WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S DATA SHEET March 1, 2000 W65C134S WESTERN DESIGN CENTER WDC reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Information contained herein is provided gratuitously and without liability, to any user. Reasonable efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information but no guarantee whatsoever is given as to the accuracy or as to its applicability to particular uses. In every instance, it must be the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the products for each application. WDC products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in violation of existing patents or other rights of third parties. The sale of any WDC product is subject to all WDC Terms and Conditions of Sales and Sales Policies, copies of which are available upon request. Copyright (C) 1981-20001by The Western Design Center, Inc. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. March 1, 2000 W65C134S WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 1 W65C134S FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 The W65C02S Static 8-bit Microprocessor Core ....................................................................... 2 4096 x 8 ROM .......................................................................................................................... 2 192 x 8 RAM ............................................................................................................................ 2 Bus Control Register ................................................................................................................. 2 Table 1-1 BCR7 and BE Control .............................................................................................. 2 Figure 1-1 BE Timing Relative to RESB Input ......................................................................... 3 Figure 1-2 Bus Control Register ............................................................................................... 3 Chip Select Enable Register ...................................................................................................... 4 Figure 1-3 Chip Select Enable Register ..................................................................................... 4 The Timers................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 1-3 Timer Control Register One ..................................................................................... 5 Figure 1-4 Timer Control Register Two ................................................................................... 6 Interrupt Flag Registers ............................................................................................................. 7 Interrupt Enable Registers ......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 1-5 Interrupt Enable Register One and Interrupt Flag Register One................................. 8 Figure 1-6 Interrupt Enable Register Two and Interrupt Flag Register Two ............................... 9 Asynchronous I/O Data Rate Generation .................................................................................. 10 Table 1-2 Timer A Values for Baud Rate Selection .................................................................. 10 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter .......................................................................... 11 Figure 1-7 Asynchronous Transmitter Mode with Parity .......................................................... 11 Figure 1-8 Asynchronous Receiver Data Timing ...................................................................... 12 Figure 1-9 ACSR Bit Assignments .......................................................................................... 13 The Serial Interface Bus ........................................................................................................... 14 Figure 1-10 SIB State Register ................................................................................................ 14 Figure 1-11 SR0, SR1, SR2, and SR3 Shift Register ................................................................ 15 Figure 1-12 SIB Control and Status Register ........................................................................... 16 Figure 1-13 Serial Interface Bus Message Transmission Timing Diagram ................................ 19 Figure 1-14 W65C134S Serial Interface Bus Wiring Diagram ................................................. 20 Figure 1-15 Bus Address Register............................................................................................ 20 Programming Model, Status Register Coding and Memory Map................................................ 21 Figure 1-16 W65C02S Microprocessor Programming Model ................................................... 21 Figure 1-17 W65C02S Status Register Coding ........................................................................ 21 Table 1-3 System Memory Map .............................................................................................. 22 Table 1-4 I/O Memory Map .................................................................................................... 23 Table 1-5 Vector Table ........................................................................................................... 24 Table 1-6 W65C134S 68 Lead Pin Map .................................................................................. 25 SECTION 2 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 2.1 2.2 March 1, 2000 27 Figure 2-1 W65C134S Interface Diagram................................................................................ Figure 2-2 W65C134S 68 Lead Chip Carrier Pinout ................................................................ Figure 2-3 W65C134S 80 Lead Quad Flat Pack Pinout ........................................................... WEB Write Enable................................................................................................................... RUN and SYNC ...................................................................................................................... 27 28 29 30 30 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 W65C134S Phase 2 Clock Output ............................................................................................................... Clock Inputs, Clock Outputs..................................................................................................... Bus Enable and RDY Input ..................................................................................................... Figure 2-3 BE Timing Relative to PHI2 ................................................................................... Reset Input/Output RESB ........................................................................................................ Positive Power Supply .............................................................................................................. Internal Logic Ground .............................................................................................................. I/O Port Pins ............................................................................................................................ Address Bus ............................................................................................................................. Data Bus .................................................................................................................................. Positive Edge Interrupt inputs ................................................................................................... Negative Edge Interrupt inputs ................................................................................................. Chip Select outputs .................................................................................................................. Level Sensitive Interrupt Request inputs ................................................................................... Non-Maskable Edge Interrupt Input .......................................................................................... Asynchronous Receive Input/Transmitter Output ...................................................................... Timer A Input and Output ........................................................................................................ The Serial Interface Bus pins. ................................................................................................... 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 SECTION 3 TIMING, AC AND DC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................... 35 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................................... Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings..................................................................................... DC Characteristics ................................................................................................................... Table 3-2 DC Characteristics .................................................................................................. AC Characteristics ................................................................................................................... Table 3-3 AC Characteristics .................................................................................................. AC Parameters ......................................................................................................................... Table 3-4 AC Parameters ........................................................................................................ AC Timing Diagram Notes ....................................................................................................... AC Timing Diagrams ............................................................................................................... Figure 3-1 AC Timing Diagram #1 .......................................................................................... Figure 3-2 AC Timing Diagram #2 .......................................................................................... Figure 3-3 AC Timing Diagram #3 .......................................................................................... Figure 3-4 AC Timing Diagram #4 .......................................................................................... Figure 3-5 AC Timing Diagram #5 .......................................................................................... 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 SECTION 4 ORDERING INFORMATION......................................................................................................... 