RF COAXIAL SWITCHES JFW is one of the world’s foremost authorities on RF switching. We offer an extensive line of Electro-mechanical and Solid-state, coaxial switches for a wide range of RF and microwave applications. Choose the RF switch that is right for you from our thousands of existing switches or send us the exact specifications you are looking for and let us design a switch with your needs in mind. Available Features ● Electro-mechanical switches up to 18 GHz and 1000 Watts ● Solid-state, PIN diode switches up to 6 GHz ● High-power, PIN diode switches up to 300W CW ● Hot switch 250 Watts of RF power ● 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm switches (other impedance values also available upon request) ● Choose any RF connector combination (BNC, SMA, N, TNC, 7/16, F, reverse polarity and more) ● Switches available with TTL driver and a variety of control voltages ● Fail-safe & latching switch designs ● Switch indicator circuitry ● Ask about phase constant and phase tracking RF switch designs AFFORDABLE CUSTOM DESIGNS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE! Call 317-887-1340 • Toll Free 877-887-4539 • Fax 317-881-6790 E-mail [email protected] • www.jfwindustries.com 6-1 RF Switches Model Number Index Please add connector type to the end of part number to complete model number (Example: 50S-348 SMA). Solid State - 50 Ohm Electro-mechanical - 50 Ohm Model Number Frequency Range Configuration Page Model Number Frequency Range Configuration Page 50S-348 5-2000 MHz 1P2T 6-4 50S-1313 DC-18 GHz 1P2T 6-20 50S-381 100-1250 MHz 1P8T 6-6 50S-1315 DC-18 GHz 1P4T 6-20 50S-642 5-3000 MHz 1P1T 6-4 50S-1316 DC-18 GHz 1P6T 6-22 50S-785 20-2000 MHz 1P1T 6-4 50S-1317 DC-18 GHz 1P8T 6-22 50S-847 50-2000 MHz 1P6T 6-6 50S-1360 DC-18 GHz 1P3T 6-20 50S-884 50-2000 MHz 1P4T 6-6 50S-1361 DC-18 GHz Transfer 6-24 50S-976 750-4300 MHz 1P2T 6-4 50S-979 5-2500 MHz 1P2T 6-4 50S-1011 400-2000 MHz 1P8T 6-6 Model Number Frequency Range Configuration Page 50S-1035 20-4300 MHz 1P4T 6-8 75S-111 DC-2150 MHz 1P2T 6-18 50S-1075 20-4300 MHz 1P4T 6-8 20-4300 MHz 1P2T 6-8 DC-2150 MHz DC-2150 MHz 1P8T 1P16T 6-18 50S-1163 75S-221 75S-303 75S-306 DC-2150 MHz 1P4T 6-18 50S-1199 20-4300 MHz 1P8T 6-8 50S-1220 20-4300 MHz 1P2T 6-8 50S-1310 20-4300 MHz 1P8T 6-8 50S-1324 800-2200 MHz 1P1T 6-4 50S-1337 800-3000 MHz 1P1T 6-4 50S-1382 5-2500 MHz 1P3T 6-4 50S-1876 20-6000 MHz 1P2T 6-10 Electro-mechanical - 75 Ohm High Power Solid State - 50 Ohm Solid State - 75 Ohm Model Number Frequency Range Configuration Page 75S-081 5-1000 MHz 1P2T 6-16 75S-181 5-1000 MHz 1P8T 6-16 75S-225 5-1000 MHz 1P4T 6-16 75S-264 20-1000 MHz 1P16T 6-16 75S-332 950-2150 MHz 1P2T 6-16 75S-333 950-2150 MHz 1P4T 6-16 75S-338 900-2200 MHz 1P8T 6-16 S-6-F 01-20-12 Cat Sep 2011 6-18 6-2 Model Number Frequency Range Configuration Page 50S-1268 100-500 MHz 1P2T 6-12 50S-1407 100-500 MHz 1P3T 6-14 50S-1422 100-500 MHz 1P2T 6-12 50S-1505 20-2500 MHz 1P2T 6-12 50S-1524 100-500 MHz 1P6T 6-14 50S-1525 100-500 MHz 1P4T 6-14 50S-1559 20-1000 MHz 1P2T 6-12 50S-1820 800-2700 MHz 1P2T 6-13 50S-1821 800-3000 MHz 1P2T 6-13 50S-1832 960-1300 MHz 1P2T 6-12 50S-1841 500-3000 MHz 1P2T 6-13 50S-1872 20-500 MHz 1P2T 6-11 50S-1873 800-2200 MHz 1P2T 6-11 RF Switches Index by Configuration Please add connector type to the end of part number to complete model number (Example: 50S-348 SMA). Solid State - 50 Ohm Electro-mechanical - 50 Ohm Configuration Frequency Range Model Number Page Configuration Frequency Range Model Number Page 1P1T 5-3000 MHz 50S-642 6-4 1P2T DC-18 GHz 50S-1313 6-20 1P1T 20-2000 MHz 50S-785 6-4 1P3T DC-18 GHz 50S-1360 6-20 1P1T 800-2200 MHz 50S-1324 6-4 1P4T DC-18 GHz 