W83783S Winbond H/W Monitoring IC W83783S Data Sheet Revision History Pages Dates 1 n.a. 2 n.a. 98/7 3 P.36 4 P.38 Version Version on Web Main Contents n.a. All the version before 0.50 are for internal use. 0.5 n.a. First publication. 99/4 0.55 A1 Add the content of Diode Selection Register Index 59h( Bank0) 99/4 0.55 A1 Add the content of 7.25 Fan Divisor Register and rename to VBAT Monitor Control Register Index 5Dh( Bank0) 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the trade marks of products and companies mentioned in this data sheet belong to their respective owners. LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. W83783S Preliminary TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................1 2. FEATURES .....................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1 Monitoring Items ...................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Actions Enabling ...................................................................................................................................2 2.3 General..................................................................................................................................................2 2.4 Package .................................................................................................................................................2 3. KEY SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................3 4. PIN CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................................3 5. PIN DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................................4 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................6 6.1 General Description ...............................................................................................................................6 6.2 Access Interface .....................................................................................................................................6 6.2.1 The first serial bus access timing are shown as follow: .....................................................................6 6.2.2 The serial bus timing of the temperature 2 and 3 is shown as follow:................................................7 6.3 Analog Inputs ......................................................................................................................................10 6.3.1 Monitor over 4.096V voltage:.........................................................................................................11 6.3.2 Monitor negative voltage: ..............................................................................................................12 6.3.3 Monitor temperature from thermistor:............................................................................................13 6.3.4 Monitor temperature from Pentium IITM thermal diode or bipolar transistor 2N3904 .....................13 6.4 FAN Speed Count and FAN Speed Control..........................................................................................14 6.4.1 Fan speed count .............................................................................................................................14 6.4.2 Fan speed control...........................................................................................................................15 6.5 Temperature Measurement Machine ....................................................................................................16 6.5.1 The W83783S temperature sensor 2 SMI# interrupt has two modes: ...............................................17 6.5.2 The W83783S temperature sensor 1 SMI# interrupt has three modes..............................................18 6.5.3 The W83783S temperature sensor 1 Over-Temperature (OVT#) has three modes............................19 6.6 Voltage and Fan SMI# mode :..............................................................................................................20 6.6.1 Voltage SMI# mode :......................................................................................................................20 6.6.2 Fan SMI# mode :............................................................................................................................20 -I- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Version 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7. REGISTERS AND RAM ..........................................................................................................................22 7.1 Configuration Register Index 40h....................................................................................................22 7.2 Interrupt Status Register 1 Index 41h ...............................................................................................23 7.3 Interrupt Status Register 2 Index 42h ..............................................................................................23 7.4 SMI# Mask Register 1 Index 43h ....................................................................................................24 7.5 SMI# Mask Register 2 Index 44h ....................................................................................................25 7.6 Reserved Register Index 45h-- 46h..................................................................................................25 7.7 VID/Fan Divisor Register Index 47h ...............................................................................................26 7.8 Serial Bus Address Register Index 48h............................................................................................26 7.9 Value RAM Index 20h- 3Fh or 60h - 7Fh........................................................................................27 7.10 Voltage ID (VID4) & Device ID - Index 49h......................................................................................29 7.11 Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 Serial Bus Address Register--Index 4Ah.......................................29 7.12 Pin Control Register - Index 4Bh .......................................................................................................30 7.13 IRQ#/OVT# Property Select - Index 4Ch ...........................................................................................31 7.14 FAN IN/OUT and BEEP/GPO# Control Register - Index 4Dh ...........................................................32 7.15 Register 50h ~ 5Fh Bank Select - Index 4Eh ......................................................................................33 7.16 Winbond Vendor ID - Index 4Fh........................................................................................................33 7.17 Winbond Test Register -- Index 50h - 55h (Bank 0) ..........................................................................34 7.18 BEEP Control Register 1-- Index 56h (Bank 0) ..................................................................................34 7.19 BEEP Control Register 2-- Index 57h (Bank 0) ..................................................................................35 7.20 Chip ID -- Index 58h (Bank 0) ...........................................................................................................36 7.21 Diode Selection Register -- Index 59h (Bank 0).................................................................................36 7.22 PWMOUT1 Control Register -- Index 5Ah (Bank 0)......................................................................36-A 7.23 PWMOUT2 Control Register -- Index 5Bh (Bank 0) ..........................................................................37 7.24 PWMOUT1/2 Clock Select Register -- Index 5Ch (Bank 0)................................................................37 7.25 VBAT Monitor Control Register -- Index 5Dh (Bank 0).....................................................................38 7.26 Reserved Register -- Index 5Eh (Bank 0)............................................................................................39 7.27 Reserved Register -- Index 5Fh (Bank 