Features • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible • Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) • Low-voltage and Standard-voltage Operation • • • • • • • • – 2.7 (VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V) – 1.8 (VCC = 1.8V to 5.5V) 3 MHz Clock Rate 64-byte Page Mode and Byte Write Operation Block Write Protection – Protect 1/4, 1/2, or Entire Array Write Protect (WP) Pin and Write Disable Instructions for Both Hardware and Software Data Protection Self-timed Write Cycle (5 ms Typical) High-reliability – Endurance: 100,000 Write Cycles – Data Retention: >200 Years Automotive Grade and Extended Temperature Devices Available 8-lead PDIP, 8-lead EIAJ SOIC, 8-lead and 16-lead JEDEC SOIC, 14-lead and 20-lead TSSOP, 8-lead Leadless Array and 8-ball dBGA™ Packages Description The AT25128/256 provides 131,072/262,144 bits of serial electrically-erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 16,384/32,768 words of 8 bits each. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. The devices are available in space saving 8-lead PDIP (AT25128/256), 8-lead EIAJ SOIC (AT25128/256), 8-lead SPI Serial EEPROMs 128K (16,384 x 8) 256K (32,768 x 8) AT25128 AT25256 (continued) Pin Configurations Pin Name Function CS Chip Select SCK Serial Data Clock SI Serial Data Input SO Serial Data Output GND Ground VCC Power Supply WP Write Protect HOLD Suspends Serial Input NC No Connect DC Don't Connect 14-lead TSSOP CS SO NC NC NC WP GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 VCC HOLD NC NC NC SCK SI 8-ball dBGA VCC HOLD SCK SI 16-lead SOIC CS SO NC NC NC NC WP GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 7 2 6 3 5 4 20-lead TSSOP* CS SO WP GND NC CS SO SO NC NC WP GND DC NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8-lead Leadless Array VCC HOLD SCK SI Bottom View VCC HOLD NC NC NC NC SCK SI 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 CS SO WP GND Bottom View 8-lead PDIP CS SO WP GND NC VCC HOLD HOLD NC NC SCK SI DC NC 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 8-lead SOIC VCC HOLD SCK SI CS SO WP GND 1 2 3 4 *Note: Pins 3, 4 and 17, 18 are internally connected for 14-lead TSSOP socket compatibility. 8 7 6 5 VCC HOLD SCK SI Rev. 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 1 and 16-lead JEDEC SOIC (AT25128), 14-lead TSSOP (AT25128), 20-lead TSSOP (AT25128/256), 8-lead Leadless Array (AT25256), and 8-ball dBGA packages. In addition, the entire family is available in 2.7V (2.7V to 5.5V) and 1.8V (1.8V to 5.5V) versions. The AT25128/256 is enabled through the Chip Select pin (CS) and accessed via a 3-wire interface consisting of Serial Data Input (SI), Serial Data Output (SO), and Serial Clock (SCK). All programming cycles are completely self-timed, and no separate ERASE cycle is required before WRITE. BLOCK WRITE protection is enabled by programming the status register with top ¼, top ½ or entire array of write protection. Separate program enable and program disable instructions are provided for additional data protection. Hardware data protection is provided via the WP pin to protect against inadvertent write attempts to the status register. The HOLD pin may be used to suspend any serial communication without resetting the serial sequence. Absolute Maximum Ratings* Operating Temperature.................................. -55°C to +125°C *NOTICE: Storage Temperature ..................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .....................................-1.0V to +7.0V Maximum Operating Voltage .......................................... 6.25V Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC Output Current........................................................ 