50S-1315 6-20 1P1T 800-3000 MHz 50S-1337 6-4 1P6T DC-18 GHz 50S-1316 6-22 1P2T 5-2000 MHz 50S-348 6-4 1P8T DC-18 GHz 50S-1317 6-22 1P2T 5-2500 MHz 50S-979 6-4 Transfer DC-18 GHz 50S-1361 6-24 1P2T 20-4300 MHz 50S-1163 6-8 1P2T 1P2T 20-4300 MHz 20-6000 MHz 50S-1220 50S-1876 6-8 1P2T 750-4300 MHz 50S-976 1P3T 5-2500 MHz 1P4T Electro-mechanical - 75 Ohm Configuration Frequency Range Model Number Page 6-4 1P2T DC-2150 MHz 75S-111 6-18 50S-1382 6-4 20-4300 MHz 50S-1035 6-8 1P4T DC-2150 MHz 75S-306 6-18 1P4T 20-4300 MHz 50S-1075 6-8 1P8T DC-2150 MHz 75S-221 6-18 1P4T 50-2000 MHz 50S-884 6-6 1P16T DC-2150 MHz 75S-303 6-18 1P6T 50-2000 MHz 50S-847 6-6 1P8T 20-4300 MHz 50S-1199 6-8 1P8T 20-4300 MHz 50S-1310 6-8 1P8T 100-1250 MHz 50S-381 6-6 1P8T 400-2000 MHz 50S-1011 6-10 High Power Solid State - 50 Ohm Configuration Frequency Range Model Number Page 1P2T 20-500 MHz 50S-1872 6-11 6-6 1P2T 20-2500 MHz 50S-1505 6-12 1P2T 20-1000 MHz 50S-1559 6-12 Solid State - 75 Ohm Configuration Frequency Range Model Number Page 1P2T 100-500 MHz 50S-1268 6-12 1P2T 100-500 MHz 50S-1422 6-12 1P2T 5-1000 MHz 75S-081 6-16 1P2T 500-3000 MHz 50S-1841 6-13 1P2T 950-2150 MHz 75S-332 6-16 1P2T 800-2200 MHz 50S-1873 6-11 1P4T 5-1000 MHz 75S-225 6-16 1P4T 950-2150 MHz 75S-333 6-16 1P2T 800-2700 MHz 50S-1820 6-13 1P8T 5-1000 MHz 75S-181 6-16 1P2T 800-3000 MHz 50S-1821 6-13 1P8T 900-2200 MHz 75S-338 6-16 1P2T 960-1300 MHz 50S-1832 6-12 1P3T 100-500 MHz 50S-1407 1P16T 20-1000 MHz 75S-264 6-16 6-14 1P4T 100-500 MHz 50S-1525 6-14 1P6T 100-500 MHz 50S-1524 6-14 6-3 S-6-F 01-20-12 Cat Sep 2011 Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) RF Connectors 50S-642 1P1T (reflective) 5-3000 MHz 80 dB 5-500 MHz 60 dB 500-3000 MHz 1.4:1 2.0 dB SMA female 50S-785 1P1T (reflective) 20-2000 MHz 60 dB 1.4:1 1.5 dB SMA female 50S-1324 1P1T (absorptive) 800-2200 MHz 55 dB 1.4:1 1.5 dB SMA female 50S-1337 1P1T (absorptive) 800-3000 MHz 50 dB 1.5:1 1.25 dB 800-1000 MHz 2.25 dB 1000-3000 MHz SMA female 50S-348 1P2T (reflective) 5-2000 MHz 60 dB 5-1000 MHz 50 dB 1000-2000 MHz 1.4:1 1.0 dB 5-1000 MHz 1.5 dB 1000-2000 MHz SMA female 50S-979 1P2T (absorptive) 5-2500 MHz 60 dB 5-1000 MHz 50 dB 1000-2200 MHz 45 dB 2200-2500 MHz 1.4:1 1.0 dB 5-1000 MHz 1.5 dB 1000-2200 MHz 2.0 dB 2200-2500 MHz SMA female 50S-976 1P2T (reflective) 750-4300 MHz 50 dB 750-2000 MHz 40 dB 2000-3500 MHz 30 dB 3500-4300 MHz 1.4:1 1.5 dB SMA female 50S-1382 1P3T (reflective) 5-2500 MHz 55 dB 5-1000 MHz 45 dB 1000-2500 MHz 1.5:1 1.0 dB 5-1000 MHz 1.5 dB 1000-2000 MHz 2.0 dB 2000-2500 MHz SMA female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Supply Voltage Control Logic 50S-642 50 Ohms 20 microseconds +10 dBm 5-1500 MHz +20 dBm 1500-3000 MHz +5 Vdc @ 100 mA (1 line) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-785 50 Ohms 500 nanoseconds +10 dBm +5 Vdc @ 125 mA (1 line) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-1324 50 Ohms 10 microseconds +20 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA TTL low-off and both ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms Operating Temperature (1 line) 0° C to +70° C TTL high-on (1 line) 50S-1337 50 Ohms 500 nanoseconds +20 dBm +5 Vdc @ 100 mA TTL low-off and both ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms 0° C to +70° C TTL high-on 50S-348 50 Ohms 5 microseconds +5 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (2 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-979 50 Ohms 5 microseconds +10 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (2 lines) TTL low-off ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-976 50 Ohms 5 microseconds +10 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (2 