Issue 5.0 November 1999 Description Block Diagram Available in PGA (PUMA 2) and Gullwing (PUMA77) footprints. The PUMA **F16006 is a 16MBit FLASH module user configurable as 512K x 32, 1M x 16 or 2M x 8. The device is available with access times of 70, 90 and 120ns. The device utilises, 5V only FLASH, to simplify circuit design. Sector size is 64K Byte with hardware protection available on any number of sectors. The device features 10,000 Write erase cycle compatibility and 10 year data retention. All options may be screened in accordance with MIL-STD-883. PUMA 77F16006 Features • 16 Megabit FLASH module. • Fast Access Times of 70/90/120 ns. • Output Configurable as 32 / 16 / 8 bit wide. • Operating Power 880/456/242mW (Max). Low Power Standby 33mW (Max). • Automatic Write/Erase by Embedded Algorithm end of Write/Erase indicated by /DATA Polling and Toggle Bit. • Flexible Sector Erase Architecture - 64K byte sector size, with hardware protection of any number of sectors. • Erase/Write Cycle Endurance 100,000 (Min.) E variant. • 10 year Data Retention. • May be screened in accordance with MIL-STD-883. Package Details PUMA 2 -JEDEC 66 pin Ceramic PGA Package. Max. Dimensions (mm) - 27.69 x 27.69 x 6.86 PUMA 77 -JEDEC 68 Leaded GullWing Package Max. Dimensions (mm) - 25.15 x 25.15 x 5.44 A0~A18 /OE /WE 512K x 8 512K x 8 FLASH FLASH 512K x 8 512K x 8 FLASH FLASH /CS1 /CS2 /CS3 /CS4 D0~7 D8~15 D16~23 D24~31 PUMA 2F16006, 77F16006A A0~A18 /OE /WE4 /WE3 /WE2 /WE1 512K x 8 512K x 8 512K x 8 512K x 8 FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH /CS1 /CS2 /CS3 /CS4 D0~7 D8~15 D16~23 D24~31 Pin Definitions See page 2. Pin Functions Description Signal Address Input Data Input/Output Chip Select Write Enable Output Enable No Connect Power Ground A0~A18 D0~D31 /CS1~4 /WE1~4 /OE NC VCC VSS Elm Road, West Chirton Industrial Estate, North Shields, NE29 8SE, England. TEL +44 (0191) 2930500. FAX +44 (0191) 2590997 E-mail: 512K x 32 FLASH Module PUMA 2/77F16006/A - 70/90/12 Pin Definitions PUMA77F16006 PAGE 2 PUMA2F16006 Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 VSS 35 /OE 1 D8 34 D24 2 /CS3 36 /CS2 2 D9 35 D25 3 A5 37 A17 3 D10 36 D26 4 A4 38 NC 4 A14 37 A7 5 A3 39 NC 5 A16 38 A12 A11 39 A18 6 A2 40 NC 6 7 A1 41 A18 7 A0 40 A13 8 A0 42 VSS 8 NC 41 A8 9 NC 43 NC 9 D0 42 D16 D1 43 D17 10 D0 44 D31 10 11 D1 45 D30 11 D2 44 D18 12 D2 46 D29 12 /WE2 45 VCC 13 D3 47 D28 13 /CS2 46 /CS4 14 D4 48 D27 14 VSS 47 /WE4 D11 48 D27 15 D5 49 D26 15 16 D6 50 D25 16 A10 49 A4 17 D7 51 D24 17 A9 50 A5 18 VSS 52 VSS 18 A15 51 A6 VCC 52 /WE3 19 D8 53 D23 19 20 D9 54 D22 20 /CS1 53 /CS3 21 D10 55 D21 21 NC 54 VSS 22 D11 56 D20 22 D3 55 D19 23 D12 57 D19 23 D15 56 D31 D14 57 D30 24 D13 58 D18 24 25 D14 59 D17 25 D13 58 D29 26 D15 60 D16 26 D12 59 D28 27 VCC 61 VCC 27 /OE 60 A1 28 A11 62 A10 28 A17 61 A2 /WE1 62 A3 29 A12 63 A9 29 30 A13 64 A8 30 D7 63 D23 31 A14 65 A7 31 D6 64 D22 32 A15 66 A6 32 D5 65 D21 33 D4 66 D20 33 A16 67 /WE 34 /CS1 68 /CS4 Issue 5.0 November 1999 PUMA77F16006A PAGE 3 Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 VSS 35 /OE 2 /CS3 36 /CS2 3 A5 37 A17 4 A4 38 /WE2 5 A3 39 /WE3 6 A2 40 /WE4 7 A1 41 A18 8 A0 42 VSS 9 NC 43 NC 10 D0 44 D31 11 D1 45 D30 12 D2 46 D29 13 D3 47 D28 14 D4 48 D27 15 D5 49 D26 16 D6 50 D25 17 D7 51 D24 18 VSS 52 VSS 19 D8 53 D23 20 D9 54 D22 21 D10 55 D21 22 D11 56 D20 23 D12 57 D19 24 D13 58 D18 25 D14 59 D17 26 D15 60 D16 27 VCC 61 VCC 28 A11 62 A10 29 A12 63 A9 30 A13 64 A8 31 A14 65 A7 32 A15 66 A6 33 A16 67 /WE1 34 /CS1 68 /CS4 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Symbol Voltage on any pin relative to VSS VT (2) Supply Voltage Voltage on A9 relative to (3) VSS VA9 Storage Temperature TSTG Min Typ Max Unit -0.6 - +6.0 V -0.6 - +6.0 V -0.6 - +13.5 -65 - +150 V O C Notes : (1) Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. (2) Minimum DC voltage on any input or I/O pin is -0.5V. Maximum DC voltage on output and I/O pins is VCC+0.5V During transitions voltage may overshoot by +2V for up to 20ns (3) Minimum DC input voltage on A9 is -0.5V during voltage transitions, A9 may overshoot VSS to -2V for periods of up to 20ns, maximum DC input voltage in A9 is 13.5V which may overshoot to 14.0V for periods up to 