5.0 mA Block Diagram 16384/32768 x 8 2 AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 Pin Capacitance(1) Applicable over recommended operating range from TA = 25°C, f = 1.0 MHz, VCC = +5.0V (unless otherwise noted). Symbol Test Conditions COUT CIN Note: Max Units Conditions Output Capacitance (SO) 8 pF VOUT = 0V Input Capacitance (CS, SCK, SI, WP, HOLD) 6 pF VIN = 0V 1. This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested. DC Characteristics Applicable over recommended operating range from TAI = -40°C to +85°C, VCC = +1.8V to +5.5V, TAC = 0°C to +70°C, VCC = +1.8V to +5.5V(unless otherwise noted). Symbol Parameter VCC1 Supply Voltage VCC2 Max Units 1.8 3.6 V Supply Voltage 2.7 5.5 V VCC3 Supply Voltage 4.5 5.5 V ICC1 Supply Current VCC = 5.0V at 1 MHz, SO = Open, Read 2.0 3.0 mA ICC2 Supply Current VCC = 5.0V at 2 MHz, SO = Open, Read, Write 3.0 5.0 mA ISB1 Standby Current VCC = 1.8V, CS = VCC 0.1 2.0 µA ISB2 Standby Current VCC = 2.7V, CS = VCC 0.2 2.0 µA ISB3 Standby Current VCC = 5.0V, CS = VCC 2.0 5.0 µA IIL Input Leakage VIN = 0V to VCC -3.0 3.0 µA Output Leakage VIN = 0V to VCC, TAC = 0°C to 70°C -3.0 3.0 µA IOL VIL Test Condition Min Typ (1) Input Low-voltage -1.0 VCC x 0.3 V (1) Input High-voltage VCC x 0.7 VCC + 0.5 V 0.4 V VIH VOL1 Output Low-voltage VOH1 Output High-voltage VOL2 Output Low-voltage VOH2 Output High-voltage Note: 4.5 ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V 1.8V ≤ VCC ≤ 3.6V IOL = 3.0 mA IOH = -1.6 mA VCC - 0.8 IOL = 0.15 mA IOH = -100 µA V 0.2 VCC - 0.2 V V 1. VIL and VIH max are reference only and are not tested. 3 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AC Characteristics Applicable over recommended operating range from TA = -40°C to + 85°C, VCC = As Specified, CL = 1 TTL Gate and 100 pF (unless otherwise noted). Symbol Parameter Voltage Min Max Units fSCK SCK Clock Frequency 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 0 0 0 3.0 2.1 0.5 MHz tRI Input Rise Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 2 2 2 µs tFI Input Fall Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 2 2 2 µs tWH SCK High Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 150 200 800 ns tWL SCK Low Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 150 200 800 ns tCS CS High Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 250 250 1000 ns tCSS CS Setup Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 100 250 1000 ns tCSH CS Hold Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 150 250 1000 ns tSU Data In Setup Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 30 50 100 ns tH Data In Hold Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 50 50 100 ns tHD Hold Setup Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 100 100 400 ns tCD Hold Hold Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 200 300 400 ns tV Output Valid 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 0 0 0 tHO Output Hold Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 0 0 0 tLZ Hold to Output Low Z 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 0 0 0 4 150 200 800 ns ns 100 200 300 ns AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 AC Characteristics (Continued) Applicable over recommended operating range from TA = -40°C to + 85°C, VCC = As Specified, CL = 1 TTL Gate and 100 pF (unless otherwise noted). Symbol Parameter Voltage tHZ Hold to Output High Z tDIS tWC Endurance(1) Note: Max Units 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 100 200 300 ns Output Disable Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 200 250 1000 ns Write Cycle Time 4.5 - 5.5 2.7 - 5.5 1.8 - 5.5 5 10 10 ms 5.0V, 25°C, Page Mode Min 100K Write Cycles 1. This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested. Contact Atmel for further information. Serial Interface Description MASTER: The device that generates the serial clock. SLAVE: Because the Serial Clock pin (SCK) is always an input, the AT25128/256 always operates as a slave. TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER: The AT25128/256 has seperate pins designated for data transmission (SO) and reception (SI). MSB: The Most Significant Bit (MSB) is the first bit transmitted and received. SERIAL OP-CODE: After the device is selected with CS going low, the first byte will be received. This byte contains the op-code that defines the operations to be performed. INVALID OP-CODE: If an invalid op-code is received, no data will be shifted into the AT25128/256, and the serial output pin (SO) will remain in a high impedance state until the falling edge of CS is detected again. This will reinitialize the serial communication. CHIP SELECT: The AT25128/256 is selected when the CS pin is low. When the device is not selected, data will not be accepted via the SI pin, and the serial output pin (SO) will remain in a high impedance