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-1382 50 Ohms 20 microseconds +5 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (3 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0º C to +70º C This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-4 Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switches 50S-642 / 50S-785 / 50S-1324 / 50S-1337 50S-348 / 50S-976 / 50S-979 50S-1382 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-5 S-6-F 01-20-12 Cat Sep 2011 Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switch Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50S-884 1P4T (reflective) 50-2000 MHz 65 dB 50-1000 MHz 55 dB 1000-2000 MHz 1.4:1 1.5 dB 50-500 MHz 2.0 dB 500-1000 MHz 2.5 dB 1000-2000 MHz SMA female 50S-847 1P6T (absorptive) 50-2000 MHz 70 dB 50-1500 MHz 55 dB 1500-2000 MHz 1.3:1 50-750 MHz 1.4:1 750-1500 MHz 1.5:1 1500-2000 MHz 1.5 dB 50-750 MHz 2.0 dB 750-1500 MHz 3.0 dB 1500-2000 MHz SMA female 50S-381 1P8T (absorptive) 100-1250 MHz 65 dB 100-750 MHz 60 dB 750-1250 MHz 1.3:1 100-750 MHz 1.4:1 750-1250 MHz 1.5 dB 100-750 MHz 2.0 dB 750-1250 MHz SMA female 50S-1011 1P8T (absorptive) 400-2000 MHz 65 dB 400-1000 MHz 55 dB 1000-2000 MHz 1.5:1 2.0 dB 400-1000 MHz 3.0 dB 1000-2000 MHz SMA female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Supply Voltage Control Logic 50S-884 50 Ohms 5 microseconds +13 dBm +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (4 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on -20° C to +85° C 50S-847 50 Ohms 1 microsecond +10 dBm +5 Vdc @ 250 mA (3 lines) TTL per drawing Off ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms 0° C to +70° C +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (8 lines) TTL low-off ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (8 lines) TTL low-off ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 50S-381 50S-1011 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 1 microsecond 10 microseconds +10 dBm +20 dBm RF Connectors Operating Temperature 50S-884 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-6 Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switches 50S-847 50S-381 / 50S-1011 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-7 S-6-F 12-13-11 Cat Sep 2011 4.3 GHz Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50S-1163 1P2T (reflective) 50S-1220 1P2T (absorptive) 50S-1035 1P4T (reflective) 20-4300 MHz 80 70 60 55 dB dB dB dB 20-1000 MHz 1000-2000 MHz 2000-4000 MHz 4000-4300 MHz 1.5:1 1.5 dB 20-1000 MHz 3 dB 1000-4300 MHz SMA female 20-4300 MHz 80 70 60 55 dB dB dB dB 20-1000 MHz 1000-2000 MHz 2000-4000 MHz 4000-4300 MHz 1.5:1 1.5 dB 20-1000 MHz 3 dB 1000-4300 MHz SMA female 80 70 60 55 dB dB dB dB 20-1000 MHz 1000-2000 MHz 2000-4000 MHz 4000-4300 MHz 1.5:1 2 dB 20-1000 MHz 4 dB 1000-4300 MHz SMA female 50S-1075 1P4T (absorptive) 20-4300 MHz 75 dB 20-1000 MHz 65 dB 1000-2000 MHz 55 dB 2000-4300 MHz 1.5:1 2 dB 20-1000 MHz 4 dB 1000-4300 MHz SMA female 50S-1199 1P8T (reflective) 20-4300 MHz 70 dB to 2000 MHz 50 dB to 4300 MHz 1.5:1 2 dB 20-1000 MHz 2.5 dB 1000-2000 MHz 3 dB 2000-3000 MHz 4 dB 3000-4300 MHz SMA female 50S-1310 1P8T (absorptive) 20-4300 MHz 70 dB to 2000 MHz 50 dB to 4300 MHz 1.5:1 2.5 dB 20-1000 MHz 3 dB 1000-2000 MHz 3.5 dB 2000-3000 MHz 4.5 dB 3000-4300 MHz SMA female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Supply Voltage 50S-1163 50 Ohms 20 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz +24 Vdc @ 50 mA 20-4300 MHz Control Logic RF Connectors Operating Temperature (2 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0º C to +70º C +24 Vdc @ 50 mA +5 Vdc @ 50 mA (2 lines) TTL low-off and port is