+85°C Low Profile Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors SAK For all general purpose applications FEATURES Low Profile Capacitance range: 1 µF to 10,000 µF Voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 400 WVDC SPECIFICATIONS ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C Dissipation Factor 120Hz, 20°C WVDC 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 400 tan δ .28 .24 .20 .28 .16 .14 .10 .08 .20 .20 .20 .25 Note: For above D.F. specifications, add .02 for every 1,000 µF above 1,000 µF Impedance Ratio (Max.) @120Hz WVDC 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 -25/20°C 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 5 -40/20°C Leakage Current 12 10 4 3 3 3 15 250 400 4 4 4 15 15 10 WVDC ≤100WVDC ≤100WVDC ≤150WVDC Time 1 minute 2 minutes 1 minute .03 CV or 4 µA Whichever is greater .01 CV or 3 µA Whichever is greater .04 CV or 100 µA Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitance Tolerance 2,000 hours at 85°C with rated WVDC Capacitors will meet the requirements listed below Load Life 1,000 hours at 85°C with no voltage applied. Units will meet load life specifications. Shelf Life WVDC ≤47 6.3 to 100 160 to 400 Temperature(°C) Frequency(Hz) Capacitance (µF) Ripple Multipliers 60 0.75 120 1.0 300 1.35 1K 1.57 10K 2.0 +105°C 1.0 +85°C 1.3 +70°C 1.5 47<C≤470µF 0.8 1.0 1.23 1.32 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.5 470<C≤1,000µF 0.85 1.0 1.1 1.13 1.15 1.0 1.3 1.5 10 to 150µF 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.40 1.60 1.0 1.4 1.8 SPECIAL ORDER OPTIONS • <20% of initial measured value <200% of initial specified value <Initial specified value Capacitance change Dissipation factor Leakage current Special tolerances: ±10% (K), -10% + 30% (Q) (See pages 33 thru 37) • Tape and Reel/Ammo-Pack • Cut, Formed, Cut and Formed, and Snap In Leads ® 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 • (847) 675-1760 • Fax (847) 673-2850 • www.illcap.com 43 + 85°C Low Profile Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors SAK PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS WVDC (SV) (µF) 6.3 (8) 10 (13) 16 (20) 25 (32) 35 (44) 50 (63) 63 (79) 100 (125) 1 5x9 5x9 2.2 5x9 5x9 3.3 5x9 5x9 4.7 5x9 5x9 5x9 6.3x9 5x9 6.3x9 8x9 6.3x9 6.3x9 10x9 6.3x9 8x9 10x12.5 10 22 5x9 33 47 5x9 68 100 5x9 6.3x9 8x9 10x9 10x12.5 12.5x15 160 (200) 200 (250) 250 (300) 16x15 16x15 16x15 18x15 16x15 18x15 18x20 18x15 18x20 18x25 18x15 18x20 18x20 18x25 150 18x25 220 6.3x9 330 6.3x9 470 10x9 8x9 10x9 8x9 8x9 1000 10x9 10x12.5 12.5x12.5 12.5x12.5 12.5x15 18x20 10x12.5 12.5x12.5 16x15 18x15 18x25 12.5x15 16x15 18x20 18x25 18x20 18x25 16x15 18x15 3300 16x15 18x15 18x20 18x25 16x15 18x15 18x20 6800 18x15 18x20 18x25 10000 18x20 18x25 16x15 10x12.5 12.5x15 4700 12.5x12.5 10x9 2200 Convert to inches, divide by 25.4 DxL(mm) 15.0 MIN PVC SLEEVE LEAD INFORMATION V.S. CASE DIAMETER d - Note: Case Vent is standard on all diameters ≥ 8.0 mm. S1 D 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 12.5 16.0 18.0 S 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 B 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 L1=L+1.0mm Max. D≤8mm D1 L1=L+1.5mm Max. D≥10mm 19.0 MIN L1 + 400 (450) D1=D+B Max. S1=S±0.5 Max. ® 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 • (847) 675-1760 • Fax (847) 673-2850 • www.illcap.com 44 SAK + 85°C Low