眦 Φ AlC弓 406了 A 彳D〃 NCE (MC34063A) rNFORM/rrON DC`DC CONVERTER C0NTR0L CIRCulT FEAT- ■ ■I DEsCⅢ H=oⅡ 。3V to30V Input Voltage0ρ erauon the MC⒊“浴3A by Analog lnteg旧 tions Corporaton, 。Interna丨 1,6A Peak Current sw"ch an irnproved second source over the industriaI 〓 卩 。 lnternaI± 18%Reference 〓 , 。 Frequency operauon from1ooHz to100κ 。 Current Lirnitng nd"h℃ Control cirCu" a rⅨ 冫 standard MCs0Os3A,‘ containing the Ⅱmary 幻nctons require¢ . Low QuIesCent Cu″ ent at16mA Hz . for DC`DC Conve"ers,The device consists of an interˉ naI tefnperature comρ ensated reforence, CoΠ 卜 parator, contrOIled duty cycle osCⅢ ator wⅡ h an APPLIC^T=oⅡ s active curent lifnit CircuⅡ , d"ver and high current 。 saverfor Ce"uIar phones εis spec雨 CaIˇ designed output switCh This deˇ 屺 。 DC-DC Converter ModvIe to be incO「 porated in stepˉ down,stepˉ up and vol← ■ ageˉinverting appIk∝ ,tions w∶ th a minirη um number of extemaI∞ mponents The± 18%intemal refe卜 ence and low quiescent current of 16m丿 鼽 ` are among the irnprovefvlents of the device oˇ er the compet"ion ■l-C^L APPL1C^tⅡ o△ C1RCmT saˇ ●rC∶ rc山 itfor C● "ular Phon● ■ oRDER=Ⅱ G ⅡⅡFo-T10Ⅱ MC34063A XX oRDER NUMBER MC34063ACN (PLAsTIC DIP) C∶ 2-88 o:C`+70C MC34063ACs (PLAsTlC so) PIN CONFIGVRATION ToP VIEW sC oRl sE IPκ TC VCC GNo FB 翻 Φ ■I^Bs0LUTD MC34063A Gs MAHMUM RAT1Ⅱ suppIy VOItage .¨ ¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………… …………・^03v~30V ComparatorInput Vo"age Range 〃 30V sW"Ch CoIIeCtor Vo"age ˉ ˉ 锔 sW"ch Emitter VoⅡ age。 。 ¨¨¨¨¨……………・ … sWitCh CdlectortO Emker VoItage 30V ¨¨¨¨¨ . 30V DHver Co"ector VoⅡ age ..¨ ¨¨ . sW"Ch Current.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………・ 16A POWerE冫 issipation and Thermal Characteris刂 cs D`P Package 10W Ta〓 25℃ ThermaI Resistance 。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨……¨¨¨¨・100℃ ∧″ s0Package ・ Ta=25℃ .¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨……¨…・ ・ …………………… 625mW ThermaI Resistance 。 .¨ ¨ ¨¨¨.… … 0perating Junction Temperature .¨ ¨¨¨¨¨………………………… operaung Ambient Temperature Range storage Temperature Range ¨ 。 。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…・ 160飞)/W 125℃ o~70℃ ˉ65℃ -150℃ 2-89 翻 Φ MC34063A ELECTRICAL CHARACT0RIsTICs lVCC=5V,T严 ■ PARA"ETER TEsT COND∶ TIONs ns℃ ,u"hss othem⒗ e specⅢ ed。 ) sΥ mBOL mIN。 TΥ P。 ⅢAX。 uNlT J卩 龟 ⒈ osC'`'afor Charging Current 50V兰 VCC垦 30V Discharge Current 50V兰 VCC鉴 3oV Vo"age swing PIN3 Dlscharge to Charge Current VlPKlsENsEl〓 vCC IDlscHG 10 25 40 uA 100 150 200 uA V。 sc o6 lDlscHG` lcHG 60 V Ratio Current Lim"sense Vo"age IcHG〓 l。 250 300 350 mV VcElsATl 10 13 V VcE lsAT) o4 o7 V 、 IscHG (sENsE) `lPκ o″ rpJf s叨 fch saturatlon Vo"age,Dadington COnnection saturauon Vo"age I脚 疒 10A∷ Vc(DRlvERl=vC(sⅢ TcH) IsⅥ 厂10A∶ IclDRlvER)=50mA (F° rced'≡ =20) DC Current Gain lsw=10A∶ VcE〓 50V CoIlector0fF-state Current VcE〓 35 30V Ic(。 