state. HOLD: The HOLD pin is used in conjunction with the CS pin to select the AT25128/256. When the device is selected and a serial sequence is underway, HOLD can be used to pause the serial communication with the master device without resetting the serial sequence. To pause, the HOLD pin must be brought low while the SCK pin is low. To resume serial communication, the HOLD pin is brought high while the SCK pin is low (SCK may still toggle during HOLD). Inputs to the SI pin will be ignored while the SO pin is in the high impedance state. WRITE PROTECT: The write protect pin (WP) will allow normal read/write operations when held high. When the WP pin is brought low and WPEN bit is “1”, all write operations to the status register are inhibited. WP going low while CS is still low will interrupt a write to the status register. If the internal write cycle has already been initiated, WP going low will have no effect on any write operation to the status register. The WP pin function is blocked when the WPEN bit in the status register is “0”. This will allow the user to install the AT25128/256 in a system with the WP pin tied to ground and still be able to write to the status register. All WP pin functions are enabled when the WPEN bit is set to “1”. 5 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 SPI Serial Interface AT25128/256 Functional Description The AT25128/256 is designed to interface directly with the synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI) of the 6800 type series of microcontrollers. The AT25128/256 utilizes an 8-bit instruction register. The list of instructions and their operation codes are contained in Table 1. All instructions, addresses, and data are transferred with the MSB first and start with a high-to-low CS transition.. Table 1. Instruction Set for the AT25128/256 6 Instruction Name Instruction Format Operation WREN 0000 X110 Set Write Enable Latch WRDI 0000 X100 Reset Write Enable Latch RDSR 0000 X101 Read Status Register WRSR 0000 X001 Write Status Register READ 0000 X011 Read Data from Memory Array WRITE 0000 X010 Write Data to Memory Array AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 WRITE ENABLE (WREN): The device will power-up in the write disable state when VCC is applied. All programming instructions must therefore be preceded by a Write Enable instruction. WRITE DISABLE (WRDI): To protect the device against inadvertent writes, the Write Disable instruction disables all programming modes. The WRDI instruction is independent of the status of the WP pin. READ STATUS REGISTER (RDSR): The Read Status Register instruction provides access to the status register. The READY/BUSY and Write Enable status of the device can be determined by the RDSR instruction. Similarly, the Block Write Protection bits indicate the extent of protection employed. These bits are set by using the WRSR instruction. Table 2. Status Register Format Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 WPEN X X X BP1 BP0 WEN RDY Table 3. Read Status Register Bit Definition Bit Definition Bit 0 (RDY) Bit 0 = 0 (RDY) indicates the device is READY. Bit 0 = 1 indicates the write cycle is in progress. Bit 1 (WEN) Bit 1 = 0 indicates the device is not WRITE ENABLED. Bit 1 = 1 indicates the device is WRITE ENABLED. Bit 2 (BP0) See Table 4. Bit 3 (BP1) See Table 4. Bits 4 - 6 are 0s when device is not in an internal write cycle. Bit 7 (WPEN) See Table 5. Bits 0 - 7 are 1s during an internal write cycle. WRITE STATUS REGISTER (WRSR): The WRSR instruction allows the user to select one of four levels of protection. The AT25128/256 is divided into four array segments. Top quarter (1/4), top half (1/2), or all of the memory segments can be protected. Any of the data within any selected segment will therefore be READ only. The block write protection levels and corresponding status register control bits are shown in Table 4. The three bits, BP0, BP1, and WPEN are nonvolatile cells that have the same properties and functions as the regular memory cells (e.g. WREN, tWC, RDSR). Table 4. Block Write Protect Bits Status Register Bits Array Addresses Protected Level BP1 BP0 AT25128 AT25256 0 0 0 None None 1(1/4) 0 1 3000 - 3FFF 6000 - 7FFF 2(1/2) 1 0 2000 - 3FFF 4000 - 7FFF 3(All) 1 1 0000 - 3FFF 0000 - 7FFF 7 