[AP1013DEN] AP1013DEN 18V 1ch H-Bridge Motor Driver IC 1. General Description The AP1013DEN realizes four drive mode of forward, reverse, break and standby by 1 channel H-bridge motor driver corresponding to operating voltage 18V. The AP1013DEN layouts N-channel LDMOSFET in high side and low side in output circuit and realizes a small package. Also it has under voltage detection and thermal shut down circuits. It is suitable for driving various small motor. 2. Features Control Power Supply Voltage (VC) Logic Terminal Supply Voltage Wide Motor Driver Operating Voltage 2.7V to 5.5V 1.62V to VC 2V to 18V (N-channel MOSFET high side and Low side architecture) Maximum Output Current (DC) 1.3A Maximum Output Current (Peak) 2.2A (Ta=25℃, within 10ms in 200ms) Maximum Output Current (Peak) 3.3A (Ta=25℃, within 5ms in 200ms) Maximum Output Current (Peak) 5.0A (Ta=25℃, within 2ms in 200ms) H-Bridge On Resistance RON(TOP+BOT)=0.38Ω@25℃ Power-Save Mode Quiescent current is under 1uA (Ta=25℃) Built-in Under Voltage Detection Circuit Detect VVC under 2.2V Built-in Thermal Shut Down Circuit (Tj) 175℃ Junction Temperature 150℃ Package 16-pin QFN (3mm×3mm) 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -1- [AP1013DEN] 3. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General Description ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................... 2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................... 3 Ordering Guide .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Pin Configurations and Functions...................................................................................................................... 4 Pin Configurations ................................................................................................................................. 4 Functions ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Terminal Equivalent Circuit .................................................................................................................. 5 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................................................. 7 8. Recommended Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................ 8 9. Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 8 10. Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 10.1. Control Logic ....................................................................................................................................... 11 10.2. Basic Architecture of the Motor Driver ............................................................................................... 11 10.3. Protection Circuits ............................................................................................................................... 12 11. Recommended External Cercuits..................................................................................................................... 13 Recommended External Circuit ........................................................................................................... 13 Parts List .............................................................................................................................................. 13 12. Package ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Outline Dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 14 Reference Foot Pattern ........................................................................................................................ 14 Marking ............................................................................................................................................... 15 13. Revise History ................................................................................................................................................. 16 IMPORTANT NOTICE .......................................................................................................................................... 