COVER FEATURE AIMED AT CELLULAR PHONES. A COMPLETE NICD BATTERY CHARGER SQUEEZES INTO AN AC-LINE PLUG AND ALLOWS TALKING 引THILE CHARGING. NICD BATTERY CHARGER HIDES IN AC-LINE PLUG FRANK GOODENOUGH i!!;:; ith portability in vogue for a host of products from tele. phones. to computers , the move is on to secondary (rechargeable) batteries like nickel cadmium (NiC哟, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) , and lithium cells. That move , in turn , has increased the demand for battery chargers. These chargers must be more than just off-line current sources , though. They must be able to run off the ac line , as we l1 as charge the batteries rapidly and sense when the battery is fully charged. Moreover, once sensing this condition, the chargers must switch to a trickle-charge mode , being careful not to pump too much current into the battery. Otherwise , overcharging can damage or even destroy a battery. The last few years has seen a number of complex ICs that can simplify the task of designing .a charging system (ELECTRONIC DESÌGN, July 8, p. 4 η. However , with the exception of a chip developed by Motorola Semiconductor, all of these control ICs require an additional off-line power supply, or a powersemÏS!onducωr device betwee川he ac line and the control circuitry in the charger. That is , the designer of the charger must handle all problems and issues inherent in a product that connects to the ac power line. To assist those who rely heavily on cellular Thus , few secondary battery-powered products offer a built-in charger. Most must telephones , Burr-Brown created a complete be plugged into a box-like device that in turn charger that's less than 3 in. Iong within the connects to a wall outlet with a power cord. cross section of a standard ac waII plug (Fig. Because of their charging system's "non-er- 1). A power cord from the charger terminates gonomic" mechanical design , most handheld in a telephone plug compatible with the input portable products become virtually impossi- to the cellular telephone's battery pac k. ble to use while their battery is being Dubbed the DC151 , its design is based on two charged. Such a charger severely limits cellu- patents and aims specifically at charging the lar-telephone applications. smal15- and 6-cell NiCd battery packs typicalE L E C T R ONIC DESIGN 回 AUGUST 19, 1993 MINIATURE CELLULAR-PHONE BATTERY CHARGER ly found in these telephones. tus when the plug was disThe DC151 charges most connected remains on. The cellular-telephone battery charger is now drawing 10 packs in one to two hours. It mA of current from the batalso can charge any 5- or 6tery , obviously not an opera[(0 cell NiCd stack found in tional mode to conserve batnotebook or palmtop PCs , tery life. personal digital assistants (PDAs) , and pen-input comNEGATIVE DELTA V puters. During the rapidTo determine when the charge mode , the DC151 battery is fully charged , the provides 600 mA to a 5-cell DC151 employs a version of battery pack or 500 mA to a a relatively common tech6-cell pack. These currents nique called "negative delta drop to 60 and 50 mA, rE• V ," or simply -ß V. The techspectively, during the tricknique is based on the knowlle-charge mode. edge that when a NiCd cell reaches a full charge , its terTo charge the batteries , minal voltage , which has the DC151 is plugged inω been rising , starts to droop. the wall outlet and the plug The DC151 enlists a drop in on the other end of the line voltage (a -ß V threshold) of r viceinto the telephon just 50 m V, which is signifiversa. Unless a fault exists , cantly less than that of most such as a short or open circhargers. cuit at the battery , opera- 一一tion starts in the fast-charge 醋自1. THIS TINY WALL PLUG contains a complete The contròl algorithm is mode. The charger's two- 噩噩 battery charger that can fast -c harge NiCd ωIIs at 600 mA , and actually more complex. For color (yellow and green) 噩噩 trickle-charge them at 60 mA. It can har由 this task despite starters , the droop-detecLED indicates charge sta- I圃 being only 2.6in.long by 1. 3 in. wide by 1 in. high. tion circuit , implemented tus. During trickle chargwith the BCC101 propriing, or if the telephone plug is open , condition occurs , the charger goes etary IC , continuously samples and the LED turns bright green. If the into trickle mode. If the telephone stores the peak value of the battery telephone plug is shorted , the LED plug is connected and the wall plug is voltage. When each of 32 s tI ccessive goes off. However, if either fault not, the LED indicating charge sta- samples (which takes at least 276 ms) drop a minimum of 50 m V below the line-voltage previous peak value , the chip deterisolation barrier mines that the NiCds are fully charged and the charger switches to a trickle charge. The combination of multiple samples and peak detection eliminates the chance that transient electrical noise is mistaken for the battery actually reaching a fully Main winding charged state. Such a transient could put the charger into the trickle mode before the battery is fully charged. rthulu 11E 1i! Resona~ If the telephone is turned on while low-voltage mode the battery is'charging, the battery power current supply voltage droops significantly more contro!l er (BCC100) than 50 m V due to the telephone's Charge-status load-current IR drop across the inindicator LEDs ternal resistance of the battery. To 川;1f determine if the battery is powering 片刻 its load , the contro lI er IC actually looks for a voltage droop in a window between 50 and 100 m V. That is , if the droop is greater than 100 m V, the charger stays in the fast-charge mode 'Yh iI e powering the telephone and charging the battery. It w iIl re髓盟 2 阳MAR E 盯 Y-S 创仙删 肌 IDE 阻 D Er…叫 charger tω01沁00ωsely regulate the current f1 0wing from the se创coωnd臼arηy intωo the battery. main there when the telephone is •-o 用民旧 f 鸣叫剖' 『 回 ELECTRONIC AUGUST 19, 1993 D E s 1 G N MINIATURE CELLULAR.PHONE BATIERY CHARGER i-lil--t $1 由的 帽u o 的 -帽 -一也 taken off the line. The ability to talk while charging in cellular-telephone applications demands a low-noise , isolated, switch町' ing power supply between the ac line and the charging-current line to the batteries. A typical off-line, pulsewidth幽 modulated (PWM) supply would be too noisy. Therefore , Tom Somerville , the DC151's designer, chose a resonant-mode switching topology (Fig. 2). The circuit reduces noise and its effects in three ways: Planar magnetic ferrite core BCC100 BCC101 Green/yellow lED • It produces sine waves rather than square waves, eliminating fast step. changes in currentand thè attendant high-frequency harmonics. 目3 川阳阳川 E 川PL A 川川E 川 pμie 倪 ce flat ferrite core and wi阳 n叫凶 也 d ings embedded in a mu 旧i1tiIaye盯r pc board, a 60o- mA , of f.l ine • It runs at frequencies between 0.5 battery charger can be squeezed into a tioy package. and 1 MHz , which are above the 45 5kHz IF employed by analog ce l1 ular such as Underwriters Laboratories the temperature rise in the tiny packtelephones. • Its zero-voltage switching archi- (UL) and the German Verband age. Tha t' s because during the detecture (switching occurs only when Deutscher Electrotechniker (VDE) , sign process , "getting rid of the the waveform goes through zero) while still remaining small and easy heat" wasn't considered. As a result , eliminates switching noise because to use. Although not required to run i比t'、s worth examining the charger' the energy (the product of current off batteries , the charger's efficien- overall design and mode of operation1 F、'伊 ig 伊 s.2through