, (Jna. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 2N1647 - 2N1650 2N1886 2N2828 - 2N2829 TYPE NO. PT MAXIMUM RATINGS @ Ic 25°C BVceo BVCEO BVEBO A V V V Watts 2N1647 40 80 60 6 3 HFE ® MIN MAX Ic A VCE V Sat Test Voltages Conditions "^cT VBE Ic IB IEBO A A V V ma 15 45 .5 10 3.0 3.5 1 .1 .250 2N1648 40 120 80 6 3 15 45 .5 10 3.0 3.5 1 .1 .250 2N1649 40 80 60 6 3 30 90 .5 10 3.0 3.5 1 .1 .250 2N1650 40 120 80 6 3 30 90 .5 10 30 3.5 1 .1 .250 2N1886 40 60 60 6 3 20 80 .5 10 2.5 3.0 1 .1 .250 2N2828 40 80 60 10 3 20 60 ,5 4 .4 1.2 2N2829 40 80 60 10 3 20 60 1.0 4 .3 1.2 .5 1 TO-59 .05 .050 .1 .050 078 MAX VI Semi-t (inductors resurnes the right 10 change test conditions, parameter limits ;md picknge dimensions without notice Information Ibmnhnl by NJ Si-mi-CortJucton i] bclkved to h« htith accurate and tdiahte ,il the lime of going to press. However \ onduthirs .t>.Miin<;s IHI responsibility lor .my ern'O .T uinUsium Jisoivcred in its use NJ Scini4.oiuhii.tirs pncri hi \L'rit\i ihiia-ihtets iire