20ns Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 - VCC+0.5 V Input Low Voltage VIL -0.5 - 0.8 Operating Temperature (Commercial) TA 0 TAI (Industrial) -40 TAM (Military) -55 - 70 - 85 125 V O C O C O C (I Suffix) (M\MB Suffix) DC Electrical Characteristics (VCC=5V+10%, TA=-55OC to 125OC) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Input Leakage Current Address, /OE ILI1 VCC=VCCmax, VIN=0V or VCC - - +10 µA A9 Input Leakage Current ILI2 VCC=VCCmax, A9=12.5V - - 400 µA Output Leakage Current ILO VCC=VCCmax, VOUT=0V or VCC - - +10 µA (1) VCC Operating Current /CS =VIL,/OE=VIH,IOUT=0mA, 32 Bit ICCO32 f=6MHz - - 160 mA 16 Bit ICCO16 As Above - - 83 mA 8 Bit ICCO8 As Above - - 44 mA 32 Bit ICCP32 Programming In Progress - - 240 mA 16 Bit ICCP16 As Above - - 123 mA 8 Bit ICCP8 As Above - - 64 mA Standby Supply Current ISB1 (1) VCC=VCCmax,/CS=VIH /OE=VIH - - 6 mA Autoselect/Sector Protect Voltage VID VCC=5.0V 11.5 - 12.5 V Output Voltage Low VOL IOL=12mA, VCC = VCC Min - - 0.45 V Output Voltage High VOH1 IOH=-2.5mA, VCC = VCC Min 2.4 - - V Low VCC Lock-Out Voltage VLKO 3.2 - 4.2 V VCC Program Erase Current Notes PAGE 4 (1) /CS1~4 inputs operate simultaneously for 32 bit mode, in pairs for 16 bit mode and singly for 8 bit mode. Issue 5.0 November 1999 DC Operating Conditions Parameter Capacitance (VCC = 5.0V, TA = 25OC, F=1MHz.) Parameter Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit (Address, /OE,) CIN1 VIN=0V - - 30 pF Other Pins CIN2 VIN=0V - - 12 pF COUT32 VOUT=0V - - 56 pF 32 bit mode Note : These Parameters are calculated not measured. Test Conditions • • • • • • Input pulse levels : 0V to 3.0V Input rise and fall times : 5ns Input and Output timing reference levels : 1.5V Output Load : See Load Diagram. Module tested in 32 bit mode. VCC = 5V+10% PAGE 5 Output Load I/O Pin 166Ω 1.76V 30pF Issue 5.0 November 1999 Read Cycle Parameter 90 120 Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Units Address Valid to Next Address Valid. tRC 70 - 90 - 120 - ns Address Valid to Output Valid tACC 70 - 90 - 120 - ns Chip Select Low to Output Transition tLZ 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Select Low to Output Valid tCS - 70 - 90 - 120 ns Output Enable Low to Output Transition tOLZ 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Output Enable Low to Output Valid tOE - 35 - 45 - 50 ns Chip Enable High to Output High-Z tHZ - 20 - 25 - 30 ns Output Enable High to Output High Z tDF - 20 - 25 - 30 ns Chip Select, Output Enable or Address Transition to Output Transition tOH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write/Erase/Program 70 Parameter Symbol Min 90 120 Max Min Max Min Max Units Address Valid to Next Address Valid tWC 70 - 90 - 120 - ns Chip Select Low to Write Enable Low tCS 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write Enable Low to Write Enable High tWP 45 - 50 - 55 - ns Input Valid to Write Enable High tDS 30 - 35 - 40 - ns Write Enable High to Input Transition tDH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write Enable High to Chip Select High tCH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write Enable High to Chip Select Low tWPH 20 - 20 - 20 - ns Address Valid to Write Enable Low tAS 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write Enable Low to Address Transition tAH 45 - 50 - 55 - ns Output Enable High to Write Enable Low tGHWL 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Write Enable High to Output Enable Low tOEH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns VCC High to Chip Enable Low tVCS 50 - 50 − 50 − µs Notes :See Overleaf. PAGE 6 Issue 5.0 November1999 AC Operating Conditions 70 Erase/Program Alternate /CS controlled Writes 70 Parameter Symbol Min 90 120 Max Min Max Min Max Units Address Valid to Next Address Valid tWC 70 - 90 - 120 - ns Write Enable Low to Chip Select Low tWS 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Select Low to Chip Select High tCP 45 - 50 - 55 - ns Input Valid to Chip Select High tDS 30 - 35 - 40 - ns Chip Select High to Input Transition tDH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Select High to Write Enable High tWH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Select High to Chip Select Low tCPH 20 - 20 - 20 - ns Address Valid