PRECISION THIN FILM CHIP ARRAYS 56.5-41-5 RESISTORSMCAPACITORSMCOILSMDELAY LINES RoHS FEATURES H H H H H Exceptional performance & stability! TC to 5ppm, TC tracking to 2ppm, low noise Tolerance to 0.1%,matching to 0.02% 4 resistors per array reduces mounting costs Custom schematics and multiple values available → P ← SPECIFICATIONS Resi stance Range 100Ω to 24KΩ (extended range avai lable) Absolute Tolerance ±0.1% (std), 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% Matchi ng/ Rati o Tolerance STF2020 ← L → Avai lable to 0.02% Absolute TC +/-5ppm/ deg C (std), 10ppm, 25ppm Tracki ng TC Avai lable to 2ppm Indi vi dual Power Rati ng 62mW Package Power Rati ng 0.25W 1 ↓ ↑ W ↓ T ↑ → H← Config. A (custom circuits avail.) R C D Type C onfig Wattage per R esis.Element Working Voltage L ±.01 [.25] W±.008 [.2] P±.008 [.2] H Max T typ. STF2020 A 62mW 80V .197 [5] .197 [5] .050 [1.27]] .039 [1] .032 [0.8] POWER DERATING 100 75 50 25 0 -65 25 50 ----------- % OF 70°C RATING (derate from full rated power at 70°C to zero power at 125 °C) 75 70 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT (mm) 4 ↑ ↓ ↑ 0.8 ↓ 100 125 150 175 200 → ← 0.635 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temp. Range -65°C to +125°C Short time Overload (2.5X rated W, 5 sec) ±0.05% Resistance to Solder Heat (260°C, 10 sec) ±0.05% Moisture Res. (90-95% RH, 40°C,100 hrs) ±0.1% Temp. Cycling (-65 to +125°C, 5 cycles) ±0.1% → ← 0.635 P/N DESIGNATION: STF2020 A - 1002 - B Q 52 W T RCD Type Config: A Option (leave blank if standard) Res.Code 3 sig. figures & multiplier (1000=100Ω, 1001=1KΩ, 1002 = 10KΩ, etc) Load Life (1000 hrs at rated W25) Insulation Resistance ±0.1% 10,000 Megohm Tolerance Code:B= 0.1%,C=.25%,D=.5%,F=1% Ratio Tolerance: Q=0.02%, A=0.05%, Z=0.1% (leave blank if not required) TC: 25=25ppm, 205=25ppm abs/5ppm track, 10=10ppm, 105=10ppm abs/ 5ppm track, 102=10ppm abs/2ppm track, 5=5ppm, 52=5ppm abs/2ppm track Termination: W= RoHS (Tin plated Ni) Packaging: B = Bulk, T = Tape & Reel RCD Components Inc., 520 E. Industrial Park Dr., Manchester, NH, USA 03109 Tel: (603) 669-0054 Fax:(603) 669-5455 FA115 Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice.