CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................5 Core Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Key Features ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Supported Families..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Core Version................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Supported Interfaces .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Device Utilization and Performance ......................................................................................................................... 6 Functional Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................................... 7 1 - Tool Flows ...............................................................................................................................9 SmartDesign ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 2 - Interface Description ..........................................................................................................11 Generics ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Ports............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 3 - Register Map.........................................................................................................................13 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Configuration Registers ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Interrupt Registers .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Input Registers .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Output Registers ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 4 - Testbench Operation and Modification .........................................................................17 Product Support ........................................................................................................................19 Customer Service ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Customer Technical Support Center...................................................................................................................... 19 Technical Support ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Website ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Contacting the Customer Technical Support Center ........................................................................................... 19 ITAR Technical Support ........................................................................................................................................... 20 CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 3 Introduction Core Overview Core GPIO provides an Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) register-based interface to up to 32 general purpose inputs and 32 general purpose outputs. The input logic contains a simple three-stage synchronization circuit, and the output is also set synchronously. Each bit can be set to either fixed configuration or register-based configuration via top-level parameters, including input type, interrupt type / enable, and output enable. Key Features CoreGPIO v3.1 has the following key features: • AMBA 2 APB support, forward compatibility with AMBA 3 APB • 8-, 16-, or 32-bit APB data width • 1 to 32 bits of I/O, for all APB-width configurations • Fixed or configurable interrupt generation − Negative edge − Positive edge − Both edges − Level High − Level Low • Parameter-configurable for single-interrupt signal or up to 32-bit-wide interrupt bus • Fixed or configurable I/O type (input, output, or both) • Configurable output enable (internal or external implementation) Supported Families Currently all devices in the following families will be supported: • IGLOO ® • IGLOOe • IGLOO nano • IGLOO PLUS • ProASIC®3 • ProASIC3 nano • ProASIC3L • Fusion • ProASICPLUS ® • Axcelerator® • RTAX-S • SmartFusion® • SmartFusion®2 • IGLOO®2 • RTG4™ CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 5 Introduction Core Version This handbook applies to CoreGPIO v3.1. Supported Interfaces CoreGPIO is available with the APB slave interface and must be connected to an APB master interface. Microsemi ® recommends that you use SmartDesign in the Libero Integrated Design Environment (IDE) or Libero System-onChip (SoC) Project Manager to instantiate, configure, connect and generate CoreGPIO in a processor-based system, ® ® using ARM Cortex -M1, Core8051s, or CoreABC. Device Utilization and Performance A summary of utilization and performance data is shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 CoreGPIO Utilization and Performance Data (minimum configuration) Family Tiles Utilization Performance (MHz) Sequential Combinatorial Total Device Total IGLOO/e/PLUS 128 332 460 AGL600V5 3% 79 ProASIC3/E/L 128 332 460 A3P600 3% 154 Fusion 128 332 460 AFS600 3% 154 ProASIC 128 443 571 APA150 9% 78 Axcelerator 128 173 301 AX250 7% 233 RTAX-S 128 173 301 RTAX250S 7% 176 SmartFusion 32 33 65 A2F500M3G 0.56% 250 SmartFusion2 32 13 37 M2S050 0.07% 609 RTG4 32 13 37 RT4G150 0.02% 611 PLUS Notes: 1. Data in this table were achieved using typical synthesis and layout settings. 2. Minimum configuration consists of the following parameter values: IO_NUM = 8, APB_WIDTH = 8, OE_TYPE = 0, INT_BUS = 0, FIXED_CONFIG_(0...7) = 1, IO_TYPE_(0...7) = 0, IO_INT_TYPE_(0...7) = 7 Table 2 CoreGPIO Utilization and Performance Data (maximum configuration) Family Tiles Utilization Performance Sequential Combinatorial Total Device Total IGLOO/e/PLUS 512 1,297 1,809 AGL600V5 13% 79 ProASIC3/E/L 512 1,297 1,809 A3P600 13% 153 Fusion 512 1,297 1,809 AFS600 13% 153 ProASICPLUS 512 1,743 2,255 APA150 36% 78 Axcelerator 512 662 1,174 AX250 27% 229 RTAX-S 512 662 1,174 RTAX250S 27% 173 SmartFusion 768 1450 2218 A2F500M3G 19.25% 124 SmartFusion2 548 832 863 M2S050 1.53% 234 6 CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook Functional Block Diagram Family RTG4 Tiles Utilization Performance Sequential Combinatorial Total Device Total 512 921 1009 RT4G150 0.66% 182 Notes: 1. Data in this table were achieved using typical synthesis and layout settings. 2. Maximum configuration consists of the following parameter values: IO_NUM = 32, APB_WIDTH = 8, OE_TYPE = 1, INT_BUS = 1, FIXED_CONFIG (0...31) = 0. Functional Block Diagram Figure 1 illustrates a single-bit block diagram (this is replicated up to 32 times, depending on the number of I/Os). IN T[i] GPIN Reg Interrupt Reg APB Interface INT[i] Interrupt Generate Logic Sync GPIO_IN[i] IN_DAT[i] EN_INT[i] TYPES_INT[i] Config Reg EN_IN[i] EN_OE_BUF[i] GPIO_OE[i] EN_OUT[i] GPIO_OUT[i] GPOUT Reg Figure 1 Single I/O Bit Block Diagram for CoreGPIO CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 7 1 - Tool Flows SmartDesign Configuration CoreGPIO, available from the Libero web repository, can be seen and downloaded to your local vault via the SmartDesign IP catalog. For information on using SmartDesign to instantiate, configure, connect, and generate cores, refer to the Libero IDE or SoC Online Help. Figure 2 shows the CoreGPIO configuration window, as well as cross-references to the corresponding top-level parameters. Figure 2 CoreGPIO Configuration Window CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 9 1 - Tool Flows Simulation Flows To run simulations, select the user testbench in SmartDesign through the CoreGPIO IP configuration GUI. Generate the design in SmartDesign. The appropriate testbench files are now installed. To run the testbenches, set the design root to the CoreGPIO instance in the Libero IDE or SoC Design Explorer and click the Simulation icon in the Project Flow tab. This invokes ModelSim® and automatically runs the simulation. Synthesis in Libero IDE or SoC To run Synthesis on the core with parameters set in SmartDesign, set the design root to the SmartDesign design (wrapper) and click the Synthesis icon in the Project Manager. The Synthesis window appears, displaying the ® Synplicity project. To perform synthesis, click the Run icon. Place-and-Route in Libero IDE or Libero SoC After setting the design root appropriately and running Synthesis, click the Layout icon in the Project Manager to invoke Designer. CoreGPIO requires no special place-and-route settings. 