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 The WRSR instruction also allows the user to enable or disable the write protect (WP) pin through the use of the Write Protect Enable (WPEN) bit. Hardware write protection is enabled when the WP pin is low and the WPEN bit is “1”. Hardware write protection is disabled when either the WP pin is high or the WPEN bit is “0.” When the device is hardware write protected, writes to the Status Register, including the Block Protect bits and the WPEN bit, and the block-protected sections in the memory array are disabled. Writes are only allowed to sections of the memory which are not block-protected. NOTE: When the WPEN bit is hardware write protected, it cannot be changed back to “0”, as long as the WP pin is held low. Table 5. WPEN Operation WPEN WP WEN Protected Blocks Unprotected Blocks Status Register 0 X 0 Protected Protected Protected 0 X 1 Protected Writable Writable 1 Low 0 Protected Protected Protected 1 Low 1 Protected Writable Protected X High 0 Protected Protected Protected X High 1 Protected Writable Writable READ SEQUENCE (READ): Reading the AT25128/256 via the SO (Serial Output) pin requires the following sequence. After the CS line is pulled low to select a device, the READ op-code is transmitted via the SI line followed by the byte address to be read (Refer to Table 6). Upon completion, any data on the SI line will be ignored. The data (D7 - D0) at the specified address is then shifted out onto the SO line. If only one byte is to be read, the CS line should be driven high after the data comes out. The READ sequence can be continued since the byte address is automatically incremented and data will continue to be shifted out. When the highest address is reached, the address counter will roll over to the lowest address allowing the entire memory to be read in one continuous READ cycle. WRITE SEQUENCE (WRITE): In order to program the AT25128/256, two separate instructions must be executed. First, the device must be write enabled via the Write Enable (WREN) Instruction. Then a Write (WRITE) Instruction may be executed. Also, the address of the memory location(s) to be programmed must be outside the protected address field location selected by the Block Write Protection Level. During an internal write cycle, all commands will be ignored except the RDSR instruction. A Write Instruction requires the following sequence. After the CS line is pulled low to select the device, the WRITE op-code is transmitted via the SI line followed by the byte address and the data (D7 - D0) to be programmed (Refer to Table 6). Programming will start after the CS pin is brought high. (The LOW-to-High transition of the CS pin must occur during the SCK low time immediately after clocking in the D0 (LSB) data bit. The READY/BUSY status of the device can be determined by initiating a READ STATUS REGISTER (RDSR) Instruction. If Bit 0 = 1, the WRITE cycle is still in progress. If Bit 0 = 0, the WRITE cycle has ended. Only the READ STATUS REGISTER instruction is enabled during the WRITE programming cycle. 8 AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 The AT25128/256 is capable of a 64-byte PAGE WRITE operation. After each byte of data is received, the six low order address bits are internally incremented by one; the high order bits of the address will remain constant. If more than 64 bytes of data are transmitted, the address counter will roll over and the previously written data will be overwritten. The AT25128/256 is automatically returned to the write disable state at the completion of a WRITE cycle. NOTE: If the device is not Write enabled (WREN), the device will ignore the Write instruction and will return to the standby state, when CS is brought high. A new CS falling edge is required to re-initiate the serial communication. Table 6. Address Key Address AT25128 AT25256 AN A13 - A0 A14 - A0 Don’t Care Bits A15 - A14 A15 9 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 Timing Diagrams (for SPI Mode 0 (0, 0)) Synchronous Data Timing t CS VIH CS VIL t CSH t CSS VIH t WH SCK t WL VIL tH t SU VIH SI VALID IN VIL tV VOH SO HI-Z t HO t DIS HI-Z VOL WREN Timing WRDI Timing 10 AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 RDSR Timing CS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 