105°C 10,000 Hour Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors KFM For Ballast applications and Switching power supplies FEATURES Electronic Ballasts Switching Power Supplies High Voltage Long Life High Temperature RoHS Compliant SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range -40°C to + 105°C (160 to 400WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC) Capacitance Tolerance ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C WVDC 160 200 250 300 400 450 SVDC 200 250 300 400 450 500 WVDC 160 200 250 300 400 450 tan δ .15 .15 .15 .24 .24 .24 Surge Voltage Dissispation Factor 120Hz, 20°C 2 minutes Time Leakage Current .06CV+10uA Low Temperature Stability Impedance Ratio (120 Hz) Rated WVDC 160 to 250 350 to 400 450 -25°C/ +20°C 3 6 6 -40°C/+20°C 4 6 - 10,000 hours (8000 hours D=10mm) with rated voltage and ripple current applied at 105°C ≤ 20% of initial measured value ≤ 200% of maximum specified value <100% of specified value Capacitance change Dissipation factor Leakage current Load Life 1000 hours at 105°C with no voltage applied Shelf Life ≤ 20% of initial measured value ≤ 200% of maximum specified value <100% of specified value Capacitance change Dissipation factor Leakage Current Temperature (°C) Frequency (Hz) 1K 10K 100K +65 +75 +85 +95 +105 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.8 1.65 1.5 1.25 1.0 15.0 MIN PVC SLEEVE 120 Ripple Current Multipliers d LEAD Spacing vs. Case Diameter - 10 12.5 16 18 S 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 L1=L+1.5 mm D1 19.0 MIN L1 + S1 D mm D1=D+0.5mm S1=S±0.5mm ® 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 • (847) 675-1760 • Fax (847) 673-2850 • www.illcap.com KFM 10,000 Hour Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS (µF) WVDC (SV) 160 (200) 200 (250) 250 (300) 350 (400) 6.8 10 10x16 22 10x20 33 10x20 12.5x20 12.5x20 16x20 10x20 10x20 12.5x20 12.5x25 16x25 16x20 18x20 16x25 16x31.5 18x20 18x25 16x31.5 18x31.5 12.5x20 16x20 18x20 18x25 68 12.5x25 16x25 16x31.5 18x31.5 16x20 18x20 18x25 16x25 16x31.5 150 18x20 18x25 16x31.5 18x31.5 16x25 450 (500) 10x16 47 100 12.5x25 12.5x20 400 (450) 18x35.5 18x25 220 16x31.5 18x31.5 18x25 Convert to inches, divide by 25.4 D x L (mm) STANDARD PART LISTING Capacitance WVDC (µF) PART NUMBER Maximum ESR Ω 120Hz, +20°C Maximum RMS Ripple Current (mA) +105°C 100kHz Dimensions DxL (mm) Capacitance WVDC (µF) PART NUMBER Maximum ESR Ω 120Hz, +20°C Maximum RMS Ripple Current (mA) +105°C 100kHz Dimensions DxL (mm) 6.8 400 685KFM400M 58.513 220 10x16 47 350 476KFM350MRU 8.4657 660 18x20 6.8 450 685KFM450M 58.513 150 10x20 47 400 8.466 840 16x31.5 10 200 106KFM200M 24.868 250 10x16 47 400 476KFM400MRV 8.466 840 18x25 10 400 106KFM400M 39.789 280 10x20 47 450 476KFM450M 8.466 880 18x31.5 10 450 106KFM450M 39.789 320 12.5x20 68 200 686KFM200M 3.657 760 12.5x25 22 200 226KFM200M 11.304 500 10x20 68 200 686KFM200MQU 3.657 760 16x20 22 250 226KFM250M 11.304 600 12.5x20 68 250 3.657 920 16x25 22 350 226KFM350M 18.086 350 12.5x20 68 250 686KFM250MRU 3.657 920 18x20 22 400 226KFM400M 18.086 430 12.5x25 68 350 5.851 850 16x31.5 22 400 226KFM400MQU 18.086 430 16x20 68 350 686KFM350MRV 5.851 850 18x25 22 450 18.086 560 16x25 68 400 686KFM400M 5.851 1000 18x31.5 226KFM450M 476KFM400M 686KFM250M 686KFM350M 22 450 226KFM450MRU 18.086 560 18x20 68 450 686KFM450M 5.851 1150 18x35.5 33 160 336KFM160M 7.5357 500 10x20 100 200 107KFM200M 2.487 1120 16x25 33 250 336KFM250M 7.5357 600 12.5x20 100 200 107KFM200MRU 2.487 1120 18x20 33 350 336KFM350M 12.057 500 16x20 100 250 2.487 1200 16x31.5 33 400 336KFM400M 12.057 640 16x25 100 250 107KFM250MRV 2.487 1200 18x25 33 400 336KFM400MRU 12.057 640 18x20 150 200 1.658 1360 16x31.5 33 450 12.057 700 16x31.5 150 200 157KFM200MRV 1.658 1360 18x25 33 450 336KFM450MRV 12.057 700 18x25 150 250 157KFM250M 1.658 1500 18x31.5 47 200 476KFM200M 5.2911 660 12.5x20 220 160 227KFM160M 1.130 1400 16x31.5 47 250 476KFM250M 5.2911 720 12.5x25 220 160 227KFM160MRV 1.130 1400 18x25 47 250 476KFM250MQU 5.2911 720 16x20 220 200 1.130 1700 18x31.5 47 350 660 16x25 336KFM450M 476KFM350M 8.4657 107KFM250M 157KFM200M 227KFM200M ® 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 • (847) 675-1760 • Fax (847) 673-2850 • www.illcap.com