120 10 FF) nA Co″ ρararor VF: ThreshOId Voltage o℃ 鉴Ta兰 70℃ ThreshOId Voltage Line Regu- 30V鉴 VCC兰 30V 1227 125 121 REGu`E 1273 v Vo"age v ThΓ eshold 129 o1 o3 mVⅣ o4 1 uA 16 3 mA lauon OV Input Bias Current VIN〓 supply current V丨 PKlsENsE)〓 vcc VP|N5>VF: 50V鉴 VCC兰 3oV CT〓 0001uF,PIN2〓 GND Remaining pins open 2-90 Φ 豹 ■ MC34063A TYP1CAL PERFORMAⅡ CE CH^RACTERIsTICs 0utput switCh0N-0FF Time vs0scillator Timing y Current vs suρ ρ丨 standby supρ 丨 Y Vokage ・ ^∞ι 〃 Capacitor Φε 馋 ^<Eˇ F吐 ˉ ˇ L0ˉ ce‘ z0£ ,0>乙 一 °〓Ξ ∞ ,∞ ~0° δ夕 α ~● 匚 圭 °ˇ L° 1 Ct、 10 OscⅢ ator TInning Capacitor(nF) VCC'suρ ply Vo!tage〈 V) lPK Threshold Voltage Vs Temperature VF:`Threshold Vo"age vs Temperature ^>ε ^>一 一ΦΦ●一石 Φ 0Φ ~δ e‘ 卜 △ 击 4IIII舛 oe‘ 石 ‘∞ 石‘ >υ >° ...> L> IIll2ι ο 30 40 50 Temperature(C) 20 60 ⒈ saturation Voltage vs Emmiter current | ⒈ 一>一 ΦΦ①一石 ⒈ ° 一>一 Φ Φ Φ ˇ一 PIN1`7`8=VCC PIN3`5=GND 4o 5o 6o ) Commonˉ Em"ter Con】 guration Output sw“ ch Emm"erˉ Fol丨 ower ConⅡ gurauon output switch VCC=5V 30 Temρ erature(℃ satvration Vo"age vs Co"ector Current VCC=50V PlN氵 =VCC PlNs2`3`5=GND | ⒍ >c£ >c° Dar"ngton ConneCtion e3~● ⒍ ˇ △ ¤ 一ハ ~阝 ∞ ⒍ ∞亠 丶 .<g凵 F<9凹 > ° ⒍ ° > ' Foroed Beta = 20 ο o5 lε 1 、Emitter Current〈 A) o5 1 lc'Co"ector Cu″ ent(e) 2-91 翻 Φ MC34063A BLOCK DIAGRAM ■ HⅡ DEsCR=PT10Ⅱ s .卩 ■ , sC sE -Feedback cOmparatorinverting input PlN6∶ FB VCC PlN7∶ lPK -Highside Current sense input, ˉ16A sW"ch Co"ector PIN5∶ ˉDadington sw"ch emi饿 er PIN⒊ TC -0sciIlator uming capacitor PIN1∶ PIN2∶ PIN⒋ VCCˉ GND-POwer GND PlN8∶ ■ APPLIC^TIoⅡ 1Ⅱ N~t° t。 VovT +VF =300mV ˉ Rs o33/Iclsw叮 CH) ( ltON M枘 lc(swITcH)(t0N +toFF) 8VR PPLE(p Pf ~FMˉ 2I。 uT(MAx) ˉN lc(swITcH) N 4X10⒖ t。 N VN-VsAT Vs^t VlN(MlN)ˉ ~FMˉ Ct VOLTAGEˉ lNVERTING v1+许 Ⅳ° Vo∪ T +VF-VN(MlN) ˉ Vovt ~FMˉ +t。 FF)MAx 2-92 o 9 -Drive co"ector sTEPˉ uP ˉN FF VlN(MlN) ˉ VsAT L(MIN) DRl VlPκ FORMATIoⅡ DEslGN FORⅢ ULA TABLE CALCULATlON sTEPˉ DOWN Co -POwer supply input 4X105t。 N TlMAxl(芈 ‰ 4x10~st。 ) ‰ Ⅷ焖 (芈 o33`Ic(swlTC") (噼 ltONlM呐 lovt toN V网 PPLε e pl N ) o33/lclswlTCH) (噼 ltON M呐 lo∪ Tt。 N V曰 PPL曰 P Pl 翻 Φ VsAT VF MC34063A 〓saturation voltage ofthe output switch =FOn″ ard FMIN ˉMinimum desired output switching仃 equency voⅡ age drop ofthe ringback rectifler atthe selected va丨 ues for VlN and I。 uT ˉDesired chosen∶ peakˉ toˉ peak output ripple vo"age ln ρractice,the caIculated vaIue wⅡ 丨need to be ⅥN ˉNomina"nput vo"age series resistance and board Iayout The ripple V。 vT ˉDesired outρ ut vo"age, VRIPpLE(P~P) The fOIIOwing power suppIy characte"stics must be 〃 increased due to the capac"or equivalent ` ・ |vo州 l。 ■I vT voltage should be kept to a low value since it 〓 1⒛ (1+RB/RA) Wil丨 direCt丨 y efFect the Iine and load regulation ˉDesired output current ApPⅡ CATIoⅡ EXAMPLEs D1 ⊥ IN5821∶ DRl sC lPK sE VCC Tc c。 uF :[)47° Line Regulation 卫w=10v~⒛ v@l。 〓500mA 40mV LOad ReguIation V焖 〓 15V,@丨 。〓10mA~5oomA 5mV short Circu"Current VlN〓 15V,@RL〓 01Ω 13A Fig.1 steρ ˉ DOwn Conˇ erter } ` ˉ CT 1i^ c° △ 貊 .Fig。 亡 2 stepˉ Down Conve"er wkh External PNP saturation swkch 2-93 '〔 尸 's・ ¨ι ⒈ ˇ MC34063A APPLICATIoⅡ EXAMPLEs(CONTINUED) 〓 卩 , DRl sC PK 丨 sE VCC TC FB GND Line Regulation ⅥN〓 8V~16V@l。 〓200mA LOad ReguIation VlN〓 12V,@l。 〓80mA~200mA Fig,3 step~up Converter T 【r」 IPK sE ∞ 丿 T 洋〓—————△卜一亻 Q1 RB F∶ g。 2工 94 4 stepˉ Up Conˇ e"er with EXternal NPN swkch 100mV 5mV ・ ■I ^ 癫Φ 9囡 ⑩ Φ ■ APPⅡ CAT=oⅡ MC34063A HAMPLEslCONTlNuEDl /〓 DRI sE IPκ MC340saA 〓丶 sC ∶ T「 TC VCC GND FB ■ V"=45V~6V@l。 〓100mA ⅥN〓 5V,@)I。 〓10mA~100mA Line Regulation LOad ReguIation F∶ g。 100mV Co"ve"eΓ scsETcND DRI 5 1mˇ e"∶ ng 20mV lPκ VCC G FB 2-95