Profile Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor STANDARD PART LISTING Capacitance (µF) WVDC PART NUMBER Maximum ESR Ω 120Hz,+20°C Maximum RMS Ripple Current (mA) 120Hz,+85°C Dimensions DxL (mm) Capacitance (µF) WVDC PART NUMBER Maximum ESR Ω 120Hz,+20°C Maximum RMS Ripple Current (mA) 120Hz,+85°C Dimensions DxL (mm) 50 105SAK050M 198.944 13 5x9 220 16 227SAK016M 1.507 270 8x9 1 100 105SAK100M 132.629 21 5x9 220 35 227SAK035M 1.055 330 10x9 2.2 50 225SAK050M 90.429 26 5x9 220 63 227SAK063M 0.754 470 12.5x12.5 2.2 100 225SAK100M 60.286 30 5x9 220 100 227SAK100M 0.603 620 16x15 3.3 50 335SAK050M 60.286 35 5x9 330 6.3 337SAK6R3M 1.407 250 6.3x9 3.3 100 335SAK100M 40.191 40 5x9 330 10 337SAK010M 1.206 300 8x9 4.7 50 475SAK050M 42.328 40 5x9 330 25 337SAK025M 0.804 370 10x9 4.7 100 475SAK100M 28.219 50 5x9 330 35 337SAK035M 0.703 460 10x12.5 10 63 106SAK063M 16.579 70 5x9 330 50 337SAK050M 0.603 520 12.5x12.5 10 100 106SAK100M 13.263 80 6.3x9 330 63 337SAK063M 0.502 600 12.5x15 10 400 106SAK400M 41.447 140 16x15 330 100 337SAK100M 0.402 830 18x20 22 50 226SAK050M 9.043 90 5x9 470 10 477SAK010M 0.847 360 8x9 22 63 226SAK063M 7.536 110 6.3x9 470 16 477SAK016M 0.705 400 10x9 22 100 226SAK100M 6.029 135 8x9 470 25 477SAK025M 0.564 520 10x12.5 22 250 226SAK250M 15.071 280 16x15 470 35 477SAK035M 0.494 570 12.5x12.5 22 400 226SAK400M 18.839 280 18x15 470 50 477SAK050M 0.423 730 16x15 33 35 336SAK035M 7.033 100 5x9 470 63 477SAK063M 0.353 840 18x15 33 50 336SAK050M 6.029 120 6.3x9 470 100 477SAK100M 0.282 1080 18x25 33 63 336SAK063M 5.024 135 6.3x9 1000 6.3 108SAK6R3M 0.464 490 10x9 33 100 336SAK100M 4.019 170 10x9 1000 10 108SAK010M 0.398 620 10x12.5 33 200 336SAK200M 10.048 350 16x15 1000 16 108SAK016M 0.332 700 12.5x12.5 33 250 336SAK250M 10.048 350 18x15 1000 25 108SAK025M 0.265 820 12.5x15 33 400 336SAK400M 12.560 350 18x20 1000 35 108SAK035M 0.232 990 16x15 47 25 476SAK025M 5.644 110 5x9 1000 50 108SAK050M 0.199 1180 18x20 47 50 476SAK050M 4.233 140 6.3x9 1000 63 108SAK063M 0.166 1410 18x25 47 63 476SAK063M 3.527 175 8x9 2200 10 228SAK010M 0.211 950 12.5x15 47 100 476SAK100M 2.822 230 10x12.5 2200 16 228SAK016M 0.181 1170 16x15 47 160 476SAK160M 7.055 420 16x15 2200 25 228SAK025M 0.151 1350 18x15 47 200 476SAK200M 7.055 420 18x15 2200 35 228SAK035M 0.136 1520 18x20 47 250 476SAK250M 7.055 420 18x20 2200 50 228SAK050M 0.121 1750 18x25 47 400 476SAK400M 8.818 420 18x25 3300 10 338SAK010M 0.151 1270 16x15 68 160 686SAK160M 4.876 490 18x15 3300 16 338SAK016M 0.131 1430 18x15 68 250 686SAK250M 4.876 490 18x20 3300 25 338SAK025M 0.111 1660 18x20 100 10 107SAK010M 3.979 135 5x9 4700 6.3 478SAK6R3M 0.120 1380 16x15 100 25 107SAK025M 2.653 180 6.3x9 4700 10 478SAK010M 0.113 1530 18x15 100 35 107SAK035M 2.321 210 8x9 4700 16 478SAK016M 0.099 1740 18x20 100 50 107SAK050M 1.989 240 10x9 4700 25 478SAK025M 0.085 2060 18x25 100 63 107SAK063M 1.658 300 10x12.5 6800 6.3 688SAK6R3M 0.112 1640 18x15 100 100 107SAK100M 1.326 370 12.5x15 6800 10 688SAK010M 0.088 1830 18x20 100 160 107SAK160M 3.316 590 18x20 6800 16 688SAK016M 0.078 2120 18x25 100 250 107SAK250M 3.316 590 18x25 10000 6.3 109SAK6R3M 0.076 1950 18x20 150 200 157SAK200M 2.210 710 18x25 10000 10 109SAK010M 0.070 2230 18x25 220 10 227SAK010M 1.809 220 6.3x9 Aluminum Electrolytic 1 ® 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 • (847) 675-1760 • Fax (847) 673-2850 • www.illcap.com 45