45 SECTION 5 APPLICATION INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 46 5.1 5.2 5.3 March 1, 2000 W65C134S Block Diagrams..................................................................................................... Figure 5-1 W65C134S Block Diagram .................................................................................... Figure 5-2 W65C134S Interrupt Controller Block Diagram ..................................................... Figure 5-3 W65C134S Timer 1 and 2 Block Diagram .............................................................. Figure 5-4 W65C134S Timer A and M Block Diagram ........................................................... Figure 5-5 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Block Diagram ................................ Figure 5-6 Serial Interface Bus Block Diagram ........................................................................ External ROM Startup with W65C134S Mask ROMs .............................................................. Recommended clock and fclock oscillators ................................................................................ Figure 5-7 Oscillator Circuit..................................................................................................... Figure 5-8 Circuit Board Layout for Oscillator Circuit............................................................. 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 5.4 5.5 March 1, 2000 W65C134S Figure 5-9 W65C134S Resonator Circuit ................................................................................ 55 Wait state information and uses for the BE pin.......................................................................... 55 Figure 5-10 W65C134SPCB Embedded System Development Board Block Diagram ............... 56 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C134S microcomputer is a complete fully static 8-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a low power CMOS process. The W65C134S complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer applications. The W65C134S has been developed for Hi-Rel applications, and where minimum power is required. The W65C134S consists of a W65C02S (Static) Central Processing Unit (CPU), 4096 bytes of Read Only Memory (ROM), 192 bytes of Random Access Memory (RAM), two 16 bit timers, a low power Serial Interface Bus (SIB) configured as a token passing Local Area Network, Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) with baud rate timer, one 16-bit "Monitor Watch-Dog Timer" with "restart" interrupt, twenty-two priority encoded interrupts, ICE Interface, Real-Time clock features, Bus Control Register (BCR) for external memory bus control, interface circuitry for peripheral devices, and many low power features. The innovative architecture and the demonstrated high performance of the W65C02S CPU, as well as instruction simplicity, result in system cost-effectiveness and a wide range of computational power. These features make the W65C134S a leading candidate for Hi-Rel and other microcomputer applications. This product description assumes that the reader is familiar with the W65C02S CPU hardware and programming capabilities. Refer to the W65C02S Data Sheet for additional information. KEY FEATURES OF THE W65C134S l l l l l l l CMOS low power process Operating TA= -40EC to +85EC Single 2.8V to 5.5V power supply Static to 8MHz clock operation W65C02S compatible CPU Ÿ 8-bit parallel processing Ÿ Variable length stack Ÿ True indexing capability Ÿ Fifteen addressing modes Ÿ Decimal or binary arithmetic Ÿ Pipeline architecture Ÿ Fully static CPU Ÿ W65C816S 16-bit CPU compatible Single chip microcomputer Ÿ Many power saving features Ÿ 56 CMOS compatible I/O lines Ÿ 4096 x 8 ROM on chip Ÿ 192 x 8 RAM on chip Low power modes Ÿ WAIt for interrupt Ÿ SToP the clock Ÿ Fast oscillator start and stop feature March 1, 2000 l l l l l l l l l Twenty-two priority encoded interrupts Ÿ BRK software interrupt Ÿ RESET "RESTART" interrupt Ÿ NMIB Non-Maskable Interrupt input Ÿ SIB Interrupt Ÿ IRQ1B level interrupt input Ÿ IRQ2B level interrupt input Ÿ 2 timer edge interrupts Ÿ 7 positive edge interrupt inputs Ÿ 5 negative edge interrupt inputs Ÿ Asynchronous Receiver Interrupt Ÿ Asynchronous Transmitter Interrupt UART 7/8-bit w/wo odd or even parity 16M byte segmented address space 64K byte linear address space 4 x 16 bit timer/counters Bus control register for external memory Ÿ Internal or external ROM Ÿ 8 Decoded Chip Select outputs Surface mount 68 and 80 lead packages Real time clock features Third party tools available 1 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S SECTION 1 W65C134S FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1.1 The W65C02S Static 8-bit Microprocessor Core The W65C02S 8-bit microprocessor is the fully static (may be stopped when PHI2 is high or low) version of the popular W65C02S microprocessor used in the Apple IIc and IIe personal computer systems. The W65C02S is compatible with the NMOS 6502 used in many control applications and personal computers. The small die size and low power consumption of the W65C02S offer an excellent choice as a cost effective core microprocessor in one-chip microcomputers. The W65C02S instruction set is compatible with the W65C802S and W65C816S, 16-bit microprocessors and the W65C832S, 32-bit microprocessor. 1.2 4096 x 8 ROM The W65C134S 4096 x 8 bit Read Only Memory (ROM) usually contains the user's program instructions and other fixed constants. These program instructions and constants are mask-programmed into the ROM during fabrication of the W65C134S device. The W65C134S ROM is memory mapped from $F000 to $FFFF. 1.3 192 x 8 RAM The 192 x 8 bit Random Access Memory (RAM) contains the user program stack and is used for scratch pad memory during system operation. This RAM is completely static in operation and requires no clock or dynamic refresh. The data contained in RAM is read out nondestructively with the same polarity as the input data. In order to take advantage of zero page addressing capabilities, the W65C134S RAM is assigned to both page zero memory addresses $0040 to $00FF and to page one stack addresses $0140 to $01FF. 1.4 Bus Control Register (BCR) at memory address $001B 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 The Bus Control Register (BCR) controls the various modes of I/O and external memory interface. During power-up the value of BE defines the initial values of BCR0, BCR3 and BCR7, three bits in the BCR that set up the W65C134S for In-Circuit-Emulation (ICE) or test modes. When BE goes high after RESB goes high the BCR sets up the W65C134S for emulation. Port 0 and 1 are the address outputs, Port 2 is the data I/O bus and RUN is the multiplexed RUN function. (see RUN pin function description). When BE goes high before RESB goes high, all bits in the BCR are "0". After RESB goes high BE no longer effects the BCR register, and BCR may be written under software control to reconfigure the W65C134S as desired. Table 1-1 indicates how BCR7 and BE define the W65C134S configuration. Table 1-1 BCR7 and BE Control BCR7 BE W65C134S Configuration 0 0 Internal ROM External Processor (DMA) 0 1 Internal ROM Internal Processor 1 0 External ROM External Processor (DMA) 1 1 External ROM Internal Processor Figure 1-1 BE Timing Relative to RESB Input March 1, 2000 2 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 7 6 5 W65C134S 4 3 2 1 0 BCR ($001B) External Memory Bus Enable 0 = Ports 0,1,2 are I/0 1 = Ports 0,1,2 are address and data bus for external memory or I/O access Port 44-47 Edge Sensitive Interrupt Input Enable 0 = No Edge Interrupt Inputs on P44-47 1 = Edge Interrupt Inputs on P44-47 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Enable 0 = SIB Disabled 1 = SIB Enabled P64=SCLK, P65=SDAT, P66=CHIN, P67=CHOUT and enable SIB interrupt In-Circuit-Emulation (ICE) Enable 0 = RUN = RUN and W65C134S is in normal mode of operation 1 = RUN and all on chip addressed memory or I/O for reads or writes are output on the data bus (this is the emulation mode of operation) Port 50-53 Edge Sensitive Interrupt Input Enable 0 = No EDGE interrupt inputs on P50-53 1 = EDGE interrupt inputs on P50-53 Port 54-57 Edge Sensitive Interrupt Input Enable 0 = No EDGE interrupt inputs on P54-57 1 = EDGE interrupt inputs on P54-57 NMIB, IRQ1B and IRQ2B Input Enable 0 = Pins 40-42 are standard I/O 1 = P40=NMIB, P41=IRQ1B, P42=IRQ2B inputs External ROM Enable 0 = internal ROM at $F000-FFFF 1 = external ROM at $F000-FFFF Figure 1-2 Bus Control Register (BCR) ($001B) March 1, 2000 3 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 1.5 W65C134S Chip Select Enable Register PCS3)($0007) 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 PCS is the Port 3 Chip Select Register. The PCS allows each individual chip select to be active or non-active. When PCS30-PCS37 are equal to a "1", then CS0B to CS7B will be active. When CS1B is active, the defined memory space for CS3B and/or CS6B is reduced. It is reduced by the memory space 0100-011F for CS1B. When CS2B is active, the defined memory space for CS3B and/or CS6B is reduced. It is reduced by the memory space 0120-013F for CS2B. CS7B is automatically enabled when BCR7=1. The W65C134S will use the internal RAM as stack when PCS33 and PCS36 are disabled. If PCS33 or PCS36 are enabled then the off chip stack is used. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS7B CS6B CS5B CS4B CS3B CS2B CS1B CS0B Figure 1-3 Chip Select Enable Register 1.6 The Timers 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 Upon Timer clock input negative edge the timer low counter is decremented by 1. When T1 or T2 prescaler mode is enabled, (making timer low counter a divide-by-N+1 prescaler) then timer low counter is reloaded from timer low latch. Monitor Timer M does not have a prescaler mode. A write to the timer low counter writes the timer low latch. A read of the timer high or low counter reads the timer high or low counter. Upon Timer clock input negative edge when the timer low counter reaches zero, the timer high counter is decremented by 1. Upon Timer clock input positive edge, when the timer high counter reaches zero, this sequence occurs: Timer 1 and 2 set their associated interrupt flag. If the interrupt is enabled the MPU is then interrupted and control is transferred to the vector associated with the interrupt. When Timer M times out, the W65C134S is restarted: on-chip logic pulls RESB pin low for 2 CLK cycles and releases RESB to go high, "restarting" the W65C134S. The timer hi counter is loaded from the timer hi latch, and timer low counter is loaded from timer low latch. A write to the Timer 1, 2 or A high counter writes to the timer hi latch and this sequence occurs: The timer hi latch is loaded from data bus. The timer low counter is loaded from the timer low latch, and the timer hi counter is loaded from the timer hi latch. Timer M is disabled after RESB and is activated by the first Timer Control Register One (TCR10) transition from "0" to "1" (the first load of Timer M). The Timer M counter is reloaded with the value in the Timer M latches when the TCR10 bit 0 makes a transition from a "0" to "1". TCR10 transition from a "1" to a "0" has no effect on the timer. March 1, 2000 4 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 7 6 5 W65C134S 4 3 2 1 0 TCR1x($000A) Monitor Watch Dog Timer M Load Enable 0 to 1 transition loads the Timer M from the Timer M latches PHI2 System Timing Clock Select 0 = PHI2 clock source is CLK (Clock) 1 = PHI2 clock source is FCLK (Fast Clock) FCLK Start and Stop Control 0 = Stop FCLK 1 = Start FCLK Timer A Enable 0 = TA clock disabled (counter stopped) 1 = TA clock enabled. This bit should be set to a 1 for UART operation Timer A Clock Select 0 = Timer A counts PHI2 clock pulses 1 = Timer A counts TIN negative pulses. When ACSR5=1, Timer A and RXD are used for the UART and this bit should be cleared to "0". Timer A Output Enable 0 = Timer A output disabled 1 = Timer A TOUT enabled. When ACSR0=1, Timer A and TXD are used for the UART. Timer A Interrupt Enable 0 = Timer A Interrupt Disabled. 