17 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -2- [AP1013DEN] 4. Block Diagram VIO VC VG TSD UVLO VREF OSC INA INB Charge Pump VC VG VC Control Logic Pre Driver CH CL VM H-Bridge OUTA OUTB PGND/Exposed Pad SEL PSAVEB DGND Figure 1. Block Diagram 5. Ordering Guide AP1013DEN -30~85°C 16-pin QFN 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -3- [AP1013DEN] 6. Pin Configurations and Functions VM OUTA 10 9 8 OUTA INA 14 7 VIO INB 15 6 VC 5 OUTB 11 13 12 VM OUTB Pin Configurations CL (Top View) EP 2 3 DGND VG 4 CH 1 PSAVEB 16 SEL Note) EP(Exposed Pad) is Power Ground. The Exposed Pad is necessary soldered to PCB. Functions No Pin Name I/O Description 1 PSAVEB I Power save input terminal 2 DGND P Ground terminal 3 VG O Connect terminal of charge pump output capacitor 4 CH O Connect terminal of charge pump capacitor 5 CL O Connect terminal of charge pump capacitor 6 VC P Control power supply terminal 7 VIO P Power supply terminal for logic input 8,9 OUTA O Motor driver output terminal 10,11 VM P Motor driver power supply 12,13 OUTB O Motor driver output terminal 14 INA I Control signal input terminal 15 INB I Control signal input terminal 16 SEL I Select signal input terminal EP PGND P Power ground terminal Note 1. I (Input terminal), O(Output terminal) and P (Power terminal) 014012798-E-00 Note 100kΩ Pull-down 100kΩ Pull-up Exposed Pad 2014/11 -4- [AP1013DEN] Terminal Equivalent Circuit Pin name Name Functions Control power supply 6 VC 7 VIO Power supply for logic input 10,11 VM Motor driver power supply 1 PSAVEB Logic input (Built-in pull-down resistor) Equivalent Circuits 2kΩ 2kΩ 2kΩ 2kΩ 2kΩ 2kΩ 100kΩ VIO 100kΩ 16 SEL 14 INA 15 INB Logic input (Built-in pull-up resistor) Control signal input VM 8,9 OUTA 12,13 OUTB Motor driver output OUTA OUTB PGND VG 3 VG Connect terminal of charge pump output capacitor 4 CH Connect terminal of charge pump capacitor CH VM 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -5- [AP1013DEN] Pin name Name Functions Equivalent Circuits VC 5 CL Connect terminal of charge pump capacitor CL PGND 2 DGND EP PGND Ground terminal Power ground terminal 014012798-E-00 DGND PGND 2014/11 -6- [AP1013DEN] 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol min max Unit Control power supply voltage VC -0.5 6 V Logic terminal supply voltage VIO -0.5 6 V Motor driver power supply voltage VC, VIO level terminal voltage (PSAVEB, SEL, INA, INB, CL) VM level terminal voltage (OUTA, and OUTB) VG, CH terminal voltage VM -0.5 19 V Vterminal1 -0.5 5.5 V Vterminal2 -0.5 19 V Vterminal3 -0.5 25 V Maximum DC output current IloaddcMD - 1.3 A Maximum peak output current IloadpeakMD - Parameter Note - 2.2 3.3 5.0 2083 mW OUTA and OUTB terminal OUTA and OUTB terminal Under 10ms in 200ms Under 5ms in 200ms Under 2ms in 200ms (Note 4) Ta=25℃ - 1083 mW (Note 4) Ta=85℃ A Power dissipation PD Operating Temperature range Ta -30 85 ℃ Junction temperature Tj - 150 ℃ Tstg Storage temperature -65 150 ℃ Note 2. All above voltage is defined to VSS (DGND/PGND terminal voltage) Note 3. Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the products on the verge of suffering physical damages, and therefore products must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Note 4. When 2-layer board is used, this is calculated RθJ=60℃/W. EP terminal should be connected to ground. Note 5. Input terminal does not work until input logic terminal power supplies VIO, and is handled as “L” fixation. Note 6. The each power supply of VM, VC and VIO is sequence-free. Figure 2. Power Dissipation 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -7- [AP1013DEN] 8. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Control power supply voltage Symbol VC min 2.7 typ 3.3 max 5.5 Unit V Logic terminal supply voltage VIO 1.62 1.8/3.3 VC V Motor driver power supply voltage VM 2.0 - 18 V Input frequency range Fin - - 200 kHz 9. Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25℃,VM=15V,VC=3.3V and VIO= 3.3V, unless otherwise specified.) Parameter Symbol Test conditions min typ max Unit Charge pump Charge pump voltage VG VG=VC+VM 18.0 18.2 18.3 V Charge pump wake up time tVG VG=VC+VM-0.3V 0.1 0.36 3 ms 1.9 2.2 2.5 V 150 175 200 C 20 30 40 C - - 1 A VDET1 VC under voltage detect voltage VCDETLV TSD Thermal shut down temperature (Note 7) TDET Temperature hysteresis (Note 7) TDETHYS Quiescent current VM quiescent current at no power IVMNOPOW VC=0V VM quiescent current at standby IVMSTBY PSAVEB=”H”, SEL=”H”, No load - 16 50 A VC quiescent current at standby IVCSTBY PSAVEB=”H”, SEL=”H”, No load - 150 400 A VC quiescent current at power save IVMPSAVE PSAVEB=”L”, SEL=”H” - - 1 A VC quiescent current at PWM operation IVCPWM - 0.5 0.8 mA - 0.19 0.27 fpwm=200kHz Motor Driver Driver on resistance (High side or Low side) RON1 VC=3.3V, Iload=100mA Ta=25C Driver on resistance (High side or Low side) (Note 7) RON2 VC=3.3V, Iload=1.0A Design Ta=25C (Equivalent certification Tj=50C) - 0.21 0.29 Driver on resistance (High side or Low side) (Note 7) RON3 VC=3.3V, Iload=1.0A Design Ta=85C (Equivalent certification Tj=115C) - 0.25 0.35 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -8- [AP1013DEN] Parameter Body diode forward voltage Symbol VFMD H-Bridge propagation delay time (“L”→”L”) (Note 8) tPDLHB H-Bridge propagation delay time (“H”→”H”) (Note 8) tPDHHB H-Bridge