Chip Select Low tAS 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Select Low to Address Transition tAH 45 - 50 - 55 - ns Output Enable High Chip Select Low tGHEL 0 - 0 - 0 - ns Chip Enable High to Output Enable Low tOEH 0 - 0 - 0 - ns VCC High to Write Eanble Low tVCS 50 - 50 - 50 - µs Notes : (1) (2) (3) (4) PAGE 7 This does not include the preprogramming time. These timings are for Sector Protect and Unprotect operations. This timing is for Sector Unprotect only. Not 100% tested. Issue 5.0 November 1999 tRC A0~A18 Valid tACC tOH tCS /CS# tLZ tHZ /OE tOLZ tOH tOE D0~D7 Valid Figure 2 - Write AC Waveform /WE Controlled tWC A0 ~ A18 Valid tAS tAH tCH /CS# tCS tOEH /OE tGHWL tWP /WE# tWPH tDS tDH Valid D0 ~ D7 VCC tVCS PAGE 8 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Timing Waveforms Figure 1 - Read Mode Figure 3 - Write AC Waveforms /CS Controlled tWC A0 ~ A18 Valid tAS tAH tWH /WE# tWS tOEH /OE tGHEL tCP /CS# tCPH tDS tDH Valid D0 ~ D7 VCC tVCS PAGE 9 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Algorithms Figure 4 - Data Polling START Read D5 & D7 at VALID ADDRESS Yes D7=Data No D5=1 No Yes Read D7 Yes D7=Data No FAIL Figure 5 - Data Toggle PASS START Read D5 & D6 No D6 = Toggle Yes D5=1 No Yes Read D6 No D6 = Toggle Yes FAIL PAGE 10 PASS Issue 5.0 November 1999 Bus Read Bus Read operations read from the memory cells, or specific registers in the Command Interface. A valid Bus Read operation involves setting the desired address on the Address Inputs, applying a Low signal, VIL, to Chip Enable and Output Enable and keeping Write Enable High, VIH. The Data Inputs/Outputs will output the value, see Figure 1, Read Mode AC Waveforms, and Read AC Characteristics, for details of when the output becomes valid. Bus Write Bus Write operations write to the Command Interface. A valid Bus Write operation begins by setting the desired address on the Address Inputs. The Address Inputs are latched by the Command Interface on the falling edge of Chip Enable or Write Enable, whichever occurs last. The Data Inputs/Outputs are latched by the Command Interface on the rising edge of Chip Enable or Write Enable, whichever occurs first. Output Enable must remain High, VIH, during the whole Bus Write operation. See Figures 2 and 3, Write AC Waveforms, and Write AC Characteristics, for details of the timing requirements. Output Disable The Data Inputs/Outputs are in the high impedance state when Output Enable is High, VIH. Standby When Chip Enable is High, VIH, the Data Inputs/Outputs pins are placed in the high impedance state and the Supply Current is reduced to the Standby level. When Chip Enable is at VIH the Supply Current is reduced to the TTL Standby Supply Current, ISB1. For Standby current levels see DC Characteristics. During program or erase operations the memory will continue to use the Program/Erase Supply Current, ICCP, for Program or Erase operations until the operation completes. Special Bus Operations Additional bus operations can be performed to read the Electronic Signature and also to apply and remove Block Protection. These bus operations are intended for use by programming equipment and are not usually used in applications. They require VID to be applied to some pins. PAGE 11 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Device Bus Operations There are five standard bus operations that control the device. These are Bus Read, Bus Write, Output Disable, Standby and Automatic Standby. See Table 2, Bus Operations, for a summary. Typically glitches of less than 5ns on Chip Enable or Write Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations. Electronic Signature The memory has two codes, the manufacturer code and the device code, that can be read to identify the memory. These codes can be read by applying the signals listed in Table 2, Bus Operations. Block Protection and Blocks Unprotection Each block can be separately protected against accidental Program or Erase. Protected blocks can be unprotected to allow data to be changed. Block Protection and Blocks Unprotection operations must only be performed on programming equipment. PAGE 12 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Read/Reset Command The Read/Reset command returns the memory to