1 = Timer A Interrupt Enabled. Timer A Edge Interrupt Flag 0 = Timer A Edge Interrupt has not occurred. This bit cannot be set when UART is in operation. 1 = Timer A edge Interrupt has occurred. This interrupt vector is located at the Asynchronous Transmitter vector location. This bit is cleared to a "0" by writing a "1" to it. Writing a "0" to this bit has no affect. Figure 1-3 Timer Control Register One (TCR1x) ($000A) March 1, 2000 5 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 7 6 5 W65C134S 4 3 2 1 0 TCR2x($000B) T1 Clock Enable 0 = T1 clock disabled (counter stopped) 1 = T1 clock enabled (counting clock as selected by TCR21) T1 Clock Select 0 = T1 counts PHI2 clock pulses 1 = T1 counts CLK clock pulses T1 Prescaler Enable 0 = 16 bit counter mode 1 = 8 bit prescaler with 8 bit counter mode T2 Clock Enable 0 = T2 clock disabled (counter stopped) 1 = T2 clock enabled (counting clock as selected by TCR24) T2 Clock Select 0 = T2 counts PHI2 clock pulses 1 = T2 counts CLK clock pulses T2 Prescaled Enable 0 = 16 bit counter mode 1 = 8 bit prescaled with 8 bit counter mode Always 0 Always 0 Figure 1-4 Timer Control Register Two (TCR2x) ($000B) March 1, 2000 6 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 1.7 Interrupt Flag Registers (IFR1,IFR2) ($002C,$0008) 1.7.1 1.8 W65C134S A bit of these registers is set to a "1" in response to a signal from a source. Sources specified as level-triggered assert the corresponding IFR bit if an edge occurs and is held to a "1" as long as the IRQxB input is held low. Sources specified as edge-triggered assert the corresponding IFR bit upon and only upon transition to the specified polarity. Note that changes for edge-triggered bits are asynchronous with PHI2. Read of IFR1 and IFR2 A read from an IFR register transfers its value to the internal data bus. Write to IFR1 and IFR2 A write of a "1" to any bits of these registers disasserts those bits but has no further effect when execution of that write instruction is completed; that is, the bit is reset by a pulse but not held reset. A write of a "0" to any bits of these registers has no effect. Interrupt Priority If more than one bit of the Interrupt Flag Registers are set to a "1" and enabled, the vector corresponding to the highest bit number asserted is used. For example, if both the IFR10 and IFR23 were asserted and enabled, then the vector corresponding to IFR23 would be used. For another example, if both the IFR13 and IFR20 were asserted and enabled, then the vector corresponding to IFR20 would be used. Interrupt Enable Registers (IER1,IER2) ($002D,$0009) IER1 and IER2 are the interrupt enable registers. Reading an IER register reads its contents and puts the value on the internal data bus. Writing an IER writes a value from the data bus into the register. Setting a bit in an IER to "1" permits the interrupt corresponding to the same bit in the IFR to cause a processor interrupt. Also, if the RUN pin was low prior to the interrupt, the pin will go high if BCR3 = 0. March 1, 2000 7 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S IER1 bits 0-7 0=Disable Interrupt 1=Enable Interrupt IER1 ($002D) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Priority Logic IFR1 ($002C) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PE44 Positive Edge Interrupt PE45 Positive Edge Interrupt NE46 Negative Edge Interrupt NE47 Negative Edge Interrupt PE50 Positive Edge Interrupt PE51 Positive Edge Interrupt NE52 Negative Edge Interrupt NE53 Negative Edge Interrupt Figure 1-5 Interrupt Enable Register One (IER1) ($002D) and Interrupt Flag Register One (IFR1) ($002C) March 1, 2000 8 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S IER2 bits 0-7 0=Disable Interrupt 1=Enable Interrupt IER2 ($0009) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Priority Logic IFR2 ($0008) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PE54 Positive Edge Interrupt PE55 Positive Edge Interrupt PE56 Positive Edge Interrupt NE57 Negative Edge Interrupt Timer 1 Edge Interrupt Timer 2 Edge Interrupt IRQ1B Low Level Interrupt IRQ2B Low Level Interrupt Figure 1-6 Interrupt Enable Register Two (IER2) ($0009) and Interrupt Flag Register Two (IFR2) ($0008) March 1, 2000 9 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 1.9 Asynchronous I/O Data Rate Generation (Timer A) W65C134S Timer A provides clock timing for the Asynchronous I/O and establishes the data rate for the UART. Timer A operates as configured by TCR1x (Timer Control Register One) and should be set up prior to enabling the UART. Table 1-2 identifies the values to be loaded into Timer A to select standard data rates. Although Table 1-2 identifies only the more common data rates, any data rate can be selected by using the formula: where N = PHI2 --------16 x bps - 1 N decimal value to be loaded in to Timer A using its hexadecimal equivalent PHI2 the clock frequency bps The desired data rate Note: One may notice slight differences between the standard rate and the actual data rate. However, transmitter and receiver error of 1.5% or less is acceptable. Table 1-2 Timer A Values for Baud Rate Selection Standard Baud Rate 1.8432MHz 2.000MHz 2.4576MHz 3.6864MHz 4.000MHz 4.9152MHz 75 $05FF $0682 $07FF $0BFF $0D04 $0FFF 110 $0416 $046F $0573 $082E $08E0 $0AE8 150 $02FF $0340 $03FF $05FF $0682 $07FF 300 $017F $01A0 $01FF $02FF $0340 $03FF 600 $00BF $00CF $00FF $017F $01A0 $01FF 1200 $005F $0067 $007F $00BF $00CF $00FF 1800 $003F $0044 $0054 $007F $008A $00AA 2400 $002F $0033 $003F $005F $0067 $007F 4800 $0017 $0019 $001F $002F $0033 $003F 9600 $000B $000C $000F $0017 $0019 $001F 19200 $0005 $0006 $0007 $000B $000C $000F 38400 $0002 $0002 $0003 $0005 Note: Shading indicates transmitter or receiver error greater than 1.5%. $0006 $0007 March 1, 2000 10 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 1.10 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) The W65C134S Microcomputer provides a full duplex Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) with programmable bit rates. The serial I/O functions are controlled by the Asynchronous Control and Status Register (ACSR). The ACSR bit assignment is shown in Figure 1-9. The serial bit rate is determined by Timer A for all modes. The maximum data rate using the internal clock is 62.5K bits per second (PHI2 = 1MHz). The Asynchronous Transmitter and Asynchronous Receiver can be independently enabled or disabled. All transmitter and receiver bit rates will occur at one sixteenth of the Timer A interval timer rate. Timer A is forced into an interval timer mode whenever the serial I/O is enabled. Whenever Timer A is required as a timing source, it must be loaded with the hexadecimal code that selects the data rate for the serial I/O Port. Refer to Table 1-2 for a table of hexadecimal values that represent the desired data rate. WDC Standard UART Features l l l l l l l 7 or 8 bit data with or without Odd or Even parity. The Transmitter has 1 stop bit with parity or 2 stop bits without parity. The Receiver requires only 1 stop bit for all modes. Both the Receiver and Transmitter have priority encoded interrupts for service routines. The Receiver has error detection for parity error, framing error, or over-run error conditions that may require re-transmission of the message. The Receiver Interrupt occurs due to a receiver data register full condition. The Transmitter Interrupt can be selected to occur on either the data register empty (end-of-byte transmission) or both the data register empty and the shift register empty (end-of-message transmission) condition. 1.10.1 Asynchronous Transmitter Operation The transmitter operation is controlled by the Asynchronous Control and Status Register (ACSR). The transmitter automatically adds a start bit, parity bit and one or two stop bits as defined by the ACSR. A word of transmitted data is 7 or 8 bits of data. The Transmitter Data Register (ARTD) is located at address $0023 and is loaded on a write. The Receiver is read at this same address. Serial Data Start Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parity Bit Stop Bit The Transmitter Interrupt is controlled by the Asynchronous Control Status Register bit ACSR1. IRQAT =ACSR0((ACSR1B)(DATA REGISTER EMPTY) + (ACSR1)(DATA REGISTER AND SHIFT REGISTER EMPTY)) Figure 1-7 Asynchronous Transmitter Mode with Parity March 1, 2000 11 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 1.10.2 Asynchronous Receiver Operation The receiver and its selected control and status functions are enabled when ACSR5 is set to a "1". The Receiver Data Register (ARTD) is located at $0023. The data format must have a start bit, 7 or 8 data bits, and one stop bit or one parity bit and one stop bit. The receiver bit period is divided into 16 sub-intervals for internal synchronization. The receiver bit stream is synchronized by the start bit, and a strobe signal is generated at the approximate center of each incoming bit. The character assembly process does not start if the start bit signal is less than one-half the bit time after a low level is detected on the Receive Data Input. A framing error, parity error or an over-run will set ASCR7, the receiver error detection bit. An over-run condition occurs when the receiver data register has not been read and new data byte is transferred from the receiver shift register. Serial Data Note: Start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stop Stop Bit Bit Bit The receiver requires only one stop bit but the transmitter supplies two stop bits for older system timing. Figure 1-8 Asynchronous Receiver Data Timing A receiver interrupt (IRQAR) is generated whenever the receiver shift register is transferred to the receiver data register. 