η. and voltage) in the waveform drops cy must be maximizedωmitigate f旷 to zero while the FET switches. The patented topology employed is the first to use a resonant-mode circuit to regulate the current in the transformer's secondary winding from the primary winding or input side. The level of the charger's output current isn't set by feedback control from the secondary to the primarywinding. Q BELT AND SUSPENDERS It's possible that the droop-detector circuits won't catch a -Â V. As a result, like most sophisticated chargers, a time-out feature was added to the contro lI er to þack up the -Â V detector. At the end of the time-out period , which is derived from the acline frequency, the charger switches from fast charging to trickle charging. DC151s must be ordered with "time-out" periods of either 73 minutes or 146 minutes. The charger represents an eclectic mix of technologies, including mechanical packaging , electronic- and Iιcircuit design, and magnetic-circuitltransformer design. For example , it must meet the specifications for input-to-output voltage isolation sanctioned by regulating agencies 回E W1 CP1/ CP2 BCC101 Sideb 圈 4 川FT川A川 CωOM川TS … small muωIltωi1 ayer pc board. Traosformer wiodiogs are formed 00 each layer via a pateoted process. LECTRONIC AUGUST 19, 1993 D E s G N MINIATURE CEllUlAR.PHONE BATTERY CHARGER Major features of the design revo1ve around the charger妇 pate丑ts and the two bipo1ar custom ICs designed and fabricated by BurrBrown. The patents cover the use of a re臼so∞nant converter to control current (rather than vo1tage) and the transf 臼 orme 盯 r气 p1anar magnetics f厅7 茧可i切 g. 刀, which includes the printedcircuit transformer windings (Fig 4). One of the custom ICs , the 8-pin SOIC BCC100 controller, runs the resonant-mode switcher. The other custom IC, the BCC101 , contains the "full-charge detection" a1gorithm and the "time-out" circuit (Figs. :J through5). Here's how the charger works: The input line vo1tage is applied to a full-wave rectifier bridge consisting of diodes Dl through D4. Its de1iberate1y small 0.1 5-μF fi1ter capacitor CB 1 10cated under MOSFET switching transistor Ql resu1ts in a highvo1tage dc supp1y with over 50% ripp1e at twice the 1ine frequency (Fig. 6). The ripp1e passes through the high-voltage resistor R HV to the BCC100 controller IC , where it clocks the driver timer (Fig. η.Wh iI e not c1ean1y filtering the rectified 10w-frequency ac 1ine, capacitor CB 1 provides EMI fi1tering that keeps the high-frequency switching current flowing through the FET from getting into the ac 1ine via the p1ug. If that occurred , it cou1d interfere with other e1ectronic equipment on the 1ine. The p1anar transformer consists of a mu1ti1ayer pc board sandwiched between two identica1 gapped pieces of manganese-zinc (MnZn) ferrite. Its windings consist of the concentric spira1 copper traces , one on each 1ayer of the board. The top windings on eachside of the board are portions of the primary winding W 1. The secondary and bootstrap windings lie buried between the primary windings on other pc-board layers. Extra insu1ating 1ayers inserted between the primary and secondary 飞~indings ensure that regu1atory-agency , is o1ation-safety requirements are me t. The high-frequency 10w-1oss MnZn ferrite combines high efficiency with the very small size necessary to get the charger to fit in its tiny 3 .4-in. 3 package. Primary winding W 1 runs between the high-vo1tage dc supp1y and DMOSFET switch Q. 飞Vhen the MOSFET turns off, primary-winding inductance L and capacitor CR resonate at a frequency with a period of 27TìILC, where C =-C R • Tri~ming the off time of BCC100's gate-drive circuit to ha1f this period creates a ha1f-sine-wa ve drain-to-source vo1tage across the MOSFET that returns to zero just before gating the FET back on (Fig. 