internally terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high-on 0º C to +70º C 50S-1220 50 Ohms 10 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz 50S-1035 50 Ohms 20 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz +24 Vdc @ 50 mA (4 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0º C to +70º C 50S-1075 50 Ohms 10 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz +24 Vdc @ 150 mA +5 Vdc @ 100 mA (4 lines) TTL low-off and port is internally terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high-on 0º C to +70º C 50S-1199 50 Ohms 20 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz +24 Vdc @ 100 mA +5 Vdc @ 100 mA (4 lines) TTL per drawing Off ports reflective 0° C to +70° C 50S-1310 50 Ohms 15 microseconds +20 dBm 20-100 MHz +30 dBm 100-4300 MHz +24 Vdc @ 200 mA +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (4 lines) TTL per drawing Off ports are internally terminated into 50 Ohms 0º C to +70º C This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-8 4.3 GHz Wideband Solid State Coaxial Switches 50S-1163 / 50S-1220 50S-1035 / 50S-1075 le, g cab n i t a DC m -11. For a age 8 p e e s 50S-1199 / 50S-1310 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-9 6 GHz Solid State Coaxial Switch Model Configuration 50S-1876 1P2T (absorptive) Frequency Range 20-6000 MHz Impedance Switching Speed 50 Ohms 10 microseconds maximum 5 microseconds typical Isolation VSWR Insertion Loss 55 75 70 65 1.80:1 maximum 1.25:1 typical 20-2000 MHz 1.50:1 typical 2000-6000 MHz 2.50 dB maximum 1.25 dB typical 20-2000 MHz 1.75 dB typical 2000-6000 MHz dB dB dB dB minimum typical 20-2000 MHz typical 2000-4000 MHz typical 4000-6000 MHz RF Input Power +26 dBm (Hot switch) Supply Voltage +5 Vdc @ 10 mA Control Logic TTL low for COM to J1 and J2 terminated into 50 Ohms TTL high for COM to J2 and J1 terminated into 50 Ohms Operating Temperature RF Connectors -40º C to +85º C SMA female This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-10 Medium Power Solid State Coaxial Switch Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation VSWR Insertion Loss RF Connectors 50S-1872 1P2T (reflective) 20-500 MHz 50 dB minimum 65 dB typical @ 20 MHz 55 dB typical @ 500 MHz 1.3:1 maximum 1.2:1 typical 0.6 dB maximum 0.2 dB typical @ 20 MHz 0.4 dB typical @ 500 MHz SMA female 50S-1873 1P2T (reflective) 800-2200 MHz 45 dB minimum 55 dB typical 1.5:1 maximum 1.3:1 typical 0.9 dB maximum 0.7 dB typical SMA female Model Impedance Switching Speed 50S-1872 50 Ohms 50S-1873 50 Ohms RF Input Power Supply Voltage Control Logic 10 microseconds maximum 6 microseconds typical 5 Watts average (Hot switch) +28 Vdc @ 70 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA (1 line) TTL low for Common to J1 TTL high for Common to J2 -20º C to +75º C 12 microseconds maximum 10 microseconds typical 15 Watts average (Hot switch) +28 Vdc @ 35 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA (1 line) TTL low for Common to J1 TTL high for Common to J2 -20º C to +75º C Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-11 Operating Temperature High Power 1P2T Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50S-1268 1P2T (reflective) 100-500 MHz 55 dB 1.25:1 0.5 dB N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1422 1P2T (reflective) 100-500 MHz 55 dB 1.25:1 0.5 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1505 1P2T (reflective) 20-2500 MHz 45 dB 20-1000 MHz 35 dB 1000-2500 MHz 1.4:1 0.7 dB 20-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2000 MHz 1.5 dB 2000-2500 MHz N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1559 1P2T (reflective) 20-1000 MHz 50 dB 20-500 MHz 40 