19-1894; Rev 1; 8/03 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP Features ♦ 5GHz to 6GHz Wideband Operation ♦ Low Noise Figure: 1.8dB at 5.25GHz ♦ High Gain: 17dB ♦ High IIP3: 0dBm ♦ +2.7V to +3.6V Single-Supply Operation ♦ Chip-Scale Package (UCSP) Measuring 1.0mm ✕ 1.5mm The MAX2648 is designed on a low-noise, advanced SiGe process optimized for high-frequency applications. It operates over a +2.7V to +3.6V supply range. The device is packaged in a tiny 2✕3 chipscale package (UCSP™) with six solder bumps, measuring 1.0mm ✕ 1.5mm. Ordering Information PART MAX2648EBT-T TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE -40°C to +85°C 2 ✕ 3 UCSP Pin Configuration Applications VCC B1 GND B2 RFOUT B3 BIAS A1 RFIN A2 GND A3 GND IEEE 802.11a Wireless LAN ETSI HiperLAN/2 5GHz ISM Microwave Radios MAX2648 2 x 3 UCSP TOP VIEW (BUMPS ON BOTTOM OF DIE) UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Typical Application Circuit RF INPUT C1 100pF WIDTH = 21 mils LENGTH = 300 mils** C8* A1 RFIN A2 GND A3 GND VCC B1 C3 1000pF R2 8.2Ω C8* 5150MHz TO 5350MHz 1.0pF 0.9pF 5725MHz TO 5825MHz 0.7pF 0.8pF *THESE ARE ATC 500-SERIES, LOW-LOSS PORCELAIN 0603 CAPACITORS. **REFER TO MAX2648 EV KIT DATA SHEET FOR MORE LAYOUT INFORMATION. MAX2648 C2 100pF C7* OPERATING BAND GND B2 RFOUT B3 WIDTH = 21 mils LENGTH = 300 mils** C6 100pF RF OUTPUT C7* L1 22nH VCC C4 0.01µF ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX2648 General Description The MAX2648 high-linearity, silicon-germanium (SiGe) low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed for 5GHz wireless LAN systems based on IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN2 standards. The LNA provides high gain, low noise, and high linearity performance, allowing it to be used as a first-stage LNA, an LO buffer, or a transmitter driver amplifier. This highly versatile amplifier provides 17dB gain, 1.8dB noise figure, and 0dBm input third-order intercept point (IIP3) while consuming only 12mA. MAX2648 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VCC to GND ...........................................................-0.3V to +6.0V RFOUT to GND......................................................-0.3V to +6.0V RFIN.......................................................................-0.3V to +0.8V RFIN Power (50Ω source) ..............................................+15dBm Continuous Power Dissipation 2 ✕ 3-Bump UCSP (derate 24mW/°C above +70°C) ....500mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature .....................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-55°C to +150°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. CAUTION! ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = +2.7V to +3.6V, no RF signals applied, RFIN and RFOUT terminated in 50Ω through a DC-blocking capacitor, RFOUT connected to VCC. Typical values for VCC = +3.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER Supply Voltage Range Supply Current SYMBOL CONDITIONS VCC ICC MIN TYP 2.7 TA = +25°C 12.3 TA = -40°C to +85°C (Note 1) MAX UNITS 3.6 V 15 18 mA Note 1: Limits are guaranteed by design and characterization, and are not production tested. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MAX2648 evaluation kit, VCC = +3.0V, fIN = 5250MHz, PIN = -30dBm, 50Ω system, TA = +25°C. Typical values for VCC = +3.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. All limits are guaranteed by design and characterization and are not production tested.) PARAMETER Frequency Range Power Gain SYMBOL fIN (Note 2) |S21| (Note 3) Maximum Gain Variation over Temperature Input Third Order Intercept Noise Figure CONDITIONS MIN 16 TA = -40°C to +85°C IIP3 Two tones at 5250MHz and 5251MHz, -30dBm per tone (Note 4) NF (Note 4) TYP UNITS 5250 MHz 17.4 dB 0.2 -4.0 MAX 1.0 0 1.8 dB dBm 2.3 dB Input Return Loss |S11| -14 dB Output Return Loss |S22| -14 dB Reverse Isolation |S12| -31 dB Note 2: The recommended operating range is 5100MHz to 5850MHz. Operation outside this frequency range is possible but has not been characterized. The device is matched, characterized, and tested at 5250MHz. For optimum performance at a given frequency, the input and output ports must be properly matched. See Applications Information section for more information on matching. Note 3: Specifications are corrected for board losses (0.4dB at input, 0.4dB at output) Note 4: Specification is corrected for board losses (0.4dB at input) 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE GAIN vs. TEMPERATURE 18.0 17.6 17.4 8 TA = +25°C GAIN (dB) 17.6 12 17.4 17.2 17.2 17.0 17.0 16.8 16.8 16.6 2 16.6 16.4 0 16.4 6 TA = -40°C 16.2 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TEMPERATURE (°C) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) IIP3 vs. TEMPERATURE IIP3 vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 6.4 6.2 6.0 5.