEPRDI 11 02 EPRDI_EN 20 X R/W r, Unused Bit 2 tem be Bit 3 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x00B, 0x10B, 0x20B, 0x30B, 0x40B, 0x50B, 0x60B, 0x70B, 0x80B, 0x90B, 0xA0B, 0xB0B, 0xC0B, 0xD0B, 0xE0B, 0xF0B: Channel Receive RDI and Enhanced RDI Control 1 rsd ay ,1 9S ep This register along with the Enhanced Path RDI Control register controls the auto assertion of path RDI (G1 bit 5, 6 and 7) in the TPOP for the entire SONET/SDH stream. For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. hu UNEQEPRDI: liv ett io nT When set high, the UNEQEPRDI bit enables enhanced path RDI assertion when the path signal label in the receive stream indicates unequipped status. When UNEQEPRDI is set high and the path signal label indicates unequipped, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set high while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set low. ef uo fo When UNEQEPRDI is set low, path signal label unequipped status has no effect on enhanced path RDI. inv UNEQPRDI: Do wn loa de db yV When set high, the UNEQPRDI bit enables path RDI assertion when the path signal label in the receive stream indicates unequipped status. When UNEQPRDI is set low, the path signal label unequipped status has no effect on path RDI. EPRDI_EN: The EPRDI_EN bit enables the automatic insertion of enhanced RDI in the local transmitter. When EPRDI_EN is a logic one, auto insertion is enabled using the event enable bits in this register. When EPRDI_EN is a logic zero, enhanced path RDI is not automatically inserted in the transmit stream. The EPRDIEN and EPRDISRC in register offset 0x040 must also be set to enable enhanced RDI. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 138 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM NOPAISCONEPRDI: 11 :50 :36 When set high, the NOPAISCONEPRDI bit disables enhanced path RDI assertion when path AIS concatenation (PAISCON) events are detected in the receive stream. When NOPAISCONEPRDI is set high and PAISCON occurs, bit 6 of the G1 byte is set low while bit 7 of the G1 byte is set high. NOPAISCONEPRDI has precedence over PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDIMKT, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI. tem be r, 20 02 When NOPAISCONEPRDI is set low, reporting of enhanced RDI is according to PSLMEPRDI , TIUEPRDIMKT, TIMEPRDI and UNEQEPRDI and the associated alarm states. PAISCONPRDI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep When set high, the PAISCONPRDI bit enables path RDI assertion when path AIS concatenation (PAISCON) events are detected in the receive stream. When PAISCONPRDI is set low, path AIS concatenation events have no effect on path RDI. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 139 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDINS 0 Bit 6 R/W SFINS 0 Bit 3 R/W RTIMINS 0 Bit 2 R/W RTIUINS 0 Unused X R/W DCCAIS Bit 1 Bit 0 11 1 02 1 LOSINS 20 LOFINS R/W r, R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x00C, 0x10C, 0x20C, 0x30C, 0x40C, 0x50C, 0x60C, 0x70C, 0x80C, 0x90C, 0xA0C, 0xB0C, 0xC0C, 0xD0C, 0xE0C, 0xF0C: Channel Received Line AIS Control 0 9S ep This register controls the auto assertion of the receive line AIS for the entire SONET/SDH stream. ay ,1 DCCAIS: nT hu rsd The DCCAIS bit enables the insertion of all ones in the section DCC (and the line DCC when loss of frame (LOF) or LOS is declared. When DCCAIS is a logic one, all ones is inserted in RDCC/RACC outputs when LOF or LOS is declared. io RTIUINS: inv ef uo fo liv ett The RTIUINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of section trace unstable. If RTIUINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when the current received section trace identifier message has not matched the previous message for eight consecutive messages. Path AIS is terminated when the current message becomes the accepted message. yV RTIMINS: Do wn loa de db The RTIMINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of section trace mismatch. If RTIMINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when the accepted identifier message differs from the expected message. Path AIS is terminated when the accepted message matches the expected message. LOSINS: The LOSINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of loss of signal (LOS). If LOSINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when LOS is declared. Path AIS is terminated when LOS is removed. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 140 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOFINS: :50 :36 The LOFINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of loss of frame (LOF). If LOFINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when LOF is declared. Path AIS is terminated when LOF is removed. 11 SFINS: tem be r, 20 02 The SFINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of signal fail (SF). If SFINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when SF is declared. Path AIS is terminated when SF is removed. SDINS: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The SDINS bit enables the insertion of path AIS in the receive direction upon the declaration of signal degrade (SD). If SDINS is a logic one, path AIS is inserted into the SONET/SDH frame when SD is declared. Path AIS is terminated when SD is removed. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 141 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PAISCONPAIS 1 Bit 6 R/W LOPCONPAIS 1 Bit 5 R/W PSLUPAIS 1 Bit 4 R/W PSLMPAIS 1 Bit 3 R/W LOPPAIS 1 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 1 R/W TIUPAIS Bit 0 R/W TIMPAIS 11 02 20 r, 1 :50 Bit tem be :36 PM Register 0x00D, 0x10D, 0x20D, 0x30D, 0x40D, 0x50D, 0x60D, 0x70D, 0x80D, 0x90D, 0xA0D, 0xB0D, 0xC0D, 0xD0D, 0xE0D, 0xF0D: Channel Receive Path AIS Control 1 ,1 9S ep This register controls the auto assertion of path AIS, which will force a loss of cell delineation by the receive cell processor. ay TIMPAIS: nT hu rsd When set high, the TIMPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when path trace message mismatch (TIM) events are detected in the receive stream. When TIMPAIS is set low, trace identifier mismatch events will not assert path AIS. ett io TIUPAIS: uo fo liv When set high, the TIUPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when path trace message unstable events are detected in the receive stream. When TIUPAIS is set low, trace identifier unstable events will not assert path AIS. inv ef LOPPAIS: Do wn loa de db yV When set high, the LOPPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when loss of pointer (LOP) events are detected in the receive stream. When LOPPAIS is set low, loss of pointer events will not assert path AIS. PSLMPAIS: When set high, the PSLMPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when path signal label mismatch (PSLM) events are detected in the receive stream. When PSLMPAIS is set low, path signal label mismatch events will not assert path AIS. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 142 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PSLUPAIS: :50 :36 When set high, the PSLUPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when path signal label unstable (PSLU) events are detected in the receive stream. When PSLUPAIS is set low, path signal label unstable events will not assert path AIS. 11 LOPCONPAIS: r, 20 02 When set high, the LOPCONPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when loss of pointer concatenation (LOPCON) events are detected in the receive stream. When LOPCONPAIS is set low, loss of pointer concatenation events will not assert path AIS. tem be PAISCONPAIS: 9S ep When set high, the PAISCONPAIS bit enables path AIS insertion when Path AIS concatenation (PAISCON) events are detected in the receive direction. When PAISCONPAIS is set low, Path AIS concatenation events will not assert path AIS. ay ,1 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd The reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 143 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W CONEN 0 Bit 6 R/W PTIMEN 0 Bit 3 R/W PRDIEN 0 Bit 2 R/W PAISEN 0 Bit 1 R/W LCDEN 0 Bit 0 R/W LOPEN 11 0 02 0 PERDIEN 20 PSLMEN R/W r, R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x00E, 0x10E, 0x20E, 0x30E, 0x40E, 0x50E, 0x60E, 0x70E, 0x80E, 0x90E, 0xA0E, 0xB0E, 0xC0E, 0xD0E, 0xE0E, 0xF0E: Channel Receive Alarm Control #1 0 R/W STIMEN ,1 Bit 7 ay Function Default 0 R/W SFBEREN Bit 5 R/W SDBEREN 0 Bit 4 R/W LRDIEN 0 rsd Bit 6 hu Type nT Bit 9S ep Register 0x00F, 0x10F, 0x20F, 0x30F, 0x40F, 0x50F, 0x60F, 0x70F, 0x80F, 0x90F, 0xA0F, 0xB0F, 0xC0F, 0xD0F, 0xE0F, 0xF0F: Channel Receive Alarm Control #2 0 R/W LAISEN 0 Bit 2 R/W OOFEN 0 Bit 1 R/W LOFEN 0 Bit 0 R/W LOSEN 0 fo liv ett io Bit 3 ef uo LOSEN, LOFEN, OOFEN, LAISEN, LRDIEN, SDBEREN, SFBEREN, STIMEN, LOPEN, LCDEN, PAISEN, PRDIEN, PERDIEN, PSLMEN, PTIMEN, CONEN: Do wn loa de db yV inv The above enable bits allow the corresponding alarm indications to be reported (ORed) into the channel’s RALRM output. When the enable bit is high, the corresponding alarm indication is combined with other alarm indications and output on the channel’s RALRM. When the enable bit is low, the corresponding alarm indication does not affect the channel’s RALRM output. The line error component of RALRM reflects the state of the local channel when the cross-connect is enabled. Alarm Description LOS Loss of signal LOF Loss of frame OOF Out of Frame LAIS Line Alarm Indication Signal LRDI Line Remote Defect Indication SDBER Signal Degrade Bit Error Rate SFBER Signal Fail Bit Error Rate Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 144 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Section Trace Identifier Mismatch LOP Loss of Pointer LCD Loss of Cell Delineation PAIS Path Alarm Indication Signal :50 :36 STIM PM Description Path Remote Defect Indication PERDI Path Enhanced Remote Defect Indication PSLM Path Signal Label Mismatch 02 PRDI 11 Alarm Path Trace Identifier Mismatch CON Pointer Concatenation Violation or Pointer AIS tem be r, 20 PTIM Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 145 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W BLKBIP 0 Bit 6 R/W DDS 0 Bit 5 W FOOF X Bit 4 R/W ALGO2 0 Bit 3 R/W BIPEE 0 Bit 2 R/W LOSE 0 0 LOFE R/W OOFE 11 02 20 r, R/W Bit 0 tem be Bit 1 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x010, 0x110, 0x210, 0x310, 0x410, 0x510, 0x610, 0x710, 0x810, 0x910, 0xA10, 0xB10, 0xC10, 0xD10, 0xE10, 0xF10: RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable 0 9S ep OOFE: ay ,1 The OOFE bit is an interrupt enable for the out-of-frame alarm. When OOFE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the out-of-frame alarm changes state. hu rsd LOFE: io nT The LOFE bit is an interrupt enable for the loss of frame alarm. When LOFE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the loss of frame alarm changes state. liv ett LOSE: uo fo The LOSE bit is an interrupt enable for the loss of signal alarm. When LOSE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the loss of signal alarm changes state. inv ef BIPEE: Do wn loa de ALGO2: db yV The BIPEE bit is an interrupt enable for the section BIP-8 errors. When BIPEE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when a section BIP-8 error (B1) is detected. The ALGO2 bit position selects the framing algorithm used to determine and maintain the frame alignment. When a logic one is written to the ALGO2 bit position, the framer is enabled to use the second of the framing algorithms where only the first A1 framing byte and the first 4 bits of the last A2 framing byte (12 bits total) are examined. This algorithm examines only 12 bits of the framing pattern regardless; all other framing bits are ignored. When a logic zero is written to the ALGO2 bit position, the framer is enabled to use the first of the framing algorithms where all the A1 framing bytes and all the A2 framing bytes are examined. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 146 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FOOF: :50 :36 The FOOF bit controls the framing of the RSOP. When a logic one is written to FOOF, the RSOP is forced out of frame at the next frame boundary. The FOOF bit is a write only bit, register reads may yield a logic one or a logic zero. 11 DDS: r, 20 02 The DDS bit is set to logic one to disable the descrambling of the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. When DDS is a logic zero, descrambling is enabled. tem be BLKBIP: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The BLKBIP bit position enables the accumulating of section BIP word errors. When a logic one is written to the BLKBIP bit position, one or more errors in the BIP-8 byte result in a single error being accumulated in the B1 error counter. When a logic zero is written to the BLKBIP bit position, all errors in the B1 byte are accumulated in the B1 error counter. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 147 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default X X Bit 5 R LOSI X Bit 4 R LOFI X Bit 3 R OOFI X Bit 2 R LOSV X X Bit 1 R LOFV Bit 0 R OOFV 11 BIPEI 02 R tem be Bit 6 :50 Function Unused 20 Type Bit 7 r, Bit :36 PM Register 0x011, 0x111, 0x211, 0x311, 0x411, 0x511, 0x611, 0x711, 0x811, 0x911, 0xA11, 0xB11, 0xC11, 0xD11, 0xE11, 0xF11: RSOP Status/Interrupt Status X 9S ep OOFV: rsd ay ,1 The OOFV bit is read to determine the out-of-frame state of the RSOP. When OOFV is high, the RSOP is out of frame. When OOFV is low, the RSOP is in-frame. hu LOFV: ett io nT The LOFV bit is read to determine the loss of frame state of the RSOP. When LOFV is high, the RSOP has declared loss of frame. fo liv LOSV: ef uo The LOSV bit is read to determine the loss of signal state of the RSOP. When LOSV is high, the RSOP has declared loss of signal. inv OOFI: Do wn loa de db yV The OOFI bit is the out-of-frame interrupt status bit. OOFI is set high when a change in the out-of-frame state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. LOFI: The LOFI bit is the loss of frame interrupt status bit. LOFI is set high when a change in the loss of frame state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. LOSI: The LOSI bit is the loss of signal interrupt status bit. LOSI is set high when a change in the loss of signal state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 148 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM BIPEI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 The BIPEI bit is the section BIP-8 interrupt status bit. BIPEI is set high when a section layer (B1) bit error is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 149 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R SBE[7] X Bit 6 R SBE[6] X Bit 5 R SBE[5] X Bit 4 R SBE[4] X Bit 3 R SBE[3] X Bit 2 R SBE[2] X Bit 1 R SBE[1] X Bit 0 R SBE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x012, 0x112, 0x212, 0x312, 0x412, 0x512, 0x612, 0x712, 0x812, 0x912, 0xA12, 0xB12, 0xC12, 0xD12, 0xE12, 0xF12: RSOP Section BIP-8 LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R SBE[15] Bit 6 R SBE[14] Bit 5 R SBE[13] Bit 4 R SBE[12] X Bit 3 R SBE[11] X Bit 2 R SBE[10] X Bit 1 R SBE[9] X Bit 0 R SBE[8] X ay rsd hu io ett Default X X X fo liv ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x013, 0x113, 0x213, 0x313, 0x413, 0x513, 0x613, 0x713, 0x813, 0x913, 0xA13, 0xB13, 0xC13, 0xD13, 0xE13, 0xF13: RSOP Section BIP-8 MSB uo SBE[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef Bits SBE[15:0] represent the number of section BIP-8 errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to either of the RSOP Section BIP-8 Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Section BIP-8 registers within approximately 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. This transfer and reset is carried out in a manner that ensures that coincident events are not lost. The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 150 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 0 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved Bit 0 R/W LAIS tem be Bit 5 :50 DS 11 R/W Default X 02 Bit 6 Function Unused 20 Type Bit 7 r, Bit :36 PM Register 0x014, 0x114, 0x214, 0x314, 0x414, 0x514, 0x614, 0x714, 0x814, 0x914, 0xA14, 0xB14, 0xC14, 0xD14, 0xE14, 0xF14: TSOP Control 0 9S ep LAIS: hu rsd ay ,1 The LAIS bit controls the insertion of line alarm indication signal (AIS). When LAIS is set to logic one, the TSOP inserts AIS into the transmit SONET/SDH stream. Activation or deactivation of line AIS insertion is synchronized to frame boundaries. Line AIS insertion results in all bits of the SONET/SDH frame being set to 1 prior to scrambling except for the section overhead. io nT DS: fo liv ett The DS bit is set to logic one to disable the scrambling of the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. When DS is a logic zero, scrambling is enabled. uo Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 151 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X DLOS 0 R/W Bit 1 R/W DBIP8 Bit 0 R/W DFP 0 11 02 20 Bit 2 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x015, 0x115, 0x215, 0x315, 0x415, 0x515, 0x615, 0x715, 0x815, 0x915, 0xA15, 0xB15, 0xC15, 0xD15, 0xE15, 0xF15: TSOP Diagnostic 0 9S ep DFP: rsd ay ,1 The DFP bit controls the insertion of a single bit error continuously in the most significant bit (bit 1) of the A1 section overhead framing byte. When DFP is set to logic one, the A1 bytes are set to 0x76 instead of 0xF6. hu DBIP8: ett io nT The DBIP8 bit controls the insertion of bit errors continuously in the section BIP-8 byte (B1). When DBIP8 is set to logic one, the B1 byte is inverted. fo liv DLOS: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The DLOS bit controls the insertion of all zeros in the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. When DLOS is set to logic one, the transmit stream is forced to 0x00. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 152 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W BIPWORD 0 Bit 6 R/W ALLONES 0 Bit 5 R/W AISDET 0 Bit 4 R/W LRDIDET 0 Bit 3 R/W BIPWORDO 0 Bit 2 R/W FEBEWORD 0 Bit 1 R LAISV X Bit 0 R LRDIV tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x018, 0x118, 0x218, 0x318, 0x418, 0x518, 0x618, 0x718, 0x818, 0x918, 0xA18, 0xB18, 0xC18, 0xD18, 0xE18, 0xF18: RLOP Control/Status X 9S ep LRDIV: ay ,1 The LRDIV bit is read to determine the remote defect indication state of the RLOP. When LRDIV is high, the RLOP has declared line RDI. hu rsd LAISV: io nT The LAISV bit is read to determine the line AIS state of the RLOP. When LAISV is high, the RLOP has declared line AIS. liv ett FEBEWORD: db BIPWORDO: yV inv ef uo fo The FEBEWORD bit controls the accumulation of FEBEs. When FEBEWORD is high, if the FEBE event has a value from 1 to 4, the FEBE event counter is incremented for each and every FEBE bit. However, if the FEBE event has a value greater then 4 and is valid, the FEBE event counter is incremented by 4. When FEBEWORD is low, the FEBE event counter is incremented for each and every FEBE bit that occurs during that frame (the counter can be incremented up to 24.). Do wn loa de The BIPWORDO bit controls the indication of B2 errors reported to the TLOP block for insertion as FEBEs. When BIPWORDO is logic one, the BIP errors are indicated once per frame whenever one or more B2 bit errors occur during that frame. When BIPWORDO is logic zero, BIP errors are indicated once for every B2 bit error that occurs during that frame. The accumulation of B2 error events functions independently and is controlled by the BIPWORD register bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 153 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LRDIDET: 11 :50 :36 The LRDIDET bit determines the line RDI alarm detection algorithm. When LRDIDET is set to logic one, line RDI is declared when a 110 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte for three consecutive frames. When LRDIDET is set to logic zero, line RDI is declared when a 110 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte for five consecutive frames. 20 02 AISDET: 9S ep tem be r, The AISDET bit determines the line AIS alarm detection algorithm. When AISDET is set to logic one, line AIS is declared when a 111 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte for three consecutive frames. When AISDET is set to logic zero, line AIS is declared when a 111 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte for five consecutive frames. ,1 ALLONES: io nT hu rsd ay The ALLONES bit controls automatically forcing the SONET/SDH frame passed to downstream blocks to logical all-ones whenever line AIS is detected. When ALLONES is set to logic one, the SONET/SDH frame is forced to logic one immediately when the line AIS alarm is declared. When line AIS is removed, the downstream data stream is immediately returned to carrying the receive data. When ALLONES is set to logic zero, the downstream data stream always carry the receive data regardless of the line AIS alarm state. liv ett BIPWORD: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo The BIPWORD bit controls the accumulation of B2 errors. When BIPWORD is logic one, the B2 error event counter is incremented only once per frame whenever one or more B2 bit errors occur during that frame. When BIPWORD is logic zero, the B2 error event counter is increment for each and every B2 bit error that occurs during that frame. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 154 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FEBEE 0 Bit 6 R/W BIPEE 0 Bit 5 R/W LAISE 0 Bit 4 R/W LRDIE 0 Bit 3 R FEBEI X Bit 2 R BIPEI X X LAISI R LRDII 11 02 20 r, R Bit 0 tem be Bit 1 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x019, 0x119, 0x219, 0x319, 0x419, 0x519, 0x619, 0x719, 0x819, 0x919, 0xA19, 0xB19, 0xC19, 0xD19, 0xE19, 0xF19: RLOP Interrupt Enable/Interrupt Status X 9S ep LRDII: ay ,1 The LRDII bit is the remote defect indication interrupt status bit. LRDII is set high when a change in the line RDI state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. hu rsd LAISI: io nT The LAISI bit is the line AIS interrupt status bit. LAISI is set high when a change in the line AIS state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. liv ett BIPEI: uo fo The BIPEI bit is the line BIP-24 interrupt status bit. BIPEI is set high when a line layer (B2) bit error is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. inv ef FEBEI: Do wn loa de LRDIE: db yV The FEBEI bit is the line far end block error interrupt status bit. FEBEI is set high when a line layer FEBE (M1) is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. The LRDIE bit is an interrupt enable for the line remote defect indication alarm. When LRDIE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the line RDI state changes. LAISE: The LAISE bit is an interrupt enable for line AIS. When LAISE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when line AIS changes state. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 155 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM BIPEE: :50 :36 The BIPEE bit is an interrupt enable for the line BIP-24 errors. When BIPEE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when a line BIP-24 error (B2) is detected. 11 FEBEE: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 The FEBEE bit is an interrupt enable for the line far end block errors. When FEBEE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when FEBE (Z2) is detected. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 156 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R LBE[7] X Bit 6 R LBE[6] X Bit 5 R LBE[5] X Bit 4 R LBE[4] X Bit 3 R LBE[3] X Bit 2 R LBE[2] X Bit 1 R LBE[1] X Bit 0 R LBE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x01A, 0x11A, 0x21A, 0x31A, 0x41A, 0x51A, 0x61A, 0x71A, 0x81A, 0x91A, 0xA1A, 0xB1A, 0xC1A, 0xD1A, 0xE1A, 0xF1A: RLOP Line BIP-24 LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R LBE[15] Bit 6 R LBE[14] Bit 5 R LBE[13] Bit 4 R LBE[12] X Bit 3 R LBE[11] X Bit 2 R LBE[10] X Bit 1 R LBE[9] X Bit 0 R LBE[8] X ay rsd hu io ett Default X X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x01B, 0x11B, 0x21B, 0x31B, 0x41B, 0x51B, 0x61B, 0x71B, 0x81B, 0x91B, 0xA1B, 0xB1B, 0xC1B, 0xD1B, 0xE1B, 0xF1B: RLOP Line BIP-24 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 157 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X LBE[19] X Bit 2 R LBE[18] X Bit 1 R LBE[17] X Bit 0 R LBE[16] 11 02 R tem be Bit 3 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :36 PM Register 0x01C, 0x11C, 0x21C, 0x31C, 0x41C, 0x51C, 0x61C, 0x71C, 0x81C, 0x91C, 0xA1C, 0xB1C, 0xC1C, 0xD1C, 0xE1C, 0xF1C: RLOP Line BIP-24 MSB X 9S ep LBE[19:0] nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bits LBE[19:0] represent the number of line BIP-24 errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to any of the RLOP Line BIP-24 Register or Line FEBE Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Line BIP-24 Registers within approximately 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. liv ett io The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 158 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R LFE[7] X Bit 6 R LFE[6] X Bit 5 R LFE[5] X Bit 4 R LFE[4] X Bit 3 R LFE[3] X Bit 2 R LFE[2] X Bit 1 R LFE[1] X Bit 0 R LFE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x01D, 0x11D, 0x21D, 0x31D, 0x41D, 0x51D, 0x61D, 0x71D, 0x81D, 0x91D, 0xA1D, 0xB1D, 0xC1D, 0xD1D, 0xE1D, 0xF1D: RLOP Line FEBE LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R LFE[15] Bit 6 R LFE[14] Bit 5 R LFE[13] Bit 4 R LFE[12] X Bit 3 R LFE[11] X Bit 2 R LFE[10] X Bit 1 R LFE[9] X Bit 0 R LFE[8] X ay rsd hu io ett Default X X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x01E, 0x11E, 0x21E, 0x31E, 0x41E, 0x51E, 0x61E, 0x71E, 0x81E, 0x91E, 0xA1E, 0xB1E, 0xC1E, 0xD1E, 0xE1E, 0xF1E: RLOP Line FEBE Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 159 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X LFE[19] X Bit 2 R LFE[18] X Bit 1 R LFE[17] X Bit 0 R LFE[16] 11 02 R tem be Bit 3 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :36 PM Register 0x01F, 0x11F, 0x21F, 0x31F, 0x41F, 0x51F, 0x61F, 0x71F, 0x81F, 0x91F, 0xA1F, 0xB1F, 0xC1F, 0xD1F, 0xE1F, 0xF1F: RLOP Line FEBE MSB X 9S ep LFE[19:0] nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bits LFE[19:0] represent the number of line FEBE errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to any of the RLOP Line BIP-24 Register or Line FEBE Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Line FEBE Registers within approximately 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. liv ett io The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 160 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W APSREG 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 0 Reserved R/W LRDI 11 02 20 r, R/W Bit 0 tem be Bit 1 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x020, 0x120, 0x220, 0x320, 0x420, 0x520, 0x620, 0x720, 0x820, 0x920, 0xA20, 0xB20, 0xC20, 0xD20, 0xE20, 0xF20: TLOP Control 0 9S ep LRDI: hu rsd ay ,1 The LRDI bit controls the insertion of line remote defect indication (LRDI). When LRDI is set to logic one, the TLOP inserts line RDI into the transmit SONET/SDH stream. Line RDI is inserted by transmitting the code 110 in bit positions 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte of the STS-3c stream. nT APSREG: fo liv ett io The APSREG bit selects the source for the transmit APS channel K1/K2 bytes. When APSREG is a logic zero, 0x0000 is inserted in the transmit APS K1 and K2 bytes. When APSREG is a logic one, the transmit APS channel is inserted from the TLOP Transmit K1 Register and the TLOP Transmit K2 Register. ef uo Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 161 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Unused X Bit 1 Bit 0 R/W 11 02 20 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x021, 0x121, 0x221, 0x321, 0x421, 0x521, 0x621, 0x721, 0x821, 0x921, 0xA21, 0xB21, 0xC21, 0xD21, 0xE21, 0xF21: TLOP Diagnostic DBIP96 0 9S ep DBIP96: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The DBIP96 bit controls the insertion of bit errors continuously in the line BIP-24 bytes (B2). When DBIP96 is set to logic one, the B2 bytes are inverted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 162 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W K1[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W K1[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W K1[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W K1[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W K1[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W K1[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W K1[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W K1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x022, 0x122, 0x222, 0x322, 0x422, 0x522, 0x622, 0x722, 0x822, 0x922, 0xA22, 0xB22, 0xC22, 0xD22, 0xE22, 0xF22: TLOP Transmit K1 0 9S ep K1[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The K1[7:0] bits contain the value inserted in the K1 byte when the APSREG bit in the TLOP Control Register is logic one. K1[7] is the most significant bit corresponding to bit 1, the first bit transmitted. K1[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to bit 8, the last bit transmitted. The bits in this register are double buffered so that register writes do not need to be synchronized to SONET/SDH frame boundaries. The insertion of a new APS code value is initiated by a write to this register. The contents of this register, and the TLOP Transmit K2 Register are inserted in the SONET/SDH stream starting at the next frame boundary. Successive writes to this register must be spaced at least two frames (250 µs) apart. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 163 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W K2[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W K2[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W K2[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W K2[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W K2[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W K2[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W K2[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W K2[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x023, 0x123, 0x223, 0x323, 0x423, 0x523, 0x623, 0x723, 0x823, 0x923, 0xA23, 0xB23, 0xC23, 0xD23, 0xE23, 0xF23: TLOP Transmit K2 0 9S ep K2[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The K2[7:0] bits contain the value inserted in the K2 byte when the APSREG bit in the TLOP Control Register is logic one. K2[7] is the most significant bit corresponding to bit 1, the first bit transmitted. K2[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to bit 8, the last bit transmitted. The bits in this register are double buffered so that register writes do not need to be synchronized to SONET/SDH frame boundaries. The insertion of a new APS code value is initiated by a write to the TLOP Transmit K1 Register. A coherent APS code value is ensured by writing the desired K2 APS code value to this register before writing the TLOP Transmit K1 Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 164 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W TS1[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W TS1[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W TS1[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W TS1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x024, 0x124, 0x224, 0x324, 0x424, 0x524, 0x624, 0x724, 0x824, 0x924, 0xA24, 0xB24, 0xC24, 0xD24, 0xE24, 0xF24: S/UNI-16x155 Transmit Sync. Message (S1) 0 9S ep TS1[3:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The value written to these bit positions is inserted in the first S1 byte position of the transmit stream. The S1 byte is used to carry synchronization status messages between line terminating network elements. TS1[3] is the most significant bit, corresponding to the first bit transmitted. TS1[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to the last bit transmitted. nT Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 165 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W J0/Z0[7] 1 Bit 6 R/W J0/Z0[6] 1 Bit 5 R/W J0/Z0[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W J0/Z0[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W J0/Z0[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W J0/Z0[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W J0/Z0[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W J0/Z0[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x025, 0x125, 0x225, 0x325, 0x425, 0x525, 0x625, 0x725, 0x825, 0x925, 0xA25, 0xB25, 0xC25, 0xD25, 0xE25, 0xF25: S/UNI-16x155 Transmit J0/Z0 0 9S ep J0/Z0[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The value written to this register is inserted into the J0/Z0 byte positions of the transmit stream when enabled using the SDH_J0/Z0 register. J0/Z0[7] is the most significant bit, corresponding to the first bit (bit 1) transmitted. J0/Z0[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to the last bit (bit 8) transmitted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 166 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W ZEROEN 0 Bit 6 R/W TIMODE 0 Bit 5 R/W RTIUIE 0 Bit 4 R/W RTIMIE 0 Bit 3 R/W PER5 0 Bit 2 R/W TNULL 1 Bit 1 R/W NOSYNC 0 Bit 0 R/W LEN16 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x028, 0x128, 0x228, 0x328, 0x428, 0x528, 0x628, 0x728, 0x828, 0x928, 0xA28, 0xB28, 0xC28, 0xD28, 0xE28, 0xF28: SSTB Control 0 9S ep This register controls the receive and transmit portions of the SSTB. ,1 LEN16: hu rsd ay The section trace message length bit (LEN16) selects the length of the section trace message to be 16 bytes or 64 bytes. When set high, a 16-byte section trace message is selected. If set low, a 64-byte section trace message is selected. io nT NOSYNC: yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The section trace message synchronization disable bit (NOSYNC) disables the writing of the section trace message into the trace buffer to be synchronized to the content of the message. When LEN16 is set high and NOSYNC is set low, the receive section trace message byte with its most significant bit set will be written to the first location in the buffer. When LEN16 is set low, and NOSYNC is also set low, the byte after the carriage return/linefeed (CR/LF) sequence will be written to the first location in the buffer. When NOSYNC is set high, synchronization is disabled, and the section trace message buffer behaves as a circular buffer. db TNULL: Do wn loa de The transmit null bit (TNULL) controls the insertion of an all-zeros section trace identifier message in the transmit stream. When TNULL is set high, the contents of the transmit buffer is ignored and all-zeros bytes are provided to the TSOP block. When TNULL is set low the contents of the transmit section trace buffer is sent to TSOP for insertion into the J0/Z0 transmit section overhead byte. TNULL should be set high before changing the contents of the trace buffer to avoid sending partial messages. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 167 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PER5: 11 :50 :36 The receive trace identifier persistence bit (PER5) control the number of times a section trace identifier message must be received unchanged before being accepted. When PER5 is set high, a message is accepted when it is received unchanged five times consecutively. When PER5 is set low, the message is accepted after three identical repetitions. 02 RTIMIE: tem be r, 20 The RTIMIE bit controls the activation of the interrupt output when the comparison between the trace identifier mode 1 accepted identifier message and the expected message changes state. When RTIMIE is a logic one, changes in match state activates the interrupt (INTB) output. 9S ep This register is ignored when TIMODE is set high. ,1 RTIUIE: nT hu rsd ay The RTIUIE bit controls the activation of the interrupt output when, in either trace identifier mode, the receive identifier message changes state. When RTIUIE is a logic one, changes in the received section trace identifier message stable/unstable state will activate the interrupt (INTB) output. io TIMODE: ef uo fo liv ett The trace identifier mode is used to set the mode used for the received trace identifier. Setting TIMODE low sets the trace identifier mode to 1. In this mode, the trace identifier is defined as a regular 16 or 64 byte trace message and persistency is based on the whole message. Receive trace identifier mismatch (RTIM) and unstable (RTIU) alarms are declared on the trace message. Do wn loa de db yV inv Setting TIMODE high set the trace identifier mode to 2. In this mode, the trace identifier is defined as a single byte that is monitored for persistency and then errors. A receive trace identifier unstable (RTIU) alarm is declared when one or more errors are detected in three consecutive 16 byte windows. ZEROEN: For trace identifier mode 1 only, the zero enable bit (ZEROEN) enables TIM assertion and removal based on an all ZERO’s section trace message string. When ZEROEN is set high, all ZERO’s section trace message strings are considered when entering and exiting TIM states. When ZEROEN is set low, all ZERO’s section trace message strings are ignored. This register is ignored when in trace identifier mode 2 (controlled by TIMODE). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 168 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X 11 02 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R RTIUI X Bit 2 R RTIUV X R RTIMI Bit 0 R RTIMV X r, Bit 1 20 Bit 3 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x029, 0x129, 0x229, 0x329, 0x429, 0x529, 0x629, 0x729, 0x829, 0x929, 0xA29, 0xB29, 0xC29, 0xD29, 0xE29, 0xF29: SSTB Section Trace Identifier Status X 9S ep This register reports the section trace identifier status of the SSTB. ,1 RTIMV: nT hu rsd ay When TIMODE is low, the RTIMV bit reports the match/mismatch status of the identifier message framer. RTIMV is a logic one when the accepted identifier message differs from the expected message written by the microprocessor. The accepted message is the last message to have been received 5 consecutive times. RTIMV is a logic zero when the accepted message matches the expected message. liv ett io If the accepted message string is all-zeros, the mismatch is not declared unless the ZEROEN register bit is set. This register is invalid when TIMODE is high. uo fo RTIMI: yV inv ef When TIMODE is low, the RTIMI bit is a logic one when match/mismatch status of the trace identifier framer changes state. This bit is cleared when this register is read. This register is invalid TIMODE is high. db RTIUV: Do wn loa de The RTIUV bit reports the stable/unstable status of the identifier message framer. When TIMODE is low, RTIUV is set high when 8 trace messages mismatching against their immediate predecessor message have been received without a persistent message being detected. The unstable counter is incremented on each message that mismatches its predecessor and is cleared on the reception of a persistent message. RTIUV is set high when the unstable counter reaches 8. RTIUV is set low and the unstable counter cleared once a persistent message has been received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 169 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :36 PM When TIMODE is high, RTIUV is set low during the stable state which is declared after having received the same trace byte for 48 consecutive SONET/SDH frames. The stable byte is declared the accepted byte. RTIUV is set high when mismatches between the accepted byte and the received byte have been detected for three consecutive 16 byte windows. The 16 byte windows do not overlap and start immediately after the 48th persistent byte. 02 RTIUI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 The RTIUI bit is a logic one when stable/unstable status of the trace identifier framer changes state. When RTIUV changes value, RTIUI is set high. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 170 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W A[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W A[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W A[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W A[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W A[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W A[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W A[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W A[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x02A, 0x12A, 0x22A, 0x32A, 0x42A, 0x52A, 0x62A, 0x72A, 0x82A, 0x92A, 0xA2A, 0xB2A, 0xC2A, 0xD2A, 0xE2A, 0xF2A: SSTB Indirect Address Register 0 9S ep This register supplies the address used to index into section trace identifier buffers. Writing to this register triggers the indirect read/write access to the trace buffer. ay ,1 A[7:0]: nT hu rsd The indirect read address bits (A[7:0]) indexes into the path trace identifier buffers. Addresses 0 to 63 reference the transmit message buffer which contains the identifier message to be inserted into the transmit stream. liv ett io Addresses 64 to 127 reference the receive accepted message page. A receive message is accepted into this page when it is received unchanged three or five times consecutively as determined by the PER5 bit setting. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo Addresses 128 to 191 reference the receive capture page while addresses 192 to 255 reference the receive expected page. The receive capture page contains the identifier bytes extracted from the receive stream. The receive expected page contains the expected trace identifier message down-loaded from the microprocessor. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 171 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W D[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W D[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W D[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W D[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W D[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W D[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W D[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W D[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x02B, 0x12B, 0x22B, 0x32B, 0x42B, 0x52B, 0x62B, 0x72B, 0x82B, 0x92B, 0xA2B, 0xB2B, 0xC2B, 0xD2B, 0xE2B, 0xF2B: SSTB Indirect Data Register 0 9S ep This register contains the data read from the section trace message buffer after a read operation or the data to be written into the buffer before a write operation. ay ,1 D[7:0]: nT hu rsd The indirect data bits (D[7:0]) reports the data read from a message buffer after an indirect read operation has completed. The data to be written to a buffer must be set up in this register before initiating an indirect write operation. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The current and accepted message pages should be read at least twice and the results of the successive reads compared for consistency. The section trace message buffer keeps overwriting these message pages and consequently the result of a read can be composed of multiple messages. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 172 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R BUSY 0 Bit 6 R/W RWB 0 Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X Bit 0 Unused tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x02E, 0x12E, 0x22E, 0x32E, 0x42E, 0x52E, 0x62E, 0x72E, 0x82E, 0x92E, 0xA2E, 0xB2E, 0xC2E, 0xD2E, 0xE2E, 0xF2E: SSTB Indirect Access Trigger Register X 9S ep BUSY: hu rsd ay ,1 The BUSY bit reports whether a previously initiated indirect read or write to a message buffer has been completed. BUSY is set high upon writing to the SSTB Indirect Address register, and stays high until the initiated access has completed. At which point, BUSY is set low. This register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the SSTB Indirect Data register. io nT RWB: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The access control bit (RWB) selects between an indirect read or write access to the static page of the section trace message buffer. When RWB is set high, a read access is initiated. The data read can be found in the SSTB Indirect Data register. When RWB is set low, a write access is initiated. The data in the SSTB Indirect Data register will be written to the addressed location in the static page. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 173 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X X Unused X R PAISV X Bit 2 R PRDIV X X Bit 1 R NEWPTRI Bit 0 R/W NEWPTRE tem be Bit 3 11 LOPV 02 R Bit 4 20 Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x030, 0x130, 0x230, 0x330, 0x430, 0x530, 0x630, 0x730, 0x830, 0x930, 0xA30, 0xB30, 0xC30, 0xD30, 0xE30, 0xF30 (EXTD=0): RPOP Status/Control 0 ,1 9S ep NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. rsd ay The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register offset 0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. nT hu This register allows the status of path level alarms to be monitored. io NEWPTRE: uo fo liv ett The NEWPTRE bit is the interrupt enable for the receive new pointer status. When NEWPTRE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the pointer interpreter validates a new pointer. ef NEWPTRI: Do wn loa de PRDIV: db yV inv The NEWPTRI bit is the receive new pointer interrupt status bit. NEWPTRI is a logic one when the pointer interpreter has validated a new pointer value (H1, H2). NEWPTRI is cleared when this register is read. The PRDIV bit is read to determine the remote defect indication state. When PRDIV is a logic one, the S/UNI-16x155 has declared path RDI. PAISV: The PAISV bit is read to determine the path AIS state. When PAISV is a logic one, the S/UNI-16x155 has declared path AIS. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 174 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PLOPV: :50 :36 The PLOPV bit is read to determine the loss of pointer state. When PLOPV is a logic one, the S/UNI-16x155 has declared LOP. 11 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 175 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W IINVCNT 0 Bit 5 R/W PSL5 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X ERDIV[2] X R Bit 1 R ERDIV[1] Bit 0 R ERDIV[0] X 11 02 20 Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :50 Bit tem be :36 PM Register 0x030, 0x130, 0x230, 0x330, 0x430, 0x530, 0x630, 0x730, 0x830, 0x930, 0xA30, 0xB30, 0xC30, 0xD30, 0xE30, 0xF30 (EXTD=1): RPOP Status/Control X ,1 9S ep NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. rsd ay The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register offset 0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. nT hu The Status Register is provided at RPOP read address 0, if the extend register (EXTD) bit is set in register 6. ett io ERDIV[2:0]: uo fo liv The ERDIV[2:0] bits reflect the current state of the detected enhanced RDI, (filtered G1 bits 5, 6, & 7). ef IINVCNT: Do wn loa de PSL5: db yV inv When a logic one is written to the IINVCNT (Intuitive Invalid Pointer Counter) bit, if in the LOP state 3 x new point resets the inv_point count. If this bit is set to 0 the inv_point count will not be reset if in the LOP state and 3 x new pointers are detected. The PSL5 bit controls the filtering of the path signal label byte (C2). When PSL5 is set high, the PSL is updated when the same value is received for 5 consecutive frames. When the PSL5 is set low, the PSL is updated when the same value is received for 3 consecutive frames. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 176 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PSLI X Unused X R LOPI X Unused X R PAISI X Bit 2 R PRDII X Bit 1 R BIPEI Bit 0 R FEBEI r, X 20 Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 11 Bit 5 02 Bit 6 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x031, 0x131, 0x231, 0x331, 0x431, 0x531, 0x631, 0x731, 0x831, 0x931, 0xA31, 0xB31, 0xC31, 0xD31, 0xE31, 0xF31 (EXTD=0): RPOP Interrupt Status X ,1 9S ep NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. rsd ay The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register offset 0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. nT hu This register allows identification and acknowledgment of path level alarm and error event interrupts. ett io FEBEI: uo fo liv The FEBEI bit is the path FEBE interrupt status bit. FEBEI is a logic one when a FEBE error is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. ef BIPEI: db Do wn loa de PRDII: yV inv The BIPEI bit is the path BIP-8 interrupt status bit. BIPEI is a logic one when a B3 error is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. The PRDII bit is the path remote defect indication interrupt status bit. PRDII is a logic one when a change in the path RDI state (PRDI) or the auxiliary path RDI (ARDI) state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. PAISI: The PAISI bit is the path alarm indication signal interrupt status bit. PAISI is a logic one when a change in the path AIS state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 177 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOPI: :50 :36 The LOPI bit is the loss of pointer interrupt status bit. LOPI is a logic one when a change in the LOP state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. 11 PSLI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 The PSLI bit is the change of path signal label interrupt status bit. PSLI is a logic one when a change is detected in the path signal label register. The current path signal label can be read from the RPOP Path Signal Label register. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 178 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Unused X Bit 1 R ERDII 11 02 20 X ep Bit 0 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x031, 0x131, 0x231, 0x331, 0x431, 0x531, 0x631, 0x731, 0x831, 0x931, 0xA31, 0xB31, 0xC31, 0xD31, 0xE31, 0xF31 (EXTD=1): RPOP Interrupt Status ay ,1 9S NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. hu rsd The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register 0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. ett io nT This register allows identification and acknowledgment of path level alarm and error event interrupts. liv ERDII: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo The ERDII bit is set high when a change is detected in the received enhanced RDI state. This bit is cleared when the RPOP Interrupt Status register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 179 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R ILLJREQI X Unused X X Bit 3 R ILLPTRI X Bit 2 R NSEI X Bit 1 R PSEI X Bit 0 R NDFI 11 X INVNDFI 02 DISCOPAI R 20 R Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x032, 0x132, 0x232, 0x332, 0x432, 0x532, 0x632, 0x732, 0x832, 0x932, 0xA32, 0xB32, 0xC32, 0xD32, 0xE32, 0xF32: RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status X 9S ep This register allows identification and acknowledgment of pointer event interrupts. ,1 NDFI: hu rsd ay The NDFI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects an active NDF event to a valid pointer value. NDFI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. nT PSEI: liv ett io The PSEI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects a positive stuff event. PSEI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. fo NSEI: inv ef uo The NSEI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects a negative stuff event. NSEI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. yV ILLPTRI: Do wn loa de db The ILLPTRI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects an illegal pointer event. ILLPTRI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. INVNDFI: The INVNDFI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects an invalid NDF event. INVNDFI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. DISCOPAI: The DISCOPAI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects a discontinuous change of pointer. DISCOPAI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 180 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM ILLJREQI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :36 The ILLJREQI bit is set to logic one when the RPOP detects an illegal pointer justification request event. ILLJREQI is cleared when the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 181 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PSLE 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W LOPE 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W PAISE 0 Bit 2 R/W PRDIE 0 Bit 1 R/W BIPEE Bit 0 R/W FEBEE 11 02 20 r, 0 :50 Bit tem be :36 PM Register 0x033, 0x133, 0x233, 0x333, 0x433, 0x533, 0x633, 0x733, 0x833, 0x933, 0xA33, 0xB33, 0xC33, 0xD33, 0xE33, 0xF33 (EXTD=0): RPOP Interrupt Enable 0 ,1 9S ep NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. rsd ay The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register offset0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. nT hu This register allows interrupt generation to be enabled for path level alarm and error events. io FEBEE: fo liv ett The FEBEE bit is the interrupt enable for path FEBEs. When FEBEE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when a path FEBE is detected. uo BIPEE: yV inv ef The BIPEE bit is the interrupt enable for path BIP-8 errors. When BIPEE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when a B3 error is detected. db PRDIE: Do wn loa de The PRDIE bit is the interrupt enable for path RDI. When PRDIE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the path RDI state changes. PAISE: The PAISE bit is the interrupt enable for path AIS. When PAISE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the path AIS state changes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 182 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOPE: :50 :36 The LOPE bit is the interrupt enable for LOP. When LOPE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the LOP state changes. 11 PSLE: 20 02 The PSLE bit is the interrupt enable for changes in the received path signal label. When PSLE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the received C2 byte changes. tem be r, Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 183 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Unused X Bit 1 Bit 0 R/W 11 02 20 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x033, 0x133, 0x233, 0x333, 0x433, 0x533, 0x633, 0x733, 0x833, 0x933, 0xA33, 0xB33, 0xC33, 0xD33, 0xE33, 0xF33 (EXTD=1): RPOP Interrupt Enable ERDIE 0 ,1 9S ep NOTE: To facilitate additional register mapping, shadow registers have been added to channel registers offset 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33. These shadow registers are accessed in the same way as the normal registers. rsd ay The EXTD (extend register) bit must be set in register offset 0x36 to allow switching between accessing the normal registers and the shadow registers. nT hu This register allows interrupt generation to be enabled for path level alarm and error events. io ERDIE: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett When REDIE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when a path enhanced RDI is detected. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 184 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W ILLJREQE 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W DISCOPAE 0 Bit 4 R/W INVNDFE 0 Bit 3 R/W ILLPTRE 0 Bit 2 R/W NSEE 0 Bit 1 R/W PSEE Bit 0 R/W NDFE 11 02 20 r, 0 :50 Bit tem be :36 PM Register 0x034, 0x134, 0x234, 0x334, 0x434, 0x534, 0x634, 0x734, 0x834, 0x934, 0xA34, 0xB34, 0xC34, 0xD34, 0xE34, 0xF34: RPOP Pointer Interrupt Enable 9S This register is used to enable pointer event interrupts. ep 0 ,1 NDFE: hu rsd ay When a logic one is written to the NDFE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when a change in active offset due to the reception of an enabled NDF (NDF_enabled indication) occurs. io nT PSEE: fo liv ett When a logic one is written to the PSEE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when a positive pointer adjustment event is receeved. uo NSEE: inv ef When a logic one is written to the NSEE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when a negative pointer adjustment is received. db yV ILLPTRE: Do wn loa de When a logic one is written to the ILLPTRE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when an illegal pointer is received. INVNDFE: When a logic one is written to the INVNDFE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when an invalid NDF code is received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 185 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM DISCOPAE: :50 :36 When a logic one is written to the DISCOPAE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when a change of pointer alignment event occurs. 11 ILLJREQE: 20 02 When a logic one is written to the ILLJREQE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when an illegal pointer justification request is received. tem be r, Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 186 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PTR[7] X Bit 6 R PTR[6] X Bit 5 R PTR[5] X Bit 4 R PTR[4] X Bit 3 R PTR[3] X Bit 2 R PTR[2] X Bit 1 R PTR[1] X Bit 0 R PTR[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x035, 0x135, 0x235, 0x335, 0x435, 0x535, 0x635, 0x735, 0x835, 0x935, 0xA35, 0xB35, 0xC35, 0xD35, 0xE35, 0xF35: RPOP Pointer LSB X Bit 7 R/W NDFPOR Bit 6 R/W EXTD Bit 5 R/W RDI10 hu Default 0 0 0 Unused X nT Bit 4 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x036, 0x136, 0x236, 0x336, 0x436, 0x536, 0x636, 0x736, 0x836, 0x936, 0xA36, 0xB36, 0xC36, 0xD36, 0xE36, 0xF36: RPOP Pointer MSB R S1 X Bit 2 R S0 X Bit 1 R PTR[9] X Bit 0 R PTR[8] X fo liv ett io Bit 3 uo PTR[9:0]: Do wn loa de S0, S1: db yV inv ef The PTR[7:0] bits contain the current pointer value as derived from the H1 and H2 bytes. To ensure reading a valid pointer, the NDFI, NSEI and PSEI bits of the RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status register should be read before and after reading this register to ensure that the pointer value did not changed during the register read. The S0 and S1 bits contain the two S bits received in the last H1 byte. These bits should be software debounced to ensure the proper values are received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 187 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM RDI10: 11 :50 :36 The RDI10 bit controls the filtering of the remote defect indication and the auxiliary remote defect indication. When RDI10 is set to logic one, the PRDI and ARDI statuses are updated when the same value is received in the corresponding bit of the G1 byte for 10 consecutive frames. When PRDI10 is set to logic zero, the PRDI and ARDI statuses are updated when the same value is received for 5 consecutive frames. 20 02 NDFPOR: 9S ep tem be r, The NDFPOR (new data flag pointer outside range) bit allows an NDF counter enable, if the pointer value is outside the range (0-782). If this bit is set high the definition for NDF counter enable is enabled NDF + ss. If this bit is set low the definition for NDF counter enable is enabled NDF + ss + offset in the range of 0 to 782. Note that this bit only allows the NDF counter to count towards LOP when the pointer is out of range, no active offset change will occur. ay ,1 EXTD: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd The EXTD bit extends the registers to facilitate additional mapping. If this bit is set high, the register mapping, for registers 0x30, 0x31 and 0x33, are extended. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 188 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PSL[7] X Bit 6 R PSL[6] X Bit 5 R PSL[5] X Bit 4 R PSL[4] X Bit 3 R PSL[3] X Bit 2 R PSL[2] X Bit 1 R PSL[1] X Bit 0 R PSL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x037, 0x137, 0x237, 0x337, 0x437, 0x537, 0x637, 0x737, 0x837, 0x937, 0xA37, 0xB37, 0xC37, 0xD37, 0xE37, 0xF37: RPOP Path Signal Label X 9S ep PSL[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The PSL[7:0] bits contain the path signal label byte (C2). The value in this register is updated to a new path signal label value if the same new value is observed for three or five consecutive frames, depending on the status of the PSL5 bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 189 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PBE[7] X Bit 6 R PBE[6] X Bit 5 R PBE[5] X Bit 4 R PBE[4] X Bit 3 R PBE[3] X Bit 2 R PBE[2] X Bit 1 R PBE[1] X Bit 0 R PBE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x038, 0x138, 0x238, 0x338, 0x438, 0x538, 0x638, 0x738, 0x838, 0x938, 0xA38, 0xB38, 0xC38, 0xD38, 0xE38, 0xF38: RPOP Path BIP-8 LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R PBE[15] Bit 6 R PBE[14] Bit 5 R PBE[13] Bit 4 R PBE[12] X Bit 3 R PBE[11] X Bit 2 R PBE[10] X Bit 1 R PBE[9] X Bit 0 R PBE[8] X Default X X X fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x039, 0x139, 0x239, 0x339, 0x439, 0x539, 0x639, 0x739, 0x839, 0x939, 0xA39, 0xB39, 0xC39, 0xD39, 0xE39, 0xF39: RPOP Path BIP-8 MSB uo These registers allow path BIP-8 errors to be accumulated. inv ef PBE[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV PBE[15:0] represent the number of B3 errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to either of the RPOP Path BIP-8 Register addresses or to either of the RPOP Path FEBE Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Path BIP-8 registers within a maximum of 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. This transfer and reset is carried out in a manner that ensures that coincident events are not lost. The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 190 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PFE[7] X Bit 6 R PFE[6] X Bit 5 R PFE[5] X Bit 4 R PFE[4] X Bit 3 R PFE[3] X Bit 2 R PFE[2] X Bit 1 R PFE[1] X Bit 0 R PFE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x03A, 0x13A, 0x23A, 0x33A, 0x43A, 0x53A, 0x63A, 0x73A, 0x83A, 0x93A, 0xA3A, 0xB3A, 0xC3A, 0xD3A, 0xE3A, 0xF3A: RPOP Path FEBE LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R PFE[15] Bit 6 R PFE[14] Bit 5 R PFE[13] Bit 4 R PFE[12] X Bit 3 R PFE[11] X Bit 2 R PFE[10] X Bit 1 R PFE[9] X Bit 0 R PFE[8] X Default X X X fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x03B, 0x13B, 0x23B, 0x33B, 0x43B, 0x53B, 0x63B, 0x73B, 0x83B, 0x93B, 0xA3B, 0xB3B, 0xC3B, 0xD3B, 0xE3B, 0xF3B: RPOP Path FEBE MSB uo These registers allow path FEBEs to be accumulated. inv ef PFE[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV Bits PFE[15:0] represent the number of path FEBE errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to either of the RPOP Path BIP-8 Register addresses or to either of the RPOP Path FEBE Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Path FEBE Registers within approximately 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. This transfer and reset is carried out in a manner that ensures that coincident events are not lost. The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 191 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W BLKFEBE 0 Unused X Reserved 0 R/W Bit 1 R/W ARDIE Bit 0 R ARDIV 0 20 Bit 2 r, Bit 3 02 Bit 5 tem be Bit :36 PM Register 0x03C, 0x13C, 0x23C, 0x33C, 0x43C, 0x53C, 0x63C, 0x73C, 0x83C, 0x93C, 0xA3C, 0xB3C, 0xC3C, 0xD3C, 0xE3C, 0xF3C: RPOP RDI X 9S ep ARDIV: ay ,1 The auxiliary RDI bit (ARDIV) reports the current state of the path auxiliary RDI within the receive path overhead processor. hu rsd ARDIE: ett io nT When a logic one is written to the ARDIE interrupt enable bit position, an interrupt is generated when a change in the path auxiliary RDI state occurs. This interrupt is indicated by the PRDII bit (Register 0x031 (EXTD=0); RPOP Interrupt Status, Bit 2). fo liv BLKFEBE: yV inv ef uo When set high, the block FEBE bit (BLKFEBE) causes path FEBE errors to be reported and accumulated on a block basis. A single path FEBE error is accumulated for a block if the received FEBE code for that block is between 1 and 8 inclusive. When BLKFEBE is set low, path FEBE errors are accumulated on a error basis. db Reserved: Do wn loa de The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 192 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SOS 0 Bit 6 R/W ENSS 0 Bit 5 R/W BLKBIP 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W BLKBIPO 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :36 PM Register 0x03D, 0x13D, 0x23D, 0x33D, 0x43D, 0x53D, 0x63D, 0x73D, 0x83D, 0x93D, 0xA3D, 0xB3D, 0xC3D, 0xD3D, 0xE3D, 0xF3D: RPOP Ring Control 0 9S ep BLKBIPO: hu rsd ay ,1 When set high, the block BIP-8 output bit (BLKBIPO) indicates that path BIP-8 errors are to be reported on a block basis to the transmit path overhead processor (TPOP) block. A single path BIP error is reported to the return transmit path overhead processor if any of the path BIP-8 results indicates a mismatchWhen BLKBIP is set low, BIP-8 errors are reported on a bit basis. io nT BLKBIP: uo fo liv ett When set high, the block BIP-8 bit (BLKBIP) indicates that path BIP-8 errors are to be accumulated on a block basis. A single BIP error is accumulated if any of the BIP-8 results indicates a mismatch. When BLKBIP is set low, BIP-8 errors are accumulated on a bit basis. inv ef ENSS: Do wn loa de db yV The enable size bit (ENSS) controls whether the SS bits in the payload pointer are used to determine offset changes in the pointer interpreter state machine. When a logic one is written to this bit, an incorrect SS bit pattern (i.e., not equal to 10) will prevent RPOP from issuing NDF_enable, inc_ind, new_point and dec_ind indications. When a logic zero is written to this bit, the received SS bits do not affect active offset change events. SOS: The stuff opportunity spacing control bit (SOS) controls the spacing between consecutive pointer justification events on the receive stream. When a logic one is written to this bit, the definition of inc_ind and dec_ind indications includes the requirement that active offset changes have occurred a least three frame ago. When a logic zero is written to this bit, pointer justification indications in the receive stream are followed without regard to the proximity of previous active offset changes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 193 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 194 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 0 R/W EPRDISRC 0 Bit 4 R/W PERSIST 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 0 Bit 1 R/W DBIP8 Bit 0 R/W PAIS tem be Bit 5 :50 EPRDIEN 11 R/W Default X 02 Bit 6 Function Unused 20 Type Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x040, 0x140, 0x240, 0x340, 0x440, 0x540, 0x640, 0x740, 0x840, 0x940, 0xA40, 0xB40, 0xC40, 0xD40, 0xE40, 0xF40: TPOP Control/Diagnostic 0 ay ,1 9S ep For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. rsd PAIS: liv ett io nT hu The PAIS bit controls the insertion of STS path alarm indication signal. When a logic one is written to this bit position, the complete SPE, and the pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3) are overwritten with the all-ones pattern. When a logic zero is written to this bit position, the pointer bytes and the SPE are processed normally.DBIP8: uo fo The DBIP8 bit controls the insertion of bit errors continuously in the B3 byte. When DBIP8 is a logic one, the B3 byte is inverted. inv ef EPRDISRC: Do wn loa de db yV The enhanced path receive defect indication alarm source bit (EPRDISRC) controls the source of RDI input to be inserted onto the G1 byte. See the description in register offset 0x049 for more information on the operation of this register. EPRDIEN The enhanced path receive defect indication alarm enable bit (EPRDIEN) controls the use of 3-bit enhanced RDI mode. See the description in register offset 0x049 for more information on the operation of this register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 195 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PERSIST 20 02 11 :50 :37 The path far end receive failure alarm persistence bit (PERSIST) controls the persistence of the RDI asserted into the transmit stream. When PERSIST is a logic one, the RDI code inserted into the transmit stream as a result of consequential actions is asserted for a minimum of 20 frames in non-enhanced RDI mode, or the last valid RDI code before an idle code (idle codes are when bits 5,6,7 are 000, 001, or 011) is asserted for 20 frames in enhanced RDI mode. When PERSIST is logic zero, the transmit RDI code changes immediately based on received alarm conditions. tem be r, Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 196 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W FTPTR 0 Bit 5 R/W SOS 0 Bit 4 R/W PLD 0 Bit 3 R/W NDF 0 Bit 2 R/W NSE 0 Bit 1 R/W PSE Bit 0 R/W Reserved 11 02 20 r, 0 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x041, 0x141, 0x241, 0x341, 0x441, 0x541, 0x641, 0x741, 0x841, 0x941, 0xA41, 0xB41, 0xC41, 0xD41, 0xE41, 0xF41: TPOP Pointer Control 0 9S ep This register allows control over the transmitted payload pointer for diagnostic purposes. ,1 PSE: hu rsd ay The PSE bit controls the insertion of positive pointer movements. A zero to one transition on this bit enables the insertion of a single positive pointer justification in the outgoing stream. This register bit is automatically cleared when the pointer movement is inserted. io nT NSE: fo liv ett The NSE bit controls the insertion of negative pointer movements. A zero to one transition on this bit enables the insertion of a single negative pointer justification in the outgoing stream. This register bit is automatically cleared when the pointer movement is inserted. inv ef uo NOTE: NSE and PSE bits are for diagnosis purposes and only operational in normal line transmission (non-APS).NDF: Do wn loa de db yV The NDF bit controls the insertion of new data flags in the inserted payload pointer. When a logic one is written to this bit position, the pattern contained in the NDF[3:0] bit positions in the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB Register is inserted continuously in the payload pointer. When a logic zero is written to this bit position, the normal pattern (0110) is inserted in the payload pointer. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 197 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PLD: 20 02 11 :50 :37 The PLD bit controls the loading of the pointer value contained in the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer Registers. Normally the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer Registers are written to set up the arbitrary new pointer value, the S-bit values, and the NDF pattern. A logic one is then written to this bit position to load the new pointer value. The new data flag bit positions are set to the programmed NDF pattern for the first frame; subsequent frames have the new data flag bit positions set to the normal pattern (0110) unless the NDF bit described above is set to a logic one. ep tem be r, Note: When loading an out of range pointer (that is a pointer with a value greater than 782), the TPOP continues to operate with timing based on the last valid pointer value. The out of range pointer value will of course be inserted in the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. Although a valid SPE will continue to be generated, it is unlikely to be extracted by downstream circuitry, which should be in a loss of pointer state. ,1 9S This bit is automatically cleared after the new payload pointer has been loaded. ay SOS: io nT hu rsd The SOS bit controls the stuff opportunity spacing between consecutive SPE positive or negative stuff events. When SOS is a logic zero, stuff events may be generated every frame as controlled by the PSE and NSE register bits described above. When SOS is a logic one, stuff events may be generated at a maximum rate of once every four frames. liv ett FTPTR: inv ef uo fo The force transmit pointer bit (FTPTR) enables the insertion of the pointer value contained in the Arbitrary Pointer Registers into the POUT[7:0] stream for diagnostic purposes. This allows the ATM/POS payload mapping circuitry to continue functioning normally and a valid SPE to continue to be generated, although it is unlikely to be extracted by downstream circuitry as the downstream pointer processor should be in a loss of pointer state. Do wn loa de db yV If FTPTR is set to logic one, the APTR[9:0] bits of the Arbitrary Pointer Registers are inserted into the H1 and H2 bytes of the transmit stream. At least one corrupted pointer is guaranteed to be sent. If FTPTR is a logic zero, a valid pointer is inserted. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 198 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R CPTR[7] X Bit 6 R CPTR[6] X Bit 5 R CPTR[5] X Bit 4 R CPTR[4] X Bit 3 R CPTR[3] X Bit 2 R CPTR[2] X Bit 1 R CPTR[1] X Bit 0 R CPTR[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x043, 0x143, 0x243, 0x343, 0x443, 0x543, 0x643, 0x743, 0x843, 0x943, 0xA43, 0xB43, 0xC43, 0xD43, 0xE43, 0xF43: TPOP Current Pointer LSB X Function ,1 Type Default Unused Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X CPTR[9] X CPTR[8] X R ett Bit 0 liv R X X X fo Bit 1 io hu rsd ay Bit 7 nT Bit 9S ep Register 0x044, 0x144, 0x244, 0x344, 0x444, 0x544, 0x644, 0x744, 0x844, 0x944, 0xA44, 0xB44, 0xC44, 0xD44, 0xE44, 0xF44: TPOP Current Pointer MSB uo CPTR[9:0]: db yV inv ef The CPTR[9:0] bits reflect the value of the current payload pointer being inserted in the outgoing stream. The value may be changed by loading a new pointer value using the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB and MSB Registers, or by inserting positive and negative pointer movements using the PSE and NSE register bits. Do wn loa de It is recommended the CPTR[9:0] value be software debounced to ensure a correct value is received. Configuring the APS interface (setting PROCM high or TXEN high) while the pointer value is 522, will cause downstream logic to improperly process the SONET stream. In general, a downstream loss of pointer (LOP) and/or line BIP errors will occur. A pointer value of 522 can be used if the APS connection is configured (either created or removed) first with TPOP set to a non-522 value. After the APS link configuration, the pointer value can be configured to 522. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 199 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W APTR[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W APTR[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W APTR[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W APTR[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W APTR[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W APTR[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W APTR[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W APTR[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x045, 0x145, 0x245, 0x345, 0x445, 0x545, 0x645, 0x745, 0x845, 0x945, 0xA45, 0xB45, 0xC45, 0xD45, 0xE45, 0xF45: TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB 0 9S ep This register allows an arbitrary pointer to be inserted for diagnostic purposes. ,1 APTR[7:0]: nT hu rsd ay The APTR[7:0] bits, along with the APTR[9:8] bits in the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB Register are used to set an arbitrary payload pointer value. The arbitrary pointer value is inserted in the outgoing stream by writing a logic one to the PLD bit in the TPOP Pointer Control Register. ett io If the FTPTR bit in the TPOP Pointer Control register is a logic one, the current APTR[9:0] value is inserted into the payload pointer bytes (H1 and H2) in the transmit stream. uo fo liv Configuring the APS interface (setting PROCM high or TXEN high) while the pointer value is 522, will cause downstream logic to improperly process the SONET stream. In general, a downstream loss of pointer (LOP) and/or line BIP errors will occur. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef A pointer value of 522 can be used if the APS connection is configured (either created or removed) first with TPOP set to a non-522 value. After the APS link configuration, the pointer value can be configured to 522. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 200 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W NDF[3] 1 Bit 6 R/W NDF[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W NDF[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W NDF[0] 1 Bit 3 R/W S[1] 1 Bit 2 R/W S[0] 0 Bit 1 R/W APTR[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W APTR[8] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x046, 0x146, 0x246, 0x346, 0x446, 0x546, 0x646, 0x746, 0x846, 0x946, 0xA46, 0xB46, 0xC46, 0xD46, 0xE46, 0xF46: TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB 0 9S ep This register allows an arbitrary pointer to be inserted for diagnostic purposes. ,1 APTR[9:8]: nT hu rsd ay The APTR[9:8] bits, along with the APTR[7:0] bits in the TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB Register are used to set an arbitrary payload pointer value. The arbitrary pointer value is inserted in the outgoing stream by writing a logic one to the PLD bit in the TPOP Pointer Control Register. ett io If the FTPTR bit in the TPOP Pointer Control register is a logic one, the current APTR[9:0] value is inserted into the payload pointer bytes (H1 and H2) in the transmit stream. uo fo liv Configuring the APS interface (setting PROCM high or TXEN high) while the pointer value is 522, will cause downstream logic to improperly process the SONET stream. In general, a downstream loss of pointer (LOP) and/or line BIP errors will occur. db S[1:0]: yV inv ef A pointer value of 522 can be used if the APS connection is configured (either created or removed) first with TPOP set to a non-522 value. After the APS link configuration, the pointer value can be configured to 522. Do wn loa de The S[1:0] bits contain the value inserted in the S[1:0] bit positions (also referred to as the unused bits) in the payload pointer. These bits are continuously inserted into the transmit stream. NDF[3:0]: The NDF[3:0] bits contain the value inserted in the NDF bit positions when an arbitrary new payload pointer value is inserted (using the PLD bit in the TPOP Pointer Control Register) or when new data flag generation is enabled using the NDF bit in the TPOP Pointer Control Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 201 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W J1[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W J1[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W J1[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W J1[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W J1[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W J1[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W J1[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W J1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x047, 0x147, 0x247, 0x347, 0x447, 0x547, 0x647, 0x747, 0x847, 0x947, 0xA47, 0xB47, 0xC47, 0xD47, 0xE47, 0xF47: TPOP Path Trace 0 9S ep This register allows control over the path trace byte. ,1 J1[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay The J1[7:0] bits are inserted in the J1 byte position in the transmit stream . Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 202 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W C2[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W C2[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W C2[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W C2[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W C2[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W C2[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W C2[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W C2[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x048, 0x148, 0x248, 0x348, 0x448, 0x548, 0x648, 0x748, 0x848, 0x948, 0xA48, 0xB48, 0xC48, 0xD48, 0xE48, 0xF48: TPOP Path Signal Label 1 9S ep This register allows control over the path signal label. Upon reset the register defaults to 0x01, which signifies an equipped unspecific payload. ay ,1 C2[7:0]: rsd The C2[7:0] bits are inserted in the C2 byte position in the transmit stream. nT hu C2 should be reprogrammed with the value 0x13 when transmitting ATM payload data. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io C2 should be reprogrammed with the value 0x16 when transmitting scrambled packet over SONET payload data. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 203 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FEBE[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W FEBE[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W FEBE[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W FEBE[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W PRDI 0 Bit 2 R/W EPRDI6 0 Bit 1 R/W EPRDI7 0 Bit 0 R/W G1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x049, 0x149, 0x249, 0x349, 0x449, 0x549, 0x649, 0x749, 0x849, 0x949, 0xA49, 0xB49, 0xC49, 0xD49, 0xE49, 0xF49: TPOP Path Status 0 ay ,1 9S ep This register allows control over the path status byte. For more details refer to the Operation Section of this document. hu rsd G1[0]: io nT The G1[0] bit is inserted in bit 0 the Path Status Byte G1. This bit is currently undefined by SONET/SDH standards and should be set to 0. liv ett PRDI, EPRDI6, EPRDI7]: ef uo fo The PRDI, EPRDI6 and EPRDI7 bits are inserted in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the Path Status Byte G1 respectively. The following describes the operation of these registers based on the EPRDIEN and EPRDISRC configuration bits in register offset 0x40. db yV inv The value specified in the table by “AUTORDI” and “AUTOERDI” are the automatic path RDI and enhanced PRDI responses as configured in the Auto RDI and Auto Enhanced RDI configuration registers (offset 0x09, 0x0A and 0x0B). The path RDI response is enabled by the channel AUTOPRDI bit in register offset 0x05. Do wn loa de When auto path alarm operation is desired, the APRDI, PRDI and G1[1:0] registers should be set low. EPRDIEN EPRDISRC G1[5] G1[6] G1[7] 0 X AUTORDI + PRDI EPRDI6 EPRDI7 1 0 PRDI EPRDI6 EPRDI7 1 1 AUTOERDI AUTOERDI AUTOERDI Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 204 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FEBE[3:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The FEBE[3:0] bits are inserted in the FEBE bit positions in the path status byte. The value contained in FEBE[3:0] is cleared after being inserted in the path status byte. Any non-zero FEBE[3:0] value overwrites the value that would normally have been inserted based on the number of FEBEs accumulated on primary input FEBE during the last frame. When reading this register, a non-zero value in these bit positions indicates that the insertion of this value is still pending. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 205 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W CONCAT[7] 1 Bit 6 R/W CONCAT[6] 1 Bit 5 R/W CONCAT[5] 1 Bit 4 R/W CONCAT[4] 1 Bit 3 R/W CONCAT[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W CONCAT[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W CONCAT[1] 1 Bit 0 R/W CONCAT[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x04E, 0x14E, 0x24E, 0x34E, 0x44E, 0x54E, 0x64E, 0x74E, 0x84E, 0x94E, 0xA4E, 0xB4E, 0xC4E, 0xD4E, 0xE4E, 0xF4E: TPOP Concatenation LSB 1 9S ep Register 0x04F, 0x14F, 0x24F, 0x34F, 0x44F, 0x54F, 0x64F, 0x74F, 0x84F, 0x94F, 0xA4F, 0xB4F, 0xC4F, 0xD4F, 0xE4F, 0xF4F: TPOP Concatenation MSB Type Function Bit 7 R/W CONCAT[15] Bit 6 R/W CONCAT[14] 0 Bit 5 R/W CONCAT[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W CONCAT[12] Bit 3 R/W CONCAT[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W CONCAT[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W CONCAT[9] 1 Bit 0 R/W CONCAT[8] 1 Default 1 1 fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit inv CONCAT[15:0]: ef uo These registers allow control over the concatenation indication values transmitted in SONET/SDH pointers. Do wn loa de db yV The CONCAT[15:0] bits control the value inserted in the some of the H1 and H2 byte positions when transmitting an STS-3c or STM-1 stream. The value written to CONCAT[15:8] is inserted in the H1 byte position of STS-1 #5 and STS-1 #9 in the concatenated stream. The value written to CONCAT[7:0] is inserted in the H2 byte position of STS-1 #5 and STS-1 #9 in the concatenated stream. The default values represent the normal concatenation indication (all ones in the pointer bits, zeros in the unused bits, and NDF indication). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 206 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W ZEROEN 0 Bit 6 R/W TIMODE 0 Bit 5 R/W RTIUIE 0 Bit 4 R/W RTIMIE 0 Bit 3 R/W PER5 0 Bit 2 R/W TNULL 1 Bit 1 R/W NOSYNC 0 Bit 0 R/W LEN16 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x050, 0x150, 0x250, 0x350, 0x450, 0x550, 0x650, 0x750, 0x850, 0x950, 0xA50, 0xB50, 0xC50, 0xD50, 0xE50, 0xF50: SPTB Control 0 9S ep This register controls the receive and transmit portions of the SPTB. ,1 LEN16: hu rsd ay The LEN16 bit selects the length of the path trace message to be 16 bytes or 64 bytes. When LEN16 is a logic one, a 16 byte path trace message is selected. When LEN16 is a logic zero, a 64 byte path trace message is selected. io nT NOSYNC: inv ef uo fo liv ett The NOSYNC bit disables the writing of the path trace message into the trace buffer to be synchronized to the content of the message. When LEN16 is a logic one and NOSYNC is a logic zero, the receive path trace message byte with its most significant bit set will be written to the first location in the buffer. When LEN16 and NOSYNC are logic zero, the byte after the carriage return/linefeed (CR/LF) sequence will be written to the first location in the buffer. When NOSYNC is a logic one, synchronization is disabled, and the path trace message buffer behaves as a circular buffer. yV TNULL: Do wn loa de db The TNULL bit controls the insertion of an all-zero path trace identifier message in the transmit stream. When TNULL is a logic one, the contents of the transmit buffer is ignored and all-zeros bytes are inserted. When TNULL is a logic zero, the contents of the transmit path trace buffer is sent to TPOP for insertion into the J1 transmit path overhead byte. TNULL should be set high before changing the contents of the trace buffer to avoid sending partial messages. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 207 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PER5: 11 :50 :37 The PER5 bit controls the number of times a path trace identifier message must be received unchanged before being accepted. When PER5 is a logic one, a message is accepted when it is received unchanged five times consecutively. When PER5 is a logic zero, the message is accepted after three identical repetitions. 02 RTIMIE: tem be r, 20 The RTIMIE bit controls the activation of the interrupt output when the comparison between the trace identifier mode 1 accepted identifier message and the expected message changes state. When RTIMIE is a logic one, changes in match state activates the interrupt (INTB) output. 9S ep This register is ignored when TIMODE is high. ,1 RTIUIE: hu rsd ay The RTIUIE bit controls the activation of the interrupt output when the receive identifier message changes state. When RTIUIE is a logic one, changes in the received path trace identifier message stable/unstable state will activate the interrupt output. nT TIMODE: uo fo liv ett io The trace identifier mode is used to set the mode used for the received trace identifier. Setting TIMODE low sets the trace identifier mode to 1. In this mode, the trace identifier is defined as a regular 16 or 64 byte trace message and persistency is based on the whole message. Receive trace identifier mismatch (RTIM) and unstable (RTIU) alarms are declared on the trace message. Do wn loa de ZEROEN: db yV inv ef Setting TIMODE high sets the trace identifier mode to 2. In this mode, the trace identifier is defined as a single byte that is monitored for persistency and then errors. A receive trace identifier unstable (RTIU) alarm is declared when one or more errors are detected in three consecutive 16 byte windows. When TIMODE is low, the zero enable bit (ZEROEN) enables TIM assertion and removal based on an all ZERO’s path trace message string. When ZEROEN is set high, all ZERO’s path trace message strings are considered when entering and exiting TIM states. When ZEROEN is set low, all ZERO’s path trace message strings are ignored. This register is ignored when TIMODE is high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 208 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R UNEQI X Bit 4 R UNEQV X Bit 3 R RTIUI X Bit 2 R RTIUV X R RTIMI Bit 0 R RTIMV X 20 r, Bit 1 02 Bit 5 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x051, 0x151, 0x251, 0x351, 0x451, 0x551, 0x651, 0x751, 0x851, 0x951, 0xA51, 0xB51, 0xC51, 0xD51, 0xE51, 0xF51: SPTB Path Trace Identifier Status X 9S ep This register reports the path trace identifier status of the SPTB. ,1 RTIMV: nT hu rsd ay When TIMODE is low, the RTIMV bit reports the match/mismatch status of the identifier message framer. RTIMV is a logic one when the accepted identifier message differs from the expected message written by the microprocessor. The accepted message is the last message to have been received 5 consecutive times. RTIMV is a logic zero when the accepted message matches the expected message. liv ett io If the accepted message string is all-zeros, the mismatch is not declared unless the ZEROEN register bit is set. This register is invalid when TIMODE is high. uo fo RTIMI: yV inv ef When TIMODE is low, the RTIMI bit is a logic one when match/mismatch status of the trace identifier framer changes state. This bit is cleared when this register is read. This register is invalid when TIMODE is high. db RTIUV: Do wn loa de The RTIUV bit reports the stable/unstable status of the identifier message framer. When TIMODE is low, RTIUV is set high when 8 trace messages mismatching against their immediate predecessor message have been received without a persistent message being detected. The unstable counter is incremented on each message that mismatches its predecessor and is cleared on the reception of a persistent message. RTIUV is set high when the unstable counter reaches 8. RTIUV is set low and the unstable counter cleared once a persistent message has been received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 209 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :37 PM When TIMODE is high, RTIUV is set low during the stable state which is declared after having received the same trace byte for 48 consecutive SONET/SDH frames. The stable byte is declared the accepted byte. RTIUV is set high when mismatches between the accepted byte and the received byte have been detected for three consecutive 16 byte windows. The 16 byte windows do not overlap and start immediately after the 48th persistent byte. 02 RTIUI: tem be r, 20 The RTIUI bit is a logic one when stable/unstable status of the trace identifier framer changes state. When RTIUV changes value, RTIUI is set high. This bit is cleared when this register is read. ep UNEQV: ,1 9S The unequipped value status bit (UNEQV) is indicates the equip status of the path signal label. The functionality of this register is controlled by the PSLMODE register. hu rsd ay When PSLMODE is set low, UNEQV is set high when the accepted path signal label indicates that the path connection is unequipped. UNEQV is set low when the accepted path signal label indicates the path connection is not unequipped. fo liv ett io nT When PSLMODE is set high, UNEQV is set high upon the reception of five consecutive frames with an unequipped (0x00) label. The bit is set low when five consecutive frames are received with a label other than the unequipped label. The five consecutive labels needed to lower the alarm do not need to be the same. The assertion of UNEQV will automatically prevent a path signal label mismatch alarm. uo UNEQI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The UNEQI bit is a logic one when unequipped status of the trace identifier framer changes state. When UNEQV changes value, UNEQI is set high. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 210 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W A[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W A[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W A[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W A[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W A[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W A[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W A[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W A[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x052, 0x152, 0x252, 0x352, 0x452, 0x552, 0x652, 0x752, 0x852, 0x952, 0xA52, 0xB52, 0xC52, 0xD52, 0xE52, 0xF52: SPTB Indirect Address Register 0 9S ep This register supplies the address used to index into path trace identifier buffers. Writing to this register triggers the indirect read/write access to the trace buffer. ay ,1 A[6:0]: nT hu rsd The indirect read address bits (A[7:0]) indexes into the path trace identifier buffers. Addresses 0 to 63 reference the transmit message buffer which contains the identifier message to be inserted into the transmit stream. liv ett io Addresses 64 to 127 reference the receive accepted message page. A receive message is accepted into this page when it is received unchanged three or five times consecutively as determined by the PER5 bit setting. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo Addresses 128 to 191 reference the receive capture page while addresses 192 to 255 reference the receive expected page. The receive capture page contains the identifier bytes extracted from the receive stream. The receive expected page contains the expected trace identifier message down-loaded from the microprocessor. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 211 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W D[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W D[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W D[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W D[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W D[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W D[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W D[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W D[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x053, 0x153, 0x253, 0x353, 0x453, 0x553, 0x653, 0x753, 0x853, 0x953, 0xA53, 0xB53, 0xC53, 0xD53, 0xE53, 0xF53: SPTB Indirect Data Register 0 9S ep This register contains the data read from the path trace message buffer after a read operation or the data to be written into the buffer before a write operation. ay ,1 D[7:0]: nT hu rsd The indirect data bits (D[7:0]) contains the data read from either the transmit or receive path trace buffer after an indirect read operation is completed. The data that is written to a buffer is set up in this register before initiating the indirect write operation. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The current and accepted message pages should be read at least twice and the results of the successive reads compared for consistency. The section trace message buffer keeps overwriting these message pages and consequently the result of a read can be composed of multiple messages. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 212 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W EPSL[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W EPSL[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W EPSL[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W EPSL[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W EPSL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W EPSL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W EPSL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W EPSL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x054, 0x154, 0x254, 0x354, 0x454, 0x554, 0x654, 0x754, 0x854, 0x954, 0xA54, 0xB54, 0xC54, 0xD54, 0xE54, 0xF54: SPTB Expected Path Signal Label 0 9S ep EPSL[7:0]: ay ,1 The EPSL[7:0] bits contain the expected path signal label byte (C2). EPSL[7:0] is compared with the C2 byte extracted from the receive stream. nT hu rsd When PSLMODE is low, EPSL[7:0] is compared with the accepted path signal label extracted from the receive stream. A path signal label mismatch (PSLM) is declared if the accepted PSL differs from the expected PSL. A path signal label match or mismatch is declared based upon the following table: Receive Action Declared 00 00 Match 01 Mismatch XX Mismatch ett io Expect liv 00 fo 00 uo 01 Mismatch Match XX Match XX 00 Mismatch XX 01 Match XX XX Match XX YY Mismatch db Do wn loa de 00 01 yV inv 01 ef 01 When PSLMODE is high, EPSL[7:0] is compared with the received C2 bytes extracted from the receive stream. A path signal label mismatch (PSLM) is declared if 5 consecutively received C2 bytes (other than 0x00) differ from the expected PSL. A path signal label match or mismatch is declared based upon the following table: Expect Receive Action Declared 00 00 Unequipped 00 01 Mismatch 00 XX Mismatch 01 00 Unequipped Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 213 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Action Declared 01 01 Match 01 XX Match XX 00 Unequipped XX 01 Match :50 :37 PM Receive XX Match XX YY Mismatch 02 XX 11 Expect 20 EPSL[7:0] should be reprogrammed with the value 0x13 when receiving ATM payload data. tem be r, EPSL[7:0] should be reprogrammed with the value 0x16 when receiving scrambled packet over SONET payload data. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep EPSL[7:0] may be reprogrammed with the value 0xCF when receiving unscrambled packet over SONET payload data. However, POS scrambling in the RXFP block must be turned off. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 214 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W RPSLUIE 0 Bit 6 R/W RPSLMIE 0 Bit 5 R/W UNEQIE 0 Bit 4 R/W PSLMODE 0 Bit 3 R RPSLUI X Bit 2 R RPSLUV X Bit 1 R RPSLMI Bit 0 R RPSLMV 11 02 20 r, X :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x055, 0x155, 0x255, 0x355, 0x455, 0x555, 0x655, 0x755, 0x855, 0x955, 0xA55, 0xB55, 0xC55, 0xD55, 0xE55, 0xF55: SPTB Path Signal Label Status X 9S ep RPSLMV: ay ,1 The RPSLMV bit reports the match/mismatch status between the expected and the accepted path signal label. nT hu rsd When PSLMODE is low, RPSLMV is a logic one when the accepted PSL results in a mismatch with EPSL[7:0]. RPSLMV is a logic zero when the accepted PSL results in a match with the expected PSL. ett io When PSLMODE is high, PSLMV is a logic one when the received PSL differs from EPSL[7:0]. PSLMV is a logic zero when the accepted PSL matches the expected PSL. fo liv RPSLMI: ef uo The RPSLMI bit is a logic one when the match/mismatch status between the accepted and the expected path signal label changes state. This bit is cleared when this register is read. yV inv RPSLUV: Do wn loa de db The RPSLUV reports the stable/unstable status of the path signal label in the receive stream. RPSLUV is a logic one when the current received C2 byte differs from the previous C2 byte for five consecutive frames. RPSLUV is a logic zero when the same PSL code is received for five consecutive frames. RPSLUI: The RPSLUI bit is a logic one when the stable/unstable status of the path signal label changes state. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 215 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PSLMODE: 11 :50 :37 The PSL Mode is used to control the match/mismatch status between the expected PSL, the received PSL and the accepted PSL. Setting PSLMODE low causes the expected PSL to be compared with the accepted PSL. Set PSLMODE high causes the expected PSL to be compared to the received PSL. 02 UNEQIE: tem be r, 20 The UNEQIE bit is the interrupt enable for the path signal label unequipped status. When UNEQIE is a logic one, changes in the unequipped state generate an interrupt. RPSLMIE: 9S ep The RPSLMIE bit is the interrupt enable for the path signal label match/mismatch status. When RPSLMIE is a logic one, changes in the match state generate an interrupt. ay ,1 RPSLUIE: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd The RPSLUIE bit is the interrupt enable for the path signal label stable/unstable status. When RPSLUIE is a logic one, changes in the stable/unstable state generate an interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 216 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R BUSY 0 Bit 6 R/W RWB 0 Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X Bit 0 Unused tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x056, 0x156, 0x256, 0x356, 0x456, 0x556, 0x656, 0x756, 0x856, 0x956, 0xA56, 0xB56, 0xC56, 0xD56, 0xE56, 0xF56: SPTB Indirect Access Trigger Register X 9S ep BUSY: hu rsd ay ,1 The BUSY bit reports whether a previously initiated indirect read or write to a message buffer has been completed. BUSY is set to a logic one immediately upon writing to the SPTB Indirect Address register, and stays high until the initiated access is completed. This register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the SPTB Indirect Data register. io nT RWB: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The access control bit (RWB) selects between an indirect read or write access to the selected path trace buffer (receive or transmit as determined by the RRAMACC bit). When RWB is a logic one, a read access is initiated. The addressed location’s contents are placed in the SPTB Indirect Data register. When RWB is a logic zero, a write access is initiated. The data in the SPTB Indirect Data register is written to the addressed location in the selected buffer. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 217 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R/W Reserved 11 02 X 20 RUN r, R tem be Bit 3 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x058, 0x158, 0x258, 0x358, 0x458, 0x558, 0x658, 0x758, 0x858, 0x958, 0xA58, 0xB58, 0xC58, 0xD58, 0xE58, 0xF58: DCRU Configuration 0 9S ep Reserved: ,1 The reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. rsd ay RUN: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu The DLL lock status register bit RUN indicates the DCRU has found an initial delay line lock. When the DCRU is attempting to recover the incoming serial stream, RUN is set high. The RUN register bit is cleared only by a system reset or a software reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 218 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Reserved X Bit 3 R Reserved X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R Reserved 11 X R 02 Unused Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x05A, 0x15A, 0x25A, 0x35A, 0x45A, 0x55A, 0x65A, 0x75A, 0x85A, 0x95A, 0xA5A, 0xB5A, 0xC5A, 0xD5A, 0xE5A, 0xF5A: DCRU RESET X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Writing to this register performs a software reset of the DCRU. The software reset will disrupt the serial receive interface. Any FIFOs associated with the recovered clock (JAT) must be reset after the DCRU is reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 219 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDINV 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W SENB 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X LOTI X Bit 1 R ROOLI X Bit 0 R DOOLI 11 02 20 R tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x05C, 0x15C, 0x25C, 0x35C, 0x45C, 0x55C, 0x65C, 0x75C, 0x85C, 0x95C, 0xA5C, 0xB5C, 0xC5C, 0xD5C, 0xE5C, 0xF5C: CRSI Configuration X 9S ep DOOLI: rsd ay ,1 The DOOLI bit is the data out of lock interrupt status bit. DOOLI is set high when the the DOOLV bit changes state, indicating that either the CRU has locked to the incoming data stream or has gone out of lock. DOOLI is cleared when this register is read. hu ROOLI: liv ett io nT The ROOLI bit is the reference out of lock interrupt status bit. ROOLI is set high when the ROOLV register changes state, indicating that either the PLL is locked to the reference clock REFCLK or in out of lock. ROOLI is cleared when this register is read. fo LOTI: inv ef uo The LOTI bit is the loss of transition interrupt status bit. LOTI is set high when a loss of transition event occurs. A loss of transition is defined as either the SD input set low or more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros received. LOTI is cleared when this register is read. yV Reserved: Do wn loa de db All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. SENB: The loss of signal transition detector enable (SENB) bit enables the declaration of loss of transition (LOT) when more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros occurs in the receive data. When SENB is a logic zero, a loss of transition is declared when more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros occurs in the receive data or when the SD input is low. When SENB is a logic one, a loss of transition is declared only when the SD input is low. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 220 PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 SDINV: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 The signal detect input invert (SDINV) controls the polarity of the SD input. The value of the SD input is logically XOR’ed with the value of the SDINV register. Therefore, when SDINV is a logic zero, valid signal power is indicated by the SD input high. When SDINV is a logic one, valid signal power is indicated by the SD input low. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 221 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R LOCK X Bit 6 R LOTV X Bit 5 R ROOLV X Bit 4 R DOOLV X Unused X LOTE 0 Bit 1 R/W ROOLE 0 Bit 0 R/W DOOLE 11 02 20 R/W tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x05D, 0x15D, 0x25D, 0x35D, 0x45D, 0x55D, 0x65D, 0x75D, 0x85D, 0x95D, 0xA5D, 0xB5D, 0xC5D, 0xD5D, 0xE5D, 0xF5D: CRSI Status 0 9S ep DOOLE: hu rsd ay ,1 The DOOLE bit is an interrupt enable for the recovered data out of lock status. When DOOLE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated upon assertion and negation events of the DOOLV register. When ROOLE is set low, changes in the DOOL status does not generate an interrupt. nT ROOLE: fo liv ett io The ROOLE bit enables the reference out of lock indication interrupt. When ROOLE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion and negation events of the ROOLV register. When ROOLE is set low, changes in the ROOL status does not generate an interrupt. uo LOTE: db DOOLV: yV inv ef The LOTE bit enables the loss of transition indication interrupt. When LOTE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion events of the LOTV register. When LOTE is set low, changes in the LOTV status does not generate an interrupt. Do wn loa de The recovered data out of lock status indicates the clock recovery phase locked loop is unable to recover and lock to the input data stream. DOOLV is a logic one if the divided down recovered clock frequency is not within approximately 488ppm of the REFCLK frequency or if no transitions have occurred on the RXD input for more than 96 bits. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 222 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM ROOLV: 11 :50 :37 The recovered reference out of lock status indicates the clock recovery phase locked loop is unable to lock to the reference clock on REFCLK. ROOLV is a logic one if the divided down synthesized clock frequency is not within approximately 488ppm of the REFCLK frequency. At startup, ROOLV may remain high for several hundred millisecond while the PLL obtains lock. 20 02 LOTV: ep tem be r, The loss of transition status indicates the receive power is lost or at least 97 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOTV is a logic zero if the SD input is high or less than 97 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOTV is a logic one if the SD input is low or more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. 9S LOCK: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The CRU reference locking status indicates if the CRU is locking to the reference clock or the locking to the receive data. LOCK is a logic zero if the CRU is locking or locked to the reference clock. LOCK is a logic one if the CRU is locking or locked to the receive data. LOCK is invalid if the CRU is not used. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 223 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W DDSCR 0 Bit 6 R/W HDSCR 0 Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X 1 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Unused 11 02 X 9S ep Bit 0 20 HCSADD r, R/W tem be Bit 2 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x060, 0x160, 0x260, 0x360, 0x460, 0x560, 0x660, 0x760, 0x860, 0x960, 0xA60, 0xB60, 0xC60, 0xD60, 0xE60, 0xF60: RXCP Configuration 1 ,1 HCSADD: nT hu rsd ay The HCSADD bit controls the addition of the coset polynomial, x6+x4+x2+1, to the HCS octet prior to comparison. When HCSADD is a logic one, the polynomial is added, and the resulting HCS is compared. When HCSADD is a logic zero, the polynomial is not added, and the unmodified HCS is compared. ett io HDSCR: inv ef uo fo liv HDSCR enables the self-synchronous x43 + 1 descrambler to continue running through the bytes which should contain the ATM cell headers. When HSCR is set low, the descrambling polynomial will function only over the ATM payload bytes. When HDSCR is set high, the descrambling polynomial will function over all bytes, including the 5 ATM header bytes. This function is available for use with PPP packets and flags which are scrambled at the source to prevent the generation of “killer” sequences. db yV DDSCR: Do wn loa de The DDSCR bit controls the descrambling of the cell payload with the polynomial x43 + 1. When DDSCR is set high, cell payload descrambling is disabled. When DDSCR is set low, payload descrambling is enabled. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 224 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W IDLEPASS 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x061, 0x161, 0x261, 0x361, 0x461, 0x561, 0x661, 0x761, 0x861, 0x961, 0xA61, 0xB61, 0xC61, 0xD61, 0xE61, 0xF61: RXCP Configuration 2 ep 0 9S IDLEPASS: nT hu rsd ay ,1 The IDLEPASS bit controls the function of the Idle Cell filter. When IDLEPASS is written with a logic zero, all cells that match the Idle Cell Header Pattern and Idle Cell Header Mask are filtered out. When IDLEPASS is a logic one, the Idle Cell Header Pattern and Mask registers are ignored. The default state of this bit and the bits in the Idle Cell Header Mask and Idle Cell Header Pattern Registers enable the dropping of idle cells. ett io Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 225 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X 1 Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Unused X Bit 1 Bit 0 R/W 11 0 Reserved 02 Reserved R/W 20 R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x062, 0x162, 0x262, 0x362, 0x462, 0x562, 0x662, 0x762, 0x862, 0x962, 0xA62, 0xB62, 0xC62, 0xD62, 0xE62, 0xF62: RXCP FIFO/UTOPIA Control and Configuration FIFORST 0 9S ep FIFORST: rsd ay ,1 The FIFORST bit is used to reset the channel four-cell receive buffer. When FIFORST is set low, the channel buffer operates normally. When FIFORST is set high, the buffer is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. ett io nT hu FIFORST must be set high before the per-channel FIFO reset in the RUL3 is asserted. FIFORST must be set low after the per-channel FIFO reset in the RUL3 asserted. fo liv Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo All reserved bits must be programmed to ‘0’ to ensure correct operation of the device. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 226 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R XFERI X Bit 6 R OVR X Unused X Bit 4 R/W XFERE 0 Bit 3 R/W OOCDE 0 Bit 2 R/W HCSE 0 Bit 1 R/W FOVRE Bit 0 R/W LCDE 0 11 02 20 r, Bit 5 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x063, 0x163, 0x263, 0x363, 0x463, 0x563, 0x663, 0x763, 0x863, 0x963, 0xA63, 0xB63, 0xC63, 0xD63, 0xE63, 0xF63: RXCP Interrupt Enable and Counter Status 0 9S ep LCDE: ay ,1 The LCDE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to a change in the LCD state. When LCDE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. hu rsd FOVRE: io nT The FOVRE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to a FIFO overrun error condition. When FOVRE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. liv ett HCSE: uo fo The HCSE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the detection an HCS error. When HCSE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. inv ef OOCDE: Do wn loa de XFERE: db yV The OOCDE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to a change in cell delineation state. When OOCDE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. The XFERE bit enables the generation of an interrupt when an accumulation interval is completed and new values are stored in the RXCP Count registers. When XFERE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 227 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM OVR: 11 :50 :37 The OVR bit is the overrun status of the RXCP Performance Monitoring Count registers. A logic one in this bit position indicates that a previous transfer (indicated by XFERI being logic one) has not been acknowledged before the next accumulation interval has occurred and that the contents of the RXCP Count registers have been overwritten. OVR is set low when this register is read. 20 02 XFERI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, The XFERI bit indicates that a transfer of RXCP Performance Monitoring Count data has occurred. A logic one in this bit position indicates that the RXCP Count registers have been updated. This update is initiated by writing to one of the RXCP Count register locations, to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register or the channel Master Interrupt Status register. XFERI is set low when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 228 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R OOCDV X Bit 6 R LCDV X Unused X Bit 4 R OOCDI X Bit 3 R Unused X Bit 2 R HCSI X Bit 1 R FOVRI Bit 0 R LCDI X 11 02 20 r, Bit 5 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x064, 0x164, 0x264, 0x364, 0x464, 0x564, 0x664, 0x764, 0x864, 0x964, 0xA64, 0xB64, 0xC64, 0xD64, 0xE64, 0xF64: RXCP Status/Interrupt Status X 9S ep LCDI: ay ,1 The LCDI bit is set high when there is a change in the loss of cell delineation (LCD) state. This bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. hu rsd FOVRI: ett io nT The FOVRI bit is set high when an attempt is made to write into the channel buffer when it is already full. This bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. Continuous overwriting of the channel buffer results in only one interrupt. fo liv HCSI: inv ef uo The HCSI bit is set high when an HCS error is detected. This bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. db yV OOCDI: Do wn loa de The OOCDI bit is set high when the RXCP enters or exits the SYNC state. The OOCDV bit indicates whether the RXCP is in the SYNC state or not. The OOCDI bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. LCDV: The LCDV bit gives the Loss of Cell Delineation state. When LCD is high, an out of cell delineation (OCD) defect has persisted for the number of cells specified in the LCD Count Threshold register. When LCD is low, no OCD has persisted for the number of cells specified in the LCD Count Threshold register. The cell time period can be varied by using the LCDC[7:0] register bits in the RXCP LCD Count Threshold register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 229 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM OOCDV: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The OOCDV bit indicates the cell delineation state. When OOCDV is high, the cell delineation state machine is in the 'HUNT' or 'PRESYNC' states and is hunting for the cell boundaries. When OOCDV is low, the cell delineation state machine is in the 'SYNC' state and cells are passed through the receive FIFO. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 230 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X R/W LCDC[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W LCDC[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W LCDC[8] 11 02 tem be Bit 2 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x065, 0x165, 0x265, 0x365, 0x465, 0x565, 0x665, 0x765, 0x865, 0x965, 0xA65, 0xB65, 0xC65, 0xD65, 0xE65, 0xF65: RXCP LCD Count Threshold MSB 1 Type Function Bit 7 R/W LCDC[7] Bit 6 R/W LCDC[6] Bit 5 R/W LCDC[5] Bit 4 R/W LCDC[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W LCDC[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W LCDC[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W LCDC[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W LCDC[0] 0 ay rsd hu io ett Default 0 1 1 fo liv ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x066, 0x166, 0x266, 0x366, 0x466, 0x566, 0x666, 0x766, 0x866, 0x966, 0xA66, 0xB66, 0xC66, 0xD66, 0xE66, 0xF66: RXCP LCD Count Threshold LSB uo LCDC[10:0]: db yV inv ef The LCDC[10:0] bits represent the number of consecutive cell periods the receive cell processor must be out of cell delineation before loss of cell delineation (LCD) is declared. Likewise, LCD is not de-asserted until receive cell processor is in cell delineation for the number of cell periods specified by LCDC[10:0]. Do wn loa de The default value of LCD[10:0] is 360, which translates to an average cell period of 2.83 µs and a default LCD integration period of 1.02 µs. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 231 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W GFC[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W GFC[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W GFC[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W GFC[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W PTI[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W PTI[2] 0 R/W PTI[1] Bit 0 R/W CLP 0 11 02 20 r, Bit 1 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x067, 0x167, 0x267, 0x367, 0x467, 0x567, 0x667, 0x767, 0x867, 0x967, 0xA67, 0xB67, 0xC67, 0xD67, 0xE67, 0xF67: RXCP Idle Cell Header Pattern 1 9S ep GFC[3:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The GFC[3:0] bits contain the pattern to match in the first, second, third, and fourth bits of the first octet of the 53-octet cell, in conjunction with the Idle Cell Header Mask Register. The IDLEPASS bit in the RXCP Configuration 2 Register must be set to logic zero to enable dropping of cells matching this pattern. Note that an all-zeros pattern must be present in the VPI and VCI fields of the idle or unassigned cell. io nT PTI[2:0]: uo fo liv ett The PTI[2:0] bits contain the pattern to match in the fifth, sixth, and seventh bits of the fourth octet of the 53-octet cell, in conjunction with the Idle Cell Header Mask Register. The IDLEPASS bit in the RXCP Configuration 2 Register must be set to logic zero to enable dropping of cells matching this pattern. inv ef CLP: Do wn loa de db yV The CLP bit contains the pattern to match in the eighth bit of the fourth octet of the 53-octet cell, in conjunction with the Match Header Mask Register. The IDLEPASS bit in the RXCP Configuration 2 Register must be set to logic zero to enable dropping of cells matching this pattern. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 232 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W MGFC[3] 1 Bit 6 R/W MGFC[2] 1 Bit 5 R/W MGFC[1] 1 Bit 4 R/W MGFC[0] 1 Bit 3 R/W MPTI[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W MPTI[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W MPTI[1] 1 Bit 0 R/W MCLP tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x068, 0x168, 0x268, 0x368, 0x468, 0x568, 0x668, 0x768, 0x868, 0x968, 0xA68, 0xB68, 0xC68, 0xD68, 0xE68, 0xF68: RXCP Idle Cell Header Mask 1 9S ep MGFC[3:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The MGFC[3:0] bits contain the mask pattern for the first, second, third, and fourth bits of the first octet of the 53-octet cell. This mask is applied to the Idle Cell Header Pattern Register to select the bits included in the cell filter. A logic one in any bit position enables the corresponding bit in the pattern register to be compared. A logic zero causes the masking of the corresponding bit. io nT MPTI[3:0]: ef uo fo liv ett The MPTI[3:0] bits contain the mask pattern for the fifth, sixth, and seventh bits of the fourth octet of the 53-octet cell. This mask is applied to the Idle Cell Header Pattern Register to select the bits included in the cell filter. A logic one in any bit position enables the corresponding bit in the pattern register to be compared. A logic zero causes the masking of the corresponding bit. inv MCLP: Do wn loa de db yV The CLP bit contains the mask pattern for the eighth bit of the fourth octet of the 53-octet cell. This mask is applied to the Idle Cell Header Pattern Register to select the bits included in the cell filter. A logic one in this bit position enables the MCLP bit in the pattern register to be compared. A logic zero causes the masking of the MCLP bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 233 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R HCS[7] X Bit 6 R HCS[6] X Bit 5 R HCS[5] X Bit 4 R HCS[4] X Bit 3 R HCS[3] X Bit 2 R HCS[2] X Bit 1 R HCS[1] X Bit 0 R HCS[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x06A, 0x16A, 0x26A, 0x36A, 0x46A, 0x56A, 0x66A, 0x76A, 0x86A, 0x96A, 0xA6A, 0xB6A, 0xC6A, 0xD6A, 0xE6A, 0xF6A: RXCP HCS Error Count X 9S ep HCS[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 The HCS[7:0] bits indicate the number of HCS error events that occurred during the last accumulation interval. The contents of these registers are valid a maximum of 40 RCLK periods after a transfer is triggered by a write to one of RXCP's performance monitor. nT hu The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 234 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RCELL[7] X Bit 6 R RCELL[6] X Bit 5 R RCELL[5] X Bit 4 R RCELL[4] X Bit 3 R RCELL[3] X Bit 2 R RCELL[2] X Bit 1 R RCELL[1] X Bit 0 R RCELL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x06B, 0x16B, 0x26B, 0x36B, 0x46B, 0x56B, 0x66B, 0x76B, 0x86B, 0x96B, 0xA6B, 0xB6B, 0xC6B, 0xD6B, 0xE6B, 0xF6B: RXCP Receive Cell Counter LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RCELL[15] Bit 6 R RCELL[14] Bit 5 R RCELL[13] X Bit 4 R RCELL[12] hu X Bit 3 R RCELL[11] X Bit 2 R RCELL[10] X Bit 1 R RCELL[9] X Bit 0 R RCELL[8] X Default X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x06C, 0x16C, 0x26C, 0x36C, 0x46C, 0x56C, 0x66C, 0x76C, 0x86C, 0x96C, 0xA6C, 0xB6C, 0xC6C, 0xD6C, 0xE6C, 0xF6C: RXCP Receive Cell Counter Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 235 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RCELL[23] X Bit 6 R RCELL[22] X Bit 5 R RCELL[21] X Bit 4 R RCELL[20] X Bit 3 R RCELL[19] X Bit 2 R RCELL[18] X Bit 1 R RCELL[17] X Bit 0 R RCELL[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x06D, 0x16D, 0x26D, 0x36D, 0x46D, 0x56D, 0x66D, 0x76D, 0x86D, 0x96D, 0xA6D, 0xB6D, 0xC6D, 0xD6D, 0xE6D, 0xF6D: RXCP Receive Cell Counter MSB X 9S ep RCELL[23:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The RCELL[23:0] bits indicate the number of cells received and written into the receive FIFO during the last accumulation interval. Cells received and filtered due to HCS errors or Idle cell matches are not counted. The counter should be polled every second to avoid saturation. The contents of these registers are valid a maximum of 67 RCLK periods after a transfer is triggered by a write to one of RXCP's performance monitor counters. ett io nT The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 236 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R ICELL[7] X Bit 6 R ICELL[6] X Bit 5 R ICELL[5] X Bit 4 R ICELL[4] X Bit 3 R ICELL[3] X Bit 2 R ICELL[2] X Bit 1 R ICELL[1] X Bit 0 R ICELL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x06E, 0x16E, 0x26E, 0x36E, 0x46E, 0x56E, 0x66E, 0x76E, 0x86E, 0x96E, 0xA6E, 0xB6E, 0xC6E, 0xD6E, 0xE6E, 0xF6E: RXCP Idle Cell Counter LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R ICELL[15] Bit 6 R ICELL[14] Bit 5 R ICELL[13] Bit 4 R ICELL[12] X Bit 3 R ICELL[11] X Bit 2 R ICELL[10] X Bit 1 R ICELL[9] X Bit 0 R ICELL[8] X Default X X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x06F, 0x16F, 0x26F, 0x36F, 0x46F, 0x56F, 0x66F, 0x76F, 0x86F, 0x96F, 0xA6F, 0xB6F, 0xC6F, 0xD6F, 0xE6F, 0xF6F: RXCP Idle Cell Counter Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 237 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R ICELL[23] X Bit 6 R ICELL[22] X Bit 5 R ICELL[21] X Bit 4 R ICELL[20] X Bit 3 R ICELL[19] X Bit 2 R ICELL[18] X Bit 1 R ICELL[17] X Bit 0 R ICELL[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x070, 0x170, 0x270, 0x370, 0x470, 0x570, 0x670, 0x770, 0x870, 0x970, 0xA70, 0xB70, 0xC70, 0xD70, 0xE70, 0xF70: RXCP Idle Cell Counter MSB X 9S ep ICELL[23:0]: rsd ay ,1 The ICELL[23:0] bits indicate the number of idle cells received during the last accumulation interval. The counter should be polled every second to avoid saturation. The contents of these registers are valid a maximum of 67 RCLK periods after a transfer is triggered by a write to one of RXCP's performance monitor counters. io nT hu The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 238 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W HSCR 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W HCSB 0 Bit 2 R/W HCSADD 1 Bit 1 R/W DSCR 0 Bit 0 R/W FIFORST tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x080, 0x180, 0x280, 0x380, 0x480, 0x580, 0x680, 0x780, 0x880, 0x980, 0xA80, 0xB80, 0xC80, 0xD80, 0xE80, 0xF80: TXCP Configuration 1 0 9S ep FIFORST: hu rsd ay ,1 The FIFORST bit is used to reset the channel four cell transmit buffer. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the buffer operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the buffer is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Null/unassigned cells are transmitted until a subsequent cell is written to the buffer. ett io nT The FIFORST must be set high before the per-channel reset in the TUL3 is asserted. The FIFORST must be set low after the per-channel reset in the TUL3 is deasserted. liv DSCR: inv ef uo fo The DSCR bit controls the scrambling of the cell payload. When DSCR is a logic one, cell payload scrambling is disabled. When DSCR is a logic zero, payload scrambling is enabled. yV HCSADD: Do wn loa de db The HCSADD bit controls the addition of the coset polynomial, x6+x4+x2+1, to the HCS octet prior to insertion in the synchronous payload envelope. When HCSADD is a logic one, the polynomial is added, and the resulting HCS is inserted. When HCSADD is a logic zero, the polynomial is not added, and the unmodified HCS is inserted. HCSADD takes effect unconditionally regardless of whether a null/unassigned cell is being transmitted or whether the HCS octet has been read from the FIFO. HCSB: The active low HCSB bit enables the internal generation and insertion of the HCS octet into the transmit cell stream. When HCSB is logic zero, the HCS is generated and inserted internally. If HCSB is logic one , then no HCS octet is inserted in the transmit data stream. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 239 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM HSCR: 02 11 :50 :37 The Header Scramble enable bit, HSCR, enables scrambling of the ATM five octet header along with the payload. When set to logic one, the ATM header and payload are both scrambled. When set to logic zero, the header is left unscrambled and payload scrambling is determined by the DSCR bit. 20 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 240 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X X R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W DHCS Bit 0 R/W HCSCTLEB 0 20 02 Unused Bit 4 r, Bit 5 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x081, 0x181, 0x281, 0x381, 0x481, 0x581, 0x681, 0x781, 0x881, 0x981, 0xA81, 0xB81, 0xC81, 0xD81, 0xE81, 0xF81: TXCP Configuration 2 0 9S ep HCSCTLEB: rsd ay ,1 The active low HCS control enable, HCSCTLEB bit enables the XORing of the HCS Control byte with the generated HCS. When set to logic zero, the HCS Control byte provided in the third word of the 27 word data structure is XORed with the generated HCS. When set to logic one, XORing is disabled and the HCS Control byte is ignored. ett io nT hu For normal operation, the HCS Control byte in the ATM cell structure transferred on the system interface should always be 0x00. If not, the HCSCTLEB register should be set to logic one to prevent corruption of the HCS byte. liv DHCS: db Reserved yV inv ef uo fo The DHCS bit controls the insertion of HCS errors for diagnostic purposes. When DHCS is set to logic one, the HCS octet is inverted prior to insertion in the synchronous payload envelope. DHCS takes effect unconditionally regardless of whether a null/unassigned cell is being transmitted or whether the HCS octet has been read from the FIFO. DHCS occurs after any error insertion caused by the Control Byte in the 27-word data structure. Do wn loa de All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 241 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W XFERE 0 Bit 6 R XFERI X Bit 5 R OVR X Unused X 1 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 11 02 Reserved 20 R/W tem be Bit 3 r, Bit 4 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x082, 0x182, 0x282, 0x382, 0x482, 0x582, 0x682, 0x782, 0x882, 0x982, 0xA82, 0xB82, 0xC82, 0xD82, 0xE82, 0xF82: TXCP Cell Count Status 0 9S ep XFERI: hu rsd ay ,1 The XFERI bit indicates that a transfer of Transmit Cell Count data has occurred. A logic one in this bit position indicates that the Transmit Cell Count registers have been updated. This update is initiated by writing to one of the Transmit Cell Count register locations, to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register or to the channel Master Interrupt Status register. XFERI is set low when this register is read. io nT OVR: ef uo fo liv ett The OVR bit is the overrun status of the Transmit Cell Count registers. A logic one in this bit position indicates that a previous transfer (indicated by XFERI being logic one) has not been acknowledged before the next accumulation interval has occurred and that the contents of the Transmit Cell Count registers have been overwritten. OVR is set low when this register is read. inv XFERE: Do wn loa de db yV The XFERE bit enables the generation of an interrupt when an accumulation interval is completed and new values are stored in the Transmit Cell Count registers. When XFERE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. Reserved: These bits should be set to their default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 242 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W FOVRE 0 Bit 5 R/W Unused X 11 Bit 3 02 X 20 0 Unused R Reserved X Bit 1 R FOVRI Bit 0 R Reserved X r, Bit 2 tem be Reserved Bit 4 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x083, 0x183, 0x283, 0x383, 0x483, 0x583, 0x683, 0x783, 0x883, 0x983, 0xA83, 0xB83, 0xC83, 0xD83, 0xE83, 0xF83: TXCP Interrupt Enable/Status 9S ep X ,1 FOVRI: nT hu rsd ay The FOVRI bit is set high when an attempt is made to write into the FIFO when it is already full. This bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. io FOVRE: fo liv ett The FOVRE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to an attempt to write the FIFO when it is already full. When FOVRE is set to logic one, the interrupt is enabled. ef uo Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 243 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W GFC[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W GFC[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W GFC[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W GFC[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W PTI[2] 0 Bit 2 R/W PTI[1] 0 R/W PTI[0] Bit 0 R/W CLP 0 11 02 20 r, Bit 1 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x084, 0x184, 0x284, 0x384, 0x484, 0x584, 0x684, 0x784, 0x884, 0x984, 0xA84, 0xB84, 0xC84, 0xD84, 0xE84, 0xF84: TXCP Idle Cell Header Control 1 9S ep CLP: rsd ay ,1 The CLP bit contains the eighth bit position of the fourth octet of the idle/unassigned cell pattern. Cell rate decoupling is accomplished by transmitting idle cells when the TXCP detects that no outstanding cells exist in the transmit FIFO. hu PTI[3:0]: liv ett io nT The PTI[3:0] bits contains the fifth, sixth, and seventh bit positions of the fourth octet of the idle/unassigned cell pattern. Idle cells are transmitted when the TXCP detects that no outstanding cells exist in the transmit FIFO. fo GFC[3:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The GFC[3:0] bits contain the first, second, third, and fourth bit positions of the first octet of the idle/unassigned cell pattern. Idle/unassigned cells are transmitted when the TXCP detects that no outstanding cells exist in the transmit FIFO. The all zeros pattern is transmitted in the VCI and VPI fields of the idle cell. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 244 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PAYLD[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W PAYLD[6] 1 Bit 5 R/W PAYLD[5] 1 Bit 4 R/W PAYLD[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W PAYLD[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W PAYLD[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W PAYLD[1] 1 Bit 0 R/W PAYLD[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x085, 0x185, 0x285, 0x385, 0x485, 0x585, 0x685, 0x785, 0x885, 0x985, 0xA85, 0xB85, 0xC85, 0xD85, 0xE85, 0xF85: TXCP Idle Cell Payload Control 0 9S ep PAYLD[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The PAYLD[7:0] bits contain the pattern inserted in the idle cell payload. Idle cells are inserted when the TXCP detects that the transmit FIFO contains no outstanding cells. PAYLD[7] is the most significant bit and is the first bit transmitted. PAYLD[0] is the least significant bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 245 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TCELL[7] X Bit 6 R TCELL[6] X Bit 5 R TCELL[5] X Bit 4 R TCELL[4] X Bit 3 R TCELL[3] X Bit 2 R TCELL[2] X Bit 1 R TCELL[1] X Bit 0 R TCELL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x086, 0x186, 0x286, 0x386, 0x486, 0x586, 0x686, 0x786, 0x886, 0x986, 0xA86, 0xB86, 0xC86, 0xD86, 0xE86, 0xF86: TXCP Transmit Cell Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R TCELL[15] Bit 6 R TCELL[14] Bit 5 R TCELL[13] Bit 4 R TCELL[12] X Bit 3 R TCELL[11] X Bit 2 R TCELL[10] X Bit 1 R TCELL[9] X Bit 0 R TCELL[8] X Default X X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x087, 0x187, 0x287, 0x387, 0x487, 0x587, 0x687, 0x787, 0x887, 0x987, 0xA87, 0xB87, 0xC87, 0xD87, 0xE87, 0xF87: TXCP Transmit Cell Count Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 246 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TCELL[23] X Bit 6 R TCELL[22] X Bit 5 R TCELL[21] X Bit 4 R TCELL[20] X Bit 3 R TCELL[19] X Bit 2 R TCELL[18] X Bit 1 R TCELL[17] X Bit 0 R TCELL[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x088, 0x188, 0x288, 0x388, 0x488, 0x588, 0x688, 0x788, 0x888, 0x988, 0xA88, 0xB88, 0xC88, 0xD88, 0xE88, 0xF88: TXCP Transmit Cell Count MSB X 9S ep TCELL[23:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The TCELL[23:0] bits indicate the number of cells read from the transmit FIFO and inserted into the transmission stream during the last accumulation interval. Idle cells inserted into the transmission stream are not counted. A write to any one of the TXCP Transmit Cell Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal count to zero. ett io nT The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 247 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RCNT[7] X Bit 6 R RCNT[6] X Bit 5 R RCNT[5] X Bit 4 R RCNT[4] X Bit 3 R RCNT[3] X Bit 2 R RCNT[2] X Bit 1 R RCNT[1] X Bit 0 R RCNT[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x094, 0x194, 0x294, 0x394, 0x494, 0x594, 0x694, 0x794, 0x894, 0x994, 0xA94, 0xB94, 0xC94, 0xD94, 0xE94, 0xF94: Receive Cell/Packet Counter LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RCNT[15] Bit 6 R RCNT[14] Bit 5 R RCNT[13] Bit 4 R RCNT[12] X Bit 3 R RCNT[11] X Bit 2 R RCNT[10] X Bit 1 R RCNT[9] X Bit 0 R RCNT[8] X Default X X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x095, 0x195, 0x295, 0x395, 0x495, 0x595, 0x695, 0x795, 0x895, 0x995, 0xA95, 0xB95, 0xC95, 0xD95, 0xE95, 0xF95: Receive Cell/Packet Counter Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 248 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RCNT[23] X Bit 6 R RCNT[22] X Bit 5 R RCNT[21] X Bit 4 R RCNT[20] X Bit 3 R RCNT[19] X Bit 2 R RCNT[18] X Bit 1 R RCNT[17] X Bit 0 R RCNT[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x096, 0x196, 0x296, 0x396, 0x496, 0x596, 0x696, 0x796, 0x896, 0x996, 0xA96, 0xB96, 0xC96, 0xD96, 0xE96, 0xF96: Receive Cell/Packet Counter MSB X 9S ep RCNT[23:0]: rsd ay ,1 The RCNT[23:0] bits indicate the number of cells or packets received during the last accumulation interval. When the channel is configured for ATM traffic, the number of valid received ATM cells are counted. When the channel is configured for packet trace, the number of end of packets are counted. liv ett io nT hu This counter exists after the RXCP/RXFP FIFO allowing it to count the number of actual received items. Since the RUL3 does not drop cells or packet information, RCNT[23:0] supplies an accurate count. However, when compared to the performance counters in RXCP/RXFP, RCNT[23:0] may differ slightly due to the number of items stored in the RXCP/RXFP FIFO. ef uo fo The count is polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 249 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X X Bit 3 R RUN X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R/W Reserved 11 FERRI 02 X R 20 Unused Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x098, 0x198, 0x298, 0x398, 0x498, 0x598, 0x698, 0x798, 0x898, 0x998, 0xA98, 0xB98, 0xC98, 0xD98, 0xE98, 0xF98: JAT Configuration #1 0 9S ep Reserved: ,1 The reserved bit must be programmed to zero for proper operation. rsd ay RUN: io nT hu The JAT lock status register bit RUN indicates the JAT has found an initial delay line lock. When the JAT is attempting to recover the incoming serial stream, RUN is set high. The RUN register bit is cleared only by a system reset or a software reset. liv ett FERRI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo The line loopback FIFO error status (FERRI) indicates that the 8-byte line loopback FIFO has overrun or underrun. The FERRI bit is set high when the loopback FIFO corrupts the transmit data stream due to a FIFO overrun or underrun. The FERRI bit clears when the register is read, thus acknowledging the error has occurred. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 250 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 1 Unused X 0 Bit 3 R/W FRST 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W FORCE55 11 0 CHAN[0] 02 CHAN[1] R/W 20 R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x099, 0x199, 0x299, 0x399, 0x499, 0x599, 0x699, 0x799, 0x899, 0x999, 0xA99, 0xB99, 0xC99, 0xD99, 0xE99, 0xF99: JAT Configuration #2 0 9S ep FORCE55: hu rsd ay ,1 The diagnostic serial transmit enable (FORCE55) forces the outgoing serial transmit stream to alternating ones and zeros. When FORCE55 is set high, the serial transmit stream is a 77.76MHz clock. When FORCE55 is set low, the serial interface operates normally. io nT Reserved: liv ett The reserved bit must be programmed to default values for proper operation. fo FRST: inv ef uo The line loopback FIFO reset control allows the line loopback path to be initialized. When FRST is high, the bit FIFO in the line loopback path in the JAT is held in reset. When FRST is low, the FIFO operates normally. db yV The FRST control should be toggled when the receive interface experiences severe errors such as loss of frame (LOF) or loss of signal (LOS) during SLLE operation. Do wn loa de CHAN[1:0]: The channel loopback configuration (CHAN[1:0]) allows the JAT to loop back other channel receive data. When CHAN[1:0] is “00”, the SLLE and SDLE registers operate normally. Setting CHAN[1:0] to other values selects one of the three other channels (in the group of 4) in SLLE mode of operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 251 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Reserved X Bit 3 R Reserved X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R Reserved 11 X R 02 Unused Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x09A, 0x19A, 0x29A, 0x39A, 0x49A, 0x59A, 0x69A, 0x79A, 0x89A, 0x99A, 0xA9A, 0xB9A, 0xC9A, 0xD9A, 0xE9A, 0xF9A: JAT Reset X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Writing to this register performs a software reset of the JAT. The software reset will disrupt the serial receive interface. The loopback FIFO in the JAT associated with the recovered clock must be reset using FRST after the JAT is reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 252 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W FCSPASS 0 Bit 3 R/W FCSSEL[0] 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W DDSCR 1 Bit 0 R/W FIFORST 11 1 02 0 FCSSEL[1] 20 Reserved R/W r, R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A0, 0x1A0, 0x2A0, 0x3A0, 0x4A0, 0x5A0, 0x6A0, 0x7A0, 0x8A0, 0x9A0, 0xAA0, 0xBA0, 0xCA0, 0xDA0, 0xEA0, 0xFA0: RXFP Configuration 0 9S ep FIFORST: rsd ay ,1 The FIFORST bit is used to reset the channel 256-byte receive buffer. When FIFORST is set low, the channel buffer operates normally. When FIFORST is set high, the buffer is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. io nT hu The FIFORST must be set high before the per-channel FIFO reset in the RUL3 is asserted. The FIFORST must be set low after the per-channel FIFO rset in the RUL3 is deasserted. ett DDSCR: yV FCSSEL[1:0]: inv ef uo fo liv The DDSCR bit controls the descrambling of the frame payload with the polynomial x43 + 1. When DDSCR is set low, frame payload descrambling is disabled. When DDSCR is set high, payload descrambling is enabled. Do wn loa de db The Frame Control Sequence select (FCSSEL[1:0]) bits allow to control the FCS calculation according to the table below. The FCS is calculated over the whole packet data, after byte destuffing and descrambling. FCSSEL[1:0] FCS Operation 00 No FCS calculated 01 CRC-16.ISO-3309 (2 bytes) 10 CRC-32 (4 bytes) 11 Reserved Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 253 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FCSPASS: 11 :50 :37 FCSPASS determines if the FCS field will be passed through the system interface or stripped. When FCSPASS is set to logic one, the POS frame FCS field is written into the FIFO as part of the packet, and can thus be read through the system interface. When FCSPASS is set to logic zero, the FCS field is stripped from the POS frame. 02 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 The reserved bit must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 254 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R/W MINLE 0 Bit 4 R/W MAXLE 0 Bit 3 R/W ABRTE 0 Bit 2 R/W FCSE 0 Bit 1 R/W FOVRE Bit 0 R/W Reserved 20 r, 0 02 Bit 5 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A1, 0x1A1, 0x2A1, 0x3A1, 0x4A1, 0x5A1, 0x6A1, 0x7A1, 0x8A1, 0x9A1, 0xAA1, 0xBA1, 0xCA1, 0xDA1, 0xEA1, 0xFA1: RXFP Configuration/Interrupt Enable 0 9S ep FOVRE: ay ,1 The FOVRE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to a channel buffer overrun error condition. When FOVRE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. hu rsd FCSE: io nT The FCSE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the detection of an FCS error. When FCSE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. liv ett ABRTE: uo fo The Abort Packet Enable bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the reception of an aborted packet. When ABRTE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. inv ef MAXLE: Do wn loa de db yV The Maximum Length Packet Enable bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the reception of an packet exceeding the programmable maximum packet length. When MAXLE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. MINLE: The Minimum Length Packet Enable bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the reception of an packet that is smaller than the programmable minimum packet length. When MINLE is set high, the interrupt is enabled. Reserved: The reserved bit must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 255 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R MINLI X Bit 4 R MAXLI X Bit 3 R ABRTI X Bit 2 R FCSI X Bit 1 R FOVRI Bit 0 20 r, X Unused 02 Bit 5 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A2, 0x1A2, 0x2A2, 0x3A2, 0x4A2, 0x5A2, 0x6A2, 0x7A2, 0x8A2, 0x9A2, 0xAA2, 0xBA2, 0xCA2, 0xDA2, 0xEA2, 0xFA2: RXFP Interrupt Status X 9S ep FOVRI: ay ,1 The FOVRI bit indicates an interrupt due to a channel buffer overrun error condition. This interrupt can be masked using FOVRE. hu rsd FCSI: io nT The FCSI bit indicates an interrupt due to the detection of an FCS error. This interrupt can be masked using FCSE. liv ett ABRTI: uo fo The ABRTI bit indicates bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to the reception of an aborted packet. This interrupt can be masked using ABRTE. inv ef MAXLI: Do wn loa de MINLI: db yV The MAXLI bit indicates an interrupt due to the reception of a packet exceeding the programmable maximum packet length. This interrupt can be masked using MAXLE. The MINLI bit indicates an interrupt due to the reception of a packet that is smaller than the programmable minimum packet length. This interrupt can be masked using MINLE. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 256 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W MINPL[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W MINPL[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W MINPL[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W MINPL[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W MINPL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W MINPL[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W MINPL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W MINPL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A3, 0x1A3, 0x2A3, 0x3A3, 0x4A3, 0x5A3, 0x6A3, 0x7A3, 0x8A3, 0x9A3, 0xAA3, 0xBA3, 0xCA3, 0xDA3, 0xEA3, 0xFA3: RXFP Minimum Packet Length 0 9S ep MINPL[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 The Minimum Packet Length (MINPL[7:0]) bits are used to set the minimum packet length. Packets smaller than this length are marked with an error. The packet length used here is defined as the number of bytes encapsulated into the POS frame, excluding byte stuffing and FCS bytes. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu The minimum packet length supported by the RXFP is 3 bytes (0x03). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 257 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W MAXPL[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W MAXPL[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W MAXPL[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W MAXPL[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W MAXPL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W MAXPL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W MAXPL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W MAXPL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A4, 0x1A4, 0x2A4, 0x3A4, 0x4A4, 0x5A4, 0x6A4, 0x7A4, 0x8A4, 0x9A4, 0xAA4, 0xBA4, 0xCA4, 0xDA4, 0xEA4, 0xFA4: RXFP Maximum Packet Length LSB 0 Type Function Bit 7 R/W MAXPL[15] Bit 6 R/W MAXPL[14] Bit 5 R/W MAXPL[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W MAXPL[12] hu 0 Bit 3 R/W MAXPL[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W MAXPL[10] 1 Bit 1 R/W MAXPL[9] 1 Bit 0 R/W MAXPL[8] 0 Default 0 0 fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0A5, 0x1A5, 0x2A5, 0x3A5, 0x4A5, 0x5A5, 0x6A5, 0x7A5, 0x8A5, 0x9A5, 0xAA5, 0xBA5, 0xCA5, 0xDA5, 0xEA5, 0xFA5: RXFP Maximum Packet Length MSB uo MAXPL[15:0]: db yV inv ef The Maximum Packet Length (MAXPL[15:0]) bits are used to set the maximum packet length. Packets larger than this length are marked with an error. The packet length used here is defined as the number of bytes encapsulated into the POS frame, excluding byte stuffing and FCS bytes. Do wn loa de The maximum packet length supported by the RXFP is 65534 bytes (0xFFFE). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 258 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W RIL[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W RIL[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W RIL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W RIL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A6 , 0x1A6, 0x2A6, 0x3A6, 0x4A6, 0x5A6, 0x6A6, 0x7A6, 0x8A6, 0x9A6, 0xAA6, 0xBA6, 0xCA6, 0xDA6, 0xEA6, 0xFA6: RXFP Receive Initiation Level 0 9S ep Reserved: ,1 All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. rsd ay RIL[3:0]: uo fo liv ett io nT hu The Reception Initiation Level (RIL[3:0]) bits are used to set the minimum number of bytes that must be available in the FIFO before received packets can be written into it. RIL[3:0] is only used after a FIFO overrun has been detected and FIFO writes have been suspended. This avoids restarting the reception of data too quickly after an overrun condition. If the system does not cause any FIFO overrun, then this register will not be used. RIL[3:0] breaks the FIFO in 16 sections; for example a value of 0x4 correspond to a FIFO level of 64 bytes. The value of RIL must not be too large in order to prevent repetitive FIFO overruns and must not be programmed to zero. FIFO Fill Level RIL[3:0] FIFO Fill Level 0 1000 128 16 1001 144 0010 32 1010 160 0011 48 1011 176 0100 64 1100 192 0101 80 1101 208 0110 96 1110 224 0111 112 1111 240 Do wn loa de db 0001 yV 0000 inv RIL[3:0] ef Table 11 Receive Initiation Level Values Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 259 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RBYTE[7] X Bit 6 R RBYTE[6] X Bit 5 R RBYTE[5] X Bit 4 R RBYTE[4] X Bit 3 R RBYTE[3] X Bit 2 R RBYTE[2] X Bit 1 R RBYTE[1] X Bit 0 R RBYTE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0A8, 0x1A8, 0x2A8, 0x3A8, 0x4A8, 0x5A8, 0x6A8, 0x7A8, 0x8A8, 0x9A8, 0xAA8, 0xBA8, 0xCA8, 0xDA8, 0xEA8, 0xFA8: RXFP Receive Byte Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RBYTE[15] Bit 6 R RBYTE[14] Bit 5 R RBYTE[13] X Bit 4 R RBYTE[12] hu X Bit 3 R RBYTE[11] X Bit 2 R RBYTE[10] X Bit 1 R RBYTE[9] X Bit 0 R RBYTE[8] X Default X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0A9, 0x1A9, 0x2A9, 0x3A9, 0x4A9, 0x5A9, 0x6A9, 0x7A9, 0x8A9, 0x9A9, 0xAA9, 0xBA9, 0xCA9, 0xDA9, 0xEA9, 0xFA9: RXFP Receive Byte Count Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 260 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RBYTE[23] X Bit 6 R RBYTE[22] X Bit 5 R RBYTE[21] X Bit 4 R RBYTE[20] X Bit 3 R RBYTE[19] X Bit 2 R RBYTE[18] X Bit 1 R RBYTE[17] X Bit 0 R RBYTE[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0AA, 0x1AA, 0x2AA, 0x3AA, 0x4AA, 0x5AA, 0x6AA, 0x7AA, 0x8AA, 0x9AA, 0xAAA, 0xBAA, 0xCAA, 0xDAA, 0xEAA, 0xFAA: RXFP Receive Byte Count X Type Function Bit 7 R RBYTE[31] Bit 6 R RBYTE[30] Bit 5 R RBYTE[29] X Bit 4 R RBYTE[28] hu X Bit 3 R RBYTE[27] X Bit 2 R RBYTE[26] X Bit 1 R RBYTE[25] X Bit 0 R RBYTE[24] X Default X X fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0AB, 0x1AB, 0x2AB, 0x3AB, 0x4AB, 0x5AB, 0x6AB, 0x7AB, 0x8AB, 0x9AB, 0xAAB, 0xBAB, 0xCAB, 0xDAB, 0xEAB, 0xFAB: RXFP Receive Byte Count MSB uo RBYTE[31:0]: yV inv ef The RBYTE[31:0] bits indicate the number of bytes received during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Receive Byte Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de db The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 261 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RFRAME[7] X Bit 6 R RFRAME[6] X Bit 5 R RFRAME[5] X Bit 4 R RFRAME[4] X Bit 3 R RFRAME[3] X Bit 2 R RFRAME[2] X Bit 1 R RFRAME[1] X Bit 0 R RFRAME[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0AC, 0x1AC, 0x2AC, 0x3AC, 0x4AC, 0x5AC, 0x6AC, 0x7AC, 0x8AC, 0x9AC, 0xAAC, 0xBAC, 0xCAC, 0xDAC, 0xEAC, 0xFAC: RXFP Receive Frame Count LSB X 9S ep Register 0x0AD, 0x1AD, 0x2AD, 0x3AD, 0x4AD, 0x5AD, 0x6AD, 0x7AD, 0x8AD, 0x9AD, 0xAAD, 0xBAD, 0xCAD, 0xDAD, 0xEAD, 0xFAD: RXFP Receive Frame Count Type Function Bit 7 R RFRAME[15] Bit 6 R RFRAME[14] X Bit 5 R RFRAME[13] X Bit 4 R RFRAME[12] Bit 3 R RFRAME[11] X Bit 2 R RFRAME[10] X Bit 1 R RFRAME[9] X Bit 0 R RFRAME[8] X Default X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 262 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RFRAME[23] X Bit 6 R RFRAME[22] X Bit 5 R RFRAME[21] X Bit 4 R RFRAME[20] X Bit 3 R RFRAME[19] X Bit 2 R RFRAME[18] X Bit 1 R RFRAME[17] X Bit 0 R RFRAME[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0AE, 0x1AE, 0x2AE, 0x3AE, 0x4AE, 0x5AE, 0x6AE, 0x7AE, 0x8AE, 0x9AE, 0xAAE, 0xBAE, 0xCAE, 0xDAE, 0xEAE, 0xFAE: RXFP Receive Frame Count MSB X 9S ep RFRAME[23:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The RFRAME[23:0] bits indicate the number of received POS frames during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Receive Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. To determine the number of packets that have been written into the FIFO, the RCNT registers may be used. ett io nT The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 263 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RABRF[7] X Bit 6 R RABRF[6] X Bit 5 R RABRF[5] X Bit 4 R RABRF[4] X Bit 3 R RABRF[3] X Bit 2 R RABRF[2] X Bit 1 R RABRF[1] X Bit 0 R RABRF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0AF, 0x1AF, 0x2AF, 0x3AF, 0x4AF, 0x5AF, 0x6AF, 0x7AF, 0x8AF, 0x9AF, 0xAAF, 0xBAF, 0xCAF, 0xDAF, 0xEAF, 0xFAF: RXFP Receive Aborted Frame Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RABRF[15] Bit 6 R RABRF[14] Bit 5 R RABRF[13] X Bit 4 R RABRF[12] hu X Bit 3 R RABRF[11] X Bit 2 R RABRF[10] X Bit 1 R RABRF[9] X Bit 0 R RABRF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0B0, 0x1B0, 0x2B0, 0x3B0, 0x4B0, 0x5B0, 0x6B0, 0x7B0, 0x8B0, 0x9B0, 0xAB0, 0xBB0, 0xCB0, 0xDB0, 0xEB0, 0xFB0: RXFP Receive Aborted Frame Count MSB uo RABRF[15:0]: db yV inv ef The RABRF[15:0] bits indicate the number of aborted POS frames received during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Receive Aborted Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 264 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RFCSEF[7] X Bit 6 R RFCSEF[6] X Bit 5 R RFCSEF[5] X Bit 4 R RFCSEF[4] X Bit 3 R RFCSEF[3] X Bit 2 R RFCSEF[2] X Bit 1 R RFCSEF[1] X Bit 0 R RFCSEF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0B1, 0x1B1, 0x2B1, 0x3B1, 0x4B1, 0x5B1, 0x6B1, 0x7B1, 0x8B1, 0x9B1, 0xAB1, 0xBB1, 0xCB1, 0xDB1, 0xEB1, 0xFB1: RXFP Receive FCS Error Frame Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RFCSEF[15] Bit 6 R RFCSEF[14] X Bit 5 R RFCSEF[13] X Bit 4 R RFCSEF[12] Bit 3 R RFCSEF[11] X Bit 2 R RFCSEF[10] X Bit 1 R RFCSEF[9] X Bit 0 R RFCSEF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0B2, 0x1B2, 0x2B2, 0x3B2, 0x4B2, 0x5B2, 0x6B2, 0x7B2, 0x8B2, 0x9B2, 0xAB2, 0xBB2, 0xCB2, 0xDB2, 0xEB2, 0xFB2: RXFP Receive FCS Error Frame Count MSB uo RFCSEF[15:0]: db yV inv ef The RFCSEF[15:0] bits indicate the number of POS frames received with an FCS error during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Receive FCS Error Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 265 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RMINLF[7] X Bit 6 R RMINLF[6] X Bit 5 R RMINLF[5] X Bit 4 R RMINLF[4] X Bit 3 R RMINLF[3] X Bit 2 R RMINLF[2] X Bit 1 R RMINLF[1] X Bit 0 R RMINLF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0B3, 0x1B3, 0x2B3, 0x3B3, 0x4B3, 0x5B3, 0x6B3, 0x7B3, 0x8B3, 0x9B3, 0xAB3, 0xBB3, 0xCB3, 0xDB3, 0xEB3, 0xFB3: RXFP Receive Minimum Length Error Frame Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RMINLF[15] Bit 6 R RMINLF[14] Bit 5 R RMINLF[13] X Bit 4 R RMINLF[12] hu X Bit 3 R RMINLF[11] X Bit 2 R RMINLF[10] X Bit 1 R RMINLF[9] X Bit 0 R RMINLF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0B4, 0x1B4, 0x2B4, 0x3B4, 0x4B4, 0x5B4, 0x6B4, 0x7B4, 0x8B4, 0x9B4, 0xAB4, 0xBB4, 0xCB4, 0xDB4, 0xEB4, 0xFB4: RXFP Receive Minimum Length Error Frame Counter MSB uo RMINLF[15:0]: db yV inv ef The RMINLF[15:0] bits indicate the number of minimum packet length POS frames received during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Minimum Length Error Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 266 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RMAXLF[7] X Bit 6 R RMAXLF[6] X Bit 5 R RMAXLF[5] X Bit 4 R RMAXLF[4] X Bit 3 R RMAXLF[3] X Bit 2 R RMAXLF[2] X Bit 1 R RMAXLF[1] X Bit 0 R RMAXLF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0B5, 0x1B5, 0x2B5, 0x3B5, 0x4B5, 0x5B5, 0x6B5, 0x7B5, 0x8B5, 0x9B5, 0xAB5, 0xBB5, 0xCB5, 0xDB5, 0xEB5, 0xFB5: RXFP Receive Maximum Length Error Frame Counter LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R RMAXLF[15] Bit 6 R RMAXLF[14] X Bit 5 R RMAXLF[13] X Bit 4 R RMAXLF[12] Bit 3 R RMAXLF[11] X Bit 2 R RMAXLF[10] X Bit 1 R RMAXLF[9] X Bit 0 R RMAXLF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0B6, 0x1B6, 0x2B6, 0x3B6, 0x4B6, 0x5B6, 0x6B6, 0x7B6, 0x8B6, 0x9B6, 0xAB6, 0xBB6, 0xCB6, 0xDB6, 0xEB6, 0xFB6: RXFP Receive Maximum Length Error Frame Counter MSB uo RMAXLF[15:0]: db yV inv ef The RMAXLF[15:0] bits indicate the number of POS frames exceeding the maximum packet length that were received during the last accumulation interval. A write to any one of the RXFP Receive Maximum Length Error Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 267 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R/W FUDRE 0 Bit 4 R FUDRI X Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R Reserved tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C0, 0x1C0, 0x2C0, 0x3C0, 0x4C0, 0x5C0, 0x6C0, 0x7C0, 0x8C0, 0x9C0, 0xAC0, 0xBC0, 0xCC0, 0xDC0, 0xEC0, 0xFC0: TXFP Interrupt Enable/Status X 9S ep FUDRI: hu rsd ay ,1 The FUDRI bit is set high when the channel buffer underruns while reading a packet data from the buffer. This bit is reset immediately after a read to this register. When TXFP underruns, the programmed TIL[3:0] is not adhered to, hence it is recommanded that upon detection of TXFP underrun the violating Level2 and Level3 channel FIFOs be reset. nT FUDRE: fo liv ett io The FUDRE bit enables the generation of an interrupt due to a channel buffer underrun. When FUDRE is set to logic one, the interrupt is enabled and cause FUDRI and the output INTB to be asserted. When set to logic zero, FUDRI will be asserted, but not INTB. uo Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 268 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W XOFF 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W FCSERR 0 Bit 4 R/W FCSSEL[1] 1 Bit 3 R/W FCSSEL[0] 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W DSCR 1 Bit 0 R/W FIFORST tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C1, 0x1C1, 0x2C1, 0x3C1, 0x4C1, 0x5C1, 0x6C1, 0x7C1, 0x8C1, 0x9C1, 0xAC1, 0xBC1, 0xCC1, 0xDC1, 0xEC1, 0xFC1: TXFP Configuration 0 9S ep FIFORST: hu rsd ay ,1 The FIFORST bit is used to reset the 256-byte transmit channel buffer. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the channel buffer operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the buffer is emptied of all octets (including the current packet being transmitted) and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Flags are transmitted until a subsequent packet is written to the FIFO. ett io nT The FIFORST must be set high before the per-channel FIFO reset in the TUL3 is asserted. The FIFORST must be set low after the per-channel FIFO reset in the TUL3 is deasserted. liv DSCR: yV FCSSEL[1:0]: inv ef uo fo The DSCR bit controls the scrambling of the POS frames. When DSCR is a logic one, scrambling is enabled. When DSCR is a logic zero, payload scrambling is disabled. Do wn loa de db The Frame Control Sequence select (FCSSEL[1:0]) bits allow to control the FCS calculation according to the table below. The FCS is calculated over the whole packet data, before byte stuffing and scrambling. FCSSEL[1:0] FCS Operation 00 No FCS inserted 01 CRC-16.ISO-3309 (2 bytes) 10 CRC-32 (4 bytes) 11 Reserved Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 269 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FCSERR: :50 :37 The FCSERR bit controls the insertion of FCS errors for diagnostic purposes. When FCSERR is set to logic one, if FCS insertion is enabled, the FCS octets are inverted prior to insertion in the POS frame. When FCSERR is set low, the FCS is inserted normally. 11 XOFF: ep tem be r, 20 02 The XOFF serves as a transmission enable bit. When XOFF is set to logic zero, POS frames are transmitted normally. When XOFF is set to logic one, the current frame being transmitted is completed and then POS frame transmission is suspended. When XOFF is asserted the FIFO still accepts data and can overflow. XOFF is provided to facilitate system debugging rather than flow control. This bit should not be changed on the fly for flow control purposes. 9S Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 270 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W IPGAP[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W IPGAP[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W IPGAP[1] 1 Bit 4 R/W IPGAP[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W TIL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W TIL[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W TIL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W TIL[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C2, 0x1C2, 0x2C2, 0x3C2, 0x4C2, 0x5C2, 0x6C2, 0x7C2, 0x8C2, 0x9C2, 0xAC2, 0xBC2, 0xCC2, 0xDC2, 0xEC2, 0xFC2: TXFP Control 0 9S ep TIL[3:0]: rsd ay ,1 The Transmit Initiation Level (TIL[3:0]) bits are used to determine when to initiate a POS frame transmission. After the channel buffer is emptied, data transmission starts only when either there is a complete packet or that the number of bytes stored in the channel buffer equal the value of TIL[3:0] times 16. liv ett io nT hu Once initiated, the transmission will continue until the packet is transmitted or an underrun occurs. Before starting another packet, a complete packet must be in the channel buffer or the buffer fill level must exceed the level specified by TIL[3:0]. When TXFP underruns, the programmed TIL[3:0] is not adhered to, hence it is recommanded that upon detection of TXFP underrun the violating Level2 and Level3 channel FIFOs be reset. uo fo Table 12 Transmit Initiation Level Values TIL[3:0] FIFO Fill Level TIL[3:0] FIFO Fill Level 0 1000 128 16 1001 144 32 1010 160 48 1011 176 0100 64 1100 192 0101 80 1101 208 0110 96 1110 224 0111 112 1111 240 ef 0000 Do wn loa de db 0011 yV 0010 inv 0001 IPGAP[3:0]: The Inter Packet Gaping (IPGAP[3:0]) bits are used to program the number of Flag Sequence characters inserted between each POS Frame. These bits can not be dynamically modified. The programmed value is encoded as indicated in Table 13. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 271 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 13 Inter Packet Gaping Values Number of Flags IPGAP[3:0] Number of Flags 0000 1 1000 256 0001 2 1001 512 0010 4 1010 1024 0011 8 1011 2048 0100 16 1100 4096 0101 32 1101 8192 0110 64 1110 0111 128 1111 20 02 11 :50 :37 PM IPGAP[3:0] 16384 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 32768 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 272 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TBYTE[7] X Bit 6 R TBYTE[6] X Bit 5 R TBYTE[5] X Bit 4 R TBYTE[4] X Bit 3 R TBYTE[3] X Bit 2 R TBYTE[2] X Bit 1 R TBYTE[1] X Bit 0 R TBYTE[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C5, 0x1C5, 0x2C5, 0x3C5, 0x4C5, 0x5C5, 0x6C5, 0x7C5, 0x8C5, 0x9C5, 0xAC5, 0xBC5, 0xCC5, 0xDC5, 0xEC5, 0xFC5: TXFP Transmit Byte Count LSB X Type Function Bit 7 R TBYTE[15] Bit 6 R TBYTE[14] Bit 5 R TBYTE[13] X Bit 4 R TBYTE[12] hu X Bit 3 R TBYTE[11] X Bit 2 R TBYTE[10] X Bit 1 R TBYTE[9] X Bit 0 R TBYTE[8] X Default X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0C6, 0x1C6, 0x2C6, 0x3C6, 0x4C6, 0x5C6, 0x6C6, 0x7C6, 0x8C6, 0x9C6, 0xAC6, 0xBC6, 0xCC6, 0xDC6, 0xEC6, 0xFC6: TXFP Transmit Byte Count Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 273 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TBYTE[23] X Bit 6 R TBYTE[22] X Bit 5 R TBYTE[21] X Bit 4 R TBYTE[20] X Bit 3 R TBYTE[19] X Bit 2 R TBYTE[18] X Bit 1 R TBYTE[17] X Bit 0 R TBYTE[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C7, 0x1C7, 0x2C7, 0x3C7, 0x4C7, 0x5C7, 0x6C7, 0x7C7, 0x8C7, 0x9C7, 0xAC7, 0xBC7, 0xCC7, 0xDC7, 0xEC7, 0xFC7: TXFP Transmit Byte Count X Type Function Bit 7 R TBYTE[31] Bit 6 R TBYTE[30] Bit 5 R TBYTE[29] X Bit 4 R TBYTE[28] hu X Bit 3 R TBYTE[27] X Bit 2 R TBYTE[26] X Bit 1 R TBYTE[25] X Bit 0 R TBYTE[24] X Default X X fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0C8, 0x1C8, 0x2C8, 0x3C8, 0x4C8, 0x5C8, 0x6C8, 0x7C8, 0x8C8, 0x9C8, 0xAC8, 0xBC8, 0xCC8, 0xDC8, 0xEC8, 0xFC8: TXFP Transmit Byte Count MSB uo TBYTE[31:0]: db yV inv ef The TBYTE[31:0] bits indicate the number of bytes read from the transmit FIFO and transmitted during the last accumulation interval. This counter does not count bytes within aborted frames. A write to any one of the TXFP Transmit Byte Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 274 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TFRAME[7] X Bit 6 R TFRAME[6] X Bit 5 R TFRAME[5] X Bit 4 R TFRAME[4] X Bit 3 R TFRAME[3] X Bit 2 R TFRAME[2] X Bit 1 R TFRAME[1] X Bit 0 R TFRAME[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0C9, 0x1C9, 0x2C9, 0x3C9, 0x4C9, 0x5C9, 0x6C9, 0x7C9, 0x8C9, 0x9C9, 0xAC9, 0xBC9, 0xCC9, 0xDC9, 0xEC9, 0xFC9: TXFP Transmit Frame Count LSB X 9S ep Register 0x0CA, 0x1CA, 0x2CA, 0x3CA, 0x4CA, 0x5CA, 0x6CA, 0x7CA, 0x8CA, 0x9CA, 0xACA, 0xBCA, 0xCCA, 0xDCA, 0xECA, 0xFCA: TXFP Transmit Frame Count Type Function Bit 7 R TFRAME[15] Bit 6 R TFRAME[14] X Bit 5 R TFRAME[13] X Bit 4 R TFRAME[12] Bit 3 R TFRAME[11] X Bit 2 R TFRAME[10] X Bit 1 R TFRAME[9] X Bit 0 R TFRAME[8] X Default X X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 275 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TFRAME[23] X Bit 6 R TFRAME[22] X Bit 5 R TFRAME[21] X Bit 4 R TFRAME[20] X Bit 3 R TFRAME[19] X Bit 2 R TFRAME[18] X Bit 1 R TFRAME[17] X Bit 0 R TFRAME[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0CB, 0x1CB, 0x2CB, 0x3CB, 0x4CB, 0x5CB, 0x6CB, 0x7CB, 0x8CB, 0x9CB, 0xACB, 0xBCB, 0xCCB, 0xDCB, 0xECB, 0xFCB: TXFP Transmit Frame Count MSB X 9S ep TFRAME[23:0]: hu rsd ay ,1 The TFRAME[23:0] bits indicate the number of POS frames read from the transmit FIFO and inserted into the transmission stream during the last accumulation interval. This counter does not count aborted frames. A write to any one of the TXFP Transmit Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. ett io nT The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 276 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TUSRABF[7] X Bit 6 R TUSRABF[6] X Bit 5 R TUSRABF[5] X Bit 4 R TUSRABF[4] X Bit 3 R TUSRABF[3] X Bit 2 R TUSRABF[2] X Bit 1 R TUSRABF[1] X Bit 0 R TUSRABF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0CC, 0x1CC, 0x2CC, 0x3CC, 0x4CC, 0x5CC, 0x6CC, 0x7CC, 0x8CC, 0x9CC, 0xACC, 0xBCC, 0xCCC, 0xDCC, 0xECC, 0xFCC: TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count LSB X 9S ep Register 0x0CD, 0x1CD, 0x2CD, 0x3CD, 0x4CD, 0x5CD, 0x6CD, 0x7CD, 0x8CD, 0x9CD, 0xACD, 0xBCD, 0xCCD, 0xDCD, 0xECD, 0xFCD: TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Count MSB Type Function Bit 7 R TUSRABF[15] Bit 6 R TUSRABF[14] X Bit 5 R TUSRABF[13] X Bit 4 R TUSRABF[12] Bit 3 R TUSRABF[11] X Bit 2 R TUSRABF[10] X Bit 1 R TUSRABF[9] X Bit 0 R TUSRABF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit uo TUSRABF[15:0]: db yV inv ef The TUSRABF[15:0] bits indicate the number of user aborted POS frames read from the transmit FIFO and inserted into the transmission stream during the last accumulation interval. User can abort frames by asserting TERR. A write to any one of the TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. Do wn loa de The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 277 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 PM When the TUL3 FIFO is overrun, the corrupted packet is market as errored. When this errored packet is transmitted with the HDLC abort sequence, the TUSRABF count in the TXFP will be incremented. The TXFP cannot distinguish between a user aborted packet and a packet aborted by the TUL3. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 278 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TFERABF[7] X Bit 6 R TFERABF[6] X Bit 5 R TFERABF[5] X Bit 4 R TFERABF[4] X Bit 3 R TFERABF[3] X Bit 2 R TFERABF[2] X Bit 1 R TFERABF[1] X Bit 0 R TFERABF[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0CE, 0x1CE, 0x2CE, 0x3CE, 0x4CE, 0x5CE, 0x6CE, 0x7CE, 0x8CE, 0x9CE, 0xACE, 0xBCE, 0xCCE, 0xDCE, 0xECE, 0xFCE: TXFP Transmit Underrun/Error Aborted Frame Count LSB X 9S ep Register 0x0CF, 0x1CF, 0x2CF, 0x3CF, 0x4CF, 0x5CF, 0x6CF, 0x7CF, 0x8CF, 0x9CF, 0xACF, 0xBCF, 0xCCF, 0xDCF, 0xECF, 0xFCF: TXFP Transmit Underrun/Error Aborted Frame Count MSB Type Function Bit 7 R TFERABF[15] Bit 6 R TFERABF[14] X Bit 5 R TFERABF[13] X Bit 4 R TFERABF[12] Bit 3 R TFERABF[11] X Bit 2 R TFERABF[10] X Bit 1 R TFERABF[9] X Bit 0 R TFERABF[8] X Default X X fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit uo TRERABF[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The TFERABF[15:0] bits indicate the number of FIFO underrun error aborted POS frames read from the transmit FIFO and inserted into the transmission stream during the last accumulation interval. FIFO underruns errors are caused when the FIFO runs empty and the last byte read was not an end of packet or also when the FIFO overruns and corrupts the end of packet/start of packet sequence (example: when another RSOP is high when expecting an REOP). This is considered a system error and should not occur when the system works normally. A write to any one of the TXFP Transmit User Aborted Frame Counter registers loads the registers with the current counter value and resets the internal counter to zero. The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the channel Master Interrupt Status register (offset 0x07). Writing to register offset 0x07 loads all counter registers in the RSOP, RLOP, RPOP, SPTB, SSTB, RXCP, TXCP, RXFP, and TXFP blocks of the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 279 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 2 R/W AUTOREAC 0 0 Bit 1 R/W INTEN Bit 0 R/W PHACOMPEN 11 02 0 20 FORCEREAC r, R/W tem be Bit 3 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0D0, 0x1D0, 0x2D0, 0x3D0, 0x4D0, 0x5D0, 0x6D0, 0x7D0, 0x8D0, 0x9D0, 0xAD0, 0xBD0, 0xCD0, 0xDD0, 0xED0, 0xFD0: WANS Configuration 0 9S ep PHACOMPEN: hu rsd ay ,1 The Phase Comparison Enable (PHACOMPEN) bit is used to enable the phase comparison process. Setting this bit to a logic one will enable the phase comparison process. When set low, the phase and reference period counters are kept in reset state, further disabling the WANS process nT INTEN: fo liv ett io The Interrupt Enable (INTEN) bit controls the generation of the interrupt signal. When set high, this bit allows the generation of an interrupt signal at the beginning of the Phase Detector averaging period. Setting this bit to logic zero disable the generation of the interrupts. ef uo AUTOREAC: Do wn loa de db yV inv The Auto Reacquisition Mode Select (AUTOREAC) bit can be used to set the WANS to automatic phase reacquisition mode. When operating in this mode, the WANS will automatically align the phase sampling point toward the middle of the Phase Counter period upon detection of two consecutive Phase Sample located on each side of the Phase Counter wrap around value. Setting this bit to logic 1 enables the automatic reacquisition mode. FORCEREAC: The Force Phase Reacquisition (FORCEREAC) bit can be used to force a phase reacquisition of the Phase Detector. A logic zero to logic one transition on this bit triggers a phase reacquisition sequence of the Phase Detector. Setting this bit to logic zero allows the Phase detector to operate normally. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 280 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 R RPHALGN Bit 0 R TIMI X 11 02 20 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x0D1, 0x1D1, 0x2D1, 0x3D1, 0x4D1, 0x5D1, 0x6D1, 0x7D1, 0x8D1, 0x9D1, 0xAD1, 0xBD1, 0xCD1, 0xDD1, 0xED1, 0xFD1: WANS Interrupt and Status X 9S ep TIMI: hu rsd ay ,1 The Timer Interrupt (TIMI) bit indicates a Timer Interrupt condition. This bit will be raised at the beginning of the Phase Detector averaging period. In addition to indicating the interrupt status, this bit can also be polled to synchronize read access to the WANS output register. This interrupt can be masked using the INTEN bit of the configuration register. A read access to the Interrupt & Status Register resets the value of this bit. io nT RPHALGN: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett The Reference Phase Alignment (RPHALNG) bit indicates a Reference Phase Alignment event. In normal operating mode, this bit remains to logic zero. Upon the occurrence of a Reference Phase Alignment, this bit is set to logic one, indicating that the phase averaging process was aborted and that the value of the Phase Word register is frozen to the previous valid value. This bit is reset low after the completion of a valid phase averaging cycle. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 281 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PHAWORD[7] X Bit 6 R PHAWORD[6] X Bit 5 R PHAWORD[5] X Bit 4 R PHAWORD[4] X Bit 3 R PHAWORD[3] X Bit 2 R PHAWORD[2] X Bit 1 R PHAWORD[1] X Bit 0 R PHAWORD[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0D2, 0x1D2, 0x2D2, 0x3D2, 0x4D2, 0x5D2, 0x6D2, 0x7D2, 0x8D2, 0x9D2, 0xAD2, 0xBD2, 0xCD2, 0xDD2, 0xED2, 0xFD2: WANS Phase Word LSB X 9S ep Register 0x0D3, 0x1D3, 0x2D3, 0x3D3, 0x4D3, 0x5D3, 0x6D3, 0x7D3, 0x8D3, 0x9D3, 0xAD3, 0xBD3, 0xCD3, 0xDD3, 0xED3, 0xFD3: WANS Phase Word Type Function Bit 7 R PHAWORD[15] X Bit 6 R PHAWORD[14] X Bit 5 R PHAWORD[13] X Bit 4 R PHAWORD[12] Bit 3 R PHAWORD[11] X Bit 2 R PHAWORD[10] X Bit 1 R PHAWORD[9] X Bit 0 R PHAWORD[8] X Default X Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 282 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PHAWORD[23] X Bit 6 R PHAWORD[22] X Bit 5 R PHAWORD[21] X Bit 4 R PHAWORD[20] X Bit 3 R PHAWORD[19] X Bit 2 R PHAWORD[18] X Bit 1 R PHAWORD[17] X Bit 0 R PHAWORD[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0D4, 0x1D4, 0x2D4, 0x3D4, 0x4D4, 0x5D4, 0x6D4, 0x7D4, 0x8D4, 0x9D4, 0xAD4, 0xBD4, 0xCD4, 0xDD4, 0xED4, 0xFD4: WANS Phase Word X Type Function Unused ay Bit 7 ,1 Bit 9S ep Register 0x0D5, 0x1D5, 0x2D5, 0x3D5, 0x4D5, 0x5D5, 0x6D5, 0x7D5, 0x8D5, 0x9D5, 0xAD5, 0xBD5, 0xCD5, 0xDD5, 0xED5, 0xFD5: WANS Phase Word MSB Default X R PHAWORD[30] X Bit 5 R PHAWORD[29] X Bit 4 R PHAWORD[28] Bit 3 R PHAWORD[27] X Bit 2 R PHAWORD[26] X Bit 1 R PHAWORD[25] X Bit 0 R PHAWORD[24] X X fo liv ett io nT hu rsd Bit 6 uo PHAWORD[30:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The Phase Word (PHAWORD[30:0]) bits are the output bus of the Phase Detector. This bus outputs the result of the Phase Count Averaging function. Depending on the number of samples included in the averaging, from 0 to 15 of the LSB(s) of the PHAWORD bus may represent the fractional part of the average value while the 16 following bits hold the integer part. This value can be used to externally implement in software the PLL filtering function and bypass the Digital Loop Filter block. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 283 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W REFPER[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W REFPER[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W REFPER[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W REFPER[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W REFPER[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W REFPER[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W REFPER[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W REFPER[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0D9, 0x1D9, 0x2D9, 0x3D9, 0x4D9, 0x5D9, 0x6D9, 0x7D9, 0x8D9, 0x9D9, 0xAD9, 0xBD9, 0xCD9, 0xDD9, 0xED9, 0xFD9: WANS Reference Period LSB 0 Type Function Bit 7 R/W REFPER[15] Bit 6 R/W REFPER[14] 0 Bit 5 R/W REFPER[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W REFPER[12] Bit 3 R/W REFPER[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W REFPER[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W REFPER[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W REFPER[8] 0 Default 0 0 fo liv ett io hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0DA, 0x1DA, 0x2DA, 0x3DA, 0x4DA, 0x5DA, 0x6DA, 0x7DA, 0x8DA, 0x9DA, 0xADA, 0xBDA, 0xCDA, 0xDDA, 0xEDA, 0xFDA: WANS Reference Period MSB uo REFPER[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The Reference Period REFPER[15:0] bits are used to program the timing reference period of the Phase Detector. These bits are used to set the end of count of the Reference Period Counter. The Reference Period Counter is reset on the next clock cycle following the detection of its end of count. The Reference Period Counter counts (Nref) is equal to the REFPER value plus 1. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 284 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PHCNTPER[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W PHCNTPER[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W PHCNTPER[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W PHCNTPER[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W PHCNTPER[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W PHCNTPER[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W PHCNTPER[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W PHCNTPER[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0DB, 0x1DB, 0x2DB, 0x3DB, 0x4DB, 0x5DB, 0x6DB, 0x7DB, 0x8DB, 0x9DB, 0xADB, 0xBDB, 0xCDB, 0xDDB, 0xEDB, 0xFDB: WANS Phase Counter Period LSB 0 Type Function Bit 7 R/W PHCNTPER[15] 0 Bit 6 R/W PHCNTPER[14] 0 Bit 5 R/W PHCNTPER[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W PHCNTPER[12] 0 Bit 3 R/W PHCNTPER[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W PHCNTPER[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W PHCNTPER[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W PHCNTPER[8] 0 Default fo liv ett io nT rsd ay ,1 Bit hu 9S ep Register 0x0DC, 0x1DC, 0x2DC, 0x3DC, 0x4DC, 0x5DC, 0x6DC, 0x7DC, 0x8DC, 0x9DC, 0xADC, 0xBDC, 0xCDC, 0xDDC, 0xEDC, 0xFDC: WANS Phase Counter Period MSB uo PHCNTPER[15:0]: db yV inv ef The Phase Counter Period (PHCNTPER15:0]) bits are used to program the Phase Counter period of the Phase Detector. These bits are used to set the end of count of the Phase Counter. The Phase Counter is reset on the next clock cycle following the detection of its end of count. The Phase Counter count (Nphcnt) is equal to the PHCNTPER value plus 1. Do wn loa de For the system to operate properly, Nphcnt need to be greater than 1023. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 285 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X PHAVGPER[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W PHAVGPER[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W PHAVGPER[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W PHAVGPER[0] 11 02 R/W tem be Bit 3 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x0DD, 0x1DD, 0x2DD, 0x3DD, 0x4DD, 0x5DD, 0x6DD, 0x7DD, 0x8DD, 0x9DD, 0xADD, 0xBDD, 0xCDD, 0xDDD, 0xEDD, 0xFDD: WANS Phase Average Period 0 9S ep PHAVGPER[3:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu NAVG = 2 PHAVGPER rsd ay ,1 The Phase Average Period (PHAVGPER [3:0]) bits are used to set the number of consecutive valid Phase Samples accumulated together to form the Phase Word. The number of samples is expressed as a power of 2, i.e.: Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 286 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PSBFE 0 Bit 6 R/W COAPSE 0 Bit 3 R/W SDBERE 0 Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X Bit 0 Unused 11 0 02 0 SFBERE 20 Z1/S1E R/W r, R/W Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E0, 0x1E0, 0x2E0, 0x3E0, 0x4E0, 0x5E0, 0x6E0, 0x7E0, 0x8E0, 0x9E0, 0xAE0, 0xBE0, 0xCE0, 0xDE0, 0xEE0, 0xFE0: RASE Interrupt Enable X 9S ep SDBERE: rsd ay ,1 The SDBERE bit is the interrupt enable for the signal degrade threshold alarm. When SDBERE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the SD alarm is declared or removed. hu SFBERE: ett io nT The SFBERE bit is the interrupt enable for the signal fail threshold alarm. When SFBERE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the SF alarm is declared or removed. fo liv Z1/S1E: inv ef uo The Z1/S1 interrupt enable is an interrupt mask for changes in the received synchronization status. When Z1/S1E is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when a new synchronization status message is extracted into the Receive Z1/S1 register. yV COAPSE: Do wn loa de db The COAPS interrupt enable is an interrupt mask for changes in the received APS code. When COAPSE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when a new K1/K2 code value is extracted into the RASE Receive K1 and RASE Receive K2 registers. PSBFE: The PSBF interrupt enable is an interrupt mask for protection switch byte failure alarms. When PSBFE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when PSBF is declared or removed. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 287 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R PSBFI X Bit 6 R COAPSI X R Z1/S1I X Bit 4 R SFBERI X Bit 3 R SDBERI X Bit 2 R SFBERV X Bit 1 R SDBERV Bit 0 R PSBFV 20 r, X 02 Bit 5 tem be 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E1, 0x1E1, 0x2E1, 0x3E1, 0x4E1, 0x5E1, 0x6E1, 0x7E1, 0x8E1, 0x9E1, 0xAE1, 0xBE1, 0xCE1, 0xDE1, 0xEE1, 0xFE1: RASE Interrupt Status X 9S ep PSBFV: hu rsd ay ,1 The PSBFV bit indicates the protection switching byte failure alarm state. The alarm is declared (PSBFV is set high) when twelve successive frames have been received without three consecutive frames containing identical K1 bytes. The alarm is removed (PSBFV is set low) when three consecutive frames containing identical K1 bytes have been received. nT SDBERV: uo fo liv ett io The SDBERV bit indicates the signal degrade threshold crossing alarm state. The alarm is declared (SDBERV is set high) when the bit error rate exceeds the threshold programmed in the RASE SD Declaring Threshold registers. The alarm is removed (SDBERV is set low) when the bit error rate is below the threshold programmed in the RASE SD Clearing Threshold registers. inv ef SFBERV: Do wn loa de db yV The SFBERV bit indicates the signal failure threshold crossing alarm state. The alarm is declared (SFBERV is set high) when the bit error rate exceeds the threshold programmed in the RASE SF Declaring Threshold registers. The alarm is removed (SFBERV is set low) when the bit error rate is below the threshold programmed in the RASE SF Clearing Threshold registers. SDBERI: The SDBERI bit is set high when the signal degrade threshold crossing alarm is declared or removed. This bit is cleared when the RASE Interrupt Status register is read. SFBERI: The SFBERI bit is set high when the signal failure threshold crossing alarm is declared or removed. This bit is cleared when the RASE Interrupt Status register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 288 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Z1/S1I: :50 :37 The Z1/S1I bit is set high when a new synchronization status message has been extracted into the RASE Receive Z1/S1 register. This bit is cleared when the RASE Interrupt Status register is read. 11 COAPSI: tem be r, 20 02 The COAPSI bit is set high when a new APS code value has been extracted into the RASE Receive K1 and RASE Receive K2 registers. This bit is cleared when the RASE Interrupt Status register is read. PSBFI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PSBFI bit is set high when the protection switching byte failure alarm is declared or removed. This bit is cleared when the RASE Interrupt Status register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 289 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Z1/S1_CAP 0 Bit 6 R/W SFBERTEN 0 R/W SFSMODE 0 Bit 4 R/W SFCMODE 0 Bit 3 R/W SDBERTEN 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSMODE 0 Bit 1 R/W SDCMODE Bit 0 R/W Reserved 20 r, 0 02 Bit 5 tem be 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E2, 0x1E2, 0x2E2, 0x3E2, 0x4E2, 0x5E2, 0x6E2, 0x7E2, 0x8E2, 0x9E2, 0xAE2, 0xBE2, 0xCE2, 0xDE2, 0xEE2, 0xFE2: RASE Configuration/Control 0 9S ep SDCMODE: hu rsd ay ,1 The SDCMODE alarm bit selects the RASE window size to use for clearing the SD alarm. When SDCMODE is a logic zero the RASE clears the SD alarm using the same window size used for declaration. When SDCMODE is a logic one the RASE clears the SD alarm using a window size that is 8 times longer than the alarm declaration window size. The declaration window size is determined by the RASE SD Accumulation Period registers. io nT SDSMODE: yV db SDBERTEN: inv ef uo fo liv ett The SDSMODE bit selects the RASE saturation mode. When SDSMODE is a logic zero the RASE limits the number of B2 errors accumulated in one frame period to the RASE SD Saturation Threshold register value. When SDSMODE is a logic one the RASE limits the number of B2 errors accumulated in one window subtotal accumulation period to the RASE SD Saturation Threshold register value. Note that the number of frames in a window subtotal accumulation period is determined by the RASE SD Accumulation Period register value. Do wn loa de The SDBERTEN bit selects automatic monitoring of line bit error rate threshold events by the RASE. When SDBERTEN is a logic one, the RASE continuously monitors line BIP errors over a period defined in the RASE configuration registers. When SDBERTEN is a logic zero, the RASE BIP accumulation logic is disabled, and the RASE logic is reset to the declaration monitoring state. All RASE accumulation period and threshold registers should be set up before SDBERTEN is written. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 290 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM SFCMODE: 11 :50 :37 The SFCMODE alarm bit selects the RASE window size to use for clearing the SF alarm. When SFCMODE is a logic zero the RASE clears the SF alarm using the same window size used for declaration. When SFCMODE is a logic one the RASE clears the SF alarm using a window size that is 8 times longer than the alarm declaration window size. The declaration window size is determined by the RASE SF Accumulation Period registers. 20 02 SFSMODE: ,1 9S ep tem be r, The SFSMODE bit selects the RASE saturation mode. When SFSMODE is a logic zero the RASE limits the number of B2 errors accumulated in one frame period to the RASE SF Saturation Threshold register value. When SFSMODE is a logic one the RASE limits the number of B2 errors accumulated in one window subtotal accumulation period to the RASE SF Saturation Threshold register value. Note that the number of frames in a window subtotal accumulation period is determined by the RASE SF Accumulation Period register value. rsd ay SFBERTEN: ett io nT hu The SFBERTEN bit enables automatic monitoring of line bit error rate threshold events by the RASE. When SFBERTEN is a logic one, the RASE continuously monitors line BIP errors over a period defined in the RASE configuration registers. When SFBERTEN is a logic zero, the RASE BIP accumulation logic is disabled, and the RASE logic is reset to the declaration monitoring state. uo fo liv All RASE accumulation period and threshold registers should be set up before SFBERTEN is written. ef Z1/S1_CAP: Do wn loa de db yV inv The Z1/S1_CAP bit enables the Z1/S1 Capture algorithm. When Z1/S1_CAP is a logic one, the Z1/S1 clock synchronization status message nibble must have the same value for eight consecutive frames before writing the new value into the RASE Receive Z1/S1 register. When Z1/S1_CAP is logic zero, the Z1/S1 nibble value is written directly into the RASE Receive Z1/S1 register. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 291 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SFSAP[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SFSAP[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SFSAP[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFSAP[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SFSAP[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFSAP[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFSAP[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFSAP[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E3, 0x1E3, 0x2E3, 0x3E3, 0x4E3, 0x5E3, 0x6E3, 0x7E3, 0x8E3, 0x9E3, 0xAE3, 0xBE3, 0xCE3, 0xDE3, 0xEE3, 0xFE3: RASE SF Accumulation Period LSB 0 Type Function Bit 7 R/W SFSAP[15] Bit 6 R/W SFSAP[14] Bit 5 R/W SFSAP[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFSAP[12] hu 0 Bit 3 R/W SFSAP[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFSAP[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFSAP[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFSAP[8] 0 Default 0 0 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0E4, 0x1E4, 0x2E4, 0x3E4, 0x4E4, 0x5E4, 0x6E4, 0x7E4, 0x8E4, 0x9E4, 0xAE4, 0xBE4, 0xCE4, 0xDE4, 0xEE4, 0xFE4: RASE SF Accumulation Period Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 292 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SFSAP[23] 0 Bit 6 R/W SFSAP[22] 0 Bit 5 R/W SFSAP[21] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFSAP[20] 0 Bit 3 R/W SFSAP[19] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFSAP[18] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFSAP[17] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFSAP[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E5, 0x1E5, 0x2E5, 0x3E5, 0x4E5, 0x5E5, 0x6E5, 0x7E5, 0x8E5, 0x9E5, 0xAE5, 0xBE5, 0xCE5, 0xDE5, 0xEE5, 0xFE5: RASE SF Accumulation Period MSB 0 9S ep SFSAP[23:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The SFSAP[23:0] bits represent the number of 8 KHz frames used to accumulate the B2 error subtotal. The total evaluation window to declare the SF alarm is broken into 8 subtotals, so this register value represents 1/8 of the total sliding window size. Refer to the Operations section for recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 293 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SFSTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SFSTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SFSTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFSTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SFSTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFSTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFSTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFSTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E6, 0x1E6, 0x2E6, 0x3E6, 0x4E6, 0x5E6, 0x6E6, 0x7E6, 0x8E6, 0x9E6, 0xAE6, 0xBE6, 0xCE6, 0xDE6, 0xEE6, 0xFE6: RASE SF Saturation Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SFSTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFSTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFSTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFSTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0E7, 0x1E7, 0x2E7, 0x3E7, 0x4E7, 0x5E7, 0x6E7, 0x7E7, 0x8E7, 0x9E7, 0xAE7, 0xBE7, 0xCE7, 0xDE7, 0xEE7, 0xFE7: RASE SF Saturation Threshold MSB uo SFSTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SFSTH[11:0] value represents the allowable number of B2 errors that can be accumulated during an evaluation window before an SF threshold event is declared. Setting this threshold to 0xFFF disables the saturation functionality. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 294 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SFDTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SFDTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SFDTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFDTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SFDTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFDTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFDTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFDTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0E8, 0x1E8, 0x2E8, 0x3E8, 0x4E8, 0x5E8, 0x6E8, 0x7E8, 0x8E8, 0x9E8, 0xAE8, 0xBE8, 0xCE8, 0xDE8, 0xEE8, 0xFE8: RASE SF Declaring Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SFDTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFDTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFDTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFDTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0E9, 0x1E9, 0x2E9, 0x3E9, 0x4E9, 0x5E9, 0x6E9, 0x7E9, 0x8E9, 0x9E9, 0xAE9, 0xBE9, 0xCE9, 0xDE9, 0xEE9, 0xFE9: RASE SF Declaring Threshold MSB uo SFDTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SFDTH[11:0] value determines the threshold for the declaration of the SF alarm. The SF alarm is declared when the number of B2 errors accumulated during an evaluation window is greater than or equal to the SFDTH[11:0] value. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 295 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SFCTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SFCTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SFCTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SFCTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SFCTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFCTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFCTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFCTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0EA, 0x1EA, 0x2EA, 0x3EA, 0x4EA, 0x5EA, 0x6EA, 0x7EA, 0x8EA, 0x9EA, 0xAEA, 0xBEA, 0xCEA, 0xDEA, 0xEEA, 0xFEA: RASE SF Clearing Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SFCTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SFCTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SFCTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SFCTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0EB, 0x1EB, 0x2EB, 0x3EB, 0x4EB, 0x5EB, 0x6EB, 0x7EB, 0x8EB, 0x9EB, 0xAEB, 0xBEB, 0xCEB, 0xDEB, 0xEEB, 0xFEB: RASE SF Clearing Threshold MSB uo SFCTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SFCTH[11:0] value determines the threshold for the removal of the SF alarm. The SF alarm is removed when the number of B2 errors accumulated during an evaluation window is less than the SFCTH[11:0] value. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 296 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDSAP[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SDSAP[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SDSAP[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDSAP[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SDSAP[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSAP[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDSAP[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDSAP[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0EC, 0x1EC, 0x2EC, 0x3EC, 0x4EC, 0x5EC, 0x6EC, 0x7EC, 0x8EC, 0x9EC, 0xAEC, 0xBEC, 0xCEC, 0xDEC, 0xEEC, 0xFEC: RASE SD Accumulation Period LSB 0 Type Function Bit 7 R/W SDSAP[15] Bit 6 R/W SDSAP[14] Bit 5 R/W SDSAP[13] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDSAP[12] hu 0 Bit 3 R/W SDSAP[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSAP[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDSAP[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDSAP[8] 0 Default 0 0 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S ep Register 0x0ED, 0x1ED, 0x2ED, 0x3ED, 0x4ED, 0x5ED, 0x6ED, 0x7ED, 0x8ED, 0x9ED, 0xAED, 0xBED, 0xCED, 0xDED, 0xEED, 0xFED: RASE SD Accumulation Period Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 297 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDSAP[23] 0 Bit 6 R/W SDSAP[22] 0 Bit 5 R/W SDSAP[21] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDSAP[20] 0 Bit 3 R/W SDSAP[19] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSAP[18] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDSAP[17] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDSAP[16] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0EE, 0x1EE, 0x2EE, 0x3EE, 0x4EE, 0x5EE, 0x6EE, 0x7EE, 0x8EE, 0x9EE, 0xAEE, 0xBEE, 0xCEE, 0xDEE, 0xEEE, 0xFEE: RASE SD Accumulation Period MSB 0 9S ep SDSAP[23:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The SDSAP[23:0] bits represent the number of 8 KHz frames used to accumulate the B2 error subtotal. The total evaluation window to declare the SD alarm is broken into 8 subtotals, so this register value represents 1/8 of the total sliding window size. Refer to the Operations section for recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 298 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDSTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SDSTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SDSTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDSTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SDSTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDSTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDSTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0EF, 0x1EF, 0x2EF, 0x3EF, 0x4EF, 0x5EF, 0x6EF, 0x7EF, 0x8EF, 0x9EF, 0xAEF, 0xBEF, 0xCEF, 0xDEF, 0xEEF, 0xFEF: RASE SD Saturation Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SDSTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDSTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDSTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDSTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0F0, 0x1F0, 0x2F0, 0x3F0, 0x4F0, 0x5F0, 0x6F0, 0x7F0, 0x8F0, 0x9F0, 0xAF0, 0xBF0, 0xCF0, 0xDF0, 0xEF0, 0xFF0: RASE SD Saturation Threshold MSB uo SDSTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SDSTH[11:0] value represents the allowable number of B2 errors that can be accumulated during an evaluation window before an SD threshold event is declared. Setting this threshold to 0xFFF disables the saturation functionality. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 299 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDDTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SDDTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SDDTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDDTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SDDTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDDTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDDTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDDTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0F1, 0x1F1, 0x2F1, 0x3F1, 0x4F1, 0x5F1, 0x6F1, 0x7F1, 0x8F1, 0x9F1, 0xAF1, 0xBF1, 0xCF1, 0xDF1, 0xEF1, 0xFF1: RASE SD Declaring Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SDDTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDDTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDDTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDDTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0F2, 0x1F2, 0x2F2, 0x3F2, 0x4F2, 0x5F2, 0x6F2, 0x7F2, 0x8F2, 0x9F2, 0xAF2, 0xBF2, 0xCF2, 0xDF2, 0xEF2, 0xFF2: RASE SD Declaring Threshold MSB uo SDDTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SDDTH[11:0] value determines the threshold for the declaration of the SD alarm. The SD alarm is declared when the number of B2 errors accumulated during an evaluation window is greater than or equal to the SDDTH[11:0] value. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 300 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDCTH[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W SDCTH[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W SDCTH[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W SDCTH[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W SDCTH[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDCTH[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDCTH[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDCTH[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0F3, 0x1F3, 0x2F3, 0x3F3, 0x4F3, 0x5F3, 0x6F3, 0x7F3, 0x8F3, 0x9F3, 0xAF3, 0xBF3, 0xCF3, 0xDF3, 0xEF3, 0xFF3: RASE SD Clearing Threshold LSB 0 Bit 6 Unused Bit 5 Unused Bit 4 Unused X X X X Bit 3 R/W SDCTH[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W SDCTH[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W SDCTH[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W SDCTH[8] 0 fo liv ett io hu Unused Default nT Bit 7 ,1 Function ay Type rsd Bit 9S ep Register 0x0F4, 0x1F4, 0x2F4, 0x3F4, 0x4F4, 0x5F4, 0x6F4, 0x7F4, 0x8F4, 0x9F4, 0xAF4, 0xBF4, 0xCF4, 0xDF4, 0xEF4, 0xFF4: RASE SD Clearing Threshold MSB uo SDCTH[11:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The SDCTH[11:0] value determines the threshold for the removal of the SD alarm. The SD alarm is removed when the number of B2 errors accumulated during an evaluation window is less than the SDCTH[11:0] value. Refer to the Operations section for the recommended settings. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 301 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R K1[7] X Bit 6 R K1[6] X Bit 5 R K1[5] X Bit 4 R K1[4] X Bit 3 R K1[3] X Bit 2 R K1[2] X Bit 1 R K1[1] X Bit 0 R K1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0F5, 0x1F5, 0x2F5, 0x3F5, 0x4F5, 0x5F5, 0x6F5, 0x7F5, 0x8F5, 0x9F5, 0xAF5, 0xBF5, 0xCF5, 0xDF5, 0xEF5, 0xFF5: RASE Receive K1 X 9S ep K1[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The K1[7:0] bits contain the current K1 code value. The contents of this register are updated when a new K1 code value (different from the current K1 code value) has been received for three consecutive frames. An interrupt may be generated when a new code value is received (using the COAPSE bit in the RASE Interrupt Enable Register). K1[7] is the most significant bit corresponding to bit 1, the first bit received. K1[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to bit 8, the last bit received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 302 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R K2[7] X Bit 6 R K2[6] X Bit 5 R K2[5] X Bit 4 R K2[4] X Bit 3 R K2[3] X Bit 2 R K2[2] X Bit 1 R K2[1] X Bit 0 R K2[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0F6, 0x1F6, 0x2F6, 0x3F6, 0x4F6, 0x5F6, 0x6F6, 0x7F6, 0x8F6, 0x9F6, 0xAF6, 0xBF6, 0xCF6, 0xDF6, 0xEF6, 0xFF6: RASE Receive K2 X 9S ep K2[7:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The K2[7:0] bits contain the current K2 code value. The contents of this register are updated when a new K2 code value (different from the current K2 code value) has been received for three consecutive frames. An interrupt may be generated when a new code value is received (using the COAPSE bit in the RASE Interrupt Enable Register). K2[7] is the most significant bit corresponding to bit 1, the first bit received. K2[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to bit 8, the last bit received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 303 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Z1/S1[7] X Bit 6 R Z1/S1[6] X Bit 5 R Z1/S1[5] X Bit 4 R Z1/S1[4] X Bit 3 R Z1/S1[3] X Bit 2 R Z1/S1[2] X Bit 1 R Z1/S1[1] X Bit 0 R Z1/S1[0] tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x0F7, 0x1F7, 0x2F7, 0x3F7, 0x4F7, 0x5F7, 0x6F7, 0x7F7, 0x8F7, 0x9F7, 0xAF7, 0xBF7, 0xCF7, 0xDF7, 0xEF7, 0xFF7: RASE Receive Z1/S1 X 9S ep Z1/S1[3:0]: ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The lower nibble of the first Z1/S1 byte contained in the receive stream is extracted into this register. The Z1/S1 byte is used to carry synchronization status messages between line terminating network elements. Z1/S1[3] is the most significant bit corresponding to bit 5, the first bit received. Z1/S1[0] is the least significant bit, corresponding to bit 8, the last bit received. An interrupt may be generated when a byte value is received that differs from the value extracted in the previous frame (using the Z1/S1E bit in the RASE Interrupt Enable Register). In addition, debouncing can be performed where the register is not loaded until eight of the same consecutive nibbles are received. Debouncing is controlled using the Z1/S1_CAP bit in the RASE Configuration/Control register. fo liv Z1/S1[7:4]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The upper nibble of the first Z1/S1 byte contained in the receive stream is extracted into this register. No interrupt is asserted on the change of this nibble. In addition, when the Z1/S1_CAP bit in the RASE Configuration/Control register selects debouncing, the upper nibble is only updated when eight of the same consecutive lower nibbles are received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 304 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X X LOPCV X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X 0 Bit 1 R/W AISCE Bit 0 R/W LOPCE 11 AISCV R 02 R Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x0FC, 0x1FC, 0x2FC, 0x3FC, 0x4FC, 0x5FC, 0x6FC, 0x7FC, 0x8FC, 0x9FC, 0xAFC, 0xBFC, 0xCFC, 0xDFC, 0xEFC, 0xFFC: Channel Concatenation Status and Enable 0 9S ep LOPCE: rsd ay ,1 The LOPCE bit is the interrupt enable for the Loss of Pointer Concatenation event. When LOPCE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the state of the Loss of Pointer Concatenation indicator changes. hu AISCE: ett io nT The AISCE bit is the interrupt enable for the Pointer AIS event. When AISCE is a logic one, an interrupt is generated when the state of the Pointer AIS indicator changes. fo liv LOPCV: inv ef uo The LOPCV bit is the Loss of Pointer Concatenation indicator. When LOPCV is logic one, the STS-3c/STM-1 pointers do not indicate a concatenated payload. When LOPCV and AISCV are both logic zero, a STS-3c/STM-1 payload is indicated. yV AISCV: Do wn loa de db The ASICV bit is the Pointer AIS indicator. When AISCV is logic one, the STS-3c/STM-1 pointer indicate a pointer AIS condition. When LOPC and AISCV are both logic zero, a STS-3c/STM-1 payload is indicated. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 305 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 R AISCI Bit 0 R LOPCI X 11 02 20 r, Type :50 Function Bit 7 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x0FD, 0x1FD, 0x2FD, 0x3FD, 0x4FD, 0x5FD, 0x6FD, 0x7FD, 0x8FD, 0x9FD, 0xAFD, 0xBFD, 0xCFD, 0xDFD, 0xEFD, 0xFFD: Channel Concatenation Interrupt Status X 9S ep LOPCI: ay ,1 A logic one on the LOPCI bit indicates that a transition has occurred on the Loss of Pointer Concatenation indicator. This bit is cleared when this register is read. hu rsd AISCI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT A logic one on the AISCI bit indicates that a transition has occurred on the Pointer AIS indicator. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 306 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 11 Type :50 Function Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 1 R/W TXDINV Bit 0 R/W RXDINV 0 20 r, Bit 1 02 Bit 5 tem be Bit :37 PM Register 0x0FE, 0x1FE, 0x2FE, 0x3FE, 0x4FE, 0x5FE, 0x6FE, 0x7FE, 0x8FE, 0x9FE, 0xAFE, 0xBFE, 0xCFE, 0xDFE, 0xEFE, 0xFFE: Channel Serial Interface Configuration 0 9S ep RXDINV: rsd ay ,1 The receive inversion RXDINV controls the polarity of the receive data. When RXDINV is set high, the polarity of the RXD+/- is inverted. When RXDINV is set low, the RXD+/inputs operate normally. hu TXDINV: liv ett io nT The transmit inversion TXDINV controls the polarity of the transmit data. When TXDINV is set high, the polarity of the TXD+/- is inverted. when TXDINV is set low, the TXD+/outputs operate normally. fo Reserved Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 307 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X RCLKA X Bit 2 R TCLKA X X Bit 1 R RFCLKA Bit 0 R TFCLKA 11 02 R tem be Bit 3 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x0FF, 0x1FF, 0x2FF, 0x3FF, 0x4FF, 0x5FF, 0x6FF, 0x7FF, 0x8FF, 0x9FF, 0xAFF, 0xBFF, 0xCFF, 0xDFF, 0xEFF, 0xFFF: Channel Clock Monitors X rsd ay ,1 9S ep This register provides activity monitoring of the channel clocks. When a monitored clock signal makes a low to high transition, the corresponding register bit is set high. The bit will remain high until this register is read, at which point, all the bits in this register are cleared. A lack of transitions is indicated by the corresponding register bit reading low. This register should be read at periodic intervals to detect clock failures. hu TFCLKA: ett io nT The TFCLK active (TFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the channel’s TFCLK internal clock. TFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of Level 2 TFCLK and is set low when this register is read. fo liv RFCLKA: inv ef uo The RFCLK active (RFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the channel’s RFCLK internal clock. RFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of Level 2 RFCLK and is set low when this register is read. yV RCLKA: Do wn loa de db The RCLK active (RCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the channel’s RCLK receive line rate clock. RCLKA is set high on a rising edge of channel RCLK and is set low when this register is read. TCLKA: The TCLK active (TCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transition on the channel’s TCLK transmit line rate clock. TCLKA is set high on a rising edge of TCLK and is set low when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 308 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W RSEL[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W RSEL[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W RSEL[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W RSEL[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W TSEL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W TSEL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W TSEL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W TSEL[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1000: S/UNI-16x155 Clock Source Configuration This register configures the clock sources for the RCLK and TCLK interfaces. 9S ep TSEL[3:0]: rsd ay ,1 The TSEL[3:0] bits are used to select the channel that drives the TCLK and TFPO output pins of the S/UNI-16x155. The value specified by TSEL[3:0] is the channel that controls the TCLK and TFPO outputs. liv ett io nT hu Since the TFPI input is sampled by the rising edge of TCLK, the TFPI input is affected by TSEL[3:0] configuration. A channel may use TFPI input (TFPEN register in the channel’s Master Configuration #1 register is set high) only if the channel’s TCLK is frequency locked to the TCLK of the channel selected by TSEL[3:0]. In general, channel’s operating in loop timed must set TFPEN low. fo RSEL[3:0] Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The RSEL[3:0] bits are used to select the channel that drives the RCLK and RFPO output pins of the S/UNI-16x155. The value specified by RSEL[3:0] is the channel that controls the RCLK and RFPO outputs. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 309 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W DCCSEL[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W DCCSEL[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W DCCSEL[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W DCCSEL[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W DCCSEL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W DCCSEL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W DCCSEL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W DCCSEL[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1001: S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #1 Type Function R/W DCCSEL[15] Bit 6 R/W DCCSEL[14] Bit 5 R/W DCCSEL[13] Bit 4 R/W DCCSEL[12] Bit 3 R/W DCCSEL[11] 0 Bit 2 R/W DCCSEL[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W hu Default DCCSEL[9] 0 Bit 0 R/W DCCSEL[8] 0 ep Bit Bit 7 nT Register 0x1002: S/UNI-16x155 DCC Interface Configuration #2 rsd ay ,1 9S 0 0 0 0 ett io This register configures the DCC interfaces for section or line DCC operation for each channel. fo liv DCCSEL[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo The DCC mode select determines if the DCC interfaces (RDCC[15:0] and TDCC[15:0]) are configured for section or line DCC operation. When DCCSEL[x] is high, the associated channel DCC interface is configured for section DCC. When DCCSEL[x] is low, the associated channel DCC interface is configured for line DCC. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 310 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X 0 Unused X R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W TAPS55 0 Bit 0 R APSTIP 0 tem be Bit 2 :50 FERRE 11 R/W Bit 3 02 Bit 4 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1004: APS Configuration and Status ep This register controls the APS serial interfaces. Specifically, the RAOP, TAOP and RAPS blocks used for APS functionality. 9S APSTIP: rsd ay ,1 The APSTIP bit is set to a logic one when the APS performance monitor registers are being loaded. Writing to the APS Interrupt Status register (0x1006) initiates an accumulation interval transfer and loads all the performance monitor registers in the RAOP blocks. nT hu Writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000) will also cause the APS performance monitor registers to be loaded. fo liv ett io APSTIP remains high while the transfer is in progress, and is set to a logic zero when the transfer is complete. APSTIPO can be polled by a microprocessor to determine when the accumulation interval transfer is complete. uo TAPS55: db yV inv ef The force transmit APS (TAPS55) forces the transmit APS serial interfaces to transmit a constant 1/0 pattern. When TAPS55 is set high, the transmit APS serial interfaces are forced to a constant alternating value. When TAPS55 is set low, the transmit APS serial interfaces operated normally. Do wn loa de This feature is used for analog testing of the APS interfaces only. FERRE: The FIFO error interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when one of the FERRI[3:0] bits are high. When FERRE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion of one or more of the FERRI[3:0] registers. When FERRE is set low, changes in the FERRI[3:0] status do not generate an interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 311 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Reserved Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 312 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FRST[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W FRST[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W FRST[1] 0 R FERRI[2] X Bit 1 R FERRI[1] X Bit 0 R FERRI[0] X :50 Bit 2 11 X 02 0 FERRI[3] 20 FRST[0] R r, R/W Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1005: APS FIFO Configuration and Status ay ,1 9S ep This register reports the status of the RAPS 16-byte APS FIFO between the APS serial data recovery block and the APS framer (SIPO) which handles low frequency wander of the APS serial links.When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level for the APS interfaces. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. rsd FERRI[3:0]: ett io nT hu The FERRI[x] bit is high when an interrupt request is active from a given APS channel FIFO logic. The APS FIFO interrupt sources are enabled in the APS Configuration and Status register. liv FRST[3:0]: inv ef uo fo The FIFO reset registers (FRST[3:0]) are used to reset the 16-byte APS FIFOs. When a FRST[x] bit is set high, the corresponding APS FIFO is held in reset. While in reset data may pass through, however there will be data corruption if a small amount of jitter is applied at the APS input.The FIFO is held in reset until the FRST[x] is set low. Do wn loa de db yV When the FIFO reset, the FIFO initialized such that the FIFO is centered (that is, the fill level of the FIFO is 8 bytes). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 313 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RAPSI[3] X Bit 6 R RAPSI[2] X Bit 5 R RAPSI[1] X Bit 4 R RAPSI[0] X Bit 3 R RAOPI[3] X Bit 2 R RAOPI[2] X Bit 1 R RAOPI[1] X Bit 0 R RAOPI[0] X tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1006: APS Interrupt Status #1 9S ep When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level for the APS interfaces. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source. ay ,1 RAOPI[3:0]: nT hu rsd A RSOPI[x] bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the corresponding RAOP block. The RSOP interrupt sources are enabled in each of the RAOP Control/Interrupt Enable Register. ett io RAPSI[3:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv An RAPSI[x] bit is high when an interrupt request is active from the corresponding RAPS block. The RAPS interrupt sources are enabled in each of the RAPS Interrupt Control/Status Register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 314 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W RXAPRST[3] 0 Bit 6 R/W RXAPRST[2] 0 Bit 5 R/W RXAPRST[1] 0 Bit 4 R/W RXAPRST[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W TXAPRST[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W TXAPRST[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W TXAPRST[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W TXAPRST[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1008: APS Reset Control 9S ep When the interrupt output INTB goes low, this register allows the source of the active interrupt to be identified down to the block level for the APS interfaces. Further register accesses are required for the block in question to determine the cause of an active interrupt and to acknowledge the interrupt source.. ay ,1 TXAPRST[3:0]: nT hu rsd The TXAPRST[3:0] bits allow the transmit APS serial interfaces to be reset under software control. If the TXAPRST[x] bit is a logic one, the associated transmit APS interface (TAOP and associated logic) is held in reset. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore, a logic zero must be written to bring the channel out of reset. uo fo liv ett io Holding the channel in a reset state places it into a low power, stand-by mode. A hardware reset or top level reset using RESET clears the TXAPSRST[3:0] bits, thus negating the software reset. Otherwise, the effect of the software reset is equivalent to that of a hardware reset. yV inv ef Reseting transmit APS interface #0 (TXAPRST[0] is set high) may cause the other three links to switch to a new A1/A2 frame alignment. This will cause an out-of-frame (OOF) failure across all APS interfaces. db RXAPRST[3:0]: Do wn loa de The RXAPRST[3:0] bits allow the receive APS serial interfaces to be reset under software control. If the RXAPRST[x] bit is a logic one, the associated recieve APS interface (RAOP, RAPS and associated logic) is held in reset. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore, a logic zero must be written to bring the channel out of reset. Holding the channel in a reset state places it into a low power, stand-by mode. A hardware reset or top level reset using RESET clears the RXAPSRST[3:0] bits, thus negating the software reset. Otherwise, the effect of the software reset is equivalent to that of a hardware reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 315 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R L3MODE X Bit 6 R/W L3MODEINV 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 1 R/W TCA_TPA_INV 0 Bit 0 R/W FIFORST 1 :50 11 02 0 20 TPRTYP r, R/W tem be Bit 2 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1010: TUL3 Interface Configuration FIFORST: ay ,1 9S ep The FIFORST bit is used to reset the system interface channel transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set low, the channel transmit FIFOs operate normally. When FIFORST is set high, the channel transmit FIFOs are immediately emptied. The channel FIFOs remain empty and continue to ignore writes operations until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. nT hu rsd The TCA/PTPA and STPA outputs will be low when FIFORST is set high to prevent a Level 3 layer device from attempting to write data into the FIFOs. io TCA_TPA_INV: uo fo liv ett The TCA_TPA_INV bit is used to invert the polarity of the TCA/PTPA and STPA outputs. When TCA_TPA_INV is set low, the TCA_PTPA and STPA outputs operate normally. When TCA_TPA_INV is set high, the polarity of the control signals inverts. Therefore, when TCA_TPA_INV is set high, a full channel FIFO is identified by TCA_PTPA set high. inv ef TPRTYP: Do wn loa de db yV The TPRTYP bit selects even or odd parity for the TPRTY output on the transmit Level 3 interface. When TPRTYP is set high, the TPRTY input is the even parity for inputs TDAT[31:0]. When TPRTYP is set low, the TPRTY input is odd party for inputs TDAT[31:0]. L3MODEINV: The L3MODE invert register bit provides a method to override the POS_ATMB input using software in the transmit direction. The value of the POS_ATMB input is logically XOR’ed with the value of the L3MODEINV register bit to determine the mode of the transmit Level 3 interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 316 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :37 PM When L3MODEINV is high and POS_ATMB is low, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a transmit POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When L3MODEINV is high and POS_ATMB is high, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a transmit UTOPIA Level 3 interface. When L3MODEINV is low, the POS_ATMB input operates normally. 11 L3MODE: 20 02 The L3MODE register bit reflects the polarity of the POS_ATMB input. When the POS_ATMB input is set low, the L3MODE register bit is low. When the POS_ATMB input is set high, the L3MODE register bit is high. tem be r, When L3MODE is low, the S/UNI-16x155 is configured for UTOPIA Level 3 operation. When L3MODE is high, the S/UNI-16x155 is configured for POS-PHY Level 3 operation. 9S ep Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 This bit must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 317 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default 0 Bit 5 R/W TPRTYE 0 Bit 4 R/W TSOCE 0 Bit 3 R CAMI X Bit 2 R FOVRI X Bit 1 R TPRTYI X Bit 0 R TSOCI X :50 0 FOVRE 11 CAME R/W 02 R/W Bit 6 tem be Bit 7 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1011: TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable 1 TSOCI: 9S ep The TSOCI register functions as a start of cell re-alignment interrupt. ay ,1 During Utopia level 3 operation, this interrupt is set high when the TSOC input is sampled high during any position other than the first word of the ATM cell structure on TDAT[31:0]. io nT hu rsd During POS-PHY Level 3 operation, this interrupt is set high when an ATM cell is shorter or longer than specified by CELLFORM. Any partial cell structure already written into the FIFO is discarded when a new cell structure alignment is detected. However, since TMOD is ignored during the last word of the ATM cell structure, invalid ATM cell structures 1, 2 or 3 bytes shorter than required will not cause TSOCI to assert. inv ef uo fo liv ett If TENB is de-asserted during a cell transfer (protocol violation) and then re-asserted during the same cell transfer, the current cell is dropped and TSOCI is asserted. However if TENB does not subsequently remain asserted until the next TSOC, no indication of dropped cell is raised. Only with back to back transfers to the same phy will there be an indication of dropped cell raised. Although no TSOCI is asserted, cell counter values are updated correctly. Do wn loa de TPRTYI: db yV The TSOCI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. The parity error interrupt indicates if a parity error was detected on the TDAT[31:0] input bus. TPRTYI is set high whenever a parity error occurs on the TDAT[31:0] bus. The TRPTYI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 318 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FOVRI: 11 :50 :37 The FIFO overflow interrupt is set high when a write into the channel FIFO is attempted while the FIFO is full. Overrunning the FIFO is considered a system error and should not occur. The FOVRI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. tem be r, 20 02 Due to the implemented recovery mechanism from FIFO overflow conditions, overflowing the TUL3 may cause continuous corrupted ATM cells to be transmitted by the device. However, resetting the level2 and level3 channel FIFOs will cause the FIFO to heal and operate properly. This problem occurs on channels configured for ATM cell traffic. CAMI: ay ,1 9S ep The POS-PHY Level 3 channel address mismatch interrupt is set high when the value of TDAT[31:24] does not match the associated value of ATM[7:0] or POS[7:0] during in-band addressing. This interrupt allows the interface to detect when ATM data is being written to a channel configured for POS traffic or when POS data is being written to a channel configured for ATM traffic. io nT hu rsd When TENB is asserted, TSX assertion is ignored. CAMI may assert when TENB is asserted and TSX is asserted, indicating that the TSX assertion is being ignored. CAMI will not assert if a valid channel address exists on the bus when TSX and TENB are both asserted. fo liv ett The CAMI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. uo TSOCE Do wn loa de TPRTYE: db yV inv ef The start of cell re-alignment interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when TSOCI is high. When TSOCE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the TSOCI register. When TSOCE is set low, changes in the TSOCI status do not generate an interrupt. The parity error interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when TPRTYI is high. When TPRTYE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the TPRTYI register. When TPRTYE is set low, changes in the TPRTYI status do not generate an interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 319 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM FOVRE: 11 :50 :37 The FIFO overflow interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when FOVRI is high. When FOVRE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the FOVRI register. When FOVRE is set low, changes in the FOVRI status do not generate an interrupt. 02 CAME: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 The FIFO channel address mismatch interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when CAMI is high. When CAME is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the CAMI register. When CAME is set low, changes in the CAMI status do not generate an interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 320 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X 0 Bit 4 R/W TXOPE 0 Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X R UNPROVI X Bit 0 R TXOPI X tem be Bit 1 :50 UNPROVE 11 R/W 02 Bit 5 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1012: TUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable 2 TXOPI: ay ,1 9S ep The start or end of packet interrupt is set high when either TSOP or TEOP is not asserted with the first or last word of a POS-PHY packet, respectively. The TXOPI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. rsd UNPROVI: uo fo liv ett io nT hu The POS-PHY Level3 unprovisioned address interrupt is set high when the value of TDAT[7:0] addresses a non-existent channel buffer during in-band addressing. This interrupt is asserted when this value is greater than 0x0F. The UNPROVI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. UNPROVI interrupt does not remain asserted even when there is a persistent in-band addressing error. A read of the UNPROVI will clear the interrupt. Hence, continuous inband addressing error results in only one interrupt. ef TXOPE: Do wn loa de db yV inv The start or end of packet interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when TXOPI is high. When TXOPE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the TXOPI register. When TXOPE is set low, changes in the TXOPI status do not generate an interrupt. UNPROVE: The unprovisioned address interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when UNPROVI is high. When UNPROVE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the UNPROVI register. When UNPROVE is set low, changes in the UNPROVI status do not generate an interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 321 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 0 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Unused X Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W FIFODP[1] 1 Bit 0 R/W FIFODP[0] 1 tem be Bit 4 :37 CELLFORM :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1013: TUL3 ATM Level 3 FIFO Configuration FIFODP[1:0]: ay ,1 9S ep The FIFODP[1:0] bits determine the channel FIFO level at which TCA deasserts in UTOPIA Level 3 operation. FIFO fill level control may be important in systems where the cell latency through the TUL3-32 must be minimized or when the layer device latency of deasserting TENB is large. io nT hu rsd When the channel FIFO is filled to the specified depth, the transmit cell available signal TCA is deasserted. When the FIFO fill level is set below the maximum size of the channel FIFO, the channel FIFO will still accept writes. TCA is asserted when the FIFO depth falls below the level specified by FIFODP[1:0]. liv ett FIFODP[1:0] specifies the FIFO full level in number of ATM cells, plus one, in the channel FIFO. Therefore, the FIFO full level may be configured from 1 to 4 ATM cells. uo fo CELLFORM: db yV inv ef The CELLFORM bits controls the length of transmit Level 3 interface ATM cell structure. When CELLFORM is low, the ATM cell structure is 56 bytes in size (14 TFCLK cycles) and contains the HCS (H5) and HCS Control bytes. When CELLFORM is high, the ATM cell structure is 52 bytes in size (13 TFCLK cycles) and does not contain the HCS and HCS Control bytes. Do wn loa de The value of CELLFORM should be changed only when FIFORST is set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 322 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W ATM[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W ATM[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W ATM[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W ATM[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W ATM[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W ATM[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W ATM[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W ATM[0] 1 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1014: TUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label ATM[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The ATM[7:0] bits are used to check the value of TDAT[31:24] when performing in-band addressing in POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the transmit direction. When TSX and TENB are high, the in-band address specifying the channel number is on TDAT[7:0]. In order to prevent confusion between ATM and POS data, TDAT[31:24] may be used to specify the data type for the channel. io nT hu For channels configured for packet data, TDAT[31:24] may be set to the value specified by POS[7:0] during in-band addressing. For channels configured for ATM cell data, TDAT[31:24] may be set to the value specified by ATM[7:0] during in-band addressing. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett If a channel is configured for ATM traffic and the value of TDAT[31:24] does not match the value of ATM[7:0] during in-band addressing, the CAMI bit is set. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 323 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W LWM[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W LWM[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W LWM[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W LWM[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W LWM[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W LWM[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1015: TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO Low Water Mark LWM[5:0]: ,1 9S ep The LWM[5:0] bits determine the channel FIFO depth at which PTPA and STPA assert in POS-PHY Level 3 operation. FIFO fill level control may be important when the layer device latency is large. nT hu rsd ay When the channel FIFO empties to the specified depth, the transmit packet available signals PTPA and STPA are asserted. PTPA and STPA are deasserted based on the FIFO level specified by HWM[5:0]. Together with HWM[5:0], LWM[5:0] provides hysteresis in the toggling of the transmit packet available signal. liv ett io LWM[5:0] specifies the FIFO level in the number of double-words (4 bytes). Therefore, the low water mark may be configured from 0 bytes to 255 bytes. For proper operation, the high water mark level must be greater than the low water mark level. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo Note that when sending ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface, HWM[5:0] together with LWM[5:0] do not directly translate to the number of writeable locations in the FIFO as the ATM cells are internally stored as 64 byte entities in the FIFO. For proper operation when sending ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface, LWM[5:0] must be configured to at least 52 or 56 bytes, as specified by CELLFORM. Failure to do this will result in a FIFO deadlock with a partial cell stuck in the FIFO and PTPA and STPA deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 324 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W HWM[5] 1 Bit 4 R/W HWM[4] 1 Bit 3 R/W HWM[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W HWM[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W HWM[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W HWM[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1016: TUL3 POS Level 3 FIFO High Water Mark HWM[5:0]: ,1 9S ep The HWM[5:0] bits determine the channel FIFO depth at which PTPA and STPA deassert in POS-PHY Level 3 operation. FIFO fill level control may be important when the layer device latency is large. io nT hu rsd ay When the channel FIFO is filled to the specified depth, the transmit packet available signals PTPA and STPA are deasserted. TMOD[1:0] is ignored when calculating FIFO depth. Therefore, PTPA and STPA may deassert when end of a packet is within 4 bytes of HWM. PTPA and STPA are asserted based on the FIFO level specified by LWM[5:0]. Together with LWM[5:0], HWM[5:0] provides hysteresis in the toggling of the transmit packet available signal. uo fo liv ett HWM[5:0] specifies the FIFO level in the number of double-words (4 bytes). Therefore, the high water mark may be configured from 0 bytes to 255 bytes and must be less than the maximum size of the FIFO. For proper operation, the high water mark level must be greater than the low water mark level. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef Note that when sending ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface, HWM[5:0] together with LWM[5:0] do not directly translate to the number of writeable locations in the FIFO as the ATM cells are internally stored at 64 byte entities. In general, the HWM[5:0] should be programmed less than 240. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 325 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W POS[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W POS[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W POS[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W POS[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W POS[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W POS[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W POS[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W POS[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1017: TUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label POS[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The POS[7:0] bits are used to check the value of TDAT[31:24] when performing in-band addressing in POS-PHY Level 3 operation. When TSX and TENB are high, the in-band address specifying the channel number is on TDAT[7:0]. In order to prevent confusion between ATM and POS data, TDAT[31:24] may be used to specify the data type for the channel. io nT hu For channels configured for packet data, TDAT[31:24] may be set to the value specified by POS[7:0] during in-band addressing. For channels configured for ATM cell data, TDAT[31:24] may be set to the value specified by ATM[7:0] during in-band addressing. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett If a channel is configured for POS traffic and the value of TDAT[31:24] does not match the value of POS[7:0] during in-band addressing, the CAMI bit is set. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 326 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released FIFORST[12] 0 R/W FIFORST[8] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[4] 0 R/W FIFORST[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W PATM[12] 0 Bit 2 R/W PATM[8] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[4] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[0] 0 tem be Bit 4 :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 :37 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1019: TUL3 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration PATM[12, 8, 4, 0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #0, #4, #8 and #12 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the transmit direction. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[12, 8, 4, 0]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #0, #4, #8 and #12 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the TXCP and TXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 327 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released FIFORST[13] 0 R/W FIFORST[9] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[5] 0 R/W FIFORST[1] 0 Bit 3 R/W PATM[13] 0 Bit 2 R/W PATM[9] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[5] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[1] 0 tem be Bit 4 :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 :37 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x101A: TUL3 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration PATM[13, 9, 5, 1]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #1, #5, #9 and #13 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[13, 9, 5, 1]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #1, #5, #9 and #13 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the TXCP and TXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 328 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FIFORST[14] 0 Bit 6 R/W FIFORST[10] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[6] 0 R/W PATM[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[6] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[2] 0 :50 Bit 2 11 0 02 0 PATM[14] 20 FIFORST[2] R/W r, R/W Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :37 Bit PM Register 0x101B: TUL3 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration PATM[14, 10, 6, 2]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #2, #6, #10 and #14 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[14, 10, 6, 2]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #2, #6, #10 and #14 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the TXCP and TXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 329 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FIFORST[15] 0 Bit 6 R/W FIFORST[11] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[7] 0 R/W PATM[11] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[7] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[3] 0 :50 Bit 2 11 0 02 0 PATM[15] 20 FIFORST[3] R/W r, R/W Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :37 Bit PM Register 0x101C: TUL3 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration PATM[15, 11, 7, 3]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM register configures channel #3, #7, #11 and #15 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[15, 11, 7, 3]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #3, #7, #11 and #15 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the TXCP and TXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 330 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R L3MODE X Bit 6 R/W L3MODEINV 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 1 R/W RCA_INV 0 Bit 0 R/W FIFORST 1 :50 11 02 0 20 RPRTYP r, R/W tem be Bit 2 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1020: RUL3 Interface Configuration FIFORST: ay ,1 9S ep The FIFORST bit is used to reset the system interface channel receive FIFOs. When FIFORST is set low, the channel receive FIFOs operate normally. When FIFORST is set high, the channel receive FIFOs are immediately emptied. The channel FIFOs remain empty and continue to ignore read operations until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. nT hu rsd The RCA output should be low when FIFORST is set high to prevent the Level 3 interface from falsely reporting data in the FIFOs. io RCA_INV: uo fo liv ett The RCA_INV bit is used to invert the polarity of the RCA output. When RCA_INV is set low, the RCA output operates normally. When RCA_INV is set high, the polarity of the control signals inverts. Therefore, when RCA_INV is set high, an empty channel FIFO is identified by RCA set high. inv ef RPRTYP: Do wn loa de db yV The RPRTYP bit selects even or odd parity for the RPRTY output on the transmit Level 3 interface. When RPRTYP is set high, the RPRTY input is the even parity for inputs RDAT[31:0]. When RPRTYP is set low, the RPRTY input is odd party for inputs RDAT[31:0]. L3MODEINV: The L3MODE invert register bit provides a method to override the POS_ATMB input using software in the transmit direction. The value of the POS_ATMB input is logically XOR’ed with the value of the L3MODEINV register bit to determine the mode of the recieve Level 3 interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 331 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :37 PM When L3MODEINV is high and POS_ATMB is low, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a receive POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When L3MODEINV is high and POS_ATMB is high, the S/UNI-16x155 implements a receive UTOPIA Level 3 interface. When L3MODEINV is low, the POS_ATMB input operates normally. 11 L3MODE: 20 02 The L3MODE register bit reflects the polarity of the POS_ATMB input. When the POS_ATMB input is low, the L3MODE register bit is low. When the POS_ATMB input is high, the L3MODE register bit is high. tem be r, When L3MODE is low, the S/UNI-16x155 is configured for UTOPIA Level 3 operation. When L3MODE is high, the S/UNI-16x155 is configured for POS-PHY Level 3 operation. 9S ep Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The reserved bit must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 332 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R Reserved X Bit 2 R FUNRI 0 Bit 1 R Reserved 0 Bit 0 R Reserved 0 :50 0 FUNRE 11 Reserved R/W 02 R/W Bit 6 tem be Bit 7 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1021: RUL3 Interrupt Status/Enable 9S ep FUNRI: hu rsd ay ,1 The FIFO underrun interrupt is set high when a read from the FIFO is attempted while the FIFO is empty. The FUNRI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. This register bit is only valid during UTOPIA Level 3 operation. ett io nT NOTE: In a single PHY UTOPIA operation, if RENB realignment happens on the same PHY, and this PHY is not empty, RUL3 FUNRI interrupt is reported. This re-alignment is a protocol violation that should be avoided by link layer device. fo liv FUNRE: yV inv ef uo The FIFO underrun interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when FUNRI is high. When FUNRE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the FUNRI register. When FUNRE is set low, changes in the FUNRI status do not generate an interrupt. db Reserved: Do wn loa de All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 333 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X Bit 0 Unused X :37 0 Unused tem be CELLFORM :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1022: RUL3 ATM Level 3 FIFO Configuration CELLFORM: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The CELLFORM bits controls the length of receive Level 3 interface ATM cell structure. When CELLFORM is low, the ATM cell structure is 56 bytes in size (14 RFCLK cycles) and contains the HCS (H5) and HCS Control bytes. When CELLFORM is high, the ATM cell structure is 52 bytes in size (13 RFCLK cycles) and does not contain the HCS and HCS Control bytes. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu The value of CELLFORM should be changed only when FIFORST is set high. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 334 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W ATM[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W ATM[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W ATM[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W ATM[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W ATM[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W ATM[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W ATM[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W ATM[0] 1 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1023: RUL3 ATM Level 3 Signal Label ATM[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The ATM[7:0] bits controls the value of RDAT[31:24] when performing in-band addressing in POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When RSX is high and RVAL is low, the in-band address specifying the channel number is on RDAT[7:0]. In order to prevent confusion between ATM data and POS data, RDAT[31:24] is used to specify the data type for the channel. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu For channels configured for packet data, RDAT[31:24] is set to the value specified by POS[7:0] during in-band addressing. For channels configured for ATM cell data, RDAT[31:24] is set to the value specified by ATM[7:0] during in-band addressing. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 335 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X Bit 2 Unused X R/W PAUSE[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W PAUSE[0] 0 :50 11 02 tem be Bit 1 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1024: RUL3 POS Level 3 Configuration PAUSE[1:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PAUSE[1:0] bits specifies the minimum number of clock cycles the POS-PHY Level 3 interface will pause between transfer bursts. When PAUSE[1:0] is set to “00”, the POSPHY Level 3 interface may select the next channel by immediately asserting RSX after ending a transferred. When PAUSE[1:0] is set to “11”, the POS-PHY Level 3 interface will wait for 3 RFCLK clock cycles before selecting the next channel and starting another transfer. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu The PAUSE[1:0] register allows the user to configure the POS-PHY Level 3 interface to halt between burst transfers. By inserting dead-time between bursts, the Layer device may cleanly pause the transfer of data between bursts by deasserting RENB. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 336 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W POS[7] 0 Bit 6 R/W POS[6] 0 Bit 5 R/W POS[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W POS[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W POS[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W POS[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W POS[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W POS[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1025: RUL3 POS Level 3 Signal Label POS[7:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The POS[7:0] bits controls the value of RDAT[31:24] when performing in-band addressing in POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When RSX is high and RVAL is low, the in-band address specifying the channel number is on RDAT[7:0]. In order to prevent confusion between ATM data and POS data, RDAT[31:24] is used to specify the data type for the channel. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu For channels configured for packet data, RDAT[31:24] is set to the value specified by POS[7:0] during in-band addressing. For channels configured for ATM cell data, RDAT[31:24] is set to the value specified by ATM[7:0] during in-band addressing. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 337 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Unused X Bit 6 R Unused X Bit 5 R/W TRAN[5] 0 Bit 4 R/W TRAN[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W TRAN[3] 1 Bit 2 R/W TRAN[2] 1 Bit 1 R/W TRAN[1] 1 Bit 0 R/W TRAN[0] 0 tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1026: RUL3 POS Level 3 Transfer Size TRAN[5:0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The TRAN[5:0] bits determine the maximum transfer length the POS-PHY Level 3 interface will service a PHY channel before servicing another PHY channel. TRAN[5:0] specifies the maximum number, plus 1, of RFCLK clock cycles the POS-PHY Level 3 interface will service on PHY channel. Therefore, the maximum number of bytes per transfer is 4*(TRAN[5:0]+1). nT hu The actual transfer burst length is until an end-of-packet is transferred or until the burst length specified by TRAN[5:0]. Valid transfer burst length range from 1 to 63. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io TRAN[5:0] and BURST[6:0] must be configured such that the sum of TRAN[5:0] in number of bytes and RUL3 BURST[6:0] in number of byte should be less than the 256 bytes (the size of the channel FIFO). Last DWORD of an ATM cell is trapped in RUL3 FIFO for 52 bytes cell structure, if RUL3 TRAN is set to 4 , 8, 12, 16 or 24 bytes. For 56 bytes cell structure, the last DWORD of ATM cell will be trapped if RUL3 TRAN is set to 4 bytes. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 338 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released FIFORST[12] 0 R/W FIFORST[8] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[4] 0 R/W FIFORST[0] 0 Bit 3 R/W PATM[12] 0 Bit 2 R/W PATM[8] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[4] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[0] 0 tem be Bit 4 :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 :37 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1028: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #0, #4, #8, #12 Mode Configuration PATM[12, 8, 6, 0]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #0, #4, #8 and #12 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[12, 8, 6, 0]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #0, #4, #8 and #12 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the RXCP and RXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted.Reserved: Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 339 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released FIFORST[13] 0 R/W FIFORST[9] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[5] 0 R/W FIFORST[1] 0 Bit 3 R/W PATM[13] 0 Bit 2 R/W PATM[9] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[5] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[1] 0 tem be Bit 4 :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 :37 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1029: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #1, #5, #9, #13 Mode Configuration PATM[13, 9, 5, 1]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #1, #5, #9 and #13 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[13, 9, 5, 1]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #1, #5, #9 and #13 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the RXCP and RXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 340 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FIFORST[14] 0 Bit 6 R/W FIFORST[10] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[6] 0 R/W PATM[10] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[6] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[2] 0 :50 Bit 2 11 0 02 0 PATM[14] 20 FIFORST[2] R/W r, R/W Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :37 Bit PM Register 0x102A: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #2, #6, #10, #14 Mode Configuration PATM[14, 10, 6, 2]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #2, #6, #10 and #14 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[14, 10, 6, 2]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #2, #6, #10 and #14 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the RXCP and RXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 341 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W FIFORST[15] 0 Bit 6 R/W FIFORST[11] 0 Bit 5 R/W FIFORST[7] 0 R/W PATM[11] 0 Bit 1 R/W PATM[7] 0 Bit 0 R/W PATM[3] 0 :50 Bit 2 11 0 02 0 PATM[15] 20 FIFORST[3] R/W r, R/W Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :37 Bit PM Register 0x102B: RUL3 Level 2 Channel #3, #7, #11, #15 Mode Configuration PATM[15, 11, 7, 3]: rsd ay ,1 9S ep The PATM registers configure channels #3, #7, #11 and #15 for ATM or packet operation during POS-PHY Level 3 operation in the receive direction. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is low, the channel is configured for packet data over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. When POS_ATMB is high and PATM is high, the channel is configured for ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface. nT hu When POS_ATMB is low, PATM must be set low. io FIFORST[15, 11, 7, 3]: ef uo fo liv ett The FIFORST registers are used to reset channels #3, #7, #11 and #15 four cell/256 byte transmit FIFOs. When FIFORST is set to logic zero, the FIFO operates normally. When FIFORST is set to logic one, the FIFO is immediately emptied and ignores writes. The buffer remains empty and continues to ignore writes until a logic zero is written to FIFORST. Do wn loa de db yV inv The channel FIFORST registers in the RXCP and RXFP must be set high before FIFORST is asserted. The channel FIFORST registers must be set low after FIFORST is deasserted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 342 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X 0 Unused X R/W ERRORE 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0 tem be Bit 2 :50 Reserved 11 R/W Bit 3 02 Bit 4 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1030: DLL TUL3 Configuration ep The DLL Configuration Register controls the basic operation of the DLL for the transmit system interface clock TFCLK. 9S ERRORE: nT hu rsd ay ,1 The DLL error interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when ERROR is high. When ERRORE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the ERROR register. When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR status do not generate an interrupt. io Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 343 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Reserved X Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R Reserved X Bit 4 R Reserved X Bit 3 R Reserved X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R Reserved X tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1032: DLL TUL3 Reset Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Writing to this register performs a software reset of the DLL. Any FIFOs associated with the TFCLK (TUL3, TXCP and TXFP) must be reset using FIFORST after the DLL is reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 344 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R TFCLKI X Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R ERRORI X Bit 4 R Reserved X Unused X X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R RUN X :50 11 02 ERROR 20 R tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1033: DLL TUL3 Control Status The DLL Control Status Register provides information of the DLL operation. 9S ep RUN: rsd ay ,1 The DLL lock status register bit RUN indicates the DLL has found an initial lock condition. When the phase detector first indicates lock, RUN is set high. The RUN register bit is cleared only by a system reset or a software reset. nT hu ERROR: fo liv ett io The delay line error register ERROR indicates the DLL is currently at the end of the delay line. ERROR is set high when the DLL tries to move beyond the end of the delay line. Once DLL is in ERROR state, the only way to restore the DLL into normal operational state is to reset DLLs. uo ERRORI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The error event register bit ERRORI indicates the ERROR register bit has been a logic one. When the ERROR register changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the ERRORI register bit is set to logic one. The ERRORI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. TFCLKI: The clock event register bit TFCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the TFCLK clock. When the TFCLK input changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the TFCLKI register bit is set to logic one. The TFCLKI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 345 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X 0 Unused X R/W ERRORE 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0 tem be Bit 2 :50 Reserved 11 R/W Bit 3 02 Bit 4 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1034: DLL RUL3 Configuration ep The DLL Configuration Register controls the basic operation of the DLL for the receive system interface clock RFCLK. 9S ERRORE: nT hu rsd ay ,1 The DLL error interrupt enable controls the assertion of the INTB output when ERROR is high. When ERRORE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the ERROR register. When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR status do not generate an interrupt. io Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 346 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Reserved X Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R Reserved X Bit 4 R Reserved X Bit 3 R Reserved X Bit 2 R Reserved X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R Reserved X tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1036: DLL RUL3 Reset Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Writing to this register performs a software reset of the DLL. Any FIFOs associated with the RFCLK (RUL3, RXCP and RXFP) must be reset using FIFORST after the DLL is reset. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 347 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R RFCLKI X Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R ERRORI X Bit 4 R Reserved X Unused X X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R RUN X :50 11 02 ERROR 20 R tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1037: DLL RUL3 Control Status The DLL Control Status Register provides information of the DLL operation. 9S ep RUN: rsd ay ,1 The DLL lock status register bit RUN indicates the DLL has found an initial lock condition. When the phase detector first indicates lock, RUN is set high. The RUN register bit is cleared only by a system reset or a software reset. nT hu ERROR: fo liv ett io The delay line error register ERROR indicates the DLL is currently at the end of the delay line. ERROR is set high when the DLL tries to move beyond the end of the delay line. Once DLL is in ERROR state, the only way to restore the DLL into normal operational state is to reset DLLs. uo ERRORI: Do wn loa de RFCLKI: db yV inv ef The error event register bit ERRORI indicates the ERROR register bit has been a logic one. When the ERROR register changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the ERRORI register bit is set to logic one. The ERRORI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. The clock event register bit RFCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the RFCLK clock. When the RFCLK input changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the RFCLKI register bit is set to logic one. The RFCLKI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 348 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Function Default Unused X Bit 6 R/W DS 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W LAIS 0 :50 11 02 20 tem be Bit 7 :37 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1038, 0x103C, 0x1040, 0x1044: TAOP Link #0 to #3 Control 9S ep The Transmit APS Overhead Processor (TAOP) controls the transmit APS interface generating A1/A2 framing and SONET scrambling. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. ,1 LAIS: io nT hu rsd ay The LAIS bit controls the insertion of line alarm indication signal (AIS). When LAIS is set to logic one, the TSOP inserts AIS into the transmit SONET/SDH stream. Activation or deactivation of line AIS insertion is synchronized to frame boundaries. Line AIS insertion results in all bits of the SONET/SDH frame being set to 1 prior to scrambling except for the section overhead. ett DS: uo fo liv The DS bit is set to logic one to disable the scrambling of the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. When DS is a logic zero, scrambling is enabled. inv ef Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV The reserved bits must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 349 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X DLOS 0 Bit 1 R/W DBIP8 0 Bit 0 R/W DFP 0 :50 11 02 R/W tem be Bit 2 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1039, 0x103D, 0x1041, 0x1045: TAOP Link #0 to #3 Diagnostic 9S ep The Transmit APS Overhead Processor (TAOP) controls the transmit APS interface generating A1/A2 framing and SONET scrambling. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. ,1 DFP: nT hu rsd ay The DFP bit controls the insertion of a single bit error continuously in the most significant bit (bit 1) of the A1 section overhead framing byte. When DFP is set to logic one, the A1 bytes are set to 0x76 instead of 0xF6. io DBIP8: fo liv ett The DBIP8 bit controls the insertion of bit errors continuously in the section BIP-8 byte (B1). When DBIP8 is set to logic one, the B1 byte is inverted. uo DLOS: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The DLOS bit controls the insertion of all zeros in the STS-3c/STM-1 stream. When DLOS is set to logic one, the transmit stream is forced to 0x00. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 350 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released BLKBIP 0 R/W DDS 0 Bit 5 W FOOF X R/W ALGO2 0 Bit 3 R/W BIPEE 0 Bit 2 R/W LOSE 0 Bit 1 R/W LOFE 0 Bit 0 R/W OOFE 0 tem be Bit 4 :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 :37 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1048, 0x104C, 0x1050, 0x1054: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Control/Interrupt Enable 9S ep The Receive APS Overhead Processor (RAOP) controls the receive APS interface SONET framing and descrambling as well as performance monitoring the APS links. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. ,1 OOFE: hu rsd ay The OOFE bit is an interrupt enable for the out-of-frame alarm. When OOFE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the out-of-frame alarm changes state. nT LOFE: liv ett io The LOFE bit is an interrupt enable for the loss of frame alarm. When LOFE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the loss of frame alarm changes state. fo LOSE: inv ef uo The LOSE bit is an interrupt enable for the loss of signal alarm. When LOSE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when the loss of signal alarm changes state. yV BIPEE: Do wn loa de db The BIPEE bit is an interrupt enable for the section BIP-8 errors. When BIPEE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated when a section BIP-8 error (B1) is detected. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 351 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM ALGO2: 20 02 11 :50 :37 The ALGO2 bit position selects the framing algorithm used to determine and maintain the frame alignment. When a logic one is written to the ALGO2 bit position, the framer is enabled to use the second of the framing algorithms where only the first A1 framing byte and the first 4 bits of the last A2 framing byte (12 bits total) are examined. This algorithm examines only 12 bits of the framing pattern regardless; all other framing bits are ignored. When a logic zero is written to the ALGO2 bit position, the framer is enabled to use the first of the framing algorithms where all the A1 framing bytes and all the A2 framing bytes are examined. tem be r, FOOF: 9S ep The FOOF bit controls the framing of the RAOP. When a logic one is written to FOOF, the RAOP is forced out of frame at the next frame boundary. The FOOF bit is a write only bit, register reads may yield a logic one or a logic zero. ay ,1 DDS: hu rsd The DDS bit is set to logic one to disable the descrambling of the APS stream stream. When DDS is a logic zero, descrambling is enabled. nT BLKBIP: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io The BLKBIP bit position enables the accumulating of section BIP word errors. When a logic one is written to the BLKBIP bit position, one or more errors in the BIP-8 byte result in a single error being accumulated in the B1 error counter. When a logic zero is written to the BLKBIP bit position, all errors in the B1 byte are accumulated in the B1 error counter. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 352 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Function Default Unused X Bit 6 R BIPEI X Bit 5 R LOSI X X Bit 2 R LOSV X Bit 1 R LOFV X Bit 0 R OOFV X :50 X OOFI 11 LOFI R 02 R Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 20 Bit 7 :37 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1049, 0x104D, 0x1051, 0x1055: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Status/Interrupt Status 9S ep The Receive APS Overhead Processor (RAOP) controls the receive APS interface SONET framing and descrambling as well as performance monitoring the APS links. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. ,1 OOFV: nT hu rsd ay The OOFV bit is read to determine the out-of-frame state of the RSOP. When OOFV is high, the RAOP is out of frame. When OOFV is low, the RSOP is in-frame. io LOFV: fo liv ett The LOFV bit is read to determine the loss of frame state of the RSOP. When LOFV is high, the RAOP has declared loss of frame. uo LOSV: yV inv ef The LOSV bit is read to determine the loss of signal state of the RSOP. When LOSV is high, the RAOP has declared loss of signal. db OOFI: Do wn loa de The OOFI bit is the out-of-frame interrupt status bit. OOFI is set high when a change in the out-of-frame state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. LOFI: The LOFI bit is the loss of frame interrupt status bit. LOFI is set high when a change in the loss of frame state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 353 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOSI: :50 :37 The LOSI bit is the loss of signal interrupt status bit. LOSI is set high when a change in the loss of signal state occurs. This bit is cleared when this register is read. 11 BIPEI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 The BIPEI bit is the section BIP-8 interrupt status bit. BIPEI is set high when a section layer (B1) bit error is detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 354 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R SBE[7] X Bit 6 R SBE[6] X Bit 5 R SBE[5] X Bit 4 R SBE[4] X Bit 3 R SBE[3] X Bit 2 R SBE[2] X Bit 1 R SBE[1] X Bit 0 R SBE[0] X tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 Bit PM Register 0x104A, 0x104E, 0x1052, 0x1056: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Section BIP-8 LSB Register 0x104B, 0x104F, 0x1053, 0x1057: RAOP Link #0 to #3 Section BIP-8 MSB Type Function R SBE[15] Bit 6 R SBE[14] Bit 5 R SBE[13] Bit 4 R SBE[12] Bit 3 R SBE[11] Bit 2 R SBE[10] Bit 1 R SBE[9] Bit 0 R SBE[8] rsd ay ,1 9S X hu nT Default ep Bit Bit 7 X X X X X X X fo liv ett io The Receive APS Overhead Processor (RAOP) controls the receive APS interface SONET framing and descrambling as well as performance monitoring the APS links. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. uo SBE[15:0]: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef Bits SBE[15:0] represent the number of section BIP-8 errors (individual or block) that have been detected since the last time the error count was polled. The error count is polled by writing to either of the RAOP Section BIP-8 Register addresses. Such a write transfers the internally accumulated error count to the Section BIP-8 registers within approximately 7 µs and simultaneously resets the internal counter to begin a new cycle of error accumulation. This transfer and reset is carried out in a manner that ensures that coincident events are not lost. The count can also be polled by writing to the S/UNI-16x155 Master Reset and Identity register (0x000). Writing to register address 0x000 loads all counter registers in all channels and APS links. The count can also be polled by writing to the APS Interrupt Status register (0x1006). Writing to register address 0x1006 loads all counter registers in the RAOP blocks. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 355 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W SDINV 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W SENB 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X X Bit 1 R Reserved X Bit 0 R DOOLI X :50 11 02 LOTI 20 R tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1058, 0x105C, 0x1060, 0x1064: RAPS Link #0 to #3 Configuration ep The Receive APS Interface (RAPS) controls the receive APS interface SONET framing. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. 9S DOOLI: nT hu rsd ay ,1 The DOOLI bit is the data out of lock interrupt status bit. DOOLI is set high when the DOOLV bit changes state, indicating that either the DRU has locked to the incoming data stream or has gone out of lock. DOOLI is cleared when this register is read. ett io LOTI: uo fo liv The LOTI bit is the loss of transition interrupt status bit. LOTI is set high when a loss of transition event occurs. A loss of transition is defined as more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros received. LOTI is cleared when this register is read. inv ef SENB: Do wn loa de db yV The loss of signal transition detector enable (SENB) bit enables the declaration of loss of transition (LOT) when more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros occurs in the receive data. When SENB is a logic zero, a loss of transition is declared when more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros occurs in the receive data. When SENB is a logic one, a loss of transition is never declared. Reserved: These registers must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 356 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM SDINV: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The signal detect input invert (SDINV) controls the polarity of the SD input. This bit must be programmed high for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 357 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Reserved X Bit 6 R LOTV X Bit 5 R Unused X Bit 4 R DOOLV X Unused X 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W DOOLE 0 :50 11 02 LOTE 20 R/W tem be Bit 2 r, Bit 3 :37 Bit PM Register 0x1059, 0x105D, 0x1061, 0x1065: RAPS Link #0 to #3 Status ep The Receive APS Interface (RAPS) controls the receive APS interface SONET framing. Four instances of this block is used, one for each APS link. 9S DOOLE: nT hu rsd ay ,1 The DOOLE bit is an interrupt enable for the recovered data out of lock status. When DOOLE is set to logic one, an interrupt is generated upon assertion and negation events of the DOOLV register. When DOOLE is set low, changes in the DOOL status does not generate an interrupt. io Reserved: fo liv ett These registers must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. ef uo LOTE: Do wn loa de DOOLV: db yV inv The LOTE bit enables the loss of transition indication interrupt. When LOTE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion events of the LOTV register. When LOTE is set low, changes in the LOTV status does not generate an interrupt. The recovered data out of lock status indicates the clock recovery phase locked loop is unable to recover and lock to the input data stream. DOOLV is a logic one if the recovered APS serial stream is not within approximately 488ppm of the REFCLK frequency of if no transitions have occurred on the APS link for more than 96 bits. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 358 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM LOTV: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The loss of transition status indicates that at least 97 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOTV is a logic zero if less than 97 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOTV is a logic one if more than 96 consecutive ones or zeros have been received. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 359 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Function Default Unused X Bit 6 R/W Reserved X Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X ROOLI X R tem be Bit 0 :50 X 11 0 Unused 02 Reserved Bit 3 20 Bit 7 :37 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1100: CSPI Clock Synthesis Configuration ep The Clock Synthesizer and 4 PISO block performs clock synthesis and serialization of the transmit serial interface stream. 9S ROOLI: liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 The ROOLI bit is the reference out of lock interrupt status bit for the CSU. The ROOLI is set high when the ROOLV register changes state, indicating that either the CSU is within 488ppm of the reference clock REFCLK or is out of lock. ROOLI is cleared when this register is read. If the corresponding ROOLE interrupt enable is high, the INTB is also asserted when the enabled ROOLI asserted. uo fo Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef These registers must be programmed with logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 360 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X X Unused X Bit 2 Unused X Bit 1 Unused X ROOLE 0 R/W tem be Bit 0 :50 R 11 ROOLV Bit 3 02 Bit 4 :37 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x1101: CSPI Clock Synthesis Status ROOLE: ay ,1 9S ep The ROOLE bit enables the reference out of lock indication interrupt for the CSU. When ROOLE is set high, INTB is asserted upon assertion and negation events of the ROOLV bit register. When ROOLE is set low, changes in the corresponding ROOL status do not generate an interrupt. hu rsd ROOLV: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT The transmit reference out of lock status indicates the CSU is within 488ppm of the reference clock REFCLK input. ROOLV is a logic one if the CSU is not within 488ppm of the REFCLK frequency. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 361 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Register 0x1103: CSPI Reserved Bit Type Function 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0 :37 Reserved :50 R/W 11 Bit 6 02 0 20 Reserved r, R/W tem be Bit 7 PM Default 9S ep Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 362 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W RXEN 0 Unused X 0 Bit 3 R/W RSEL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W RSEL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W RSEL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W RSEL[0] 11 RSEL[4] 02 X R/W 20 Unused Bit 4 tem be Bit 5 r, Bit 6 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x1104, 0x1107, 0x110A, 0x110D, 0x1110, 0x1113, 0x1116, 0x1119, 0x111C, 0x111F, 0x1122, 0x1125, 0x1128, 0x112B, 0x112E, 0x1131: Channel #0 to #15 Receive Connect Select 0 9S ep The Receive Connect Select registers controls the source of receive path for each channel. ,1 RSEL[4:0]: io nT hu rsd ay The receive cross connect select (RSEL[4:0]) determines the source of receive path for the channel. When RXEN is low, the RSEL[4:0] is ignored. When RXEN is high, RSEL[4:0] specifies the source channel for the Receive Path Processor (RPOP) of the channel. RSEL[4:0] equal to 0 to 15 specify the channels in the S/UNI-16x155. RSEL[4:0] equal to 16 to 31 specify the receive APS links (protect function). ett RXEN: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The receive cross connect enable (RXEN) controls when a channel’s Receive Path Processor (RPOP) can cross connect with another channel’s path. When RXEN is low, the channel operates normally. When RXEN is high, the channel cross connect is enabled. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 363 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W TXEN 0 Bit 6 R/W PROCM 0 Unused X Bit 4 R/W TSEL[4] 0 Bit 3 R/W TSEL[3] 0 Bit 2 R/W TSEL[2] 0 Bit 1 R/W TSEL[1] 0 Bit 0 R/W TSEL[0] 11 02 20 r, tem be Bit 5 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x1105, 0x1108, 0x110B, 0x110E, 0x1111, 0x1114, 0x1117, 0x111A, 0x111D, 0x1120, 0x1123, 0x1126, 0x1129, 0x112C, 0x112F, 0x1132: Channel #0 to #15 Transmit Connect Select 0 9S ep The Transmit Connect Select registers control the source of transmit path for each channel. ,1 TSEL[4:0]: io nT hu rsd ay The transmit cross connect select (TSEL[4:0]) determines the source of transmit path for the channel. When TXEN is low, the TSEL[4:0] is ignored. When TXEN is high, TSEL[4:0] specifies the source channel for the Transmit Path Processor (TPOP) of the channel. TSEL[4:0] equal to 0 to 15 specify the channels in the S/UNI-16x155. TSEL[5:0] equal to 16 to 31 specify the receive APS links (bridge function). ett PROCM: inv ef uo fo liv The transmit APS protection mode select (PROCM) configures the channel for protection or working operation. When PROCM is set low, the channel’s receive path is sent over the transmit APS link (channel is operating as a protection link). When PROCM is set high, the channel’s transmit path is set over the transmit APS link (channel path is being bridged to another channel). yV TXEN: Do wn loa de db The transmit cross connect enable (TXEN) controls when a channel’s Transmit Path Processor (TPOP) can cross connect with another channel’s path. When TXEN is low, the channel operates normally. When TXEN is high, the channel cross connect is enabled. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 364 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Default Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Bit 5 Unused X Bit 4 Unused X CSTALI X Bit 2 R CHFERR X 0 Bit 1 R/W CHFRST Bit 0 R/W TAPSRST 11 02 R tem be Bit 3 20 Type :50 Function Bit 7 r, Bit :37 PM Register 0x1106, 0x1109, 0x110C, 0x110F, 0x1112, 0x1115, 0x1118, 0x111B, 0x111E, 0x1121, 0x1124, 0x1127, 0x112A, 0x112D, 0x1130, 0x1133: Channel #0 to #15 Connect Control 0 9S ep The Connect Control registers provided configuration and status for each channel. ,1 TAPSRST: nT hu rsd ay The transmit APS reset (TAPSRST) bit allows the STAL blocks associated with the channel to be reset under software control. If the TAPSRST bit is a logic one, the STAL blocks for the channel are held in reset. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore, a logic zero must be written to bring the APS logic out of reset. fo liv ett io Holding the STAL blocks in a reset state places it into a low power, stand-by mode. A hardware reset or top level reset using RESET clears the TAPSRST bit, thus negating the software reset. Otherwise, the effect of the channel software reset is equivalent to that of a hardware reset. uo CHFRST: db yV inv ef The transmit channel FIFO reset register (CHFRST) is used to reset the 8-byte transmit cross connect FIFO. When the CHFRST bit is set high, the channel’s transmit connect FIFO is held in reset. While in reset data may pass through, however there will be data corruption if a small amount of jitter is applied at the APS input. The FIFO is held in reset until the CHFRST is set low. Do wn loa de When the FIFO reset, the FIFO initialized such that the FIFO is centered (that is, the fill level of the FIFO is 4 bytes). CHFERR: The transit channel FIFO error status (CHFERR) bits indicates that the 8-byte cross connect FIFO has overrun or underrun. The CHFERR bit is set high when the transmit cross connect FIFO corrupts the data stream due to a FIFO overrun or underrun. The CHFERR bit clears when the register is read, thus acknowledging the error has occurred Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 365 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM CSTALI: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 The CSTALI bit is a logic one when an interrupt request is active from the channel STAL blocks. The STAL Control and Interrupt Status registers for the STAL associated with the channel must be read in order to identify the STAL with the active interrupt request.. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 366 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W H4BYP 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X 11 02 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W ESEE 0 Bit 1 R/W OPJEE Bit 0 R/W IPAIS r, 0 20 Bit 3 tem be Bit 4 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x1140, 0x114C, 0x1158, 0x1164, 0x1170, 0x117C, 0x1188, 0x1194, 0x11A0, 0x11AC, 0x11B8, 0x11C4, 0x11D0, 0x11DC, 0x11E8, 0x11F4: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Configuration 0 9S ep These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. ay ,1 IPAIS: io nT hu rsd The insert path AIS bits controls the insertion of Path AIS in the transmit APS stream. When IPAIS is set high, path AIS is inserted in the outgoing bus. The pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3) and the entire synchronous payload envelop (virtual container) is set to all ones. Normal operation resumes when the IPAIS bit is set low. ett OPJEE: inv ef uo fo liv The transmit APS stream pointer justification event interrupt enable bit (OPJEE) controls the activation of the interrupt output when a pointer justification is inserted in the APS stream. When OPJEE is set high, insertion of pointer justification events in the transmit APS stream will assert the INTB output. When OPJEE is set low, insertion of pointer justification events will not affect INTB. yV ESEE: Do wn loa de db The elastic store error interrupt enable bit (ESEE) controls the assertion of INTB when a FIFO underflow or overflow has been detected in the elastic store . When ESEE is set high, FIFO flow error events will assert the INTB output. When ESEE is set low, FIFO flow error events will not affect INTB. H4BYP: The tributary multiframe bypass bit (H4BYP) controls whether the H4 byte in the path overhead is over-written by an internally generated sequence. When H4BYP is set high, the H4 byte carried in the incoming stream is placed in the outgoing stream unchanged. When H4BYP is set low, the H4 byte is replaced by the sequence 'hFC, 'hFD, 'hFE and 'hFF. The phase of the four frames in the multiframe is synchronized by the IV1 pulse. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 367 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 These register bits must be set to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 368 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R ESEI X Bit 2 R PPJI X X NPJI R/W DLOP 11 02 20 r, R Bit 0 tem be Bit 1 :50 Bit :37 PM Register 0x1141, 0x114D, 0x1159, 0x1165, 0x1171, 0x117D, 0x1189, 0x1195, 0x11A1, 0x11AD, 0x11B9, 0x11C5, 0x11D1, 0x11DD, 0x11E9, 0x11F5: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Control and Interrupt Status 0 9S ep These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. ay ,1 DLOP: io nT hu rsd The diagnose loss of pointer control bit (DLOP) allows downstream pointer processing elements to be diagnosed. When DLOP is set high, the new data flag (NDF) field of the payload pointer inserted in the APS stream inverted causing downstream pointer processing elements to enter a loss of pointer (LOP) state. ett NPJI: uo fo liv The transmit APS stream negative pointer justification interrupt status bit (NPJI) is set high when the STAL inserts a negative pointer justification event on the APS stream. ef PPJI: Do wn loa de ESEI: db yV inv The transmit APS stream positive pointer justification interrupt status bit (PPJI) is set high when the STAL inserts a positive pointer justification event on the APS stream. The elastic store error interrupt status bit (ESEI) is set high when STAL detects a FIFO underflow or overflow event. Reserved: All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 369 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Default Bit 7 R Reserved X Bit 6 R Reserved X Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W ESAIS Bit 0 R/W Reserved 11 02 20 r, 0 :50 Bit tem be :37 PM Register 0x1142, 0x114E, 0x115A, 0x1166, 0x1172, 0x117E, 0x118A, 0x1196, 0x11A2, 0x11AE, 0x11BA, 0x11C6, 0x11D2, 0x11DE, 0x11EA, 0x11F6: STAL Channel #0 to #15 Alarm and Diagnostic Control 0 ay ,1 9S ep These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. rsd ESAIS: uo fo liv ett io nT hu The elastic store error path AIS insertion enable bit (ESAIS) controls the insertion of path AIS in the transmit APS stream when a FIFO underflow or overflow has been detected in the elastic store. When ESAIS is set high, detection of FIFO flow errors will cause path AIS to be inserted in the outgoing stream for at least three frames. When ESAIS is set low, path AIS is not inserted as a result of FIFO errors. ef Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 370 Type Function Bit 7 R/W Reserved Bit 6 R/W Reserved Bit 5 R/W Reserved Unused X Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 2 R/W ESEE 0 Bit 1 R/W Bit 0 R/W hu rsd ay ,1 Bit nT 9S :37 :50 11 02 20 r, ep tem be Register 0x1144, 0x1148: STAL Channel #0 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1150, 0x1154: STAL Channel #1 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x115C, 0x1160: STAL Channel #2 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1168, 0x116C: STAL Channel #3 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1174, 0x1178: STAL Channel #4 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1180, 0x1184: STAL Channel #5 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x118C, 0x1190: STAL Channel #6 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1198, 0x119C: STAL Channel #7 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11A4, 0x11A8: STAL Channel #8 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11B0, 0x11B4: STAL Channel #9 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11BC, 0x11C0: STAL Channel #10 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11C8, 0x11CC: STAL Channel #11 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11D4, 0x11D8: STAL Channel #12 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11E0, 0x11E4: STAL Channel #13 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11EC, 0x11F0: STAL Channel #14 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11F8, 0x11FC: STAL Channel #15 Slave #0, #1 Configuration PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released io Bit 4 0 0 0 OPJEE 0 IPAIS 0 ett liv Default ef uo fo These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. inv IPAIS: Do wn loa de db yV The insert path AIS bits controls the insertion of Path AIS in the transmit APS stream. When IPAIS is set high, path AIS is inserted in the outgoing bus. The pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3) and the entire synchronous payload envelop (virtual container) is set to all ones. Normal operation resumes when the IPAIS bit is set low. OPJEE: The transmit APS stream pointer justification event interrupt enable bit (OPJEE) controls the activation of the interrupt output when a pointer justification is inserted in the APS stream. When OPJEE is set high, insertion of pointer justification events in the transmit APS stream will assert the INTB output. When OPJEE is set low, insertion of pointer justification events will not affect INTB. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 371 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM ESEE: 02 11 :50 :37 The elastic store error interrupt enable bit (ESEE) controls the assertion of INTB when a FIFO underflow or overflow has been detected in the elastic store . When ESEE is set high, FIFO flow error events will assert the INTB output. When ESEE is set low, FIFO flow error events will not affect INTB. 20 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, These register bits must be set to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 372 9S :37 :50 11 02 20 ep tem be r, Register 0x1145, 0x1149: STAL Channel #0 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1151, 0x1155: STAL Channel #1 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x115D, 0x1161: STAL Channel #2 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1169, 0x116D: STAL Channel #3 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1175, 0x1179: STAL Channel #4 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1181, 0x1185: STAL Channel #5 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x118D, 0x1191: STAL Channel #6 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1199, 0x119D: STAL Channel #7 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11A5, 0x11A9: STAL Channel #8 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11B1, 0x11B5: STAL Channel #9 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11BD, 0x11C1: STAL Channel #10 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11C9, 0x11CD: STAL Channel #11 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11D5, 0x11D9: STAL Channel #12 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11E1, 0x11E5: STAL Channel #13 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11ED, 0x11F1: STAL Channel #14 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11F9, 0x11FD: STAL Channel #15 Slave #0, #1 Control and Interrupt Status PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Bit 7 R/W Reserved Bit 6 R/W Reserved Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R ESEI X Bit 2 R Bit 1 R Bit 0 R/W 0 0 X NPJI X DLOP 0 ett PPJI fo liv Default io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit ef uo These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. yV inv DLOP: Do wn loa de db The diagnose loss of pointer control bit (DLOP) allows downstream pointer processing elements to be diagnosed. When DLOP is set high, the new data flag (NDF) field of the payload pointer inserted in the APS stream inverted causing downstream pointer processing elements to enter a loss of pointer (LOP) state. NPJI: The transmit APS stream negative pointer justification interrupt status bit (NPJI) is set high when the STAL inserts a negative pointer justification event on the APS stream. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 373 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PPJI: :50 :37 The transmit APS stream positive pointer justification interrupt status bit (PPJI) is set high when the STAL inserts a positive pointer justification event on the APS stream. 11 ESEI: 20 02 The elastic store error interrupt status bit (ESEI) is set high when STAL detects a FIFO underflow or overflow event. tem be r, Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep All reserved bits must be programmed to default values for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 374 9S :37 :50 11 02 20 ep tem be r, Register 0x1146, 0x114A: STAL Channel #0 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1152, 0x1156: STAL Channel #1 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x115E, 0x1162: STAL Channel #2 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x116A, 0x116E: STAL Channel #3 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1176, 0x117A: STAL Channel #4 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x1182, 0x1186: STAL Channel #5 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x118E, 0x1192: STAL Channel #6 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x119A, 0x119E: STAL Channel #7 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11A6, 0x11AA: STAL Channel #8 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11B2, 0x11B6: STAL Channel #9 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11BE, 0x11C2: STAL Channel #10 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11CA, 0x11CE: STAL Channel #11 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11D6, 0x11DA: STAL Channel #12 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11E2, 0x11E6: STAL Channel #13 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11EE, 0x11F2: STAL Channel #14 Slave #0, #1 Register 0x11FA, 0x11FE: STAL Channel #15 Slave #0, #1 Alarm and Diagnostic Control PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Type Function Bit 7 R Reserved Bit 6 R Reserved Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W Reserved Bit 2 R/W Bit 1 R/W Bit 0 R/W io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit X X 0 0 ESAIS 0 Reserved 0 fo liv ett Reserved Default yV inv ef uo These STAL blocks perform the pointer processing required for the transmit APS interface for each channel. The other STAL blocks are slaved to these STAL blocks. db ESAIS: Do wn loa de The elastic store error path AIS insertion enable bit (ESAIS) controls the insertion of path AIS in the transmit APS stream when a FIFO underflow or overflow has been detected in the elastic store. When ESAIS is set high, detection of FIFO flow errors will cause path AIS to be inserted in the outgoing stream for at least three frames. When ESAIS is set low, path AIS is not inserted as a result of FIFO errors. Reserved: All reserved bits must be programmed to zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 375 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Test Features Description PM 12 :50 :37 Simultaneously asserting (low) the CSB, RDB and WRB inputs causes all digital output pins and the data bus to be held in a high-impedance state. This test feature may be used for board testing. 20 02 11 Test mode registers are used to apply test vectors during production testing of the S/UNI16x155. Test mode registers (as opposed to normal mode registers) are selected when TRS (A[13]) is high. tem be r, In addition, the S/UNI-16x155 also supports a standard IEEE 1149.1 five-signal JTAG boundary scan test port for use in board testing. All digital device inputs may be read and all digital device outputs may be forced via the JTAG test port. ep Table 14 Test Mode Register Memory Map Register 0x000-0x1FFF Normal Mode Registers 0x2000 Master Test Register 0x2001-0x3FFF Reserved For Production Test rsd ay ,1 9S Address nT hu 12.1 Master Test and Test Configuration Registers io Notes on Test Mode Register Bits: uo fo liv ett 1. Writing values into unused register bits has no effect. However, to ensure software compatibility with future, feature-enhanced versions of the product, unused register bits must be written with logic zero. Reading back unused bits can produce either a logic one or a logic zero; hence, unused register bits should be masked off by software when read. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef 2. Writable test mode register bits are not initialized upon reset unless otherwise noted. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 376 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 0 Reserved 0 Bit 5 W PMCATST X Bit 4 W PMCTST X Bit 3 W DBCTRL X Reserved 0 W HIZDATA X Bit 0 R/W HIZIO 0 tem be Bit 1 :37 BYPASS W :50 R/W Bit 6 11 Bit 7 Bit 2 Default 02 Function 20 Type r, Bit PM Register 0x2000: Master Test Register 9S ep This register is used to enable S/UNI-16x155 test features. All bits, except PMCTST, PMCATST and BYPASS are reset to zero by a reset of the S/UNI-16x155 using either the RSTB input or the Master Reset register. PMCTST are reset when CSB is high. PMCTST and PMCATST can also be reset by writing a logic zero to the corresponding register bit. ay ,1 HIZIO, HIZDATA: ett io nT hu rsd The HIZIO and HIZDATA bits control the tri-state modes of the S/UNI-16x155. While the HIZIO bit is a logic one, all output pins of the S/UNI-16x155 except the data bus and output TDO are held tri-state. The microprocessor interface is still active. While the HIZDATA bit is a logic one, the data bus is also held in a high-impedance state which inhibits microprocessor read cycles. The HIZDATA bit is overridden by the DBCTRL bit. liv DBCTRL: Do wn loa de PMCTST: db yV inv ef uo fo The DBCTRL bit is used to pass control of the data bus drivers to the CSB pin. When the DBCTRL bit is set to logic one and PMCTST is set to logic one, the CSB pin controls the output enable for the data bus. While the DBCTRL bit is set, holding the CSB pin high causes the S/UNI-16x155 to drive the data bus and holding the CSB pin low tri-states the data bus. The DBCTRL bit overrides the HIZDATA bit. The DBCTRL bit is used to measure the drive capability of the data bus driver pads. The PMCTST bit is used to configure the S/UNI-16x155 for PMC's manufacturing tests. When PMCTST is set to logic one, the S/UNI-16x155 microprocessor port becomes the test access port used to run the PMC "canned" manufacturing test vectors. The PMCTST bit can be cleared by setting CSB to logic one and RSTB to logic zero or by writing logic zero to the bit. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 377 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM PMCATST: 11 :50 :37 The PMCATST bit is used to configure the analog portion of the S/UNI-16x155 for PMC's manufacturing tests. The PMCTST bit can be cleared by setting CSB to logic one and RSTB to logic zero or by writing logic zero to the bit. 20 02 BYPASS: tem be r, The BYPASS bit forces the reference clock (REFCLK) to directly clock the channel’s parallel-to-serial converter to generate the serial transmit stream (TXD+/-). BYPASS is available for PMC manufacturing test purposes only. 9S ep The CSU is not held in reset when BYPASS is high. The CSU may be held in reset by asserting the CSURESET register in the CSPI block. ay ,1 Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd The reserved bit must be programmed to logic zero for proper operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 378 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 12.2 JTAG Test Port 02 11 :50 :37 The JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) allows access to the TAP controller and the 4 TAP registers: instruction, bypass, device identification and boundary scan. Using the TAP, device input logic levels can be read, device outputs can be forced, the device can be identified and the device scan path can be bypassed. For more details on the JTAG port, please refer to the Operations section. 20 Table 15 Instruction Register (Length - 3 bits) Selected Register Instruction Codes, IR[2:0] EXTEST Boundary Scan 000 IDCODE Identification 001 SAMPLE Boundary Scan 010 BYPASS Bypass 011 100 Boundary Scan 101 BYPASS Bypass BYPASS Bypass tem be ep Bypass STCTEST ,1 9S BYPASS r, Instructions ay 110 rsd 111 hu Table 16 S/UNI-16x155 Identification Register nT Length Part Number liv Manufacturer's Identification Code ett io Version Number fo Device Identification 32 bits 0x0 0x5382 0x0CD 0x153820CD uo Table 17 S/UNI-16x155 Boundary Scan Register Register Bit Device I.D. 220 IN_CELL 0 219 IN_CELL 0 218 IN_CELL 0 217 IN_CELL 0 216 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[27] 215 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[24] 214 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[26] 213 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[23] 212 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[21] 211 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[22] 210 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[20] 209 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[19] 208 IN_CELL 1 inv TDAT[31] Cell Type Do wn loa de ef Pin/Enable yV TDAT[29] TDAT[28] TDAT[25] db TDAT[30] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 379 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 207 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[17] 206 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[16] 205 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[15] 204 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[14] 203 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[12] 202 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[13] 201 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[11] 200 IN_CELL TDAT[10] 199 IN_CELL TDAT[9] 198 IN_CELL TDAT[7] 197 IN_CELL TDAT[8] 196 IN_CELL TDAT[6] 195 IN_CELL TDAT[5] 194 IN_CELL TDAT[4] 193 IN_CELL 0 TDAT[3] 192 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[2] 191 IN_CELL 1 TDAT[1] 190 IN_CELL 0 185 TEOP 184 STPA 183 20 r, tem be ep 9S ,1 ay 0 0 0 1 1 0 IN_CELL 1 IN_CELL - IN_CELL - IN_CELL - OUT_CELL - TCA_PTPA 182 OUT_CELL - TMOD[0] ef IN_CELL IN_CELL 181 IN_CELL - 180 IN_CELL - 179 IN_CELL - 178 IN_CELL - 177 IN_CELL - Do wn loa de uo TSOC_TSOP 0 rsd 186 hu TSX nT 187 io TERR ett 188 liv 189 TPRTY fo TDAT[0] 02 TDAT[18] 176 IN_CELL - TADR[0] 175 IN_CELL - TFCLK 174 IN_CELL - RDAT[31] 173 OUT_CELL - RDAT[30] 172 OUT_CELL - RDAT[29] 171 OUT_CELL - RDAT[28] 170 OUT_CELL - RDAT[27] 169 OUT_CELL - RDAT[26] 168 OUT_CELL - inv TMOD[1] yV TENB TADR[2] TADR[1] db TADR[3] PM Device I.D. :37 Cell Type :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 380 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 167 OUT_CELL - RDAT[24] 166 OUT_CELL - RDAT[23] 165 OUT_CELL - RDAT[22] 164 OUT_CELL - RDAT[21] 163 OUT_CELL - RDAT[20] 162 OUT_CELL - RDAT[19] 161 OUT_CELL - RDAT[18] 160 OUT_CELL RDAT[17] 159 OUT_CELL RDAT[16] 158 OUT_CELL RDAT[15] 157 OUT_CELL RDAT[14] 156 OUT_CELL RDAT[13] 155 OUT_CELL - RDAT[12] 154 OUT_CELL - RDAT[11] 153 OUT_CELL - RDAT[10] 152 OUT_CELL - RDAT[9] 151 OUT_CELL - RDAT[8] 150 OUT_CELL - RDAT[7] 149 OUT_CELL - RDAT[6] 148 OUT_CELL - RDAT[5] 147 OUT_CELL - RDAT[4] 146 OUT_CELL - RDAT[3] 145 OUT_CELL - RDAT[2] 144 OUT_CELL - RDAT[0] 143 OUT_CELL - 02 RDAT[25] - 142 OUT_CELL - RPRTY ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 - RDAT[1] 141 OUT_CELL - 140 OUT_CELL - 139 OUT_CELL - 138 OUT_CELL - 137 OUT_CELL - 136 OUT_CELL - RMOD[0] 135 OUT_CELL - RCA_RVAL 134 OUT_CELL - RENB 133 IN_CELL - RADR[3] 132 IN_CELL - RADR[2] 131 IN_CELL - RADR[1] 130 IN_CELL - RFCLK 129 IN_CELL - RADR[0] 128 IN_CELL - RERR Do wn loa de RMOD[1] db RSX yV RSOC_RSOP inv REOP PM Device I.D. :37 Cell Type :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 381 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released OUT_CELL - RDCLK[0] 126 OUT_CELL - TDCLK[0] 125 OUT_CELL - TDCC[0] 124 IN_CELL - 123 IN_CELL - TDCLK[1] 122 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[1] 121 OUT_CELL - RDCC[1] 120 OUT_CELL 02 TDCC[1] 20 - 119 OUT_CELL RDCLK[2] 118 OUT_CELL TDCLK[2] 117 OUT_CELL TDCC[2] 116 IN_CELL TDCC[3] 115 IN_CELL TDCLK[3] 114 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[3] 113 OUT_CELL - - - 112 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[4] 111 OUT_CELL - RDCC[4] 110 OUT_CELL - 104 RDCLK[6] 103 rsd 105 RDCC[5] hu RDCLK[5] nT 106 io TDCLK[5] ett 107 liv TDCC[5] fo 108 uo 109 TDCLK[4] ay RDCC[3] ,1 9S ep tem be r, RDCC[2] TDCC[4] IN_CELL - OUT_CELL - IN_CELL - OUT_CELL - OUT_CELL - OUT_CELL - OUT_CELL - 102 OUT_CELL - TDCC[6] 101 IN_CELL - 100 OUT_CELL - 99 IN_CELL - ef RDCC[6] inv TDCLK[6] yV TDCC[7] 98 OUT_CELL - 97 OUT_CELL - 96 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[8] 95 OUT_CELL - RDCC[8] 94 OUT_CELL - TDCC[8] 93 IN_CELL - TDCLK[8] 92 OUT_CELL - TDCC[9] 91 IN_CELL - TDCLK[9] 90 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[9] 89 OUT_CELL - RDCC[9] 88 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[7] Do wn loa de RDCC[7] db TDCLK[7] PM 127 Device I.D. :37 RDCC[0] Cell Type :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 382 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Cell Type Device I.D. OUT_CELL - RDCC[10] 86 OUT_CELL - TDCC[10] 85 IN_CELL - TDCLK[10] 84 OUT_CELL - 83 IN_CELL - TDCLK[11] 82 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[11] 81 OUT_CELL - RDCC[11] 80 OUT_CELL RDCLK[12] 79 OUT_CELL RDCC[12] 78 OUT_CELL TDCC[12] 77 IN_CELL TDCLK[12] 76 OUT_CELL TDCC[13] 75 IN_CELL TDCLK[13] 74 OUT_CELL - RDCLK[13] 73 OUT_CELL - 02 TDCC[11] - - OUT_CELL - 71 OUT_CELL - RDCC[14] 70 OUT_CELL - IN_CELL - OUT_CELL - 65 RDCC[15] 64 OUT_CELL - OUT_CELL - POS_ATMB 63 IN_CELL - SPECLV APECLV 62 IN_CELL - 61 IN_CELL - 60 IN_CELL - 59 OUT_CELL - 58 OUT_CELL - 57 OUT_CELL - 56 OUT_CELL - RALRM[11] 55 OUT_CELL - RALRM[10] 54 OUT_CELL - RALRM[9] 53 OUT_CELL - RALRM[8] 52 OUT_CELL - RALRM[7] 51 OUT_CELL - RALRM[6] 50 OUT_CELL - RALRM[5] 49 OUT_CELL - RALRM[4] 48 OUT_CELL - ef inv SDTTL yV RALRM[15] RALRM[12] db RALRM[14] RALRM[13] nT RDCLK[15] io 66 ett TDCLK[15] liv 67 fo TDCC[15] uo 68 hu IN_CELL OUT_CELL Do wn loa de 69 TDCLK[14] rsd 72 RDCLK[14] ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 - RDCC[13] TDCC[14] PM 87 :37 RDCLK[10] :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 383 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 47 OUT_CELL - RALRM[2] 46 OUT_CELL - RALRM[1] 45 OUT_CELL - RALRM[0] 44 OUT_CELL - RSTB 43 IN_CELL - TFPI 42 IN_CELL - TFPO 41 OUT_CELL - TCLK 40 OUT_CELL RCLK 39 OUT_CELL RFPO 38 OUT_CELL INTB_EN 37 OUT_CELL 02 RALRM[3] tem be r, 20 - - - 36 OUT_CELL D[7] 35 IO_CELL D_7_EN 34 OUT_CELL - D[6] 33 IO_CELL - - 32 OUT_CELL - D[5] 31 IO_CELL - D_5_EN 30 OUT_CELL - D[3] 29 D_3_EN 28 D[4] 27 D_4_EN 26 D[2] 25 D_2_EN 24 D[1] 23 uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay D_6_EN ,1 9S ep INTB IO_CELL - OUT_CELL - IO_CELL - OUT_CELL - IO_CELL - OUT_CELL - IO_CELL - 22 OUT_CELL - D[0] 21 IO_CELL - 20 OUT_CELL - 19 IN_CELL - ef D_1_EN inv D_0_EN yV ALE 18 IN_CELL - 17 IN_CELL - 16 IN_CELL - A[13] 15 IN_CELL - A[12] 14 IN_CELL - A[11] 13 IN_CELL - A[10] 12 IN_CELL - A[9] 11 IN_CELL - A[8] 10 IN_CELL - A[7] 9 IN_CELL - A[6] 8 IN_CELL - RDB Do wn loa de CSB db WRB PM Device I.D. :37 Cell Type :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 384 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 7 IN_CELL - A[5] 6 IN_CELL - A[2] 5 IN_CELL - A[4] 4 IN_CELL - A[1] 3 IN_CELL - A[0] 2 IN_CELL - HIZ 1 OUT_CELL - TAP Input TDO TAP Output TRSTB TAP Input r, TAP Input TDI - - ep TMS - 20 TAP Input tem be TCK 02 A[3] PM Device I.D. :37 Cell Type :50 Register Bit 11 Pin/Enable 9S Notes: Enable “pinname_EN” tristates pin “pinname” when set high. 2. HIZ is the active low output enable for all OUT_CELL types except D[7:0] and INTB. 3. TDAT[31] is the first bit of the boundary scan chain closest to the TDI TAP input. rsd ay ,1 1. hu 12.2.1 Boundary Scan Cells liv ett io nT In the following diagrams, CLOCK-DR is equal to TCK when the current controller state is SHIFT-DR or CAPTURE-DR, and unchanging otherwise. The multiplexer in the center of the diagram selects one of four inputs, depending on the status of select lines G1 and G2. The ID Code bit is as listed in the Boundary Scan Register table located above. fo Figure 11 Input Observation Cell (IN_CELL) uo IDCODE ef Scan Chain Out db yV inv Input Pad Do wn loa de SHIFT-DR I.D. Code bit INPUT to internal logic G1 G2 12 1 2 MUX 12 12 D C CLOCK-DR Scan Chain In Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 385 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 12 Output Cell (OUT_CELL) Scan Chain Out 20 SHIFT-DR 02 G1 G2 IDOODE OUTPUT or Enable MUX 1 D D C C 9S ep CLOCK-DR UPDATE-DR tem be 1 2 MUX 1 2 1 2 r, 1 2 I.D. code bit :50 1 11 Output or Enable from system logic :37 G1 EXTEST ,1 Scan Chain In rsd ay Figure 13 Bidirectional Cell (IO_CELL) nT hu Scan Chain Out io EXTEST ett OUTPUT from internal logic G2 OUTPUT to pin inv yV D C D C Do wn loa de db CLOCK-DR UPDATE-DR 12 1 2 MUX 12 12 ef INPUT from pin I.D. code bit MUX 1 uo SHIFT-DR liv G1 1 fo IDCODE G1 INPUT to internal logic Scan Chain In Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 386 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 14 Layout of Output Enable and Bidirectional Cells OUTPUT ENABLE from internal logic (0 = drive) :37 Scan Chain Out INPUT to internal logic OUTPUT from internal logic 02 11 :50 OUT_CELL IO_CELL tem be r, 20 I/O PAD Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Scan Chain In Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 387 13 Operation :37 13.1 SONET/SDH Frame Mappings and Overhead Byte Usage PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 13.1.1 ATM Mapping 270 Bytes 261 Bytes ,1 Transport Overhead ATM Cell ay J1 Section Overhead rsd B3 C2 Pointer F2 ATM Cell 9 Bytes nT H4 hu G1 Line Overhead ep 9S Figure 15 ATM Mapping into the STS-3c/STM-1 SPE tem be r, 20 02 11 The S/UNI-16x155 processes the ATM cell mapping for STS-3c/STM-1 as shown below in Figure 15. The S/UNI-16x155 processes the transport and path overhead required to support ATM UNIs and NNIs. In addition, the S/UNI-16x155 provides support for the APS bytes, the data communication channels and provides full control and observability of the transport and path overhead bytes through register access. In Figure 15, the STS-3c/STM-1 mapping is shown. In this mapping, three stuff columns are included in the SPE. No other options are provided. Z3 Z4 ATM Cell liv ett io Z5 fo 13.1.2 Packet over SONET/SDH Mapping db yV inv ef uo The S/UNI-16x155 processes the Packet over SONET/SDH mapping for STS-3c/STM-1 as shown below in Figure 16. The S/UNI-16x155 processes the transport and path overhead required to support Packet over SONET/SDH applications. In addition, the S/UNI-16x155 provides support for the APS bytes, the data communication channels and provides full control and observability of the transport and path overhead bytes through register access. In Figure 16, the STS-3c/STM-1 mapping is shown. In this mapping, the entire SPE is used for POS Frames. Do wn loa de Figure 16 POS Mapping into the STS-3c/STM-1 SPE 270 Bytes 261 Bytes Transport Overhead Section Overhead Pointer J1 C2 G1 F2 Line Overhead POS Frame B3 9 Bytes POS Frame H4 Z3 POS Frame Z4 Z5 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 POS Frame 388 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 13.1.3 APS Interface Mapping 11 :50 :37 The APS serial interfaces are used to pass SONET/SDH STS-3c/STM-1 path information between two S/UNI-16x155 devices using four 622.08 Mbit/s STS-12/STM-4 interfaces. Each APS interface passes the path overhead and payload of four channels transparently over the link. The section overhead contains valid A1, A2, B1, D1, D2 and D3 bytes. The Line overhead is invalid. Figure 17 shows the mapping. r, 20 02 When the APS interface is carrying a transmit path being bridged, the pointer is determined by the source Transmit Path Overhead Processor (TPOP). The path overhead is inserted by the source TPOP and is passed transparently across the APS interface. 