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.4:1 0.50 dB 20-500 MHz 0.75 dB 500-1000 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 960-1300 MHz 40 dB 1.3:1 0.75 dB N or SMA female High 1P2T Peak 50S-1832 (reflective) r e Pow Model Impedance Switching Speed 50S-1268 50 Ohm 50S-1422 RF Connectors RF Input Power Supply Voltage 40 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 100 Watts average (Cold switch) 500 Watts peak (1 microsecond pulse) 100 Watts average (Hot switch) +12 Vdc to +15 Vdc @ 250 mA + 5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20° C to +70° C 50 Ohm 40 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 250 Watts average (Cold switch) 500 Watts peak (1 microsecond pulse) 100 Watts average (Hot switch) +15 Vdc @ 250 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20° C to +70° C 50S-1505 50 Ohm 10 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 25 Watts average (Cold switch) 200 Watts peak (1 microsecond pulse) +15 Vdc @ 80 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C 50S-1559 50 Ohm 40 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 150 Watts average (Cold switch) 50 Watts average (Hot switch) +15 Vdc @ 250 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C 10 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 200 Watts average (Cold switch) 1000 Watts Peak (35 microsecond pulse) +15 Vdc @ 250 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C High 50S-1832 50 Ohm Peak r Powe Operating Temperature TTL Low = Common to J1 TTL High = Common to J2 S-6-F 03-10-14 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-12 High Power 1P2T Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) RF Connectors 50S-1820 1P2T (reflective) 800-2700 MHz 65 dB 800-2000 MHz 60 dB 2000-2700 MHz 1.4:1 1.00 dB 800-2000 MHz 1.20 dB 2000-2700 MHz N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1821 1P2T (reflective) 800-3000 MHz 65 dB 800-2000 MHz 55 dB 2000-3000 MHz 1.4:1 1.00 dB 800-2000 MHz 1.30 dB 2000-3000 MHz N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1841 1P2T (reflective) 500-3000 MHz 65 dB 500-2000 MHz 55 dB 2000-3000 MHz 1.5:1 0.75 dB 500-1000 MHz 0.90 dB 1000-2000 MHz 1.25 dB 2000-3000 MHz N, SMA or TNC female Model Impedance Switching Speed 50S-1820 50 Ohms 50S-1821 50S-1841 RF Input Power Supply Voltage Operating Temperature 10 microseconds maximum 6 microseconds typical (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 100 Watts average (Cold switch) 30 Watts average (Hot switch) +15 Vdc @ 80 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C 50 Ohms 10 microseconds maximum 6 microseconds typical (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 75 Watts average (Cold switch) 30 Watts average (Hot switch) +15 Vdc @ 80 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C 50 Ohms 10 microseconds maximum 6 microseconds typical (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 30 Watts average (Hot switch) +15 Vdc @ 80 mA +5 Vdc @ 40 mA -20º C to +70º C Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-13 High Power Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) RF Connectors 50S-1407 1P3T (reflective) 100-500 MHz 50 dB 1.3:1 0.5 dB N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1525 1P4T (reflective) 100-500 MHz 50 dB 1.3:1 0.55 dB N, SMA or TNC female 50S-1524 1P6T (reflective) 100-500 MHz 50 dB 1.3:1 0.75 dB N, SMA or TNC female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Supply Voltage Control Logic Operating Temperature +15 Vdc @ 400 mA +5 Vdc @ 80 mA (3 lines*) TTL (See chart) -20º C to +70º C +15 Vdc @ 650 mA +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (3 lines) TTL (See