6 5 11 12 13 14 2 1 SCK SI SO INSTRUCTION HIGH IMPEDANCE DATA OUT 4 3 0 MSB WRSR Timing READ Timing 11 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 WRITE Timing HOLD Timing CS tCD tCD SCK tHD tHD HOLD tHZ SO tLZ 12 AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 AT25128 Ordering Information Ordering Code Package AT25128-10PI-2.7 AT25128N-10SI-2.7 AT25128W-10SI-2.7 AT25128-10UI-2.7 AT25128N1-10SI-2.7 AT25128T1-10TI-2.7 8P3 8S1 8S2 8U4 16S1 14A2 Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT25128-10PI-1.8 AT25128N-10SI-1.8 AT25128W-10SI-1.8 AT25128-10UI-1.8 AT25128N1-10SI-1.8 AT25128T1-10TI-1.8 8P3 8S1 8S2 8U4 16S1 14A2 Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT25128N-10SE-2.7 8S1 High Grade/Extended Temperature (-40°C to 125°C) Note: Operation Range For 2.7V devices used in the 4.5V to 5.5V range, please refer to performance values in the AC and DC Characteristics tables. Package Type 8P3 8-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual In-line Package (PDIP) 8S1 8-lead, 0.150" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline Package (JEDEC SOIC) 8S2 8-lead, 0.200" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline Package (EIAJ SOIC) 8U4 8-ball, die Ball Grid Array Package (dBGA) 16S1 16-lead, 0.150" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline Package (JEDEC SOIC) 14A2 14-lead, 0.170" Wide, Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP) Options -2.7 Low-voltage (2.7V to 5.5V) -1.8 Low-voltage (1.8V to 5.5V) 13 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25256 Ordering Information Ordering Code Package AT25256-10PI-2.7 AT25256W-10SI-2.7 AT25256-10CI-2.7 AT25256-10UI-2.7 AT25256T2-10TI-2.7 8P3 8S2 8CN3 8U3 20A2 Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT25256-10PI-1.8 AT25256W-10SI-1.8 AT25256-10CI-1.8 AT25256-10UI-1.8 AT25256T2-10TI-1.8 8P3 8S2 8CN3 8U3 20A2 Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT25256W-10SE-2.7 8S2 Note: Operation Range High Grade/Extended Temperature (-40°C to 125°C) For 2.7V devices used in the 4.5V to 5.5V range, please refer to performance values in the AC and DC Characteristics tables. Package Type 8P3 8-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual In-line Package (PDIP) 8S2 8-lead, 0.200" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline Package (EIAJ SOIC) 8CN3 8-lead, 0.230" Wide, Leadless Array Package (LAP) 8U3 8-ball, die Ball Grid Array Package (dBGA) 20A2 20-lead, 0.170" Wide, Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP) Options -2.7 Low-voltage (2.7V to 5.5V) -1.8 Low-voltage (1.8V to 5.5V) 14 AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 Packaging Information 8P3 – PDIP E 1 E1 N Top View c eA End View COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = inches) D e D1 A2 A MIN NOM A2 0.115 0.130 0.195 b 0.014 0.018 0.022 5 b2 0.045 0.060 0.070 6 b3 0.030 0.039 0.045 6 c 0.008 0.010 0.014 D 0.355 0.365 0.400 SYMBOL A b2 b3 b 4 PLCS Side View L 0.210 NOTE 2 3 D1 0.005 E 0.300 0.310 0.325 4 E1 0.240 0.250 0.280 3 3 e 0.100 BSC eA 0.300 BSC L Notes: MAX 0.115 0.130 4 0.150 2 1. This drawing is for general information only; refer to JEDEC Drawing MS-001, Variation BA for additional information. 2. Dimensions A and L are measured with the package seated in JEDEC seating plane Gauge GS-3. 3. D, D1 and E1 dimensions do not include mold Flash or protrusions. Mold Flash or protrusions shall not exceed 0.010 inch. 4. E and eA measured with the leads constrained to be perpendicular to datum. 5. Pointed or rounded lead tips are preferred to ease insertion. 6. b2 and b3 maximum dimensions do not include Dambar protrusions. Dambar protrusions shall not exceed 0.010 (0.25 mm). 