0) ...........................................................................................39 7.28 Temperature Sensor 1 Temperature (High Byte) Register - Index 00h ................................................39 7.29 Temperature Sensor 1 Temperature (Low Byte) Register - Index 00h .................................................39 7.30 Temperature Sensor 1 Configuration Register - Index 01h .................................................................40 7.31 Temperature Sensor 1 Hysteresis (High Byte) Register - Index 02h ....................................................41 - II - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Version 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.32 Temperature Sensor 1 Hysteresis (Low Byte) Register - Index 02h .....................................................41 7.33 Temperature Sensor 1 Over-temperature (High Byte) Register - Index 03h.........................................42 7.34 Temperature Sensor 1 Over-temperature (Low Byte) Register - Index 03h .........................................42 7.35 Reserved Register -- Index 50h--52h (BANK4) .................................................................................43 7.36 BEEP Control Register 3 -- Index 53h (Bank 4) .................................................................................43 7.37 Reserved Register -- Index 54h--58h (Bank 4)....................................................................................43 7.38 Real Time Hardware Status Register I -- Index 59h (Bank 4) .............................................................43 7.39 Real Time Hardware Status Register II -- Index 5Ah (Bank 4) ...........................................................44 8. SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................46 8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings.................................................................................................................46 8.2 DC Characteristics...............................................................................................................................46 8.3 AC Characteristics...............................................................................................................................48 8.3.1 Serial Bus Timing Diagram ...........................................................................................................48 9. HOW TO READ THE TOP MARKING .................................................................................................49 10. PACKAGE DIMENTIONS.....................................................................................................................50 11. APPLICATION CIRCUIT OF WINBOND W83783S...........................................................................52 - III - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Version 0.55 W83783S WINBOND H/W MONITORING IC 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION W83783S is an evolving version of W83782D --- Winbond's most popular hardware status monitoring IC. The W83783S can be used to monitor several critical hardware parameters of the system, including power supply voltages, fan speeds, and temperatures, which are very important for a high-end computer system to work stable and properly. W83783S provides I2CTM serial bus interface. An 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) was built inside W83783S. The W83783S can monitor 6 analog voltage inputs, 3 fan tachometer inputs, and 3 remote temperature. The remote temperature sensing can be performed by thermistors, or 2N3904 NPN-type transistors, or directly from IntelTM Deschutes CPU thermal diode output. Also the W83783S provides: 2 PWM (pulse width modulation) outputs for the fan speed control; beep tone output for warning; SMI#, OVT#, GPO# signals for system protection events. Through the application software or BIOS, the users can read all the monitored parameters of system from time to time. And a pop-up warning can be also activated when the monitored item was out of the proper/preset range. The application software could be Winbond's Hardware DoctorTM, or IntelTM LDCM (LanDesk Client Management), or other management application software. Also the users can set up the upper and lower limits (alarm thresholds) of these monitored parameters and to activate one programmable and maskable interrupts. An optional beep tone could be used as warning signal when the monitored parameters is out of the preset range. Additionally, 5 VID inputs are provided to read the VID of CPU (i.e. PentiumTM II) if applicable. This is to provide the Vcore voltage correction automatically. Also W83783S uniquely provides an optional feature: early stage (before BIOS was loaded) beep warning. This is to detect if the fatal elements present --- Vcore or +3.3V voltage fail, and the system can not be boomed up. -1- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 2. FEATURES 2.1 Monitoring Items • 3 thermal inputs from remote thermistors or 2N3904 NPN-type transistors or PentiumTM II (Deschutes) thermal diode output • 6 voltage inputs • --- typical for Vcore, +3.3V, +12V, -12V, +5V, -5V • 3 fan speed monitoring inputs • Case open detection input • WATCHDOG comparison of all monitored values • Programmable hysteresis and setting points (alarm thresholds) for all monitored items 2.2 Actions Enabling • Beep tone warning • 2 PWM (pulse width modulation) outputs for fan speed control (MUX optional) --- Total up to 2 sets of fan speed monitoring and controlling • Issue SMI#, OVT#, GPO# signals to activate system protection • Warning signal pop-up in application software 2.3 General • • • • I2CTM serial bus interface 5 VID input pins for CUP Vcore identification (for PentiumTM II) Initial power fault beep (for +3.3V, Vcore) IntelTM LDCM (DMI driver 2.0) support • Acer ADM (DMI driver 2.0) support • Winbond hardware monitoring application software (Hardware DoctorTM ) support, for both Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0/5.0 • Input clock rate optional for 24, 48, 14.318 Mhz • 5V Vcc operation TM 2.4 Package • 24-pin SOP -2- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 3. KEY SPECIFICATIONS • Voltage monitoring accuracy ±1% (Max) • Monitoring Temperature Range and Accuracy ± 3°C(Max) - 40°C to +120°C • Supply Voltage 5V • Operating Supply Current 5 mA typ. • ADC Resolution 8 Bits 4. PIN CONFIGURATION VID4 1 24 VCC FANIN1 2 23 VT1/PII1 FANIN2 3 22 VREF FANIN3/PWMOUT1 4 21 VCORE OVT# 5 20 +3.3VIN BEEP/GPO# 6 19 +12VIN VID3 7 18 -12VIN CLKIN 8 17 -5VIN/VT2/PII2 SMI#/PWMOUT2 9 16 GNDA GNDD 10 15 VID0 SCL 11 14 VID1 SDA 12 13 VID2 -3- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 5. PIN DESCRIPTION I/O12t - TTL level bi-directional pin with 12 mA source-sink capability I/O12ts - TTL level and schmitt trigger OUT12 - Output pin with 12 mA source-sink capability AOUT - Output pin(Analog) OD12 - Open-drain output pin with 12 mA sink capability INt - TTL level input pin INts - TTL level input pin and schmitt trigger AIN - Input pin(Analog) Pin Name Pin No. Type VID4 1 IN t Voltage Supply readouts from Pentium IITM. FANIN1 2 INt s 0V to 5V amplitude fan tachometer input. FANIN2 3 INt s 0V to 5V amplitude fan tachometer input. FANIN3/ PWMOUT1 4 INt s / 0V to 5V amplitude fan tachometer input. / OUT12t Description Fan speed control (PWM) output. This multi-functional pin is programmable. OVT# 5 OD12 Over temperature Shutdown Output. BEEP/GPO# 6 OD12 Beep (Default) / General purpose output This multi-functional pin is programmable. VID3 7 IN t Voltage Supply readouts from Pentium IITM. CLKIN 8 IN t System clock input. Can select 48MHz or 24MHz or 14.318MHz. The default is 24MHz. SMI# / 9 OD12 / System Management Interrupt (open drain). The default state is disabled. OUT12t Fan speed control (PWM) output. PWMOUT2 This multi-functional pin is programmable. GNDD 10 DGROUND Internally connected to all digital circuitry. SCL 11 INt s Serial Bus Clock. SDA 12 OD12 Serial Bus bi-directional Data. VID2 13 IN t Voltage Supply readouts from Pentium IITM. -4- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Pin Discription, continued Pin Name Pin No. Type VID1 14 IN t Voltage Supply readouts from Pentium IITM. VID0 15 IN t Voltage Supply readouts from Pentium IITM. GNDA 16 AGROUND -5VIN / 17 AIN VT2 / Description Internally connected to all analog circuitry. The ground reference for all analog inputs. 