9S ep tem be When the APS interface is carrying a receive path being protected, the pointer is determined by the receive pointer value and the frequency offset between the reference clock REFCLK and the receive serial interface. The STAL blocks perform pointer manipulation to ensure the payload and path overhead are passed transparently. ,1 Figure 17 APS Mapping into the STS-12/STM-4 SPE 1044 Bytes J1 B3 H4 C2 Z3 G1 Z4 F2 Z5 H4 C2 G1 F2 J1 H4 Z5 Z4 G1 F2 STS-3c/STM-1 Path Payload H4 9 Bytes Z3 Z4 Z5 inv ef uo fo Z5 Payload C2 liv Z3 261 Bytes B3 Z3 Z4 nT B3 io J1 F2 ett G1 hu B3 C2 Pointers rsd J1 Section Overhead ay 1080 Bytes Transport Overhead yV 13.1.4 Transport and Path Overhead Bytes Do wn loa de db Under normal operating conditions, the S/UNI-16x155 processes a subset of the complete transport overhead present in an STS-3c/STM-1 stream. The byte positions processed by the S/UNI-16x155 are indicated in Figure 18. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 389 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 18 STS-3c/STM-1 Overhead A2 A2 D1 J0 D2 H1 H1 H2 B2 B2 B2 K1 K2 H2 H2 H3 D6 D4 D5 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 Z1 Z1 Z2 Z0 H3 H3 D3 H1 S1 Z0 F1 :50 E1 Z2 M1 11 A2 02 A1 20 A1 B1 E2 r, A1 :37 STS-3c Transport Overhead STM-1 Section Overhead tem be 13.1.5 Transport Overhead Bytes 9S ep A1, A2: The frame alignment bytes (A1, A2) locate the SONET/SDH frame in the STS3c/STM-1 serial stream. ay ,1 J0: The J0 byte is currently defined as the STS-3c/STM-1 section trace byte for SONET/SDH. J0 byte is not scrambled by the frame synchronous scrambler. hu rsd Z0: The Z0 bytes are currently defined as the STS-3c/STM-1 section growth bytes for SONET/SDH. Z0 bytes are not scrambled by the frame synchronous scrambler. fo liv ett io nT B1: The section bit interleaved parity byte provides a section error monitoring function. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B1 byte over all bits of the previous frame after scrambling. The calculated code is then placed in the current frame before scrambling. In the receive direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B1 code over the current frame and compares this calculation with the B1 byte received in the following frame. B1 errors are accumulated in an error event counter. yV inv ef uo D1 - D3: The section data communications channel provides a 192 kbit/s data communications channel for network element to network element communications. In the transmit direction, the section DCC byte is inserted from a dedicated 192 kbit/s input, TDCC[15:0], when the channel is configured for section DCC. In the receive direction, the section DCC is extracted on a dedicated 192 kbit/s output, RDCC[15:0], when the channel is configured for section DCC. Do wn loa de db H1, H2: The pointer value bytes locate the path overhead column in the SONET/SDH frame. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 inserts a fixed pointer value, with a normal new data flag indication in the first H1-H2 pair. The concatenation indication is inserted in the remaining H1-H2 pairs (STS-3c/STM-1). Pointer movements can be induced using the TPOP registers. In the receive direction, the pointer is interpreted to locate the SPE. The loss of pointer state is entered when a valid pointer cannot be found. Path AIS is detected when H1, H2 contain an all ones pattern. H3: The pointer action bytes contain synchronous payload envelope data when a negative stuff event occurs. The all zeros pattern is inserted in the transmit direction. This byte is ignored in the receive direction unless a negative stuff event is detected. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 390 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :37 PM B2: The line bit interleaved parity bytes provide a line error monitoring function. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B2 values. The calculated code is then placed in the next frame. In the receive direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B2 code over the current frame and compares this calculation with the B2 code receive in the following frame. Receive B2 errors are accumulated in an error event counter. tem be r, 20 02 11 K1, K2: The K1 and K2 bytes provide the automatic protection switching channel. The K2 byte is also used to identify line layer maintenance signals. Line RDI is indicated when bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte are set to the pattern '110'. Line AIS is indicated when bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte are set to the pattern '111'. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 provides register control for the K1 and K2 bytes. In the receive direction, the S/UNI-16x155 provides register access to the filtered APS channel. Protection switch byte failure alarm detection is provided. The K2 byte is examined to determine the presence of the line AIS, or the line RDI maintenance signals. ay ,1 9S ep D4 - D12: The line data communications channel provides a 576 kbit/s data communications channel for network element to network element communications. In the transmit direction, the line DCC byte is inserted from a dedicated 576 kbit/s input, TDCC[15:0], when the channel is configured for line DCC. In the receive direction, the line DCC is extracted on a dedicated 576 kbit/s output, RDCC[15:0], when the channel is configured for line DCC. ett io nT hu rsd S1: The S1 byte provides the synchronization status byte. Bits 5 through 8 of the synchronization status byte identifies the synchronization source of the STS-3c/STM-1 signal. Bits 1 through 4 are currently undefined. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 provides register control for the synchronization status byte. In the receive direction, the S/UNI-16x155 provides register access to the synchronization status byte. The SSTB block also provides circuitry to detect synchronization status mismatch and unstable alarms. uo fo liv Z1: The Z1 bytes are located in the second and third STS-1’s locations of an STS-3c/STM-1 and are allocated for future growth. inv ef M1: The M1 byte is located in the third STS-1 locations of a STS-3c/STM-1 and provides a line far end block error function for remote performance monitoring. Do wn loa de db yV Z2: The Z2 bytes are located in the first and second STS-1’s locations of a STS-3c/STM-1 and are allocated for future growth. In the transmit direction, Z2 byte is internally generated. The number of B2 errors detected in the previous interval is inserted. In the receive direction, a legal Z2 byte value is added to the line FEBE event counter. 13.1.6 Path Overhead Bytes J1: The Path Trace byte is used to repetitively transmit a 64-byte CLLI message (for SONET/SDH networks), or a 16-byte E.164 address (for SDH networks). When not used, this byte should be set to transmit continuous null characters. Null is defined as the ASCII code, 0x00. In the transmit direction, characters can be inserted using the TPOP Path Trace register or the SPTB block. The register is the default selection and resets to 0x00 to enable the transmission of NULL characters from a reset state. In the receive direction, the path trace message is optionally extracted into the 16 or 64 byte path trace message buffer. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 391 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 :37 PM B3: The path bit interleaved parity byte provides a path error monitoring function. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B3 bytes. The calculated code is then placed in the next frame. In the receive direction, the S/UNI-16x155 calculates the B3 code and compares this calculation with the B3 byte received in the next frame. B3 errors are accumulated in an error event counter. tem be r, 20 02 11 C2: The path signal label indicator identifies the equipped payload type. For ATM payloads, the identification code is 0x13. For Packet over SONET/SDH (including X43+1 payload scrambling), the identification code is 0x16. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 inserts the value 0x13 or 0x16 using the TPOP Path Signal Label register. In the receive direction, the code is available in the RPOP Path Signal Label register. In addition, the SPTB block also provides circuitry to detect path signal label mismatch and unstable alarms. hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep G1: The path status byte provides a path FEBE function, and a path remote defect indication function. Three bits are allocated for remote defect indications: bit 5 (the path RD I bit), bit 6 (the auxiliary path RDI bit) and bit 7 (Enhanced RDI bit). Taken together these bits provide a eight state path RDI code that can be used to categorize path defect indications. In the transmit direction, the S/UNI-16x155 provides register bits to control the path RDI (bit 5) and auxiliary path RDI (bit 6) states. For path FEBE, the number of B3 errors detected in the previous interval is inserted either automatically or using a register. This path FEBE code has 9 legal values, namely 0 to 8 errors. In the receive direction, a legal path FEBE value is accumulated in the path FEBE event counter. In addition, the path RDI and auxiliary path RDI signal states are available in internal registers. ett io nT H4: The multi-frame indicator byte is a payload specific byte, and is not used for ATM payloads. This byte is forced to 0x00 in the transmit direction, and is ignored in the receive direction. fo liv Z3 - Z5: The path growth bytes provide three unused bytes for future use. uo 13.2 UTOPIA Level 3 ATM Cell Data Structure yV inv ef ATM cells on the Level 3 interface use either a 52 word, 32-bit UTOPIA Level 3 compliant data structure or a 56 word, 32-bit UTOPIA Level 3 compliant data structure. The data structures are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20. Do wn loa de db For the 52 byte ATM cell structure, bit 31 of each word is the most significant bit (which corresponds to the first bit transmitted). The HCS octet (H5) is not contained in this structure and is generated by the Transmit Cell Processor (TXCP). The start of cell indications (TSOC and RSOC) are coincident with word 1 of the structure. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 392 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 8 Bit 7 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Word 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Word 4 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Word 5 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Word 13 Byte 45 Byte 46 :37 Word 2 Bit 0 H4 Byte 4 :50 H3 Byte 7 Byte 11 Byte 15 Byte 47 Byte 48 9S ep tem be r, 20 H2 11 Bit 24 Bit 23 H1 02 Bit 31 Word 1 PM Figure 19 32-bit Wide, 52 Byte ATM Cell Structure hu rsd ay ,1 For the 56 byte ATM cell structure, bit 31 of each word is the most significant bit (which corresponds to the first bit transmitted). The HCS octet (H5) and HCS control bytes are passed through this structure to the TXCP block. The UDF bytes are ignored by the TUL3. The start of cell indications (TSOC and RSOC) are coincident with word 1 of the structure. io nT Figure 20 32-bit wide, 56 Byte ATM Cell Structure Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 0 H2 H3 H4 HCS Control UDF UDF Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 inv Bit 31 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 46 Byte 47 Byte 48 H1 Word 2 H5 Word 3 Byte 1 Word 4 Byte 4 Word 5 Word 6 Byte 12 Do wn loa de db yV ef uo fo liv ett Word 1 Word 14 Byte 45 13.3 POS-PHY Level 3 Data Structures The 16-bit POS-PHY Level 3 packet data structure is shown in Figure 21. The packet length of 109 bytes is chosen arbitrarily for illustrative purposes only. Other lengths are acceptable. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 393 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :37 PM Bit 31 of each word is the most significant bit (which corresponds to the first bit transmitted). Octets are written in the same order they are to be transmitted on the SONET line. The start of the packet is marked with TSOP/RSOP set high and the end of the packet is marked with TEOP/REOP set high. All words are composed of four octets, except the last word of a packet, which can have one, two, three or four bytes of valid data, determined by the TMOD[1:0]/RMOD[1:0] signals. Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 16 Bit 15 Byte 1 Byte 2 Word 2 Byte 5 Byte 6 Word 3 Byte 9 Byte 10 Word 4 Byte 13 Byte 14 Word 5 Byte 17 Word 6 Byte 21 Word 28 Byte 109 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 0 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 22 Byte 23 Byte 24 XX XX 9S ep Word 1 XX A 109 Byte Packet inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 Bit 31 tem be Figure 21 32-bit wide, 109 Byte Packet Data Structure r, 20 02 Both the start and the end of the packet are identified by the TSOP/RSOP and TEOP/REOP signals. In transmit direction, all packets marked with TERR and TEOP will be appended by the HDLC abort sequence by the TXFP block. In the receive direction, HDLC aborted packets, invalid packets, illegal length packets are marked by RERR and REOP. Do wn loa de db yV When transferring ATM cells over the POS-PHY Level 3 interface, the UTOPIA ATM cell structures are used. The CELLFORM register bit defines the size of the ATM cell structure when a channel is configured for ATM traffic in POS-PHY operation. A single ATM cell structure may be transferred in multiple interface data bursts less than 52/56 bytes in size. The first word of the ATM cell structure is marked by TSOP/RSOP and the last word of the structure is marked by TEOP/REOP. In the transmit direction, the ATM cell will be transmitted when the entire ATM cell structure is received. In the receive direction, the ATM cell structures will contain complete ATM cells. The TERR signal must be low at all times for the channel. RERR signal will be low at all times for the channel. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 394 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 02 11 :50 :37 PM Last DWORD of an ATM cell is trapped in RUL3 FIFO for 52 bytes cell structure, if RUL3 TRAN is set to 4 , 8, 12, 16 or 24 bytes. For 56 bytes cell structure, the last DWORD of ATM cell will be trapped if RUL3 TRAN is set to 4 bytes. TMOD is ignored for channels carrying ATM traffic. When a packet is 1, 2, or 3 bytes smaller than the correct size for a PHY configured for ATM cells (52/56 bytes), the entire last word on the POS-PHY Level 3 interface is used as part of the cell, regardless of the state of the TMOD pins. In this case, no errors are reported by the S/UNI-16x155. Incorrectly sized cells, other than 1,2, or 3 bytes smaller than 52 or 56, cause a TSOCI to assert. 20 13.4 Setting ATM Mode of Operation tem be r, The following sequence of operation should be used to prepare the device for the ATM operation. 9S ep 1. Input pin POS_ATMB should be tied low to enable ATM operation. This pin can be overridden in software by writing a logic one to the L3MODEINV bits in the TUL3 (register 0x1010) and RUL3 (register 0x1020). rsd ay ,1 When using the software override feature, these bits must be set after step (2), as resetting the device restores the registers to their default values. This feature is useful for building a single PHY card that can be configured in software as a POS or ATM card. nT hu 2. Reset the device. This can be done by asserting the RSTB pin or setting the RESET bit in the Master Reset and ID Register (Register 0x000). liv ett io 3. If the TFCLK and RFCLK clock inputs are not stable clocks, wait until these clock inputs stabilize. Reset the DLL units associated with each clock input (write 0x00 to registers 0x1032 and 0x1036 respectively). inv ef uo fo 4. Reset the receive and transmit FIFO’s by setting the FIFORST register bits in the TUL3 (register 0x1010), RUL3 (register 0x1020) and each TXCP (offset 0x080) and RXCP (offset 0x062) blocks. Keep these bits set for at least 1 ms, then set the bit back to its inactive logic zero value. db yV 5. Set the path signal label C2 byte (offset 0x048 and offset 0x054) to 0x13 to identify ATM payload data. Do wn loa de 6. Reset the performance monitoring counters by writing a logic zero to the Master Reset and Identity register (Register 0x00). TIP remains high as the performance monitoring registers are loaded, and is set to a logic zero when the transfer is complete. 7. Bit 4 in registers 0x062 (and offset registers) must be set low for UTOPIA Level 3 normal mode operation. 8. The PATM bits in the RUL3 and TUL3 Channel Mode Configuration registers (0x1028, 0x1029, 0x102A, 0x102B, 0x1019, 0x101A, 0x101B and 0x101C) should be set accordingly. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 395 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 13.5 Setting Packet-Over-SONET/SDH Mode of Operation :37 The following sequence of operation should be used to prepare the device for the Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) operation. 02 11 :50 1. Input pin POS_ATMB should be tied high to enable POS operation. This pin can be overridden in software by writing a logic one to the L3MODEINV bits in the TUL3 (register 0x1010) and RUL3 (register 0x1020). tem be r, 20 When using the software override feature, these bits must be set after step (2), as resetting the device restores the registers to their default values. This feature is useful for building a single PHY card that can be configured in software as a POS or ATM card. ep 2. Reset the device. This can be done by asserting the RSTB pin or setting the RESET bit in the Master Reset and ID Register (Register 0x000). ay ,1 9S 3. If the TFCLK and RFCLK clock inputs are not stable clocks, wait until these clock inputs stablize. Reset the DLL units associated with each clock input (write 0x00 to registers 0x1032 and 0x1036 respectively). nT hu rsd 4. Reset the receive and transmit FIFO’s by setting the FIFORST register bits in the TUL3 (register 0x1010), RUL3 (register 0x1020) and each TXFP (offset 0x0C1) and RXFP (offset 0x0A0) blocks. Keep these bits set for at least 1 ms, then set the bit back to its inactive logic zero value. ett io 5. Set the path signal label C2 byte (offset 0x048 and offset 0x054) to 0x16 to identify POS payload data. uo fo liv 6. Reset the performance monitoring counters by writing a logic zero to the Master Reset and Identity register (Register 0x00). TIP remains high as the performance monitoring registers are loaded, and is set to a logic zero when the transfer is complete. db yV inv ef In order to avoid frequent TXFP underrun, the recommended TXFP and TUL3 setting in bytes are: TXFP TIL=192 bytes, TXFP LWM=200 bytes (register 0x0C3 and offset), TXFP HWM=204 bytes (register 0x0C4 and offset), TUL3 LWM=96 bytes, TUL3 HWM=172 bytes, TUL3 burst=32 bytes. Do wn loa de 13.6 Setting SONET or SDH Mode of Operation The SONET and SDH standard for optical networking are very similar with only minor difference in overhead processing. The main difference between the SONET (Bellcore GR-253CORE) and SDH (ITU.707) standards lies in the handling of some of the overhead bytes. Other details, like framing and data payload mappings are equivalent in SONET and SDH. The bit error rate (BER) monitoring requirements are also slightly different between SONET and SDH. An application note, PMC-950820, explains the different parameters in detail for the RASE block. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 396 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 18 Settings for SONET or SDH Operation SONET SDH SDH_J0/Z0 (register offset 0x004) 0 X ENSS (register offset 0x03D) 0 1 Path LEN16 (register offset 0x028) 0 1 Section LEN16 (register offset 0x050) 0 S[1:0] (register offset 0x46) 00 11 02 20 r, 1 10 tem be Notes: :50 Configuration Registers :37 PM The list below shows the various register setting to configure the S/UNI-16x155 for either SONET or SDH operation. SONET requires Z0 bytes to be set to the number corresponding to the STS-1 column number. SDH consider those bytes reserved. 2. When forcing a constant Z0 pattern (SDH_J0/ZO is high), the Z0 bytes must be DC balanced (approximately the same number of ones and zeros) as the bytes are not scrambled. Failure to do so may cause downstream clock recovery to lose lock. 3. SONET uses 64 byte trace messages while SDH used 16 byte trace messages. 4. SDH specification requires the detector of SS bits to be “10”. 5. The SS bits are undefined for SONET, but must be set to “10” for SDH. hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep 1. nT 13.7 Bit Error Rate Monitor liv ett io The S/UN-16x155 provides two BERM blocks per channel. One can be dedicated to monitor at the Signal Degrade (SD) error rate and the other dedicated to monitor at the Signal Fail (SF) error rate for the channel. db yV inv ef uo fo The Bit Error Rate Monitor (BERM) block counts and monitor line BIP errors over programmable periods of time (window size). It can monitor to declare an alarm or to clear it if the alarm is already set. A different threshold and accumulation period must be used to declare or clear the alarm, whether or not those two operations are not performed at the same BER. The following table list the recommended content of the BERM registers for different error rates (BER). Both BERMs in the TSB are equivalent and are programmed similarly. In a normal application they will be set to monitor different BER. Do wn loa de When the SF/SD CMODE bit is set to one, the clearing monitoring is recommended to be performed using a window size that is 8 times longer than the declaration window size. When the SF/SD CMODE bit is set to zero, the clearing monitoring is recommended to be performed using a window size equal to the declaration window size. In all cases, the clearing threshold is calculated for a BER that is 10 times lower than the declaration BER, as required in the references. The table indicates the declare BER and evaluation period only. The saturation threshold is not listed in the table, and should be programmed with the value 0xFFF by default, deactivating saturation. Saturation capabilities are provided to allow the user to address issues associated with error bursts. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 397 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 19 Recommended BERM settings :37 PM For additional information, please refer to the BERM application note (PMC-950820) for more detailed information. Declare Evals / BER Second SF/SD SMODE SF/SD CMODE SF/SD SAP SF/SD DTH STS-3c 10-3 0.008 0 0 0x000008 0x245 0x083 STS-3c 10-4 0.013 0 1 0x00000D 0x0A3 0x0B4 STS-3c 10-5 0.100 0 1 0x000064 0x084 0x08E STS-3c 10-6 1.000 0 1 0x0003E8 0x085 0x08E STS-3c 10-7 10.000 0 1 0x002710 0x085 0x08E STS-3c 10-8 83.000 0 1 0x014438 0x06D 0x077 STS-3c 10-9 667.000 0 1 0x055 0x061 ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 STS ,1 13.8 Auto Alarm Control Configuration 9S 0x0A2D78 SF/SD CTH nT hu rsd ay The S/UNI-16x155 supports the automatic generation of transmit alarm information based on the detected receive alarms. This functionality is controlled by the master AUTOxx register bits in channel register offset 0x002 and the Auto Path and Line Configuration channel register offsets 0x008 to 0x00F. uo fo liv ett io When consequential action is enabled for a given alarm condition, other S/UNI-16x155 configuration registers become important. For instance, if consequential action for signal degrade is enabled, the RASE must be configured for the desired alarm thresholds. The following table lists register settings for path RDI and extended path RDI interfaces for a channel (register offsets are supplied for channel #0). ef Table 20 Path RDI and Extended RDI Register Settings Do wn loa de db 0x00A 0x040 EPRDI 11111111 01101111 xxxxxxxx 11111111 10xxx010 11xxx111 x00x00xx x11x00xx yV 0x009 0x00B RDI inv Offset When a channel’s cross connect is active, the AUTO Path Configuration register functionality changes. In some cases, the AUTO Path Configuration specifies AUTORDI functionality for two channels (working channel of two channels bridged together). In other cases, the AUTO Path Configuration specifies AUTORDI functionality for another channel (crossbar between two channels). And is some cases, the AUTO Path Configuration register is ignored (protection channel of two channels bridged together). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 398 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 PM When a working channel is bridging path from another channel or device, the AUTO Path Configuration register configures the AUTORDI functionality for the bridged channels. Since the same receive path processor (RPOP) is used no matter the setting of the receive APS enable RXEN (selecting working or protection channel). 02 11 :50 When a channel has been cross connected with another channel (crossbar where the two channel path’s are switched), the AUTO Path Configuration register specifies AUTORDI functionality for the other channel. The other channel’s AUTO Path Configuration register specifies AUTRDI functionality for the channel. tem be r, 20 When a protection channel is bridging path from another channel or device, the AUTO Path Configuration register is ignored. In this mode, the source and sink of path is in the other device and the path processors (RPOP and TPOP) are unused. ep 13.9 Clocking Options ay ,1 9S The S/UNI-16x155 supports several clocking modes. Figure 22 is an abstraction of the clocking topology for a channel. The S/UNI-16x155 can operate in source time, internally looped timed and externally loop timed. nT hu rsd Source timed operation is used for all public user network interfaces (UNIs) and for private UNIs and private network node interfaces (NNIs) that are not synchronized to the recovered clock. SLLE liv ett io Figure 22 Clocking Structure fo PISO CHANNEL TCLK ef uo TXD[] TRANSMIT DATA Do wn loa de db yV inv CSU LOOPT/SLLE REFCLK JAT WANS SDLE DCRU SIPO RXD[] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 RECEIVE DATA CHANNEL RCLK 399 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 02 11 :50 :37 PM The transmit clock in a public UNI must conform to SONET/SDH Network Element (NE) requirements specified in Bellcore GR-253-CORE. These requirements include jitter generation, short term clock stability, phase transients during synchronization failure, and holdover. The 77.76 MHz clock source is typically a VCO (or temperature compensated VCXO) locked to a primary reference source for public UNI applications. The accuracy of this clock source should be within ±20 ppm of 77.76 MHz to comply with the SONET/SDH network element free-run accuracy requirements. The S/UNI-16x155 WANS block can be used to implement the system timing reference. r, 20 The transmit clock in a private UNI or a private NNI may be locked to an external reference or may free-run. The simplest implementation requires an oscillator free-running at 77.76 MHz. 9S ep tem be Source timed operation is selected by clearing the LOOPT bit of the channel’s Master Configuration register. REFCLK is multiplied by 2 to become the 155.52 MHz transmit clock. REFCLK must be jitter free. The source REFCLK is also internally used as the clock recovery reference during receive loss of transition conditions. hu rsd ay ,1 Internally loop timed operation is used for private UNIs and private NNIs that require synchronization to the recovered clock. This mode is selected by setting the LOOPT bit of the channel’s Master Control register to logic one. Normally, the transmit clock is locked to the receive data. In the event of a loss of signal/transition condition, the transmit clock is synthesized from REFCLK. liv ett io nT Externally loop timed operation makes use of the WAN Synchronization block capabilities. This mode can be achieved when the channel’s LOOPT is set to logic zero. The timing loop is achieved at the system level, through a microprocessor, an external VCXO and back through the REFCLK input. This mode allows an S/UNI-16x155 to meet Bellcore wander transfer and holdover stability requirements. uo fo 13.10 WAN Synchronization (WANS Block) yV inv ef The WANS provides a means to implement a Stratum 3 or lower system timing reference with a minimum amount of external circuitry. The WANS implements a phase detector necessary to create a digital control PLL. db 13.11 Loopback Operation Do wn loa de The S/UNI-16x155 supports five loopback functions for each channel: path loopback, line loopback, data diagnostic loopback, parallel diagnostic loopback and serial diagnostic loopback. Each channel's loopback modes operate independently. The loopback modes are activated by the PDLE, SLLE, DLE, DPLE and SDLE bits contained in the channel’s Master Configuration registers. The line loopback, see Figure 23, connects the high speed receive data and clock to the high speed transmit data and clock, and can be used for line side investigations (including clock recovery and clock synthesis). While in this mode, the entire receive path is operating normally and cells can be received through the FIFO interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 400 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 PM The serial diagnostic loopback, see Figure 24, connects the high speed transmit data and clock to the high speed receive data and clock. While in this mode, the entire transmit path is operating normally and data is transmitted on the TXD+/- outputs. 11 :50 The parallel diagnostic loopback, see Figure 25, connects the byte wide transmit data and clock to the byte wide receive data and clock. While in this mode, the entire transmit path is operating normally and data is transmitted on the TXD+/- outputs. r, 20 02 The path diagnostic loopback, see Figure 26, connects the transmit path processor TPOP output to the receive path processor RPOP. While in this mode, the entire transmit path is operating normally and data is transmitted on the TXD+/- outputs. 9S ep tem be The data diagnostic loopback, see Figure 27, connects the transmit POS/ATM processor TXFP/TXCP) to the corresponding receive POS/ATM processor (RXFP/RXCP). While in this mode, the transmit path does not operate normally and the data transmitted on the TXD+/outputs is invalid. rsd ay ,1 Figure 23 Line Loopback Mode ett liv Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor uo Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor JTAG Test Access Port External APS Interface Microprocessor Interface Do wn loa de db yV inv ef Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor fo Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction nT WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. io Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface Tx Tx TxO/H Section Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor hu Section/ Section/ Section/ Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion InsertionInsertion Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 401 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor 02 20 Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor External APS Interface ,1 Microprocessor Interface rsd ay JTAG Test Access Port 9S ep Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer r, WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor tem be Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface Tx Tx Tx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor 11 Section/ Section/ Section/ Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion InsertionInsertion :50 :37 PM Figure 24 Serial Diagnostic Loopback Mode io nT hu Figure 25 Parallel Diagnostic Loopback Mode inv liv fo uo ef WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM yV Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor db Do wn loa de Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor JTAG Test Access Port Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor External APS Interface Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Tx Tx Tx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor ett Section/ Section/ Section/ Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion InsertionInsertion Microprocessor Interface Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 402 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor 02 20 Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor External APS Interface ,1 Microprocessor Interface rsd ay JTAG Test Access Port 9S ep Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer r, WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor tem be Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface Tx Tx Tx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor 11 Section/ Section/ Section/ Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion InsertionInsertion :50 :37 PM Figure 26 Path Diagnostic Loopback Mode io nT hu Figure 27 Data Diagnostic Loopback Mode Do wn loa de db Section/ Section/ Section/ Line DCC Line LineDCC DCC Extraction Extraction Extraction liv fo inv yV Rx Rx Rx Section O/H Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor WAN WAN WAN Synch. Synch. Synch. ef Section Section Section Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Path Crossbar/ APS Crossconnect SerialLine LineInterface Interface Serial Serial Line Interface uo Tx Tx Tx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx Line O/H Line LineO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor External APS Interface Tx Tx Tx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor Tx Tx Tx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Path Path Path Trace Buffer Trace TraceBuffer Buffer Rx Rx Rx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Sync Status, Sync Status, Sync Status, BERM BERM BERM JTAG Test Access Port Tx Tx Tx Path O/H Path PathO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx ATM Cell ATM ATMCell Cell Processor Processor Processor Rx Rx Rx POS Frame POS POSFrame Frame Processor Processor Processor UTOPIA Level 3/POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Tx Tx TxO/H Section Section SectionO/H O/H Processor Processor Processor ett Section/ Section/ Section/ Line LineDCC DCC Line DCC Insertion InsertionInsertion Microprocessor Interface Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 403 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 13.12 APS Support 11 :50 :37 The S/UNI-16x155 has the ability to exchange transmit path data with another S/UNI-16x155 in order to implement APS interface. The APS support logic may also be used to reassign at the path level the channel numbers in a single S/UNI-16x155. The diagram in Figure 28 shows the APS support logic for each channel. The diagnostic path loop back DPLE is shown to illustrate that path loop back includes all path functions including the APS stream if used. ep tem be r, 20 02 In the transmit direction, the transmit path may be configured using the TXEN register to use the normal transmit path from TPOP or the APS path stream. The APS path stream is configured using the TSEL[4:0] registers to select from the other TPOP path sources in the S/UNI-16x155 (TPTH[15:0]) or from the receive APS channels (RXA[15:0]). The channel adds section and line overhead to the transmit path data stream using its TSOP and TLOP units. Thus, each channel has unique K1/K2 byte control. 9S Figure 28 Channel APS Structure TSOP rsd ay ,1 RSOP TLOP nT hu RLOP io DPLE TXEN Channel FIFO fo RPTH[15:0] RXA[15:0] RXEN TPTH[x] ef uo RXA[15:0] TSEL[4:0] TPTH[15:0] liv ett RPTH[x] CHFRST RPOP TPOP Do wn loa de db yV inv RSEL[4:0] STAL RXCP TXCP TXA[x] PROCM In the receive direction, channel processes section and line overhead in the receive path stream using its RSOP and RLOP units. Thus, each channel has unique K1/K2 byte monitoring. The receive path may be configured using the RXEN register to use the normal receive path from RLOP or the APS path stream. The APS path stream is configured using the RSEL[4:0] registers to select from other receive RLOP path sources in the S/UNI-16x155 (RPTH[15:0]) or from the receive APS channels (RXA[15:0]). The channel path processors, RPOP and TPOP, are connected for AUTOPRDI and FEBE functionality. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 404 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :37 PM The 8-byte channel FIFO is used to handle fixed phase variations between channels caused by the serial line interface PISO blocks. Each PISO generates an upstream TCLK from the serial transmit clock using a free running divide-by-8 counter. Since each PISO can generate a TCLK which is exactly the same frequency, but with a different phase offset, the channel FIFO is used to cross clock domains between channels. The channel FIFO should reset using CHFRST to center the read and write pointers when the APS link is configured. ep tem be r, 20 02 The diagram in Figure 29 shows the structure of a transmit APS link. Each channel may be configured using the PROCM register in Figure 28 to send receive path information or transmit path information over the APS link. The transmit APS link has a four-to-one correlation between channel and APS link. That is, four channel’s APS information is passed to the other S/UNI-16x155 device on a fixed APS link. Selection between different channels is performed on the receive side of the APS link. The TAOP block performs BIP calculation and SONET scrambling functions for the transmit APS stream. The PISO block generates the 622.08 Mbit/s serial stream for the interface. rsd 4 TXA[4*y+3] TAOP PISO ASPO[y]+/- hu 4 TXA[4*y+2] 4 nT TXA[4*y+1] ay TXA[4*y+0] ,1 CSU 622MHz 9S Figure 29 Transmit APS Link uo fo liv ett io When passing receive path over the transmit APS link, the STAL block performs pointer processing to handle frequency offsets and jitter variations between the recovered clock and the synthesized 622.08 MHz clock from the CSU. In order to process the pointer, the RPOP block must interpret the STS-3c/STM-1 pointer for the STAL block. When the receive path stream becomes invalid (due to various SONET alarms including LOP, LOS, PAIS, LOPC, AISC), path AIS is forced over the transmit APS link. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef The diagram in Figure 30 shows the structure of a receive APS link. Each receive APS link uses a DRU to recover the data from the incoming 622Mbit/s stream. The DRU will track high frequency jitter and low frequency wander of the incoming serial stream. The APS FIFO is used to handle the phase variation between the APS serial stream and the synthesized 622.08 MHz clock from the CSU which is used to generate the transmit serial data stream. The APS FIFO reset FRST should be toggled when ROOLV of either CSU in the two S/UNI16x155 devices indicate a CSU has lost lock or after a system reset. The APS FIFO interrupt FERRI will indicate when the FIFO has corrupted data due to an overrun or an underrun. Figure 30 Receive APS Link CSU 622MHz RXA[4*y+0] RXA[4*y+1] RXA[4*y+2] RAOP SIPO APS FIFO DRU APSI[y]+/- RXA[4*y+3] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 405 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 PM Because of the architecture of the receive APS interface, the reference clocks REFCLK for both S/UNI-16x155 must be frequency locked. While the DRU can track jitter on the serial interface, the DRU cannot process serial interfaces with a frequency offset from the 622.08 MHz clock synthesized by the CSU block. tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 The RAOP and SIPO blocks perform SONET framing, BIP calculation and performance monitoring. The DCC channel is used carry transport alarm status (LOS, LOF and LAIS) of the path streams in order for the AUTOPRDI logic to quickly respond to these alarms. While the transport alarm status is not necessary to generate correct PRDI in the transmit direction, the transport alarm status allows the AUTOPRDI to quickly report PRDI without waiting numerous SONET frames for the receive RPOP to declare path failure. LOP is required to be propagated through the APS link as LOP, then the software workaround is to set the DLOP bit in the STAL Block. See STAL Channel #0 to #15 Control and Interrupt Status for more details. ep The recommanded APS initialization and switching sequence is as follows: 9S 1. Set all H4BYP bits ( need be set only once after a device reset). ay rsd 3. Place the channel and APS FIFOs in reset ,1 2. Start external APS configuration on all 4 channels hu 4. Reset RAPS FIFOs (ensure FIFOs are centered) io nT 5. Place all the Level 2 and Level 3 TX and RX FIFOs in reset ett 6. Write to the APS configuration registers to configure cross bars as required. fo liv 7. Configure the transmit path of the working device to go out the APS links inv ef uo 8. Set the protection TX interface to source from the APS channel specified in the TX parameter. (0x84 sets the TXEN and TSEL[2] bits and keeps PRCOM cleared on the protection device) yV 9. Set the working RX interface to source from the APS channel specified in the RX parameter. (x085 sets RXEN and RSEL[2] bits high) Do wn loa de db 10. Take the channel and APS FIFO out of reset. 11. Take all Level 2 and Level 3 TX and RX FIFOs out of reset The following tables describes basic programming requirements for various configurations. Table 21 Channel Swizzle Configuration Bit Channel #A Channel #B RXEN 1 1 RSEL[4:0] Device channel B Device channel A TXEN 1 1 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 406 Channel #A Channel #B TSEL[4:0] Device channel B Device channel A PROCM don’t care don’t care :37 Bit PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :50 Table 22 1+1 APS Configuration Protection Device Channel #A Working Device Channel #A RXEN 0 select protect/working RSEL[4:0] APS channel A don’t care TXEN 1 0 TSEL[4:0] APS channel A don’t care PROCM 0 1 tem be r, 20 02 11 Bit ep Table 23 1:8 APS Configuration Device #0 Channel #A (Spare) Device #1 Channel #B (Failed) RXEN 0 1 RSEL[4:0] don’t care APS channel A TXEN 1 TSEL[4:0] APS channel B PROCM 0 0 don’t care 1 nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S Bit ett io 13.13 JTAG Support Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv The S/UNI-16x155 supports the IEEE Boundary Scan Specification as described in the IEEE 1149.1 standards. The Test Access Port (TAP) consists of the five standard pins, TRSTB, TCK, TMS, TDI and TDO used to control the TAP controller and the boundary scan registers. The TRSTB input is the active-low reset signal used to reset the TAP controller. TCK is the test clock used to sample data on input, TDI and to output data on output, TDO. The TMS input is used to direct the TAP controller through its states. The basic boundary scan architecture is shown below. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 407 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 31 Boundary Scan Architecture :50 :37 Boundary Scan Register TDI 11 Device Identification Register r, 20 02 Bypass Register tem be Instruction Register and Decode TDO 9S ep Mux DFF ay Tri-state Enable rsd Select hu Test Access Port Controller ,1 Control TMS nT TRSTB ett io TCK yV inv ef uo fo liv The boundary scan architecture consists of a TAP controller, an instruction register with instruction decode, a bypass register, a device identification register and a boundary scan register. The TAP controller interprets the TMS input and generates control signals to load the instruction and data registers. The instruction register with instruction decode block is used to select the test to be executed and/or the register to be accessed. The bypass register offers a single-bit delay from primary input, TDI to primary output, TDO. The device identification register contains the device identification code. Do wn loa de db The boundary scan register allows testing of board inter-connectivity. The boundary scan register consists of a shift register place in series with device inputs and outputs. Using the boundary scan register, all digital inputs can be sampled and shifted out on primary output, TDO. In addition, patterns can be shifted in on primary input, TDI and forced onto all digital outputs. 13.13.1 TAP Controller The TAP controller is a synchronous finite state machine clocked by the rising edge of primary input, TCK. All state transitions are controlled using primary input, TMS. The finite state machine is described below. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 408 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 32 TAP Controller Finite State Machine :37 TRSTB=0 1 :50 Test-Logic-Reset 11 0 1 1 02 0 0 1 1 r, tem be 0 ep Shift-DR ay Pause-IR hu nT 0 io 0 ett Exit2-IR 1 liv fo 0 1 Exit2-DR 1 Update-IR Update-DR 1 0 0 db 13.13.2 States All transitions dependent on input TMS yV inv ef 1 1 0 Pause-DR 1 0 Exit1-IR rsd 0 uo Shift-IR 1 ,1 1 Exit1-DR 0 9S 0 1 0 Capture-IR Capture-DR 0 1 Select-IR-Scan Select-DR-Scan 20 Run-Test-Idle Do wn loa de Test-Logic-Reset The test logic reset state is used to disable the TAP logic when the device is in normal mode operation. The state is entered asynchronously by asserting input, TRSTB. The state is entered synchronously regardless of the current TAP controller state by forcing input, TMS high for 5 TCK clock cycles. While in this state, the instruction register is set to the IDCODE instruction. Run-Test-Idle The run test/idle state is used to execute tests. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 409 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Capture-DR :50 :37 The capture data register state is used to load parallel data into the test data registers selected by the current instruction. If the selected register does not allow parallel loads or no loading is required by the current instruction, the test register maintains its value. Loading occurs on the rising edge of TCK. 11 Shift-DR 20 02 The shift data register state is used to shift the selected test data registers by one stage. Shifting is from MSB to LSB and occurs on the rising edge of TCK. tem be r, Update-DR 9S ep The update data register state is used to load a test register's parallel output latch. In general, the output latches are used to control the device. For example, for the EXTEST instruction, the boundary scan test register's parallel output latches are used to control the device's outputs. The parallel output latches are updated on the falling edge of TCK. ,1 Capture-IR rsd ay The capture instruction register state is used to load the instruction register with a fixed instruction. The load occurs on the rising edge of TCK. nT hu Shift-IR liv ett io The shift instruction register state is used to shift both the instruction register and the selected test data registers by one stage. Shifting is from MSB to LSB and occurs on the rising edge of TCK. fo Update-IR inv ef uo The update instruction register state is used to load a new instruction into the instruction register. The new instruction must be scanned in using the Shift-IR state. The load occurs on the falling edge of TCK. db yV The Pause-DR and Pause-IR states are provided to allow shifting through the test data and/or instruction registers to be momentarily paused. Do wn loa de 13.13.3 Boundary Scan Instructions The following is a description of the standard instructions. Each instruction selects a serial test data register path between input, TDI and output, TDO. 13.13.4 Instructions BYPASS The bypass instruction shifts data from input, TDI to output, TDO with one TCK clock period delay. The instruction is used to bypass the device. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 410 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM EXTEST 02 11 :50 :37 The external test instruction allows testing of the interconnection to other devices. When the current instruction is the EXTEST instruction, the boundary scan register is place between input, TDI and output, TDO. Primary device inputs can be sampled by loading the boundary scan register using the Capture-DR state. The sampled values can then be viewed by shifting the boundary scan register using the Shift-DR state. Primary device outputs can be controlled by loading patterns shifted in through input TDI into the boundary scan register using the Update-DR state. 20 SAMPLE ep tem be r, The sample instruction samples all the device inputs and outputs. For this instruction, the boundary scan register is placed between TDI and TDO. Primary device inputs and outputs can be sampled by loading the boundary scan register using the Capture-DR state. The sampled values can then be viewed by shifting the boundary scan register using the Shift-DR state. 9S IDCODE ay ,1 The identification instruction is used to connect the identification register between TDI and TDO. The device's identification code can then be shifted out using the Shift-DR state. hu rsd STCTEST liv ett io nT The single transport chain instruction is used to test out the TAP controller and the boundary scan register during production test. When this instruction is the current instruction, the boundary scan register is connected between TDI and TDO. During the Capture-DR state, the device identification code is loaded into the boundary scan register. The code can then be shifted out output, TDO using the Shift-DR state. uo fo 13.14 Board Design Recommendations inv ef The noise environment and signal integrity are often the limiting factors in system performance. Therefore, the following board design guidelines must be followed in order to ensure proper operation: Use a single plane for both digital and analog grounds. · Provide separate +3.3 volt analog and +3.3 volt digital supplies, but otherwise connect the supply voltages together at one point close to the connector where +3.3 volts is brought to the card. Do wn loa de db yV · · Ferrite beads are not advisable in digital switching circuits because inductive spiking (di/dt noise) is introduced into the power rail. Using simple RC filtering is the best approach provided care is taken to ensure the IR drop in the resistance does not lower the supply voltage below the recommended operating voltage. · High-frequency decoupling capacitors are recommended for each power pin as close to the package pin as possible. Separate decoupling is required to prevent the transmitter from coupling noise into the receiver and to prevent power supply transients from coupling into some internal reference circuitry. See the section on Power Supplies for more details. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 411 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Low-pass filtering networks are recommended for analog power supplies as close to the package pin as possible. Separate decoupling is required to prevent the transmitter from coupling noise into the receiver and to prevent power supply transients from coupling into some internal reference circuitry. See the section on Power Supplies for more details. · The high speed serial streams (TXD[15:0]+/- and RXD[15:0]+/-) must be routed with 50 ohm controlled impedance circuit board traces and must be terminated with a matched load. Normal TTL-type design rules are not recommended and will reduce the performance of the device. See the section on interfacing to ECL and PECL devices for more details. 