1.10.3 Asynchronous Control and Status Register (ACSR) The Asynchronous Control and Status Register (ACSR) enables the Receiver and Transmitter and holds information on communication status error conditions. Bit assignments and function of the ACSR are as follows: ACSR0: ACSR1: ACSR2: March 1, 2000 Transmitter Enable. The Asynchronous Transmitter is enabled, the Transmitter Interrupt (IRQAT), and TXD is enabled on P61 when ACSR0=1. When ACSR0 is cleared, the ACSR1 is cleared, the transmitter will be disabled, the Transmitter Interrupt will not occur and TXD will be disabled on P61. This bit is cleared by a RESET. Transmitter Interrupt Source Select. When ACSR1=0, the Transmitter Interrupt occurs due to a Transmitter Data Register Empty condition (end-of-byte transmission). When ACSR1=1 the Transmitter Interrupt occurs due to both the Transmitter Data and Shift register empty condition (end-of-message transmission). The Transmitter Interrupt is cleared by writing to the Transmitter Data Register ($0023), or by a RESET. Seven or Eight-Bit Data Select. When ACSR2=0, the Transmitter and Receiver send and receive 7-bit data. The Transmitter sends a total of 10 bits of information (one start, 7 data, one parity and one stop or 2 stop bits). The Receiver receives 9 or 10 bits of information (one start, 7 data, and one stop or one stop and one parity bits). 12 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER When writing to the Transmitter in seven bit mode, bit 7 is discarded. When reading from the receive data register during seven bit mode, bit 7 is always zero. When ACSR2=1, the Transmitter and Receiver send and receive 8-bit data. The Transmitter sends 11 bits of information (one start, 8 data, one parity and one stop or two stop bits). The Receiver receives 10 or 11 bits of information (one start, 8 data, one stop or one parity and one stop bit). A RESET clears ACSR2. Parity Enable. When ACSR3=0, parity is disabled. A RESET clears ACSR3. When ACSR3=1, parity is enabled for both the Transmitter and Receiver. Odd or Even Parity. When ACSR4=0 and parity is enabled, then Odd parity is generated where the number of ones is the data register plus parity bit equal an odd number of "1's". When ACSR4=1 and parity is enabled, then Even parity is generated where the number of ones in the data register plus parity bit equal an even number of "1's". ACSR4 is cleared by Reset. Receiver Enable. The Asynchronous Receiver is enabled when ACSR5=1. A RESET clears ACSR5. When ACSR5=1 the Receiver is enabled and Receiver Interrupts occurs anytime the contents of the Receiver shift register contents are transferred to the Receiver Data Register. The Receiver Interrupt is cleared when the Receive Data Register is read ($0023). The Receive data, RxD, is enabled on P60 when ACSR5=1. When ACSR5=0, all Receiver operation is disabled and all Receive logic is cleared, the Receiver data register bits 0-6 are not affected and bit 7 is cleared. Software Semaphore. ACSR6 may be used for communications among routines which access the UART. This bit has no effect on the UART operation and is cleared upon a RESET. This signal can be thought of as a manually set “busy” signal. Receiver Error Flag. The Receiver logic detects three possible error conditions and sets ACSR7: parity, framing or over-run. A parity error occurs when the parity bit received does not match the parity generated on the receive data. A framing error occurs when the stop bit time finds a "0" instead of a "1". An over-run occurs when the last data in the Receiver Data Register has not been read and new data is transferred from the Receive Shift Register. ACSR7 is cleared by a RESET or upon writing a "1" to ACSR7. Writing a "0" to ACSR7 has no effect on ACSR7. ACSR3: ACSR4: ACSR5: ACSR6: ACSR7: ACSR ($0022) W65C134S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Transmitter Enable Transmitter Interrupt Source Select Seven or Eight Bit Data Select Parity Enable Odd or Even Parity Select Receiver Enable Software Semiphore Receiver Error Flag Figure 1-9 ACSR Bit Assignments March 1, 2000 13 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 1.11 The Serial Interface Bus (SIB) W65C134S The Serial Interface Bus (SIB) is configured as a token passing Local Area Network, and is intended for inter-chip communications in parallel processing applications. The Serial Interface Bus has four pins associated with its use: CHIN CHOUT, SDAT, and SCLK (see Section 2.19 for more information). The SIB has seven (7) registers associated with its use: STATE, SR0, SR1, SR2, SR3, SCSR, and BAR. 1.11.1 The STATE Register The STATE register is a read-only register that provides the host processor with the timing state of the SIB (see Figure 1-13 for more information on activities during each timing state). The STATE register is the decoded output of a "state machine" that counts up from 0 to 37 and then back to 0 on positive transitions of SCLK. Only one decoded output is asserted at a time. STATE has the same value at the same time in all devices and is used to synchronize message transfer. It is reset to State 0 upon system RESET. STATE is normally read only during manufacturing test. A read of the state register can produce invalid results if the SCLK is not synchronous with the processor clock. When the SCLK is enabled on the chip with its MPU, it is always synchronized with the SIB. STATE ($0014) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 State 0 0 = Not state 0 1 = State 0 State 1 0 = Not state 1 1 = State 1 State 2 0 = Not state 2 1 = State 2 State 3 through State 34 0 = Not state 3 through 34 1 = State 3 through 34 State 35 0 = Not state 35 1 = State 35 State 36 0 = Not state 36 1 = State 36 State 37 0 = Not state 37 1 = State 37 Always 0 when read. Figure 1-10 SIB State Register ($0014) March 1, 2000 14 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 1.11.2 SR0, SR1, SR2, and SR3 Shift Register The SR0, SR1, SR2, and SR3 are the four (4) 8-bit shift registers (32-bit shift register) that are used to transfer messages from one SIB to another SIB on a token passing ring network. Two to eight SIB's may be connected together (see Figure 1-14 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Wiring Diagram for more information). l SR3 bits SR37, SR36 and SR35 are the Bus Address Register field of the 32-bit message. All other bits are command, data, or address fields. Reading SR3 clears the read pending bit SCSR4 and writing SR0 clears the write pending bit SCSR0. Figure 1-11 SR0, SR1, SR2, and SR3 Shift Register 1.11.3 The SIB Control and Status Register (SCSR). The SIB Control and Status Register (SCSR) is used for controlling the SIB and for reading the status of the SIB. The SCSR is writable only in the sense that a high level can be written to bits SCSR0, SCSR2, SCSR6 and SCSR7. Together with the STATE Register, it gives the state of the SIB controller. Bit SCSR6 is used to enable PHI2 as the clock source for SCLK, bits SCSR4 and SCSR5 are used for receiving, bits SCSR0, SCSR1, and SCSR2 are used for sending, and STATE is used for both. The SCSR is reset on a system RESET. March 1, 2000 SCSR0 is the "write pending" control bit of the SCSR. When SCSR0 is set to a "1" by the on-chip microprocessor, it means that the processor wants to send a message. It is set on a write of a "1" to SCSR0 from the MPU and reset when SR0 is written. SCSR1 is the "master" status bit of SCSR. When SCSR1 gets set to a "1" this means that the SIB's microprocessor was requesting master (SCSR0 was set to a "1") just before the last time mastery changed. If CHIN (CHain IN) is high as well then this device is master when the "token" is passed. 15 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER SCSR ($0019) 7 W65C134S SCSR2 is the "previous master" control and status bit. When SCSR2 is set to a "1", this means that the SIB was master before the last time mastery changed. One device is chosen as previous master (one MPU on the network writes a "1" to SCSR2) before the first message is sent. SCSR2 is set to a "1" for one SIB on the network as part of system initialization upon power up or reset. This bit is ignored during normal system operation. SCSR3 is the "message not acknowledged" status bit of SCSR. When SCSR3 is set to a "1" by the SIB logic due to SDAT equals a "1" during timing state 36, this means that the last message this SIB sent was not acknowledged by the receiver whose address matches the Bus Address Register (BAR) field of the message (SR35, SR36 and SR37). SCSR4 is the "read pending" status bit of the SCSR. When SCSR4 is set to a "1" due to a match between the incoming message BAR field with the BAR, this means that the SIB has received a message but its processor has not yet finished reading it. It is reset when SR3, the last byte of the message, is read. SCSR5 is the "deaf" status bit of the SIB. When SCSR5 is set to a "1" this means that the SIB cannot receive a message in progress because when the message started, its processor had not read its previous message. SCSR6 is the "serial clock enable" control bit of SCSR. When SCSR6 is set to a "1" by the on-chip MPU this means that the serial clock generator (PHI2) in this device is enabled and provides the serial clock (SCLK) for the system. SCSR6 is set to a "1" for one SIB on the network as part of system initialization upon power up or reset. It is not used as part of the normal communication sequence. SCSR7 is the SIB interrupt flag bit that is set by a SIB interrupt condition and reset to zero by a write of a "1" to SCSR7. A write of a "0" has no effect on SCSR7. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SIB Write Pending SIB Master SIB Previous Master SIB Message Not Acknowledged SIB Read Pending SIB Deaf SIB Serial Clock Enable SIBIRQ Figure 1-12 SIB Control and Status Register (SCSR) The SIB causes a SIBIRQ (SIB interrupt) when the SIB enable bit of the Bus Control Register is set (BCR2=1) and SCSR1=1 (SIB master is set), or SCSR3=1 ISIB message not acknowledged), or SCSR4=1 (reading pending). SIBIRQ=BCR2 C (SCSR1+SCSR3+SCSR4) March 1, 2000 16 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 1.11.4 Sequence of events for the SIB message transmission. March 1, 2000 State 0 events (STATE=$01) The SIB controllers wait for some device to request mastery. All devices on the serial bus wait for one or more devices to request mastery. At any time any processor with data to send sets SCSR0 (write pending) and the SIB is in state 0 (STATE=$01) then the following occurs: 1. SCLK stops running. 2. Each device with SCSR0=1 pulls SDAT low to request SCLK. 3. SCLK restarts and advances the state machine to state 1 (STATE=$02). State 1 events (STATE=$02) The SIB controllers establish mastery for this message. State 1 determines which devices is master for this message and insures that SDAT is high on transition to state 2 (STATE=$04) in state 1 (STATE=$02) the following occurs: 1. The device that was master just before transition to state 1 sets SCSR2 (previous master), and all other devices reset SCSR2. 