民 α.gaiη). What results is constant off time , 1-μs , zero-voltage switching. That is , as noted earlier, there's no vo1tage across Q at the time it' s gated on. The technique minimizes MOSFET switching 10sses and keeps high-frequency harmonics be10w 10 MHz. The BCC100 IC a1so regulates the inputcurrent, thereby indirectly regu1ating the output current to the battery. The current in the transformer primary is sensed by the vo1tage drop across resistor Rs and applied to the active integrator formed by RI' CF , and the op amp in the BCC lO O IC. The integratωor、 output modulates the on time of the MOSFET Planar transformer ' 4 4 · ,, ,,,节 -EE·E-4. 喃 m 4 嘈 $4 ,.目, ,, -1 JvhE γ'''''· Ferrite DC151 KiCd hattery charger 固匪配配配配 '川川川叫 5. 口TTHE … HE 四四 诅E and FET switch Qto a resonant.mode switching transformer A''-- ,咱 ,, ''IE ‘,1 ''=-rh 句晴 , ME E '','T'"'hE ,‘- 工 "m dma E ‘, 飞 '-2 'M刀二 二''-户J 罔蜀,,,,,,,,,呵,,,,二 az- -4a 圃,··,-·.,., --i W .E EVEU ,圃, ··I JHl『 ,,,, , e· VJrLVd bVU" w 哺vL '4LYJ· ,‘. E.·. -FEhr句 a TA 吁ιpaqJag, -人 ''''f .. ,‘,,, γra'·'' 7 h· ,‘· 呵,‘ '句 a ,, a 饨' ,国 . ··YL1 B···''i7·st7 ·圃,‘,,-, ··,」--…,,·,,-",‘蝠,咱… ----th 叮 "E .·'4 卢二 ··'AA 户,四 ··‘ •• -•• , ,--,, ,,,,--, ELVEbb-rr'rr •• 4 4'''JaJaJS '川 J …… UL勺,门,, 川Jtjf …A 户A 中一 门导4 -u-7· υ … 士… 二二号 …mM工mrF · ))川中… F E' 呵 '…'……'u· 川一 ~… … ιγ 二… μ……… 二uu一川…玄,丢, •• -EA'd· · " ! P M Multilayer pC board 8. cωontroωolle 衍r , theBCCl00, which operates the zero- voltage switching supply between and 1 !11 Hz. The supply's output current charges the battery and powers the BCCI0l IC. The chip determines when the battery is charged and switches the charger from fast-charge to trickle-charge modes. (:l:J E L E C T R 0 N 1 C D E S 1 G N 5∞ kHz AUGUST 19, 1993 MINIATURE CEllUlAR.PHONE BATTERY CHARGER driven by the voltage-to-frequency converter. Thus , as the rectified high-voltage dc increases in value , the switch's on time decreases. This keeps the input current from the ac line at a constant level and loosely regulates the current to the battery , in spite of variations in either the ac line or the battery voltage. In fact , the on time is even reduced at the peak of the rectified sine wave (Fig. 4αgαtη:). winding drives Schottky rectifier D5' At startup , the BCCIOO is powered by the current through RHV ' Once it' s running , though , it's powered by the bootstrap winding (Fig. 2, αgαtη:). A filter formed from CB2, CB3 , and inductor L follow the Schottky rectifier. The output current from the filter charges the battery and powers the BCC lO l IC and the green and yellow charge-status LEDs. The filter not only attenuat启 s the high-frequency ripple current, but also generates line-synchronized voltage spikes. A hysteresis comparator circuit in the BCCI01 converts the spikes intοa twice-the-line-frequency cloc k. This clock synchronizes and times the ratchet digital-tc• analog converter (DAC) , the backup timer, and the logic circuits contained in the BCCIO l. During the one-to-two hour charging period, the BCC101's unique 7七it (b) duces a trickle charge auto- Fasl matically 而切.7, αgain}. Disabling the MOSFET gate drive during the valleys in the higl!-voltage dc supply (the low points in the ripple) provides additional efficiency, which reduces internal charger temperature. During these valleys , even if the FET is operating at maximum on time , little power is transferred to the battery due to the fixed turns ratio ofthe transformer. A hysteretic comparator in the driver-timer gates the FET off (Fig. 6, αgαin). Thet 仕r立咀 缸nsf a ,臼 orm 口ler句 output Full-wave rectified line voltage l E) Trickle 产\ 产气 0i气EJif 点 佳 :fff !!f黑!f;i; Due to the lack ofα standaγdfoγ the battery-end coη nectoγ.s, ini白 J一寸一J .JLJ Jl一J 二 ;!Jz1: . tial sales of plug-termin α ted . chα rgerswill 0η ly be to OEMs in (例d创i 时甘吭πm 产户町甘芦户阿叶r 沪… the U. S. αηd J.