Custom-products Contactsheet™ SK5AA Series Highly reliable contact from 3-dimple dome metal contact and closed structure. Detector Push Slide Rotary Encoders Power Dual-in-line Package Type TACT SwitchTM CustomProducts Product Line Specification Varieties SIZE V3 V4 V5 V6 V4×2.8 sidecut V5×3.5 sidecut V6×4 sidecut Operating Force 1.6N 1.3N, 1.6N 2.0N 1.3N, 1.6N 1.6N, 3.0N 1.6N, 1.8N 2.0N 1.6N, 1.8N 1.0N Travel 0.12%0.1mm 0.15%0.1mm 0.20%0.1mm 0.26%0.1mm 0.20%0.1mm 0.25%0.1mm 0.24%0.1mm Height 0.23%0.1mm 0.26%0.1mm 0.31%0.1mm 0.37%0.1mm 0.31%0.1mm 0.36%0.1mm 0.35%0.1mm *Endurance specification : Operating life 1,000,000 cycles Operating temperature range −20 to +70℃ Storage temperature range −40 to +85℃ 310 Custom-products Contactsheet™ SK5AB Series Dimensions Unit:mm Style Metal contact Detector ø Push W ø Slide Rotary Encoders ø W ø4 Side cut 4 2.8 ø5 Side cut 5 3.5 ø6 Side cut 6 4 Power Dual-in-line Package Type Recommend Pattern Unit:mm TACT SwitchTM 2 2 ¿B øB CustomProducts øA ¿A ¿C W øC 1 1 Metal contact size Dimensions øA øB øC ø3 3.6 2 1.6 ø4 5.2 2.8 2.1 ø5 6.2 3.8 ø6 7.1 4.8 Metal contact size Dimensions øA øB øC W ø4 Side cut 5.2 2.8 2.1 4.2 2.3 ø5 Side cut 6.2 3.8 2.3 5 3.8 ø6 Side cut 7.1 4.8 3.8 5.5 Packege Specification Unit:mm Reel Single pieces (Paper tube width) 1.06 %1.5 (ø3 00 ) ø15 2.4 %1.5 Paper tube Note Above are specifications in general. This product is custom designed for each customer. Therefore specifications will be discussed independently. 312