2. The device with SCSR2 set to a "1" makes its CHOUT high. Other devices only make CHOUT high if both their CHIN is high and SCSR0=0. Thus the first device in the chain after the previous master that has write pending (SCSR0=1) is the master for this message. 3. The device that is master for this message outputs a high level on SDAT. 4. SCLK advances to state 2 (STATE=$04). State 2 events (STATE=$04) The master's SIB controller waits for data from its processor. The SIB waits in state 2 (STATE=$04) for the master to load its data and the following occurs: 1. SCLK stops running. 2. The SIB controller that is master sets SCSR7 to interrupt and signal its processor that it has acquired mastery. 3. In response to the interrupt the processor should: a) check "read pending" (SCSR4) to see if it has received a message before acquiring mastery, and if so read it, thus clearing SCSR4; b) check "message not acknowledged" SCSR3 to see if the last message it sent was not acknowledged; c) place the data it wants to send in SR0, SR1, SR2, and SR3, and; d) clear "write pending" SCSR0 to signal the SIB controller that data is there to send. This happens on the trailing edge of the write to SR0 so SR0 must be the last byte written into the shift register. 4. The master pulls SDAT low to request SCLK. 5. After at least one-half-cycle, SCLK advances the state counter to state 3 (STATE=$08). States 3 through 34 events (STATE=$08) The message is sent. During state 3 through 34 (STATE=$08) the SIB transfers the message from the master's shift register to all devices that have read their previous messages. 1. Any device that had "read pending" (SCSR4=1) just before transition to state 3 sets "deaf" SCSR5, so that it cannot receive the incoming message on top of the one its processor has not read. 2. While in state 3-34 (STATE=$08) the device that is master sends its shift-register data output onto SDAT. 17 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 3. Any device that does not have "deaf" SCSR5 set, including the master, advances its shift register, on SCLK positive transitions, thus acquiring the data that was in the master's shift-register. 4. SCLK advances the state counter to state 35 (STATE=$10). State 35 events (STATE=$10) The SIB is prepared for acknowledgement. State 35 (STATE=$10) is for the master to insure that SDAT is high on entry to state 36 (STATE=$20). The device that is master outputs a high level on SDAT. SCLK advances the state counter to state 36 (STATE=$20). State 36 events (STATE=$20) The receive should acknowledge its receipt of the message in state 36 (STATE=$20). When asserted, the destination device (the device that has SR37,SR36,SR35 equal to BAR2,BAR1,BAR0 and "deaf" SCSR5=0) pulls SDAT low to acknowledge reception to the master. SCLK advances the state counter to state 37 (STATE=$40). State 37 events (STATE=$40) The MPU's are interrupted with the result of transmission in the SR's. State 37 (STATE=$40) is for the master to interrupt and signal its processor if the message it sent was not acknowledged, for the receiver to interrupt and signal its processor that a message is available to read, and for the master to insure that SDAT is high on transition to state 0 (STATE=$01). In state 37 (STATE=$40) the following occurs: 1. If the master saw SDAT high just before the transition to state 37 (STATE=$40) (meaning there was no acknowledgement) then it sets SCSR3 "message not acknowledged" to interrupt and signal its processor that the message was not received. If the master saw SDAT low just before the transition to state 37 (STATE=$40) (meaning there was acknowledgement) then SCSR3 is cleared and does not interrupt its processor. 2. The device with SCSR5=0 that has the SR37,6,5=BAR2,1,0 (message with its address), sets SCSR4 "read pending" to interrupt and signal its processor that a message is pending. 3. The master outputs a high level on SDAT for the duration of state 37 (STATE=$40). 4. SCLK advances the state counter to state 0 (STATE=$01). Message processing may now be performed by the receiver. The message is read by the receiver's processor in response to the SIB interrupt (SIBIRQ) generated by SCSR4 "read pending", by reading the message in its shift register, and when finished clears SCSR4 "read pending" (on the trailing edge of the read of SR3). The message may now be processed. The next message may now be sent on the SIB. 1.11.5 Bus Address Register (BAR) The Bus Address Register (BAR) contains the address that is used by the receive function logic of the SIB to compare against the "address field" (SR37,SR36 and SR35) of the Shift Register incoming data. When the BAR address matches the "address field" of the Shift Register the host is interrupted indicating that a "message has been received". March 1, 2000 18 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 1-13 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Message Transmission Timing Diagram *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 The SDAT goes low due to SCSR0 (write pending) set in all devices that are requesting the bus. The previous master sets SCSR2 (previous master) and sets CHOUT high, all others clear SCSR2. The next device with CHIN high and SCSR0 set becomes bus master, and clears CHOUT to low. The bus master interrupts its MPU and the MPU loads the shift register. Writing to SR0 clears SCSR0 (write pending) and sends the message. The SIB waits until the shift register SR0 is written. Any device that has SCSR4 set (read pending), sets SCSR5 (deaf) indicating the MPU never read the last message sent to it. Reading SR3 clears SCSR4 (read pending). The 32-bit message is sent by the bus master during states 3-34. The BEGIN low time begins on the transfer of data to the masters shift register during state 2 and stays low until the first transmit data bit time in state 3. The output data is transferred on the rising edge of SCLK with the input data latched on the falling edge of SCLK. The bus master sets SDAT to '1' signaling the end of transmission. The receiver device pulls SDAT low signaling the bus master that the message was received. If the receiving device does not pull SDAT low then the bus master sets SCSR3 (message not acknowledged) indicating the message was not received, and will interrupt its MPU in the next state (State 37). The receiver sets SCSR4 (read pending) and interrupts its MPU. The bus master (sending device) outputs a high level on SDAT and interrupts its MPU if SCSR3 (message not acknowledged) was set in state 36, signaling the message was not received. Wait in state 0 for message processing and next message transmission bus request. March 1, 2000 19 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 1-14 W65C134S Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Wiring Diagram SR3 ($0018) 7 6 5 â â â 4 Compare Logic á 7 6 5 4 3 á 2 3 2 1 0 à to SIB control logic á 1 0 BAR ($001A) Write for SIB Bus Address; each device on the token ring network should have a unique address. Read all "0" Figure 1-15 Bus Address Register (BAR) March 1, 2000 20 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 1.12 Programming Model, Status Register Coding and Memory Map W65C134S The W65C02S Microprocessor Programming Model, Status Register Coding, System Memory Map, I/O Memory Map, Vector Table, and Pin Map summarize the W65C134S Programming Model and gives the functional area where each memory and pin is defined. The W65C134S completely decodes the entire 65536 byte address space of the on-chip W65C02S microprocessor. The System Memory Map is shown in Table 1-3. The on-chip I/O, Timers, Control Registers, Shift Registers, Interrupt Registers, and Data Registers are presented in Table 1-4, I/O Memory Map. The W65C134S has twenty-two (22) priority encoded interrupts whose addresses are listed in Table 1-5, Vector Table. Figure 1-16 W65C02S Microprocessor Programming Model Figure 1-17 W65C02S Status Register Coding March 1, 2000 21 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Table 1-3 System Memory Map Address Label FFFF See Table 1-5 FFD0 FFCF Function Vector Table (See Vector Table 1-5) Chip Select (CS7B) when Internal ROM disabled by BCR7=1 On-Chip Mask ROM Chip Select (CS7B) when Internal ROM disabled by BCR7=1 F000 ROM EFFF Chip Select (CS7B) 32K block (28672 available) 8000 CS7B 7FFF Chip Select (CS6B) 32K block (32512 available) (Note 1) 0100 CS6B 5FFF Chip Select (CS5B) 8K block 4000 CS5B 3FFF Chip Select (CS4B) 8K block 2000 CS4B 1FFF Chip Select (CS3B) 8K block (7836 available) (Note 1) 0100 CS3B 01FF STACK On-Chip Stack RAM (same as 0040-00FF) when PCS33=0 and PCS36=0 (On-Chip Stack) 0140 013F Chip Select (CS2B) 32 Bytes 0120 CS2B 011F Chip Select (CS1B) 32 Bytes 0100 CS1B 00FF On-Chip RAM 0040 003F 0030 RAM Chip Select (CS0B) 16 Bytes CS0B 002F See Table 1-4 0000 Note 1: On-Chip I/O (See I/O Memory Map Table 1-4) When PCS31=1 and/or PCS32=1 then CS1B and/or CS2B are active. CS3B's and CS6B's memory spaces are reduced by CS1B and/or CS2B memory space in order to prevent external bus conflicts. March 1, 2000 22 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Table 1-4 I/O Memory Map Address Label 002F 002E 002D 002C 002B 002A 0029 0028 0027 0026 0025 0024 0023 0022 0021 0020 001F 001E 001D 001C 001B 001A 0019 0018 0017 0016 0015 0014 0013 0012 0011 0010 000F 000E 000D 000C 000B 000A 0009 0008 0007 0006 0005 0004 0003 0002 0001 0000 ------IER1 IFR1 TMCH TMCL TMLH TMLL TACH TACL TALH TALL ARTD ACSR PDD6 PD6 PDD5 PDD4 PD5 PD4 BCR BAR SCSR SR3 SR2 SR1 SR0 STATE T2CH T2CL T1CH T1CL T2LH T2LL T1LH T1LL TCR2 TCR1 IER2 IFR2 PCS3 PDD2 PDD1 PDD0 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 March 1, 2000 Function Reserved Reserved Interrupt Enable Register One Interrupt Flag Register One Timer M Counter High (read only) Timer M Counter Low (read only) Timer M Latch High Timer M Latch Low Timer A Counter High Timer A Counter Low Timer A Latch High Timer A Latch Low Asynch. RXD/TXD Data Register Asynch. RXD/TXD Control/StatusRegister Port 6 Data Direction Register Port 6 Data Register Port 5 Data Direction Register Port 4 Data Direction Register Port 5 Data Register Port 4 Data Register Bus Control Register SIB Address Register SIB Control and Status Register SIB Shift Register 3 SIB Shift Register 2 SIB Shift Register 1 SIB Shift Register 0 SIB State Register (read only) Timer 2 Counter High Timer 2 Counter Low Timer 1 Counter High Timer 1 Counter Low Timer 2 Latch High Timer 2 Latch Low Timer 1 Latch High Timer 1 Latch Low Timer Control Register Two Timer Control Register One Interrupt Enable Register Two Interrupt Flag Register Two Port 3 Chip Select Register Port 2 Data Direction Register Port 1 Data Direction Register Port 0 Data Direction Register Port 3 Data Register Port 2 Data Register Port 1 Data Register Port 0 Data Register Reset Value uninitialized uninitialized $00 $00 uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00/$89 $00 $00 uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized $01 uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized uninitialized $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $FF $00 $00 $00 23 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Table 1-5 Vector Table Address FFFF,E FFFD,C FFFB,A FFF9,8 FFF7,6 FFF5,4 FFF3,2 FFF1,0 FFEF,E FFED,C FFEB,A FFE9,8 FFE7,6 FFE5,4 FFE3,2 FFE1,0 FFDF,E FFDD,C FFDB,A FFD9,8 FFD7,6 FFD5,4 FFD3,2 FFD1,0 March 1, 2000 Label IRQBRK IRQRES NMI IRQ2 IRQ1 IRQT2 IRQT1 NE57 PE56 PE55 PE54 IRQSIB IRQAR IRQAT ------NE53 NE52 PE51 PE50 NE47 NE46 PE45 PE44 Function BRK Vector High, Low RES Vector High, Low Non-Maskable Interrupt Vector High, Low IRQ2 Vector High, Low IRQ1 Vector High, Low Timer 2 Interrupt Vector High, Low Timer 1 Interrupt Vector High, Low Negative Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low SIB Interrupt Vector High, Low Asynchronous RXD Interrupt Vector High, Low Asynch, TXD or Timer A Interrupt Vector High, Low Reserved Reserved Negative Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Negative Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Negative Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Negative Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low Positive Edge Interrupt Vector High, Low 24 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Table 1-6 W65C134S 68 Lead Pin Map (continued on next page) Pin March 1, 2000 Name 1 2 P57 P60 3 P61 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 P62 P63 P64 P65 P66 P67 RESB WEB RUN FCLKOB FCLK BE CLK CLKOB PHI2 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 VSS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 Control Bit Signal with Control Bit=0 Signal with Control Bit=1 BCR5 ACSR5 TCR14 ACSR0 TCR15 ------BCR2 BCR2 BCR2 BCR2 ------BCR3 ------------------BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 ---BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 P57 P60 NE57 RXD TIN TXD TOUT P62 P63 SCLK SDAT CHIN CHOUT RESB WEB RUN FCLKOB FCLK BE CLK CLKOB PHI2 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 VSS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 P61 P62 P63 P64 P65 P66 P67 RESB WEB RUN FCLKOB FCLK BE CLK CLKOB PHI2 P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 VSS P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 25 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Table 1-6 W65C134S 68 Lead Pin Map (continued) Pin 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 March 1, 2000 Name A15 VDD P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 VSS P40 P41 P42 P43 P44 P45 P46 P47 P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 Control Bit Signal with Control Bit=0 Signal with Control Bit=1 BCR0 + 3 + 7 ---PCS30 PCS31 PCS32 PCS33 PCS34 PCS35 PCS36 PCS37 + BCR7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 BCR0 + 3 + 7 ---BCR6 BCR6 BCR6 ---BCR1 BCR1 BCR1 BCR1 BCR4 BCR4 BCR4 BCR4 BCR5 BCR5 BCR5 P17 VDD P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 VSS P40 P41 P42 P43 P44 P45 P46 P47 P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 A15 VDD CS0B CS1B CS2B CS3B CS4B CS5B CS6B CS7B D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 VSS NMIB IRQ1B IRQ2B P43 PE44 PE45 NE46 NE47 PE50 PE51 NE52 NE53 PE54 PE55 PE56 26 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S SECTION 2 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION W65C134S Interface Requirements This section describes the interface requirements for the W65C134S single chip microcomputer. Figure 2-1 is the Interface Diagram for the W65C134S, while Figures 2-2 and 2-3 show the 68 lead plastic chip carrier and 80 lead quad flat pack pinout configurations, respectively. VDD → RESB ↔ WEB ↔ RUN ← FLCKOB ← FCLK → BE → CLK → CLKOB ← PHI2 ← VSS → W65C02S Static CPU Port 0 <8> P0x/Axx 192 X 8 RAM Port 1 <8> P1x/Axx 4096 X 8 ROM Port 2 <8> P2x/Dx Interrupt Regs & Logic Port 3 8> Control Regs & Logic Port 4 <8> P4x/NMB, IRQ1B, IRQ2B, PE4446, NE47 Clock Logic Port 5 <8> P5x/PE5x, NE5x 4x16 bit Timers Port 6 <8> P6x/RXD, TIN, TXD, TOUT, SCLK, SDAT, CHIN, CHOUT SIB UART P3x/CSxB (output only) Figure 2-1 W65C134S Interface Diagram March 1, 2000 27 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 2-2 W65C134S 68 Lead Chip Carrier Pinout March 1, 2000 28 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 2-3 W65C134S 80 Lead Quad Flat Pack Pinout March 1, 2000 29 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 2.1 W65C134S WEB Write Enable (WEB) (active low) The WEB signal is high when the microprocessor is reading data from external memory or I/O and high when it is reading or writing to internal memory or I/O. When WEB is low the microprocessor is writing to external memory or external I/O. The WEB signal is bidirectional; when BE is low WEB is an input for DMA operations to on-chip RAM or I/O. When BE is high during PHI2 low the internal microprocessor controls WEB. 2.2 RUN and SYNC outputs with WAI and STP defined (RUN) 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.3 The RUN function of the RUN output is pulled low as the result of a WAI or STP instruction. RUN is used to signal an external oscillator to start PHI2. The processor is stopped when RUN is low. When BCR3=1 (ICE mode), the SYNC function (SYNC=1 indicates an opcode fetch) is multiplexed on RUN during PHI2 low time and RUN is multiplexed during PHI2 high time. When BCR3=0 (normal operating mode), the RUN function is output during the entire clock cycle. The ICE module demultiplexes RUN to provide full emulation capability for the RUN function. The BE input has no effect on RUN. When RUN goes low the PHI2 signal may be stopped when high or low; however, it is recommended PHI2 stop in the high state. When RUN goes high due to an enabled interrupt or reset, the internal PHI2 clock is requested to start. The clock control function is referred to as the RUN function of RUN. The WAI instruction pulls RUN low during PHI2 high time. RUN stays low until an enabled interrupt is requested or until RESB goes from low to high, starting the microprocessor. The STP instruction pulls RUN low during PHI2 high time and stops the internal PHI2 clock. RUN remains low and the clock remains stopped until an enabled interrupt is requested or RESB goes from low to high. FCLK can be started or stopped by writing to Timer Control Register One (TCR12) bit 2. When TCR12=0 (reset forces TCR12=0), FCLK is stopped. When TCR12=1, FCLK is started. When starting FCLK oscillator, the system software should wait (100 milliseconds or an appropriate amount of time) for the oscillator to be stable before using FCLK. Phase 2 Clock Output (PHI2) PHI2 output is the main system clock used by the microprocessor for instruction timing, general on-chip memory, and I/O timing. PHI2 also is used by the timers when enabled for counting PHI2 clock pulse. The PHI2 clock source is either CLK or FCLK depending on the value of Timer Control Register One bit 1 (TCR11). When TCR11=0, then CLK is the PHI2 clock source. When TCR11=1, then FCLK is the PHI2 clock source. 2.4 Clock Inputs (CLK, FCLK), Clock Outputs (CLKOB, FCLKOB) CLK and FCLK inputs are used by the timers for PHI2 system clock generation, counting events or implementing Real Time clock type functions. CLK should always be equal to or less than one-fourth the FCLK clock rate when FCLK is running (see the timer description for more information). CLKOB, FCLKOB outputs are the inverted CLK and FCLK inputs that are used for oscillator circuits that employ crystals or a resistor-capacitor time base. Timer Control Register One bit 1 (TCR11) selects if CLK (TCR11=0) or FCLK (TCR11=1) is used as the PHI2 clock source. March 1, 2000 30 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 2.5 Bus Enable and RDY Input (BE) 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 W65C134S BE controls the address bus, data bus and WEB signals. When RESB goes high signaling the power-up condition, the processor starts; and if BE was low when RESB went from low to high, then the Bus Control Register (BCR) bits 0, 3, and 7 (BCR0, BCR3, and BCR7) are set to 1 (emulation mode). After RESB goes high BE controls the direction of the address bus (A0-A7, A8-A15), data bus (D0-D7) and WEB. When BE goes low during PHI2 low time, the address bus and WEB are inputs, providing for DMA (direct memory and I/O access) for emulation purposes. Data from D0-D7 is written to any register addressed by A0-A15 when WEB is low. Data is read from D0-D7 when WEB is high. The W65C02S is stopped when BE is low. When BE is high, the A0-A15, D0-D7 and WEB are controlled by the on-chip microprocessor. When BE is pulled low during PHI2 high time, BE does not affect the direction of the address, data BUS and WEB signals. When BE is pulled low in PHI2 high time, the W65C02S is stopped so that the processor may be single stepped in emulation. BE = BE . (RDY + PHI2B) (This logic is on the ICE to provide the emulation interface normally used for W65C02S systems.) Notes: 1) 2) Address and WEB are inputs with data bus input except when reading on-chip I/O registers or memory. Use this mode for DMA. W65C02S stopped with RDY function of BE pin. When BCR3=1, the W65C02S read or write of internal I/O register or memory is output on the external data bus so that the internal data bus may be traced in emulation. Figure 2-3 BE Timing Relative to PHI2 March 1, 2000 31 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 2.6 W65C134S Reset Input/Output RESB ( RESB) 2.6.1 When RESB is low for 2 or more processor PHI2 cycles all activity on the W65C134S stops and the chip goes into the static low power state. 2.6.2 After a Reset, all I/O pins become inputs. Because of NOR gates on the inputs, RESB disables all input buffers. The inputs will not float due to the bus holding devices. Inputs that are unaffected by RESB are BE and WEB. 2.6.3 When RESB goes from low to high, RUN goes high, the Bus Control Register is initialized to $89 if BE is low or to $00 if BE is high. The MPU then begins the power-up reset interrupt sequence in which the program counter is loaded with the reset vector that points to the first instruction to be executed. (See WDC's W65C02 microprocessor data sheet for more information and instruction timing.) 2.6.4 The reset sequence takes 9 cycles to complete before loading the first instruction opcode. 2.6.5 RESB is a bidirectional pin which is pulled low internally for "restarting" due to a "monitor time out", Timer M times out causing a system Reset. (See section 1.5, The Timers for more information.) 2.7 Positive Power Supply (VDD) VDD is the positive power supply and has a range given in Table 3-4. 