0V to 4.096V FSR Analog Inputs (Default). / Thermistor 2 terminal input. TM PII2 Pentium II / thermal 2 diode input. This multi-functional pin is programmable. -12VIN 18 AIN 0V to 4.096V FSR Analog Inputs. +12VIN 19 AIN 0V to 4.096V FSR Analog Inputs. +3.3VIN 20 AIN 0V to 4.096V FSR Analog Inputs. VCOREA 21 AIN 0V to 4.096V FSR Analog Inputs. VREF 22 AOUT VT1 / 23 AIN Thermistor 1 terminal input. / Pentium IITM thermal diode 1 input. PII1 VCC (+5V) Reference Voltage. 24 POWER +5V VCC power. Bypass with the parallel combination of 10µF (electrolytic or tantalum) and 0.1µF (ceramic) bypass capacitors. -5- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 6.1 General Description The W83783S provides at most 6 analog positive inputs, 3 fan speed monitors, 2 sets for fan PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control, 2 thermal inputs from remote thermistors or 2N3904 transistors or PentiumTM II (Deschutes) thermal diode outputs and beep function output when the monitor value exceed the set limit value including voltage, temperature, or fan counter. When start the monitor function on the chip, the watch dog machine monitor every function and store the value to registers. If the monitor value exceeds the limit value, the interrupt status will be set to 1. 6.2 Access Interface The W83783S provides I2C Serial Bus to read/write internal reigsters. In the W83783S there are two serial bus address. The first address defined at CR[48h] can read/write all registers excluding Bank 1 temperature sensor registers and the address default value is 0101101. The second address defined at CR[4Ah] bit2-0 only read/write temperature sensor 1 registers and the address default value is 1001001. 6.2.1 The first serial bus access timing are shown as follow: (a) Serial bus write to internal address register followed by the data byte 0 7 8 0 7 8 SCL 0 SDA Start By Master 1 0 1 1 0 1 R/W D7 Ack by 781D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Ack by 781D Frame 2 Internal Index Register Byte 0 7 8 SCL (Continued) SDA (Continued) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Ack by 781D Stop by Master Frame 3 Data Byte Figure 1. Serial Bus Write to Internal Address Register followed by the Data Byte -6- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary (b) Serial bus write to internal address register only 0 7 8 0 7 8 SCL SDA 0 1 Start By Master 0 1 0 1 1 R/W D7 Ack by 781D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Ack by 781D Frame 2 Internal Index Register Byte Stop by Master 0 Figure 2. Serial Bus Write to Internal Address Register Only (c) Serial bus read from a register with the internal address register prefer to desired location 0 7 8 0 7 8 SCL SDA 0 1 Start By Master 0 1 1 0 1 R/W D7 Ack by 781D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Ack by Master Frame 2 Internal Index Register Byte Stop by Master 0 Figure 3. Serial Bus Write to Internal Address Register Only 6.2.2 The serial bus timing of the temperature 2 and 3 is shown as follow: (a) Typical 2-byte read from preset pointer location (Temp, TOS, THYST) 0 7 8 0 SCL 0 SDA Start By Master 1 0 1 1 0 Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte 1 R/W D7 Ack by 782D ... ... 7 D1 8 D0 Frame 2 MSB Data Byte 0 D7 Ack by Master ... ... 7 D1 D0 Frame 3 LSB Data Byte Ack by Master Stop by Master Figure 4. Typical 2-Byte Read From Preset Pointer Location -7- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary (b) Typical pointer set followed by immediate read for 2-byte register (Temp, TOS, THYST) 0 7 8 4 0 SCL SDA 1 0 Start By Master 0 1 A2 A1 A0 R/W Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte 0 0 7 8 0 SCL SDA 1 0 Start By Master 0 1 A2 A1 A0 0 0 Ack by 782D R/W D7 0 D1 0 D0 Ack by 782D Frame 2 Pointer Byte 7 ... ... Ack by 782D Frame 3 Serial Bus Address Byte 0 D1 8 0 D0 Frame 4 MSB Data Byte D7 7 ... ... Ack by Master D1 D0 Frame 5 LSB Data Byte No Ack by Master Stop by Master 0 Figure 5. Typical Pointer Set Followed by Immediate Read for 2-Byte Register (c) Typical read 1-byte from configuration register with preset pointer 0 7 8 0 7 8 SCL SDA 1 Start By Master 0 0 1 A2 A1 Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte A0 R/W D7 Ack by 782D D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 No Ack by Master Frame 2 Data Byte Stop by Master Figure 6. Typical 1-Byte Read From Configuration With Preset Pointer -8- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary (d) Typical pointer set followed by immediate read from configuration register 0 7 8 4 0 7 8 ... SCL SDA 1 0 Start By Master 0 1 A2 A1 A0 R/W 0 0 0 0 Ack by 782D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte 0 7 8 0 0 D1 D0 ... Ack by 782D Frame 2 Pointer Byte 7 0 8 SCL (Cont..) SDA (Cont..) 1 0 Repea Start By Master 0 1 A2 A1 A0 R/W D7 D6 Ack by 782D Frame 3 Serial Bus Address Byte D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 No Ack by Master Frame 4 MSB Data Byte Stop by Master Figure 7. Typical Pointor Set Followed by Immediate Read from Temp 2/3 Configuration Register (e) Temperature 2/3 configuration register Write 0 7 8 0 0 0 4 7 8 SCL 1 SDA Start By Master 0 0 1 A2 A1 A0 R/W 0 0 0 Ack by 782D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte 0 D1 0 Ack by 782D Frame 2 Pointer Byte 0 D0 7 8 SCL (Cont...) SDA (Cont...) 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 Frame 3 Configuration Data Byte D1 D0 Ack by 782D Stop by Master Figure 8. Configuration Register Write -9- Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary (f) Temperature 2/3 TOS and THYST write 0 7 8 4 0 7 8 SCL SDA 1 0 Start By Master 0 1 A2 A1 A0 R/W 0 0 0 Ack by 782D Frame 1 Serial Bus Address Byte 7 0 8 0 0 0 D1 D0 Ack by 782D Frame 2 Pointer Byte 0 7 8 SCL (Cont...) SDA (Cont...) D7 D6 D5 D4 Frame 3 MSB Data Byte D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 Ack by 781D D6 D5 D4 D3 Frame 4 LSB Data Byte D2 D1 D0 Ack by 782D Stop by Master Figure 9. Configuration Register Write 6.3 Analog Inputs The maximum input voltage of the analog pin is 4.096V because the 8-bit ADC has a 16mv LSB. Really, the application of the PC monitoring would most often be connected to power suppliers. The CPU V-core voltage ,+3.3V and battery voltage can directly connected to these analog inputs. The 5VSB and +12V inputs should be reduced a factor with external resistors so as to obtain the input range. As Figure 11 shows. - 10 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Pin 21 VCORE +3.3VIN Positive Inputs Pin 20 Pin 24 VDD(+5V) R1 12VIN V1 Pin 19 8-bit ADC with 16mV LSB R2 Positive Input R5 N12VIN V3 Negative Input R7 Pin 18 N5VIN V4 R8 R 10K, 1% Pin 17 R6 VREF Pin 22 VT1 Pin 23 Typical Thermister Connection RTHM 10K, 25 C **The connections of VT2 is same as VT1 Figure 11. 6.3.1 Monitor over 4.096V voltage: The input voltage +12VIN can be expressed as following equation. 