10 CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 2 - Interface Description Generics Table 3 gives descriptions for the CoreGPIO generics. Table 3 CoreGPIO Generics Parameter Values Default Value 0–99 17 FAMILY Description Will be set automatically to the device family selected in Libero IDE or SoC. 11 – Axcelerator 12 – RTAX-S 14 – ProASIC 15 – ProASIC3 16 – ProASIC3E 17 – Fusion 20 – IGLOO 21 – IGLOOe 22 – ProASIC3L 23 – IGLOOPLUS 18 – SmartFusion 19 – SmartFusion2 24 – IGLOO2 25 – RTG4 APB_WIDTH 8, 16, 32 32 APB data width IO_NUM 1–32 32 Number of GPIOs OE_TYPE 0 or 1 0 If 0, output buffering is implemented outside CoreGPIO. The user is responsible for instantiating tristate buffers outside of the core. If 1, output buffering (if enabled) is implemented inside the core. When GPIO_OE[i] is 0, GPIO_OUT is high impedance (Z). FIXED_CONFIG_x 0 or 1 0 If 0, configuration for bit x (0-31) is set via APB-accessible register CONFIG_x (see the "Register Map" section). If 1, configuration for bit x (0-31) is set via "IO_INT_TYPE_x" (described below) and "IO_TYPE_x". IO_INT_TYPE_x 0-5 0 Interrupt types selected according to the following scheme: 0 – Level High 1 – Level Low 2 – Edge Positive 3 – Edge Negative 4 – Edge Both 7 – Disabled Note that selecting one type will synthesize out logic for other types. For example, Level High will remove and/or gates for edge detect. CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 11 2 - Interface Description Parameter Values Default Value IO_TYPE_x 0-2 0 Description If 0, bit x is of type input only. Output logic will be synthesized out. If 1, bit x is of type output only. Input logic will be synthesized out. If 2, bit x is of type input and output (both). IO_VAL_x 0 or 1 0 Sets the output at reset for GPIO bit x. INT_BUS 0 or 1 0 If 0, the INT_OR output is fixed at 0 (unused). If 1, the INT_OR output is set if any of the INT signals are set (OR operation). Ports Table 4 outlines the top-level signals for CoreGPIO. Table 4 CoreGPIO Ports Name Type Description APB Bus Signals PCLK Input APB System Clock – Reference clock for all internal logic PRESETN Input APB active low asynchronous reset PWDATA Input APB write data Output APB read data [APB_WIDTH-1:0] PRDATA [APB_WIDTH-1:0] PADDR[7:0] Input APB address bus PENABLE Input APB strobe – Indicates the second cycle of an APB transfer PSEL Input APB slave select PWRITE Input APB write/read select signal PREADY Output APB 3 ready signal for future APB 3 compliance; tied internally High PSLVERR Output APB 3 transfer error signal for future APB 3 compliance; tied internally Low GPIO Signals GPIO_IN [IO_NUM1:0] Input GPIO input GPIO_OUT[IO_NUM1:0] Output GPIO output GPIO_OE[IO_NUM1:0] Output GPIO output enable INT[IO_NUM-1:0] Output Interrupt mask; can be connected directly to processor (for example, Cortex-M1) INT_OR Output Provides an OR’ed version (single wire) of the interrupt mask provided on INT[IO_NUM-1:0] Notes: 1. Unless otherwise noted, all of the signals above are active High. 12 CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 3 - Register Map Overview Table 5 through Table 7 describe the CoreGPIO Register map Table 5 CoreGPIO Register Address Map (APB_WIDTH = 8) PADDR[7:0] Type Reset Value (Hex) Brief Description 0x00-0x7C (0x00, 0x04, R/W 0x00 8-bit configuration registers for all 32 bits; 1 register per bit. 0x80 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 1 (bits 7:0) 0x84 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 2 (bits 15:8) 0x88 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 3 (bits 23:16) 0x8C W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 4 (bits 31:24) 0x90 R 0x00 Input register 1 (bits 7:0) 0x94 R 0x00 Input register 2 (bits 15:8) 0x98 R 0x00 Input register 3 (bits 23:16) 0x9C R 0x00 Input register 4 (bits 31:24) 0xA0 R/W 0x00 Output register 1 (bits 7:0) 0xA4 R/W 0x00 Output register 2 (bits 15:8) 0xA8 R/W 0x00 Output register 3 (bits 23:16) 0xAC R/W 0x00 Output register 4 (bits 31:24) 0x08, …, 0x7C) Notes: 1. Values shown in hexadecimal format; type designations: R = read only; R/W = read/write. 2. Lower 2 bits of PADDR are unconnected inside CoreGPIO. Table 6 CoreGPIO Register Address Map (APB_WIDTH = 16) PADDR[7:0] Type Reset Value (Hex) 0x00-0x7C (0x00, 0x04, 0x08, …, 0x7C) R/W 0x00 8-bit configuration registers for all 32 bits; 1 register per bit. 0x80 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 1 (bits 15:0) 0x84 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 2 (1bits 31:16) 0x90 R 0x00 Input register 1 (bits 15:0) 0x94 R 0x00 Input register 2 (bits 31:16) 0xA0 R/W 0x00 Output register 1 (bits 15:0) CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook Brief Description 13 3 - Register Map PADDR[7:0] Type Reset Value (Hex) Brief Description Notes: 1. Values shown in hexadecimal format; type designations: R = read only; R/W = read/write. 