propagation delay time (HiZ→”H”) tPDZHHB H-Bridge propagation delay time (“H”→HiZ) tPDHZHB H-Bridge propagation delay time (“H”→”L”) (Note 8) tPDHLHB H-Bridge propagation delay time (“L”→”H”) (Note 8) tPDLHHB H-bridge output puls width tPWOHB Test conditions min typ max Unit - 0.8 1.2 V - 0.10 0.5 s - 0.35 1.0 s - 0.15 0.5 - 0.15 1.0 - - 1.0 s - - 1.0 s 0.6 0.9 - s 0.7× VIO - - V - - 0.3× VIO V - - 1 s -1 - - s 50 100 200 k 50 100 200 k VC=3.3V, VM=15V, INA=”H”, INB=”L”, VIO: 0V => 1.1V 1.1 - - V VC=3.3V, VM=15V, INA=”H”, INB=”L”, VIO: 3.3V => 0.3V - - 0.3 V IF=100mA SEL=”L”, tr=tf=10ns SEL=”H”, tr=tf=10ns PWL=1.0us, tr=tf=10ns s s Control logic Input “H” level voltage (INA, INB, SEL, PSAVEB) VIH Input “L” level voltage (INA, INB, SEL, PSAVEB) VIL Input “H” level current (INA, INB, SEL) IIH Input “L” level current (INA, INB, PSAVEB) IIL Input terminal pullup register (SEL) RPU Input terminal pulldown register ( PSAVEB) RPD VIO input “H” level voltage (VIO) VIOH VIO input “L” level voltage (VIO) VIOL VIO=1.6V~5.5V VIO=1.6V~5.5V Note 7. Not tested under mass-production. Note 8. Refer Figure 3. 014012798-E-00 2014/11 -9- [AP1013DEN] tPWI 50% INB ――― (INA=INB) tPDH tPDL tPWO 90% OUTA OUTB 50% 10% Figure 3. Time chart of propagation of delay time and pulse width (CL=100pF, RL=1kΩ) 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 10 - [AP1013DEN] 10. Descriptions 10.1. Control Logic The relations of the input and output of each mode are as follows. Table 1. Input and Output relations Input Output PSAVEB SEL Motion INA INB OUTA OUTB H L L L Hi-Z Hi-Z Standby(Idling) H L L H L H Reverse H L H L H L Forward H L H H L L Break(Stop) H H L X L L Break(Stop) H H H L H L Forward H H H H L H Reverse L X X X Hi-Z Hi-Z Power save(Note 9) Note 9. TSD/UVLO/VREF/OSC/Charge pump are shut down. Note 10. Input terminal is handled as Low fixation when VIO is not input power, OUTA/OUTB are Hi-Z condition. 10.2. Basic Architecture of the Motor Driver The AP1013DEN places N-channel LDMOSFET on both sides of high side and low side in the output circuit and realize small package. High side MOSFET is driven by VG. VG=VM+VC is generated with a charge pump. VG reaches the targeted level at the time of the charge pump setup within 0.36ms (typ). Low side MOSFET is driven by VC. VG Logic Charge Pump CH CL Enable Control VM VG SEL INA INB OUTA VC VG Pre Driver VC OUTB PGND Figure 4.Motor driver part equivalent circuit The OSC block supplies a drive pulse to a charge pump. The logic of input interface is operated by logic power supply VIO. The input interface does not work until VIO is input, and handled as “L” fixation. 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 11 - [AP1013DEN] 10.3. Protection Circuits The AP1013DEN has penetration current prevention, thermal shut down and under voltage detection circuits. Penetration current prevention circuit MOSFET turns off both of high side and low side during the dead time period when penetration current prevention circuit operates. During this period, either body diode is turn on depends on the direction of the current. Figure 5 shows an example when the AP1013DEN drives the output from “L” to “H” in. (a) shows the case that current flows from external load to the AP1013DEN, (b) shows the case that current flows from the AP1013DEN to external load VM Vfh OUTA/B (a) Motor (b) Vfl PGND INA/B Dead Time Dead Time H-side MOSFET ON OFF ON ON OFF ON L-side MOSFET OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OUTA/B Vfh VM Vfl PGND (a) Case for current is passed from external load to this IC VM PGND (b) Case for current is passed from this IC to external load Figure 5. Difference in output terminal by load current direction Thermal Shut Down The AP1013DEN prevents destruction due to the self-heat up by making OUTA and OUTB output Hi-Z as soon as abnormal high temperature is detected. The AP1013DEN restarts as soon as temperature becomes lower than the bottom detection threshold. Detect abnormal temp.⇒ OUTA/OUTB are Hi-Z Wait cool down (Hysteresis: 30C typ) Motor driver operation return OUTA/OUTB are conform INA/INB Figure 6. Detection of abnormal heat up and return operation 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 12 - [AP1013DEN] 11. Recommended External Cercuits Recommended External Circuit VIO MCU OUTB INA INB SEL 13 14 15 16 12 1 OUTB PSAVEB VM 11 2 DGND VM 10 3 CVG VG CH 4 CVM MOTOR VM OUTA 8 7 6 5 VIO VC OUTA VIO VC CL CHL 9 EP (PGND) VM CVIO CVC Figure 7. Recommended External Circuit Parts List Table 2. Recommended external components Items Symbol min typ max Unit Motor driver power supply connection decupling CVM 1.0 uF capacitor Note (Note 11) Control power supply connection bypass capacitor CVC 0.1 1.0 - uF (Note 11) Logic input terminal power supply connection bypass capacitor CVIO 0.1 1.0 - uF (Note 11) Charge pump capacitor1 CVG 0.047 0.1 0.22 uF Charge pump capacitor2 CHL 0.047 0.1 0.22 uF Note 11. Please adjust the connecting capacitor of CVM, CVC and CVIO depending on the load current profile, the load capacitance, the line resistance and etc. with each application boards. 