its Read mode where it behaves like a ROM or EPROM. It also resets the errors in the Status Register. Either one or three Bus Write operations can be used to issue the Read/Reset command. If the Read/Reset command is issued during a Block Erase operation or following a Programming or Erase error then the memory will take up to 10µs to abort. During the abort period no valid data can be read from the memory. Issuing a Read/Reset command during a Block Erase operation will leave invalid data in the memory. Auto Select Command The Auto Select command is used to read the Block Protection Status. Three consecutive Bus Write operations are required to issue the Auto Select command. Once the Auto Select command is issued the memory remains in Auto Select mode until another command is issued. The Block Protection Status of each block can be read using a Bus Read operation with A0 = VIL, A1 = VIH, and A16, A17 and A18 specifying the address of the block. The other address bits may be set to either VIL or VIH. If the addressed block is protected then 01h is output on the Data Inputs / Outputs, otherwise 00h is output. Program Command The Program command can be used to program a value to one address in the memory array at a time. The command requires four Bus Write operations, the final write operation latches the address and data in the internal state machine and starts the Program/Erase Controller. If the address falls in a protected block then the Program command is ignored, the data remains unchanged. The Status Register is never read and no error condition is given. During the program operation the memory will ignore all commands. It is not possible to issue any command to abort or pause the operation. Typical program times are given in Table 5. Bus Read operations during the program operation will output the Status Register on the Data Inputs/ Outputs. See the section on the Status Register for more details. After the program operation has completed the memory will return to the Read mode, unless an error has occurred. When an error occurs the memory will continue to output the Status Register. A Read/Reset command must be issued to reset the error condition and return to Read mode. PAGE 13 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Command Interface All Bus Write operations to the memory are interpreted by the Command Interface. Commands consist of one or more sequential Bus Write operations. Failure to observe a valid sequence of Bus Write operations will result in the memory returning to Read mode. The long command sequences are imposed to maximize data security. The commands are summarized in Table 4, Commands. Refer to Table 4 in conjunction with the text descriptions below. Note that the Program command cannot change a bit set at ’0’ back to ’1’ and attempting to do so will cause an error. One of the Erase Commands must be used to set all the bits in a block or in the whole memory from ’0’ to ’1’. Unlock Bypass Command The Unlock Bypass command is used in conjunction with the Unlock Bypass Program command to program the memory. When the access time to the device is long (as with some EPROM programmers) considerable time saving can be made by using these commands. Three Bus Write operations are required to issue the Unlock Bypass command. Once the Unlock Bypass command has been issued the memory will only accept the Unlock By-pass Program command and the Unlock Bypass Reset command. The memory can be read as if in Read mode. Unlock Bypass Program Command The Unlock Bypass Program command can be used to program one address in memory at a time. The command requires two Bus Write operations, the final write operation latches the address and data in the internal state machine and starts the Program/Erase Controller. The Program operation using the Unlock Bypass Program command behaves identically to the Program operation using the Program command. A protected block cannot be programmed; the operation cannot be aborted and the Status Register is read. Errors must be reset using the Read/Reset command, which leaves the device in Unlock Bypass Mode. See the Program command for details on the behavior. Unlock Bypass Reset Command The Unlock Bypass Reset command can be used to return