Silicon Tuner Family
Based on a revolutionary concept, the TDA827x silicon tuner
family frees manufacturers from many of the constraints of
traditional RF design. This comprehensive silicon tuner family
for cable modem, digital STB and analog PC-TV reception
offers the necessary selectivity for all targeted applications.
The TDA827x silicon tuner family offers a very simple tuner solution for
cable modem, digital STB and analog PC-TV reception, enabling incredible
simplifications in TV design. Its patented technology and highly innovative
architecture reduces external component count, providing an extremely
cost effective silicon tuner that is easier and quicker to design in than any
other comparable solution in today’s market.
A giant leap forward in RF integration, the TDA827x features an embedded
low noise input amplifier and an image rejection mixer for processing RF
signals and downconverting to low IF signals, which are then filtered before
being sent to the channel decoder or IF demodulator. It offers optimal
partitioning of functions at the system level, removing the need for both
SAW filters or IF amplifiers.
This family also features a fully integrated VCO that has no external tank
• DOCSIS and EuroDOCSIS cable modems
component, an RF splitter with two separate outputs and an RSSI signal
• Digital Set Top Boxes
indicator embedded on the IC. All this integration results in very low power
• Analog TV reception on PCs
consumption for the TDA827x, removing the need for an external heat sink
and further simplifying design-in efforts.
Common features
• Real Silicon tuner approach: only 30 SMD components
for the Bill of Material (BOM)
A complete family
The TDA827x family is a complete range of silicon tuners, featuring dedicated
• Wideband low noise RF amplifier with AGC
devices for a wide range of applications:
• Integrated and Programmable Selectivity
TDA8270HN: US STB or cable modem applications
• RF splitter with 2 separate outputs (-2 / +6 dB)
TDA8271HN: Rest of the world STB and cable modem applications
• RF filter
TDA8274HN: Multi standard STB and cable modem applications*
• Image rejection mixer stage
TDA8275HN: Terrestrial analog reception for PC-TV application
• Fully integrated VCO
This version allows the STB or cable modem manufacturer to build a multi-standard
platform able to address the global market.
• RSSI signal indicator, +/- 0.5 dB relative accuracy
(3 dB absolute value), no calibration needed
• Integrated 16 MHz crystal oscillator and output buffer
to channel decoder or other tuner
• I²C bus controlled
• Temperature range: -20 to + 70°C
• Power: 3.3V, 1.29 W (typical)
• Package: MLF 40 pins 6 x 6 mm HVQFN40
Silicon Tuner Family
Silicon Tuner reference designs
Together with Philips’ channel and video decoder products, the TDA827x
These reference designs integrate all the functionality needed for a low-end
silicon tuner family enables manufacturers to create efficient and cost
STB (complete front end with loop through). They enable manufacturers
effective solutions for all STB and PC-TV markets across the world.
to easily design highly attractive and fully featured products with a high
Helping manufacturers get to market fast with new solutions, Philips
level of performance, providing them with a significant competitive
offers full reference system solutions for the low-end STB market and
advantage in today’s consumer markets.
PC-TV applications.
Key features
Low-end STB market
Two distinct solutions for multi- standard or European/Asian market
With the expansion of the Chinese and Indian market, low-end cable TV
Embedded LNA and loop through
will soon become a mass volume market, where cost and integration
High Level of performance
will be the key factors in successful designs. Specifically addressing this
- Required C/N to achieve Quasi Error Free (QEF) reception
emerging market, Philips offers two complete reference designs based
on four distinct Philips products:
31.3 (24.6) dB max in 256 (64) QAM (8MHz bandwidth / Annex A)
A multi-standard low-end cable STB reference design: TDA8274HN
(6/7/8 MHz Silicon tuner) + TDA10023HT (Demodulator +
Low BOM delivers cost effective system solution (no SAW filters,
only 30 SMD components needed for the silicon tuners)
Power level indicators allow very fast band scanning
FEC decoder Annex A/B/C)
A European / Asian low-end cable STB reference design: TDA8271HN
(7/8 MHz Silicon tuner) + TDA10021HT (Demodulator + FEC
decoder Annex A/C).
Low-end cable STB reference design
PC TV applications
With the launch of the new Windows XP media center, the market for TV
reception on PCs is booming. In comparison with STB designs, significantly
higher levels of integration are required for PC TV solutions. With their
high level of integration, Philips’ silicon tuners are ideal for this market
and also enable new applications in the PC world such as integration
into notebooks and laptops. In addition, they offer the possibility to build
applications with dual or triple tuner functions for PVR systems or multiple
channel recorders.
Philips has two complete reference designs tailored specifically for PC TV
applications. The first is based on the TDA8275, a silicon tuner developed
specifically for this market, in conjunction with the brand new TDA8290
Front end reference design
multi-standard IF demodulator. With this chipset, PC and notebook
manufacturers have access to an ultra compact front end able to handle
Key features
all terrestrial analogue standards (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) outputting a
conventional CVBS and Sound IF output. Based on an IP developed for
High level of integration allow multiple tuner applications
and notebook implementation
cable modems, the TDA8275 implements the RSSI function, which is a
fast measurement system of a selected channel. This function allows, by
S/W control, a fast scanning of the whole TV band, an automatic selection
Embedded loop through for PVR applications
Multi-standard solution programmable by software
(no need to change tuner from one region to another)
of a given input power and the elimination of poor or far away transmitters.
Power level indicators allow very fast band scanning
Unwanted channels will be then blanked to blue screen. Thus the installation
Cost effective system solution compared to conventional
process can be drastically shortened (an advantage for portable notebook
based applications).
CAN approach
Low profile (size 50 x 120 mm) possible for PCI board
The second is a full reference design for PCI card manufacturers.
It combines the TDA8275 and TDA8290 with the SAA7133 video decoder
and PCI bridge IC. This full chipset and reference design allows PCI card
manufacturers to go rapidly to market with a single ultra competitive card
able to cope with all analogue TV standards.
PCI card reference design
Silicon Tuner Family
w w w. s e m i c o n d u c t o r s . p h i l i p s . c o m
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Date of release: June 2003
750 11533
Document order number: 9397
Published in The Netherlands