chart) -20º C to +70º C +15 Vdc @ 750 mA +5 Vdc @ 150 mA (3 lines) TTL (See chart) -20º C to +70º C 250 Watts average (Cold switch) 50S-1407 50 Ohms 40 microseconds (50% TTL to specified isolation) 500 Watts peak (1 microsecond) 20 Watts average (Hot switch) 100 Watts average (Cold switch) 50S-1525 50 Ohms 40 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 500 Watts peak (1 microsecond) 20 Watts average (Hot switch) 100 Watts average (Cold switch) 50S-1524 50 Ohms 40 microseconds (50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF) 500 Watts peak (1 microsecond) 20 Watts average (Hot switch) *Only one control line can be TTL high at a time. 50S-1407 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-14 High Power Solid State Coaxial Switches 50S-1525 50S-1524 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-15 75 Ohm Solid State Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 75S-081 1P2T (absorptive) 5-1000 MHz 60 dB 5-500 MHz 55 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.2:1 5-300 MHz 1.3:1 300-600 MHz 1.4:1 600-1000 MHz 1.5 dB 5-500 MHz 2.5 dB 500-1000 MHz 75S-332 1P2T (absorptive) 950-2150 MHz 70 dB 1.4:1 2.5 dB F female 75S-225 1P4T (reflective) 5-1000 MHz 60 dB 1.2:1 2.25 dB BNC or F female 75S-333 1P4T (absorptive) 950-2150 MHz 70 dB 1.4:1 2.5 dB F female 75S-181 1P8T (reflective) 5-1000 MHz 70 dB 5-50 MHz 60 dB 50-500 MHz 55 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.3:1 5-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5 dB 5-500 MHz 2.0 dB 500-1000 MHz BNC or F female 75S-338 1P8T (absorptive) 900-2200 MHz 65 dB 1.5:1 3.0 dB F female 75S-264 1P16T (absorptive) 20-1000 MHz 55 dB 1.4:1 2.0 dB BNC or F female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Supply Voltage Control Logic 75S-081 75 Ohms 20 microseconds +20 dBm (1 dB compression) +5 Vdc @ 100 mA (1 line) TTL low for J3 to J1 TTL high for J3 to J2 off port terminated into 75 Ohms 0° C to +70° C 75S-332 75 Ohms 10 microseconds +30 dBm +12 Vdc @ 150 mA (2 lines) TTL low - off and port internally terminated into 75 Ohms TTL high - on 0º C to +70º C 75S-225 75 Ohms 10 microseconds +20 dBm (1 dB compression) +24 Vdc @ 50 mA (4 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 75S-333 75 Ohms 10 microseconds +30 dBm +12 Vdc @ 200 mA (4 lines) TTL low - off and port internally terminated into 75 Ohms TTL high - on 0º C to +70º C 75S-181 75 Ohms 200 microseconds +10 dBm +28 Vdc @ 250 mA (8 lines) TTL low-off (reflective) TTL high-on 0° C to +70° C 0º C to +70º C 0° C to +70° C 75S-338 75 Ohms 10 microseconds +30 dBm +12 Vdc @ 200 mA (8 lines) TTL low - off and port internally terminated into 75 Ohms TTL high - on 75S-264 75 Ohms 50 microseconds +20 dBm +5 Vdc @ 100 mA +15 Vdc @ 200 mA -15 Vdc @ 500 mA (5 lines) TTL per drawing off ports terminated into 75 Ohms RF Connectors BNC, F or N female Operating Temperature This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-16 75 Ohm Solid State Coaxial Switches 75S-081 75S-332 75S-225 75S-333 75S-181 75S-338 75S-264 For a D C matin see pag g cable, e 8-11. Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-17 75 Ohm Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) RF Connectors 75S-111 1P2T (failsafe, absorptive) DC-2150 MHz 50 dB DC-1000 MHz 45 dB 1000-2150 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2150 MHz 0.75 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2150 MHz BNC or F female 75S-306 1P4T (N.O., absorptive) DC-2150 MHz 70 dB DC-500 MHz 50 dB 500-2150 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-2150 MHz 0.8 dB BNC or F female 75S-221 1P8T (failsafe, absorptive) DC-2150 MHz 60 dB DC-500 MHz 50 dB 500-2150 MHz 