to Read/ Reset mode from Unlock Bypass Mode. Two Bus Write operations are required to issue the Unlock Bypass Reset command. Chip Erase Command The Chip Erase command can be used to erase the entire chip. Six Bus Write operations are required to issue the Chip Erase Command and start the Program/Erase Controller. If any blocks are protected then these are ignored and all the other blocks are erased. If all of the blocks are protected the Chip Erase operation appears to start but will terminate within about 100µs, leaving the data unchanged. No error condition is given when protected blocks are ignored. During the erase operation the memory will ignore all commands. It is not possible to issue any command to abort the operation. Typical chip erase times are given in Table 5. All Bus Read operations during the Chip Erase operation will output the Status Register on the Data Inputs/Outputs. See the section on the Status Register for more details. PAGE 14 Issue 5.0 November 1999 After the Chip Erase operation has completed the memory will return to the Read Mode, unless an error has occurred. When an error occurs the memory will continue to output the Status Register. A Read/Reset command must be issued to reset the error condition and return to Read Mode. The Chip Erase Command sets all of the bits in unprotected blocks of the memory to ’1’. All previous data is lost. Block Erase Command The Block Erase command can be used to erase a list of one or more blocks. Six Bus Write operations are required to select the first block in the list. Each additional block in the list can be selected by repeating the sixth Bus Write operation using the address of the additional block. The Block Erase operation starts the Program/Erase Controller about 50µs after the last Bus Write operation. Once the Program/Erase Controller starts it is not possible to select any more blocks. Each additional block must therefore be selected within 50µs of the last block. The 50µs timer restarts when an additional block is selected. The Status Register can be read after the sixth Bus Write operation. See the Status Register for details on how to identify if the Program/Erase Controller has started the Block Erase operation. If any selected blocks are protected then these are ignored and all the other selected blocks are erased. If all of the selected blocks are protected the Block Erase operation appears to start but will terminate within about 100µs, leaving the data unchanged. No error condition is given when protected blocks are ignored. During the Block Erase operation the memory will ignore all commands except the Erase Suspend and Read/Reset commands. Typical block erase times are given in Table 5. All Bus Read operations during the Block Erase operation will output the Status Register on the Data Inputs/ Outputs. See the section on the Status Register for more details. After the Block Erase operation has completed the memory will return to the Read Mode, unless an error has occurred. When an error occurs the memory will continue to output the Status Register. A Read/Reset command must be issued to re-set the error condition and return to Read mode. The Block Erase Command sets all of the bits in the unprotected selected blocks to ’1’. All previous data in the selected blocks is lost. Erase Suspend Command The Erase Suspend Command may be used to temporarily suspend a Block Erase operation and return the memory to Read mode. The The Program/Erase Controller will suspend within 15µs of the Erase Suspend Command being issued. Once the Program/Erase Controller has stopped the memory will be set to Read mode and the Erase will be suspended. If the Erase Suspend command is issued during the period when the memory is waiting for an additional block (before the Program/ Erase Controller starts) then the Erase is suspended immediately and will start immediately when the Erase Resume Command is issued. It will not be possible to select any further blocks for erasure after the Erase Resume. PAGE 15 Issue 5.0 November 1999 During Erase Suspend it is possible to Read and Program cells in blocks that are not being erased; both Read and Program operations behave as normal on these blocks. Reading from blocks that are being erased