2. Lower 2 bits of PADDR are unconnected inside CoreGPIO. Table 7 CoreGPIO Register Address Map (APB_WIDTH = 32) PADDR[7:0] Type Reset Value (Hex) Brief Description (0x00, 0x04, 0x08, …, 0x7C) R/W 0x00 8-bit configuration registers for all 32 bits; 1 register per bit. 0x80 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register 1 (bits 31:0) 0x90 R 0x00 Input register 1 (bits 31:0) 0xA0 R/W 0x00 Output register 1 (bits 31:0) 0x00-0x7C Notes: 1. Values shown in hexadecimal format; type designations: R = read only; R/W = read/write. 2. Lower 2 bits of PADDR are unconnected inside CoreGPIO. Configuration Registers There are up to 32 8-bit configuration registers (depending on the IO_NUM parameter). Table 8 describes the CoreGPIO configuration register operation. Table 8 Per-bit Configuration Register Bits 7:5 Name INTTYPE Function Sets the interrupt type for this particular bit: 000 – Level High 001 – Level Low 010 – Edge Positive 011 – Edge Negative 100 – Edge Both 101 to 111 – Invalid 4 Reserved Unused 3 INTENABLE Interrupt enable for this particular bit 1 – Enable interrupt generation 0 – Disable interrupt generation 2 OUTBUFF Sets the output enable for this particular bit, whether via the GPIO_OE signal or implemented internally (see parameter "OE_TYPE"). 1 – Enables output 0 – Disables output 1 INREG Input register enable 1 – Enables input register for this particular bit 0 – Disables input register for this particular bit 0 14 OUTREG Output register enable CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook Interrupt Registers Bits Name Function 1 – Enables output functionality for this particular bit 0 – Disables output functionality for this particular bit Interrupt Registers These are per-bit interrupt clear registers. Writing a 1 to any bit clears the interrupt bit register of the corresponding GPIO bit. In 32-bit mode, all 32 interrupt bits are in a single 32-bit register located at address 0x80. In 16-bit mode, 32 interrupt bits are split into two 16-bit registers located at addresses 0x80 and 0x84. In 8-bit mode, 32 interrupt bits are split into four 8-bit registers located at addresses 0x80, 0x84, 0x88, and 0x8C. Input Registers Read-only for input configured ports. Disabling a bit in this register with the CONFIG_X[1] (INREG) bit will force the bit to 0 via a MUX, while keeping the incoming current value in the register. In 32-bit mode, all 32 input bits are in a single 32-bit register located at address 0x90. In 16-bit mode, 32 input bits are split into two 16-bit registers located at addresses 0x90 and 0x94. In 8-bit mode, 32 input bits are split into four 8-bit registers located at addresses 0x90, 0x94, 0x98, and 0x9C. Output Registers The output registers are writeable/readable for output configured ports, and are logical "don't cares" for input configured ports. Disabling a bit in this register with the CONFIG_X[0] (OUTREG) bit will force the bit to 0 via a MUX, while keeping the previously written value in the output register. In 32-bit mode, all 32 output bits are in a single 32-bit register located at address 0xA0. In 16-bit mode, 32 output bits are split into two 16-bit registers located at addresses 0xA0 and 0xA4. In 8-bit mode, 32 output bits are split into four 8-bit registers located at addresses 0xA0, 0xA4, 0xA8, and 0xAC. CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 15 4 - Testbench Operation and Modification An example user testbench is included with CoreGPIO for both VHDL and Verilog. The testbench is provided as an obfuscated bus functional model (BFM), connected as shown in Figure 3 to a CoreGPIO block. You can examine and change the testbench by modifying the *.bfm file and generating a *.vec APB master vector file, as shown in Figure 3. APB Master BFM Script (*.bfm file) bfmtovec.exe Compiler User Testbench BFM_APB CoreGPIO APB I/F APB Master Vectors (*.vec file) APB I/F File I/O Ext Memory I/F Reg File GPIO I/F Figure 3 CoreGPIO User Testbench Block Diagram The user testbench instantiates a Microsemi DirectCore AMBA BFM module to emulate an APB master that controls the operation of CoreGPIO via reads and writes to access internal registers. A BFM ASCII script source file with comments is included in the