12 VIN = V1 × R2 R1 + R 2 The value of R1 and R2 can be selected to 28K Ohms and 10K Ohms, respectively, when the input voltage V1 is 12V. The node voltage of +12VIN can be subject to less than 4.096V for the maximun input range of the 8-bit ADC. The Pin 24 is connected to the power supply VCC with +5V. There are two functions in this pin with 5V. The first function is to supply internal analog power in the W83783S and the second function is that this voltage with 5V is connected to internal serial resistors to monitor the +5V voltage. The value of two serial resistors are 34K ohms and 50K ohms so that input voltage to ADC is 2.98V which is less than 4.096V of ADC maximum input voltage. The express equation can represent as follows. Vin = V C C × 50 K Ω 50 K Ω + 34 K Ω ≅ 2 .98V where VCC is set to 5V. - 11 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6.3.2 Monitor negative voltage: The negative voltage should be connected two series resistors and a positive voltage VREF (is equal to 3.6V). In the Figure 11, the voltage V3 and V4 are two negative voltage which they are -12V and 5V respectively. The voltage V3 is connected to two serial resistors then is connected to another terminal VREF which is positive voltage. So as that the voltage node N12VIN can be obtain a posedge voltage if the scales of the two serial resirtors are carefully selected. It is recommanded from Winbond that the scale of two serial resistors are R5=232K ohms and R6=56K ohm. the The input voltage of node -12VIN can be calculated by following equation. N 12 VIN = ( VREF + V5 ) × ( 232 K Ω 232 K Ω + 56 K Ω ) + V5 where VREF is equal 3.6V. If the V5 is equal to -12V then the voltage is equal to 0.567V and the converted hexdecimal data is set to 35h by the 8-bit ADC with 16mV-LSB.This monitored value should be converted to the real negative votage and the express equation is shown as follows. V5 = N 12 VIN − VREF × β 1−β Where β is 232K/(232K+56K). If the N2VIN is 0.567 then the V5 is approximately equal to -12V. The another negative voltage input V6 (approximate -5V) also can be evaluated by the similar method and the serial resistors can be selected with R7=120K ohms and R8=56K ohms by the Winbond recommended. The expression equation of V6 With -5V voltage is shown as follows. V6 = N 5 VIN − VREF × γ 1 −γ Where the β is set to 120K/(120K+56K). If the monitored ADC value in the N5VIN channel is 0.8635, VREF=3.6V and the parameter β is 0.6818 then the negative voltage of V6 can be evalated to be 5V. - 12 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6.3.3 Monitor temperature from thermistor: The W83783S can connect three thermistors to measure three different envirment temperature. The specification of thermistor should be considered to (1) β value is 3435K, (2) resistor value is 10K ohms at 25°C. In the Figure 11, the themistor is connected by a serial resistor with 10K Ohms, then connect to VREF (Pin 37). 6.3.4 Monitor temperature from Pentium IITM thermal diode or bipolar transistor 2N3904 The W83783S can alternate the thermistor to Pentium IITM (Deschutes) thermal diode interface or transistor 2N3904 and the circuit connection is shown as Figure 12. The pin of Pentium IITM D- is connected to power supply ground (GND) and the pin D+ is connected to pin PIIx in the W83783S. The resistor R=30K ohms should be connected to VREF to supply the diode bias current and the bypass capacitor C=3300pF should be added to filter the high frequency noise. The transistor 2N3904 should be connected to a form with a diode, that is, the Base (B) and Collector (C) in the 2N3904 should be tied togeter to act as a thermal diode. VREF R=30K, 1% Bipolar Transistor Temperature Sensor PIITDx C=3300pF B C 2N3904 W83783S E R=30K, 1% OR Pentium II CPU D+ PIITDx Therminal Diode C=3300pF D- Figure 12. - 13 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6.4 FAN Speed Count and FAN Speed Control 6.4.1 Fan speed count Inputs are provides for signals from fans equipped with tachometer outputs. The level of these signals should be set to TTL level, and maximum input voltage can not be over +5.5V. If the input signals from the tachometer outputs are over the VCC, the external trimming circuit should be added to reduce the voltage to obtain the input specification. The normal circuit and trimming circuits are shown as Figure 13. Determine the fan counter according to: Count = 135 . × 10 6 RPM × Divisor In other words, the fan speed counter has been read from register CR28 or CR29 or CR2A, the fan speed can be evaluated by the following equation. 1.35 × 10 RPM = 6 Count × Divisor The default divisor is 2 and defined at CR47.bit7~4, CR4B.bit7~6, and Bank0 CR5D.bit5~7 which are three bits for divisor. That provides very low speed fan counter such as power supply fan. The followed table is an example for the relation of divisor, PRM, and count. Divisor Nominal PRM Time per Revolution Counts 70% RPM Time for 70% 1 8800 6.82 ms 153 6160 9.74 ms 2 (default) 4400 13.64 ms 153 3080 19.48 ms 4 2200 27.27 ms 153 1540 38.96 ms 8 1100 54.54 ms 153 770 77.92 ms 16 550 109.08 ms 153 385 155.84 ms 32 275 218.16 ms 153 192 311.68 ms 64 137 436.32 ms 153 96 623.36 ms 128 68 872.64 ms 153 48 1246.72 ms Table 1. - 14 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary +12V +12V +5V Pull-up resister Pull-up resister 4.7K Ohms diode 4.7K Ohms diode +12V +12V 14K~39K Fan Input FAN Out GND W83783S 10K FAN Connector W83783S Figure 13-2. Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +12V, or Totem-Pole Output and Register Attenuator Figure 13-1. Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +5V +12V +12V diode Pull-up resister < 1K or totem-pole output diode Pull-up resister > 1K +12V GND Pin 18/19/20 GND FAN Connector FAN Out Fan Input FAN Out Pin 18/19/20 +12V Fan Input Fan Input FAN Out Pin 18/19/20 Pin 18/19/20 > 1K GND 3.9V Zener 3.9V Zener W83783S FAN Connector W83783S FAN Connector Figure 13-4. Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +12V, or Totem-Pole Putput and Zener Clamp Figure 13-3. Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +12V and Zener Clamp 6.4.2 Fan speed control The W83783S provides four sets for fan PWM speed control. The duty cycle of PWM can be programmed by a 8-bit registers which are defined in the Bank0 CR5A and CR5B. The default duty cycle is set to 100%, that is, the default 8-bit registers is set to FFh. The expression of duty can be represented as follows. Duty − cycle (% ) = Programmed 8 - bit Register Value 255 × 100% The PWM clock frequency also can be program and defined in the Bank0.CR5C . The application circuit is shown as follows. - 15 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary +12V R1 R2 PNP Transistor D G PWM Clock Input NMOS S + C FAN - Figure 14. 6.5 Temperature Measurement Machine The temperature data format is 8-bit two’s-complement for sensor 2 and 9-bit two -complement for sensor 1. The 8-bit temperature data can be obtained by reading the CR[27h]. The 9-bit temperature data can be obtained by reading the 8 MSBs from the Bank1 CR[50h] and the LSB from the Bank1 CR[51h] bit 7. The format of the temperature data is show in Table 1. Temperature 8-Bit Digital Output 9-Bit Digital Output 8-Bit Binary 8-Bit Hex 9-Bit Binary 9-Bit Hex +125øC 0111,1101 7Dh 0,1111,1010 0FAh +25øC 0001,1001 19h 0,0011,0010 032h +1øC 0000,0001 01h 0,0000,0010 002h +0.5øC - - 0,0000,0001 001h +0øC 0000,0000 00h 0,0000,0000 000h -0.5øC - - 1,1111,1111 1FFh -1øC 1111,1111 FFh 1,1111,1110 1FFh -25øC 1110,0111 E7h 1,1100,1110 1CEh -55øC 1100,1001 C9h 1,1001,0010 192h Table 2. - 16 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6.5.1 The W83783S temperature sensor 2 SMI# interrupt has two modes: (1) Comparator Interrupt Mode Setting the THYST (Temperature Hysteresis) limit to 127øC will set temperature sensor 1 SMI# to the Comparator Interrupt Mode. Temperature exceeds TO (Over Temperature) Limit causes an interrupt and this interrupt will be reset by reading all the Interrupt Status Register. Once an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO, then reset, if the temperature remains above the TO , the interrupt will occur again when the next conversion has completed. If an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO and not reset, the interrupts will not occur again. The interrupts will continue to occur in this manner until the temperature goes below TO. (Figure 15-1 ) (2) Two-Times Interrupt Mode Setting the THYST lower than TO will set temperature sensor 1 SMI# to the Two-Times Interrupt Mode. Temperature exceeding TO causes an interrupt and then temperature going below THYST will also cause an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by reading all the interrupt Status Register. Once an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO , then reset, if the temperature remains above the THYST , the interrupt will not occur. (Figure 15-2 ) THYST 127'C TOI TOI THYST SMI# * * * * SMI# * * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are read Figure 15-1. Comparator Interrupt Mode Figure 15-2. Two-Times Interrupt Mode - 17 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 6.5.2 The W83783S temperature sensor 1 SMI# interrupt has three modes (1) Comparator Interrupt Mode Temperature exceeding TO causes an interrupt and this interrupt will be reset by reading all the Interrupt Status Register. Once an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO, then reset, if the temperature remains above the THYST, the interrupt will occur again when the next conversion has completed. If an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO and not reset, the interrupts will not occur again. The interrupts will continue to occur in this manner until the temperature goes below THYST. ( Figure 16-1 ) (2) Two-Times Interrupt Mode Temperature exceeding TO causes an interrupt and then temperature going below THYST will also cause an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by reading all the interrupt Status Register. Once an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO , then reset, if the temperature remains above the THYST , the interrupt will not occur. (Figure 16-2 ) (3) One-Time Interrupt Mode Temperature exceeding TO causes an interrupt and then temperature going below THYST will not cause an interrupt. Once an interrupt event has occurred by exceeding TO , then going below THYST, an interrupt will not occur again until the temperature exceeding TO. (Figure 16-3 ) TOI TOI THYST THYST SMI# * * * * * SMI# * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are read Figure 16-1. Comparator Interrupt Mode Figure 16-2. Two-Times Interrupt Mode - 18 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 * W83783S Preliminary TOI THYST SMI# * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are read Figure 16-3. One-Time Interrupt Mode 6.5.3 The W83783S temperature sensor 1 Over-Temperature (OVT#) has three modes (1) Comparator Mode : Setting Bank1 CR[52h] bit 2 to 0 will set OVT# signal to comparator mode. Temperature exceeding TO causes the OVT# output activated until the temperature is less than THYST. ( Figure 17) (2) Interrupt Mode: Setting Bank1 CR[52h] bit 2 to 1 will set OVT# signal to interrupt mode. Setting Temperature exceeding TO causes the OVT# output activated indefinitely until reset by reading temperature sensor 2 or sensor 3 registers. Temperature exceeding TO , then OVT# reset, and then temperature going below THYST will also cause the OVT# activated indefinitely until reset by reading temperature sensor2 or sensor 3 registers. Once the OVT# is activated by exceeding TO , then reset, if the temperature remains above THYST , the OVT# will not be activated again.( Figure 17) - 19 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary To THYST OVT# (Comparator Mode; default) OVT# * (Interrupt Mode) * * * *Interrupt Reset when Temperature 2/3 is read Figure 17. Over-Temperature Response Diagram 6.6 Voltage and Fan SMI# mode : 6.6.1 Voltage SMI# mode : SMI# interrupt for voltage is Two-Times Interrupt Mode. Voltage exceeding high limit or going below low limit will causes an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by reading all the interrupt Status Register. (Figure 18-1 ) 6.6.2 Fan SMI# mode : SMI# interrupt for fan is Two-Times Interrupt Mode. Fan count exceeding the limit, or exceeding and then going below the limit, will causes an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by reading all the interrupt Status Register. (Figure 18-2 ) - 20 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary High limit Fan Count limit Low limit SMI# * * * * SMI# * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are read Figure 18-1. Voltage SMI# Mode Figure 18-2. Fan SMI# Mode - 21 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7. REGISTERS AND RAM 7.1 Configuration Register Index 40h Register Location: 40h Power on Default Value 00000001 binary Attribute: Read/write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 START SMI#Enable RESERVED INT_Clear RESERVED RESERVED BEEP/GPO# INITIALIZATION Bit 7: A one restores power on default value to all registers except the Serial Bus Address register. This bit clears itself since the power on default is zero. Bit 6: The logical 1 in this bit drives a zero on BEEP/GPO# pin. Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved Bit 3: A one disables the SMI# output without affecting the contents of Interrupt Status The device will stop monitoring. It will resume upon clearing of this bit. Registers. Bit 2: Reserved Bit 1: A one enables the SMI# Interrupt output. Bit 0: A one enables startup of monitoring operations, a zero puts the part in standby mode. Note: The outputs of Interrupt pins will not be cleared if the user writes a zero to this location after an interrupt has occurred unlike "INT_Clear'' bit. - 22 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.2 Interrupt Status Register 1 Index 41h Register Location: 41h Power on Default Value 00h Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VCORE Reserved +3.3VIN +5VIN TEMP2 TEMP1 FAN1 FAN2 Bit 7: A one indicates the fan count limit of FAN2 has been exceeded. Bit 6: A one indicates the fan count limit of FAN1 has been exceeded. Bit 5: A one indicates a High limit of VT1 has been exceeded from temperature sensor. Bit 4: A one indicates a High limit of VT2 has been exceeded from temperature sensor . Bit 3: A one indicates a High or Low limit of +5VIN has been exceeded. Bit 2: A one indicates a High or Low limit of +3.3VIN has been exceeded. Bit 1: Reserved. Bit 0: A one indicates a High or Low limit of VCORE has been exceeded. 7.3 Interrupt Status Register 2 Index 42h Register Location: 42h Power on Default Value 00h Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits - 23 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +12VIN -12VIN -5VIN FAN3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 7-4:Reserved.This bit should be set to 0. Bit 3: A one indicates the fan count limit of FAN3 has been exceeded. Bit 2: A one indicates a High or Low limit of -5VIN has been exceeded. Bit 1: A one indicates a High or Low limit of -12VIN has been exceeded. Bit 0: A one indicates a High or Low limit of +12VIN has been exceeded. 7.4 SMI# Mask Register 1 Index 43h Register Location: 43h Power on Default Value 00h Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VCORE Reserved +3.3VIN +5VIN TEMP2 TEMP1 FAN1 FAN2 Bit 7-0: A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for SMI interrupt. - 24 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.5 SMI# Mask Register 2 Index 44h Register Location: 44h Power on Default Value 00h Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +12VIN -12VIN -5VIN FAN3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 7-4: Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. Bit 3-0: A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for SMI interrupt. 7.6 Reserved Register Index 45h-- 46h - 25 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.7 VID/Fan Divisor Register Index 47h Register Location: 47h Power on Default Value <7:4> is 0101, <3:0> is mapped to VID<3:0> Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VID0 VID1 VID2 VID3 FAN1DIV_B0 FAN1DIV_B1 FAN2DIV_B0 FAN2DIV_B1 Bit 7-6: FAN2 Speed Control. Bit 5-4: FAN1 Speed Control. Bit 3-0: The VID <3:0> inputs Note : Please refer to Bank0 CR[5Dh] , Fan divisor table. 7.8 Serial Bus Address Register Index 48h Register Location: 48h Power on Default Value Serial Bus address <6:0> = 0101101 and <7> = 0 binary Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Serial Bus Address Reserved Bit 7: Read Only - Reserved. Bit 6-0: Read/Write - Serial Bus address <6:0>. - 26 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.9 Value RAM Index 20h- 3Fh or 60h - 7Fh Index Description 20h or 60h VCORE reading 21h or 61h Reserved 22h or 62h +3.3VIN reading 23h or 63h +5VIN reading 24h or 64h +12VIN reading 25h or 65h -12VIN reading 26h or 66h -5VIN reading 27h or 67h Temperature sensor 2 (VT2) reading 28h or 68h FAN1 reading Note: This location stores the number of counts of the internal clock per revolution. 29h or 69h FAN2 reading Note: This location stores the number of counts of the internal clock per revolution. 