MOSFET MODULE FCA50CC50 UL;E76102 (M) FCA50CC50 is a dual power MOSFET module designed for fast swiching applications of high voltage and current.(2 devices are serial connected with a fast recovery diode (trr≦100ns)reverse connected across each MOSFET.) The mounting base of the module is electrically isolated from semiconductor elements for simple heatsink construction. 17 3 23 30max D2 S1 q S2 w 31max TAB=110(T0.5) (Applications) UPS (CVCF) , Motor Control, Switching Power Supply, etc. NAME PLATE i G2 u S2 e D1 y S1 t G1 ■Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Item Symbol 4 2 23 56 1 Ratings Conditions Unit FCA50CC50 VDSS Drain-Source Voltage 500 V VGSS Gate-Source Voltage ±20 V ID DC IDP Drain Current -ID Source Current PT Total Power Dissipation Tj Channel Temperature Tstg Storage Temperature VISO Isolation Voltage(R.M.S.) Mounting Torque Duty 55% 50 Pulse A 100 50 A 330 W −40 to +150 ℃ −40 to +125 ℃ 2500 V Tc=25℃ A.C. 1minute Mounting(M6) Recommended Value 2.5-3.9(25-40) 4.7(48) Terminal(M5) Recommended Value 1.5-2.5(15-25) 2.7(28) N・m (kgf・B) 240 g Mass Typical Value ■Electrical Charactistics Symbol (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Item Conditions Ratings Min. IGSS Gate Leakage Current VGS=±20V,VDS=0V IDSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VGS=0V,VDS=500V (BR) DSS V Darin-Source Breakdown Voltage VGS=0V,ID=1mA 500 VGS(th) Gate-Source Threshold Voltage VDS=VGS,ID=10mA 1.0 RDS(on) Drain-Source On-State Resistance VDS(on) Drain-Source On-State Voltage Typ. Max. Unit ±1.0 μA 1.0 mA V 5.0 V ID=25A,VGS=15V 140 mΩ ID=25A,VGS=15V 3.5 V gfs Forward Transconductance VDS=10V,ID=25A Ciss Input Capacitance VGS=0V,VDS=25V,f=1.0MHz 10000 pF Coss Output Capacitance VGS=0V,VDS=25V,f=1.0MHz 1900 pF Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance VGS=0V,VDS=25V,f=1.0MHz 750 pF td(on) tr td (off) tf Turn-on Delay Time Switching Time 35±0.6 VDSS=500V ● Suitable for high speed switching applications. ● Low ON resistance. ● Wide Safe Operating Areas. ● trr≦100ns fast recovery diode for free wheel. 78 2・φ6.5 ● ID=50A, 4 107.5±0.6 93±0.3 3ーM5 Rise Time Turn-off Delay Time S 60 VDD=300V,VGS=15V ID=25A,RG=5Ω Fall Time 100 ns 520 140 VSDS Diode Forward Voltage IS=25A,VGS=0V trr Reverse Recovery Time IS=25A,VGS=−5V,di/dt=100A/μs Rth(j-c) Thermal Resistance 30 80 2.0 V 100 ns MOSFET 0.38 Diode 1.67 ℃/W SanRex 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: FCA50CC50 Output Characteristics(Typical) Forward Transfer Characteristics(Typical) 100 50 Tj=25℃ VDS 10V Pulse Test 15V 10V 8V 6V 60 5V 40 VGs=4V 40 Drain Current ID(A) Drain Current ID(A) Pulse Test 80 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 0 10 3 25℃ 20 Typical VDS 25V Pulse Test 10 5 2 2 5 10 20 50 100 Drain CurrentID (A) 10000 Drain-Source On-State Resistance RDS (on) (Ω) Forward Transconductance gf s (S) Forward Transconductance Vs. Drain Current Tj 4 5 6 Gate-Source Voltage VGS (V) Drain-Source Voltage VDS (V) 50 25℃ Tj 20 Drain-Source On-State Resistance Vs. Drain Current 0. 3 Pulse Test Typical 0. 2 Tj 100℃ Tj 25℃ 0. 1 Tj 0 0 25 25℃ 50 75 100 125 150 (A) Drain CurrentID Input Capacitance, Output Capacitance, Reverse Transfer Capacitance(Typical) Safe Operating Area 2 Ciss VGs 0V f 1MHz Tj 25℃ 1000 Coss Crss Drain Current ID(A) Capacitance C (PF) 102 40 80 120 160 Drain-Source Voltage VDS (V) SanRex 200 240 10μ s 100μ s 1m s Pw Pw 2 Pw 101 D.C . 5 10m s 2 100 5 100 0 Pw 5 2 Tc 25℃ Non-Repetitive 5 101 2 5 102 2 5 103 Drain-Source Voltage VDS (V) ® 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: Forward Voltage of Free Wheeling Diode 80 Typical VGs 0V Pulse Test 60 Tj Reverse Recovery CurrentI r r (A) Source Current -IS (A) 100 25℃ 40 Tj 125℃ 20 0 0 0. 5 1. 0 1. 5 2. 0 40 20 lrr 2 10-1 50μsec-10sec 5 2 Timet (sec) SanRex 5m 10m 20m 50m 5 10 Thermal Impedance θ j-c (℃/W) Thermal Impedance θ j-c (℃/W) Max. 2m 2 50 lrr 5 25℃ 150℃ 5 10 50 20 20 100 (A) Source Current -IS 50msec-10sec 10-2 50μ100μ200μ 500μ 1m 50m100m200m 500m 1 100 trr Transient Thermal Impedance(MOSFET) 5 200 trr 10 Drain-Source Voltage VSDS (V) 10 400 Typical dis/dt 100A/μs VGS ー5V 2 2. 5 Reverse Recovery Characteristics 5 Transient Thermal Impedance(DIODE) Max. 2 50msec-10sec 100 5 1msec-50msec 2 10-1 5 1m 50m100m200m 500m 1 2m 2 5m 10m 20m 50m 5 10 Timet (sec) ® 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: Reverse Recovery Time tr r (ns) FCA50CC50