TDB7910 TDA7910 MEDIUM POWER SINGLE BIPOLAR OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 500 mA OFFSET VOLTAGE NULL CAPABILITY SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION PLASTIC PACKAGE FOR EASY ASSEMBLY N DIP16 (Plastic Package) DESCRIPTION The TDB7910 and TDA7910 are internally compensated medium power operational amplifiers intended for use in those applications requiring load currents of several hundred milliamperes. Applications include servo amplifiers, driver interfaces, precision power comparators and motor speed control. These amplifiers are designedto operatefrom a single or dual power supplies and the input commonmode range includes the negative supply if balance inputs are tied to the negative supply. The TDB7910 and TDA7910 are thermal overload and short-circuit protected. ORDER CODES Part Number Temperature Range o o TDB7910 0 C, +70 C TDA7910 -40 C, +105 C o o Package N • 7910-01.TBL .. .. . • Example : TDB7910N PIN CONNECTIONS (top view) V V V - 1 16 Co m p e n sa t i o n - 2 15 B al a nc e N C 3 14 B al a nc e - 4 13 V - 5 12 V 6 11 No n - in v e rt in g i n p u t 7 10 I n v er t in g in p u t 8 9 Co m p e n sa t i o n C C C C C C C C Ou t p ut Vc c + C urr e n t li m iti n g March 1994 C C C C - - 7910-01.EPS V 1/5 TDB7910-TDA7910 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM VCC Compensation Q11 Q9 Q12 Q29 Q31 R13 R17 Q3 Non-inverting Input Q4 Q1 Q24 Q26 Q18 Q2 C1 R15 R14 Inverting Input R8 Current limiting R7 Q19 Q25 Q27 Q17 D1 Q14 Q8 Q7 Q13 Output Q20 D2 R9 R10 C2 R11 R15 Q5 Q6 Q28 Balance Q15 R1 Q21 Q22 Q16 Q23 Q30 R6 R2 R12 Compensation 7910-02.EPS VCC Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage ± 18 V Vi Input Voltage ± 15 V Vid Differential Input Voltage ± 30 V IO Output Current* 0.75 A Ptot Power Dissipation 7.5 W Toper Operating Free-air Temperature Range 0 to +70 -40 to +105 °C Tstg Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150 °C VCC Parameter TDB7910 TDA7910 * Under short-circuit conditions, the safe operating area and dc power dissipation limi tations must be observed. 2/5 7910-02.TBL ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TDB7910-TDA7910 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = ±15V, T amb = 25oC (unless otherwise specified) Vio Iio Iib Avd ICC Parameter TDB7910 - TDA7910 Typ. Max. Input Offset Voltage Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. MIn. 2 6 7.5 Input Offset Current Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. 20 200 300 Input Bias Current Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. 80 500 800 Unit mV nA nA Large Signal Voltage Gain (RL = 47Ω, Vo = ±10V) Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. V/mV 20 15 Supply Current - (no load) Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. mA 10 Vicm Input Common Mode Voltage Range IOS Output Short Circuit Current (R SC = 1.5Ω) ±12 20 25 ±13 V 0.5 A SVR Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio CMR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 70 dB Input Impedance 0.3 MΩ Output Voltage Swing (RSC = 0, RL = 47Ω) Tamb = +25°C Tmin. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. ±11 ±10 Zi VOPP 77 dB V ±12 Vior Offset Voltage Adjustment Range ±15 mV SR Slew Rate (RL = 47Ω, Tamb = +25°C , AV = 1, Vin = ±10V) 0.5 V/µs GBP Gain Bandwidth Product (CC = 0, RL = 47Ω, C L = 100pF, f = 100kHz, Vin = 10mV) 0.5 Thermal Resistance 60 RTH MHz °C/W 7910-03.TBL Symbol ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC+ = 10V, VCC- = 0V, Tamb = 25oC, Vo = +5V (unless otherwise specified) Vio Avd ICC VOH VOL GBP Parameter TDB7910 - TDA7910 Min. Typ. Input Offset Voltage T amb = +25°C T min. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. Large Signal Voltage Gain (RL = 47Ω, Vo = 1 to 5V) T amb = +25°C, T min. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. Unit mV 6 7.5 V/mV 20 15 Supply Current - (no load) T amb = +25°C T min. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. High Level Output Voltage (R SC = 0, R L = 47Ω) T amb = +25°C T min. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. Max. mA 5 20 25 V 6 5 8 Low Level Output Voltage T amb = +25°C T min. ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax. 2 Gain Bandwidth Product (CC = 0, RL = 47Ω, CL = 100pF, f = 100kHz, Vin = 10mV) 1 V 3 3 MHz 3/5 7910-04.TBL Symbol TDB7910-TDA7910 BASIC DIAGRAM +15V Non-inverting Input 11 7 TDB7910 16 9 Inverting Input 10 15 14 6 8 R sc Output Cc 20kΩ 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13 7910-03.EPS Offset adjust (optional) -15V INPUT BIAS CURRENT INPUT OFFSET CURRENT 15V 250 200 150 100 50 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 180 VCC = 15V -20 20 100 50 0 -60 4/5 1250 1000 750 R 500 SC = 1.5 250 R SC = 3 Ω Ω -25 0 25 50 75 100 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 7910-06.EPS SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT (m A) SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT 0 -50 60 100 140 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 180 7910-05.EPS INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) 300 150 VCC = 7910-04.EPS INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) 350 TDB7910-TDA7910 I b1 L a1 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA 16 PINS - PLASTIC DIP b B e E Z e3 D 9 1 8 a1 B b b1 D E e e3 F i L Z Min. 0.51 0.77 Millimeters Typ. Max. 1.65 Min. 0.020 0.030 0.5 0.25 Inches Typ. Max. 0.065 0.020 0.010 20 8.5 2.54 17.78 0.787 0.335 0.100 0.700 7.1 5.1 3.3 0.280 0.201 DIP16.TBL Dimensions PM-DIP16.EPS F 16 0.130 1.27 0.050 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No licence is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this pub lication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. ORDER CODE : 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 5/5