May 2002 KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2 16 LED CHASER LIGHT Page 1 of 9 General Description Operating Ratings The KLS2 Chaser Light is available in Red, Green, Amber, Blue and White using 5mm T1 ¾ LED’s. A length of wire is attached to the light for ease of installation. The lights can be used as it stands or other modules can be daisy chained to make a longer light effect. Voltage Input Temerature 6-12V -10C to +70c Supply current <100mA Features c ? Fading trail effect ? Refresh rates in excess of 8000Hz ? Can be configured for external inputs Configuration Options KLS2c-xx-yy Applications ? Automotive Security Light for the dash. ? Decorative Light for a PC Colour r = g = b = a = w = Red Green Blue Amber White xx Noise Suppression Option IMU = Supression Fitted PC = No Supression Fitted yy How the LED’s are mounted <none> = Monted on edge t = Monted on Top b = Monted on Bottom w = 16 inch wires. Wiring Diagram The KLS2 Chaser Light comes with 80cm or more of both Yellow and black wire, soldered to the light at one end and the other end is bare tinned wire. 0V +V C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-PC 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 2 to 9 Mechanical Diagram This model of the scanner light is ideal for a home computer or anywhere where there is a 12V or 9V DC power available. LED’s mounted on the edge of the board. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-PC-T 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 3 to 9 Mechanical Diagram This model of the scanner light is ideal for a home computer or anywhere where there is a 12V or 9V DC power available. LED’s mounted on the same side as the other components. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-PC-B 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 4 to 9 Mechanical Diagram This model of the scanner light is ideal for a home computer or anywhere where there is a 12V or 9V DC power available. LED’s mounted on the back of the circuit. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-IMU 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 5 to 9 Mechanical Diagram Contains the voltage suppression circuitry, idea for the automotive environment. LED’s mounted on the edge of the board. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-IMU-T 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 6 to 9 Mechanical Diagram LED’s mounted on the same side as the other components. Contains the voltage suppression circuitry, idea for the automotive environment. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-IMU-B 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 7 to 9 Mechanical Diagram LED’s mounted on the back of the circuit. Contains the voltage suppression circuitry, idea for the automotive environment. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-IMU-W 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 8 to 9 Mechanical Diagram LED’s mounted on 16 inch wires so you can position the LED’s almost anywhere local to the main board. To help with positioning the LED’s there is insulation rubber covering the legs of the LED’s and the join to the wire. Ideal if you want to go for a random light effect in a moded computer case or if you want to place the LED’s around a processor fan for example. Contains the voltage suppression circuitry, idea for the automotive environment. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight KNIGHTLIGHT KLS2-PC-W 16 LED CHASER LIGHT May 2002 Page 9 to 9 Mechanical Diagram LED’s mounted on 16 inch wires so you can position the LED’s almost anywhere local to the main board. To help with positioning the LED’s there is insulation rubber covering the legs of the LED’s and the join to the wire. Ideal if you want to go for a random light effect in a moded computer case or if you want to place the LED’s around a processor fan for example. C Copyright 2002 Knightlight