PA1157 2000-2200 MHz. WCDMA 4 Watt Ultra Linear Power Amplifier Features (typical values) High IP3 ............................................. +52.0 dBm. Low NF ....................................................... 3.0 dB. High Output Power .......................... +36.0 dBm. Low Cost Parame te r Typical Value Typical Performance @ 25°C M in. Value M ax. Value Units 2000 2 2 00 MHz. --◊-- 0°C --⊇-- +25°C --∆-- +85°C G a in v s . F r e q u e n c y Frequency Gain 24.5 Gain Flatness ±0.3 Reverse Isolation dB. ±0.5 40 Pout @ 1dB. comp. 36.0 Noise Figure 3. 0 IP3 (two tone) 23.5 +50.0 28 26 24 22 2000 2100 N F vs . F re q u e n c y dB. 35. 0 3 .5 dBm. 4. 0 +48.0 2200 dB. 2 .5 1 .5 2000 dB. 2100 2200 dBm. P o u t vs . F re q u en c y VSWR (Input/Out) 1.5:1/2:1 1.8:1/2.5:1 Supply Req'd +10/1350 +10/1700 37 v./mA. 36 35 IP3 measured with 2 tones @+22dBm. per tone @ 1 MHz apart Min and max values from 0 to 85 degrees C 2000 2100 2200 V S W R vs. Freq u ency In Outline Drawings O ut 1 .9 1 .4 2000 2100 2200 IP 3 v s . F re q u e n c y 51 49 2000 2100 2200 F r e q u e n c y in M H z . Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature ....... -40°C to +125°C DC Voltage .................................. +12 volts RF Input Power .......................... +15 dBm. Case Temperature ........................... +95°C Rev:040301 Specifications subject to change without notice 100 Emlen Way Telford, Pa. 18969 Tel. (215) 723-6011 Fax. (215) 723-6015