αpαn η mini mum quantities of 1侃)() (European versio旧 ofthe ac plug will oVMOSF盯 be tooled 仇 the future). Smα II quantities of the chα俨'ger in α JLJ ú \ J\-BV JlZe 平igtαil" co听guratioη (with out the' battery-eηd connector) will be available. Bu俨r-Browη ~s α lso making the chip set (BCC100/BCC1ρ1)α vailable with α license for the patented tγα旧iformer techη ology. ln addition, OEMs cα n contract with Burr-Browη 旨 subsidia叨" PowE 俨 Convertibles, for custom chαγ'[Jeγ's with sophisticα ted coη. 萨 iz卜tR oft由 heml 孔时 u11让 lti忖 i时 viibrat切 οrandpro iilit--iit The BCCIOO controller operates with on times between 700 and 1000 ns during the fast-c harge mode , and 100 and 140 ns during the tricklecharge mode. Consequently, the average trickle-charge currentis about l/lOth that of the fast-charge current. 引Then fast charging is needed, the multivibrator in the BCCI01 transmits its output to the BCC100 via a pair of l-pF capacitors , CP j and CP2• If trickle charging is required , no signal is transmitted from the multivibrator in the BCCIO l. Translormer primary liming lor DC151 baHery cha咱er The sense amplifier in the BCCIOO detects the presence or absence of the signal from the multivibrator and sets a high (fast-charge) or Inpulline voltage low (trickle-charge) refer- {a} ence voltage for the op-amp integrator , which determines the on time of the FET switch. Because the charger output provides the power for BCC101, shortirη19 the cha町rger妇 out句pu川t elimit heout句 pu 川 t nates (shorts out) 由 ratchet DAC accurately peak-detects and holds the rising values of the bat臼ry voltage with essentially zero droop. A comparator circuit increments the ratchet counter circuit up one least-significant bit at a time as the battery voltage rises during fast charging. A second comparatοr circuit recognizes when the battery voltage droops at least 50 mV from the peak value stored in the DAC cÏrcuit. The BCCIOl performs several additional tasks. As noted previously, to provide noise immunity , a sequence of samples triggered by the ac-line frequency mustdetect a valid' droop before the logic switches from fast to trickle-charge modes. The backup timer on the chip switches the charger to the trickle-charge mode if droop isn't detected. The output of the chip' s hysteresis comparators drive the charge-status LEDs. The multivibrator tells the BCCIOO to start up tn the fast-charge mode and switch to the trickle mode when droop is detected. This occurs if the timer counter is full , if the battery is disconnected from the telephone , or if the charger output)s shorted. The BCCIOO controller switches back to the fastcharge mode if a disconnected battery is reconnected , of if the plug is removed and then reconnectedωthe ac line. Thus , a fully charged batterystarts offin the fastcharge mode but switches quickly to the trickle-charge mode due 协 the sensitivity MOS 奸Ff 盯T of the -6, V detector. 口 PRICE AND AVAILABILITY MINIATURE CELLULAR.PHONE BATTERY CHARGER p p RV l+ l. b Gate (tnui CI B. Co 圈 7.THE 肌00ω 删ROLLER "end 击宁咆 of-c叫吃charg 萨e de创te优ctωor" 削 senses when the battery voltage, which rises during charging, drops by 50 mV (b). 7'引 μ 且 4·pb , 比 响。币 HY 冒L hv'川 负 α 电 ·α y叮心而porn '@叮叶吗 , 忡忡 PPAa Iα1fc e 11 tO 川 -HH 由 T? 明 ηοH OC eom 吵,, cn 且严 m 66' umMT5 dmω 叩门旷们 ω 伪, ωJ白 m品 日 JMJ 功 78 , dmBmu dMMUn-j tdTm5 topu; 1liJ' 观 pew 到 、,h 皮ι ι.肌阳件川剧 ptb Duu" 川口 JUmgB trol. ln quantities of 1ω1, the pigtail version ofthe chαrger, tke, goesfor $66 each and will be av日 ìlable in September. The price ofthe DC151 (with αbα ttery co π ηecto γ) will equal the combined cost ofthe How VALUABLE? CIRCLE HIGHLY MODERATELY SLIGHTLY 530 531 532 Information is Power. 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