will output the Status Register. It is also possible to enter the Auto Select mode: the memory will behave as in the Auto Select mode on all blocks until a Read/Reset command returns the memory to Erase Suspend mode.command requires one Bus Write operation. Erase Resume Command The Erase Resume command must be used to restart the Program/ Erase Controller from Erase Suspend. An erase can be suspended and resumed more than once. PAGE 16 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Data Polling Bit (D7) The Data Polling Bit can be used to identify whether the Program/Erase Controller has successfully completed its operation or if it has responded to an Erase Suspend. The Data Polling Bit is output on D7 when the Status Register is read. During Program operations the Data Polling Bit outputs the complement of the bit being programmed to D7. After successful completion of the Program operation the memory returns to Read mode and Bus Read operations from the address just programmed output D7, not its complement. During Erase operations the Data Polling Bit outputs ’0’, the complement of the erased state of D7. After successful completion of the Erase operation the memory returns to Read Mode. In Erase Suspend mode the Data Polling Bit will output a ’1’ during a Bus Read operation within a block being erased. The Data Polling Bit will change from a ’0’ to a ’1’ when the Program/Erase Controller has suspended the Erase operation. Figure 4, Data Polling Flowchart, gives an example of how to use the Data Polling Bit. A Valid Address is the address being programmed or an address within the block being erased. Toggle Bit (D6) The Toggle Bit can be used to identify whether the Program/Erase Controller has successfully completed its operation or if it has responded to an Erase Suspend. The Toggle Bit is output on D6 when the Status Register is read. During Program and Erase operations the Toggle Bit changes from ’0’ to ’1’ to ’0’, etc., with successive Bus Read operations at any address. After successful completion of the operation the memory returns to Read mode. During Erase Suspend mode the Toggle Bit will output when addressing a cell within a block being erased. The Toggle Bit will stop toggling when the Program/Erase Controller has suspended the Erase operation. Figure 5, Data Toggle Flowchart, gives an example of how to use the Data Toggle Bit. Error Bit (D5) The Error Bit can be used to identify errors detected by the Program/ Erase Controller. The Error Bit is set to ’1’ when a Program, Block Erase or Chip Erase operation fails to write the correct data to the memory. If the Error Bit is set a Read/Reset command must be issued before other commands are issued. The Error bit is output on D5 when the Status Register is read. PAGE 17 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Status Register Bus Read operations from any address always read the Status Register during Program and Erase operations. It is also read during Erase Suspend when an address within a block being erased is accessed. The bits in the Status Register are summarized in Table 3, Status Register Bits. Note that the Program command cannot change a bit set at ’0’ back to ’1’ and attempting to do so willcause an error. One of the Erase commands must be used to set all the bits in a block or in the whole memory from ’0’ to ’1’. Erase Timer Bit (D3) The Erase Timer Bit can be used to identify the start of Program/Erase Controller operation during a Block Erase command. Once the Program/ Erase Controller starts erasing the Erase Timer Bit is set to ’1’. Before the Program/Erase Controller starts the Erase Timer Bit is set to ’0’ and additional blocks to be erased may be written to the Command Interface. The Erase Timer Bit is output on D3 when the Status Register is read. Alternative Toggle Bit (D2) The Alternative Toggle Bit can be used to monitor the Program/Erase controller during Erase operations. The Alternative Toggle Bit is output on D2 when the Status Register is read. During Chip Erase and Block Erase operations the Toggle Bit changes from ’0’ to ’1’ to ’0’, etc., with successive Bus Read operations from addresses within the blocks being erased. Once the operation completes the memory returns to Read