QS011 - MachXO2 Pico Development Kit QuickSTART Guide

MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
This document provides a brief introduction and instructions to install and run the
MachXO2™ Pico Development Kit on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000. Please refer to the
complete documentation at www.latticesemi.com/mxo2-pico-kit.
Check Kit Contents
The MachXO2 Pico Development Kit
includes the following items:
• MachXO2 Pico Evaluation Board preloaded with the Environment Scanning
SoC Demo
• USB cable
• QuickSTART Guide
Note: Detailed information is provided in
the MachXO2 Pico Development Kit User’s
Guide at www.latticesemi.com/mxo2-pico-kit.
Storage and Handling Tips:
Static electricity can shorten the lifespan
of electronic components. Please observe
these tips to prevent damage that could
occur from electro-static discharge:
• Use anti-static precautions such as operating on an anti-static mat and wearing
an anti-static wristband.
• Store the MachXO2 Pico Evaluation Board in the anti-static bag provided.
• Touch the metal USB housing to equalize voltage potential between you and the
Download Windows Hardware Drivers
Before you begin, you will need to obtain the necessary hardware drivers for
Windows from the Lattice web site.
Browse to www.latticesemi.com/mxo2-pico-kit and locate the hardware device drivers
for the USB interface.
Download the ZIP file to your system and unzip it to a location on your PC.
Linux Support:
The USB interface drivers for the evaluation board are included in Linux kernel v.2.4.20
or later, including distributions compatible with Lattice Diamond® 1.2 (or later) and
ispLEVER® 8.1 SP1 (Red Hat Enterprise v.3, v.4 or Novell SUSE Enterprise v.10).
MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
Assemble and Connect to the MachXO2 Pico Evaluation Board
In this step, power the board and connect it to your PC using the USB cable provided.
a. Connect the USB cable provided from a USB port on your PC to the board’s
USB interface socket on the bottom of the board as shown in the layout diagram
MachXO2 Pico Evaluation Board Layout Diagram
Touch Sense
SPI Flash
Coin Battery
b. If you are prompted “Windows may connect to Windows Update” select No, not
this time from available options and click Next to proceed with the installation.
Choose the Install from specific location (Advanced) option and click Next.
c. Select Search for the best driver in these locations and click the Browse
button to navigate to the Windows driver folder created in Step 2 of this
QuickSTART Guide. Select the CDM 2.04.06 WHQL Certified folder and click
d. Click Next. A screen will display as Windows copies the required driver files.
Windows will display a message indicating that the installation was successful.
e. Click Finish to install the USB driver.
MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
Set Up a Terminal Program
You will use a terminal program to
communicate with the evaluation
board. The following instructions
describe the Windows HyperTerminal
program which is found on most
Windows PCs. You may use another
terminal program but setup will be
different. Note that Windows 7 does not
include HyperTerminal. Tera Term has
been verified to work with Windows 7.
For Linux, Minicom is a good alternative.
Note: This step uses the procedure
for Windows XP users. Steps may
vary slightly if using another Windows
a. From the Start menu, select Control Panel > System. The “System Properties”
dialog appears.
b. Select the Hardware tab and click Device Manager. The “Device Manager”
dialog appears.
c. Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) entry and note the COM port number for the
USB Serial Port.
d. From the Start menu, select Programs > Accessories > Communications >
HyperTerminal. The HyperTerminal application and a “Connection Description”
dialog appear.
e. Specify a Name and Icon for the new connection. Click OK. The “Connect To”
dialog appears.
f. Select the COM port identified in step c from the Connect using: list. Click OK.
g. The “COMn Properties” dialog appears where n is the COM port selected from
the list.
h. Select the following Port Settings and click OK:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
The HyperTerminal window appears.
MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
Running the Environment
Scanning SoC Demo
In the terminal window, press ‘m’ on
the keyboard to display the menu. The
Environment Scanning Demo main
menu appears in HyperTerminal.
Note: Press ‘m’ to redisplay the menu
if it scrolls off the screen. Refer to the
MachXO2 Pico Development Kit User’s
Guide for main menu command usage.
If the board goes into the ultra low
power standby mode, press the push-button to bring the device into the active mode.
In the terminal window, press ‘l’ (lower case ‘L’ character). Icc is written into page 0,
Icco is written into page 1, and temperature is written into pages 2 and 3 of the SPI
Flash device on the board. Repeat logging a few more times.
In the terminal window, press ‘d’. The first logged Icc (from page 0), Icco (from page
1) and temperature (from pages 2 and 3) data is read from the SPI Flash device and
displayed on the HyperTerminal. You can display additionally logged data points until a
“No More Data” message is displayed.
To display the logged data again, press ‘c’. This will clear the page address pointers
and data will be read beginning with page 0 of the SPI Flash.
Press ‘e’ to erase the contents of the SPI Flash device.
Congratulations! You have successfully connected and demonstrated the MachXO2
Pico Development Kit. Please refer to the MachXO2 Pico Development Kit User’s
Guide available on the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com/mxo2-pico-kit for the
Running advanced demos
Details on additional evaluation board features and operation
Programming the MachXO2 Pico Evaluation Board with the USB cable
Modifying and generating the demo bitstreams from the Diamond project source
• Schematics
MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
Technical Support
[email protected]
Copyright © 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation. Lattice Semiconductor, L (stylized) Lattice Semiconductor
Corp., Lattice (design), ispLEVER, Lattice Diamond and MachXO2 are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product names used in this
publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
February 2012