PM TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released 11 :52 :48 PM8316 TM ,1 9S ep TEMUX-84 tem be r, 20 02 TEMUX-84 uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay High Density 84-Channel T1/E1/J1 Framer with Integrated VT/TU Mappers and M13 Muxs Do wn loa de db yV inv ef PRODUCTION RELEASE ERRATA Proprietary and Confidential Released Issue 2: August, 2002 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Legal Information :52 :48 Copyright 11 © 2002 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 20 02 The information is proprietary and confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. In any event, you cannot reproduce any part of this document, in any form, without the express written consent of PMC-Sierra, Inc. tem be r, PMC-2020509 (r2) ep Disclaimer nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S None of the information contained in this document constitutes an express or implied warranty by PMC-Sierra, Inc. as to the sufficiency, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose of any such information or the fitness, or suitability for a particular purpose, merchantability, performance, compatibility with other parts or systems, of any of the products of PMC-Sierra, Inc., or any portion thereof, referred to in this document. PMC-Sierra, Inc. expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind regarding the contents or use of the information, including, but not limited to, express and implied warranties of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or non-infringement. fo liv ett io In no event will PMC-Sierra, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost business or lost data resulting from any use of or reliance upon the information, whether or not PMC-Sierra, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. uo Trademarks yV inv ef SBI, TEMUX, and PMC-Sierra are trademarks of PMC-Sierra, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. db Patents Do wn loa de The technology discussed is protected by one or more of the following Patents: U.S. Patent No. 5,640,398 Canadian patent 2,161,921 Relevant patent applications and other patents may also exist. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 i TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Contacting PMC-Sierra 11 :52 :48 PMC-Sierra 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 20 02 Tel: +1.604.415.6000 Fax: +1.604.415.6204 9S ep tem be r, Document Information: Corporate Information: Technical Support: Web Site: ,1 Revision History Issue Date Details of Change 1 April 2002 This document refers to device and documentation errata for Revision C, the production release TEMUX-84 device. rsd ay Issue No. io nT hu The predecessor TEMUX-84 Rev B Errata document, PMC2012298 Issue 3 refers to Revision B of the TEMUX-84. All Errata items in that document indicated as “To be fixed in Rev C” have been implemented and tested in the Rev C TEMUX-84 device. fo August 2002 Additional device errata: Items 2.9 to 2.12 Additional documentation errata: Items 3.2 to 3.23 Appendix A: Using the Line Side SBI of the TEMUX-84 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo 2 liv ett All documentation errata described in the Rev B Errata have subsequently been included in the latest data sheet and/or register documents. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 ii TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Table of Contents :48 Legal Information ................................................................................................................................ i :52 Contacting PMC-Sierra ...................................................................................................................... ii DEVICE IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................1 1.2 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................1 20 02 1.1 tem be r, TEMUX-84 Functional Deficiency List........................................................................................2 5 National Use Bits in E1 TS0 cannot be simultaneously encoded...................................2 2.2 E1 Framer may falsely assert continuous CRC multiframe errors ....................................3 2.3 Demapping DS3 when CLK52M = 51.84 MHz not recommended for new designs .........4 2.4 TICLK Duty Cycle tolerance does not meet spec for a specific configuration...................5 2.5 Unstable DS3/E3 transmit clock may trigger data corruption in unchannelized modes ................................................................................................................................6 2.6 Unchannelized DS3/E3 Loss of Signal requires SBI tributary reset..................................7 2.7 Start-up condition where 77.76 MHz SBI or Telecom Bus may see data corruption.........8 2.8 Non-ideal jitter performance in M13 mode when SBI bus is not synchronous................16 2.9 F-bit delay on H-MVIP bus is inconsistent in T1 mode....................................................17 hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep 2.1 nT 2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1 io 1 11 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. iii liv ett 2.10 Multiframe Pulse Signaling inserted incorrectly for CAS applications in transmit path 18 fo 2.11 Synchronization between TelecomBus and SBI Bus in OC-12/STM-4 Applications .......19 ef TEMUX-84 Documentation Issues...........................................................................................26 Notification of Changes in AC Parameters ......................................................................26 3.2 SLCÒ96 support must be implemented using SBI bus ...................................................26 3.3 Transmux mode must meet Section 12.2.2 timing specification .....................................26 3.4 Transmux mode: T1/E1 Mapper configured before SONET/SDH blocks .......................27 db yV inv 3.1 Do wn loa de 3 uo 2.12 TEMUX-84 supports line side SBI bus ............................................................................25 3.5 FI_EMPTY_ENBL bit works for all SPE_TYPEs .............................................................27 3.6 INSBI FIFO Underrun Status Register correction............................................................27 3.7 Correction to BSDL version number ................................................................................27 3.8 LAOE/LATPL is a tristate output ......................................................................................28 3.9 TSADDR is 5 bits .............................................................................................................28 3.10 TRIB_ENBL bit should be ENBL bit.................................................................................28 3.11 FIFO underrun and overrun blocking description ............................................................28 3.12 INSBI Control register bit is Reserved.............................................................................28 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 iii TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM 3.13 APAGE bit in Register 0x0E61 ........................................................................................28 3.14 SREFCLK specification in serial DS3 mode....................................................................29 :48 3.15 DS3 Looptiming is not hitless ..........................................................................................29 :52 3.16 Demapped DS3 clock must be de-jittered for unstructured DS3 CES using SRTS........29 11 3.17 T1/E1 HDLC (THDL) minimum packet size is 2 bytes ....................................................29 02 3.18 Initialization time for T1/E1 Transmitter blocks ................................................................29 20 3.19 DS3 and E3 Diagnostic Loopback correction ..................................................................30 3.20 ETSEN bit description clarified ........................................................................................30 tem be r, 3.21 Register default differs from actual chip value.................................................................30 3.22 TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] bit clarification ......................................................................................30 Appendix A: Configuring Line Side SBI on TEMUX-84...........................................................32 Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S 4 ep 3.23 TGAPCLK diagram is 1 pulse wider ................................................................................31 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 iv TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released Introduction PM 1 :52 :48 In this document: Section 2 lists the known functional errata for Revision C, the production version of the PM8316 TEMUX-84 Device. · Section 3 lists documentation errors found in Issue 7 of the TEMUX-84 Data Sheet (PMC1991437) and Issue 5 of the TEMUX-84 Register Description (PMC-2000034). 