1.5:1 1.0 dB DC-1000 MHz 2.0 dB 1000-2150 MHz BNC or F female 75S-303 1P16T (failsafe, absorptive) DC-2150 MHz 70 dB DC-1000 MHz 50 dB 1000-2150 MHz 1.5:1 0.75 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.50 dB 1000-2150 MHz BNC or F female Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power Control Voltage Operating Temperature 75S-111 75 Ohms 10 milliseconds +20 dBm +12 Vdc @ 90 mA -20° C to +85° C 75S-306 75 Ohms 10 milliseconds +20 dBm +12 Vdc @ 60 mA -20º C to +85º C 75S-221 75 Ohms 10 milliseconds +20 dBm +12 Vdc @ 110 mA -20° C to +85° C 75S-303 75 Ohms 10 milliseconds +27 dBm TTL per table -20º C to +85º C E AT NLIN com 75S-111 O s. BUY windustrie .jf www 75S-306 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-18 75 Ohm Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches 75S-221 le, cab ating m C D -11. For a age 8 p e e s 75S-303 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-19 18 GHz Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50S-1313 1P2T (failsafe, reflective) DC-18 GHz 85 80 70 65 60 1.1:1 DC-1 GHz 1.15:1 1-4 GHz 1.2:1 4-8 GHz 1.3:1 8-12 GHz 1.35:1 12-18 GHz 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.35 dB dB dB dB dB DC-1 GHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz SMA female 50S-1360 1P3T (N.O., reflective) DC-18 GHz 70 dB DC-4 GHz 65 dB 4-8 GHz 60 dB 8-18 GHz 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.4:1 1.5:1 DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 dB dB dB dB DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz SMA female 50S-1315 1P4T (N.O., reflective) DC-18 GHz 70 dB DC-4 GHz 65 dB 4-8 GHz 60 dB 8-18 GHz 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.4:1 1.5:1 DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 dB dB dB dB DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz SMA female dB dB dB dB dB DC-1 GHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz RF Connectors Model Impedance Switching Speed RF Input Power (average) Control Voltage / Supply Voltage (Non-TTL) (TTL) Operating Temperature Lifetime (minimum) 50S-1313 50 Ohms 15 milliseconds See Power Table Below +12 Vdc @ 200 mA nominal +15 Vdc @ 200 mA nominal +28 Vdc @ 100 mA nominal -25° C to +65° C 1 million cycles 50S-1360 50 Ohms 20 milliseconds See Power Table Below +12 Vdc @ 325 mA nominal +15 Vdc @ 280 mA nominal +28 Vdc @ 160 mA nominal (only one active port at a time) -25° C to +65° C 1 million cycles See Power Table Below +12 Vdc @ 325 mA nominal +15 Vdc @ 280 mA nominal +28 Vdc @ 160 mA nominal (only one active port at a time) -25° C to +65° C 1 million cycles 50S-1315 50 Ohms 20 milliseconds Power Table Frequency Range DC-100 MHz 100-200 MHz 200-500 MHz 500-1000 MHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz Maximum Average RF Power 500 Watts 300 Watts 100 Watts 90 Watts 70 Watts 400 Watts 200 Watts 50S-AAAA+BB-TTL-NR SMA 50 Ohm Switch SMA connectors Add -NR for Non-ROHS Model Number Control / Supply Voltage +12, +15 or +28 Examples: 50S-1313+12-NR SMA 50S-1315+28-TTL SMA Add (-TTL) for TTL control. (Omit for standard control) (1P2T / +12 Volt / Non-TTL / Non-ROHS) (1P4T / +28 Volt / TTL) nd hing a c t a l r ory fo mbers ct fact g model nu a t n o C in rminat self-te S-6-F 06-11-14 Cat Sep 2011 BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-20 60 Watts 18 GHz Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches 50S-1313 50S-1360 50S-1315 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-21 S-6-F 02-06-14 Cat Sep 2011 18 GHz Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches Model Configuration Frequency Range 50S-1316 1P6T (N.O., reflective) 50S-1317 1P8T (N.O., reflective) Model