01/09/02 R 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 8P3, 8-lead, 0.300" Wide Body, Plastic Dual In-line Package (PDIP) DRAWING NO. REV. 8P3 B 15 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 8S1 – JEDEC SOIC 3 2 1 H N Top View e B A D COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Side View A2 C L SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX A – – 1.75 B – – 0.51 C – – 0.25 D – – 5.00 E – – 4.00 e E End View NOTE 1.27 BSC H – – 6.20 L – – 1.27 Note: This drawing is for general information only. Refer to JEDEC Drawing MS-012 for proper dimensions, tolerances, datums, etc. 10/10/01 R 16 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 8S1, 8-lead (0.150" Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC) DRAWING NO. REV. 8S1 A AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 8S2 – EIAJ SOIC 1 H N Top View e b A D COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Side View SYMBOL C A1 L E End View NOM MAX NOTE A 1.78 2.03 A1 0.05 0.33 b 0.35 0.51 5 C 0.18 0.25 5 D 5.13 5.38 E 5.13 5.41 H 7.62 8.38 L 0.51 e Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MIN 2, 3 0.89 1.27 BSC 4 This drawing is for general information only; refer to EIAJ Drawing EDR-7320 for additional information. Mismatch of the upper and lower dies and resin burrs aren't included. It is recommended that upper and lower cavities be equal. If they are different, the larger dimension shall be regarded. Determines the true geometric position. Values b,C apply to pb/Sn solder plated terminal. The standard thickness of the solder layer shall be 0.010 +0.010/-0.005 mm. 5/2/02 R 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 8S2, 8-lead, 0.209" Body, Plastic Small Outline Package (EIAJ) DRAWING NO. 8S2 REV. B 17 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 8CN3 – LAP Marked Pin1 Indentifier E A A1 D Top View Side View Pin1 Corner L1 0.10 mm TYP 8 1 e 7 COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) 2 3 6 b 5 4 e1 L Bottom View SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX A 0.94 1.04 1.14 A1 0.30 0.34 0.38 b 0.36 0.41 0.46 D 5.89 5.99 6.09 E 4.83 4.93 5.03 e 1.27 BSC e1 0.56 REF NOTE 1 L 0.62 0.67 0.72 1 L1 0.92 0.97 1.02 1 Note: 1. Metal Pad Dimensions. 11/14/01 R 18 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 8CN3, 8-lead, (6 x 5 x 1.04 mm Body), Lead Pitch 1.27 mm, Leadless Array Package (LAP) DRAWING NO. 8CN3 REV. A AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 8U3 – dBGA E Pin 1 Mark this corner D Top View - Z - 7 2 COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Øb 0 . 1 5 M Z 0 . 0 8 M Z X Y # 1 # 8 SYMBOL MIN NOM D 3 # 6 d D1 E1 3.86 D1 0.81 TYP E 4 NOTE 2.95 # 5 MAX e Bottom View A2 A A1 Side View E1 1.10 TYP e 0.75 TYP d 0.75 TYP A 0.90 REF A1 0.49 0.52 0.55 A2 0.35 0.38 0.41 Øb 0.47 0.50 0.53 Notes: 1. This drawing is for general information only. No JEDEC Drawing to refer to for additional information. 2. Dimension is measured at the maximum solder ball diameter, parallel to primary datum Z. 01/09/02 R 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 8U3, 8-ball 0.75 pitch, Die Ball Grid Array Package (dBGA) AT25256 (AT19874) DRAWING NO. 8U3 REV. A 19 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 8U4 – dBGA E Pin 1 Mark this corner D Top View - Z - 7 2 COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Øb 0 . 1 5 M Z 0 . 0 8 M Z X Y # 1 # 8 SYMBOL MIN NOM D 3 # 6 d D1 e E1 3.73 D1 0.74 TYP E 4 A2 A A1 Bottom View Side View 2.21 E1 0.73 TYP e 0.75 TYP d 0.75 TYP A 0.90 REF A1 0.49 0.52 0.55 A2 0.35 0.38 0.41 Øb 0.47 0.50 0.53 Notes: 1. This drawing is for general information only. No JEDEC Drawing to refer to for additional information. 2. Dimension is measured at the maximum solder ball diameter, parallel to primary datum Z. TITLE R 20 NOTE # 5 MAX 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 01/09/02 DRAWING NO. 8U4, 8-ball 0.75 pitch, Die Ball Grid Array Package (dBGA) AT25128 (AT19875) 8U4 REV. A AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 16S1 – JEDEC SOIC 2 3 1 H N Top View e B A D COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Side View SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX A 1.35 – 1.75 B 0.33 – 0.51 C 0.19 – 0.25 A2 C L End View 5 D 9.80 – 10.00 2 E 3.80 – 4.00 3 4 e E NOTE 1.27 BSC H 5.80 – 6.20 L 0.40 – 1.27 Notes: 1. This drawing is for general information only; refer to JEDEC Drawing MS-012 for proper dimensions, tolerances, datums, etc. 2. Dimension D does not include mold Flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold Flash, protrusions and gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 in) per side. 3. Dimension E does not include inter-lead Flash or protrusions. Inter-lead Flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010 in) per side. 4. L is the length of terminal for soldering to a substrate. 