directory <proj>/simulation, where <proj> represents the path to your Libero IDE or SoC project. The BFM source file, coregpio_usertb_apb_master.bfm, controls the APB master processor. This BFM source file is automatically recompiled each time the simulation is invoked from Libero IDE or SoC by the bfmtovec.exe ® executable, if running on a Windows platform, or by the bfmtovec.lin executable, if running on a Linux platform. The coregpio_usertb_apb_master.vec vector file, created by the bfmtovec executable, is read in by the BFM module for simulation in ModelSim. You can alter the BFM script, if desired. Refer to the Microsemi DirectCore AMBA BFM User Guide for more information. CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 17 Product Support Microsemi SoC Products Group backs its products with various support services, including Customer Service, Customer Technical Support Center, a website, electronic mail, and worldwide sales offices. This appendix contains information about contacting Microsemi SoC Products Group and using these support services. Customer Service Contact Customer Service for non-technical product support, such as product pricing, product upgrades, update information, order status, and authorization. From North America, call 800.262.1060 From the rest of the world, call 650.318.4460 Fax, from anywhere in the world 650. 318.8044 Customer Technical Support Center Microsemi SoC Products Group staffs its Customer Technical Support Center with highly skilled engineers who can help answer your hardware, software, and design questions about Microsemi SoC Products. The Customer Technical Support Center spends a great deal of time creating application notes, answers to common design cycle questions, documentation of known issues and various FAQs. So, before you contact us, please visit our online resources. It is very likely we have already answered your questions. Technical Support For Microsemi Technical Support, visit Website You can browse a variety of technical and non-technical information on the Microsemi SoC Products Group home page, at Contacting the Customer Technical Support Center Highly skilled engineers staff the Technical Support Center. The Technical Support Center can be contacted by email or through the Microsemi SoC Products Group website. Email You can communicate your technical questions to our email address and receive answers back by email, fax, or phone. Also, if you have design problems, you can email your design files to receive assistance. We constantly monitor the email account throughout the day. When sending your request to us, please be sure to include your full name, company name, and your contact information for efficient processing of your request. The technical support email address is [email protected]. My Cases Microsemi SoC Products Group customers may submit and track technical cases online by going to My Cases. Outside the U.S. Customers needing assistance outside the US time zones can either contact technical support via email ([email protected]) or contact a local sales office. Sales office listings can be found at CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook 19 Product Support ITAR Technical Support For technical support on RH and RT FPGAs that are regulated by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), contact us via [email protected]. Alternatively, within My Cases, select Yes in the ITAR drop-down list. For a complete list of ITAR-regulated Microsemi FPGAs, visit the ITAR web page. 20 CoreGPIO v3.1 Handbook Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for communications, defense & security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world’s standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif., and has approximately 3,400 employees globally. Learn more at Microsemi Corporate Headquarters One Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 USA Within the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113 Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100 Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136 Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996 E-mail: [email protected] © 2015 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided “as is, where is” and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice. 50200183-1/03.15