01W020A Power controller+4-channel PWM driver for portable CD BH6570KV Features 1) Low power consumption 2) Low ON resistance 3) VQFP48C package <Power control> - Step-up DC/DC converter for micro controller - Main step-up/step-down DC/DC converter - Sub step-up DC/DC converter - VG step-up circuit for power MOS driving - Built-in ripple filter - Built-in series regulator circuit <Driver> - Built-in 4-channel H bridge driver using power MOS - Digital input available - Direct PWM driving 24 48 13 1.4±0.1 0.1 1 0.5 12 0.5 9.0±0.3 7.0±0.2 Description Dimension (Units : mm) BH6570KV incorporates 4-channel DC/DC converter, 1-channel series regulator and 4-channel PWM drivers on a single chip for a portable CD. Four lines for external power supply are able to drive efficiently and to reduce 9.0±0.3 7.0±0.2 power consumption in the set. In addition, due to the small 36 25 VQFP48C package, the size of the set can be reduced. 37 0.125±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.1 VQFP48C Applications Portable CD Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Symbol Limits Unit Batterysupplyvoltage PVcc1 7 V Systemsupplyvoltage SVCC 7 V ACadaptervoltage PVcc2 Powerdissipation Pd Parameter Operatingtemperaturerange Topr 7 1180 * –30 ~ V +85 Storagetemperaturerange –55 ~ +150 Tstg *Derating : 9.5mW/°C for operation above Ta=25°C *PCB (70mmx70mm, t=1.6mm) glass epoxy mounting. mW °C °C Recommended Operating Conditions (Ta=25°C) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Batterysupplyvoltage PVcc1 1.5 2.4 4.5 V Systemsupplyvoltage AC adaptersup plyvoltage Ambenienttemperature SVcc PVcc2 Ta 2.0 2.0 –10 2.5 4.5 25 4.5 6.5 70 V V °C May, 2001 Electrical characteristics (Unless otherwise noted; PVcc1=2.4V, SVcc=VMC=2.5V, VSUB=3.1V, VG=6V) Parameter <Whole circuit> Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit IPVCC1 — 1.8 2.7 mA RON — 1.8 2.8 2.50 2.57 V VCNT=0V 3.1 3.3 V VCNT=2.5V 2.4 2.6 2.8 V LMC=2.3V, VMC=2.3®3V sweep 5.1 6 6.9 V VLG=5V, VG=5®7V sweep VRF 170 205 240 mV Regulator output voltage 1 VREG1 3.6 3.9 4.2 V PVcc1=OPEN, PVcc2=6V, VCNT=2.5V Regulator output voltage 2 VREG2 2.7 2.9 3.1 V PVcc1=OPEN, PVcc2=6V, VCNT=0V PVCC1 current consumption Conditions <H bridge driver> Output ON resistance Sum of ON resistance (top+bottom) <Power> SVCC pin threshold voltage 1 SVCCTH1 2.43 SVCC pin threshold voltage 2 SVCCTH2 2.9 <Power supply for micro controller> VVMCTH VMC pin threshold voltage <Starter circuit> VVGTH VG pin threshold voltage <Ripple filter> Voltage between AVCC-VSUB IAVCC=5mA <Regulator circuit> Application Circuit SPINDLE TRAVERSE M M TRACKING FOCUS PVcc AD_PVcc 34 R 37 SOFT START 0.1µ R F F 28 R 27 26 25 F HBRIDGE 4 HBRIDGE 3 HBRIDGE 2 HBRIDGE 1 PRE DRIVE4 PRE DRIVE3 PRE DRIVE2 PRE DRIVE1 SHORT PROTECT PVcc/2 MONITOR OSC 39 470p 29 30 LOGIC 2 38 1µ R F 31 32 33 LOGIC 1 35 36 CT 40 TEST LOGIC 3 42 TEST EI 44 EO 45 LOGIC 4 43 FE(R) 23 FE(F) R 22 TE(R) 21 TE(F) F DSP F START/OFF 41 R 24 ERROR AMP R 20 TRV(R) 19 TRV(F) 18 SP(signal) F S SP(polarity) P 17 CRP 16 10µ CLK VCNT 48 10µ VMC 47 UP CON VG VG 1 2 AVcc 3 10µ 5 4 47µ 6 330 µH 7 reg 13 PVcc1 8 9 10 11 12 10µ VMC 100 µH SVcc VSUB CLK 15 TEST 14 UP/DOWN CONVERTER SUB UP RIPPLE FILTER CONVERTER PVcc2 46 VCNT VSUB 330 µH 100µH AVcc SVcc 47µ 47µ