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 5.6 -0.8 5.4 -1.0 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) |S11|, |S12|, AND |S22| vs. FREQUENCY (5250MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) 19 -15 16 |S21| (dB) 17 -20 15 14 |S11| |S12| -30 13 -35 12 -40 5200 5400 5600 5800 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) -1.0 6000 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 11 5000 0 -0.5 NOISE FIGURE vs. FREQUENCY (5250MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) NOISE FIGURE (dB) 18 -10 -25 0.5 -2.0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TEMPERATURE (°C) MAX2648 toc08 |S22| 1.0 |S21| vs. FREQUENCY (5250MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) MAX2648 toc07 0 1.5 -1.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 -5 MAX2648 toc06 MAX2648 toc05 0.8 2.0 MAX2648 toc09 6.6 INPUT 3rd-ORDER INTERCEPT (dBm) MAX2648 toc04 6.8 1.0 INPUT 3rd-ORDER INTERCEPT (dBm) P(1dB) vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 7.0 OUTPUT 1dB DOWN POINT (dBm) 17.8 17.8 4 MAGNITUDE (dB) 18.0 14 10 MAX2648 toc03 18.2 GAIN (dB) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 16 GAIN vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 18.2 MAX2648 toc02 TA = +85°C 18 18.4 MAX2648 toc01 20 0 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) 6000 5150 5175 5200 5225 5250 5275 5300 5325 5350 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX2648 Typical Operating Characteristics (MAX2648 evaluation kit tuned for 5150MHz to 5350MHz, VCC = +3.0V, fIN = 5250MHz, PIN = -30dBm, 50Ω system, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (MAX2648 evaluation kit tuned for 5150MHz to 5350MHz, VCC = +3.0V, fIN = 5250MHz, PIN = -30dBm, 50Ω system, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 0 MAX2648 toc10 3.0 2.5 -5 |S11| MAX2648 toc11 |S11|, |S12|, AND |S22| vs. FREQUENCY (5800MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) NOISE FIGURE vs. TEMPERATURE (5250MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) MAGNITUDE (dB) NOISE FIGURE (dB) -10 2.0 1.5 1.0 -15 |S22| -20 -25 |S12| -30 0.5 -35 0 -40 5000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 5200 |S21| vs. FREQUENCY (5800MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) 5800 6000 3.0 2.5 NOISE FIGURE (dB) 16 15 14 13 MAX2648 toc13 17 5600 NOISE FIGURE vs. FREQUENCY (5800MHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT) MAX2648 toc12 18 5400 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) |S21| (dB) MAX2648 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP 2.0 1.5 1.0 12 0.5 11 10 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) 6000 0 5725 5750 5775 5800 5825 OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) Pin Description PIN 4 NAME A1 RFIN A2, A3, B2 GND B3 RFOUT B1 VCC FUNCTION Amplifier Input. AC-couple to this pin with a DC-blocking capacitor. External matching network is required for optimum performance. Ground. Provide a low-inductance connection to the ground plane. Amplifier Output. Provide DC bias to VCC through an RF choke or a quarter-wave transmission line (see evaluation kit layout). External matching network is required for optimum performance. Power-Supply Input. Bypass directly to ground plane at this bump. Additional bypassing may be necessary for long VCC lines. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP The MAX2648 low-noise amplifier offers high gain, high linearity, and low-noise performance from 5GHz to 6GHz. This LNA also functions as a PA predriver or an LO buffer. The device has been fully characterized and tested in the 5.2GHz and 5.8GHz bands. Applications Information Optimal gain and noise figure performance requires input and output matching circuits tuned for the band of interest. All electrical specifications and typical operating characteristics are measured on the MAX2648 evaluation kit (EV kit), which is tuned for operation in the 5.2GHz band. Referencing the application circuit, PC board layout, and components specified in the MAX2648 EV kit data sheet will reduce evaluation and design time for 5.2GHz ISM-band system designs. For applications in other bands, refer to the MAX2648 [S]parameters (Table 1), noise parameters (Table 2), and comments below to aid design. Input Matching The input stage is internally biased, so no external bias circuitry is required at RFIN. Be sure to AC-couple to the input. Since the noise figure of the LNA design is severely degraded by low-Q matching components, always design with high-Q wire-wound inductors and low-loss capacitors. Remember that package parasitics must be