2Ah or 6Ah FAN3 reading Note: This location stores the number of counts of the internal clock per revolution. 2Bh or 6Bh VCORE High Limit, default value is defined by Vcore Voltage +0.2v. 2Ch or 6Ch VCORE Low Limit, default value is defined by Vcore Voltage -0.2v. 2Dh or 6Dh Reserved 2Eh or 6Eh Reserved 2Fh or 6Fh +3.3VIN High Limit 30h or 70h +3.3VIN Low Limit 31h or 71h +5VIN High Limit 32h or 72h +5VIN Low Limit - 27 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.12 Value RAM Index 20h- 3Fh or 60h - 7Fh, continued Address A6-A0 Description 33h or 73h +12VIN High Limit 34h or 74h +12VIN Low Limit 35h or 75h -12VIN High Limit 36h or 76h -12VIN Low Limit 37h or 77h -5VIN High Limit 38h or 78h -5VIN Low Limit 39h or 79h Temperature sensor 2 (VT2) High Limit 3Ah or 7Ah Temperature sensor 2 (VT2) Hysteresis Limit 3Bh or 7Bh FAN1 Fan Count Limit Note: It is the number of counts of the internal clock for the Low Limit of the fan speed. 3Ch or 7Ch FAN2 Fan Count Limit Note: It is the number of counts of the internal clock for the Low Limit of the fan speed. 3Dh or 7Dh FAN3 Fan Count Limit Note: It is the number of counts of the internal clock for the Low Limit of the fan speed. 3E- 3Fh or 7E-7Fh Reserved Setting all ones to the high limits for voltages and fans (0111 1111 binary for temperature) means interrupts will never be generated except the case when voltages go below the low limits. - 28 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.10 Voltage ID (VID4) & Device ID - Index 49h Register Location: 49h Power on Default Value <7:1> is 000,0001b <0> is mapped to VID <4> Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VID4 DID<6:0> Bit 7-1: Read Only - Device ID<6:0> Bit 0 : Read/Write - The VID4 inputs. 7.11 Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 Serial Bus Address Register--Index 4Ah Register Location: 4Ah Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0000,0001 binary. Reset by MR Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I2CADDR2 I2CADDR2 I2CADDR2 DIS_T2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved - 29 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Bit 7-4 : Reserved Bit 3: Set to 1, disable temperature Sensor 1 and can not access any data from Temperature Sensor 1. Bit 2-0: Temperature 2 Serial Bus Address. The serial bus address is 1001xxx. Where xxx are defined in these bits. 7.12 Pin Control Register - Index 4Bh Register Location: 4Bh Power on Default Value <7:0> 44h. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved CLKINSEL CLKINSEL ADCOVSEL ADCOVSEL FAN3DIV_B0 FAN3DIV_B1 Bit 7-6:Fan3 speed divisor. Please refer to Bank0 CR[5Dh] , Fan divisor table. Bit 5-4: Select A/D Converter Clock Input. <5:4> = 00 - default. ADC clock select 22.5 Khz. <5:4> = 01- ADC clock select 5.6 Khz. (22.5K/4) <5:4> = 10 - ADC clock select 1.4Khz. (22.5K/16) <5:4> = 11 - ADC clock select 0.35 Khz. (22.5K/64) - 30 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Bit 3-2: Clock Input Select. <3:2> = 00 - Pin 3 (CLKIN) select 14.318M Hz clock. <3:2> = 01 - Default. Pin 3 (CLKIN) select 24M Hz clock. <3:2> = 10 - Pin 3 (CLKIN) select 48M Hz clock . <3:2> = 11 - Reserved. Pin3 no clock input. Bit 1-0: Reserved. User defined. 7.13 IRQ#/OVT# Property Select - Index 4Ch Register Location: 4Ch Power on Default Value <7:0> --0000,0001. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved OVTPOL DIS_OVT Reserved EN_ONE_INTMODE T1_INTMode PWM2SEL Bit 7: Set to 1 , select pin 9 SMI#/PWMOUT2 as PWM output. Set to 0, select pin 9 as SMI# output. Bit6: Set to 1, the SMI# output type of temperature sensor 1 is set to Comparator Interrupt mode. Set to 0, the SMI# output type is set to Interrupt mode (defined by CR[4Ch] Bit 5 ). Bit 5: Set to 1, the SMI# output type of temperature sensor 1 is set to One-Time interrupt mode. Set to 0, the SMI# output type of temperature sensor 1 is set to Two-Times interrupt mode. Bit 4 : Reserved. User Defined. Bit 3: Disable temperature sensor 1 over-temperature (OVT) output if set to 1. Default 0, enable OVT1 output through pin OVT#. Bit 2: Over-temperature polarity. Write 1, OVT# active high. Write 0, OVT# active low. Default 0. Bit 1-0: Reserved. User Defined. - 31 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.14 FAN IN/OUT and BEEP/GPO# Control Register - Index 4Dh Register Location: 4Dh Power on Default Value <7:0> 0001,0101. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FANINC1 FANOPV1 FANINC2 FANOPV2 FANINC3 FANOPV3 GPOSEL DIS_ABN Bit 7: Disable power-on abnormal the monitor voltage including V-Core A and +3.3V. If these voltage exceed the limit value, the pin (Open Drain) of BEEP will drives 300Hz and 600Hz frequency signal. Write 1, the frequency will be disable. Default 0. After power on, the system should set 1 to this bit to 1 in order to disable BEEP. Bit 6: BEEP/GPO# Pin Function Select. Write 1 Select GPO# function. Set 0, select BEEP function. This bit default 0. Bit 5: FAN 3 output value if FANINC3 sets to 0. Write 1, then pin 4 always generate logic high signal. Write 0, pin 4 always generates logic low signal. This bit default 0. Bit 4: FAN 3 Input Control. Set to 1, pin 4 acts as FAN clock input, which is default value. Set to 0, this pin 4 acts as FAN control signal and the output value of FAN control is set by this register bit 5. This output pin can connect to power PMOS gate to control FAN ON/OFF. Bit 3: FAN 2 output value if FANINC2 sets to 0. Write 1, then pin 3 always generate logic high signal. Write 0, pin 3 always generates logic low signal. This bit default 0. Bit 2: FAN 2 Input Control. Set to 1, pin 3 acts as FAN clock input, which is default value. Set to 0, this pin 3 acts as FAN control signal and the output value of FAN control is set by this register bit 3. This output pin can connect to power NMOS gate to control FAN ON/OFF. Bit 1: FAN 1 output value if FANINC1 sets to 0. Write 1, then pin 2 always generate logic high signal. Write 0, pin 2 always generates logic low signal. This bit default 0. Bit 0: FAN 1 Input Control. Set to 1, pin 2 acts as FAN clock input, which is default value. Set to 0, this pin 2 acts as FAN control signal and the output value of FAN control is set by this register bit 1. This output pin can connect to power PMOS gate to control FAN ON/OFF. - 32 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.15 Register 50h ~ 5Fh Bank Select - Index 4Eh Register Location: 4Eh Power on Default Value <6:3> = Reserved, <7> = 1, <2:0> = 0. Reset by MR Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BANKSEL0 BANKSEL1 BANKSEL2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved HBACS Bit 7: HBACS- High byte access. Set to 1, access Register 4Fh high byte register. Set to 0, access Register 4Fh low byte register. Default 1. Bit 6-3: Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. Bit 2-0: Index ports 0x50~0x5F Bank select. 