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 13 - [AP1013DEN] 12. Package Outline Dimensions ・16-pin QFN(Unit: mm) 3.00±0.05 3.00±0.05 0.58+0.02 -0.03 (Top View) (Side View) 1pin . 10 C0 0.30 1.60 0.25 2.00 (Bottom View) 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.45 Φ0.50 Note) The Exposed Pad is Power Ground. The Exposed Pad is necessary soldered to PCB. Reference Foot Pattern Note) Please layout the foot pattern of Exposed Pad not to surround the steam beer of AP1013DEN. Please locate thermal via more than four for improve radiation. 1pin 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 14 - [AP1013DEN] Marking 1013D (2) YWWX (3) (1) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 014012798-E-00 1pin Indication Market No. Year code (last 1 digit) Week code Management code 2014/11 - 15 - [AP1013DEN] 13. Revise History Date (YY/MM/DD) 14/11/27 Revision Page Contents 00 - First edition 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 16 - [AP1013DEN] IMPORTANT NOTICE 0. Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation (“AKM”) reserves the right to make changes to the information contained in this document without notice. When you consider any use or application of AKM product stipulated in this document (“Product”), please make inquiries the sales office of AKM or authorized distributors as to current status of the Products. 1. All information included in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation and application examples of AKM Products. AKM neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of AKM or any third party with respect to the information in this document. You are fully responsible for use of such information contained in this document in your product design or applications. AKM ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSSES INCURRED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES ARISING FROM THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION IN YOUR PRODUCT DESIGN OR APPLICATIONS. 2. The Product is neither intended nor warranted for use in equipment or systems that require extraordinarily high levels of quality and/or reliability and/or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage or serious public impact, including but not limited to, equipment used in nuclear facilities, equipment used in the aerospace industry, medical equipment, equipment used for automobiles, trains, ships and other transportation, traffic signaling equipment, equipment used to control combustions or explosions, safety devices, elevators and escalators, devices related to electric power, and equipment used in finance-related fields. Do not use Product for the above use unless specifically agreed by AKM in writing. 3. Though AKM works continually to improve the Product’s quality and reliability, you are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards for your hardware, software and systems which minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of the Product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. 4. Do not use or otherwise make available the Product or related technology or any information contained in this document for any military purposes, including without limitation, for the design, development, use, stockpiling or manufacturing of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or missile technology products (mass destruction weapons). When exporting the Products or related technology or any information contained in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. The Products and related technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations. 5. Please contact AKM sales representative for details as to environmental matters such as the RoHS compatibility of the Product. Please use the Product in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive. AKM assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 6. Resale of the Product with provisions different from the statement and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by AKM for the Product and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of AKM. 7. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of AKM. 014012798-E-00 2014/11 - 17 -