PRECISION HIGH VOLTAGE/ HIGH VALUE CHIP RESISTORS SRH SERIES FEATURES RoHS RESISTORSCAPACITORSCOILSDELAY LINES Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C compatible Industry’s highest precision hi-voltage SM resistors! Voltage ratings up to 7KV, resistance values to 1TΩ (1012Ω) Tolerances to 0.1%, TC’s to 25ppm/°C, VC’s to 0.5ppm/V L OPTIONS T Opt. H: increased voltage (5% & 10% tol.) Mil-spec screening/burn-in, special marking, high pulse, custom values/ TC/VC, high frequency designs, etc. Customized resistors have been an RCD specialty for over 30 years! Opt. V: 250° Operating Temperature t W DIMENSIONS % OF RATED W & V DERATING CURVE 100 80 60 40 20 0 25 35 RCD Type 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 135 145 155 RCD Type L±.01 [.25] SRH1206 .126 [3.2] W±.014 [.35] T±.008 [.2] t ±.015 [.38] .061 [1.55] .024 [.6] .020 [.51] SRH2512 .250 [6.4] .132 [3.35] .024 [.6] .025 [.63] SRH4020S .400 [10.2] .200 [5.1] .024 [.6] .035 [.90] SRH5020 .500 [12.7] .200 [5.08] .031 [.8] .079 [2.0] SRH7020 .710 [18] .200 [5.08] .031 [.8] .079 [2.0] SRH1020 1.000 [25.4] .200 [5.08] .031 [.8] .079 [2.0] Resistance Range ** Rated P o w er Rated Voltage Option 'H' Voltage Rating * 0.1% , 0.25% , 0.5% 1% , 2% 5% , 10% SRH1206 .25W 300V 600V 100K to 100M 100K to 100M 100K to 1T SRH2512 1W 1000V 2000V *** 100K to 100M 100K to 1000M 100K to 1T 1.5W 4000V 6000V 100K to 100M 100K to 1000M 100K to 1T SRH4020S SRH5020 2W 2500V 3500V 100K to 100M 100K to 500M 100K to 1000M SRH7020 3W 3500V 5000V 100K to 100M 100K to 500M 100K to 1000M SRH1020 4W 5000V 7000V 100K to 100M 100K to 500M 100K to 1000M * Opt.H available in 5% and 10% tolerance ** Expanded resistance range available *** Special construction available for 3KV capacitor peak voltage discharge PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1 Operating Temp. Range Pulse Capability Thermal Shock Low Temp. Storage High Temp. Exposure Resistance to Solder Heat Moisture Resistance Load Life(1000 hrs.) 1 -55 °C to +155°C 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.1% 0.5% 1.0% 2x rated voltage, 1.2 x 50uS -55°C to +125C, 0.5 hours, 5 cycles 24 hrs @ -55°C 100 hours @ +125°C 260 ± 5°C, 3 seconds Mil-STD-202 M.103 95% RH 1000 hours Rated Wor V per Mil-PRF-55342 Characteristics are typical for resistance range up to 1GΩ, consult factory concerning higher values TC AND VOLTAGE COEFFICIENT CHARACTERISTICS Res.Range Characteristic 1206 10MΩ to VCppm/V, typ 50 100M TC ppm/°C 100 (opt. TC) (25,50) >100M to VCppm/V, typ 100 500M TCppm/°C 250 (opt. TC) (50,100) >500M to VCppm/V, typ 250 1G TCppm/°C 250 (opt. TC) (100) >1G to VCppm/V, typ 800 10G TCppm/°C 1000 (opt. TC) (500) >10G to VCppm/V, typ 1500 100G TCppm/°C 2000 (opt. TC) (1000) >100G to VCppm/V, typ 4000 1T TCppm/°C 3000 (opt. TC) (n/a) 2512 4020 5020 7020 1020 10 4 3 1 0.5 100 100 100 100 100 (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) 15 7 5 2 1 100 100 100 100 100 (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) 20 10 7 3 2 250 100 100 100 100 (100) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) (25,50) 80 20 500 100 (250) (50) 200 80 500 250 (250) (100) 400 200 1000 500 (500) (250) P/N DESIGNATION: SRH2512 - 1006 - F B 101 W RCD Type Options: H=increased voltage, other codes as assigned by RCD (leave blank if standard) Resis. Code ≤1%: 3 signif. digits & multiplier, e.g. 1003=100K, 1004= 1MΩ, 1005=10MΩ, 1006=100M, 1G00=1G, 10G0=10G, 100G=100G, 1T00=1T Resis. Code 2%-10%: 2 digits &multiplier, 104=100K, 105=1M, 106=10M, 107=100M, 1G0=1G, 10G=10G, 100G=100G, 1T0=1T Tolerance: K=10%, J=5%, G=2%, F=1%, D=.5%, C=.25%, B=.1% Packaging: B= Bulk, T=T&R (1206-5020 sizes) Temp. Coefficient: 25=25ppm, 50=50ppm, 101=100ppm, 201=200ppm (leave blank if standard) Termination: W= Lead-free, Q= Tin/Lead (leave blank if either is acceptable) RCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 FA097A Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice. 27