RSF66 3SERIES dual switch point series HIGHVOLTAGEREEDRELAYS K67 TM 4HE3SERIESWASDEVELOPEDFORTHEHIGHVOLTAGE The RSF66 floatswitch series has been specifically designed to offer the user a deep !4%MARKETWHEREPRINTEDCIRCUITBOARD0#" penetration float with a number of switching SPACEISATAPREMIUMTHE3SERIESHIGHVOLTAGE options to cater for a variety of system REEDRELAYOFFERSAORK6ISOLATIONPERFORMANCE requirements. Manufactured from high grade INAMMSIZEPACKAGE7ITHLOWCONTACT Polyphenylene Sulphide (PPS) the RSF66 is RESISTANCETHE3SERIESISSUITABLEFORMANYHIGH compatible with most liquids and chemicals VOLTAGEAPPLICATIONSAT$#ANDLOWFREQUENCY offering switching capabilities up to 24OV AC. WHEREPERFORMANCEANDRELIABILITYAREPARAMOUNT The two float range provide Make/Make, or Break/Break, switch action with a choice of 50 or 100mm separations. This type is -ECHANICAL$IMENSIONS particularly suitable for controlling filling or !LLDIMENSIONSAREINMILLIMETERSINCHES emptying of tanks via electromechanical relays. USA Cynergy3 Components 53!2320 Paseo de las Americas, Suite 104 San Diego, CA 92154 #YNERGY#OMPONENTS Sales & Tech Support (866) 258-5057 0ASEODELAS!MERICAS3UITE Email: 3AN$IEGO#! 3ALES4ECH3UPPORT EUROPE - UK %MAILSALES CYNERGYCOM Cynergy3 Components Ltd. 7 Cobham Road Ferndown Industrial Estate %52/0%5+ Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7PE #YNERGY#OMPONENTS,TD Telephone +44 (0) 1202 897969 #OBHAM2OAD &AX Fax +44 (0) 1202 891918 &ERNDOWN)NDUSTRIAL%STATE %MAILSALES CYNERGYCOM 7IMBORNE$ORSET"(0% ISO 9001 C E R T I F I E D )3/# % 24)&)%$ High & low level Switch #OMPACT&OOTPRINT Simple to mount and use $ESIGNED3PECIFICALLYFOR(IGH6OLTAGE PPS material 2HODIUM#ONTACTSFOR,OW2ESISTANCE WRAS approved ORK6 )SOLATION"ETWEEN#ONTACTS Many variants are UL recognised %XCELLENT,IFETIME#HARACTERISTICS component file number E17121 Technical Specification (Common to both Single and Double Float versions) Mechanical #ONTACT 5NITS #ONDITIONS K6&ORM! Electrical Material #ONTACT-ATERIALS Switching Power VA 2HODIUM PPS Max. Colour )SOLATION!CROSS#ONTACTS K6 Grey $#OR!#PEAK Switching Voltage AC Max. Temp. -AX#ARRY#URRENT ! -10 / +85 $#OR!#RMS(Z Range °C Switching Voltage DC Max. -AX3WITCHING0OWER 7 +14 / +185 Switching Current Max. A °F Min. -AX3WITCHING6OLTAGE 6 0.85 $#OR!#PEAK Fluid S.G. All-AX3WITCHING#URRENT $#OR!#PEAK ratings are for resistive load only ! #APACITANCE!CROSS#ONTACTS P& #OIL3CREEN'ROUNDED Single Float Version Upper Switch Lower Switch Total ,IFETIME Standard Parts /PERATIONS $RY3WITCHING length Level Level ,IFETIME /PERATIONS 73WITCHING 75mm 102mm RSF66A25B75 30mm #ONTACT2ESISTANCE M/HMS -AXIMUM4YPICAL RSF66A25B100 30mm 100mm 127mm )NSULATION2ESISTANCE#ONTACT /HMS -INIMUM4YPICAL RSF66A25B125 30mm 125mm 152mm TO!LL/THER4ERMINALS RSF66A25B150 30mm 150mm 177mm #OILAT# 6 6 6 30mm $# 175mm 202mm RSF66A25B175 -UST/PERATE 6 -UST2ELEASE 6 $# Two Float version /PERATE4IME MS $IODE&ITTED RSF66A50A100 50mm 100mm 134mm 2ELEASE4IME MS $IODE&ITTED For Emptying RSF66A50A150 50mm 150mm 184mm 2ESISTANCE /HMS RSF66B50B100 50mm 100mm 127mm #ONSTRUCTION For Filling RSF66B50B150 50mm 150mm 177mm )SOLATION#ONTACTTO#OIL K6 $#OR!#PEAK Custom versions can be made for particular applications. Please contact Crydom with your TO!LL/THER4ERMINALS /HMS -INIMUM4YPICAL requirements. %NVIRONMENTAL Mechanical Dimensions /PERATING4EMPERATURE2ANGE TO All dimensions are in millimeters#(inches) K6&ORM! 2HODIUM 25 240 120 0.6 Gasket Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile 6 Nitrile 6 6 Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile TO 0ART.UMBERING3YSTEM 2EEDSWITCH3IZE3 #ONTACT&ORM!&ORM! #ONTACT-ATERIAL22HODIUM -OULDING2EFERENCE.UMBER #OIL6OLTAGE666 )SOLATION"ETWEEN#ONTACTSK6K6 3 ! 2 $#ONLY0IN(6 Competitive part number cross-reference available at: WWWCYNERGYCOM #OMPETITIVEPARTNUMBERCROSSREFERENCEAVAILABLEAT © 2007 Cynergy3 Components, All Rights Reserved. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Cynergy3 Components and the Cynergy3 Components logo are trademarks of Cynergy3 Components Corp. ©#YNERGYCOMPONENTS!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED3PECIFICATIONSARESUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTPRIORNOTICE#YNERGYCOMPONENTSANDTHE#YNERGYCOMPONENTSLOGOARETRADEMARKSOF#YNERGYCOMPONENTS#ORP