2.8 Internal Logic Ground (VSS) VSS is the system logic ground. All voltages are referenced to this supply pin. 2.9 I/O Port Pins ( Pxx) 2.9.1 2.9.2 All ports, except Port 3, which is an output only Port, are bidirectional I/O ports. Each of these bidirectional Ports has a port data register (PDx) and port data direction register (PDDx). A zero ("0") in PDDxx defines the associated I/O pin as an input with the output transistors in the "off" high impedance state. A one ("1") in PDDxx defines the I/O pin as an output. A read of PDx always reads the pin. After reset, all Port pins become input pins with both the data and data direction registers reset to 0. The inputs will not float due to the bus holding devices. Port 3 has an associated Chip Select register (PCS3) that is used to enable Chip Selects (CSxB); this register is defined in Table 1-3 System Memory Map. A "1" in bit x of PCS3 enables Chip Select CSxB to be output over P3x while a "0" in PCS3x specifies the value in the output data register is to be output on P3x. Port 3 data register is set to all "1's" after Reset, and PCS3 is cleared to all "0's" after RESET, except if BCR7=1 then CS7B is enabled. March 1, 2000 32 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S 2.10 Address Bus (Axx) Ports 0 and 1 are also the address bus A0-A15 when configured by the Bus Control Register (BCR). (See section 1.4 for BCR mode selection.) When BCR0 and BCR7 are set to "1" and BCR3=0 (normal operating mode) for external memory addressing, Axx are all "1's" when addressing on-chip memory. When BCR3=1 (ICE mode), the address bus is always active so that the ICE can trace internal read and write operations. 2.11 Data Bus (Dx) Port 2 is the data bus D0-D7 when configured by the Bus Control Register (BCR). (See section 1.4 for BCR mode selection.) When BCR0 and BCR7 are set to a "1" and BCR3=0 (normal operating mode) for external memory addressing, Dx are all "1's" when addressing on-chip memory. When BCR3=1 (ICE mode), the data bus is always active so that the ICE can trace internal read and write operations. During external memory cycles the data bus is in the Hi-Z state during PHI2 low time. 2.12 Positive Edge Interrupt inputs (PExx) Port pins P44, P45, P50, P51, P54, P55, and P56 have the Positive Edge sensitive interrupt inputs (PE44, PE45, PE50, PE51, PE54, PE55, and PE56) multiplexed with the I/O. When the pin is enabled as an edge interrupt (as defined by the Bus Control Register (BCR)), an interrupt is generated, and the associated bit is set (by an internal one-shot circuit) in the Interrupt Flag Register (IFRx) on a positive transition from "0" to "1". The transition from "1" to "0" has no effect on the IFR. When the associated Interrupt Enable Register bit (IERx) is set to a "1", the MPU will be interrupted provided the interrupt flag bit in the MPU status register P (I flag) is cleared to a "0". When the I flag is "1", interrupts are disabled. 2.13 Negative Edge Interrupt inputs (NExx) Port pins P46, P47, P52, P53, and P57 have the Negative Edge sensitive interrupt inputs (NE46, NE47, NE52, NE53, and NE57) multiplexed with the I/O. When the pin is enabled as an edge interrupt (as defined by the Bus Control Register (BCR)), an interrupt is generated, and the associated bit is set (by an internal one-shot circuit) in the Interrupt Flag Register (IFRx) on a negative transition from "1" to "0". The transition from "0" to "1" has no effect on the IFR. When the associated Interrupt Enable Register bit (IERx) is set to a "1", the MPU will be interrupted provided the interrupt flag bit in the MPU status register P (I flag) is cleared to a "0". When I equals a "1", interrupts are disabled. 2.14 Chip Select outputs (active low) (CSxB) The CSxB Chip Select outputs are enabled (individually) as outputs on Port 3 with the PCS3x (Port 3 Chip Select register). Chip select 7, CS7B, is also automatically enabled by BCR7=1. Each of the eight chip selects is dedicated to one block of external memory; the mapping of each chip select to external addresses is given in Table 1-3 System Memory Map. Chip selects CS3B, CS4B, CS5B, CS6B, and CS7B are considered "clocked" chip selects. This means that they only become active during PHI2 high time. Chip selects CS0B, CS1B, and CS2B are "not clocked," and are active anytime the address bus is in the appropriate memory block. March 1, 2000 33 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 2.15 Level Sensitive Interrupt Request inputs (IRQxB) W65C134S Port pins P41 and P42 I/O functions are multiplexed with IRQ1B and IRQ2B Level Sensitive Interrupt inputs that are selected by Bus Control Register bit 6 (BCR6). When IRQxB is held low the associated Interrupt Flag is set to a "1" in the Interrupt Flag Register Two (IFR2). When the associated Interrupt Enable Register Two (IER2) bit is set to a "1" the MPU will be interrupted provided the I flag of the MPU is cleared to a "0" allowing interrupts. Unlike the edge interrupts, which do not hold the interrupt bit set, an interrupt will be generated as long as IRQxB is low. 2.16 Non-Maskable Edge Interrupt Input (NMIB) Port pin P40 I/O function is multiplexed with NMIB edge triggered interrupt and is controlled by Bus Control Register bit 6 (BCR6). When NMIB is selected by setting BCR6 equal to "1", the MPU will be interrupted on all negative edges of NMIB. Since the I flag cannot prevent NMI- from interrupting, NMIB is thought of as non-maskable, once enabled in the Bus Control Register. 2.17 Asynchronous Receive Input/Transmitter Output (RXD,TXD) The W65C134S has a full duplex Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) that may be enabled by the Asynchronous Control and Status Register (ACSR). When the Receiver is enabled by ACSR5=1 then port pin P60 becomes the Asynchronous Receiver Input (RXD). When the Transmitter is enabled by ACSR0=1, then port pin P61 becomes the Asynchronous Transmitter Output (TXD). 2.18 Timer A Input and Output (TIN, TOUT) Timer A is controlled by TCR1x (see TCR1x for more information). When the UART is not in use, Timer A can be used for counting input negative pulses on TIN. Timer A can also be used to put out a square wave or rectangular wave form on TOUT. When counting negative pulses on TIN, the TIN frequency should always be less than one-half the frequency of PHI2. TOUT changes state on every time-out of Timer A; therefore, varying waveform and frequency depends on the timer latch values and may be modified under software control. 2.19 The Serial Interface Bus (SIB) pins. (see Figure 1-13 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Message Transmission Timing diagram.) 2.19.1 CHIN Serial Interface Bus (SIB) CHain INput for token passing. CHIN (CHain INput) is connected to CHOUT (CHain OUTput) of the previous device on the chain. When high it indicates that this device can be master because all devices between the previous master and this device are not master. 2.19.2 CHOUT SIB CHain OUTput for token passing. CHOUT goes to CHIN of the next device on the chain. 2.19.3 SCLK Serial Clock for the SIB. SCLK is connected to all devices. It is connected to the output of the serial clock generator in the device in which the clock generator is enabled. It synchronously advances the state machines for sending and receiving in all devices and also shifts data serially from the sending device to a receiving device. 2.19.4 SDAT Serial Data for the SIB. SDAT is connected to all devices. When it is not being driven during a data transfer, it should be connected to an external current source to suppress noise transients. When a message is not being sent, a device that wants to send a message pulls it low to start the serial clock generator. When a message is being sent, the device that is sending uses it to convey data to all other devices. At the end of the message the receiving device uses it to acknowledge reception to the master. March 1, 2000 34 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S SECTION 3 TIMING, AC AND DC CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Rating Symbol Value Supply Voltage VDD -0.3 to +7.0V Input Voltage VIN -0.3 to VDD +0.3V Storage Temperature TS -55°C to +150°C This device contains input protection against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, precautions should be taken to avoid application of voltages higher than the maximum rating. Notes: 1. Exceeding these ratings may result in permanent damage. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. March 1, 2000 35 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 3.2 W65C134S DC Characteristics VDD = 2.8V to 5.5V (except where noted), VSS = 0V,TA = -40°C to +85°C (except where noted) Table 3-2 DC Characteristics Symbol Min Max Unit Input High Threshold Voltage CLK, FCLK, RESB, all other inputs Vih .9XVDD 0.7XVDD VDD+0.3 VDD+0.3 V V Input Low Threshold Voltage CLK, FCLK, RESB, all other inputs Vil VSS-0.3 VSS-0.3 .1XVDD .3XVDD V V Input Leakage Current (Vin=VSS to VDD, VDD=5.5V) all inputs Iin -1 +1 uA Output High Voltage Ioh=-100uA, VDD=2.8V all outputs Voh 0.9XVDD - V Output Low Voltage Iol=100uA, VDD=2.8 all outputs Vol - .1XVDD V Icc - 2 4 mA/MHz mA/MHz Ires - 5 uA Supply Current (No Load and all on-chip circuits operating) 2.8V 5.5V Supply Current (No Load) TA= 25°C Reset Condition RESB, BE=VSS; CLK=32768Hz, VDD=5.5V FCLK=HI, PHI2=HI STP Condition CLK=HI, VDD=2.8V FCLK=HI, PHI2=HI Wait for Interrupt Condition CLK=32768Hz FCLK=HI, VDD=2.8V Istp - 1 uA Iwai - 5 uA Capacitance (sample Tested) (Vin=0, Ta=25°C, f=1MHz) all pins except VSS, VDD Cin - 10 pF March 1, 2000 36 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 3.3 AC Characteristics W65C134S Table 3-3 AC Characteristics Timing Parameter tISA tIHA tODA tOHA tISD tIHD tODD tOHD tISB tIHB tODSY tISRR tIHRR tODRN tOHRN tISP tIHP tODP tOHP tISI tIHI tISS tIHS tODS tOHS tISC tIHC tODC tOHC tISU tIHU tODU tOHU tODD (DMA) tODPH tODSC tODCSR tODCSF tR tF tBR tBV CEXT tCYC tPWL tPWH tCYC2 tPWL2 tPWH2 tCYCF tPWLF tPWHF March 1, 2000 Definition Address input setup from PHI2 Address input hold from PHI2 Address output delay from PHI2 Address output hold from PHI2 Data input setup from PHI2 Data input hold from PHI2 Data output delay from PHI2 Data output hold from PHI2 BE input setup from PHI2 BE input hold from PHI2 SYNC output delay from PHI2 RDY/RESB input setup from PHI2 RDY/RESB input hold from PHI2 RUN output delay from PHI2 RUN output hold from PHI2 Port input setup from PHI2 Port input hold from PHI2 Port output delay from PHI2 Port output hold from PHI2 Interrupt input setup from PHI2 Interrupt input hold from PHI2 Serial Data input setup from SCLK Serial Data input hold from SCLK Serial Data output delay from SCLK Serial Data output hold from SCLK Chain input setup from SCLK Chain input hold from SCLK Chain output delay from SLCK Chain output hold from SCLK UART Data input setup from PHI2 UART Data input hold from PHI2 UART Data output delay from PHI2 UART Data output hold from PHI2 Data output delay from PHI2 (ROM read) PHI2 output delay from