7.16 Winbond Vendor ID - Index 4Fh Register Location: 4Fh Power on Default Value <15:0> = 5CA3h Attribute: Read Only Size: 16 bits 15 8 7 0 VIDH VIDL Bit 15-8: Vendor ID High Byte if CR4E.bit7=1.Default 5Ch. Bit 7-0: Vendor ID Low Byte if CR4E.bit7=0. Default A3h. - 33 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.17 Winbond Test Register -- Index 50h - 55h (Bank 0) 7.18 BEEP Control Register 1-- Index 56h (Bank 0) Register Location: 56h Power on Default Value <7:0> 0000,0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EN_VC_BP Reserved EN_V33_BP EN_V5_BP EN_T2_BP EN_T1_BP EN_FAN1_BP EN_FAN2_BP Bit 7: Enable BEEP Output from FAN 2 if the monitor value exceed the limit value. Write 1, enable BEEP output, which is default value. Bit 6: Enable BEEP Output from FAN 1 if the monitor value exceed the limit value. Write 1, enable BEEP output, which is default value. Bit 5: Enable BEEP Output from Temperature Sensor 1 if the monitor value exceed the limit value. Write 1, enable BEEP output. Default 0 Bit 4: Enable BEEP output for Temperature Sensor 2 if the monitor value exceed the limit value. Write 1, enable BEEP output. Default 0 Bit 3: Enable BEEP output from VDD (+5V), Write 1, enable BEEP output if the monitor value exceed the limits value. Default 0, that is disable BEEP output. Bit 2: Enable BEEP output from +3.3V. Write 1, enable BEEP output, which is default value. Bit 1: Reserved. Bit 0: Enable BEEP Output from VCORE if the monitor value exceed the limits value. Write 1, enable BEEP output, which is default value - 34 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.19 BEEP Control Register 2-- Index 57h (Bank 0) Register Location: 57h Power on Default Value <7:0> 1000-0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Size: Read/Write 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EN_V12_BP EN_NV12_BP EN_NV5_BP EN_FAN3_BP Reserved Reserved Reserved EN_GBP Bit 7: Enable Global BEEP. Write 1, enable global BEEP output. Default 1. Write 0, disable all BEEP output. Bit 6-4: Reserved. Bit 3: Enable BEEP Output from FAN 3 if the monitor value exceed the limit value. Write 1, enable BEEP output. Default 0. Bit 2: Enable BEEP output from -5V, Write 1, enable BEEP output if the monitor value exceed the limits value. Default 0, that is disable BEEP output. Bit 1: Enable BEEP output from -12V, Write 1, enable BEEP output if the monitor value exceed the limits value. Default 0, that is disable BEEP output. Bit 0: Enable BEEP output from +12V, Write 1, enable BEEP output if the monitor value exceed the limits value. Default 0, that is disable BEEP output. - 35 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.20 Chip ID -- Index 58h (Bank 0) Register Location: 58h Power on Default Value <7:0> 0100-0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CHIPID Bit 7: Winbond Chip ID number. Read this register will return 40h. 7.21 Diode Selection Register -- Index 59h (Bank 0) Register Location: 59h Power on Default Value <7>=0 and <6:4> = 111 and <3:0> = 0000 Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SELPIIV2 SELPIIV1 Reserved Reserved Bit 7-6: Reserved Bit 5: Temperature sensor diode 1. Set to 1, select Pentium II compatible Diode. Set to 0 to select 2N3904 Bipolar mode. Bit 4: Temperature sensor diode 2. Set to 1, select Pentium II compatible Diode. Set to 0 to select 2N3904 Bipolar mode. Bit 3-0: Reserved - 36 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.22 PWMOUT1 Control Register -- Index 5Ah (Bank 0) Register Location: 5Ah Power on default value: <7:0> 1111-1111. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM1_DUTY Bit 7: PWMOUT1 duty cycle control Write FF, Duty cycle is 100%, Write 00, Duty cycle is 0%. - 36-A - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.23 PWMOUT2 Control Register -- Index 5Bh (Bank 0) Register Location: 5Bh Power on default value: <7:0> 1111-1111. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM2_DUTY Bit 7: PWMOUT2 duty cycle control Write FF, Duty cycle is 100%, Write 00, Duty cycle is 0%. 7.24 PWMOUT1/2 Clock Select Register -- Index 5Ch (Bank 0) Register Location: 5Ch Power on Default Value <7:0> 0001-0001. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM2CLKSEL PWM2CLKSEL PWM2CLKSEL EN_FANPWM1 PWM1CLKSEL PWM1CLKSEL PWM1CLKSEL Reserved Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6-4: PWMOUT1 clock selection. The clock defined frequency is same as PWMOUT2 clock selection. - 37 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Bit 3: Set to 1. Enable PWMOUT1 PWM Control Bit 2-0: PWMOUT2 clock Selection. <2:0> = 000: 46.87K Hz <2:0> = 001: 23.43K Hz (Default) <2:0> = 010: 11.72K Hz <2:0> = 011: 5.85K Hz <2:0> = 100: 2.93K Hz 7.25 VBAT Monitor Control Register -- Index 5Dh (Bank 0) Register Location: 5Dh Power on Default Value <7:0> 0000-0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved DIODES2 DIODES1 Reserved Reserved FANDIV1_B2 FANDIV2_B2 FANDIV3_B2 Bit 7: Fan3 divisor Bit 2. Bit 6: Fan2 divisor Bit 2. Bit 5: Fan1 divisor Bit 2. Bit 4: Reserved Bit 3: Reserved Bit 2: Temperature sensor 1 select into thermal diode such as Pentium II CPU supported. Set to 1, select bipolar sensor. Set to 0, select thermistor sensor. Bit 1: Temperature Sensor 2 type selection. Defined as DIODES1 described in the bit 2. Bit 0: Reserved Fan divisor table : Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Fan Divisor 1 2 4 8 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Fan Divisor 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 16 32 64 128 - 38 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.26 Reserved Register -- Index 5Eh (Bank 0) 7.27 Reserved Register -- Index 5Fh (Bank 0) 7.28 Temperature Sensor 1 Temperature (High Byte) Register - Index 00h Register Location: 00h Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TEMP2<8:1> Bit 7: Temperature <8:1> of sensor 2, which is high byte. 7.29 Temperature Sensor 1 Temperature (Low Byte) Register - Index 00h Register Location: 00h Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved TEMP2<0> Bit 7: Temperature <0> of sensor2, which is low byte. Bit 6-0: Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. - 39 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.30 Temperature Sensor 1 Configuration Register - Index 01h Register Location: 01h Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0x00 Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STOP2 INTMOD Reserved FAULT FAULT Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 7-5: Read - Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. Bit 4-3: Read/Write - Number of faults to detect before setting OVT# output to avoid false tripping due to noise. Bit 2: Read - Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. Bit 1: Read/Write - OVT# Interrupt mode select. This bit default is set to 0, which is compared mode. When set to 1, interrupt mode will be selected. Bit 0: Read/Write - When set to 1 the sensor will stop monitor. - 40 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.31 Temperature Sensor 1 Hysteresis (High Byte) Register - Index 02h Register Location: 02h Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0x4B Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 THYST2<8:1> Bit 7-0: Temperature hysteresis bit 8-1, which is High Byte. The temperature default 75 degree C. 7.32 Temperature Sensor 1 Hysteresis (Low Byte) Register - Index 02h Register Location: 02h Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0x0 Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved THYST2<0> Bit 7: Temperature hysteresis bit 0, which is low Byte. Bit 6-0: Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. - 41 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.33 Temperature Sensor 1 Over-temperature (High Byte) Register - Index 03h Register Location: 03h Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0x50 Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TOVF2<8:1> Bit 7-0: Over-temperature bit 8-1, which is High Byte. The temperature default 80 degree C. 7.34 Temperature Sensor 1 Over-temperature (Low Byte) Register - Index 03h Register Location: 03h Power on Default Value <7:0> = 0x0 Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved TOVF2<0> Bit 7: Read/Write - Over-temperature bit 0, which is low Byte. Bit 6-0: Read Only - Reserved. This bit should be set to 0. - 42 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 7.35 Reserved Register -- Index 50h--52h (BANK4) 7.36 BEEP Control Register 3 -- Index 53h (Bank 4) Register Location: 53h Power on Default Value <7:0> 0000,0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read/Write Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved EN_USER_BP Reserved Reserved Bit 7-6: Reserved. Bit 5: User define BEEP output function. Write 1, the BEEP is always active. Write 0, this function is inactive. (Default 0) Bit 4-0: Reserved. 