5. The lead width B, as measured 0.36 mm (0.014 in) or greater above the seating plane, shall not exceed a maximum value of 0.61 mm (0.024 in). 10/15/01 R 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 16S1, 16-lead, 0.150" Body, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (SOIC ) DRAWING NO. REV. 16S1 A 21 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 14A2 – TSSOP b L L1 E1 E End View e COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Top View SYMBOL D D A MIN 4.90 E A2 E1 NOM MAX 5.00 5.10 2, 5 4.50 3, 5 6.40 BSC 4.30 4.40 A 1.20 A2 0.80 b 0.19 e Side View L L1 Notes: R 22 1.00 TITLE 14A2,14-lead (4.4 x 5 mm Body), 0.65 Pitch, Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP) 1.05 0.30 4 0.65 BSC 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00 REF 1. This drawing is for general information only. Please refer to JEDEC Drawing MO-153, Variation AB-1 for additional information. 2. Dimension "D" does not include mold Flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold Flash, protrusions and gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 in) per side. 3. Dimension "E1" does not include inter-lead Flash or protrusions. Inter-lead Flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010 in) per side. 4. Dimension "b" does not include Dambar protrusion. Allowable Dambar protrusion shall be 0.08 mm total in excess of the "b" dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius of the foot. Minimum space between protrusion and adjacent lead is 0.07 mm. 5. Dimension "D" and "E1" to be determined at Datum Plane H. 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 NOTE 12/28/01 DRAWING NO. 14A2 REV. A AT25128/256 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 AT25128/256 20A2 – TSSOP b L L1 E E1 End View e COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure = mm) Top View SYMBOL D D A A2 MIN NOM MAX NOTE 6.40 6.50 6.60 2, 5 4.40 4.50 3, 5 E E1 6.40 BSC 4.30 A – – 1.20 A2 0.80 1.00 1.05 b 0.19 – 0.30 e Side View L L1 Notes: 4 0.65 BSC 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00 REF 1. This drawing is for general information only. Please refer to JEDEC Drawing MO-153, Variation AC, for additional information. 2. Dimension D does not include mold Flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold Flash, protrusions and gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 in) per side. 3. Dimension E1 does not include inter-lead Flash or protrusions. Inter-lead Flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010 in) per side. 4. Dimension b does not include Dambar protrusion. Allowable Dambar protrusion shall be 0.08 mm total in excess of the b dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius of the foot. Minimum space between protrusion and adjacent lead is 0.07 mm. 5. Dimension D and E1 to be determined at Datum Plane H. 6/3/02 R 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TITLE 20A2, 20-lead (4.4 x 6.5 mm Body), 0.65 pitch, Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP) DRAWING NO. 20A2 REV. C 23 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 487-2600 Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany TEL (49) 71-31-67-0 FAX (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France TEL (33) 2-40-18-18-18 FAX (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL 1(719) 576-3300 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High Speed Converters/RF Datacom Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-76-58-30-00 FAX (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-42-53-60-00 FAX (33) 4-42-53-60-01 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL 1(719) 576-3300 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland TEL (44) 1355-803-000 FAX (44) 1355-242-743 e-mail literature@atmel.com Web Site http://www.atmel.com © Atmel Corporation 2002. Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company’s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel’s Terms and Conditions located on the Company’s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. ATMEL ® is the registered trademark of Atmel; dBGA ™ is the trademark of Atmel. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 0872K–SEEPR–11/02 xM