CLK/FCLK SCLK output delay from PHI2 CS output delay from PHI2 rising CS output delay from PHI2 falling FCLK/CLK risetime FCLK/CLK falltime BE to RESB BE to D0-7, A0-15, WEB Valid External Capactive load CLK cycle time CLK low time CLK high time PHI2 cycle time PHI2 low time PHI2 high time FCLK cycle time FCLK low time FCLK high time 37 3.4 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER AC Parameters W65C134S Table 3-4 AC Parameters VDD=1.8V 100 KHz #2,3 Timing Parameter tISA tIHA tODA tOHA tISD tIHD tODD tOHD tISB tIHB tODSY tISRR tIHRR tODRN tOHRN tISP tIHP tODP tOHP tISI tIHI tISS tIHS tODS tOHS tISC tIHC tODC tOHC tISU tIHU tODU tOHU tODD (DMA) tODPH tODSC tODCSR tODCSF tOCHCN tR tF tBR tBV CEXT tCYC #1 tPWL tPWH tCYC2 tPWL2 tPWH2 tCYCF tPWLF tPWHF March 1, 2000 Min 3960 20 20 2700 20 10 3900 20 700 20 20 2700 20 20 800 20 800 20 20 800 20 800 20 10 0 0 2000 50 16000 8000 8000 TCYCF .5*TCYC2 .5*TCYC2 4000 2000 2000 Max 2800 3300 2700 3300 2800 2900 7500 20 3000 3800 2000 2000 1000 1000 4500 100 100 1900 inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. VDD=2.8V 1 MHz #2,3 Min 460 20 20 270 20 10 390 20 70 20 20 270 20 20 80 20 80 20 20 200 20 80 20 10 0 0 200 50 4000 2000 2000 TCYCF .5*TCYC2 .5*TCYC2 1000 500 500 Max 280 330 270 330 280 290 750 20 300 380 200 200 100 100 450 50 50 190 inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. VDD=5V+/-10% 2 MHz #2,3 VDD=5V+/-10% 4 MHz #2,3 Min. Min 210 20 20 100 20 10 180 20 40 20 20 100 20 20 40 20 40 20 20 100 20 40 20 10 0 0 100 50 2000 1000 1000 TCYCF .5*TCYC2 .5*TCYC2 500 250 250 Max 180 150 150 150 180 170 375 20 150 200 100 100 50 50 225 25 25 90 inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. 85 20 20 60 20 10 75 20 65 20 20 60 20 20 25 20 25 20 20 60 20 25 20 10 0 0 35 50 1000 500 500 TCYCF .5*TCYC2 .5*TCYC2 250 125 125 Units Max 90 75 75 75 90 90 190 20 75 100 50 50 25 25 125 15 15 50 inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. inf. nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS ns nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS pf nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS 38 3.5 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER AC Timing Diagram Notes W65C134S 1.tCYC must always be equal to or greater than four times tCYCF when FCLK is running. 2.Rise and Fall Times for all signals are measured on a sample basis from .3xVDD to .7xVDD. The Rise and Fall times are not programmable on the automated test system that is used for production testing. A typical Rise and Fall time is 5-10ns; therefore, the spec indicates the duty cycle of the clock as tested (tPWL=tCYC/2-tF). The Rise and Fall times indicate output Rise and Fall times. The most critical Rise and Fall times are for PHI2 because all timing is related to PHI2. The input Rise and Fall times can affect the input setup time (tIS), output delay time (tOD) and hold time (tH). This must be taken into account in an application. At 2MHz and 4MHz the worst case input Rise and Fall times may prevent a system from working. 3.Hold Time for all inputs and outputs is relative to the associated clock edge. March 1, 2000 39 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 3.6 AC Timing Diagrams W65C134S Figure 3-1 AC Timing Diagram #1 March 1, 2000 40 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Notes: 1. Voltage levels shown are VL = VSS and VH = VDD. 2. Measurement points shown are .5xVDD and .5xVDD. 3. CLK can be asynchronous, tCYC equal or greater than 4xtCYCF. 4. The PHI2 and CSxB timing is controlled by TCR11. When TCR11=0 PHI12 and CSxB are related to CLK. When TCR11=1, PHI2 and CSxB are related to FCLK. Figure 3-2 AC Timing Diagram #2 March 1, 2000 41 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 3-3 AC Timing Diagram #3 March 1, 2000 42 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 3-4 AC Timing Diagram #4 March 1, 2000 43 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 3-5 AC Timing Diagram #5 March 1, 2000 44 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S SECTION 4 ORDERING INFORMATION W65C134S8PL-8 Description W65C W65C = standard product Product Identification Number Foundry Process 134S 8 Blank = 1.2u 8 = .8u Package PL PL = Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier, 68 pins Q = Quad Flat Pack, 80 pins Temperature/Processing Blank = - 40°C to + 85°C Speed Designator -8 -8 = 8MHz ____________________________________________________________________________________ To receive general sales or technical support on standard product or information about our module library licenses, contact us at: The Western Design Center, Inc. 2166 East Brown Road Mesa, Arizona 85213 USA Phone: 480-962-4545 Fax: 480-835-6442 e-mail: [email protected] WEB: http://www.westerndesigncenter.com _______________________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: MOS CIRCUITS ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM STATIC DISCHARGE Internal static discharge circuits are provided to minimize part damage due to environmental static electrical charge build-ups. Industry established recommendations for handling MOS circuits include: 1. 2. 3. Ship and store product in conductive shipping tubes or conductive foam plastic. Never ship or store product in non-conductive plastic containers or non-conductive plastic foam material. Handle MOS parts only at conductive work stations. Ground all assembly and repair tools. March 1, 2000 45 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S SECTION 5 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5.1 W65C134S Block Diagrams (pages 46-51) Note: Pin numbers apply to PLCC package only. Figure 5-1 W65C134S Block Diagram March 1, 2000 46 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 5-2 W65C134S Interrupt Controller Block Diagram Figure 5-3 W65C134S timer 1 and 2 (T1 and T2) Block Diagram March 1, 2000 47 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 5-4 W65C134S Timer A and M (TA and TM) Block Diagram March 1, 2000 48 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 5-5 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) Block Diagram March 1, 2000 49 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 5-6 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) Block Diagram March 1, 2000 50 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 5.2 W65C134S External ROM Startup with W65C134S Mask ROMs Future versions of the W65C134S mask ROM may vary, but each version should contain standard machine code that allows startup to an external memory. Standard versions of the W65C134S will always contain such a startup option. Anyone writing a custom mask ROM for the 134 is encouraged to follow this standard. The startup standard allows a program in an external memory to be executed after RESET if the startup code WDC (in ASCII, $57, $44, $43) is present at addresses $8000-$8002 or $0200-$0202. If the startup code is found at either set of addresses, the mask ROM does a JMP instruction to $8004 or $0204 respectively. W65C134S chip selects CS6 and CS7 can be used to address the memories. The startup standard was set (and will be followed) with the original WDC-101 mask ROM in the early W65C134S prototypes. A sample startup program (modified from WDC-101) appears below. The W65C02S RESET vector ($FFFC) should be set to STARTUP. STARTUP ; TRY80 ; TRY02 ; NOEXT March 1, 2000 LDA TSB LDA STA #$01 BCR #$C0 PCS3 ;ENABLE EXTERNAL MEMORY BUS ;(BCR=$001B) ;ENABLE CHIP SELECTS CS6-, CS7;ON P36, P37 (PCS3=$0007) LDA CMP BNE LDA CMP BNE LDA CMP BNE JMP $8000 ;CHECK $8000 FOR 'WDC' #'W' TRY02 $8001 #'D' TRY02 $8002 #'C' TRY02 $8004 ;EXECUTE EXTERNAL ROM PROGRAM LDA CMP BNE LDA CMP BNE LDA CMP BNE JMP $0200 ;CHECK $0200 FOR 'WDC' #'W' NOEXT $0201 #'D' NOEXT $0202 #'C' NOEXT $0204 ;EXECUTE EXTERNAL ROM PROGRAM JMP MASK_ROM_PROGRAM ;EXECUTE PROGRAM IN MASK ROM 51 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 5.3 W65C134S Recommended clock and fclock oscillators The following circuit is a possible clocking system for the W65C134S providing both 32.768KHz and 2.0MHz frequencies. The 32.768KHz clock is well suited for setting up a time of day clock with one of the W65C134S's internal timers. In constructing this oscillator circuit, components should be kept as physically close to the W65C134S as possible and any excess in component leads should be trimmed off. C1 = 47pF C2 = 27pF C3 = 22pF C4 = 5-30pF variable XTAL1 = 4 MHz R0 = 100Ω R1 = 800KΩ R2 = 2.6MΩ R3 = 150KΩ XTA L2= 32.768 KHz Note: 1. 2. Depending on trace layout or construction techniques used, values may need to be altered slightly. Pin numbers only apply to PLCC package only. Figure 5-7 Oscillator Circuit March 1, 2000 52 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER Figure 5-8 Circuit Board Layout for Oscillator Circuit March 1, 2000 W65C134S 53 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER W65C134S Figure 5-9 W65C134S Resonator Circuit 5.4 Wait state information and uses for the BE pin The BE pin has two functions; allowing DMA into the W65C134S (BE function) and stopping the microprocessor (RDY function). Changing BE during PHI2 low time changes the BE function; changing BE during PHI2 high time changes RDY. If you want to stop the processor, you should pull BE low in the PHI2 high time for as many cycles as needed. Pulling the BE low in PHI2 high time does not tristate the memory bus. Note also that the PHI2 pin does not stay high while RDY is pulled low; PHI2 going out will continue normally regardless of BE. Pulling BE low during PHI2 low time turns off the output buffers on the address pins; however, the pins do not float because of weak bus holding devices. Note that the addresses are really inputs to the W65C134S when BE is low. If an external driver puts an address on the bus while BE is low, internal memory (RAM, ROM, or memory-mapped registers) will be accessed depending on the state of WEB. If you have no desire to turn off the busses when you slow down for the peripheral chips, you should hold BE high while you hold RDY low. That is, BE = (PHI2BAR or RDY) where PHI2BAR is PHI2 inverted and delayed at least 10ns. RDY is your signal to request the microprocessor to stop. If you are not using the FCLK oscillator, another (less desirable) way to stop the microprocessor is to extend the low or high time of FCLK as long as you need to. This will work only if you know the microprocessor is using FCLK, not CLK. March 1, 2000 54 WESTERN DESIGN CENTER 5.5 W65C134S W65C134S Embedded System Figure 5-10 W65C134SPCB Embedded System Development Board Block Diagram è è è Features: March 1, 2000 System-Chip Development using WDC’s Core Library System Development with WDC Chips Embedded System Development with WDC boards .8u 4MHz W65C134S 8-bit MCU, 1 Serial port, full network, monitor program, 20 I/O lines, 32K SRAM, 32K EPROM, and W65C22S Versatile Interface Adapter peripheral chip 55