20 02 11 · r, DEVICE IDENTIFICATION tem be 1.1 ay ,1 9S Figure 1. PM8316 TEMUX-84 Branding Format. ep The device revision code is marked at the end of the Wafer Batch Code on the face of the device as shown below. nT hu rsd Ball A1 Index Marks TEMUX Logo TM TEMUX-84 Part Number ett io PMC Logo fo liv PM8316-PI C C Myyww Philippines ef inv REFERENCES Assembly Date Code yV 1.2 uo Country of Assembler Wafer Batch Code Do wn loa de db PMC-1991437 High Density T1/E1 Framer with Integrated VT/TU Mappers and M13 Multiplexers Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet, Issue 7. PMC- 2000034 High Density T1/E1 Framer with Integrated VT/TU Mapper and M13 Multiplexer Telecom Standard Product Register Description, Issue 5. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 1 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released TEMUX-84 Functional Deficiency List PM 2 r, 5 National Use Bits in E1 TS0 cannot be simultaneously encoded tem be 2.1 20 02 11 :52 :48 This section lists the known functional deficiencies (as of the publication date of this document) for the production version of the TEMUX-84. For each deficiency, the workaround, if available, is described. A comparison is given for the performance of the device with and without the implementation of the workaround. Description rsd ay ,1 9S ep In timeslot 0 of the E1 frame (TS0-Odd of E1 double frame), there are 5 reserved National Bits sometimes used for additional signaling in European or Asian networks. The TEMUX-84 has the ability to only modify one of the E1 National Bits - SaX (where X = 4-8) at a given time with a user-selectable 4-bit repeating code word. This differs from how the E1 National bits functioned in the PM8315 TEMUX device. In the TEMUX, once a code word was setup to be transmitted on an SaX bit, it would keep on being transmitted until the SaX_EN[1:4] were modified. The TEMUX allowed five different code words to be transmitted on the SaX bits. liv ett io nT hu In the TEMUX-84 however, using SaSEL[2:0], the E1 TRAN enables selection of the SaX bits (where X = 4-8) upon which to transmit the SaX[1:4] code word. Transmission of the code word is enabled by setting the bits in SaX_EN[1:4]. Selecting a new SaX bit, by changing SaSEL[2:0], will cause the previously selected SaX bit to pass through unmodified and the newly selected SaX bit will contain the code word. This effectively allows transmission of only one SaX bit at a time. fo Workaround Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo To simultaneously support multiple user-selectable SaX bits, they must be inserted via the system backplane. Setting the INDIS bit to 1 disables the TEMUX-84’s ability to insert international and national bits into timeslot 0. As a result, transparent passing of bits occurs from TS0 of either the SBI or H-MVIP system side interface. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 2 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Registers 0x016A-0x016F: T1/E1 Transmitter Indirect Channel Data Registers Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 XDIS CASDIS TS16AIS FEBEDIS GENCRC INDIS FDIS 11 Bit 6 20 Bit 7 Bit 0 Default (‘b) AIS 00000000 r, 0x016A Offset 02 Address :52 :48 E1 Bit Map: tem be INDIS: ,1 9S ep INDIS controls the insertion of the international and national bits into TS0. When INDIS is set to logic 0, the international and national bits are inserted. The bit values used for the international bits are dependent upon the GENCRC, FEBEDIS, and Si[1:0] context bits. The bit values used for the national bits are dependent upon SaSEL[2:0], Sax_EN[1:4], and SaX[1:4]. When INDIS is a logic 1, the international and national bits are taken directly from the system interface. rsd ay Performance with Workaround hu Normal operation. nT Performance without Workaround uo E1 Framer may falsely assert continuous CRC multiframe errors ef 2.2 fo liv ett io If setting the E1 National bits is not required, device performance is unaffected. If modifying National bits is required, only one SaX bit can be set at a time. inv Description Do wn loa de db yV When the TEMUX-84 device is configured for E1 CRC-4 multiframe, it is possible that one or more of the 63 tributaries incorrectly declares continuous CMFERI and FEBEI errors. This false assertion of CRC multiframe errors may occur when the line side is configured for bit asynchronous demapping or G.747 demultiplexing. This condition does not occur when byte synchronous demapping from SONET/SDH. This false error assertion only occurs when the new E1 multiframe alignment is exactly 8 frames from the previous, established multiframe alignment. In other words, subframe II thinks it is subframe I. These two conditions, if seen together, are a good indicator of these false error assertions: 1. Continuous FEBE errors, roughly 500 errors per second, AND 2. Basic Frame is still in in-frame condition. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 3 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :48 PM The Far End Block Error holding register, FEBE[9:0] counts of Register 0x0186, can be used to determine the FEBE error frequency. Monitoring this count will help determine if false error assertions are occurring. :52 Workaround r, 20 02 11 If excessive FEBE errors occur, roughly 500 errors per second, and basic frame is still intact, a reframe should be forced. To do this, the REFR bit of Register 0x0174 can be set to logic 0 then set to 1 as detailed in register bit description below. This forces an out of frame, and establishes the correct multiframe alignment, as per the “CRC Multiframe Alignment Procedure” section of the Data Sheet. tem be Performance with Workaround 9S ep The reframing procedure may occasionally cause the corruption of DS0s at the system interface for a few milliseconds then normal operation will resume. ,1 Performance without Workaround io Demapping DS3 when CLK52M = 51.84 MHz not recommended for new designs liv ett 2.3 nT hu rsd ay There is no data corruption despite the persistance of CRC multiframe error indications. Basic frame is still correct and all the DSOs are still error-free. Operation of the TEMUX-84 is otherwise normal. fo Description ef uo In the TEMUX-84 Data Sheet, there is a choice between two clock frequencies for CLK52M input (Pin AB10): Do wn loa de db yV inv "52 MHz Clock Reference (CLK52M): The 52 Mhz clock reference is used to generate a gapped DS3 clock when demapping a DS3 from the SONET stream and also to generate a gapped DS3/E3 clock when receiving a DS3/E3 from the SBI bus interface. This clock has two nominal values. The first is a nominal 51.84 MHz 50% duty cycle clock. The second is a nominal 44.928 MHz 50% duty cycle clock. The expected frequency is determined by the FASTCLKFREQ bit of the SONET/SDH Master DS3 Clock Generation Control register. If E3 data rates are being supported, CLK52M must be 51.84 MHz." Repetitive data corruption with demapped DS3 may occur in systems using the 51.84 MHz clock. This is not an issue if the alternate clock frequency, 44.928 MHz, is used. At this time, full characterization of the tolerance of the 51.84 MHz frequency relative to the TelecomBus rate is not complete. Some systems may generate the 51.84 MHz clock from the TelecomBus clock (LREFCLK) and it is not known if this will avoid the possible data corruption. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 4 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Workaround 11 :52 :48 1. When configured to demap DS3 payloads from SONET STS1/SDH AU3, the CLK52M input must be 44.928 MHz to avoid possible data corruption to the DS3 stream. Thus, the FASTCLKFREQ bit of Register 0x709 must be cleared to logic 0. Using the 44.928 MHz clock has always been a fully supported mode and has been tested in-house. 20 02 2. If E3 data is to be transferred across the SBI bus, then FASTCLKFREQ must be set to logic 1 and the CLK52M input must be a 51.84 MHz input. ep tem be r, 3. In the event that both 1 and 2 above are to be supported by the TEMUX-84 on a single card, then external logic will be required to switch between the two crystal frequencies. Note that you will have to choose either mode 1 or mode 2 as the operational mode of the entire TEMUX-84 at any given time, as the CLK52M input is the clock source for all 3 ports of the device. 