mode. During Erase Suspend the Alternative Toggle Bit changes from ’0’ to ’1’ to ’0’, etc. with successive Bus Read operations from addresses within the blocks being erased. Bus Read operations to addresses within blocks not being erased will output the memory cell data as if in Read mode. After an Erase operation that causes the Error Bit to be set the Alternative Toggle Bit can be used to identify which block or blocks have caused the error. The Alternative Toggle Bit changes from ’0’ to ’1’ to ’0’, etc. with successive Bus Read Operations from addresses within blocks that have not erased correctly. The Alternative Toggle Bit does not change if the addressed block has erased correctly. PAGE 18 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Table 1 : Block Addresses Address Range 64 70000h ~ 7FFFFh 64 60000h ~ 6FFFFh 64 50000h ~ 5FFFFh 64 40000h ~ 4FFFFh 64 30000h ~ 3FFFFh 64 20000h ~ 2FFFFh 64 10000h ~ 1FFFFh 64 00000h ~ 0FFFFh Tables Size (Kbytes) Table 2 : Bus Operations Operation /CS /OE /WE Address Inputs Data I/O Bus Read VIL VIL VIH Cell Address Data Output Bus Write VIL VIH VIL Command Address Data Input Output Disable X VIH VIH X High Z VIH X X X High Z Standby Note : X=VIL or VIH Table 3 : Status Register Bits Operation Address D7 D6 D5 D3 D2 Program Any Address /D7 Toggle 0 - - Program During Erase Suspend Any Address /D7 Toggle 0 - - Program Error Any Address D7 Toggle 1 - - Chip Erase Any Address 0 Toggle 0 1 Toggle Erasing Block 0 Toggle 0 0 Toggle Non Erasing Block 0 Toggle 0 0 No Toggle Erasing Block 0 Toggle 0 1 Toggle Non Erasing Block 0 Toggle 0 1 No Toggle Erasing Block 1 No Toggle 0 1 Toggle Block Erase before timeout Block Erase Erase Suspend Non Erasing Block Data read as normal Good Block Address 0 Toggle 1 1 No Toggle Faulty Block Address 0 Toggle 1 1 Toggle Erase Error Note : Unspecified Bits should be ignored PAGE 19 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Table 4 : Commands Length Command Bus Write Operations First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data 1 X F0 3 555 AA 2AA 55 X F0 Autoselect 3 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 Program 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 A0 Unlock Bypass 3 555 AA 2AA 55 555 20 Unlock Bypass Program 2 X A0 PA PD Unlock Bypass Reset 2 X 90 X 00 Chip Erase 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 Block Erase 6+ 555 AA 2AA 55 555 Erase Suspend 1 X B0 Erase Resume 1 X 30 Read / Reset PA PD 80 555 AA 2AA 55 555 10 80 555 AA 2AA 55 BA 30 Note : X : Don’t Care, PA : Program Address, PD : Program Data, BA : Any address in the Block. All values in the table are in hexadecimal. The Command Interface only uses address bits A0-A10 to verify the commands, the upper address bits are Don’t Care. Read/Reset. After a Read/Reset command, read the memory as normal until another command is issued. Auto Select. After an Auto Select command, read Manufacturer ID, Device ID or Block Protection Status. Program, Unlock Bypass Program, Chip Erase, Block Erase. After these commands read the Status Register until the Program/Erase Controller completes and the memory returns to Read Mode. Add additional Blocks during Block Erase Command with additional Bus Write Operations until the Timeout Bit is set. Unlock Bypass. After the Unlock Bypass command issue Unlock Bypass Program or Unlock Bypass Reset commands. Unlock Bypass Reset. After the Unlock Bypass Reset command read the memory as normal until another command is issued. Erase Suspend. After the Erase Suspend command read non-erasing memory blocks as normal, issue Auto Select and Program commands on non-erasing blocks as normal. Erase Resume. After the Erase Resume command the suspended Erase operation resumes, read the Status Register until the Program/Erase Controller completes and the memory returns to Read Mode. PAGE 20 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Table 5 - Program, Erase Times and Program, Erase Endurance Cycles (TA= 0 to 70OC, -40 to 85OC or -40 to 125OC) Parameter Min Chip Erase (All bits in memory set to ‘0’) Chip Erase Block Erase (64 Kbytes) Program Chip Program Program/Erase Cycles (per Block) 10,000 (1) Typ Typical after 100K Max (1) W/E Cycles Unit 1.5 1.5 sec 5 5 20 sec 0.6 0.6 