7.37 Reserved Register -- Index 54h--58h (Bank 4) 7.38 Real Time Hardware Status Register I -- Index 59h (Bank 4) Register Location: 59h Power on Default Value <7:0> 0000,0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VCORE_STS Reserved +3.3VIN_STS +5VIN_STS TEMP2_STS TEMP1_STS FAN1_STS FAN2_STS - 43 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Bit 7: FAN 2 Status. Set 1, the fan speed counter is over the limit value. Set 0, the fan speed counter is in the limit range. Bit 6: FAN 1 Status. Set 1, the fan speed counter is over the limit value. Set 0, the fan speed counter is in the limit range. Bit 5: Temperature sensor 1 Status. Set 1, the voltage of temperature sensor is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of temperature sensor is in the limit range. Bit 4: Temperature sensor 2 Status. Set 1, the voltage of temperature sensor is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of temperature sensor is in the limit range. Bit 3: +5V Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of +5V is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of +5V is in the limit range. Bit 2: +3.3V Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of +3.3V is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of +3.3V is in the limit range. Bit 1: Reserved. Bit 0: VCORE Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of VCORE is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of VCORE is in the limit range. 7.39 Real Time Hardware Status Register II -- Index 5Ah (Bank 4) Register Location: 5Ah Power on Default Value <7:0> 0000,0000. Reset by MR. Attribute: Read Only Size: 8 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +12VIN_STS -12VIN_STS -5VIN_STS FAN3_STS Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved - 44 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary Bit 7-4: Reserved Bit 3: FAN3 Voltage Status. Set 1, the fan speed counter is over the limit value. Set 0, the fan speed counter is during the limit range. Bit 2: -5V Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of -5V is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of -5V is during the limit range. Bit 1: -12V Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of -12V is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of 12V is during the limit range. Bit 0: +12V Voltage Status. Set 1, the voltage of +12V is over the limit value. Set 0, the voltage of +12V is in the limit range. - 45 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 8. SPECIFICATIONS 8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER Power Supply Voltage Input Voltage RATING UNIT -0.5 to 7.0 V -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V 0 to +70 °C -55 to +150 °C Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Note: Exposure to conditions beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may adversely affect the life and reliability of the device. 8.2 DC Characteristics (Ta = 0° C to 70° C, VDD = 5V ± 10%, VSS = 0V) PARAMETER SYM. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT CONDITIONS I/O12t - TTL level bi-directional pin with source-sink capability of 12 mA Input Low Voltage VIL Input High Voltage VIH Output Low Voltage VOL Output High Voltage VOH Input High Leakage ILIH Input Low Leakage ILIL 0.8 2.0 V V 0.4 V IOL = 12 mA V IOH = - 12 mA +10 µA VIN = VDD -10 µA VIN = 0V 2.4 I/O12ts - TTL level bi-directional pin with source-sink capability of 12 mA and schmitt-trigger level input Input Low Threshold Voltage Vt- 0.5 0.8 1.1 V VDD = 5 V Input High Threshold Voltage Vt+ 1.6 2.0 2.4 V VDD = 5 V Hysteresis VTH 0.5 1.2 V VDD = 5 V Output Low Voltage VOL V IOL = 12 mA Output High Voltage VOH V IOH = - 12 mA Input High Leakage ILIH +10 µA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -10 µA VIN = 0V 0.4 2.4 - 46 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 8.2 DC Characteristics, continued PARAMETER SYM. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT CONDITIONS OUT12t - TTL level output pin with source-sink capability of 12 mA Output Low Voltage VOL Output High Voltage VOH 0.4 V IOL = 12 mA V IOH = -12 mA V IOL = 8 mA V IOL = 12 mA 0.4 V IOL = 48 mA 0.8 V 2.4 OD8 - Open-drain output pin with sink capability of 8 mA Output Low Voltage VOL 0.4 OD12 - Open-drain output pin with sink capability of 12 mA Output Low Voltage VOL 0.4 OD48 - Open-drain output pin with sink capability of 48 mA Output Low Voltage VOL INt - TTL level input pin Input Low Voltage VIL Input High Voltage VIH Input High Leakage ILIH +10 µA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -10 µA VIN = 0 V INts 2.0 V - TTL level Schmitt-triggered input pin Input Low Threshold Voltage Vt- 0.5 0.8 1.1 V VDD = 5 V Input High Threshold Voltage Vt+ 1.6 2.0 2.4 V VDD = 5 V Hysteresis VTH 0.5 1.2 V VDD = 5 V Input High Leakage ILIH +10 µA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -10 µA VIN = 0 V - 47 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 8.3 AC Characteristics 8.3.1 Serial Bus Timing Diagram t SCL SCL t t HD;SDA t HD;DAT SU;STO VALID DATA SDA IN t SU;DAT SDA OUT Serial Bus Timing Diagram Serial Bus Timing PARAMETER SYMBOL - SCL clock period MIN. MAX. UNIT t SCL 10 uS Start condition hold time tHD;SDA 4.7 uS Stop condition setup-up time tSU;STO 4.7 uS DATA to SCL setup time tSU;DAT 120 nS DATA to SCL hold time tHD;DAT 5 nS SCL and SDA rise time tR 1.0 uS SCL and SDA fall time tF 300 nS - 48 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 9. HOW TO READ THE TOP MARKING The top marking of W83783S W83783S 2826978Y-61 814OB Left: Winbond logo 1st line: Winbond logo and the type number: W83783S 2nd line: Tracking code 2 826978Y-61 2: wafers manufactured in Winbond FAB 2 826978Y-61: wafer production series lot number 3rd line: Tracking code 814 O B 814: packages made in '98, week 14 O: assembly house ID; A means ASE, S means SPIL, O means OSE B: IC revision - 49 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 W83783S Preliminary 10. PACKAGE DIMENTIONS (24-pin SOP) 24 13 Control demensions are in milmeters . E E θ 1 12 Headquarters Winbond Electronics (H.K.) Ltd. No. 4, Creation Rd. III Science-Based Industrial Park Hsinchu, Taiwan TEL: 886-35-770066 FAX: 886-35-789467 www: http://www.winbond.com.tw/ Rm. 803, World Trade Square, Tower II 123 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: 852-27516023-7 FAX: 852-27552064 Winbond Electronics (North America) Corp. 2730 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A. TEL: 1-408-9436666 FAX: 1-408-9436668 Taipei Office 11F, No. 115, Sec. 3, Min-Sheng East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan TEL: 886-2-7190505 FAX: 886-2-7197502 TLX: 16485 WINTPE Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this data sheet belong to their respective owners. These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. - 50 - Publication Release Date: April 1999 Revision 0.55 11. APPLICATION CIRCUIT OF WINBOND W83783S VOLTAGE SENSORING CIRCUIT Beep Circuits R9 VCORE R CPU_VCORE 10K VCC R1 +3.3VIN R13 R 100 R 3VCC 10K LS1 +12VIN R12 R 10K VCC Q1 NPN 3904 R 510 C1 CAP 10u C2 CAP 0.1u R10 R15 R +12V 28K 1% 10K 1% R2 BEEP/GPO# R R14 GNDA SPEAKER R11 R R -12V 232K 1% 56K 1% -12VIN VREF U1 -5VIN 3VCC R8 R 4.7K OVT# THRM# TO PIIX4 VID4 FANIN1 FANIN2 PWMOUT1 OVT# BEEP/GPO# VID3 { CLKIN SMI# EXTSMI# SMI# SCL SDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VID4 FANIN1 FANIN2 FANIN3/PWMOUT1 OVT# BEEP/GPO# VID3 CLKIN SMI#/PWMOUT2 GNDD SCL SDA VCC VT1/PII1 VREF VCORE +3.3VIN +12VIN -12VIN -5VIN/VT2/PII2 GNDA VID0 VID1 VID2 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 R32 VT1/PII1 VREF VCORE +3.3VIN +12VIN -12VIN -5VIN GNDA VID0 VID1 VID2 56K 1% SDA R R4 R6 R 4.7K R -5V 120K 1% TEMPERATURE SENSORING CIRCUIT L1 INDUCTOR FB (Select one of the following method) 3VCC R5 R 4.7K R33 R W83783S R30 VREF RT1 R 10K 1% 0 T R7 R 4.7K 10K 1% GNDA THERMISTOR SMDAT SCL VT1/PII1 SMCLK R3 R 0 R31 VREF R VT1/PII1 30K 1% C4 CAPACITOR NON-POL 3300p GNDA PIID+ PIID- Note: +12V 1. VT1 is for CPU temperature 2. VT2 is for SYSTEM temperature D2 R24 4.7K 1N4148 JP2 R23 27K 3 2 1 FANIN2 CPU Voltage ID output R22 10K HEADER 3 (CPU FAN) 3VCC R25 10K R26 10K R27 10K R28 10K R29 10K Fan Speed Control Circuit +12V PWMOUT1 R21 510 R20 4.7K R19 1K Q3 MOSFET N 2N7002 D1 Q2 3906 C3 47u 1N4148 JP1 + R18 4.7K R17 3 2 1 VID4 VID3 VID2 VID1 VID0 PIIVID4 PIIVID3 PIIVID2 PIIVID1 PIIVID0 27K FANIN1 R16 10K HEADER 3 (SYSTEM FAN) WINBOND ELECTRONICS CORP. Title W83783S Application Circuit Size Custom Document Number Date: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 Rev 0.2 Sheet 1 of 1