Impedance Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) DC-18 GHz 70 dB DC-4 GHz 65 dB 4-8 GHz 60 dB 8-18 GHz 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.4:1 1.5:1 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 dB dB dB dB DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz SMA female DC-18 GHz 70 65 60 55 1.25:1 1.35:1 1.40:1 1.50:1 1.80:1 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.80 dB dB dB dB dB DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-16 GHz 16-18 GHz SMA female Switching Speed dB dB dB dB DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-16 GHz 16-18 GHz DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz DC-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-16 GHz 16-18 GHz RF Connectors RF Input Power (average) Control Voltage / Supply Voltage (Non-TTL) (TTL) Operating Temperature Lifetime (minimum) -25° C to +65° C 1 million cycles -25º C to +65º C 1 million cycles 50S-1316 50 Ohms 20 milliseconds See Power Table Below +12 Vdc @ 325 mA nominal +15 Vdc @ 280 mA nominal +28 Vdc @ 160 mA nominal (only one active port at a time) 50S-1317 50 Ohms 15 milliseconds See Power Table Below +12 Vdc @ 285 mA nominal +15 Vdc @ 225 mA nominal +28 Vdc @ 120 mA nominal (only one active port at a time) Power Table Frequency Range DC-100 MHz 100-200 MHz 200-500 MHz 500-1000 MHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz Maximum Average RF Power 500 Watts 300 Watts 100 Watts 90 Watts 70 Watts 400 Watts 200 Watts 50S-AAAA+BB-TTL-NR SMA 50 Ohm Switch SMA connectors Add -NR for Non-ROHS Model Number Control / Supply Voltage +12, +15 or +28 Examples: 50S-1316+12-NR SMA 50S-1317+28-TTL SMA Add (-TTL) for TTL control. (Omit for standard control) (1P6T / +12 Volt / Non-TTL / Non-ROHS) (1P8T / +28 Volt / TTL) BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com S-6-F 06-11-14 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-22 60 Watts 18 GHz Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches 50S-1316 50S-1317 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 6-23 S-6-F 01-28-14 Cat Sep 2011 18 GHz Electro-mechanical Coaxial Switches Model Configuration 50S-1361 Transfer Switch (failsafe) Model 50S-1361 Impedance 50 Ohms Frequency Range DC-18 GHz Switching Speed 20 milliseconds Isolation (minimum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 85 80 70 65 60 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.4:1 1.5:1 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 dB dB dB dB dB DC-1 GHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz DC-1 GHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz dB dB dB dB dB RF Connectors DC-1 GHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz SMA female RF Input Power (average) Control Voltage / Supply Voltage (Non-TTL) (TTL) Operating Temperature Lifetime (minimum) See Power Table Below +12 +15 +24 +28 -25° C to +65° C 1 million cycles Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc @ @ @ @ 360 285 190 150 mA nominal mA nominal mA nominal mA nominal Power Table Frequency Range DC-100 MHz 100-200 MHz 200-500 MHz 500-1000 MHz 1-4 GHz 4-8 GHz 8-12 GHz 12-18 GHz Maximum Average RF Power 500 Watts 300 Watts 100 Watts 90 Watts 70 Watts 400 Watts 200 Watts 50 Ohm Switch SMA connectors Add -NR for Non-ROHS Model Number Add (-TTL) for TTL control. (Omit for standard control) Control / Supply Voltage +12, +15, +24 or +28 Examples: 50S-1361+12-NR SMA 50S-1361+28-TTL SMA 60 Watts (Transfer / +12 Volt / Non-TTL / Non-ROHS) (Transfer / +28 Volt / TTL) BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com S-6-F 09-18-13 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 6-24