4 sec 8 8 150 µs 4.5 4.5 18 sec Cycles Note : TA=25OC, VCC=5V. PAGE 21 Issue 5.0 November 1999 For High Reliability product in accordance with Mil-883 Method 5004 Shown Below PUMA 77 MB Grade Multi Chip Module Screening Flow Screen Test Method Level Visual Mechanical Internal Visual 2017 Codition B or manufacturers equivalent O 100% O Temperature Cycle 1010 Condition B (10 cycles, -65 C to +150 C) 100% Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition E (Y, only) (10,000g) 100% Burn In Pre-Burn-In electrical O Per applicable device specifications at TA=+25 C O 100% Burn-In Method 1015,Condition D,TA=+125 C,160hrs min Final Electrical Tests Per Applicable Device Specification Static (dc) a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes 100% b) @temperature and power supply extremes 100% Functional Switching (ac) O O 100% a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes 100% b) @temperature and power supply extremes 100% O a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes 100% b) @temperature and power supply extremes. 100% O Percent Defective Allowable (PDA) Calculated at post-burn-in at TA=+25 C Hermeticity 1014 Fine Condition A 100% Gross Condition C 100% Quality Conformance Per applicable device specifications External Visual 2009 Per Vendor or Customer Specification PAGE 22 10% Sample 100% Issue 5.0 November 1999 Screening Flow Military Screening Procedure PUMA 2 MB Component Screening Flow Screen Test Method Level External Visual 17 Condition B or manufacturers equivalent 100% Temperature Cycle 1010 Condition C (10 cycles, -65 C to +150 C) 100% O 100% Visual Mechanical O O Burn In Pre-Burn-In electrical Per applicable device specifications at TA=+25 C Burn-In Method 1015,Condition D,TA=+125 C,160hrs min Final Electrical Tests Per Applicable Device Specification Static (dc) a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes 100% b) @temperature and power supply extremes 100% Functional Switching (ac) O O O a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes 100% b) @temperature and power supply extremes 100% O a) @TA=+25 C and power supply extremes b) @temperature and power supply extremes. O Percent Defective Allowable (PDA) Calculated at post-burn-in at TA=+25 C Quality Conformance Per Applicable Device Specification External Visual 2009 Per Vendor or Customer Specification PAGE 23 100% 100% 100 % 5% Sample 100% Issue 5.0 November 1999 Package Details PUMA 2 - JEDEC 66 pin Ceramic PGA. 27.69 (1.090) Sq. Max. 4.83 (0.190) 2.54 (0.100) typ. 15.24 (0.60) typ 4.32 (0.170) 0.53 (0.021) 0.38 (0.015) 1.40 (0.055) 2.54 (0.100) typ. 1.14 (0.045) LEAD FINISH IS 300 µINCH MINIMUM SOLDER OVER 50 TO 350 µINCH NICKEL 6.86 (0.270) max 1.27 (0.050) 0.64 (0.025) 1.52 (0.060) 1.02 (0.040) PUMA 77 - JEDEC 68 Leaded Ceramic Gullwing Package. 0.38 (0.015) 24.13 (0.950) sq. 23.62 (0.930) sq. 0.76 (0.030) 1.78 (0.070) 1.27 (0.050) 22.61 (0.890) sq. 22.10 (0.870) sq. 20.57 (0.810) sq. 20.10 (0.790) sq. 25.15 (0.990) sq. 24.67 (0.970) sq. 5.44 (0.214) max 0.10 (0.004) PAGE 24 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Ordering Information Speed 70 90 120 Temp. Range/Screening Blank I M MB = = = = = = = 70ns 90ns 120ns Commercial Industrial Military Processed in accordance with MIL-STD-883 /WE Option Blank = Single /WE (PUMA 77only) /WE1~4 (PUMA 2 only) A = /WE1~4 (PUMA77 only) Memory Organisation 16006 = 512K x 32 configurable as 1M x 16, and 2M x 8 Technology Package F = FLASH PUMA 2 = JEDEC 66 Pin Ceramic PGA Package PUMA77 = JEDEC 68 Leaded Gull Wing Surface Mount Ceramic Package Note : E is designated to parts with extended Erase/Write Cycle Endurance (100,000 Min.) If not specified when ordered only a Erase/Write Cycle Endurance of 10,000 can be guaranteed Note : Although this data is believed to be accurate the information contained herein is not intended to and does not create any warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. Our products are subject to a constant process of development. Data may be changed without notice. Products are not authorised for use as critical components in life support devices without the express written approval of a company director. PAGE 25 Issue 5.0 November 1999 Ordering Information PUMA 2F16006AMB - 70E