02 11 :50 :37 PM · r, 20 Please refer to the S/UNI-16x155 reference design (PMC-2000506) for further recommendations tem be 13.15 Power Supplies ,1 9S ep Due to ESD protection structures in the pads it is necessary to exercise caution when powering a device up or down. ESD protection devices behave as diodes between power supply pins and from I/O pins to power supply pins. Under extreme conditions it is possible to blow these ESD protection devices or trigger latch up. The recommended power supply sequencing follows: hu rsd ay 1. The VDD supply must be applied before or at the same time as QAVD and AVD supplies (the voltage difference between any two pins must be less than 0.5 volts) or the QAVD and AVD supplies must be current limited to the maximum latch-up current specification. io nT 2. VDDI supplies must be applied after VDD has been applied or must be current limited to the maximum latch-up current specification. fo liv ett 3. VDD/VDDI supplies must be applied before digital input pins are driven or the current per pin limited to less than the maximum DC input current specification. ef uo 4. AVD supplies must be applied before analog input pins are driven or the current per pin limited to less than the maximum DC input current specification. db yV inv 5. The differential voltage between VDD and AVD must be less than 1.0 volts including peak to peak noise. The differential voltage between VDD and QAVD must be less than 0.5 volts including peak to peak noise. Otherwise, digital noise on VDD will be coupled into the sensitive analog circuitry. Do wn loa de 6. Power down the device in the reverse sequence. Use the above current limiting technique for the analog power supplies. Small offsets in VDD / AVD / VDDI discharge times will not damage the device. In order to optimize jitter generated by the CSU and the jitter tolerance of the CRU, we recommend the following power filter scheme shown in Figure 33. Sensitive analog power pins require RC filter networks in order to meet SONET/SDH jitter specifications. Some recommended notes follows: 1. Place each 0.1 µF capacitor as close to its associated power pin as possible. 2. The 0.1 µF capacitors are ceramic X7R or X5R. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 412 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 3. The 10 µF capacitors are 10V X5R ceramic, 1210 size, from Tayio-Yuden, LMK325BJ106MN (visit their web site at www.t-yuden.com). 02 11 5. The two 10 µF X5R capacitors can be replaced by one 22uF, 10V, X5R LMK432BJ226MM from Tayio Yuden. :50 :37 4. The 10 µF capacitors and resistors do not have to be very close to power pins as they are filtering the power supply and not decoupling it. 20 6. All resistors shown are 1/10 watt. tem be r, 7. All other power pins not mentioned do not need any extra filtering or decoupling. ep Please refer to the S/UNI-16x155 reference design (PMC-2000506) for further recommendations. 4W7 +3.3V 10uF X5R 0.1uF nT hu 10uF X5R rsd ay Pin V4 ,1 9S Figure 33 Power Supply Filtering and Decoupling 15W0 10uF X5R +3.3V 0.1uF (17 caps) fo liv 0.1uF ett io Pin P1 Pin N2 ef uo 15W0 0.1uF (12 caps) 0.1uF yV inv 10uF X5R +2.5V Pins C3, AJ3, AG5, AG11, AG16, AG21, AK30, AA27, L27, B30, E21, E16, E11, E5, T5, AA5, One cap as close as possible to each of these digital pins. Pins AG12, AG19, W27, AD27, N27, H27, E20, E13, k5, G5, M5, AB5, AF5 One cap as close as possible to each of these digital pins. 15W0 Do wn loa de db Pin P3 10uF X5R 0.1uF Pin U1 0.1uF Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 413 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 13.16 High Speed PECL Interfaces :50 :37 In normal operation, the S/UNI-16x155 performs clock and data recovery on the incoming serial stream. The device is designed for optical modules without clock and data recovery such as HFCT/HFBR-5208 transceivers. tem be r, 20 02 11 Only a few passive components are required to convert the optical transceivers signals to ECL (or PECL) logic levels. Figure 34 and Figure 35 illustrate the recommended configurations for both types of ECL voltage levels when connecting to optical modules. Note that the RXD[15:0]+/- inputs are internally terminated with a 100 ohm resistor between the differential inputs. The SPECLV must be set appropriately to configure the RXD[15:0]+/- and SD[15:0] for the optical module being used. The SD also supports TTL input which may be enabled using the SDTTL input. rsd ay ,1 9S ep The TXD[15:0]+/- outputs are AC coupled so that the ECL inputs of the optical module are free to swing around the ECL bias voltage (VBB). In general, the ECL bias voltage is referenced 1.3volts lower than the supply. The bias voltage may be generated using a resistor divided as shown in Figure 35. The bias voltage may shared between optical modules if the resistor divider is well decoupled and star connected to the termination networks. Otherwise, data dependent jitter may be coupled between optic modules. ett io nT hu The TXD+/- outputs on the S/UNI-16x155 swing approximately 3.3V and requires the combination of the series source resistor and the termination resistors to divide the output voltage down to a nominally 800mV swing. The series resistor attenuates the signal as well as damping any signal reflections from the optics module. Calculations involving the series resistor must include the 15 to 20 ohm source resistance of the TXD[15:0]+/- output drivers. inv ef uo fo liv The 50 ohm control impedance traces reduce the effect of signal reflections between the optical module and the S/UNI-16x155. Vias should be avoided on the signal path between the optical module and the S/UNI-16x155 as they can affect the jitter performance of the interface. Vias may be used for the termination networks as the inductive effective of a via will not significantly affect the termination performance. Do wn loa de db yV When a RXD[15:0]+/- PECL input is not being used, the positive differential input must be tied to analog power (AVD) and the negative differential input must be tied to analog ground (AVS). In all cases, the PECL inputs must be driven with a differential voltage (do not connect both pins to AVD or AVS). When a TXD[15:0]+/- PECL output is not being used, the pins must be left floating. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 414 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 50W Trace Impedance RXD+ 50W Trace Impedance RXD- :50 02 150W 50W Trace Impedance 0.1uF VBB (2.0V) 20 TXD+ 158W 0.1uF r, 49.9W tem be TD+ 49.9W 158W 0.1uF TD- 50W Trace Impedance 9S SD TXDSD rsd ay ,1 150W S/UNI Optical Interface 11 RD- ep 3.3V Optical Module Interface 150W :37 RD+ PM Figure 34 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 Line PECL Pins to 3.3V Devices io nT hu Figure 35 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 Line PECL Pins to 5.0V Devices 50W Trace Impedance liv 50W Trace Impedance ef uo 330W RXD- fo RD- TD+ 50W Trace Impedance yV inv 49.9W 0.1uF VBB (3.7V) Do wn loa de db 49.9W TD- TXD+ 158W 0.1uF 158W 0.1uF 50W Trace Impedance SD S/UNI Optical Interface 330W 5.0V Optical Module Interface RXD+ ett RD+ TXDSD 330W Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 415 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released +3.3V (OMD Supply) PM Figure 36 ECL Bias Voltage Generator Networks +5.0V (OMD Supply) 237W VBB (3.7V) 11 698W 20 02 330W :50 VBB (2.0V) :37 220W 9S ep tem be r, The APS serial interface and the REFCLK input operate similar to the optical module interfaces except they are design for 622.08 MHz operation. The APECLV input controls the ECL levels for the APSI[3:0]+/- inputs, APSO[3:0]+/- outputs and the REFCLK input. illustrate the recommended configurations for both types of ECL voltage levels when connecting to optical modules. Note that the APSI[3:0]+/- and REFCLK inputs are internally terminated with a 100 ohm resistor between the differential inputs. hu rsd ay ,1 The APECLV must be set appropriately to configure the APSI[3:0]+/- inputs, APSO[3:0]+/outputs and REFCLK input for the termination scheme used. In these configurations, the traces are double terminated (terminated at the source and sink). The APREF resistor must be set to 1 Kohm. uo fo liv ett io nT The 50 ohm control impedance traces must be less than 4 cm in length to reduce the effect of signal reflections between the two S/UNI-16x155. If the APS traces are longer than 4cm (for instance, the APS traces travel over a backplane), the APSO[3:0]+/- outputs should be buffered using standard ECL buffers. The ECL buffers will ensure proper signal levels at the APSI[3:0]+/- with little waveform overshoot or undershoot. Figure 39 illustrates this configuration showing the ECL buffer. In this configuration, the APS traces are single terminated (terminated at sink) and the APREF resistor must be 2 Kohms. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef When a APSI[3:0]+/- PECL input is not being used, the positive differential input must be tied to digital power (VDD) and the negative differential input must be tied to digital ground (VSS). In all cases, the PECL inputs must be driven with a differential voltage (do not connect both pins to VDD or VSS). When a APSO[3:0]+/- PECL output is not being used, both the positive and negative differential outputs of the PECL output may be tied both to digital ground (VSS). If all APSO[3:0]+/- outputs are not being used, the PECL drivers may be powered down by connect the APREF1 to digital power (VDD) and the APREF0 to digital ground (VSS). Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 416 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released APSI- 0.1uF 11 +5.0 volts 19.2W 49.9W 50W Trace Impedance APSI- 02 APSO- PM :37 50W Trace Impedance :50 49.9W S/UNI APS Interface APSO+ tem be r, 20 S/UNI APS Interface Figure 37 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 5.0V Devices 0.1uF +3.3 volts ay 49.9W 19.2W 50W Trace Impedance rsd APSO- APSI- APSI- S/UNI APS Interface ep 50W Trace Impedance 9S 49.9W ,1 APSO+ nT hu S/UNI APS Interface Figure 38 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 3.3V Devices APSI+ 50W Trace Impedance APSI- +5.0 volts inv 63.4W db Do wn loa de Please refer to the S/UNI-16x155 reference design (PMC-200-0506) for further recommendations. 13.17 Clock Synthesis and Recovery The Clock Synthesizer unit (CSU) in the S/UNI-16x155 requires an external reference clock REFCLK to generate the 155.52 MHz transmit clock. The REFCLK input is a PECL input in order to reduce the amount of noise coupled into the CSU. In most cases, the reference clock must be generated and propagated using PECL logic in order for the CSU to meet SONET/SDH intrinsic jitter specifications. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 417 S/UNI APS Interface liv ef 49.9W APSO- 50W Trace Impedance 0.1uF uo 49.9W fo APSO+ yV S/UNI APS Interface ett io Figure 39 Interfacing S/UNI-16x155 APS PECL Pins to 5.0V ECL Buffer S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM In general, the reference clock REFCLK is supplied by a crystal oscillator with PECL outputs. Please refer to Table 30 for the REFCLK input jitter recommandations. 20 02 11 :50 :37 Each Clock Recovery Unit (CRU) in the S/UNI-16x155 is implemented using two digital PLL structures. The first digital PLL (DCRU) recovers the clock from the receive data RXD+/- and controls the jitter tolerance characteristics of the device. The second digital PLL (JAT) attenuates the jitter on the recovered clock and controls the jitter transfer characteristics of the device. Both PLL structures are powered from the VDDI power supply. While the digital PLLs are robust to voltage variations, the S/UNI-16x155 must be well decoupled to prevent local system voltage variations from affecting the jitter performance. tem be r, Please refer to the S/UNI-16x155 reference design (PMC-200-0506) for further recommendations. ep 13.18 System Interface DLL Operation ay ,1 9S The S/UNI-16x155 use digital delay lock loop (DLL) units to improve the output propagation timing on certain digital output pins. The TFCLK and RFCLK clock inputs each have a DLL to improve the timing on their associated interfaces. nT hu rsd The DLL compensates for internal timing and output pad delays by adaptively delaying the input clock signal by approximately one clock period (1 UI) to create a new clock which controls the internal device logic. A side effect is that the DLL units impose a minimum clock rate on each of the clock signals. ef uo fo liv ett io After the S/UNI-16x155 is reset, the DLL units find the initial delay lock. This process may take up to 3400 clock cycles to identify the lock position. During this initial lock period, device interface timing will not meet the timing specifications listed in A.C. Timing section. The TCA/TPA and STPA pins are held low when the TFCLK DLL is finding lock. If the clock inputs are not stable during this period (for instance, a clock is generated using an external PLL), the S/UNI-16x155 should be held in reset until the clocks are stable or the DLL should be reset using software control. Do wn loa de db yV inv The RFCLK and TFCLK DLL software resets are performed by writing 0x00 to registers 0x1036 and 0x1032 respectively. When resetting the RFCLK or TFCLK DLL units, the associated FIFOs in the RXCP, RXFP, TXCP, TXCP, TUL3 and RUL3 blocks must also be reset using the their FIFORST register bits. The RUN register bit is set high when the DLL finds lock after a system or software reset. The DLL units are sensitive to jitter on the clock inputs. The reason is that the DLL must track the changes in clock edges cause by changes in clock frequency, temperature, voltage and jitter. While the DLL may tolerate up to 0.4UIpp of clock jitter without losing phase lock, the output timing may degrade with excessive input jitter. Therefore, the high frequency clock jitter (above 1 MHz) should be less than value specified by the A.C. Timing section. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 418 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Functional Timing PM 14 :50 :37 All functional timing diagrams assume that polarity control is not being applied to input and output data and clock lines (i.e. polarity control bits in the S/UNI-16x155 registers are set to their default states). 02 11 14.1 Transmit ATM UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface r, 20 The ATM UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface is compatible with the UTOPIA Level 3 specification (see References). The S/UNI-16x155 only supports the 32-bit mode of operation. nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be The Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing diagram (Figure 40) illustrates the operation of the system side transmit FIFO interface. Assertion of the transmit cell available output, TCA, indicates that there is space available in the transmit FIFO for at least one ATM cell structure. Deassertion of TCA occurs when the FIFO is filled with the number of ATM cells indicated by the register bits FIFODP[1:0]. TCA will only deassert one clock cycle after TSOC is sampled high and may assert at any time. If the TCA is configured to deassert early before the FIFO is truly full, the FIFO will accept additional cells even if TCA is inactive. TCA will be deasserted for polling cycles during the first two cycles of a cell transfer for the phy being transferred. That is, during transferring a cell it might say it has no more room even if it does. This prevents a false positive on TCA before the FIFO fill level can be re-evaluated.At any time, if the upstream does not have a cell to write, it must deassert TENB. uo fo liv ett io PHY selection occurs by setting the TADR[3:0] bus with the PHY address when TENB changes from a high to a low value. In the example, a 56-byte ATM cell structure written to PHY #2 which reports that the FIFO is full after the start of the cell is written into the FIFO. The PHY channels are polled and PHY #0 reports it can accept at least one ATM cell. A cell is written into PHY #0 which is not full since the transmit cell available TCA does not deassert after the start of the ATM cell is written into the FIFO. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef TSOC must be high during the first byte of the ATM cell structure and must be present for the start of each cell. Thus, TSOC will mark the word with the H1 to H4 bytes. When TSOC is asserted and the previous byte transferred was not the end of an ATM cell structure, the system interface realigns itself to the new timing, and the previous partially transferred cell is dropped. The length of the cell structure can be configured for 52 and 56 bytes using the CELLFORM register in TUL3. Figure 40 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing TFCLK TENB DAT[31:0] W1 W2 W3 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 0 1 3 0 1 2 3 W1 W2 TPRTY TSOC TADR[3:0] TCA 0 2 2 2 0 X X 3 0 1 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 0 2 0 1 3 0 3 2 1 0 419 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 14.2 Receive ATM UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface 11 :50 :37 The Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing diagram (Figure 41) illustrates the operation of the system side receive interface. Assertion of the receive cell available output, RCA, indicates that there is at least one ATM cell structure in the channel FIFO. Internally a channel’s RCA status must only deassert one clock cycle after RSOC has been sampled high by the layer device. A channel’s RCA may reassert at any time when a cell is received. tem be r, 20 02 PHY selection occurs by setting the RADR[3:0] bus with the PHY address when RENB changes from a high to a low value. RENB should deassert when the cell structure of the last cell in the FIFO has finished being transferred. Once the cell transfer has started, the interface cannot be paused. In the example, a 52-byte ATM cell structure read from a PHY. The PHY channels are polled and PHY #0, #1 and #3 report they have at least one ATM cell. A cell is then read from PHY #1. ,1 9S ep RSOC is high during the first word of the ATM cell structure and is present for the start of each cell. Thus, RSOC will mark the H1 to H4 bytes in the ATM cell structure. The length of the cell structure can be configured for 52 and 56 bytes using the CELLFORM register in RUL3. rsd ay Figure 41 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing hu RFCLK DAT[31:0] W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 0 1 RCA 2 W10 W11 W12 W13 W1 1 W3 1 3 1 1 uo fo 2 W2 1 3 liv 0 ett RSOC RADR[3:0] W9 io RPRTY nT RENB inv ef 14.3 Transmit Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) Level 3 System Interface Do wn loa de db yV The Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) Level 3 System Interface is compatible with the POSPHY Level 3 specification (see References). The S/UNI-16x155 only supports the 32-bit mode of operation. The Transmit POS Level 3 System Interface Timing diagram (Figure 42) illustrates the operation of the system side transmit FIFO interface. Assertion of the transmit packet available output, PTPA/STPA, indicates that the FIFO fill level is below the low water mark configured by LWM[5:0]. De-assertion of the transmit packet available output occurs when the FIFO fill level is above the high water mark configured by HWM[5:0]. When a channel is polled with PTPA high and the upstream is ready to write data, the upstream device should select the PHY using TSX and then assert TENB to write data. At any time, if the upstream does not have a byte to write, it must de-assert TENB. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 420 W4 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 PM PHY selection is performed by using in-band addressing. The TDAT[7:0] bus contains the PHY address to be selected and is identified by TSX and TENB high. The TADR[3:0] bus is only used for polling the FIFO fill status of the other PHY channels. The PTPA reports the polled FIFO fill status while the STPA reports the FIFO fill status selected by TSX. 20 02 11 :50 TSOP must be high during the first byte of each packet. TEOP must be high during the last byte of the packet. It is legal to assert TSOP and TEOP at the same time. This case occurs when a one, two, three or four byte packet is transferred. When TSOP is asserted and the previous byte transfer was not marked with TEOP, the system interface realigns itself to the new timing, and the previous packet is marked to be aborted. tem be TFCLK ep TENB TSX 03 W1 W2 W3 W4 W30 TSOP W32 01 W65 B261 ay TEOP 03 W1 W2 3 rsd TMOD[1:0] 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 3 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 0 1 2 3 ett io STPA nT 1 hu TERR PTPA W31 ,1 TPRTY 9S TDAT[31:0] TADR[3:0] r, Figure 42 Transmit POS Level 3 System Interface Timing ef uo fo liv When transferring ATM cell structures over the POS-PHY interface, the start of the ATM cell structure must be marked by TSOP and the end of the ATM cell structure must be marked by TEOP. The TMOD[1:0] and TERR signals must be low. The ATM cell structure must be configured by the CELLFORM register in TUL3. yV inv 14.4 Receive Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) Level 3 System Interface Do wn loa de db The Receive POS Level 3 System Interface Timing diagram (Figure 43) illustrates the operation of the interface. When the channel FIFO has sufficient data to perform a transfer, the RUL3-32 performs an in-band address cycle with RSX set high. During this cycle, the RDAT[7:0] bus contains the PHY address to be selected. PHY selection is performed by using in-band addressing. The RDAT[7:0] bus contains the PHY address being selected and is identified by RSX high and RVAL low. When RVAL is high, valid packet data is available on the POS-PHY interface. RENB is used by the layer device to pause the interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 421 2 0 11 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released 11 :50 :37 PM In the example, the RUL3 selects PHY #3 and transfers a nine byte packet. The RUL3-32 then pauses for two clock cycles due to the PAUSE[1:0] registers be configured for the two clock cycles between transfers. This pause allows the layer device to cleanly pause on the in-band address by deasserting RENB after it samples REOP high. The layer device then reasserts the RENB and the RUL3-32 selects PHY #1. The next packet transferred is end of a 69 byte packet. 20 02 RSOP is high during the first word of each packet. REOP is high during the last word of the packet. It is legal to assert RSOP and REOP at the same time. This case occurs when a 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte or 4-byte packet is transferred. The RVAL signal qualifies the data on the bus. tem be r, Figure 43 Receive POS Level 3 System Interface Timing RFCLK ep RENB RSX 9S RSOP ,1 REOP RERR 03 W1 W2 B9 ay RDAT[31:0] 01 W15 W16 W17 B69 rsd RPRTY hu RVAL nT RMOD[1:0] fo liv ett io The receive POS-PHY Level 3 interface cannot support full bandwidth with arbitrarily small consecutive packets. In general, the Level 3 interface can carry consecutive 40 byte packets without the RUL3 channel FIFO overflowing. uo 14.5 Transmit Data Communication Channels yV inv ef The SUNI-16x155 provides access to Line or Section Data Communications Channels (DCC). The TDCC[15:0] with their clocks TDCLK[15:0] provide either the section or line DCC channels based on the DCCSEL[15:0] registers. Do wn loa de db The Transmit Line Data Link Clock and Data Insertion diagram (Figure 44) shows the relationship between the TDCC serial data input, and its associated TDCLK. In this mode, TDCLK is a 2.16 MHz, 67%(high)/33%(low) duty cycle clock that is gapped to produce a 576 kHz nominal rate. TDCC is sampled on the rising edge of TDCLK. The D4-D12 bytes shifted in to the S/UNI-16x155 in the frame shown are inserted in the corresponding transport overhead channels in the next frame. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 422 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 44 Transmit Line Data Link Clock and Data Insertion 125 MICROSECONDS :37 TDCLK 11 :50 TDCC TDCLK TDCC B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B tem be r, 20 1 02 APPROX. 2MHZ CLOCK BURST ay ,1 9S ep The Transmit Section Data Link Clock and Data Insertion diagram (Figure 45) shows the relationship between the TDCC serial data input, and its associated TDCLK. In this mode, TDCLK is a 216 kHz, 50% duty cycle clock that is gapped to produce a 192 kHz nominal rate. TDCC is sampled on the rising edge of TDCLK. The D1-D3 bytes shifted in to the S/UNI16x155 in the frame shown are inserted in the corresponding transport overhead channels in the next frame. rsd Figure 45 Transmit Section Data Link Clock and Data Insertion hu 125 MICROSECONDS 1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 ett io TDCC nT TDCLK fo liv 14.6 Receive Data Communication Channels inv ef uo The SUNI-16x155 provides access to Line or Section Data Communications Channels (DCC). The RDCC[15:0] with their clocks RDCLK[15:0] provide either the section or line DCC channels based on the DCCSEL[15:0] registers. Do wn loa de db yV The Receive Line Data Link Clock and Data Extraction Timing diagram (Figure 46) shows the relationship between the RDCC serial data output and its associated RDCLK when configured for line DCC. In this mode, RDCLK is a 2.16 MHz, 67%(high)/33%(low) duty cycle clock that is gapped to produce a 576 kHz nominal rate. RDCC is updated on the falling edge of RDCLK. The D4-D12 bytes shifted out of the S/UNI-16x155 in the frame shown are extracted from the corresponding transport overhead channels in the previous frame. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 423 B7 B8 B S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 46 Receive Line Data Link Clock and Data Extraction 125 MICROSECONDS :37 RDCLK 11 :50 RDCC RDCLK RDCC B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B tem be r, 20 1 02 APPROX. 2MHZ CLOCK BURST ay ,1 9S ep The Receive Section Data Link Clock and Data Extraction Timing diagram (Figure 47) shows the relationship between a RDCC serial data output and its associated RDCLK when configured for section DCC. In this mode, RDCLK is a 216 kHz, 50% duty cycle clock that is gapped to produce a 192 kHz nominal rate. RDCC is updated on the falling edge of RDCLK. The D1-D3 bytes shifted out of the S/UNI-16x155 in the frame shown are extracted from the corresponding transport overhead channels in the previous frame. rsd Figure 47 Receive Section Data Link Clock and Data Extraction 1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io RDCC nT hu 125 MICROSECONDS RDCLK Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 424 B7 B8 B S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Absolute Maximum Ratings PM 15 :50 :37 Maximum ratings are the worst case limits that the device can withstand without sustaining permanent damage. They are not indicative of normal mode operation conditions. -0.3V to +3.5V Voltage on Any Pin -0.3V to +5.5V Static Discharge Voltage ±1000 V ±100 mA DC Input Current ±20 mA Lead Temperature +230°C Absolute Maximum Junction Temperature +150°C Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep Latch-Up Current per Pin 02 -0.3V to +4.6V VDDI Supply Voltage 20 VDD Supply Voltage r, -40°C to +125°C tem be Storage Temperature 11 Table 24 Absolute Maximum Ratings Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 425 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released D.C. Characterstics PM 16 :50 :37 TA = -40°C to TJ=+125°C, VDDI = 2.5V ± 5%, VDD = 3.3V ± 8%, VAVD = 3.3V ± 5%, (Typical Conditions: TA = 25°C, VDDI = 2.5V, VDD = 3.3V, VAVD = 3.3V) Min Typ Max Units VVDDI Power Supply 2.37 2.5 2.63 Volts VDD Power Supply 3.04 3.3 3.56 Volts VAVD Power Supply 3.14 3.3 3.47 Volts VIL Input Low Voltage 0 VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VOL Output or Bi-directional Low Voltage VOH Output or Bi-directional High Voltage 2.4 2.6 VT+ Reset Input High Voltage 2.0 VT- Reset Input Low Voltage VTH Reset Input Hysteresis Voltage VPECLI+ Input PECL High Voltage VPECLI- Input PECL Low Voltage VPECLIC Input PECL Common Mode Voltage VPECLO+ Volts Guaranteed Input High voltage. Volts Guaranteed output low voltage at VDD=2.97V and IOL=maximum rated for pad. Volts Guaranteed output high voltage at VDD=2.97V and IOH=maximum rated current for pad. Volts Applies to RSTB and TRSTB only. Volts Applies to RSTB and TRSTB only. Volts Applies to RSTB and TRSTB only. ay rsd hu io ett liv 20 r, tem be Guaranteed Input Low voltage. 0.8 0.3 VPECL - 0.955 VPECL -0.880 Volts VPECL = 5.0V or 3.3V VPECL - 1.810 VPECL 1.700 VPECL - 1.470 Volts VPECL = 5.0V or 3.3V VPECL - 1.490 VPECL - 1.329 VPECL - 1.180 Volts VPECL = 5.0V or 3.3V Output PECL High Voltage VPECL - 0.880 VPECL - 0.955 VPECL - 1.025 Volts VPECL = 5.0V or 3.3V (APSO outputs only). VPCLO5- Output PECL Low Voltage VPECL - 1.620 VPECL - 1.705 VPECL - 1.810 Volts VPECL = 5.0V or 3.3V (APSO outputs only). IILPU Input Low Current -100 -50 -4 µA VIL = GND. Notes 1 and 3. Input High Current -10 0 +10 µA VIH = VDD. Notes 1 and 3. IIL Input Low Current -10 0 +10 µA VIL = GND. Notes 2 and 3. IIH Input High Current -10 0 +10 µA VIH = VDD. Notes 2 and 3. CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF tA=25°C, f = 1 MHz COUT Output Capacitance 5 pF tA=25°C, f = 1 MHz ef inv db Do wn loa de IIHPU uo VPECL - 1.165 yV fo Conditions Volts ,1 9S 0.4 ep 0.8 0.2 11 Parameter 02 Symbol nT Table 25 D.C Characteristics Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 426 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Parameter Min CIO Bi-directional Capacitance Typ Max 5 Units Conditions pF tA=25°C, f = 1 MHz PM Symbol :37 Notes on D.C. Characteristics: Input pin or bi-directional pin with internal pull-up resistor. 2. Input pin or bi-directional pin without internal pull-up resistor 3. Negative currents flow into the device (sinking), positive currents flow out of the device (sourcing). Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 1. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 427 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Power Information PM 17 POS Mode APS Disabled 20 r, tem be ep 6.68 7.34 :50 Units A A A W A A A W A A A W A A A W 11 02 Max2 1.68 0.8 0.13 2.02 0.76 0.13 1.55 0.75 0.12 1.89 0.71 0.12 - hu Notes: 7.9 ,1 ATM Mode APS Disabled 7.23 ay POS Mode APS Enabled High4 9S Typ1,3 1.36 0.68 0.11 6.01 1.59 0.66 0.11 6.52 1.21 0.64 0.11 5.50 1.49 0.62 0.11 6.13 Parameter IDDOP(2.5 V) IDDOP(3.3 V Dig) IDDOP(3.3 V Anlg) Total Power IDDOP (2.5 V) IDDOP (3.3 V) IDDOP(3.3 V Anlg) Total Power IDDOP (2.5 V) IDDOP (3.3 V) IDDOP(3.3 V Anlg) Total Power IDDOP (2.5 V) IDDOP (3.3 V) IDDOP(3.3 V Anlg) Total Power rsd Conditions ATM Mode APS Enabled :37 Table 26 Power Requirements Typical IDD values are calculated as the mean value of current under the following conditions: typically processed silicon, nominal supply voltage, TJ=60 °C, outputs loaded with 30 pF (if not otherwise specified), and a normal amount of traffic or signal activity. These values are suitable for evaluating typical device performance in a system 2. Max IDD values are currents guaranteed by the production test program and/or characterization over process for operating currents at the maximum operating voltage and operating temperature that yields the highest current (including outputs loaded to 30 pF, unless otherwise specified) 3. Typical power values are calculated using the formula: ef uo fo liv ett io nT 1. inv Power = ∑i(VDDNomi x IDDTypi) High power values are a “normal high power” estimate and are calculated using the formula: Do wn loa de 4. db yV Where i denotes all the various power supplies on the device, VDDNomi is the nominal voltage for supply i, and IDDTypi is the typical current for supply i (as defined in note 1 above). These values are suitable for evaluating typical device performance in a system Power = ∑i(VDDMaxi x IDDHighi) Where i denotes all the various power supplies on the device, VDDMaxi is the maximum operating voltage for supply i, and IDDHighi is the current for supply i. IDDHigh values are calculated as the mean value plus two sigmas (2σ) of measured current under the following conditions: TJ=105° C, outputs loaded with 30 pF (if not otherwise specified). These values are suitable for evaluating board and device thermal characteristics. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 428 18 Microprocessor Interface Timing Characteristics :37 TA = -40°C to TJ =+125°C, VDDI = 2.5V ± 5%, VDD = 3.3V ± 8%, VAVD = 3.3V ± 5%, Min tSAR Address to Valid Read Set-up Time tHAR tSALR Max Units — ns Address to Valid Read Hold Time 5 — ns Address to Latch Set-up Time 10 — ns tHALR Address to Latch Hold Time 10 — ns tVL Valid Latch Pulse Width 5 — ns Latch to Read Set-up tHLR Latch to Read Hold tPRD Valid Read to Valid Data Propagation Delay tZRD Valid Read Negated to Output Tri-state tZINTH Valid Read Negated to Output Tri-state 0 — ns 5 — ns — 70 ns — 20 ns — 50 ns ay ,1 9S tSLR ep tem be r, 20 02 10 11 Parameter :50 Table 27 Microprocessor Interface Read Access (Figure 48) Symbol PM S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released hu rsd Figure 48 Microprocessor Interface Read Timing tSar tHar uo fo liv ALE tHalr ett tSalr tVl io nT A[8:0] tSlr tHlr ef (CSB+RDB) inv yV db INTB tZinth tPrd Do wn loa de D[7:0] tZrd VALID Notes on Microprocessor Interface Read Timing: 1. Output propagation delay time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the reference signal to the 1.4 Volt point of the output. 2. Maximum output propagation delays are measured with a 100 pF load on the Microprocessor Interface data bus, (D[7:0]). 3. A valid read cycle is defined as a logical OR of the CSB and the RDB signals. 4. In non-multiplexed address/data bus architectures, ALE should be held high so parameters tSALR, tHALR, tVL, tSLR, and tHLR are not applicable. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 429 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Parameter tHAR is not applicable if address latching is used. 6. When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock. 7. When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock. 8. Output tri-state delay is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt of the reference signal to the point where the total current delivered through the output is less than or equal to the leakage current. 11 :50 :37 PM 5. tSAW Address to Valid Write Set-up Time tSDW Data to Valid Write Set-up Time tSALW Address to Latch Set-up Time tHALW Address to Latch Hold Time tVL Valid Latch Pulse Width 10 ep 9S tHDW Data to Valid Write Hold Time ,1 Latch to Write Hold Address to Valid Write Hold Time tVWR Valid Write Pulse Width hu tHAW ay Latch to Write Set-up tHLW rsd tSLW 20 Min r, Parameter tem be Symbol 02 Table 28 Microprocessor Interface Write Access (Figure 49) Max Units — ns 20 — ns 10 — ns 10 — ns 5 — ns 0 — ns 5 — ns 5 — ns 5 — ns 40 — ns tHaw ett tSaw io nT Figure 49 Microprocessor Interface Write Timing fo liv A[8:0] uo tSalw tVl inv D[7:0] Do wn loa de tVwr yV tSlw db (CSB+WRB) ef ALE tHalw tSdw tHdw VALID Notes on Microprocessor Interface Write Timing: 1. A valid write cycle is defined as a logical OR of the CSB and the WRB signals. 2. In non-multiplexed address/data bus architectures, ALE should be held high so parameters tSALW , tHALW , tVL, tSLW , and tHLW are not applicable. 3. Parameter tHAW is not applicable if address latching is used. 4. When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 430 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 PM 5. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 431 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released A.C. Timing Characteristics PM 19 :37 TA = -40°C to TJ =+125°C, VDDI = 2.5V ± 5%, VDD = 3.3V ± 8%, VAVD = 3.3V ± 5%, :50 19.1 System Reset Timing 11 Table 29 RSTB Timing (Figure 50) Min tVRSTB RSTB Pulse Width 100 Units — ns ep tVrstb tem be r, Figure 50 RSTB Timing Diagram Max 02 Description 20 Symbol rsd ay ,1 9S RSTB nT Table 30 OC-3 Interface Timing hu 19.2 OC-3 Interface Timing Characteristics Description FREFCLK Required frequency for REFCLK_P and REFCLK_N inputs (Bellcore spec for +/20ppm clock sources); all conditions Min TREF, RISE Rise time for REFCLK+ and REFCLKinputs; all conditions - - 1 ns TREF, FALL Fall time for REFCLK+ and REFCLKinputs; all conditions - - 1 ns DCREF Duty Cycle for REFCLK+ and REFCLKinputs; all conditions 45 50 55 % TREF, JITTER Jitter acceptable on REFCLK+/- inputs (12KHz – 5MHz jitter band); all conditions - - 30 ps (rms) - - 5 ps (rms) - 155.52 = 2 x Frefclk - Mb/s Typical Max 77.76 Units MHz Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io Symbol (With External APS Links Disabled) TREF, JITTER Jitter acceptable on REFCLK+/- inputs (12KHz – 5MHz jitter band); all conditions (With External APS Links Enabled) rB 1 2 Bit rate for OC-3 compatible transmit and receive data Note: 1. 30ps rms (Max) values has been mathematically derived from statistical results and board-level assumptions. 2. Above note is also applicable to the 5ps rms budget. For requirements of external APS set-up refer to PMC-2020778. Also see Figure 58. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 432 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 19.3 UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing Max fTFCLK TFCLK Frequency 60 104 DTFCLK TFCLK Duty Cycle 40 60 JTFCLK TFCLK Peak to Peak Jitter (> 1 MHz) tSTENB TENB Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTENB TENB Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 tSTDAT TDAT[31:0] Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTDAT TDAT[31:0] Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 tSTPRTY TPRTY Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTPRTY TPRTY Hold time to TFCLK tSTSOC TSOC Set-up time to TFCLK tHTSOC TSOC Hold time to TFCLK tSTADR TADR[3:0] Set-up time to TFCLK tHTADR TADR[3:0] Hold time to TFCLK tPTCA TFCLK High to TCA Valid MHz tem be r, 20 1 Units :50 Min 11 Description 02 Symbol :37 Table 31 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 51) % ns ns ns ns ns 0.5 ns 2 ns 0.5 ns 2 ns 0.5 ns nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep ns 6 ns io 1.5 fo liv ett Figure 51 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing Diagram uo TFCLK tHtenb tStdat tHtdat tStprty tHtprty tStsoc tHtsoc tStadr tHtadr ef Do wn loa de db TDAT[31:0] TPRTY tStenb yV inv TENB TSOC TADR[3:0] tPtca TCA Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 433 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Table 32 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 52) Description Min Max Units fRFCLK RFCLK Frequency 60 104 MHz DRFCLK RFCLK Duty Cycle 40 60 % JRFCLK RFCLK Peak to Peak Jitter (> 1 MHz) tSRENB RENB Set-up time to RFCLK 2 tHRADR RADR[3:0] Hold time to RFCLK 0.5 tSRADR RADR[3:0] Set-up time to RFCLK 2 tHRENB RENB Hold time to RFCLK 0.5 tPRDAT RFCLK High to RDAT[15:0] Valid 1.5 tPRSOC RFCLK High to RSOC Valid 1.5 tPRPRTY RFCLK High to RPRTY Valid tPRCA RFCLK High to RCA Valid tem be r, 20 :50 02 11 1 :37 Symbol ns ns ns ns ns ns 6 ns 1.5 6 ns 1.5 6 ns ay ,1 9S ep 6.2 hu rsd Figure 52 Receive UTOPIA Level 3 System Interface Timing Diagram tSrenb tHrenb ett io RENB nT RFCLK liv tSradr uo fo RADR[3:0] inv yV db RPRTY ef RDAT[31:0] tHradr tPrdat tPrprty tPrsop Do wn loa de RSOC tPrca RCA Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 434 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Max fTFCLK TFCLK Frequency 60 104 DTFCLK TFCLK Duty Cycle 40 60 JTFCLK TFCLK Peak to Peak Jitter (> 1 MHz) tSTENB TENB Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTENB TENB Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 tSTSX TSX Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTSX TSX Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 tSTDAT TDAT[31:0] Set-up time to TFCLK 2 tHTDAT TDAT[31:0] Hold time to TFCLK tSTMOD TMOD[1:0] Set-up time to TFCLK tHTMOD TMOD[1:0] Hold time to TFCLK tSTPRTY TPRTY Set-up time to TFCLK tHTPRTY TPRTY Hold time to TFCLK tSTSOP tem be r, 20 1 Units :50 Min MHz 11 Description 02 Symbol :37 Table 33 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 53) PM 19.4 POS Level 3 System Interface Timing % ns ns ns ns ep ns 9S ns ns ,1 0.5 ns 0.5 ns 2 ns 0.5 ns TSOP Set-up time to TFCLK 2 ns tHTSOP TSOP Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 ns tSTEOP TEOP Set-up time to TFCLK 2 ns tHTEOP TEOP Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 ns tSTERR TERR Set-up time to TFCLK 2 ns tHTERR TERR Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 ns tSTADR TADR[3:0] Set-up time to TFCLK 2 ns tHTADR TADR[3:0] Hold time to TFCLK 0.5 ns TFCLK High to TPA Valid 1.5 6 ns 1.5 6 ns tPSTPA rsd hu nT io ett liv fo uo ef inv yV db Do wn loa de tPTPA TFCLK High to STPA Valid ay 2 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 435 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 53 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing tHtenb tStsx tHtsx tStdat tHtdat tStprty tHtprty tStsop tHtsop tSteop tHteop tSterr tHterr :50 tStenb :37 TFCLK 11 TENB 20 02 TSX tem be r, TDAT[31:0] ep TPRTY rsd ay TEOP ,1 9S TSOP tStmod tHtmod ett io TMOD[1:0] nT hu TERR liv tStadr uo fo TADR[3:0] inv ef TPA tPtpa tPstpa Do wn loa de db yV STPA tHtadr Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 436 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Table 34 Receive POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing (Figure 54) Description Min Max Units fRFCLK RFCLK Frequency 60 104 MHz DRFCLK RFCLK Duty Cycle 40 60 % JRFCLK RFCLK Peak to Peak Jitter (> 1 MHz) tSRENB RENB Set-up time to RFCLK 2 tHRENB RENB Hold time to RFCLK 0.5 tPRSX RFCLK High to RSX Valid 1.5 tPRDAT RFCLK High to RDAT[31:0] Valid 1.5 tPRPRTY RFCLK High to RPRTY Valid 1.5 tPRSOP RFCLK High to RSOP Valid 1.5 tPREOP RFCLK High to REOP Valid tPRERR RFCLK High to RERR Valid tPRVAL RFCLK High to RVAL Valid tPRMOD RFCLK High to RMOD Valid :50 02 20 ns ns ns ns 6 ns 6 ns 1.5 6 ns 1.5 6 ns 1.5 6 ns 1.5 6 ns ,1 ep tem be 6.2 9S r, 6 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay 11 1 :37 Symbol Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 437 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 54 Receive POS-PHY Level 3 System Interface Timing tHrenb :50 tSrenb :37 RFCLK 11 RENB tPrsx 20 02 RSX tPrdat tem be r, RDAT[31:0] tPrprty tPrsop ,1 9S RSOP ep RPRTY tPreop rsd ay REOP tPrerr nT hu RERR tPrmod ett io RMOD[1:0] Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv RVAL tPrval Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 438 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 19.5 Transmit DCC Interface Timing Description Min fTDCLK TDCLK[15:0] Frequency (line configured) DTDCLK TDCLK[15:0] Duty Cycle (line configured) fTDCLK TDCLK[15:0] Frequency (section configured) DTDCLK TDCLK[15:0] Duty Cycle (section configured) 40 tSTDCC TDCC[15:0] Set-up time to TDCLK[15:0] 25 tHTDCC TDCC[15:0] Hold time to TDCLK[15:0] 25 tSTACC TACC[15:0] Set-up time to TACLK[15:0] 25 tHTACC TACC[15:0] Hold time to TACLK[15:0] Max Units :50 Symbol :37 Table 35 Transmit DCC Interface Timing (Figure 55) 30 70 20 02 216 MHz 11 2.16 kHz % ep 9S ns ns ns ay ,1 25 ns hu rsd Figure 55 Transmit DCC Interface Timing tem be r, 60 % nT TDCLK[15:0] tHtdcc io tStdcc ett TDCC[15:0] liv TACLK[15:0] fo tStacc tHtacc Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo TACC[15:0] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 439 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 19.6 Receive DCC Interface Timing Description Min fRDCLK RDCLK[15:0] Frequency (line configured) DRDCLK RDCLK[15:0] Duty Cycle (line configured) fRDCLK RDCLK[15:0] Frequency (section configured) DRDCLK RDCLK[15:0] Duty Cycle (section configured) 40 tPRDCC RDCLK[15:0] low to RDCC[15:0] valid -20 tPRACC RACLK[15:0] low to RACC[15:0] valid -20 Max Units :50 Symbol :37 Table 36 Receive DCC Interface Timing (Figure 56) 70 02 30 MHz 11 2.16 20 216 kHz % 20 ns 20 ns r, 60 ep tem be % ay ,1 9S Figure 56 Receive DCC Interface Timing hu rsd RDCLK[15:0] nT RDCC[15:0] tPrdcc ett io RACLK[15:0] tPracc Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv RACC[15:0] Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 440 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Table 37 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing (Figure 57) Min fTCLK TCLK Frequency DTCLK TCLK Duty Cycle fRCLK RCLK Frequency DRCLK RCLK Duty Cycle 30 tSTFPI TFPI Set-up time to TCLK 2 tHTFPI TFPI Hold time to TCLK tPRFPO RCLK High to RFPO Valid tPTFPO TCLK High to TFPO Valid Max :50 Description 77.76 MHz 70 % 77.76 MHz 70 % ns tem be r, 20 02 30 0.5 ns 1 6 ns 1 6 ns 9S ep Units 11 Symbol :37 PM 19.7 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing ay ,1 Figure 57 Clock and Frame Pulse Interface Timing tStfpi tHtfpi io nT TFPI hu rsd TCLK tPtfpo liv ett TFPO uo fo RCLK tPrfpo Do wn loa de db yV inv ef RFPO Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 441 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released :37 PM 19.8 APS Interface Timing Characteristics Min UIpp tem be 9S ay 300 Hz – 25 KHz ,1 30 Hz – 300 Hz (-20dB/decade roll-off) Units 0.07 UIpp ep Peak-to-peak Jitter Tolerance of the Input APS ports, APSI[3:0]+/-, for the following Jitter frequencies: 10 Hz – 30 Hz Max r, The bandpass filter has a 250 KHz highpass cutoff frequency with a roll-off of 20 dB/decade and a low-pass cutoff frequency of 5 MHz. JTAPSI Typical 11 JGAPSO Peak-to-peak Intrinsic Jitter of the Output APS ports, APSO[3:0]+/, measured over a 60 second interval with bandpass filter. 02 Description 20 Symbol :50 Table 38 APS Interface Timing (Figure 58) 15 1.5 rsd 25 KHz – 375 KHz (-20dB/decade roll-off) Peak-to-peak Wander Tolerance of the Input APS ports, APSI[3:0]+/-. 0.1 15 UIpp nT WTAPSI hu 375 KHz – 5 MHz Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io Input APS port wander is a result of phase noise or transient between the APS port timings of the Working and Protect devices. The same reference clock must be provided to both devices for proper APS port operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 442 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM Figure 58 Input APS Port Jitter Tolerance :37 Input APS Port Jitter Tolerance Mask 02 tem be r, 20 10 ep 1 ,1 9S Jitter Amplitude (UIpp) 11 :50 100 10 100 1000 10000 rsd 1 ay 0.1 100000 1000000 10000000 nT hu Jitter Frequency (Hz) io Note: Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett For more details refer to section Table 30. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 443 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM 19.9 JTAG Test Port Timing Min Max TCK Frequency 4 40 60 tSTMS TMS Set-up time to TCK 25 tHTMS TMS Hold time to TCK 25 tSTDI TDI Set-up time to TCK 25 tHTDI TDI Hold time to TCK 25 tPTDO TCK Low to TDO Valid 2 tVTRSTB TRSTB Pulse Width 100 Units MHz % ns ns ns ns 50 ns ns 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 TCK Duty Cycle :50 Description 11 Symbol :37 Table 39 JTAG Port Interface (Figure 59) ay ,1 Figure 59 JTAG Port Interface Timing tHtdi tStms tHtms hu tStdi rsd TCK io nT TDI ett TMS tPtdo liv uo fo TDO tVtrstb yV inv ef TRSTB When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock. Do wn loa de 1. db Notes on Input Timing: 2. When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the clock to the 1.4 Volt point of the input. Notes on Output Timing: 1. Output propagation delay time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the reference signal to the 1.4 Volt point of the output. 2. Output propagation delays are measured with a 50 pF load on the outputs except for the Level 3 interface output signals (TCA/TPA, STPA, RCA/RVAL, RDAT[31:0], RPRTY, RSOC/RSOP, REOP, RERR, RMOD[1:0] and RSX) where the load is 30 pF. 3. Output tri-state delay is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt of the reference signal to the point where the total current delivered through the output is less than or equal to the leakage current. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 444 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Thermal Information PM 20 Table 40 Outside Plant Thermal Information 02 Maximum long-term operating junction temperature (TJ) to ensure adequate longterm life. 11 :50 :37 This product is designed to operate over a wide temperature range when used with a heat sink and is suited for outside plant equipment1. [125] °C tem be r, 20 Maximum junction temperature (TJ) for short-term excursions with guaranteed 2 continued functional performance . This condition will typically be reached when the local ambient temperature reaches 85 °C. [105] °C Minimum ambient temperature (TA) 3 Junction-to-Board Thermal Resistance, qJB [6.0] °C/W rsd The sum of qSA + qCS must be less than or equal to: [(105 - TA) / PD ] - qJC ] °C/W hu 4 ay Table 42 Heat Sink Requirements qSA+qCS 9S [0.2] °C/W ,1 Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance, qJC ep Table 41 Device Compact Model [-40] °C nT where: ett io TA is the ambient temperature at the heat sink location PD is the operating power dissipated in the package fo liv qSA and qCS are required for long-term operation inv ef uo Power depends upon the operating mode. To obtain power information, refer to ‘High’ power values in section 17. yV Notes The minimum ambient temperature requirement for Outside Plant Equipment meets the minimum ambient temperature requirement for Industrial Equipment 2. Short-term is used as defined in Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements GR-63-Core Core; for more information about this standard, see section 4. Do wn loa de db 1. 3. qJC, the junction-to-case thermal resistance, is a measured nominal value plus two sigma. qJB, the junction-to-board thermal resistance, is obtained by simulating conditions described in JEDEC Standard JESD 51-8; for more information about this standard, see section 4. 4. qSA is the thermal resistance of the heat sink to ambient. qCS is the thermal resistance of the heat sink attached material. The maximum qSA required for the airspeed at the location of the device in the system with all components in place Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 445 S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Mechanical Information PM 21 D 0.30 M C A B 0.10 M C 11 B D 1, M b 27 25 22 23 20 21 18 19 16 17 14 15 12 13 10 11 8 9 6 7 4 5 A ep E tem be s ,1 9S e ay e EXTENT OF EN CAPSU LAT ION BO TT OM VIEW C liv ett io bbb E 1, N A hu A2 nT A s rsd TO P VIEW 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U V W Y AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL r, A1 BA LL ID INK M AR K A1 BALL CO R NER 2 3 20 29 24 26 28 30 31 02 A :50 (4X) aaa A1 BALL C OR N ER :37 Figure 60 Mechanical Drawing 520 in Super Ball Grid Array (SBGA) SEAT ING PLANE d fo A1 0.20 M IN ddd C C SIDE VIEW uo A-A SECTIO N VIEW inv ef ALL D IM ENSIO NS IN M ILLIM ET ER. DIM ENSION aaa D ENO TES PA CKAG E BO DY PRO FILE. DIM ENSIO N bbb DE NO TES PAR ALLE L. DIM ENSIO N ccc DE NO TES FLAT NESS. DIM ENSION ddd DENO TE S C OPLA NARITY. yV NO TE S: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ccc db PACK AGE TYPE : 520 THER M ALLY ENHANCED BALL G RID ARRAY - SBGA BODY SIZE : 40 x 40 x 1.54 M M A A1 1.30 0.50 Do wn loa de Dim . M in. A2 D D1 E E1 0.80 39.90 38.00 39.90 38.00 M,N b d e 0.60 0.5 Nom . 1.51 0.60 0.91 40.00 38.10 40.00 38.10 31x31 0.75 - Max. 1.70 0.70 1.00 40.10 38.20 40.10 38.20 - 0.90 aaa bbb ccc - - - - 1.27 - - - - 0.20 0.25 0.20 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 ddd 0.20 446 C S/UNI®-16x155 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :50 :37 PM Notes Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. Document No.: PMC-2000495, Issue 3 447