IC Sockets Dual Row IC Socket Socket accepts IC leads Ø0.41 to 0.56mm. End and side stackable. Utilises four finger Beryllium Copper contact technology (see the Datamate range for more detail). Please consult drawings for specifications. IC Socket A C D ø0.80 2.54 2.54 4.20 B 2.80 D B ø0.50 7.40 A B C D No. OF CONTACTS ORDER CODE A B C D No. OF CONTACTS ORDER CODE 7.60 5.08 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 6 D2806-42 30.40 27.94 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 24 D2924-42 10.10 7.62 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 8 D2808-42 30.40 27.94 12.60 10.16 (0.4") 24 D2724-42 17.70 15.24 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 14 D2814-42 30.40 27.94 17.64 15.24 (0.6") 24 D2824-42 20.30 17.78 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 16 D2816-42 35.50 33.02 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 28 D2928-42 22.80 20.32 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 18 D2818-42 35.50 33.02 17.64 15.24 (0.6") 28 D2828-42 25.30 22.86 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 20 D2820-42 40.60 38.10 17.64 15.24 (0.6") 32 D2832-42 27.80 25.40 10.02 7.62 (0.3") 22 D2922-42 50.80 48.26 17.64 15.24 (0.6") 40 D2840-42 27.80 25.40 12.60 10.16 (0.4") 22 D2822-42 60.90 58.42 17.64 15.24 (0.6") 48 D2948-42 81.2 78.74 25.4 22.86 (0.9") 64 D2864-42 HOW TO ORDER D2 XXX - 42 SERIES CODE TYPE FINISH 42 See table above All dimensions in mm. www.harwin.com 175 Gold + Tin IC Sockets Recommended PC Board Pattern