taken into consideration; always use components with self-resonant frequencies higher than the intended frequency of operation. Output Matching The output of the MAX2648 is an open-collector transistor; the DC bias and RF matching network are off-chip as illustrated in the Typical Application Circuit. Bias the output stage with VCC through an RF choke, leaving as little pad exposed as possible—any exposed pad here will act like a small tuning stub and contribute a small, low-Q, shunt capacitor to the matching network. If area allows, a better way to supply a bias for narrowband operation is to design in a quarter-wave transmission line. The far side of this high-Z0 transmission line is AC-shorted to ground with a radial stub; low-frequency decoupling is handled by a 1000pF shunt capacitor to ground nearby. Bias this point through an RF choke, and decouple the supply with a few µF at the VCC connection. Power-Supply Bypassing Proper power-supply bypassing is essential for highfrequency circuit stability. Place a small value capacitor as close to the IC as possible to decouple high-frequency noise. Place a larger value capacitor near the supply to decouple low-frequency noise. Whenever possible, place the ground-connected side of bypass capacitors within a few millimeters of the IC’s ground connections. Layout Considerations A properly designed PC board is an essential part of any RF/microwave circuit. Keep RF signal lines as short as possible to reduce losses, EMI, and stray inductance. Use multiple separate low-inductance-plated vias to the ground plane for each ground bump. The chip-scale package (UCSP) has a bump pitch of 0.5mm (19.7mil) and a bump diameter of 0.3mm (12mil). Therefore, lay out the solder pad spacing on 0.5mm (19.7mil) centers, and use a pad size of 0.25mm (10mil) and a solder mask opening of 0.33mm (13mil). Round or square pads are permissible. Refer to the Maxim application note, Wafer Level Ultra-ChipScale Packaging, for additional detailed information on UCSP layout and handling. Chip Information TRANSISTOR COUNT: 85 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX2648 Detailed Description MAX2648 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP Table 1. MAX2648 Typical Device [S] Parameters (TA = +25°C, VCC = +3.0V, ZS = ZL = 50Ω, input and output matching network not included). 6 S11 S21 S12 S22 FREQUENCY (MHZ) |S11| ∠ S11 dB |S21| ∠ S21 |S12| ∠ S12 |S22| ∠ S22 100 0.830 -12.7 27.1 22.89 171.3 0.004 72.6 0.984 -6.3 -27.0 500 0.797 -63.4 25.5 18.88 138.8 0.016 46.6 0.837 1000 0.774 -101.4 23.0 14.21 113.6 0.023 28.5 0.706 -40.7 1500 0.774 -126.2 20.6 10.76 94.2 0.025 14.3 0.636 -50.9 2000 0.774 -142.5 18.5 8.483 79.9 0.026 0.2 0.599 -59.5 2500 0.779 -153.2 16.7 6.893 67.6 0.023 -5.9 0.578 -69.9 3000 0.788 -162.4 14.9 5.573 57.8 0.025 -7.8 0.528 -78.8 -83.0 3500 0.794 -170.0 13.7 4.859 49.8 0.023 -11.8 0.516 4000 0.798 -176.3 12.6 4.306 40.7 0.024 -16.5 0.535 -88.0 4500 0.800 178.0 11.6 3.810 32.0 0.024 -27.5 0.553 -95.1 4600 0.803 176.6 11.4 3.733 30.2 0.019 -32.5 0.564 -96.5 -97.8 4700 0.809 175.5 11.1 3.616 27.6 0.018 -29.4 0.565 4800 0.802 174.8 11.0 3.550 26.0 0.022 -39.1 0.575 -99.1 4900 0.803 173.7 10.8 3.481 24.5 0.018 -30.3 0.571 -100.1 5000 0.803 172.9 10.6 3.426 22.4 0.019 -35.8 0.580 -102.4 5100 0.806 172.1 10.5 3.361 21.1 0.018 -34.5 0.587 -103.2 5200 0.801 171.0 10.4 3.324 19.8 0.022 -35.9 0.591 -104.9 -106.6 5300 0.803 170.6 10.1 3.223 17.1 0.017 -42.7 0.603 5400 0.804 169.7 10.0 3.174 15.5 0.017 -29.1 0.600 -107.4 5500 0.809 168.4 9.81 3.094 14.1 0.012 -40.4 0.604 -109.4 5600 0.807 167.7 9.69 3.054 12.2 0.014 -34.7 0.612 -110.8 5700 0.813 167.0 9.46 2.974 10.6 0.014 -44.2 0.622 -112.2 5800 0.818 165.9 9.35 2.937 9.1 0.013 -46.2 0.621 -113.6 5900 0.817 165.7 9.11 2.854 6.5 0.011 -46.4 0.630 -115.6 6000 0.813 164.6 8.97 2.811 5.4 0.010 -44.1 0.637 -117.1 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP MAX2648 Table 2. MAX2648 Typical Noise Parameters (TA = +25°C, VCC = +3.0V, data from design simulation.) FREQUENCY (MHZ) FMIN (dB) |ΓOPT| ∠ ΓOPT RN (Ω) 5000 1.502 0.683 151.8 50.7 5100 1.528 0.687 159.0 52.2 5200 1.554 0.690 159.8 53.7 5300 1.581 0.692 160.6 55.2 56.8 5400 1.613 0.694 161.4 5500 1.647 0.696 162.2 58.5 5600 1.662 0.700 163.0 59.7 5700 1.672 0.702 163.8 60.8 5800 1.695 0.705 164.6 62.3 5900 1.722 0.707 165.3 63.8 6000 1.750 0.708 166.1 65.3 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Package Information (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.) 6L, UCSP.EPS MAX2648 5GHz to 6GHz Low-Noise Amplifier in 6-Pin UCSP PACKAGE OUTLINE, 3x2 UCSP 21-0097 G 1 1 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 _____________________ 8 © 2003 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.