9S Performance with Workaround hu Performance without Workaround rsd ay ,1 If the 44.928MHz clock frequency is used for CLK52M while demapping DS3s from SONET STS1/SDH AU3, the risk of data corruption in this mode no longer exists. It is highly recommended to use this clock frequency when demapping DS3s. ett TICLK Duty Cycle tolerance does not meet spec for a specific configuration fo liv 2.4 io nT When demapping DS3s from SONET/SDH payloads, if the CLK52M input is set to 51.84MHz, there is a risk of data corruption. ef uo Description db yV inv Transmit input clock (Input pins T4, V4, Y2): TICLK[3:1] provides the transmit direction timing for the three DS3s or E3s in the TEMUX-84. TICLK[3:1] are nominally 44.736 MHz or 34.368 MHz, 50% duty cycle clocks. The TICLK duty cycle tolerance specification requires that low pulse width meet 7.7. Do wn loa de The TICLK Duty Cycle tolerance does not meet specification for a very specific configuration controlled in Register 0x0202+1x100*N, DS3 and E3 Master Unchannelized Interface Options. The set-up is when using a gapped output clock (Bit 6, TXGAPEN=1) and also sampling on the falling edge of this clock (Bit 7, TDATIFALL=1). Therefore, any SBI bus applications are not affected. Workaround The suggested workaround is to sample on the rising edge when using a gapped output clock. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 5 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Performance with Workaround :48 With the suggested workaround, the TEMUX-84 meets its TICLK duty cycle specification. :52 Performance without Workaround 20 Unstable DS3/E3 transmit clock may trigger data corruption in unchannelized modes tem be r, 2.5 02 11 Configuring the TEMUX-84 with gapped output clock and sampling on the falling edge may result in data corruption of the transmit DS3/E3. Description 9S ep Permanent data corruption may occur when the TEMUX-84 is configured in DS3/E3 framer only mode over the SBI system interface as egress clock master. This may be triggered by a single event such as an unstable DS3/E3 transmit clock. hu rsd ay ,1 The extract SBI bus FIFO provides direct indications of the error state. It is recommended to enable the interrupt service routines to monitor the FIFO depth, underrun and overflow conditions of this block. The workaround detailed below eliminates the effect of this loss of signal or frame event in DS3 unchannelized while TEMUX-84 is egress clock master. nT Workaround ett io The following workaround has been verified and is highly recommended: liv WHILE (EXSBI has under-run,over-run or depth-check errors) { uo fo Reset DS3 block for failing SPE ef Reconfigure DS3 block for failing SPE inv Clear SBI interrupts caused by resetting DS3 db { yV Check SBI interrupts to see if failure is persisting Do wn loa de Performance with Workaround When workaround is implemented, egress data corruption will be eliminated. Performance without Workaround Underflows and overflows that may occur in EXSBI as a result of arbitrary transmit clocking may fail to recover. Permanent transmit DS3/E3 data corruption may occur. Implementation of the suggested workaround is recommended. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 6 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Unchannelized DS3/E3 Loss of Signal requires SBI tributary reset :48 2.6 :52 Description 02 11 In unchannelized DS3/E3 over SBI mode, whenever the TEMUX-84 recovers from a DS3/E3 loss of signal condition, there is a chance that its SBI tributary will fail in the ingress path. 20 Workaround tem be r, Whenever the state of DS3 LOS transitions from LOS to healthy signal, the failed link in the INSBI (Insert SBI) must be re-provisioned. ep This workaround has also been implemented in the TEMUX-84 Production Release Device Driver in the following manner: nT Performance with Workaround hu rsd ay ,1 9S When a DS3 LOS interrupt occurs, the interrupt routine checks to see if LOSV is zero (i.e. we now have signal). An additional check is done to ensure the DS3 is configured for unchannelized (the configuration at risk of link failures). If so, the INSBI block is reset by disabling and re-enabling the link for the SPE in question. In order for the driver to be able to do this, the DS3 LOS interrupt must be properly enabled in software as per the Driver Manual. fo liv ett io When the corresponding INSBI link is reprovisioned upon signal integrity transition, the TEMUX-84 device operates normally. Correct frame and data will be received while in unchannelized DS3 mode. uo Performance without Workaround Do wn loa de db yV inv ef If the corresponding link is not reset upon signal integrity recovery, there is a chance of remaining in a permanent error state irregardless of loop timing or internal clocking. Data may be corrupted at the SBI drop bus. Roughly 1 in 10 times the LOS occurs while in unchannelized DS3 mode, the DS3 gets corrupted. Implementation of the suggested workaround is recommended to avoid any data integrity problems. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 7 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Start-up condition where 77.76 MHz SBI or Telecom Bus may see data corruption :48 2.7 :52 Description tem be r, 20 02 11 The TEMUX-84 has the option to operate the system side SBI bus in either 19.44 or 77.76 MHz SBI mode. There is a digital delay-locked loop (DLL) needed to simultaneously meet the output propagation delay as well as the setup and hold time requirements for the 77.76 MHz SBI bus interface. The DLL is used to minimize output delay on all bus outputs. The DLL measures the phase difference between the external clock and a reference clock and generates an internal clock, which reduces the phase difference between the external clock and the reference clock to zero. Similarly, the same DLL is required for the TelecomBus line side 77.76 MHz operation. ay ,1 9S ep There is a start-up condition in the TEMUX-84 that may cause the DLL of the 77.76 MHz SBI or the TelecomBus to lock up. Hence, extracting data from the TelecomBus may have integrity issues and the SBI drop bus has been observed to tristate when in 77.76 MHz mode. This lock-up condition can be avoided if the start-up interrupt service routine includes the register accesses below, and is implemented upon device configuration. hu rsd One possible cause of this data corruption start-up issue is the inability to absorb phase hits within 80us of TEMUX-84 device initialization. ett liv For 77.76 MHz SBI bus DLL: io nT The following 6 registers are not currently revealed in the TEMUX-84 Register Descriptions, but need to be accessed to avoid the start-up condition described. Type Default Unused X Unused X R/W Reserved 0 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X ef Function yV Bit inv Bit 7 Do wn loa de Bit 4 db Bit 6 Bit 5 uo fo Register 0x1C4: DLL Configuration (77.76 MHz SBI Bus) Bit 3 Bit 2 R/W ERRORE X Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0 The DLL Configuration Register controls the basic operation of the DLL. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 8 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM ERRORE: 11 :52 :48 The ERROR interrupt enable (ERRORE) bit enables the error indication interrupt. When ERRORE is set high, the INTB output is asserted low upon assertion of the ERROR bit of the DLL Control Status register. When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR bit does not generate an interrupt. 20 02 Reserved: tem be r, The reserved bits must be set low for correct operation. Function Default Bit 7 R TAP[7] Bit 6 R TAP[6] 9S Bit 5 R TAP[5] Bit 4 R TAP[4] Bit 3 R TAP[3] Bit 2 R TAP[2] X Bit 1 R TAP[1] X Bit 0 R TAP[0] X X fo liv io nT hu rsd ay ,1 X X X X uo Bit ep Type ett Register 0x1C6: DLL Delay Tap Status inv ef The DLL Delay Tap Status Register indicates the delay tap used by the DLL to generate the outgoing clock. Do wn loa de TAP[7:0]: db yV Writing to this register performs a software reset of the DLL. A software reset requires a maximum of 24*256 SREFCLK cycles for the DLL to regain lock. During this time the SBI output propagation delays may vary. The tap status register bits (TAP[7:0]) specifies the delay line tap the DLL is using to generate its outgoing clock. When TAP[7:0] is logic zero, the DLL is using the delay line tap with minimum phase delay. When TAP[7:0] is equal to 255, the DLL is using the delay line tap with maximum phase delay. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 9 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released X X Bit 6 R DLLCLKI X Bit 5 R ERRORI X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X ERROR X Unused X Bit 1 R RUN X ay Bit 0 9S R ,1 Bit 2 11 SREFCLKI 02 R ep Bit 7 :48 Unused :52 Default 20 Bit 8 Function r, Type tem be Bit PM Register 0x1C7: DLL Control Status rsd The DLL Control Status Register provides information of the DLL operation. nT hu RUN: fo liv ett io The DLL lock status register bit (RUN) indicates the DLL found a delay line tap in which the phase difference between the rising edge of the variable delay clock and the rising edge of SREFCLK is zero. After system reset, RUN is logic zero until the phase detector indicates an initial lock condition. When the phase detector indicates lock, RUN is set to logic 1. uo The RUN register bit is cleared only by a hardware or a software reset. inv ef ERROR: db yV The delay line error register bit (ERROR) indicates the DLL has run out of dynamic range. When the DLL attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line, ERROR is set high. ERROR is set low when the DLL captures lock again. Do wn loa de When this bit is a logic 1, it is recommended the DLL be re-initialized by writing any value to the DLL Delay Tap Status register. ERRORI: The delay line error event register bit (ERRORI) indicates the ERROR register bit has gone high. When the ERROR register changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the ERRORI register bit is set to logic one and is cleared upon read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 10 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM DLLCLKI: :52 :48 The reference clock event register bit DLLCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the variable delay clock. When the internal DLLCLK changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the DLLCLKI register bit is set to logic one and cleared upon read. 20 02 11 In the unlikely event this bit is logic 0, the DLL shall be re-initiated by writing any value to the DLL Delay Tap Status register. r, SREFCLKI: ay Workaround for 77.76 MHz SBI mode ,1 9S ep tem be The system clock event register bit SREFCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the SREFCLK input clock. When the SREFCLK primary input changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the SREFCLKI register bit is set to logic one. The SREFCLKI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. nT hu rsd The registers shown above are needed to implement the appropriate start-up error checks when operating the TEMUX-84 in 77.76 MHz SBI mode. This will avoid the potential tristating of the SBI drop bus after device configuration. ett io The recommended sequence of register accesses is shown below. When operating in 77.76 MHz SBI mode: inv ef uo fo liv 1. Set ERRORE (ERROR interrupt enable) bit to 1 in Register 0x1C4: DLL Configuration. In doing so, an interrupt will be generated upon assertion event of the ERROR indicator status in Register 0x1C7: DLL Control Status. This ERROR bit is set high when the DLL has run out of dynamic range and attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line. Polling may also be used. Do wn loa de db yV 2. If the ERROR bit is set high indicating the DLL is locking up, a DLL software reset must be invoked for the DLL to regain lock. Writing any values to Register 0x1C6: DLL Delay Tap Status does this and ensures the SBI drop bus will not tristate. ERRORE should remain a logic 1 (regular polling is an alternative). Although the problem has only ever been seen at startup, the theoretical possibility exists for the condition to be triggered at any time due to discontinuities in phase of SREFCLK. Note: The SBIDLLINT bit is available as bit 6 in Register 0x0015 Master Interrupt Source SBI. Below is the bit description: SBIDLLINT: This bit only has significance if the S77 input in pulled high. If the SBIDLLINT bit is a logic 1, the SBI DLL has generated an interrupt indicating it has errored. Register 0x01C7 DLL Control Status must be read to clear this interrupt. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 11 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :48 PM The following registers need to be accessed to avoid potential start-up conditions when operating in TelecomBus mode: Bit 7 Unused X Bit 6 Unused X Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Unused X X Bit 1 R/W Reserved Bit 0 R/W Reserved 9S ERRORE ,1 R/W 0 0 rsd Bit 2 ay Bit 3 20 R/W ep Bit 5 11 Default 02 Function r, Type tem be Bit :52 Register 0x073C: DLL Configuration (TelecomBus) hu The DLL Configuration Register controls the basic operation of the DLL. nT ERRORE: uo fo liv ett io The ERROR interrupt enable (ERRORE) bit enables the error indication interrupt. When ERRORE is set high, the INTB output is asserted low upon assertion of the ERROR bit in the DLL Control Status register. When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR bit does not generate an interrupt. ef Reserved: Do wn loa de db yV inv The reserved bits must be set low for correct operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 12 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released Default Bit 7 R TAP[7] X Bit 6 R TAP[6] X Bit 5 R TAP[5] X Bit 4 R TAP[4] X Bit 3 R TAP[3] X Bit 2 R TAP[2] X Bit 1 R TAP[1] X Bit 0 R TAP[0] X :48 Function 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :52 Type ,1 Bit PM Register 0x073E: DLL Delay Tap Status rsd ay The DLL Delay Tap Status Register indicates the delay tap used by the DLL to generate the outgoing clock. io nT hu Writing to this register performs a software reset of the DLL. A software reset requires a maximum of 24*256 LREFCLK cycles for the DLL to regain lock. During this time the TelecomBus output propagation delays may vary. ett TAP[7:0]: uo fo liv The tap status register bits (TAP[7:0]) specifies the delay line tap the DLL is using to generate its outgoing clock. . Do wn loa de db yV inv ef When TAP[7:0] is logic zero, the DLL is using the delay line tap with minimum phase delay. When TAP[7:0] is equal to 255, the DLL is using the delay line tap with maximum phase delay. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 13 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released X X Bit 6 R DLLCLKI X Bit 5 R ERRORI X Bit 4 Unused X Bit 3 Unused X ERROR X Unused X Bit 1 R RUN X ay Bit 0 9S R ,1 Bit 2 11 LREFCLKI 02 R ep Bit 7 :48 Unused :52 Default 20 Bit 8 Function r, Type tem be Bit PM Register 0x073F: DLL Control Status rsd The DLL Control Status Register provides information of the DLL operation. nT hu RUN: fo liv ett io The DLL lock status register bit (RUN) indicates the DLL found a delay line tap in which the phase difference between the rising edge of the variable delay clock and the rising edge of LREFCLK is zero. After system reset, RUN is logic zero until the phase detector indicates an initial lock condition. When the phase detector indicates lock, RUN is set to logic 1. uo The RUN register bit is cleared only by a hardware or a software reset. inv ef ERROR: db yV The delay line error register bit (ERROR) indicates the DLL has run out of dynamic range. When the DLL attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line, ERROR is set high. ERROR is set low when the DLL captures lock again. Do wn loa de When this bit is a logic 1, it is recommended the DLL be re-initialized by writing any value to the DLL Delay Tap Status register. ERRORI: The delay line error event register bit (ERRORI) indicates the ERROR register bit has gone high. When the ERROR register changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the ERRORI register bit is set to logic one and is cleared upon read. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 14 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM DLLCLKI: :52 :48 The reference clock event register bit DLLCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the variable delay clock. When the internal DLLCLK changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the DLLCLKI register bit is set to logic one and cleared upon read. 20 02 11 In the unlikely event this bit is logic 0, the DLL shall be re-initiated by writing any value to the DLL Delay Tap Status register. r, LREFCLKI: 9S ep tem be The line clock event register bit LREFCLKI provides a method to monitor activity on the LREFCLK input clock. When the LREFCLK primary input changes from a logic zero to a logic one, the LREFCLKI register bit is set to logic one. The LREFCLKI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. ,1 Workaround for TelecomBus mode rsd ay The registers shown above are needed to implement the appropriate start-up error checks when operating the TEMUX-84 in 77.76 MHz TelecomBus mode. nT hu The recommended sequence of register accesses is shown below. When operating in TelecomBus mode: uo fo liv ett io 1. Set ERRORE (ERROR interrupt enable) bit to 1 in Register 0x073C: DLL Configuration. In doing so, an interrupt will be generated upon assertion event of the ERROR indicator status in Register 0x073F: DLL Control Status. This ERROR bit is set high when the DLL has run out of dynamic range and attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line. Polling may also be used. The TBUSDLLINT bit is available as bit 7 in Register 0x0012 Master Interrupt Source SDH #1. Below is the bit description: Do wn loa de Note: db yV inv ef 2. If the ERROR bit is set high indicating the DLL is locking up, a DLL software reset must be invoked for the DLL to regain lock. Writing any values to Register 0x073E: DLL Delay Tap Status does this and ensures TelecomBus propagation delays are within specification. ERRORE should remain a logic 1 (regular polling is an alternative). Although the problem has only ever been seen at startup, the theoretical possibility exists for the condition to be triggered at any time due to discontinuities in phase of LREFCLK. TBUSDLLINT: This bit only has significance if the L77 input in pulled high. If the TBUSDLLINT bit is a logic 1, the TelecomBus DLL has generated an interrupt indicating it has errored. Register 0x073F DLL Control Status must be read to clear this interrupt. Performance with Workaround Normal operation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 15 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Performance without Workaround :52 :48 When operating the TEMUX-84 in 77.76 MHz SBI bus or TelecomBus modes, the rare occurrence of DLL lock-up conditions is not deterministic. Symptoms of this lock-up include out-of-spec propagation delays on each of the buses or tristating of the bus itself. 20 Non-ideal jitter performance in M13 mode when SBI bus is not synchronous Telecom Bus Line Side VT/TU Mapper T1/E1 Framers DS3 Line Side ay DS3 Framers SBI System Interface Link Layer Device or T1/E1 LIU TEMUX-84 hu rsd DS3 LIU ,1 M13 MUX ep DS3 Mapper 9S SONET/ SDH Framer tem be r, 2.8 02 11 However, it is known with certainty that this is a start-up condition that can be avoided by implementing the workaround described above. io nT Description liv ett There is a specific system configuration and operating mode in which T1 and E1 jitter performance may be less than desired: uo fo 1. System side SBI Bus running in slave mode, and the T1’s or E1 are not synchronous with the SBI bus clock, hence, there is a presence of SBI bus T1/E1 tributary pointer adjustments. db yV inv ef This configuration is most frequently used when the SBI system bus is connected to one of PMC-Sierra’s AAL1gator devices or perhaps a customer provided system side device requiring non-synchronous SBI bus operation. If the system bus is connected to an LIU (typically the PM4318 or PM4319) and each T1 or E1 must be independently timed then the TEMUX-84 will be configured in slave mode and will be operating asynchronously. Do wn loa de There is no jitter issue whatsoever when the TEMUX-84 is the SBI Add bus timing master (for example when the TEMUX-84 device interfaces with PMC-Sierra’s FREEDM, IMA, SBS or other TEMUX devices) or when the T1’s or E1’s are synchronous (locked) to the SBI bus. 2. TEMUX-84 is configured in M13 or G.747 multiplexing modes where SBI-sourced data from the system SBI bus is routed through the M13 multiplexer and then either to be DS3mapped into SONET/SDH (out the line side telecom bus) or outputted as channelized DS3 via the TEMUX-84’s DS-3 serial port. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 16 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :48 PM Note that jitter performance will not be a concern if the SBI-sourced T1/E1s are directly VT/TU-mapped into SONET/SDH, or when unchannelized DS-3 is being taken from the SBI system-side bus. 02 11 :52 Preliminary jitter results indicate that if both of these conditions apply, the applicable T1/E1 jitter standards can be met, however with less-than-ideal design margin. Note that there are no data integrity issues in the TEMUX-84 in any mode. The following discussion is with respect only to jitter performance of T1 or E1 multiplexed within a DS-3. ep tem be r, 20 Evaluating jitter performance is complex and highly dependant on the overall network and system in which the TEMUX-84 may operate. Further, the appropriate jitter test scenarios are not always clearly defined in the standards. PMC-Sierra provides an Applications Note detailing the extensive jitter testing performed, the configurations used, and the results achieved for the most common system configurations involving the TEMUX-84 and other PMC devices. F-bit delay on H-MVIP bus is inconsistent in T1 mode rsd 2.9 ay ,1 9S It is recommended that the Applications Note be reviewed in detail. Customers operating in SBI bus timing slave mode with independent T1/E1 clocking and routing traffic through the device’s internal M13 multiplexer can contact PMC-Sierra to discuss these issues. nT hu Description liv ett io In the TEMUX-84, it is possible to transparently carry T1 F-bits over the H-MVIP bus interface. Currently, the TEMUX-84 Data Sheet states that F-bits output on the H-MVIP interface are delayed by one T1 frame (Table 42). This delay creates a single frame shift in the multiframe alignment of the subsequent SF or ESF formatted data stream. ef uo fo Subsequent testing has revealed that in fact the T1 F-bit can be either advanced or delayed by one T1 frame. This behavior depends on the internal alignment of specific read and write pointers inside the TEMUX-84. Both T1 SF and ESF framing formats are affected by this problem. db yV inv It is further possible that internal conditions may change; thereby causing the F-bits alignment to the data frame to switch between advanced and delayed by one T1 frame. In such a scenario, SLCÒ96 applications will be impacted because the F-bit stream will be corrupted. Do wn loa de This deficiency does not impact or corrupt data on the H-MVIP bus, nor does it apply to the SBI bus mode of operation. E1 modes are unaffected. Workaround The switching between advanced and delayed frame alignment is determined by internal conditions that are not readily discernable to the external circuitry. There is no workaround. PMC-Sierra recommends that designs requiring frame-aligned access to the F-bits (such as SLCÒ96 framing support) should be based on the SBI bus rather than the H-MVIP bus. Refer to Application Note PMC-2020593, “TEMUX-84 SBI FPGA for SLCÒ96 Applications”. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 17 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Performance with workaround :48 There is currently no workaround to deterministically handle F-bits on the H-MVIP bus. 02 11 :52 In general, the functionality of designs based on H-MVIP can be readily replaced with designs using the SBI bus operating in synchronous mode. Since the H-MVIP and SBI bus modes share pins, it is usually possible to convert from an H-MVIP bus to a synchronous SBI bus with minimal changes to the circuitry. 20 Performance without workaround 9S ep tem be r, The shift in alignment created by the single frame F-bit delay or advancement results in F-bit signaling corruption in the form of missed or repeated F-bits. If these F-bits are not corrected (i.e. they are left associated with the framed data as is) then apparent frame slips and CRC6 errors in far-end equipment or during diagnostic loopbacks will result. No data corruption will occur, but any CAS signaling within the data stream will become misaligned with the T1 frame, resulting is CAS signaling corruption. rsd ay ,1 2.10 Multiframe Pulse Signaling inserted incorrectly for CAS applications in transmit path hu Description fo liv ett io nT The current TEMUX-84 datasheet provides the system side interface option of H-MVIP or SBI bus when implementing SLCÒ96. Therefore, connecting an external FPGA to the H-MVIP system bus is one way of supporting SLCÒ96. Because the TEMUX-84 does not actually process the F-bits, the H-MVIP multiframe pulse is used instead as the mechanism to determine the appropriate frame into which to insert signaling. In the transmit direction, robbed bit signaling must be inserted every 6 T1 frames in the TEMUX-84. yV inv ef uo It has been discovered that robbed bit signaling insertion has the possibility of not being aligned with the signaling multiframe pattern being inserted on the F-bits aligned to the signaling multiframe pulse. That is, the robbed bits may not necessarily end up in frames 6, 12, 18, etc but could end up in any frame. This would result in the far end extracting the incorrect robbed bit signaling data. Do wn loa de db In general, any time the TEMUX-84’s transmit elastic stores are enabled, there is this possibility that multiframe pulse signaling is not used correctly. When using the H-MVIP system interface, the transmit elastic stores are inherently enabled. However, when using the SBI bus, there is the option to disable the transmit elastic stores. The transmit elastic stores must be disabled for proper operation. This does not affect E1 operation. It is believed to only be an issue for SLCÒ96 applications. Workaround The suggested workaround is to design the external FPGA for SLCÒ96 processing to interface with the TEMUX-84 SBI bus rather than the H-MVIP bus. Further, the transmit elastic stores need to be bypassed, thus allowing the multiframe alignment to be passed correctly. This ensures signal insertion into the proper T1 frames in the transmit direction. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 18 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :52 :48 PM In general, the functionality of designs based on H-MVIP can be readily replaced with designs using the SBI bus operating in synchronous mode. Since the H-MVIP and SBI bus modes share pins, it is usually possible to convert from an H-MVIP bus to a synchronous SBI bus with minimal changes to the circuitry. 11 This has been described in an Application Note: PMC-2020593, “TEMUX-84 SBI FPGA for SLCÒ96 Applications”. 20 02 Performance with Workaround tem be r, When the system side SBI bus is utilized instead of the H-MVIP in SLCÒ96 applications and the transmit elastic stores are bypassed, the TEMUX-84 will operate normally. As a result, TEMUX84 can be used in conjunction with an external FPGA to support SLCÒ96 applications. ep Performance without Workaround rsd ay ,1 9S Since multiframe signaling information is not used to properly insert signaling into a T1 frame, signaling information may overwrite data. This T1 data corruption affecting SLCÒ96 operation can be avoided by implementing the suggested workaround. This does not affect E1 operations. nT hu 2.11 Synchronization between TelecomBus and SBI Bus in OC12/STM-4 Applications ett io Description uo fo liv The TEMUX-84’s interfaces are selectable between 19.44 and 77.76 MHz on both the line side TelecomBus and the system-side SBI Bus. The bus interface combinations between the TelecomBus and SBI Bus are: ef 1. 19.44 MHz Telecom Bus and 19.44 MHz SBI Bus yV inv 2. 77.76 MHz Telecom Bus and 77.76 MHz SBI Bus db 3. 19.44 MHz Telecom Bus and 77.76 MHz SBI Bus* Do wn loa de 4. 77.76 MHz Telecom Bus and 19.44 MHz SBI Bus* *Modes 3 and 4 above must be handled with care in OC-12/STM-4 designs. When four TEMUX-84s share the same 77.76 MHz SBI bus and interface to a single link-layer device such as PM7388 FREEDM-336, a single SBI drop bus frame pulse (SDC1FP) is shared by all four TEMUX-84s. Hence, Section 12.2.2 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet, suggesting four separate SDC1FPs does not apply. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 19 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :52 :48 PM In order for multiplexed OC-12/STM-4 data to appear on the SBI Drop Bus to the link-layer device, and be properly aligned data, the four 19.44 MHz TelecomBus Drop buses on TEMUX84’s line side must each have unique phase, with respect to the 77.76 MHz SREFCLK (system reference clock) and SDC1FP frame pulse. 02 11 Hence, each of the four TEMUX-84s must be provided with separate LREFCLK TelecomBus reference clocks. The phase relationship (not accounting for propagation delays) is shown in Figure 2. tem be r, 20 SDC1FP Sampling Edge 9S ep 77 MHz SREF 19 MHz LREF SSTM[1:0]=00 ay ,1 SDC1FP hu 19 MHz LREF SSTM{1:0}=01 rsd 1 SREF Cycle 19 MHz LREF SSTM[1:0]=11 io liv 3 SREF Cycles ett 19 MHz LREF SSTM[1:0]=10 nT 2 SREF Cycles db yV inv ef uo fo 0 SREF Cycles Figure 2: Required TelecomBus Phase Offsets Do wn loa de Providing unique phase to each TEMUX-84 via its TelecomBus becomes a timing issue when only a single TelecomBus reference clock (LREFCLK) is presented to the four TEMUX-84s. An example is with PM5313 SPECTRA-622 or PM5316 SPECTRA-4x155. Each of these devices can only provide a single LREFCLK and not the required one-per-TEMUX-84. With propagation delays greater than 13ns (worst-case is 23ns), timing violations occur. PMC-Sierra highly recommends using the 77.76 MHz TelecomBus when the 77.76 MHz SBI is used (i.e. multiple TEMUX-84s share common SBI bus) rather than 4 independent 19.44 MHz TelecomBuses on the line side of TEMUX-84. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 20 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Workaround :52 :48 Note that the following recommendations are specific for systems using the TEMUX-84 in 19.44 MHz TelecomBus to 77.76 MHz SBI bus. For systems that use 77.76 MHz TelecomBus to 19.44 MHz SBI, the equal but opposite workarounds as below apply. 11 There are three possible workarounds to avoid timing violations in your OC-12/STM-4 system: 20 02 Workaround #1 tem be r, Use 77.76 MHz TelecomBus and 77.76 MHz SBI Bus. Avoid mixing 19.44 MHz with 77.76 MHz. Follow the recommendations in section 12.2 of the datasheet. Workaround #2: 9S ep Use buffering delay logic on 1 Add bus and 1 Drop bus to eliminate timing violations. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 For one of four 19.44 MHz TelecomBus Add buses and one of four 19.44 MHz TelecomBus Drop, buffering logics needs to be added to the bus to prevent timing violations. The resulting bus structure is shown in Figure (shown with SPECTRA-4x155). Note that this workaround has not been tested but is believed to avoid the timing violations. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 21 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :48 :52 LREFCLK1 LREFCLK2 LREFCLK3 LREFCLK4 11 TIMING GENERATION PM SREFCLK SDC1FP tem be r, 20 02 ADD Frame Pulse Drop Frame Pulse ACK DCK LREFCLK LAC1 ep DFP 9S AC1J1V11 APL1 ADP1 AD[7:0] hu rsd ay ,1 DC1J1V11 DPL1 DDP1 DD[7:0] io nT AC1J1V12 APL2 ADP2 AD[15:8] liv DFF fo SPECTRA 4x155 ett DC1J1V12 DPL2 DDP2 DD[15:8] LREFCLK3 LDC1J1V1 LDPL LDDP LDDATA [7:0] LREFCLK LAC1 LAC1J1V1 LAPL LADP LADATA[7:0] LDC1J1V1 LDPL LDDP LDDATA [7:0] ef uo AC1J1V13 APL3 ADP3 AD[23:16] LAC1J1V1 LAPL LADP LADATA[7:0] DC1J1V13 DPL3 DDP3 DD[23:16] LDC1J1V1 LDPL LDDP LDDATA [7:0] TEMUX-84 #2 TEMUX-84 #3 LREFCLK LAC1 LREFCLK2 AC1J1V14 APL4 ADP4 AD[31:24] TEMUX-84 #1 LREFCLK LAC1 inv yV db Do wn loa de LAC1J1V1 LAPL LADP LADATA[7:0] DFF DC1J1V14 DPL4 DDP4 DD[31:24] LAC1J1V1 LAPL LADP LADATA[7:0] LDC1J1V1 LDPL LDDP LDDATA [7:0] TEMUX-84 #4 Figure 3: Delay Flip Flops Implementation Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 22 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Workaround #3: 11 :52 :48 Implement the 19.44 MHz TelecomBus to 77.76 MHz SBI bus is using an FPGA rather than delay logic. Each of the four TEMUX-84s sharing the common 77.76 MHz SBI bus will be given the same LREFCLK. This causes all four TEMUX-84 devices to have the same internal phase alignment at the TelecomBus interfaces. 20 02 In turn, this requires that each of the four TEMUX-84s have the same phase alignment at their SBI Bus interfaces. There are two equivalent ways to accomplish this: tem be r, 1. All four TEMUX-84s share the same SBI Bus frame pulses and share the same SSTM[1:0] settings, OR 2. Providing four unique frame pulses and four unique SSTM[1:0] bits settings. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep The result from either of the two options is that the four TEMUX-84s will sample/update the SBI Bus during the same timeslots. An FPGA is required on the system side SBI interface to delay the data to/from each TEMUX-84 by a unique number of cycles (0,1,2,3). This allows the linklayer device to update/sample data to/from the four TEMUX-84s at unique time intervals. On the contrary, the four TEMUX-84s update/sample data at the same time intervals. See Figure 3 below for a simplified illustration of this set-up. PMC-Sierra, Inc has successfully tested this implementation. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 23 SREFCLK :52 11 02 tem be r, 20 SDC1FP SAC1FP AD[7:0] DD[7:0] SDC1FP SAC1FP AD[7:0] DD[7:0] ,1 9S F-336 ay F P G A SDC1FP SAC1FP ep AD[7:0] DD[7:0] AD[7:0] DD[7:0] uo fo T-84 #4 BUS rsd T-84 #3 REFCLK hu SREFCLK SBI nT T-84 #2 SDC1FP SAC1FP io SREFCLK AD[7:0] DD[7:0] ett T-84 #1 SDC1FP SAC1FP liv SREFCLK :48 Timing Generation PM TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released ef Figure 3: FPGA Implementation yV inv This errata item only applies where four TEMUX-84 devices are used, i.e. in OC-12/STM-4 designs. In such cases, the four TEMUX-84s share a common SBI bus with link-layer devices. db Performance with Workaround Do wn loa de If one of the three suggested workarounds is implemented, no timing violations should occur in your OC-12/STM-4 system. Preserving timing this way and following Section 12.2.2 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet will guarantee data integrity. Performance without Workaround If a single 19.44 MHz LREFCLK is fed into the four TEMUX-84s sharing a common 77.76 MHz SBI bus, timing violations will occur. It is highly recommended to use 77.76 MHz TelecomBus and 77.76 MHz SBI Bus concurrently in OC-12/STM-4 systems. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 24 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM 2.12 TEMUX-84 supports line side SBI bus 11 :52 :48 The TEMUX-84 has fully been validated to support line side SBI bus. This is a new interface in addition to the line side 19.44/77.76 MHz TelecomBus and the DS3/E3 LIU interface. The line side SBI feature allows additional connectivity to PM4318 OCTLIU and PM4319 OCTLIU-SH, PMC-Sierra’s High-Density T1/E1/J1 Line Interface Units. 20 02 Further, the TEMUX-84’s well-known system-side SBI bus remains available to connect to PMCSierra’s link-layer solutions including AAL1gator, FREEDM, SBS and IMA devices. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, Full details are available in Appendix A: “Using the Line Side SBI Bus of TEMUX-84”. PMCSierra’s Knowledge Base ( can also be consulted for details. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 25 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released TEMUX-84 Documentation Issues PM 3 11 :52 :48 This section lists documentation errors found in Issue 7 of the TEMUX-84 Data Sheet (PMC1991437) and in Issue 5 of the TEMUX-84 Register Description (PMC-2000034). It also highlights any major changes from previous data sheet and register description documents that may be of particular interest to existing TEMUX-84 customers. 02 Notification of Changes in AC Parameters 20 3.1 ep Parameters tPTELOE ,1 9S Parameter Description LREFCLK rising to all Telecom Bus tristateable Outputs going valid from tristate (19.44MHZ) SREFCLK to All SBI DROP BUS Outputs Valid (19.44MHZ) SREFCLK to All SBI DROP BUS Outputs Tristate (19.44MHZ) tem be r, TEMUX-84 characterization has recommended the following changes to AC parameters originally stated in Issue 5 of the TEMUX-84 Data Sheet (PMC-1991437). These changes are reflected in Issue 7 of the datasheet. Change Spec Max from 15 ns to 17ns (Table 59) Change Spec Max from 15ns to 16ns (Table 59) ett SLCÒ96 support must be implemented using SBI bus liv 3.2 io nT hu tZSBIDROP rsd ay tPSBIDROP Change reflected in Issue 6 of Datasheet Changed Spec Max from 13ns to 14ns (Table 59) ef uo fo All references to SLCÒ96 using H-MVIP implementation in the TEMUX-84 datasheet should be ignored. The synchronous SBI bus on the TEMUX-84’s system side must be used when interfacing to an FPGA for data link insertion/extraction. yV Transmux mode must meet Section 12.2.2 timing specification db 3.3 inv Refer to PMC- 2020592: “TEMUX-84 SBI FPGA for SLCÒ96 Applications” for details. Do wn loa de When configuring TEMUX-84 for transmultiplexing (“transmux”) mode, keep in mind the following recommendations: 1. When using a 77.76MHz LREFCLK, use the same LREFCLK for SREFLCK. 2. Generate an external frame pulse that is 38,880 SREFCLK cycles (2 kHz) or set the SDC1FPMSTR=1 in Register 0x1C1 to configure the TEMUX-84 to generate the frame pulse. Tie this frame pulse to LAC1 and SDC1FP. 3. Follow Table 15 in Section 12.2.3 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet. This table shows that LSTM[1:0] and SSTM[1:0] should be equal when LAC1 and SDC1FP are locked. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 26 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Generating an external frame pulse is recommended in all modes where at least one of the buses is operating at 77.76 MHz. :48 Transmux mode: T1/E1 Mapper configured before SONET/SDH blocks 11 :52 3.4 FI_EMPTY_ENBL bit works for all SPE_TYPEs ep 3.5 tem be Refer to Section 5.7 of the TEMUX-84 Programmer’s Guide. r, 20 02 Transmultiplexing (“Transmux”) mode in the TEMUX-84 must be configured according to the TEMUX-84 Programmer’s Guide to avoid loss of pointer errors. The line side mode must be set for T1/E1 or DS3 mapping before the remainder of the blocks are configured. The final requirement for Transmux mode must be switching the line mode to DS3 LIU. 9S Location rsd ay ,1 In Register 0x01DF: Extract External ReSynch Interrupt Status, the FI_EMPTY_ENBL bit description implies this bit only affects T1/E1 mode. This bit is intended to work for all SPE_TYPEs. See modified wording below. hu Original Wording ett io nT If FI_EMPTY_ENBL is logic 1, no data bytes are emitted when a link FIFO empties. If FI_EMPTY_ENBL is logic 0, stuff bytes are generated when a FIFO is empty, thus causing slips. This bit is used globally to control the behavior for all T1/E1 links. fo liv Replacement Wording INSBI FIFO Underrun Status Register correction yV 3.6 inv ef uo If FI_EMPTY_ENBL is logic 1, no data bytes are emitted when a link FIFO empties. If FI_EMPTY_ENBL is logic 0, stuff bytes are generated when a FIFO is empty, thus causing slips. This bit is used globally to control the behavior for all SPE_TYPEs. Do wn loa de db The description for Register 0x01E1: INSBI FIFO Underrun Status makes incorrect references to FIFO “overruns” and “overflows”. These references should refer to “underruns” instead. All original statements equally apply for underruns. 3.7 Correction to BSDL version number In Section 11.1, Table 11 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet, the BSDL version number should read “0x2”, rather than “0x0”. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 27 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released LAOE/LATPL is a tristate output PM 3.8 TSADDR is 5 bits 11 3.9 :52 :48 In the Pin Description section for pin AB11, LAOE/LATPL is a “tristate output”. It is only listed as “output” in Issue 7 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet. 02 In Registers 0x0050, 0x0068, 0x0100, 0x0150, TSADDR should be changed to TSADDR[4:0]. r, 20 3.10 TRIB_ENBL bit should be ENBL bit tem be In Register 0x01E1, 0x01E2, 0x01D1, 0x0D2, TRIB_ENBL bit should read “ENBL” bit. ep 3.11 FIFO underrun and overrun blocking description ay ,1 9S The following text should be appending to Registers 0x09C1: Byte Synchronous Mapping FIFO Underrun Interrupt Status and Register 0x09C2: Byte Synchronous Mapping FIFO Overrun Interrupt Status in the TEMUX-84 Register Description document: nT hu rsd This Underrun/Overrun interrupt register is the output of a priority encoder of the under/overrun history of all links. The most significant links have the highest priority and will be reported first if under/overruns simultaneously occur on multiple links. ett io If bit 0 is logic zero, no links have under/overrun since the last read, and all pending under/overrun notifications have been reported. Bits 1-7 should be ignored. ef uo fo liv If bit 0 is logic one, the register contents are valid, and indicate a link has under/overrun since the last read, or a prior notification was still pending. Continue reading this register, recording all entries, until bit 0 is zero, indicating that no more pending entries are present. db yV inv Note that if a tributary is misbehaving so that it frequently under/overruns, the reporting of the multiple under/overruns can prevent the reporting of under/overruns on lower priority links. Such misbehaving links should be disabled (TRIB_ENBL=0) to obtain the complete FIFO under/overrun history. Do wn loa de 3.12 INSBI Control register bit is Reserved In Register 0x01E0: INSBI Control, Bit 1 should be labelled as “Reserved” not “Unused”. The bit type should be “R/W” and the Default value “0”. 3.13 APAGE bit in Register 0x0E61 In the bit description for the PAGE bit in Register 0xE62, an incorrect reference is made to the APAGE bit in Register 0x061H. The APAGE bit is in Register 0x0E61. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 28 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM 3.14 SREFCLK specification in serial DS3 mode :52 :48 Serial DS3 mode refers to the TEMUX-84 using the DS3/E3 LIU interface rather than the TelecomBus (mapper) interface on the line side. 11 The following statement should be appended to the SREFCLK pin description (pin C10): 02 When operating in serial DS3 mode, the SREFCLK can be +/-50ppm. r, 20 3.15 DS3 Looptiming is not hitless tem be In Register 0x0201 + 0x100*N: DS3 and E3 Master Data Source, the DS3 LOOPT bit description should be clarified with this additional statement: 9S ep The transition from internal to looptiming is not hitless. This will not cause any long-term problems. rsd ay ,1 3.16 Demapped DS3 clock must be de-jittered for unstructured DS3 CES using SRTS nT hu The recovered DS3 output clock when demapped from SONET STS-1 payload must be dejittered when connecting TEMUX-84 to the PM73122 AAL1gator-32 for unstructured DS3 CES (circuit emulation) using SRTS. This is achieved with an external DS3 jitter attenuator (JAT). liv ett io Refer to Application Note for details: PMC-2020180 “Configuring SBI Compatible Devices”, Section 4.3.5: Unstructured CES Clocking Modes. fo 3.17 T1/E1 HDLC (THDL) minimum packet size is 2 bytes inv ef uo In Section 12.10 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet: Using the Internal T1/E1 Data Link Transmitter, the minimum packet size for THDL is 2 bytes. This was not previously documented. yV 3.18 Initialization time for T1/E1 Transmitter blocks Do wn loa de db When the T1/E1 Transmitter (TRAN) blocks come out of reset, time is needed for their RAMs to get fully initialized to '0'. After a reset of the TEMUX-84, each block of indirect RAM will complete a built in self-test (BIST). During the RAM BIST, the BUSY bit will be logic '1' indicating that indirect accesses to the indirect RAM are not permitted. During the RAM BIST of the T1/E1 TRAN indirect RAM, the CBUSY bit of Register 0x0168 will NOT be logic '1'. Indirect accesses initiated by writing the T1/E1 Transmitter Indirect Status Register (0x0168) will appear to be permitted but any indirect access to the TRAN indirect RAM during the RAM BIST will not be successful. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 29 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released :52 :48 PM The time required for the TRAN RAM BIST to complete is 26.39us (513 19.44MHz SREFCLK cycles or 2052 77.76MHz SREFCLK cycles) after the device comes out of reset. Indirect accesses to the TRAN RAM during this time should not be attempted, as they will not be successful. 11 3.19 DS3 and E3 Diagnostic Loopback correction 20 02 The following sentence should be removed from Section 12.14: DS3 and E3 Diagnostic Loopback: tem be r, “While this mode is active, AIS may be substituted for the DS3 payload being transmitted on the TPOS/TDAT and TNEG/TMFP outputs.” ep The diagram was fixed in Issue 7 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet so this sentence is no longer valid. 9S 3.20 ETSEN bit description clarified ay ,1 In Register 0x0702: SONET/SDH Master Egress Configuration, the following statement should be removed from the ETSEN bit description: hu rsd “This is necessary when the egress tributaries are being processed by the egress VTPP block as controlled by the EVTPPBYP register bit.” io nT 3.21 Register default differs from actual chip value ett Default value in the register description is different from the actual default value on the chip. fo liv Register Description documents 0x1D9 = 0x64 default uo Actual value 0x1D9 = 0xFE default inv ef The actual value when Register 0x1D9 is read will be 0xFE. db Location yV 3.22 TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] bit clarification Do wn loa de Pin description of TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] in Issue 7 of the TEMUX-84 datasheet. Original Wording TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] are sampled on the rising edge of the associated TICLK. TDATI[3:1] can be configured to be sampled on the falling edge of the associated TICLK by setting the TDATIFALL bit to 1 in the DS3 and E3 Master Unchannelized Interface Options register. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 30 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Replacement Wording 11 :52 :48 TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] are sampled on the rising edge of the associated TICLK. TFPI/TMFPI[3:1] can be configured to be sampled on the falling edge of the associated TICLK by setting the TDATIFALL bit to 1 in Register 0x0202 + 0x100*N: DS3 and E3 Master Unchannelized Interface Options. 02 3.23 TGAPCLK diagram is 1 pulse wider tem be r, 20 Figure 53: Framer Mode G.751 E3 Transmit Input Stream With TGAPCLK of the TEMUX-84 datasheet, Issue 7 shows a timing diagram for the gapped TGAPCLK. It shows TGAPCLK gapping out what is supposed to be the first 12 bits of the E3 frame. The original diagram incorrectly shows only 11 bits being gapped out instead of 12. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep In fact, the gapped clock in the diagram should be 1 pulse wider in Figure 53. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 31 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released Appendix A: Configuring Line Side SBI on TEMUX-84 PM 4 :52 :48 Scope 20 02 11 The PM8316 High Density T1/E1 Framer with Integrated VT/TU Mappers and M13 Multiplexers (TEMUX-84) is a feature-rich device for use in any applications requiring high-density link termination over T1 and E1 (G.747) channelized DS3 or T1 and E1 channelized SONET/SDH facilities. tem be r, The currently available TEMUX-84 datasheet supports the following interfaces: Line Side: TelecomBus (operating at either 19.44MHz or 77.76MHz) or DS3 LIU · System Side: Either H-MVIP or SBI Bus (operating at either 19.44MHz or 77.76MHz) ep · ,1 9S This Appendix describes the hardware and software implementation to support one additional line side interface, the SBI Bus option. nT hu rsd ay This interface enables high-density, byte-serial SBI connectivity of TEMUX-84 to PMC-Sierra’s high-density T1/E1/J1 line interface unit: PM4318 OCTLIU and PM4318 OCTLIU-SH. Further, TEMUX-84’s system-side SBI bus will still be available to seamlessly connect to the industry’s highest-density link-layer devices, offered by PMC-Sierra, Inc. (S/UNI-IMA, FREEDM, AAL1gator, SBS family of devices). uo fo liv ett io This line side SBI feature has been fully validated at PMC-Sierra and will hence be supported by our Applications Group. The production-release TEMUX-84 Software Device Driver will not include support for line side SBI. We recommend reference to Section 4 of this document for register accesses required. Do wn loa de db yV inv ef Please contact for detailed questions. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 32 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Hardware :52 :48 For the TEMUX-84 to use its line side SBI interface to connect with PM4318 OCTLIU or PM4319 OCTLIU-SH, the pin connection diagram shown below in Figure 4 must be used: OCTLIU 11 TEMUX84 20 02 19.44MHz LREFCLK tem be r, LAC1 NC LAC1J1V1 ep LADATA[7:0] 9S LADP ,1 LAOE/LATPL LAV5 rsd hu LDC1J1V1 nT LDDATA[7:0] io LDDP ett LDTPL AC1FP ADATA[7:0] ADP APL AV5 DC1FP DDATA[7:0] DDP DPL DV5 liv LDV5 C1FPOUT ay NC LAPL REFCLK inv ef uo fo L77 Do wn loa de db yV Figure 4: Pin Connection Diagram between TEMUX-84 (line side) and OCTLIU Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 33 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released PM Software 11 :52 :48 Using TEMUX-84’s in line side SBI mode essentially means that the device is acting as a T1/E1/J1 Framer only. This line side interface will typically be connected to multiple PMCSierra’s T1/E1/J1 line interface units, PM4318 OCTLIU or PM4319 OCTLIU-SH. r, 20 02 The line side SBI bus is based upon the Byte-Synchronous Mapper mode, currrently documented in the TEMUX-84 Register Descriptions (PMC-2000034). Therefore, one would essentially configure the TEMUX-84 for Byte Synchronous Mapper mode and with the following modifications to software, the Byte-Synchronous Mappers will simulate the SBI bus format: tem be 1) Set IVTPPBYP=1 in Register 0x0704 ep 2) Set EVTPPBYP=1 in Register 0x0701 9S 3) Set LAJ1EN=1 in Register 0x0702. ay hu rsd 6) Set ITUG3=1 in Register 0x0704 7) Set OTUG3=1 in Register 0x0704 ,1 5) Set LAV1EN=1 in Register 0x0702 io nT 8) Set Reserved bit 7 in Register 0x0700 to '1' ett 9) Set LATPLSEL=1 in Register 0x704 fo liv 10) Set OTUG3 in Register 0x0703 uo 11) Set EPTRBYP[3:1]= ‘111’ in Register 0x0704 inv ef When enabling the individual tributaries in the Byte Synchronous Mapper: yV 1) Set the TRIB_TYP bits to ‘01’ db 2) Set ENBL=1 Do wn loa de When enabling the individual tributaries in the Byte Synchronous Demapper: 1) Set ENBL=1. The above-listed register accesses will enable connectivity between the TEMUX-84 device and multiple OCTLIU devices over TEMUX-84’s line side SBI interface. The production-release TEMUX-84 Software Device Driver will not include support for line side SBI. Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 34 TEMUX-84 Production Release Errata Released Do wn loa de db yV inv ef uo fo liv ett io nT hu rsd ay ,1 9S ep tem be r, 20 02 11 :52 :48 PM Notes Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2020509, Issue 2 35